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Jl. Menanggal Selatan 103 Gayungan; Telp (031) 8290473; Fax. (031) 8299001
Email : ; Website:

Looking for Country Living in The Heart of Jakarta

Garden wing apartments of Hotel Borobudur Jakarta are the solution! Choice of 1 or 3 bedroom
apartments fully furnished and serviced, set in 23 acres of Tropical garden and yet only 10 minutes
drive to the major shopping malls plus facilities unmatched anywhere else in Jakarta!
 Olympic size open-air swimming pool plus children pool
 700 meter jogging track
 Kids playground and kids club
 8 tennis courts, 3 squash courts, basketball court and mini football field
 Excellent equipped health club, Jacuzzi, sauna and spa
 Your own secure parking space
 24 hours security & taxi service
 24 hours internet access with or without computer
 Choice for 5 restaurant
For more information please contact the Sales & Marketing Department
At 380 5555 ext.72001

1. What does apartment provide?

A. Unfurnished apartments D. Office spaces
B. Shopping malls E. Car rental
C. Sport facilities
2. What is the text above?
A. The promotion of Garden Wing C. The description of Hotel Borobudur
Apartment D. The promotion of Hotel Borobudur
B. The advertisement of hotels in E. The facilities of Hotel Borobudur
This text is for questions 3 to 5
A tornado is a powerful, twisting windstorm. It is one of the most destructive of all the storms
that we have on Earth. A tornado is also called a waterspout. A tornado is a long cloud which comes
down from the sky. It likes a funnel and consist of wind which whirls around and around extremely
fast. In fact, the wind can reach a speed of more than 900 km per hour.Weather scientists are unable
to know exactly when tornadoeswill occur. Fortunately, the tornado is not usually very big and it
does not last long.
Taken from : Look Ahead
3. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To describe about tornado D. To persuade the readers to stay away
B. To explain how tornado happens E. To amuse the readers
C. To retell past event
4. What is another name of tornado?
A. A windstorm D. A super fast wind
B. A waterspout E. A monsoon
C. A twisting wind
5. “it likes a funnels and consist of wind.”
What is the word “it” refer to?
A. The sky D. A speed
B. A tornado E. A weather
C. A funnels

This dialogue is for number 6 to 9

Susi : 6)………… Mr. robby is angry to us.

Dita : How come?
Susi : There is no one gets a score more than 50.
Dita : 7)………….. I can’t believe you. I thought I could do most of the questons. How did you
Susi : I heard it when he was talking to Andi. He told him that we must get remedy.
Dita : Remedy? When will it be held?
Susi : today after school.
Dita : what? 8)…………..
Susi : let’s ask And. He willnform that news to us.
Dita : I’am not prepared yet.
Susi : 9)…………
6. Fill the blank
A. Do you know D. What’s wrong?
B. Guess what? E. What?
C. Have you seen?
7. Fill the blank
A. Allright D. You don’t?
B. How terrific! E. It is true
C. Really?
8. Fill the blank
A. I believe you D. Do you know what?
B. I’m happy about it E. You must be kidding me
C. I was surprised
9. Fill the blank
A. Okay D. Thank you
B. Go ahead E. Really?
C. Me too
Read the following text and answer the questions.
The following text is for questions number 10 and 11

Urgently Required
Busy downtown law firm seeks an administrative assistant with 3-5 years work
experience. Must be proficient in word processing and database programs and
familiar with common legala documents.Must have good telephone manners.And
pleasant appearance. Working knowledge of Spanish is a plus. Duties include word
processing, management of clientele database, maintaining files, directing phone
calls and assisting clients. We offer a competitive salary, health insurance and paid
leave, as well as opportunities for advancement.
To apply, please call Ms. Ortiz, director of Human Resources at 373729920, between
10 a.m and 4 p.m

10. What kind of position is being advertised?

A. Lawyer D. Administrative Assistant
B. General Manager E. Director of Human Resource
C. Computer Programmer
11. What is the advertisement about?
A. A job vacancy D. Office requirements
B. An office for rent E. Opportunities for advancement
C. Competitive salary
12. Man : Can I help you, Miss?
Woman : Yes, May I have a cup of tea and a bowl of soup?
Man : Sure. Wait for momen, please?
Where does the dialogue take place?
A. At home D. At the hotel
B. At the restaurant E. At school
C. At the library

13. Man : Guess what? I have found a wallet.
Woman : Really? Whose wallet?
Man : I don’t know. I have found it on the school yard. There is a lot of money. It is
about five hundred thousand rupiahs.
Woman : I can’t believe it. It must be our teacher’s wallet. Let’s go to the teacher’s room.
What is the surprising news?
A. The content of the wallet D. Their schoolyard
B. The owner of the wallet E. The money they have found
C. What the woman found
14. Man : You look happy. What’s wrong?
Woman : My mom called me that she bought a new dress for me.
Man :...
What is the best response to say next?
A. Are you okay? D. That’s true
B. Oh no E. What a surprise
C. Wow, I’m glad to hear that
15. Man : Did you hear it?
Woman : What?
Man : The announcement
Woman : I haven’t heard it. what was it?
Man : Tommorow will be a holiday. Our teachers will have a meeting in another school.
Woman : . . .
What is the suitable response to say next?
A. You don’t? D. That’s a pity
B. Are you kidding? E. What a strange!
C. I’m not joking
16. Man : Excuse me, madam. May I help you bring that suitcase?
Woman : Oh, no thanks. I can manage my self
Man : Allright. If you need a help, let me know.
Woman : Yes. Thank you
What do we learn from the dialogue?
A. The woman needs a help D. The man manages the woman’s
B. The man wants to ask the suitcase suitcase
C. The woman refuses the man’s E. The man can carry his own suitcase

Deepavali – litteraly means the festival of lights – is a festival celebrated by Hindus.

Special prayers are offered in the festival and the Hindus enjoy the big feasts. The
festival comemorates the triumph of Lord Krishna fought against a demon called
Naragasura. In other words, the festival celebrates the victory of good against evil.
Deepavali always occurs either in October or November and the preparation is
conducted a month before. The Hindus go shopping and make various sweets and hot
dishes. They also beautify their house with colourful lights. Twinkling lights in
Serangoon also add the joy of the festival.
Every Hindus will wake up early on the Deepavali and have an oil bath. Then, they
wear new clothes and offer prayers for God. After that, they have a big feast with
friends at home. The sweets and the dishes they have prepared are also sent to other
friends and relatives.
The government also works together with the indian community in decorating
the Serangon Road as an effort to make the festival merrier. To make the festival
more festive, community centres organise trade fairs and cultural shows. People of all
races enjoy a variety performances of indian dance, plays and songs.
17. What is Deepavali ?
A. The triumph of Hindu D. The Hindus’s victory
B. The Hindu mythology E. The Hindus’s festival
C. The Hindus’s big feast
18. What is the main idea of the first paragraph ?

A. The history and the meaning of D. The word Deepavali means ‘The
Deepavali as Hindus festival festival of lights’
B. The preparations of Hindu festival E. The government joins the Hindus
within a month celebration
C. The Hindu family pray to God and
wear new clothes
19. The text tells us that . . .
A. The Hindus start preparations in a D. The Hindus cannot invite their
week friends for a feast
B. Hindus celebrate the festival to face E. The Hindus decorate their homes
the evil with colourless light
C. Every Deepavali comes in October
or November
20. “They also beautify their houses ...” (paragraph 2)
What does the underline word refer to ?
A. Friends D. Hindu family
B. Relatives E. Government
C. The Hindus

The management of ACA industries would like to invite all workers and their family
members to take . . . (4) of the complimentary film tickets. Now available every
Wednesday afternoon at the reception desk in the lobby of the employee leisure centre.
To thank you for all your hard work, we are offering free film tickets every Wednesday
from now until the end of the year. To . . . (5) your tickets, simply show your leisure
centre membership card to the receptionist and they will be happy to give your tickets.
We regret that we can only allow a maximum of 4 tickets per family. Enjoy your free
This is for questions 21 and 22

21. A. use D. photos

B. hold E. advantage
C. price
22. A. realise D. take
B. claim E. give
C. pick
Complete the texts by selecting the most proper words.

Attention, all airline . . . (1). Please do not leave your bags unattended while you use the
restroom or queue for your boarding pass. There have been several theft cases in the
airport lounge, so we . . . (2) keeping your bags with you at all times.
If you are mising any of your luggage, please report it to security personnel as soon as
possible. You can also come to the lost and found area to search for you bags. It is
advisable to keep a . . . (3) on your bag, as that will help us to more quickly assist you if
the need arises. Thank you for your cooperation.
The folowing text is for questions 23 to 25.
23. A. users D. airplanes
B. people E. passengers
C. visitor
24. A. reccomeend D. instruct
B. say to you E. order
C. tell you to
25. A. driver’s license C. fingerprint
B. airline ticket D. name tag
E. hand
Would you please deliver my laptopand USB stick to Uncle jack ? He needs them for his
presentation at the meeting tomorrow, Before you go to his house, I’d like you to go to
the stationery shop, to buy a bottle of ink and paper because he wants to print some of
his papers for the participations. Don’t forget to tell him to return them before
Wednesday. My best wishes for Ani and Linda.
26. The text tells us about...
A. The meeting D. Best wishes for Ani and Linda
B. Uncle Jack’s presentation E. Things to deliver and by for Uncle
C. Paper for the presentation Jack
27. ‘He needs them for his presentation at the meeting tomorrow’.
The underlined word refers to...
A. Paper D. Ani and Linda
B. Participants E. Laptop and USB stick
C. Ink and paper

Now a days, children behaviours are influenced by television, plain strangers, friends, and
family members.
First, one influence that has a major effect on children behavior is television. Believe
it or not, television plays a big role in how kids act. Cartoon characters like power rangers
orspiderman can make children want to fight. It means they don’t know. Although most
children are taught not to talk to strangers, we would be suprissed how many actually do.
Studies have shown that both boys and girls talk to strangers and they are more likely to do
what the strangers left them. Sometimes, kids are influenced by their friends. Friends are
people who are so close to children, and they are people that children trust.
Third, kids are mostly influenced by their parents because parents are people that
kids really, mostly trust. They tend to be like them. Parents play in a big role in childern’s
life. If a kid sees his or her parents fight all the time at home, it ill probably make him or her
become rude.
Finally, children mind is a very delicate thing. Everything that happens to a young
child will affect how he or she things and acts in future.
Considering the above reason, parents should be aware how television can influence
childern’s future
28. What delicate thing do children have ?
A. Manner D. Feeling
B. Mind E. Attitude
C. Behavior
29. “children’s mind is a very delicate thing.” (paragraph 5) the synonym of the underline word
is …
A. Mild D. Crude
B. Lovely E. Fragile
C. Exquisite
Question number 30 to 31 are based on the following text
“Men sana in corpora Sano”. A health body makes a sound mind. More and more people
nowdays are aware of truth this maxim. As a result, they make sports as an integral part of
their lives. Some people participate in sports to release energy and tension, while others do it
to make friends. Sports, such as soccer, basketball or boxing have become an acceptable way
to release energy and aggression. Other sports like golf, mountain climbing, dancing or
bowling can be a means of starting or consolidating friendships. Most sport offer a
constructive escapefrom the pressure of the everyday life. In fact, you can change your life if
you take up-and activity suited to your character, abilities and lifestyle.
It is important to realize that no matter what kind of exercise of you do, you can be sure that
it’s always good for your health and that it’s fun.

30. People do sports …
A. To change their lives D. To be healthy
B. As part of their lives E. To lessen the pressure of life
C. As their hobby
31. “most sports offer a constructure escape from the pressure of the everyday life” (paragraph
1). The underline words can be replaced by …
A. Hiding from D. Joining to
B. Turning off E. Avoidance of
C. Changing from
Text for number 32 – 34
The Jacaranda Tree
The jacaranda tree is a beautiful flowering tree that is native to areas of the Carribean,
Mexico, south America and central America; however, it is extremely popular across Australia,
israel, Africa and the south western portion of the united states. Depending on the species, it
can range anywhere from a 6 feet (2 m) tall shrub to a picture sque 45 feet (18 m) tall tree.
It’s leaves resemble a feather and its flower s vary from purple to blue to white. During
autumn, the leaves turn yellow and both the leaves and the brilliant blossoms fall to the
Although the jacaranda tree is clearly loves and valued for its aesthetics, it also has
other important uses. One of the most popular varieties is the blue jacaranda. Its flowers are a
striking sight in any town, or to line any street. It is perfect for cooling pations or other sunny
sports, especially since it can grow to 60 feet (18 m) wide. Other example, the jacaranda copala
is used for its timber to make furniture, plywood, wood boxes, matchsticks and paper.
In Grafton, Notherm Rivers New South Wales, Australis, the jacaranda festival is held
every year from the last weekend of October until the first weekend of November during the
area’s spring season. It is a celebration of the region and is based on the marvelous sight
provided by the many flowering jacaranda trees in Grafton. Trough the course of the festival
many fun festivities take place, such as the crowning of the jacaranda princess and quen and the
jacaranda ball.
32. in autumn, the jacaranda flowers …
A. Fall down D. Look the same
B. Turn around E. Vary from purple to blue
C. Turn yellow
33. The blue jacaranda and jacaranda copala have one thing in common, that is …
A. They are rare D. They blossom in autumn
B. They are purple E. They grow wall in Europe
C. They are useful
34. We know from the text that in spring …
A. The jacaranda leaces will fall and make streets dirty
B. The jacaranda tress reach their peak of 18 meters tall
C. It is the best time to start planting jacaranda trees
D. The leaves of jacaranda trees fall to the ground
E. The jacaranda trees are blossoming

This dialogue is for numbers 35 – 37

Receptionist : good morning, Sir (35) . ?

Mr. Ridho : good morning. I want to reserve a room for a night.
Receptionist : single or double, Sir ?
Mr. Ridho : Single, Please.
Receptionist : Alright, (36) . Sir ?
Mr. Ridho : RidhoSanjaya
Rceptionst : well, Mr. Ridho, please fill the form first.
Mr. Ridho : Okay
(MrRidho is filling the form)
Mr. Ridho : Here you are
Receptionist : thank you, Your room in 213, Sir, and here is the key.
Mr. Ridho : thank you
Porter : excuse me, may I help you (37) .?
Mr. Ridho : Oh yes, please.
35. A. can I meet you D. do you want a room
B. may I help you E. may I have your room
C. do you need a help
36. A. may I know your name D. would you like me to call you
B. may I have your number E. do you need a help
C. can I introduce you
37. A. meet the manager D. clean your room
B. give you the menu E. show the lobby
C. carry your suitcase
38. the following story has been jumbled. Arrange the sentencase in the correct order
1) After many years the king new the truth from cinderelas.
2) Once upon a time, in the jenggala kingdom, lived a famous king named Rader Putra
3) He had two wives, the queen and another wife.
4) The second wife pretended that she was ill because of the queen
5) The queen was sent to the jungle by the king
6) Then he went to the jungle to pick up the queen and lives happily with the queen and
their son.
The correct arrangement is …
A. 2 – 3 - 4 – 5 -1 – 6 D. 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 6
B. 2 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 4 – 6 E. 2 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 6
C. 2 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 6


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