Business Plan - : Pride and Achievement

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Pride and Achievement

Business Plan | 2016—2018

Working hard as a community to improve our future.

... success for students; high quality teaching and
We Value leadership with transparent decisions building community

Brookman Primary School students will achieve to the best of

their potential and develop a love of learning within a safe,
Our Vision positive environment. Students will take pride in what they do,
value cultural diversity, and enjoy active engagement in a
supportive community.

A safe learning environment is provided through a consistent whole

school approach to Pastoral Care. Core values underpin the expected
behaviour of students, staff and parents.

Quality teaching and learning, in a STEM focussed environment, will

enhance student learning, developing innovative and creative thinkers.

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers are implemented with an

emphasis on ongoing professional growth resulting in consistent whole
school improvements.
In looking forward ...
Our Beliefs Student performance data is collected, monitored and reviewed regularly
to inform class and whole school planning.

A distributed leadership model is flexible, innovative and positive with

effective communication between staff, students and the community.

We work with the broader community to foster positive relationships

and improve children’s health, well-being and readiness for school.
System Priorities

Brookman Primary School’s second Business Plan reflects a collaborative effort involving staff, key members of the school
community and is endorsed by the School Board. In the ongoing drive for excellence our school pursues the Department of
Education’s key priorities of:

High Quality Success for all
Effective Leadership Governance
Teaching Students
and Support

School Priorities

Our 2016-18 Business Plan is the culmination of an analysis of our school’s previous performance, as captured against our
preceding three-year Business Plan, alongside our desired future performance and strategic aspirations. Brookman Primary
School has achieved a solid foundation to build student success with evidence based whole school programs and effective
strategies and processes embedded in classroom and school practice. This was reflected in the commendations received in the
school’s Department of Education Services 2015 Independent Review Report. The school continues to monitor and build on
these processes within our school review cycles. In providing a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment to meet
system and school priorities for our new plan, the school sought innovative initiatives to provide outstanding opportunities for
its students. In articulating this plan we acknowledge that in order to develop successful students, high quality teaching remains
the basis of success.


STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics)
Our technological age and the problems that will be faced now and into the future will require a society that has knowledge of STEM subjects
and importantly, can apply the problem-solving and collaboration which accompanies the application of this understanding. There is a
significant national interest in having a STEM-ready society and it is acknowledged that Australia’s global competitiveness and prosperity
hinges on investment in STEM education and research.
The power of a STEM-focused curriculum lies in the ability to authentically integrate the four disciplines to solve real world problems (Preston,
2014). Furthermore, deep learning is achieved when students are able to transfer knowledge across contexts and areas of study (Hattie, 2009),
and this is a significant feature of a STEM-focused curriculum.




practices across the
All students will: 2016-2018
 be exposed to coding in 2016 and regularly be participating in coding activities
by 2018.
 participate in STEM project based activities. Observations of STEM
 develop higher level collaboration, problem solving, higher order thinking and activities in classes.
computational skills. Class records

HIGH QUALITY TEACHING Staff Surveys: Pre in 2016

and Post in 2018.
All teachers will:
 build capacity through relevant and meaningful Professional Learning e.g. STEM, Increase the proportion
Digital Technologies. of students achieving a
 utilise appropriate software/Apps to maximise student learning. ‘C’ Grade or higher in
Science and
 develop a scope and sequence to teaching ‘coding’ across year levels.
 provide students with authentic STEM education which involves the integration
of the STEM disciplines in project based learning. Planning document
 improve instruction through collaboration and feedback at staff meetings. Track student
 share effective practice with other Schools (Cell & STEM TDS). achievement through
Science PAT Test.
A whole school approach
to STEM will be evident.


Leadership Team will:

 develop practices to become a TDS STEM school. Attend STEM PL 2016-17
 investigate funding part time Mathematics specialist and part time Information
Communication Technology (ICT) specialist. Commence PAT Testing
 maintain Science Specialist Teacher position. 2016
 create & support leadership opportunities in STEM for aspirant leaders. Regular Performance
 budget to support STEM leaders Professional Learning (PL) delivered by Management processes
Department of Education & Innovation Unit with key staff. adhered to.
 resource initiatives.
 support training a Digital Edge Leader to lead DREAM (Deeply Reflective Utilisation of Digital
Engagement and Mastery) Project across 10 schools. Technologies in
 train two staff in DREAM Project. This involves the integration of Digital classrooms.
Technologies into their practice.
Brookman Primary School has a culture that encourages and supports everyone to perform at their best. Our school aims to create an
inclusive environment where everyone feels they belong, is understood, cared for and appreciated. Our goal is to emphasise both
high performance and high care. Our culture supports students and staff to achieve their potential in their role as leaders, teachers,
students or support staff. Fostering wellbeing across the school will aid students to realize their academic potential.



To embed a whole Students will:
school culture of
positive health and  attend regularly with a focus on punctuality. Maintain State average
 be provided with opportunities to participate in supervised extra- (92%) attendance rate.
curricular activities: e.g. soccer, football, netball, touch rugby, choir, Maintain high
PEAC, library games, coding club. participation in extra
 access whole-school positive rewards: e.g. In-class and Deputies’ curricula activities
measured by regular,
rewards; whole school reward days, honour certificates.
enthusiastic attendance.
 have opportunities for student leadership roles: e.g. Head Boy & Girl,
Prefects, Faction Captains and Vice Captains, Library Monitors, Choir The biennial Student
National School Opinion
Survey (NSOS) results
 display KidsMatter beliefs and values. are positive 2016 & 2018
 have mental health and wellbeing support from school staff, school
psychologist, chaplain and external agencies.
 have additional support for Aboriginal students from the Good
Educational Outcomes (GEO) Bus, KindiLink, AIEO’s and MultiLit (Making
up lost time in Literacy) program.
 have support from Curtin University speech pathology (2016-18) and
Occupational Therapy (2017-18) students in Early Childhood.
 be given pre schooling support through Child and Parent Centre
programs, playgroups and Aboriginal students KindiLink program.


All teachers will:

 monitor and respond to student attendance and punctuality. All teaching staff will
 provide differentiated approaches to improving classroom practices. regularly participate in
 attend relevant and meaningful Professional Learning.
Management processes
 maintain caring classroom climates. based on the AITSL
 develop strategies which encourage student problem solving and Standards (Australian
resilience. Institute for Teaching
 utilise student support services focussing on wellbeing e.g. Kids with and School Leadership).
Courage, Chaplain, School Psychologist, Parenting Co-ordinator, Curtin Monitor student
University Speech and Occupational Therapy Program. behaviour statistics.
 embed KidsMatter strategies and beliefs into day to day teaching and Monitor attendance
learning programs. levels.
 follow a whole school social skills program and develop a Scope and
Parent input in classes.
 develop strategies with Chaplain to support students and families.
 complete Protective Behaviours Professional Learning and deliver to
 encourage parent involvement.

Leadership Team will:
 ensure a safe & challenging learning environment exists for all students. Regular Performance
 ensure all staff have completed Protective Behaviours Professional Management processes
Learning. adhered to.
 commit to and provide opportunities for community involvement Parent attendance
through family barbecues, open nights, parent interviews, Parents
&Citizens, School Board, sporting events, classroom support, canteen, Staff attend Positive
library, excursions. Schools PL.
 implement KidsMatter strategies and beliefs with the support of staff The biennial Student,
and parents/carers. Parent and Staff
 develop an action team for driving KidsMatter initiative. National School Opinion
 resource professional learning for lead staff to engage in KidsMatter Survey (NSOS) results
2016-17. are positive 2016 & 2018
 provide funding and support for appropriate PL e.g. Positive Schools
 resource implementation of KidsMatter framework.
The school will continue to build on the expertise of teachers and education assistants through reflective and collaborative
teaching practices and through targeted professional learning. Stimulating classroom climates and student support will be
palpable across the school.


SUCCESS FOR ALL STUDENTS Evidence students are

engaging in self-
Students will:
reflection and goal
 be actively engaged in setting learning goals based on identified strengths and setting to identify their
strengths and focus
 be encouraged to be punctual and attend regularly.
 be supported to form positive relationships with classmates and staff. areas.
 strive for ongoing personal growth.


All teachers will:
and high  uphold the school’s Vision and Purpose. Progress of the stable
expectations  set high expectations and standards of students’ work ethic and behaviour. cohort from 2015-2018
 differentiate the curriculum and use a range of effective strategies that meet NAPLAN will
of success
the needs of a diverse student population.
for all demonstrate positive
 maintain and use explicit evidence-based whole school programs and
students approaches to teaching and learning. trends in the % of
through high  engage in professional development opportunities that foster peer-assisted children with moderate
quality action learning as a means of improving their work e.g. video lessons, peer to high progress in
teaching, discussions, peer observations, growth coaching. NAPLAN .
 participate in whole school self-assessment and review cycle which informs
planning derived from systematic analysis of data allowing intervention at
leadership whole school, collaborative team, class and individual levels.
Use AITSL Standards for
and strong  maintain a case management approach to student improvement.
 identify and incorporate Cultural considerations when planning. Performance
and support.  continue to implement and follow the WA Curriculum and Assessment Outline Management.
for planning, assessment and reporting of student progress.


Leadership Team will:

 promote the school’s Vision and Purpose.
 provide opportunities for staff to collaboratively plan, teach and assess using the WA Curriculum.
 induct, support and develop new staff.
 use AITSL standards to focus self-reflection, performance management and classroom observation.
 seek feedback from parents, staff and students via bi-annual surveys.
 maintain, resource and review evidence-based whole school programs.
 lead whole school self-assessment and review cycles that focus on systematic analysis of data with a
focus on whole school improvement.
 ensure the school meets the National Quality Standards.
 report school progress regularly to the School Board and tri-annually through the Department of
Education Services IPS review process.
 maintain effective partnerships and working relationships with external agencies
 reflect on the school’s approaches to Aboriginal Education
 provide opportunities for key staff to develop leadership skills towards gaining Level 3 Teacher status.
The Business plan 2016 to 2018 has been presented to the Board as have changes made to the document
over the life of the Plan.

Hans Geers Olwen Searle

Principal School Board Chair

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