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Module 1 – Attention & Concentration

Activity 1

Personal Glossary : Key Concepts identified in the study material have been
highlighted in blue and presented in a style that organises the knowledge through
relevant sub topics for practical reference and application.

1.Attention & Concentration Objectives

Athletic development and performance must include the development or improvement
of the athletes ability to focus in their respective sport. This means that they are able
to optimally percieve and understand what the situation demands and accordingly
act based on their ability.
E.g. In sport an athlete will be presented with dynamic situations that require different
actions to be taken at different points of time. Attention & Concentration play a key
role in understanding the ‘state of play’ to be able to respond optimally to the

2.Factors that influence Attention & Concentration

a. Movement Proficiency
One must consider the athletes physical abilities & skills relative to their environment.
For example as motor patterns become automated, movement becomes less
voluntary, requiring low attentional focus on the athletic motor pattern of the task.
This increases the athletes information processing capacity. Therefore the athletes
development and training must be to optimally manage motor patterns so he can focus
his attention on the situation. Possible reason for lack of attention could be a deficit in
consolidation of the skill required for the specific task.

b. Information demands on the Athlete :

As the sport environment gets more competent and skilful this places a higher load on
the athletes processing capability relative to their indivudual skills. Therefore we
must assess the athletes ability to selectively address stimuli, control their
attentional focus and avoid cognitive interference. High activation or arousal may
increase anxiety and decrease the athletes ability to focus.
c.Attentional Syle & Flexibility.
Sport psychology literature suggests individual differences among athletes in
attentional styles. However most sports require being able to shift between different
styles either in training or competition. Therefore the athletes attentional flexibility
must be trained to allow the them to shift their width of attention (broad or narrow)
or direction (internal or external).

3. Tools to measure and understand Attention.

To better understand the athletes existing attention ability and demands we can use
behavioural (reaction probe), pyhsiological (HR acceleration or decelleration), or
self reporting methods (TAIS) measures.

4. Attention Models and psychological training in sport

In addition there are cognitive, social and psychophysiological models of attention.
Boutchers integrative model combines the above models and can be used to identify
the relationship between attention, athletic execution and athletes focussing
abilities. Three factors i.e.individual difference – environmental influence –
activation changes impact attention & motor execution ability

5.Attention & Concentration :Optimal Arousal Strategies

a. Cognitive – Managing Anxiety
-Thought Over run : Diapghrammatic Breathing, Centering
-Though Stopping Techinque : Use a Trigger word e.g. STOP to stop unwanted
negative thoughts and change self statement. Written list of positive thoughts.
-Thought Centering : Objective or Task e.g. praise, neutral or task related.

b. Physiological – Managing Arousal

- Arousal mangement – Progressive Relaxation

c. Attentional Strategy & Style

- Attentional Width- Expert performers must develop all styles.
- Attentional Strategy- Duration of activity is intense and short – associative style.
Duration of activity is long and low in intensity – dissociative style preferred. In
training external focus is preferred.

6. Techniques to train Attention .

- Practice Simulation : Replicate Competition Scenario Variables.
- Individual key words : Cue words or Internal Dialogue
- Routine : Pre competition
-Visual Control : Focus on relevant Stimuli

7. Techniques to train Concentration

(Concentration is Selective Attention)
-Attention Change Management Technique : Eyes Closed & Sense Awareness
-Focus Maintenance Management : Object and Emotional Distraction
- Visualisation : Mental Rehearsal of Error free Motor Patterns at different speeds &

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