Non Caloric Artificial Sweeteners and The Microbiome Findings and Challenges

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Non-caloric artificial sweeteners and the

microbiome: findings and challenges

Jotham Suez, Tal Korem, Gili Zilberman-Schapira, Eran Segal & Eran Elinav

To cite this article: Jotham Suez, Tal Korem, Gili Zilberman-Schapira, Eran Segal & Eran
Elinav (2015) Non-caloric artificial sweeteners and the microbiome: findings and challenges, Gut
Microbes, 6:2, 149-155, DOI: 10.1080/19490976.2015.1017700

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Gut Microbes 6:2, 149--155; March/April 2015; © 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Non-caloric artificial sweeteners and the microbiome: findings

and challenges
Jotham Suez1,y, Tal Korem2,y, Gili Zilberman-Schapira1,y, Eran Segal2,y,*, and Eran Elinav1,y,*
Department of Immunology; Weizmann Institute of Science; Rehovot, Israel; 2Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics;
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
These authors equally contributed to this work.

N on-caloric artificial sweeteners

(NAS) are common food supple-
ments consumed by millions worldwide
are meant to prevent, such as weight
gain,4,5 cardiovascular disease,6,7 and type
II diabetes mellitus.8,9 Several physiologi-
as means of combating weight gain and cal mechanisms have been suggested for
diabetes, by retaining sweet taste without these phenomena, such as stimulation of
increasing caloric intake. While they are intestinal sugar absorption,10 disruption
considered safe, there is increasing con- of the ability of sweet taste to signal caloric
troversy regarding their potential ability consequences,11,12 an increase in appe-
to promote metabolic derangements in tite13 and impaired glycemic or insulin
some humans. We recently demonstrated responses.14 In contrast, other studies
that NAS consumption could induce glu- have shown NAS efficacy in weight con-
cose intolerance in mice and distinct trol,15-18 but most of these comparisons
human subsets, by functionally altering were made between individuals consum-
the gut microbiome. In this commentary, ing NAS to those consuming caloric
we discuss these findings in the context sweeteners, with only a few studies directly
of previous and recent works demonstrat- comparing consumption of NAS to avoid-
ing the effects of NAS on host health and ance of caloric and non-caloric sweetened
the microbiome, and the challenges and products.19 Another obstacle in drawing
open questions that need to be addressed conclusions as to the physiological roles of
in understanding the effects of NAS con- NAS consumption is attributed to the dif-
sumption on human health. ficulty in the interpretation of results due
to reverse causality, that is, does NAS con-
sumption causes metabolic derangements,
Introduction or rather, NAS are consumed by individu-
als already suffering from overweight /
Almost a century has passed since the high blood glucose levels. These general
introduction of non-caloric artificial controversies in interpretations of animal
sweeteners (NAS) to our diet,1 and today and humans studies related to favorable
they are estimated to be consumed by and potentially harmful NAS effects on
32% of adult Americans.2 The number of physiological parameters are beyond the
food products supplemented by NAS is scope of this review, with different views
steadily increasing, as they are perceived concisely described in reviews by Miller
and recommended by medical authorities and Perez20 and Swithers.21
Keywords: artificial sweeteners, diabetes,
as means of caloric and glycemic control
glucose intolerance, Microbiome
while retaining a sweet taste.3 Several
*Correspondence to: Eran Segal; Email: eran. NAS compounds have been FDA- In Search of Causality of NAS; Eran Elinav; Email: eran.
approved and are generally considered Effects: Animal Modeling of
safe.3 However, several studies suggested Metabolic Syndrome
Submitted: 01/05/2015
that counterintuitive links may exist
Accepted: 02/05/2015 between NAS consumption and the same Only few prospective interventional ailments of the metabolic syndrome they human studies address possible causal Gut Microbes 149

effects of NAS on human metabolic in methodologies, or from independent subjected to the same interactions with
homeostasis,16 presumably due to difficul- NAS effects on weight and glucose the microbiome and thus consequently
ties in allocation of cohorts of healthy homeostasis. An alternative and previously exert their effects on the host.
individuals who have not been previously unexplored possibility is that differences The first report on NAS interactions
exposed to NAS, and needs for robust in microbiome composition and function, with the microbiome by Anderson and
stratification of potentially confounding featured by different animals at different Kirkland49 dates to the early 1980 s, even
factors such as genetics and lifestyle. Con- facilities, may have contributed to the var- prior to adequate availability of DNA
sequently, researchers have turned into iability in results and interpretations of sequencing techniques. In this report, sac-
animal models to study the effects of NAS these studies. charin was shown to alter aerobes-to-anae-
on metabolism. Some examples of robes ratio in the rat microbiome. Later
non-favorable NAS metabolic effects sug- studies by Schiffman and colleagues, used
gested in such models include works by NAS and the Microbiome culturing techniques to characterize NAS
Swithers and colleagues, who demon- effects on some commensal gut microbes,
strated weight gain in rats following NAS are synthetic compounds that are and suggested that sucralose consumption
consumption of saccharin,12,22 acesul- hundred of folds sweeter than sucrose, was associated with under-representation
fame-potassium (AceK)22 or stevia,11 with and thus can be used in small amounts of several commensal members of the rat
saccharin also linked to increased adipos- with negligible added caloric value. Most microbiome.26 Figure 1 summarizes previ-
ity.12 Increased weight gain in rats con- NAS are excreted unchanged from the ously published findings depicting, using
suming saccharin or aspartame was also mammalian body, and therefore consid- several methodologies, associations
reported by Bertoluci and colleagues,23 ered metabolically ‘inert’33-35 with no between NAS exposure and alterations in
while aspartame consumption was shown physiological effect exerted on the mam- complex microbiomes or cultured bacte-
to increase weight gain and adiposity in malian host. While these 2 notions form ria.26,28,49-52 When considered in the con-
mice, as reported by Al-Mohanna and col- the foundation for the endorsement of text of known interactions between diet,
leagues24 and by Shibata and colleagues,25 NAS use, lack of NAS metabolism by the the microbiome and health, these works
respectively. Rats consuming sucralose host does not rule out the possibility that indicate the importance of studying the
were also shown by Schiffman and col- these compounds may interact with the microbiome as a potential mechanistic link
leagues26 to gain more weight, a finding gut microbiome. In theory, such interac- between NAS consumption and its effects
that initiated intense debate.27 In addition tion may result in indirect yet profound on human health. Nevertheless, it is diffi-
to weight gain, both saccharin and aspar- microbial-induced consequences on the cult to draw conclusions from comparison
tame have been associated with impaired host, resulting in significant metabolic of these findings, as they were obtained
glucose homeostasis in mice,24,28,29 and effects despite lack of eukaryotic recogni- with diverse methods across different spe-
aspartame was also shown to induce tion and metabolism of these compounds. cies. In addition, no causal role was sought
hyperinsulinemia,25 impaired insulin tol- The Microbiome, a dense and diverse or demonstrated between these NAS-asso-
erance24,28 and worsened atherosclerosis microbial ecosystem, inhabits our body ciated microbiome alterations and possible
in genetically-susceptible (ApoE¡/¡) from birth until death, and has been effects on the host health. In our recent
mice.30,31 linked to multiple physiological roles and work,53 we therefore set out to determine
In contrast, Flatt and colleagues induction of susceptibility to many patho- whether such causal role involving the
described anti-hyperglycemic and anti- physiological conditions.36 The interac- microbiome could be determined upon
hyperinsulinemic effects for saccharin in tion of our diet with the microbiome and NAS consumption, and whether it could
genetically obese (ob/ob) mice, coupled its consequences in promoting disease sus- influence metabolic homeostasis, using a
with attenuation of weight gain.32 In fact, ceptibility is extensively researched. Both variety of newly-introduced microbiome
beneficial effects of NAS were at times the composition37 and function38 of the research tools including high-throughput
described to co-occur with detrimental microbiome are modulated and can be next-generation sequencing techniques.
ones in some studies. Shibata and col- rapidly altered by diet,39 with distinct We began our study by supplementing
leagues described anti-hyperglycemic diets (such as a diet rich in fat40) associ- the drinking water of mice with high doses
effects of saccharin in mice that also fea- ated with distinct microbiomes. Con- of commercial formulations of saccharin,
tured increased adiposity and hyperinsuli- versely, distinct microbiome compositions sucralose or aspartame. Surprisingly, after
nemia,25 and Shearer and colleagues and functions were determined to have a 11 weeks of exposure, each of the NAS-
recently reported beneficial effects for causal role in weight gain in mice and consuming mouse groups independently
aspartame on weight gain in rats, co- humans41-43 and associated with propen- displayed marked glucose intolerance as
occurring with aspartame-induced insulin sity to type 2 diabetes44,45 and metabolic compared to various controls, including
resistance in the same aminals.28 Alto- syndrome.46 Thus, the microbiome may water, sucrose or glucose consuming
gether, as in human correlation studies, serve as a hub channeling the effects of mice.53 The latter control was especially
different works and models produced con- diet on the host’s health and propensity to important, as most commercial powdered
flicting and at times opposing results. disease.47,48 NAS, as commonly con- NAS formulation involve a mixture of
Many of these may stem from differences sumed dietary supplements, may be small amounts of NAS mixed into a larger

150 Gut Microbes Volume 6 Issue 2

amount of caloric sugar. Indeed, as also
shown in Figure 2 from one of our repeti-
tions, in which each of the commercial
NAS was compared to a glucose control,
enhanced glucose intolerance in mice
drinking either saccharin, sucralose or
aspartame was noted as early as 8 weeks
following initiation of NAS consumption
and culminating after 11 weeks of expo-
sure. This phenotype seemed to be micro-
biome-related, as 2 different antibiotics
regimens, targeting Gram-positive or
Gram-negative bacteria, abrogated the
NAS-induced glucose intolerance.53 To Figure 1. NAS-Bacteria interactions. Summarized are studies (referenced in the main text) describ-
further study the possible NAS effects on ing effects of NAS on members of the microbiome or bacteria in culture. ND, no data; NGS, Next-
the microbiome, we focused on saccharin. generation sequencing.
To determine whether the effects noted
with commercial saccharin can be shown
for its pure form and at varying dietary matched dose. Indeed, we determined treatment ameliorated the exacerbated
conditions, we fed mice with a high-fat that saccharin, at all of these conditions, glucose intolerance induced in obese mice
diet (HFD, 60% kcal from fat) and sup- including different diets, lower doses and by either pure53 or commercial saccharin
plemented their drinking water with the purified form, could exacerbate glucose (Fig. 3). The metabolic phenotype was
same commercial saccharin regimen given intolerance. Furthermore, as with NAS not mouse-strain specific, as a similar
to lean mice, or pure saccharin at an ADI- consumed in lean mice, antibiotic hyperglycemic effect observed in C57 Bl/6

Figure 2. Impaired glycemic response in NAS consuming mice. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and area under the 2-hour blood glucose response
curve (AUC) in normal-chow-fed mice drinking commercial NAS (N D 20–25) or glucose (N D 15–25) for (A) 8 weeks or (B) 11 weeks. Symbols (OGTT) or
horizontal lines (AUC), mean; error bars, s.e.m. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001; Unpaired two-sided Student t-test. Gut Microbes 151

their diets and performing continuous
glucose measurements, coupled with an
assessment of multiple clinical parameters.
We analyzed the possible associations
between NAS consumption, microbiome
composition and metabolic outcomes in
381 of these participants, and showed that
NAS consumption not only associates
with various clinical parameters such as
BMI, blood pressure, HbA1 C% and fast-
ing glucose levels, but also with the pres-
ence of certain taxa, including expansion
of the Actinobacteria phylum, the Entero-
bacteriales order, and of various taxa from
the Clostridiales order. We then aimed to
assess, in a preliminary small-scale study,
whether NAS and their associated micro-
biomes could have causal roles in affecting
glucose metabolism in humans. To this
aim, we performed a small-scale interven-
Figure 3. Antibiotics ameliorate saccharin-exacerbated glucose intolerance. Oral glucose tolerance tion study, and demonstrated that supple-
test (OGTT) and area under the 2-hour blood glucose response curve (AUC) in high-fat diet-fed mentation of regular diet with the upper
mice drinking commercial saccharin (N D 15) or glucose (N D 15) for 9 weeks, with a subset of each limit of daily saccharin doses (5 mg kg¡1
group (N D 5) supplemented with ciprofloxacin and metronidazole starting from week 5. Symbols d¡1) led to elevated glycemic response in
(OGTT) or horizontal lines (AUC), mean; error bars, s.e.m. *, saccharin vs. glucose, and saccharin vs.
saccharin-abx; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001; Unpaired two-sided Student t-test.
4 of the 7 volunteers (‘responders’), while
no response was noted in the other 3 par-
ticipants. Poorer glycemic responses in the
4 responders were associated with micro-
mice was attributed to saccharin in obese Mice recipients of saccharin-associated biome alterations, that when transplanted
outbred Swiss-Webster mice. microbiomes developed glucose intoler- into germ-free mice replicated the glyce-
In agreement with the experiments ance and their microbiomes reflected mic responses of their human donors. Fur-
with antibiotics, next generation sequenc- many of the changes observed in the thermore, microbiome compositions from
ing of the microbiome indicated that mice donors, as compared to those receiving responders and non-responders were dis-
drinking saccharin had distinct composi- microbiomes of control mice. Further- tinct even prior to exposure to saccharin.
tions from controls. This distinct micro- more, in order to determine whether sac- This suggests that the gut microbiome
biome was characterized by enrichment of charin directly affected the microbiome, composition of an individual may be
taxa belonging to the Bacteroides genus or we cultured microbiomes from naive mice indicative of his susceptibility and person-
the Clostridiales order, with under-repre- under anaerobic conditions in the pres- alized response to NAS or other food
sentation of Lactobacilli and other mem- ence of saccharin. Under these “host-free” related compounds. Thus, this serves as a
bers of the Clostridiales. Several of the conditions, saccharin altered the composi- special case of “personalized nutrition”
bacterial taxa that changed following sac- tion of the microbiome, which, upon and suggests that the microbiome should
charin consumption were previously asso- transplant to germ-free mice, induced glu- be considered an important ‘player’ when
ciated with type 2 diabetes in cose intolerance. Shotgun sequencing of attempting to design individually tailored
humans.44,45 While microbiome altera- the entire genetic makeup of the micro- health-maintaining diets.
tions can be directly related to glucose biome revealed that saccharin-associated
intolerance, they may also be a microbiomes were functionally distinct
“passenger” effect of NAS consumption, than those of control mice, with enrich- Challenges: Toward Mechanistic
irrelevant to the phenotype. Thus, to ment of many pathways previously Understanding of NAS Effects
establish causality, we transplanted fecal reported in obese/diabetic mice and
microbiomes from mice drinking pure or humans, as is described below. The aforementioned studies, including
commercial saccharin into germ-free Finally, we examined whether similar ours, suggest that NAS may effect the
mice. These recipient mice are entirely effects of NAS on the microbiome could microbiome composition and function,
devoid of any microbial presence of their be documented in human individuals. In which in turn may affect host metabolic
own, and thus serve as an excellent tool to our ongoing personalized nutrition study, homeostasis in subsets of individuals and
study the effects of transplanted microbial we follow a large cohort of healthy in specific contexts. More generally, these
communities on various phenotypes. non-diabetic individuals by monitoring studies represent an example of how food

152 Gut Microbes Volume 6 Issue 2

ingredients and additives may drive per- unknown mechanism. Similarly interest- substrates for gluconeogenesis, liponeo-
sonalized effects on host physiology and ing in that regard is another group of genesis and cholesterol synthesis.54 Of the
its tendency for the development of multi- sugar substitutes, sugar alcohols such as under-represented pathways, saccharin
factorial disorders, through effects exerted xylitol, mannitol and sorbitol, that are metagenomes were associated with reduc-
on its commensal gut microbial composi- added as supplements to numerous foods tion in genes of phosphotranferase systems
tion and function. In relation to NAS, our and have been recently suggested to inter- (PTS), involved in the transport of sugars
results suggest in both mice and humans, act with the gut microbiome.56 to the bacterial cell. Saccharin has been
that the mammalian host may not be inert While the ability of diet to affect the previously reported to inhibit anaerobic
to their effects. Our results also highlight microbial community is established,39 it is fermentation of glucose,58 and it is possi-
many interesting and important open less understood how the dietary compo- ble that reduced transport of glucose con-
questions that need to be explored and nents promote the differential bloom or tributes to this inhibition. It is important
addressed in further studies. suppression of certain taxa. In the case of to note that in our study, not all pathways
At the start of our study, we observed NAS, one may consider a direct effect, in were similarly altered when comparing
that high dose administration of 3 differ- which bacteria that can metabolize NAS mice drinking saccharin on a high vs. nor-
ent sweeteners to mice induced a distur- as energy source thrive, while others may mal fat diet. Thus, despite resulting in a
bance in glucose homeostasis. We then experience toxicity. Such a direct effect is similar phenotype (microbiota-dependent
mainly focused on saccharin, which fea- indeed plausible in the case of saccharin glucose intolerance), it is likely that multi-
tured a similar effect in obese mice, in and sucralose, as both are largely not ple bacterial functions may contribute to
ADI-matched concentrations of its pure metabolized by the host’s body35,57 and the metabolic derangements. This may
form (rather than the glucose-saccharin have been previously demonstrated to also be the case when functional analysis is
commercial mix) and demonstrated that it affect the growth of certain bacteria.58-60 performed on other NAS. Likewise from
induces the glucose intolerance phenotype Our findings suggest such direct effect of the host side, further metabolic analysis
through characteristic effects, at a variety saccharin on the microbiome, and func- including clamp studies will potentially
of doses and formulations, on the gut tional analysis of the saccharin-associated enable to decipher whether the micro-
microbiome composition and function. metagenome indicated that several path- biome-induced impaired glucose tolerance
Further studies will need to decipher the ways involved in metabolism of heterocy- stems from impaired pancreatic or periph-
mechanisms driving the metabolic conse- clic compounds were enriched, suggesting eral function, or a combination of the two.
quences of sucralose and aspartame use in that saccharin exposure may have been Finally, the full extent to which NAS
mice, and whether they are similar or dis- associated with expansion of bacteria capa- may affect the human microbiome and
tinct from those noted for saccharin. Simi- ble of utilizing it. It remains to be deter- consequently human health merits further
larly, the dose and regimen effects of these mined whether sucralose also directly studies in form of prospective blinded
and other NAS and their relevance to affects the microbiome. As for aspartame, clinical trials. As such, it would be inter-
human consumption habits and micro- its utilization by bacteria has been esting to delineate in larger cohorts than
biome composition merit further studies. reported,61 even though aspartame is our small-scale prospective human trial
Interestingly, Shearer and colleagues metabolized by the host.62 It may be pos- what is the actual fraction of saccharin
recently demonstrated that for rats, aspar- sible that the products of aspartame degra- ‘responders’ in the general human popula-
tame consumption was associated with a dation affect the microbiome,63 or tion, and whether similar effects are to be
marked impairment in both fasting blood alternatively that other, indirect mecha- expected upon consumption of other
glucose and insulin tolerance.28 These nisms, are involved. NAS and at lower doses. Furthermore,
effects were reached in aspartame doses Equally interesting are the downstream long-term effects of NAS consumption on
that were much lower than the ones used microbiota effects on host metabolism. human metabolic homeostasis merit fur-
for this NAS in our studies, which are esti- Functional alterations of the microbial ther prospective elucidation. Equally
mated to be well within the human ADI community have been described in the interesting and important would be the
range. Notably, changes in the gut micro- various conditions that comprise the met- study of the effects of human NAS con-
biome and metabolites in this study par- abolic syndrome, including obesity41 and sumption on the compositional and func-
tially mirrored the ones noted in our diabetes mellitus.44 In saccharin drinking tional alterations of the microbiome, and
studies (Fig. 1), including a marked mice, we described enrichment of multi- whether such microbial changes could be
increase in systemic levels of short chain ple pathways associated with metabolic employed to predict the eventual response
fatty acid levels, compounds secreted by syndrome in mice and humans, including to NAS or other food supplements even
the microbiome and previously shown to metabolism of sugars and sphingolipids before their consumption. An important
be increased in obesity54 and to promote and biosynthesis of lipopolysaccharide issue to be explored in future studies
gluconeogenesis.55 Other sweeteners, not (LPS) and folate. The higher levels of gly- relates to the reversibility of microbiome
examined by our study, were suggested to can degradation products (SCFA) noted and metabolic effects upon cessation of
have effects on the host. Short term stevia in our studies and others in NAS consum- NAS consumption in ‘responders’. Of
consumption in rats was suggested to be ing animals,28 may serve as energy source note, in our preliminary study, micro-
associated with weight gain,11 in a yet for the host, or as signaling molecules or biomes of 2 of the ‘responders’ were Gut Microbes 153

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