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NAME …………………………………………………………….……. DATE ……………………

CLASS …………………………………………………………….……. MARK ______
(Time 50 minutes)


A. Fill in the correct word from the list.

• ages • ready • cartoon • yelled • softly • rollercoaster • wrong • set • lifetime • matter • gratefully

e.g. Ted was getting ready to leave when the 6 David, what a surprise! I haven’t seen you
phone rang. for ........................... .
1 Donald Duck is my favourite ......................., 7 They ........................... off on a trip around
character. Europe.
2 We had a fantastic time in Peru. It was the 8 “Get under the table!” David ........................
trip of a(n) ........................... . as the building began to shake.
3 What’s the ........................... ? Why are you 9 “Are you feeling alright?” Jane’s mum
crying? said ........................... .
4 “Thank you so much,” said Becky and 10 There’s something ........................... with the
smiled ........................... . computer. It’s not working.
5 Have you ever been on
a(n) ...........................? It’s really exciting.
Marks ____
101 10

B. Look at the pictures. Use the prompts to make sentences, as in the example.

straw hat cotton shorts gold necklace

rose dots sapphires & diamonds

e.g. It’s a straw hat with a 11 ………………..………….. 12 ………………..…………..

rose. ………………..………….. ………………..…………..

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

TEST 2 A (Units 3, 4)

gold watch wooden chest platinum ring

leather strap rubies & diamonds

metal handles
13 ………………..………….. 14 ………………..………….. 15 ………………..…………..
………………..………….. ………………..………….. ………………..…………..

Marks  ____
51 5

C. What has happened to each person?

e.g. He has hurt his ankle. 16 He …………..………….. 17 He …………..…………..

18 She …………..………….. 19 He …………..………….. 20 He …………..…………..

Marks ____
51 5

D. Use the words from the list to complete the sentences.

• bored • surprised • angry • relieved • lonely • exhausted

e.g. John broke the vase. His mum was very angry.

21 Jane didn’t expect to get a bicycle for her 22 After ten hours at work Jim felt ................... .
birthday. She was .................... .

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2


23 There’s nothing to watch on TV. I 25 She has no friends. She feels

feel ................... . very .................. .
24 When the doctor said that her daughter Marks ____
was OK she felt .................. . 51 5

E. Fill: into, of, on, out, for.

26 We went for a ride .................... the 29 Have you ever dreamt .................. being rich
rollercoaster. and famous?
27 Matt crashed .................... a tree. 30 My parents are in Italy ….. holiday.
28 Are you waiting ................... someone?
Marks ____
51 5
F. Explain the following words:

31 yelled 35 hoovering-
32 Hound- set off
33 Inherit-
34 Muddy-

G. Fill in the correct adverb, then say how we form adverbs.

36 sudden
37 final- 40 good-
38 pretty-
39 gentle-
Marks  ____
51 5

H. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.

e.g. Jack was working (work) on his computer when there was a power cut.

41 Joe .......................…… (not/go) out with 44 Rosie .......................…… (open) the letter
Andy last Saturday. and started reading.
42 As he .......................…… (do) the ironing, 45 Stephen .......................…… (cook) while
the phone rang. Anne was watering the plants.
43 The wind .......................…… (blow) and it
was raining heavily when they left for work.
Marks ____
51 5

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3


© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4


5I. Choose the correct item.

50 He went to bed late last night ........ he was

46 Jane left an hour ago and ........ back yet. late for school this morning.
A hasn’t come B didn’t come A because B so C as
C wasn’t coming
47 He was watching TV when she ........ home.
A got B was getting C get
48 ........ Eve was driving, John was sleeping.
A For B While C So
49 Moira ........ by the river when she heard a
A walked B has walking C was

J . Put the adjectives in the correct order.

51 white/ expensive/ leather/ purse 54 small/ metal/ round/ lock

52 chair/ square/wooden 55 red/ beautiful/ shirt/ cotton.
53 big/lovely/sofa/green

Marks  ____
K. Underline the correct word. 51 5

e.g. “Eat your food slow/slowly”, said Adam.

56 Judy opened the parcel nervous/nervously. 59 What a beautifully/beautiful baby!

57 My aunt was a very patiently/patient 60 Sudden/Suddenly Ted saw a man in the
woman. distance.
58 She doesn’t speak German very well/good.
Marks ____
51 5

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5



L. Fill in the correct sentences.

• My purse and my keys • I left my books on the bus

• Yes, I’ve just finished • What’s the problem
• We had a great time, thanks • I have no idea

e.g. A: What’s in it?

B: My purse and my keys.

61 A: ...........................................................? 64 A: Have you watered the plants yet?

B: I’ve lost my keys. B: ............................................................ .
62 A: Do you know what Ken has bought Linda? 65 A: ............................................................ !
B: ............................................................ . B: What a silly thing to do.
63 A: How was your trip to the Amazon?
B: ............................................................ .


M. Read the story and fill in the sentences below. One sentence does not match.

The Early Warning

Max and Hugh were almost at the top of the volcano. They were both exhausted after climbing Mount
Alamana, so they decided to camp for the night.
66 “What was that?” said Hugh, “It’s the volcano”, replied Max. 67 They ran down the
mountainside leaving all their belongings behind them. They didn’t stop until they arrived at the village at
the foot of the volcano.
68 asked the policeman as they ran into the small police station. “Mount Alamana is about to
erupt”, said Hugh. “Warn the villagers!”. 69 Just as the last car drove away there was a huge
explosion and the sky filled with thick smoke as the volcano erupted.
Later, the grateful villagers held a party in honour of the two climbers. 70 The two men felt very
embarrassed, but also proud of themselves for saving the villagers from the volcano with their early

A “Let’s get out of here, now!”

B They were sleeping peacefully in their tent, when suddenly a loud rumbling noise woke them both up.
C “What’s wrong?”
D The boys didn’t see any villagers.
E “You saved our lives”, they said to Max and Hugh and shook their hands.
F Soon everyone was climbing into cars and trucks hurrying to leave the village.

Marks ____
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 6
51 5


N. Expand the prompts into full sentences to write a short story. (100-120 words)
Use the text in Ex. L as a model.

• - last day of Jenny’s holiday / sun shine / it be

perfect day for skiing
• - Jenny wait for ski lift / hear rumbling noise
- she look up / see lots of snow falling down
- it / be / avalanche
• - Jenny look desperately for somewhere to
hide / when see wooden house close by
- run quickly / hide inside / until avalanche
- after a few minutes / she look for way out /
door not open / finally / manage break
window / escape
• - Jenny still shake with fear / when rescue
team arrive
- take her down mountain to village
- she feel happy / relieved / be safe / but /
decide to go to an island for her holidays next year

It was the last day of Jenny’s holiday. .......................................................................................................

Jenny was waiting for the ski lift when ......................................................................................................
Jenny was looking desperately for somewhere to hide, ............................................................................
Jenny was still shaking with fear ...............................................................................................................
Marks ____

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 7

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