Mateo: I Want A Soda, Please. (Quiero Una: Manuel: Good Morning, What Do You Want? (Buenos Dias, Que Desea?)

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Manuel: Good morning, What do you want?

(buenos dias, que desea?)

Mateo: I want a soda, please. (quiero una

gaseosa, por favor)

Manuel: Do you want Inka kola or Guarana?

(desea inka kola o guarana)

Mateo: How much are they? (cuanto

Manuel: Inka Kola is five soles and Guarana
is three soles. (inka kola es 5 soles y

guarana es 3 soles)
Mateo: Ok. I want Inka kola, please. (ok.

quiero la inka kola, por favor)

Manuel: Here you are. (aquí tiene)
Mateo: Thank you (gracias)
Manuel: Good morning,

Mateo: I want a soda, please.

Manuel: Do you want Inka kola or Guarana?

Mateo: How much are they?

Manuel: Inka Kola is five soles and Guarana

is three soles.
Mateo: Ok. I want Inka kola, please.
Manuel: Here you are. (jir you ar)
Mateo: Thank you
This is my monster

His name is Mike

My monster is green and fat ( big)

He is not very beautiful

He has two head , four blue eyes ,

two noses , two mouths ,

four ears .

He has two necks , two shoulders ,

six arms , and four legs .

My monster has four feet ,

four knees ,six hands ,

eigteen fingers and eight toes

This is my monster

His name is Mike maik

My monster is green and fat ( big)

He is not very beautiful

He has two head , four blue eyes , two noses nouses

, two mouths mauts, four ears yirs.

He has two necks, two shoulders , six arms , and

four legs .

My monster has four feet fit,

four knees nis ,six hands , eigteen eiting fingers
and eight toes tous

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