HS #8 Timelines by Area

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Area Activities Who? When? Done?

Athletics and Activities Select company (s) for Rings, announcements, logos, entryway designs Kevin/Core/Students/Parents 1-Oct-05

Athletics and Activities Develop a plan for involving students in co-curricular programs Kevin/students/parents 1-Mar-06

Athletics and Activities Develop athletic program Lisle/Kevin/Coaches 1-Mar-06

Athletics and Activities Write criteria for activities Kevin/Core/Kids 1-Apr-06

Lisle/Kevin/Cheers & Poms
Athletics and Activities Develop cheer, pep club, pom program Coach 1-Apr-06

Athletics and Activities Build booster organization--Work with Parent & Community Group Lisle/Kevin/Parents 1-Apr-06

Athletics and Activities Hire coaches and club sponsors Lisle/Kevin 1-Apr-06

Athletics and Activities School Song? (or is that what you mean by 'cheer') 1-Apr-06
Hire Athletic Director Secretary? (Not sure if you want this in the first year -
Athletics and Activities but I know how valuable this position is for all sports and parents) 1-Apr-06

Athletics and Activities Develop Performing Arts Program Lisle/Todd/Katie 1-Apr-06

Athletics and Activities Write Performing Arts Handbook Todd/Katie 1-Apr-06

Athletics and Activities Build booster/fan clubs for Performing Arts Lisle/Todd/Katie/Parents 1-Apr-06

Athletics and Activities Develop Box Office Handbook/Procedures Katie 1-Apr-06

Athletics and Activities Performing Arts Calendar of Events Todd/Katie/Core Team 1-Apr-06

Athletics and Activities Plan & establish clubs and activities Kevin/Core/Kids 1-May-06

Athletics and Activities Plan other activities; newspaper, yearbook, debate, forensics, etc. Kevin/Core/Kids 1-May-06

Athletics and Activities Identify advisors for clubs and other co-curricular activities Kevin/Core/Kids 1-May-06

Athletics and Activities Write Athletic Handbook Kevin/Coaches 1-May-06

Athletics and Activities Write Activities Handbook Kevin/Coaches 1-May-06

Athletics and Activities Advance reservations for activities events Kevin 1-May-06 Ongoing

Athletics and Activities Identify and Investigate different student governance models Kevin/Students/Parents 1-May-06

Athletics and Activities Develop scholarship committee/activities/athletics Lisle/Kevin/Coaches/Parents 1-Jun-06

Athletics and Activities Athletic Physicals Kevin 1-Jun-06

Athletics and Activities Practice times and locations Kevin 1-Jun-06

Athletics and Activities Implementation timeline for varsity sports Kevin/Dave Callan 1-Jun-06

Athletics and Activities Develop plan for student/staff/community awards/recognition Core/Kevin/Students/Parents 1-Jun-06

Athletics and Activities Attend Continental League Meetings Kevin 1-Aug-06 Ongoing

Athletics and Activities Attend Continental League Music Meetings Todd Barton 1-Aug-06 Ongoing

Athletics and Activities Lettering Philosophy Kevin/Coaches 1-Aug-06

Athletics and Activities Create intramural program Kevin/Core 1-Aug-06

Athletics and Activities School store set up and operation Lisle/Kevin/Josh Heizman 1-Aug-06

Athletics and Activities Athletic League Banners Kevin 1-Aug-06

Budget Develop budget for 05-06 year Gabby/Lisle 1-Aug-05

Budget Signage/ decide and installation Lisle/Kevin/Debbie/Gabby/Bob 1-Aug-05

Budget First year and long range tech budget Lisle/Josh Heizman 1-Jan-06

Budget Coordinate budget expenditures with MS Lisle/Kevin/Terry Olson 1-Jan-06

Budget Building equipment needs Lisle/Kevin/Bob/Gabby 1-Jan-06

Budget Band instruments Todd Barton/Gabby 1-Jan-06

Budget Theatrical Equipment for Auditorium- Capital Request? Lisle/Katie/Gabby 1-Apr-06

Budget Theatre supplies for school year (sets, costumes, etc.) Lisle/Katie 1-Apr-06

Budget Field trip monies/request (Performing Arts student conference - June 2007) Lisle/Todd/Katie 1-Apr-06

Budget 2006-07 building budget Lisle/Core/Gabby 1-Jan-06

Budget Budget money for climbing wall PE Staff/Lisle/Kevin 1-Jan-06

Budget Band uniforms Todd Barton/Gabby 1-Feb-06

Budget Athletic uniforms Kevin/Coaches/Gabby 1-Feb-06

Budget Staff development budget Carol Ayars/Lisle/Core 1-Mar-06

Budget Office equipment to purchase Gabby/Lisle 1-Apr-06

Budget Custodial equipment to purchase Bob/Gabby 1-Apr-06

Budget Teaching supplies to order Core/Gabby 1-Apr-06

Budget Benches and other furniture for "outdoor space" Kevin 1-May-06

Budget Hallway bulletin boards and posters Kevin/Lisle/Core 1-May-06

Building Management Name, mascot, colors process and timeline Lisle/Core 1-Aug-05

Building Management Key the building, first number the rooms Bob/Lisle 1-Aug-05

Building Management Design school forms, letterhead etc Debbie Gentry/Lisle 1-Jan-06

Building Management Organize and order for media center Librarian/Lisle/Core Team 1-Feb-06
Outline a calendar for the year, in-service dates, P/T conferences, open
Building Management house, performing arts events, etc Debbie Gentry/Lisle/Core Team 1-Feb-06

Building Management Develop secretarial job descriptions Debbie Gentry/Lisle 1-Feb-06

Building Management Design procedures for assigning classes and other responsibilities Lisle/Core Team 1-Mar-06

Building Management Decide and develop bell schedule Lisle/Core Team/Parents 1-Mar-06
Per. Arts Staff/Castle Rock
Building Management Develop theatre usage policy Players/Lisle 1-Feb-06

Building Management Expectations/job description of Auditorium Manager (Katie?) Lisle/Katie/Kevin? 1-Apr-06

Building Management Establish relationship/expectations between DCHS #8 and CRP Lisle/CRP/Katie/Todd 1-Apr-06
Student Tech Crew established (able to help w/all activities/events in Katie/new Tech
Building Management auditorium, etc.) Staff/Students/CRP 1-Apr-06

Building Management Turn classroom into Blackbox Theatre space Katie/Students 1-Apr-06

Building Management Establish committees for at risk, task, care, crisis team, ppt, etc Counselor/Core Team 1-May-06

Building Management Develop building usage policy Kevin/Lisle/Bob/Core Team 1-May-06

Building Management Clear norms for food/drink use in building Kevin/Lisle/Core TeamParents 1-May-06

Building Management Develop emergency plans Kevin/Debbie Gentry/Bob 1-May-06

Write student handbook/planner, staff handbook -- use committees for Debbie Gentry/Kevin/Core
Building Management revisions Team 1-Jun-06

Communications Meet with Douglas County School Personnel Lisle 1-Jun-05 YES

Communications Meet with Castle Rock and Douglas County Leaders and Organizations Lisle 1-Jun-05 YES

Communications Close contact with newspapers, Bruce Caughey Lisle 1-Jun-05 Ongoing

Communications Develop website with ITS (Mark Blair) Lisle/Core Team Members 1-Jul-05

Communications Develop school brochures and booklets Lisle/Counselor/Others TBD 1-Aug-05 Ongoing

Communications Meet with feeder principals, establish calendar for visits Lisle 1-Jul-05

Communications Keep DCHS & feeder schools informed Lisle 1-Jul-05 Ongoing

Communications Ongoing updates of website Lisle/Members of Core Team 1-Jul-05 Ongoing

Develop communications with our incoming students and parents, meet
Communications with our feeder school students at CRMS & DCHS Lisle/Members of Core Team 1-Aug-05

Communications Develop process to make certain community understands philosophy Lisle/Members of Core Team 1-Aug-05 Ongoing

Communications Invite businesses to join us Lisle/Members of Core Team 1-Aug-05 Ongoing

Communications Meet with law enforcement officers in school programs Lisle/Members of Core Team 1-Aug-05

Communications Establish email communication system for school community Lisle/Members of Core Team 1-Aug-05 Ongoing

Communications Study newsletter style manuals, identify key elements Debbie Gentry/Lisle 1-Sep-05

Communications Develop the school newsletter format and begin publishing Debbie Gentry/Lisle 1-Sep-05 Ongoing

Communications Establish our feeder K-12 articulation plan Lisle/Members of Core Team 1-Sep-05 Ongoing
Lisle/Carol Ayars/Core
Curriculum Help build strong K-12 articulation Team/Feeder Area 1-Aug-05 On going

Curriculum Write individual course outlines and descriptors Core Team/Lisle 1-Jan-06

Curriculum Develop Plan for Pre-AP and AP Programs Core Team/Lisle 1-Jan-06

Curriculum Plan and implement ninth/tenth grade academic program Kevin/Core Team 1-Mar-06

Curriculum Plan and Design the Academy Structure (school-within-a-school) 1-Apr-06

Curriculum Select textbooks/instructional materials Core Team/Lisle 1-Apr-06

Core Team/Josh
Curriculum Select necessary technology for our curriculum Heizman/Doug Kissler 1-Apr-06

Curriculum Align standards to courses Core Team/Lisle 1-Jun-06 Ongoing

Curriculum Develop a procedure for designing alternative programs for kids at risk Core Team 1-Jun-06

Guidance/Counseling Attend district wide counseling meetings and counseling workshops Counselor 1-Aug-05 On Going

Guidance/Counseling Implement a parent volunteer system/center Lisle/Others TBD 1-Aug-05

Guidance/Counseling Develop ninth grade Transition Plan Kevin/Core Team 1-Jan-06

Develop the advisement program and determine how to implement into the
Guidance/Counseling schedule Core/Others TBD 1-Dec-05

Guidance/Counseling Begin to develop the internship program Lisle/Others TBD 1-Jan-06

Guidance/Counseling Begin to investigate work study program Lisle/Others TBD 1-Jan-06

Guidance/Counseling Freshman planning guide Lisle/Counselor/Others TBD 1-Jan-06

Guidance/Counseling Develop course selection handbook Lisle/Counselor/Others TBD 1-Jan-06

Guidance/Counseling Develop school brochures and booklets Lisle/Counselor/Others TBD 1-Jun-06

Guidance/Counseling Implement student assistance programs Lisle/Counselor/Others TBD 1-Aug-06

Guidance/Counseling Create a tutoring program Core/Others TBD 1-Aug-06

Guidance/Counseling Establish the peer counseling program Lisle/Counselor/Others TBD 1-Aug-06

Develop the post graduate center (career center) and develop career
Guidance/Counseling planning program 9-12 Lisle/Counselor/Others TBD 1-Aug-06

Guidance/Counseling Testing information (PSAT-CSAP) Lisle/Counselor/Others TBD 1-Aug-06

Guidance/Counseling Resume and portfolio building Lisle/Others TBD 1-Aug-06

Guidance/Counseling Develop counseling bulletin Lisle/Counselor/Others TBD 1-Aug-06

Guidance/Counseling Contact colleges, universities and military groups Lisle/Others TBD 1-Aug-06 On Going
Develop unique parent education/support program parent university, #8's
Guidance/Counseling personalized classes for the community Lisle/Others TBD 1-Aug-06 On Going
Develop a Career Program for 9th graders (CHOICES) incorporate into
Guidance/Counseling advisement program Lisle/Others TBD 1-Aug-06

Guidance/Counseling Develop and implement record keeping system Lisle/Counselor/Others TBD 1-Aug-06
Guidance/Counseling Develop scholarship program Lisle/Counselor/Others TBD 1-Jan-07

Guidance/Counseling College bound students support Lisle/Counselor/Others TBD 1-Jan-07

Guidance/Counseling Vocational bound students support Lisle/Counselor/Others TBD 1-Jan-07

Guidance/Counseling Senior planning guide Lisle/Counselor/Others TBD 1-Jan-08

Guidance/Counseling Graduation timeline Lisle/Counselor/Others TBD 1-Jan-08

Guidance/Counseling Design the eighth grade orientation program Lisle/Kevin/Core Team/Parents 1-Aug-05
Parent, Student &
Community Involvement Create community forums to build school community Lisle 1-Aug-05
Parent, Student &
Community Involvement Establish SAC and parent volunteers Lisle 1-Sep-05
Parent, Student &
Community Involvement Establish an ongoing feedback system for parents and community Lisle/Counselor/Core Team 1-Oct-05 On Going
Parent, Student &
Community Involvement Establish building accountability structure Lisle 1-Dec-05
Parent, Student &
Community Involvement Develop fundraiser mechanisms-Foundation, grants, boosters etc. Kevin/Lisle/Core Team/Parents 1-Jan-06
Parent, Student & Lisle/Kevin/Core
Community Involvement Develop process for involving community/kids in planning for opening Team/Parents/Students 1-Apr-06
Parent, Student & Lisle/Kevin/Core
Community Involvement Plan an outstanding kickoff program for a new school Team/Parents/Students 1-May-06
Parent, Student &
Community Involvement Develop structure for parent open house and P/T conferences Lisle/Counselor/Core Team 1-Jun-06
Hard Hat Tours for Community? Good PR opportunity…Have a set
day/time that you have open hard hat tours (like at lunch time) and
Parent, Student & advertise it. Have a stash of 10-15 hardhats (library can provide) - and
Community Involvement either you, or other core faculty give tours/talks to the community. Lisle/Core Team 1-Oct-05
Scheduling Create eighth grade orientation program Team/students/parents 1-Aug-05

Scheduling Develop course selection sheets, guides for ninth/tenth grades Lisle/Core Team 1-Jan-06

Scheduling Determine how we share staff between ms and hs Lisle/Terry Olson 1-Feb-06

Scheduling Determine our daily schedule Lisle/Core Team 1-Feb-06

Scheduling Collect course selection sheets Couselor/Lisle/Core Team 1-Feb-06

Scheduling Write master schedule Lisle/Core Team 1-Apr-06

Scheduling Coordinate bell schedules and intermingling of ms/hs Lisle/Terry Olson/Core Team 1-May-06
Scheduling Determine specific staff teaching assignments room assignments, etc Lisle/Core Team 1-May-06

Scheduling Check-in procedures for fall Debbie Gentry/Lisle 1-May-06

School Climate Establish norms and mediate issues between hs and ms Lisle/Terry Olson 1-Aug-05 On Going

School Climate School visitations for ideas, color schemes Core Team/Parents/Students 1-Aug-05 On Going
Write letter to 8th & 9th grade students and parents inviting them to be a
School Climate part of our new school Lisle/Carol Ayars 1-Aug-05

School Climate Create the social committee and determine functions Core Team/Parents 1-Sep-05

School Climate Develop overall school governance plan, see site committee Lisle/Core Team/Parents 1-Sep-05

School Climate Plan the "link" crew program Kevin/Counselor/Core Team 1-May-06

School Climate Develop new student to district program Kevin/Counselor/Core Team 1-May-06

School Climate Create detailed first week program Lisle/Kevin/Core Team/Parents 1-Jul-06

School Climate Plan and organize staff retreat and look for funds Lisle/Others TBD 1-Apr-06

School Climate Develop long term phase in plan for curriculum and co-curricular Lisle/Core Team/Parents 1-Apr-06

School Climate Develop student discipline structure, guidelines and philosophy Kevin/Core Team 1-May-06
Plan and purchase banners, flags etc for town square, commons and
School Climate village green Kevin/Core Team/Parents 1-May-06
Create Performing Arts Festival - to connect with elementary and middle
School Climate schools Katie/Todd/CRP? 1-May-06
School Climate Develop a staff wellness committee and program Ayars/Lisle/Core Team 1-May-06 On Going
Develop our staff development program based on the research of Best
Staff Development Practices Carol Ayars/Lisle/Core Team 1-Sep-05 On Going
Identify staff development programs that can be accessed thought the
Staff Development district Carol Ayars/Lisle/Core Team 1-Sep-05 On Going

Staff Development Have training about the hiring process Lisle/Core Team 1-Feb-06

Staff Development Determine how the BRT program will function Carol Ayars/Lisle/Core Team 1-May-06
Develop the induction program for the "rest of staff" that come on to team
Staff Development later Carol Ayars/Lisle/Core Team 1-May-06
Define required skill sets for all teachers and develop staff development
Staff Development program to insure all teachers have defined skill sets Carol Ayars/Lisle/Core Team 1-May-06

Staffing Hire principal secretary Lisle 1-Jul-05 YES

Staffing Hire bookkeeper and have her trained in Oracle Lisle 1-Jul-05 YES

Staffing Hire Athletic Director Lisle/Others 1-Jul-05 YES

Staffing Hire BRT Lisle/Others 1-Jul-05 YES

Staffing Hire Head Counselor Lisle/Others 1-Jul-05 YES

Staffing Hire remaining "core team" Lisle/Others 1-Jul-05 On Going

Staffing Hire head custodian Lisle/Others TBD 1-Jul-05 YES

Staffing Hire assistant principal Lisle/Core Team 1-Aug-05

Staffing Hire volunteer coordinator Lisle/Core Team 1-Aug-05

Staffing Create a four year staffing plan that dovetails curriculum design Lisle/Carol Ayars/Core Team 1-Feb-06 On Going

Staffing Hire clerical support staff Debbie Gentry/Lisle/Core Team 1-Apr-06 On Going

Staffing Hire remainder of teaching staff for 2006-07 school year Lisle/Core Team 1-Apr-06

Staffing Hire Registrar and have her trained Lisle/Counselor/Core Team 1-Apr-06

Staffing Hire a kitchen manager Lisle/District/Core Team 1-May-06

Staffing Hire campus monitor Kevin/Will Harris 1-Jun-06

Staffing Hire Performing Arts staff/para: Tech, Dance, Vocal, Percussion Lisle/Todd/Katie 1-May-06

Testing & Assessment Determine special ed needs Lisle/Special Ed/Core Team 1-Jan-06

Testing & Assessment Develop ACT and SAT prep programs Counselor/Lisle/Core Team 1-Jun-06
Create a plan to utilize the district's Survey Center Program to assess the
Testing & Assessment success of our work. Counselor/Lisle/Core Team 1-Jun-06

Testing & Assessment Develop a system that tracks process towards graduation Counselor/Core Team 1-Jun-06

Testing & Assessment Develop a system that tracks towards standards completion Core Team 1-Jun-06

Testing & Assessment Develop a system that tracks student ILP's Special Ed/Core Team 1-Jun-06
Core Team/Todd
Testing & Assessment Develop a literacy program that will help track students Reynolds/Lisle 1-Jun-06
Develop and implement the assessment program, teach staff how to
Testing & Assessment interpret data and use it to guide instruction Lisle/Others TBD 1-Apr-06
Testing & Assessment Testing information (PSAT-CSAP) Lisle/Counselor/Others TBD 1-Aug-06

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