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VOL. 7, NO. 4, July/August 2003

Natural Products News for Retail Pharmacists and Nutritional Counselors

A Historical Overview and Perspective
Alexander G. Panossian, Ph.D. ous and not disturb body function at a
normal level.4
Thus defined, adaptogens constitute a

he history of the herbal sub- new class of metabolic regulators that
stances known as adaptogens increase the ability to adapt to and avoid
appears to begin with Order damage by environmental factors. Since
No 4654-p of the People’s 1997, the term “adaptogen” has been
Commissars Council of the used as a functional term by Russian
Union of Sov iet Socialist health-regulatory authorities, and in
Republics, dated March 4, 1943 and 1998 this term was allowed as a func-
concerning research work “with the tional claim for certain products by the
purpose of finding...tonic substances” U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Too
for both soldiers and persons working often, however, the term “adaptogen” is
in the Russian defense industry during carelessly used, without sufficient exper-
the Second World War.1 Both the term imental evidence to support the crite-
Among the plants used in traditional medicine,
“adaptogens” and the concept of these ria for the formal definition of such a Schisandra chinensis, whose berries are shown
herbal substances as compounds that substance. here, meets the criteria for being an adaptogen.
would increase “the state of non-spe- To date, few of the substances called
cific resistance” under conditions of adaptogens comply fully with the formal distinct group of substances—continue
st ress were for malized in Russia definition. Empirically, some plants used to classify them as a group of CNS stim-
between 1950 and 1960.2,3 in traditional medicine, such as Eleuthe- ulants or other drugs.14
As originally defined,4 an adaptogen rococcus senticosus, Rhodiola rosea,
was a substance that had to: (1) show Schisandra chinensis, and Bryonia alba4- Recent History of Adaptogens
some nonspecific effect, such as increas- appear to meet the criteria of being From 1960 to 1970, after a large num-
ing bodily resistance to physically, chem- adaptogens on the basis of the ability to ber of pharmacologic and clinical stud-
ically, or biologically noxious agents or increase nonspecific resistance to stress. ies, three plant species—E. senticosus, R.
factors; (2) have a normalizing influence Table 1 (page 3) lists the plants most rosea, S. chinensis, and later, in 1993, B.
on a pathologic state, independent of the often described as adaptogens. alba—were incorporated into official
nature of that state; and (3) be innocu- Despite major differences between medical practice in the Union of Soviet
various effects of adaptogens and CNS- Socialist Republics, and were industrial-
active drugs (Table 2),13 some manuals ly produced as standardized extracts in
Liebert Publishing Group, Inc. and handbooks—even in Russia, where tablet and liquid forms as adaptogens
adaptogens have been recognized as a having stimulating, restorative, and anti-

stress effects. Because these botanical cient agents for increasing mental and Physiologic Basis
products were also found to be unusual- physical work capacity in situations of for the Action of Adaptogens
ly safe, they continue to be used today in fatigue and stress.
Russia in both self-care and physician- In the case of Panax ginseng root There is extensive evidence that sin-
prescribed medical regimens. extract, which is fairly popular in the gle-dose administration of adaptogens
In self-care, E. senticosus, R. rosea, S. United States, it should be mentioned activates corticosteroid formation, and
chinensis, and B. alba are used by healthy that a search of Medline, Biosis, the that repeated dosage with adaptogens
persons as stimulants or tonics in states Cochrane Library database, and several normalizes the levels of stress hormones,
of fatigue and stress. They are also used other computerized literature databases such as adrenocorticotropic hormone
in sports medicine for preventing and revealed16 16 studies that met the crite- (ACTH).7,30,35,39-41 It is known that the
treating injuries and other somatic con- ria of being double-blind, randomized, blood level of corticosteroids increases
ditions. Another use of these four herbs and placebo-controlled studies of this as a result of long-term training or adap-
is in occupational medicine, such as for agent. However, none of these trials tation, and that a trained organism
protection against adverse environmen- demonstrated a convincingly significant responds to stress stimuli with only
tal factors, including exposure to low effect of P. ginseng root extract on mildly increased activity of the hypo-
temperature in polar regions and to high physical performance, psychomotor per- thalamic-pituitar y axis (HPA), as
noise levels and mechanical vibration in formance, cognitive function, immune opposed to a very pronounced increase
heavy industrial work; in mining; and in function, or other specific functions,21 in activity seen in untrained states.42 An
medicine for treating acute hepatic poi- thereby pointing to a general need for example of this may be seen in a recent
soning, ischemia from oxygen depriva- more rigorous study of the efficacy and study in which athletes exposed to stress
tion, and for acceleratinge recovery after safety of ginseng.22 in the form of acute physical exercise
surgery. exhibited increased formation of corti-
Adaptogens are used as curative agents Constituents of Adaptogenic sol and NO in their blood and saliva.43
in treating some neurologic and psychi- Chronic physical exercise, such as that of
atric disorders, such as asthenia, neuro- In terms of active ingredients, adapto- well-trained athletes, increases the basal
sis, depression, and alcoholism, and in a genic preparations can be divided into level of these stress-mediating substances
number of other conditions, as well as the three groups of: (1) those that con- in blood and saliva. But while well-
being prescribed as adjuvants to other tain phenolic compounds such as trained athletes no longer respond to an
medicines in diseases such as tubercu- phenylpropanoids, phenylethane deriv- acute physical load with an increase in
losis and in conventional cancer thera- atives, and lignans,23-27 whose structural cortisol or NO, Schisandra and Bryonia
py. resemblance to catecholamines could activate the formation of both NO and
The concept of “one drug for one dis- suggest an effect on the sympathoadrenal cortisol in these athletes’ plasma and sali-
ease” does not apply in the use of adap- system and possibly imply an effect in the va, suggesting that these plants provide
togens in actual practice. Indeed, not only early stages of the stress response; (2) adaptation to further heavy physical
does evidence suggest that adaptogens those that contain tetracyclic triter- loading.
display their greatest efficacy in the form penes,28,29 such as cucurbitacin R diglu- In other words, adaptogens appar-
of extracts containing a combination of coside,11,30 which structurally resemble ently increase the ability of the stress
several active substances from a single the specific corticosteroids that inacti- system to respond to stress stimuli in a
plant species, but in Sweden and Den- vate the stress system to protect against manner that tends to preserve home-
mark the concept of combining different overreaction to stressors 31-35; and (3) ostasis, particularly by modulating the
adaptogenic substances has led to the oxylipins—unsaturated trihydroxy or biosynthesis of eicosanoids—including
development and use of a fixed-ratio epoxy fatty acids structurally similar to prostaglandins E2 and F2, 5-hydrox-
combination of standardized extracts leukotrienes and lipoxines.36-38 yeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HETE), 12-
of plants such as ADAPT-232. The first group of adaptogenic extracts HETE, and leukotriene B4. Moreover,
named above would include the roots and adaptogens also appear to regulate the
Reliability of Studies of Adaptogens rhizome of E. senticosus and R. rosea, as basal level of the arachidonic acid that is
A substantial number and range of well as extracts of S. chinensis fruits. these substances’ precursor, and to also
uncontrolled as well as placebo con- The second group of adaptogenic sub- do this under various stressful conditions,
trolled, randomized, double-blind stances are contained in extracts of B. such as immobilization, heavy physical
clinical studies 15-20 have consistently alba and W. somnifera. The third group exercise, and radiation injury.44-50
reported standardized extracts of E. sen- of adaptogenic compounds have been Although there is a difference in the
ticosus, R. rosea, and S. chinensis as effi- found in B. alba and G. glabra. mode of action and pharmacologic

activity of different adaptogens,51, 52 it is ondary sites of action the liver and com- NO, and platelet-activating factor, which
difficult to relate these in a satisfactory ponents of the immune and cardiovas- in turn activate other factors that may
way to the differences in adaptogens’ cular systems. either counteract stress or, conversely,
various effects. However, the mecha- The effects of adaptogens become induce or facilitate disease. According
nisms of action of adaptogens 30 are somewhat more clear when it is recalled to this concept,30,43 the “stress-execut-
mainly related to effects on the neu- that stress is a defensive response to ing” or “switch-on” mechanism activates
roendocrine-immunologic axis that external factors, and that it stimulates the sympathoadrenal system (SAS) and
constitutes the stress system.33,34,53-56 The the formation of endogenous “mes- over the longer term also activates the
primary site of action of adaptogens senger” substances such as cate- HPA, together with various regulators
appears to be the HPA, and their sec- cholamines, prostaglandins, cytokines, of cell and organ function.

Table 1. Plants Described in the Literature as Adaptogens

Plant Family Author(s)/ year
Acanthopanax sessiliflorum Rupr. et Maxim. Araliaceae Brekhman and Dardimov, 1969
Albizzia julibrissin Durazz. Fabaceae Kinjo et al., 1991
Aralia elata (Miq) Seem. Araliaceae Hernandez et al., 1988
Aralia manshurica Rupr. et Maxim Araliaceae Baranov, 1982
Aralia schmidtii Araliaceae Baranov, 1982
Asparagus racemosus Liliaceae Rege et al., 1999
Atragene sibirica L. Ranunculaceae Shilova et al., 2001
Azadirachta indica (Al, Neem) Melaceae Koner et al., 1997
Bergenia crassifolia (Fritsch) Saxifragaceae Suslov et al., 2002
Bryonia alba L.* Cucurbitaceae Panossian et al., 199
Cicer arietinum L. Fabiaceae Singh et al., 1983
Codonopsis pilosula (Franch.)Nannf. Campanulaceae Lin, 1991
Cordyceps sinisis (Berk.) Pyrenomycetales —
Echinopanax elatum Nakai Araliaceae Baranov, 1982
Eleutherococcus senticosus Maxim.* Araliaceae Brekhman and Dardimov, 1969
Emblica officinalis (Phyllanthus emblica L.) Euphorbiaceae Xia et al., 1997; Rege et al., 1999
Eucommia ulmoides Oliver Eucommiaceae Oshima et al., 1988
Hoppea dichoroma Willd. Gentianaceae Ghosal et al., 1985
Ocimum sanctum L. Lamiaceae Bhargava and Singh, 1981
Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer Araliaceae Brekhman and Dardimov, 1969
Pfaffia paniculata (Marius)Kuntze Amarantaceae De Oliveira, 1986
Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd).Iljin Asteraceae Brekhman and Dardimov, 1969
Rhodiola crenulaya (Hook, f. et Thoms) H.Ohba Crassulaceae Wang and Wang, 1992
Rhodiola rosea L.* Crassulaceae Saratikov et al., 1968
Scutellaria baicalensis (Georgi). Lamiaceae Suslov et al., 2002
Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Bail.* Magnoliaceae Brekhman, 1980
Sterculia plantanifolia L. Streculiaceae Brekhman, 1980
Terminalia chebula Combretaceae Rege et al., 1999
Tinospora cordiflora Miers Menispermaceae Parel et al., 1978; Rege et al., 1999
Trichopus zeylanicus Gaerten. Trichopodaceae Singh et al., 2001
Withania somnifera L. Solanaceae Singh et al., 1982
*Well-established adaptogen.

Table 2. Differences Between Stimulants and Adaptogens

Stimulants Adaptogens
1. Recovery after exhaustive physical loading Low High
2. Energy depletion Yes No
3. Performance under stress Decrease Increase
4. Survival under stress Decrease Increase
5. Quality of arousal Poor Good
6. Insomnia Yes No
7. Side effects Yes No
8. DNA/RNA and protein synthesis Decrease Increase

Counteracting this is the “switch-off ” reactivity of the host-defense system to of botanicals mig ht be useful in
system, which protects cells and organ various stressors by helping to restore improving quality of life58 in many cat-
systems, and thus the entire organism, normal homeostasis.30 egories of patients and healthy subjects.
from damaging overreaction. This Adaptogens are also likely to have a
switch-off system includes antioxidant Pharmacologic Assessment of direct impact on many facets of physi-
enzymes such as catalase, glutathione cal health and psychological health.
peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase; Tests involving exposure to cold, heat, However, there is so far no clinical evi-
interleukins that downregulate various altered atmospheric pressure and oxy- dence for this in terms of quality-of-life
aspects of the immune response; certain gen content, radiation, toxic substances, and related questionnaire data. The
corticosteroids and eicosanoids such starvation, fear, and chronic diseases results of such studies will allow the
as prostaglandin E2; and anti-inflam- have shown that the most important development of evidence-based indi-
matory mediators. feature of adaptogens is an ability to cations for adaptogens as remedies for
Excessive activity of the stress system increase resistance to both physical and improving quality of life. NP
is associated with increased arousal or emotional stress. This same property has
anxiety, increased blood pressure, gas- been suggested by specific biochemical
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