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Effects of Different Head-of-Bed Elevations and Body Positions on

Intracranial Pressure and Cerebral Perfusion Pressure in Neurosurgical

Article in Journal of Neuroscience Nursing · August 2018

DOI: 10.1097/jnn.0000000000000386


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6 authors, including:

Gülay Altun Uğraş Zeynep Temiz

Mersin University Artvin Coruh Universitesi


Selin Eroğlu
Baskent University

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Volume 50 & Number 4 & August 2018 247

Effects of Different Head-of-Bed Elevations

and Body Positions on Intracranial Pressure
and Cerebral Perfusion Pressure in
Neurosurgical Patients
Gülay Altun Uğraz, Serpil Yüksel, Zeynep Temiz, Selin Eroğlu, Keziban yirin,
Yüksel Turan

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different head of bed (HOB) elevations and
body positions on intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and to identify safe
positions for neurosurgical patients with different Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores. Methods: This study
with a quasi-experimental, prospective repeated measures is designed with control over the intervention
consisted of 30 patients hospitalized in the neurocritical care units (NCU). Patients’ HOB was elevated
(degree of 15,30,45) and the patients were at supine, left lateral and right lateral positions. ICP and CPP
were recorded for each patient. Results: It was found that ICP increased and CPP decreased at supine, left
and right lateral positions with different HOB elevations, which, however, did not reach statistical
significance. When patients with a GCS score of 3Y8 were at degree of 15 right and left lateral positions
and 45 right lateral position; and when patients with a GCS score of 13Y15 were positioned at degree of
15 left lateral, ICP and CPP changed significantly. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that
different positions the patients’ HOB (degree of 15,30,45) led to slight insignificant changes in ICP and
CPP; and these values were maintained within the ranges established by recent guidelines.

Keywords: body position, cerebral perfusion pressure, Glasgow coma scale, head of bed elevation,
intracranial pressure

INTRODUCTION ranges to reduce the risk for secondary brain injury in

It is important to maintain intracranial pressure (ICP) neurosurgical patients.1 In neurocritical care units
and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) within normal (NCU), the head of bed (HOB) is elevated to reduce
ICP and maintain sufficient CPP;2Y8 different posi-
Questions or comments about this article may be directed to Gü
lay A. Uğraz, PhD, at carpediem0803@yahoo.com/gulay.altun@
tions increase the quality of care, ensure comfort and
yahoo.com. She is an Assistant Professor, The Department of prevent pressure ulcers.2,3,9 Several studies demon-
Surgical Nursing, School of Health, The University of Mersin, strate the effects of different HOB elevations and
Mersin, Turkey. body positions on ICP and CPP.2,3,5,7,8 However, the
Gü lay A. Uğraz, PhD, is Assistant Professor, Department of effects of lateral positioning and the degree of HOB
Surgical Nursing, The University of Mersin, Mersin, Turkey. elevation are inconsistent. There are no studies in the
Serpil Yü ksel, PhD, is Assistant Professor, Department of Surgical literature showing what impact different body posi-
Nursing, The University of Necmettin Erbakan, Konya, Turkey. tions have on patients’ ICP and CPP with different
Zeynep Temiz, PhD, is Assistant Professor, Department of Sur- Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores. Considering
gical Nursing, The University of Artvin Ç oruh, Artvin, Turkey. that lower GCS score is related to changes in the
Selin Eroğlu, RN, is Nurse, Neurosurgery Intensive Care Unit, Cerrahpaza autoregulation mechanism which enables brain to
Faculty of Medicine, The University of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey. adjust to the injury,10,11 identifying the positions in
Keziban Sirin, RN, is Nurse, Cerrahpaza Faculty of Medicine, Depart- which patients with different GCS scores are placed is
ment of Neurosurgery, The University of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey. important for patient safety. This study evaluated the
Yüksel Turan, RN, is Nurse, Neurosurgery Intensive Care Unit, Cerrahpaza effect of different HOB elevations and body positions
Faculty of Medicine, The University of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey. on ICP and CPP to identify safe positions for neuro-
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. surgical patients with different GCS scores.
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL cita-
tions appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF
versions of this article on the journal’s Web site (www.jnnonline.com). METHODS
Copyright B 2018 American Association of Neuroscience Nurses A quasi-experimental, prospective repeated measures
DOI: 10.1097/JNN.0000000000000386 design with control over the intervention was used to

Copyright © 2018 American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
248 Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

investigate the effects of different HOB elevations

and positioning on ICP and CPP in NCU patients. Different HOB positions were
Approval of Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical
School Ethics Committee (Number:83045809/18848; associated with statistically
Date:02.07.2013) and the patient written and verbal
consent was obtained. The sample size was calculated insignificant changes in ICP and
taking the difference the between mean pre-and post- CPP.
positioning (right lateral position HOB 150) ICP
score averages (2.93) in the study by Ledwith et al.3
From a population of 46 patients undergoing external 15-,30-,45- supine; 15-,30-,45- left lateral; 15-,30-,45-
ventricular drainage (EVD) and/or ICP monitoring right lateral. During patient positioning, extreme rotation
in the NCU of a university hospital in Istanbul between of the head, hyperextension and flexion of the neck,
August 2013 and December 2016, 30 patients were and extreme flexion of the hip were avoided. Before
enrolled to make explore for the difference ICP positioning the patients, EVD was clamped to prevent
averages between positions (power of 80% and an excessive drainage and to ensure the ICP value was
alpha of 0.05). not affected.12,14 Patients were given different body
Subjects were aged 18 years or older who had positions (150 HOB supine, left lateral, right lateral;
undergone EVD and/or ICP monitoring, who had 300 HOB supine, left lateral, right lateral; 45 HOB
intraarterial catheters and who were granted permis- supine, left lateral, right lateral) at a 2-hour interval,
sion by a legally authorized representative. A total of just like routine repositioning in the NCU. Patients
16 patients who were neurologically and hemody- who had undergone surgery (mass excision n=5;
namically unstable, who could not tolerate a position aneurysm clamping n=3; shunt revision n=1) were
change (ICP925 mmHg for 5 minutes after position- positioned in a way that the surgery area would not
ing), who had no intraarterial catheters, who were remain under pressure when they were transferred
diagnosed with brain death or who had no or irregular to the NCU. ICP was monitored at the bedside for
ICP waves were excluded from the study. Patients 15 minutes after each position change and CPP was
undergoing craniotomy in the NCU where the study calculated according to the formula after EVD was
was conducted were not included in the study. Because clamped. 14
the ICP values of the patients included in the study Descriptive data were expressed in frequency,
were not 922 mmHg, drainage of the cerebrospinal percentage, mean and standard deviation. Repeated
fluid (CSF) was performed via an EVD placed in the measures variance analysis (ANOVA) was used for
lateral ventricule for the treatment of elevated ICP and the intercomparison of different HOB elevations and
decreased CPP. In addition, standard ICP manage- body positions; and Kruskal Wallis test was used for
ment included the maintenance of optimal oxygena- the difference evaluation in pre-and post-positioning
tion (intubatable if the GCS is e8), drug treatment ICP and CPP values of the patients with different
(sedative drugs, steroids, osmotic diuretics etc. according GCS scores. GCS scores were classified as mild
to the health status of the patient) and nursing inter- (GCS 13Y15), moderate (GCS 9Y12), and severe
ventions to decrease ICP (positioning etc.). (GCS 3Y8).15A p value of G0.05 was considered sta-
A data colllection form was used to record ICP tistically significant at a 95% confidence level.
and CPP values for each position. Intracranial pressure
[intraventricular catheter (pressure monitoring set,
BN0ak0Nlar, Istanbul,Turkey), was zeroed at the level RESULTS
of external auditory canal (tragus) and head rotation Descriptive Characteristics
was avoided] and invasive blood pressure [radial Demographic data are provided as Supplemental Digital
artery (Pressure monitoring set, BN0ak0Nlar, Istanbul, Content 1 (available at http://links.lww.com/JNN/A130).
Turkey), was zeroed at the level of the right atrium, its The mean age of the patients was 52.8T17.0 years, most
position was not changed during all measurements] of whom were female (60%, n=18). Patients were hos-
were monitored on the bedside monitor (Infnitykappa, pitalized traumatic brain injury (n=13, 43.3%), subarac-
Draeger, Germany). CPP was calculated as ICP minus hnoid hemorrhage (N=7, 23.4%), and intracranial mass
mean arterial pressure (MAP).3,12,13 Physicians could (n=5, 16.7%). Of all patients, 33.3%(n=10) had a GCS
prescribe CSF drainage to patients who had ICP moni- score of 3Y8; 26.7%(n=8) had a GCS score of 9Y11 and
toring via EVD; this prescribed drainage was generally 40.0%(n=12) had a GCS score of 12Y15.
continous. Supine position. After patients were in different
The HOB elevation was measured via goniometer. supine positions with HOB elevations, ICP increased
Patients were observed in 9 different positions being and CPP decreased compared to pre positioning values.

Copyright © 2018 American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 50 & Number 4 & August 2018 249

However, the differences were not statistically signif- On the other hand, there is no consensus on safe
icant (pG0.05; Table 1). It was found that supine po- positions for these patients in the literature.3,8,17
sitioning had no significant impact on ICP and CPP in
patients with different GCS scores (Supplemental Digital Supine Position
Content 2, available at http://links.lww.com/JNN/A131). In this study, ICP increased and CPP decreased in the
Left lateral position. When patients were posi- supine position with different degrees of HOB
tioned at left lateral, ICP increased and CPP decreased elevation, however, these values were not affected
after HOB elevation of 150 and 300 compared to pre by HOB elevation. Similar to this study, Blissitt et al.18
positioning, whereas, ICP decreased and CPP increased reported that HOB elevation (200,450) in the supine
after HOB elevation of 450. This difference was not position after subarachnoid hemorrhage decreased
statistically significant (pG0.05, Table 1). When pa- ICP, but the changes in CPP were significant when it
tients were positioned at 150 left lateral position, ICP was measured with a transducer at the phlebostatic
increased significantly in patients with a GCS score axis or at the level of the external auditory meatus.
of 13Y15 (p=0.024). The CPP of patients with a GCS In a meta-analysis aimed to determine an optimal
score of 3Y8 decreased significantly compared to that HOB degree (0,10,15,30,450) to decrease ICP in
of patients with a GCS score of 9Y12 (p=0.034) in the post-craniotomy patients, HOB elevation of 300 or
same position (Supplemental Digital Content 2, avail- 400 were found to be optimal for decreasing ICP.17
able at http://links.lww.com/JNN/A131). However, this meta-analysis investigated only the
Right lateral position. When patients were lying effects of HOB elevation on ICP and was limited to a
in a right lateral position, ICP increased but CPP single position (supine) and therefore was unable to
decreased. This difference did not reach statistical evaluate its effects on CPP. However, patients are at
significance (pG0.05, Table 1). It was found that, at right and left lateral positions every two hours to
150 right lateral position, ICP of patients with a GCS maintain skin integrity in the NCU. The effects of
score of 3Y8 increased significantly (p=0.040), whereas these positions on ICP and CPP should also be
CPP decreased significantly (p=0.007). In the right lateral researched. Another study reported that HOB elevation
position where the HOB was elevated 450, CPP of pa- higher than 30o decreased both ICP and CPP.7 On the
tients with a GCS score of 9Y12 and 13Y15 decreased other hand, in this study, patients’ ICP and CPP values
significantly (p=0.018; Supplemental Digital Content 2, were not significantly affected in all supine positions
available at http://links.lww.com/JNN/A131). with different degrees of HOB elevation and were
maintained within normal range (ICPG22 mmHg;
CPP970 mmHg).1
DISCUSSION Severe brain injury is known to influence auto-
Different body positions and HOB elevations can regulation mechanism which enables brain adjust-
affect ICP and CPP in neurosurgical patients.2,3,16 ment for the injury.10,11 We found no studies showing

TABLE 1. The Comparison of Pre- and Post-positioning ICP and CPP Values in Patients
Pre- Post- Pre- Post-
Position and HOB positioning positioning Pa positioning positioning Pa
Supine 150 10.6 (6.3) 11.7 (7.5) 0.828 88.1 (16.4) 87.5 (18.1) 0.672
300 10.1 (5.1) 11.4 (8.0) 90.9 (16.5) 87.6 (17.7)
450 9.9 (5.2) 10.7 (6.7) 92.5 (19.1) 91.3 (18.4)
Left Lateral 150 10.9 (7.8) 11.8 (7.8) 0.374 85.8 (19.5) 84.6 (20.2) 0.224
300 11.3 (6.0) 11.6 (5.8) 91.1 (22.6) 86.2 (21.3)
450 12.7 (8.1) 12.0 (9.0) 87.1 (18.2) 87.5 (19.9)
Right 150 11.0 (6.1) 11.5 (7.2) 0.913 90.2 (20.6) 87.3 (20.1) 0.780
Lateral 300 10.6 (6.7) 11.5 (6.9) 90.5 (22.4) 88.9 (23.0)
450 11.0 (5.9) 11.5 (6.6) 91.7 (21.1) 88.3 (18.1)

Abbreviations: CPP, cerebral perfusion pressure; HOB, head of bed; ICP, intracranial pressure.
Data are given in mean (standard deviation); Analysis of variance was used for repeat measurement of pre and post-positioning

Copyright © 2018 American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
250 Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

the effects of a given position in patients with dif- the aforementioned study whereas the difference be-
ferent GCS scores. KPse and Hatipolglu,2 demon- tween pre-and post-positioning CPP values were con-
strated that the optimal cerebral blood flow (CBF) sidered between the patients with different GCS scores.
required to maintain CPP could only be achieved In a world with rapidly growing technology and
with 300 of HOB elevation in patients with a mean ever-increasing availability of information, evidence-
GCS score of 14.7T0.7 who had undergone cranial based practices should be introduced on a wider clinical
surgery. In a different study, 300 HOB elevation area for the improvement of nursing care quality.
reduced ICP and CPP values in patients with a GCS However, there are limited clinical studies2Y5,7,8,18 and
score of 3Y8 whose autoregulation was not impaired. only 1 meta analysis17 investigating the effect of
The most dramatic decrease in ICP and CPP was HOB elevation and different positions on ICP and
noted when the HOB was elevated from 00 to 600.4 CPP. The sample size varies between 10 and 38, and
Ng et al.5 reported that ICP was significantly lower, all patients were not placed at the same position in
but CPP was not significantly higher. in patients these studies. In addition, CBF was measured to
with a closed head injury with a GCS score of 8. evaluate cerebral perfusion in some patients,2 whereas
Results from the current study indicated that supine only the measurement of ICP was investigated in
position with different HOB elevations (150,300,450) others.17 The inconsistency and differences among
did not affect ICP and CPP, and these positions were the results of these studies, as in the current study,
safe for neurosurgical patients with different GCS indicates the need for further research on the subject.
scores. These findings are consistent with the literature There are several limitations in this study. First is
data indicating that supine position with 300 of HOB is the attempt to evaluate cerebral perfusion by mea-
safe. In this study, contrary to the literature data, the suring ICP and CPP values. However, depending
effect of supine position with a 600of HOB was not on whether autoregulatory capability was impaired,
evaluated and CBF was not measured. The inability to optimal CPP values vary and affect patient results.1,19,20
measure CBF at different positions and HOB eleva- One limitation of the study was the level of the
tions, different diagnoses of patients comprising the study transducer used for the measurement of MAP and
sample, and the inability to evaluate autoregulation of calculation of CPP. Even though treatment and care
the brain might explain the different results from the interventions are determined according to the CPP
literature were obtained. value in neurosurgical patients, there is no evidence
indicating optimal location of the arterial transducer.
Left and Right Lateral Positions Although it was reported that MAP should be mea-
When patients were positioned at left and right sured at the level of the tragus for neurologic targets,13
lateral sides with different HOB elevations, no MAP was measured with the transducer placed at
significant effect on ICP and CPP was noted and the the level of the phlebostatic axis in this study. It can
values were maintained within the range specified be suggested that the arterial transducer should be
in the most recent guideline.1 ICP increased signif- placed at the level of the targus while measuring
icantly only in patients with a GCS score of 13Y15 at MAP in future studies. Another limitation was that
150 left lateral position, and in those with a GCS the patients were grouped based on different GCS
score of 3Y8 at 150 right lateral position.A previous scores and the effects of each position were evaluated
study investigating the effect of a given position on accordingly. However, the sample size might not be
CBF reported that the right and left lateral positions sufficient despite similar numbers of patients in each
were safe for patients with a mean GCS score of group, which indicates that further studies with higher
14.7T0.7, however, the effect of these positions was number of patients are warranted for the generalization
not evaluated in patients whose HOB were elevated of the results.
150 and 450and in those with lower GCS scores.2 In
another study, right and left lateral positions with
HOB elevation of 150 increased ICP significantly in CONCLUSION
patients with a GCS score of 8 or less.3 The results of this study indicate that different posi-
In the present study, CPP of patients with a GCS tions in which the patients were placed led to changes
score of 3Y8 decreased significantly at 150 right and in ICP and CPP. However, these changes did not
left lateral positionsand the position which had the reach statistical significance and these values were
least effect on CPP was 300 right lateral position in maintained within the range specified in the most
these patients. Ledwith et al.3 indicate that CPP recent guideline. In addition, there was a significant
reduced significantly at 300 left lateral position. This ICP increase and a significant CPP decrease in
inconsistency might have been caused by the fact that patients with different GCS scores particularly those
pre-and post-positioning CPP values were compared in in left and right lateral positions with 150 of HOB

Copyright © 2018 American Association of Neuroscience Nurses. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 50 & Number 4 & August 2018 251

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