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spending blood or a willpower point and making a

Arsonist Willpower roll Difficulty 9. Each success raises their

The story is broken down into 4 chapters, Chapter 1 the strength by one for the action. VTM20p261. Please refer
Introduction, Chapter 2 the Story, Chapter 3 the Antagonist, and to chapter 4 for summery of rules.
chapter 4 Rules Summery.
Its fairly easy to find the upstairs only taking 2 turns,
Chapter 1 another turn to find the room all assuming the characters can
Introduction make a successful perception check at -1 die from the smoke and a
The character are called into an emergency session of Courage roll. If the characters fail the Courage roll they cannot
court where the prince gives them a description of the arson precede further into the burning building and must leave. Whereas,
perpetrator. He informs them if they see him to tail him and find Failure on the perception roll adds another turn for the fire to
out where his safe house is, then alert the prince who will decide spread. After 5 turns the fire penetrates the outer wall. After 7 turns
what to do next. the room with the manikin is on fire. After 10 turns the entire
Along their journey they could discover a vampire in building is ablaze.
torpor, the location of a church to where the Sabbat are holding up
in the next story Ascension Night, an occult library, a haven, Scene 2b: The Tail.
maybe even get in the princes good favor or on his bad side. The characters must pass the first three shadowing rolls
to successfully tail the arsonist to his house. If successful go to
Scene 4, if not Go to Scene 3. Please refer to chapter 4 rules
Chapter 2 summery for shadowing rules.
The Arsonist Story Scene 2c: The Fight
Scene 1: Court If the character decide to go against the princes wishes
In recent news a string of arson over the past few weeks please see the final page for Stats on the Arsonist. If the prince
has been reported around the city of Gary targeting derelict finds out he will be very displeased but as long as the character did
buildings. The police have no suspects. Prince Modius calls for an not break the masquerade his hands are tied for any action beyond
emergency assembly of court. During this event he warns the a stern verbal thrashing. If the prince does not find out the arson
vampires of his city to keep an eye out for the culprit committing stops and the characters never find the haven.
Maltov Cocktail fire bombing hate crimes against the Cainites of
Gary. Witnesses reported a seeing white male about 6 foot tall Scene 3: Failing the Tail
wearing all black and driving a black cargo van with dark tinted
The Arsonist acts like nothing is happening allowing the
windows committing the arson. If you see him, without getting
characters to follow him. He will then pull down an alley throwing
caught, I urge you to follow him to his layer to see if he has
out a lit Maltov cocktail into a trash pile. If the character still
anyone else assisting him. The Prince would like this information
follow after begin a chase scene. Remember to have the players
reported to him so he can decide his next move.
roll a courage check see if they continue the shadowing.
See Chapter 4 summary rules for pursuit. Prince Modius
Scene 2: The Fire Bombing will not be angry at the characters for botching the shadowing. If
Sometime later that week the characters are driving to the characters catch him he will fight his way out please refer to
the Rack where they stumble across a van matching the description the Antagonist section in Chapter 3. Prince Modius will be angry if
of the arsonists vehicle. Moments later a fire erupts on the outer the characters broke the Masquerade while fighting the Arsonist.
walls of what looks like a a derelict house. The Arsonist will begin the combat with two lit Maltov Cocktails,
• The character must at this time make a Courage roll then he will try to shoot the characters.
difficulty 7 to stay at the scene.
• The characters must also make a perception roll Scene 4: Finding the Haven
difficulty 6. Success means that the character notices The characters follow the Arsonist to a large derelict
moment in the upstairs window. 3 successes the mansion with an automated cast iron gate. Smart players will call
character notices several large rats running from the or visit the Prince, notifying him of their discovery. He will get
building. 5+ successes it was a manikin that the rats back to them the next night. See Scene 5.
knocked over. Alternately the Players could confront the Arsonist after
discovering his safe house, his stats are located in Chapter 3. The
The players are stuck now have a few decisions to make, prince will not be happy that the characters went against his
rush into a burning fire to save someone (2a), follow the arsonist wishes to confront the arsonist but as long as the Masquerade
like the the prince wants (2b), or stop the arsonist before he wasn't broken he will not punish them.
strikes again (2c).

Scene 2a: The Burning House

Scene 5: Breaking into the Haven
The characters must first break into the house which The Haven is an old house located about a mile from the
requires breaking down the back door. If the choose this option rack, it has automatic gates with an intercom system, All the
without following the vehicle a shopping mall will be set on fire in windows are barred closed, A police bar across the front and back
one week and the arsonist will be arrested. Adventure over metal doors, Black and white video cameras watching the gate, the
front door, the garage entrance, and the back door. Foam fire
• The wooden door can be broken down with a strength of
security system in each room. Concealed room under the basement
three. A character could increase their strength by
where the vampire is in torpor, and one trap one vault room recognize him. So he wanted payback, thats when he began the
incinerator which is set up with an automatic closing door opened fire bombing.
only by the outside, it has three large fireproof safes inside as Roleplaying: John is very quiet man, his one goal in life is to free
decoys (all are empty), If even one is opened it sets off the his sister from the vampires house she dwells in. He hopes that his
incinerator and closes the vault door. Requiring a Potence of 5 to firebombs will distract the vampires so that he can break in ans
open or 5 successes on a Dexterity + Larceny to reset the system save her. He is quick to act, and is always trying to think at least
opening the door. Note- the concealed room under the basement one move ahead before he strikes.
takes 5 successes on a Perception + Alertness roll Difficulty 7 to Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Charisma 2,
find. If the characters find it Go to Scene 6. Manipulation 2, Appearance 1, Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Awareness 2, Brawl 3,
This scene depends on when the characters decide to Intimidation 2, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2
attack the Arsonist this is a timeline of his nightly schedule Skills: Drive 3, Firearms 4, Larceny 3, Melee 3, Stealth 3,
Monday through Friday Survival 1
6 am to 7 am get ready for work Knowledge's: Academics 1, Computer 1, Law 1, Medicine 1,
7 am to 8 am drive to work Occult 2, Science 2, Technology 2
8 am to 5 pm work at fed ex Backgrounds: Resources 2, Occult Library 2, Haven (Size 3,
5 pm to 6 pm drive home Security 5, Location 2) For a discription of the Haven see Scene 5.
7 pm to 7 15 pm Shower Humanity 4, Willpower 5, Conscience 2, Self Control 2, Courage 5
715 pm to 10 pm watch tv and reading the occult books Note- there is a room filled with black and white 10 pictures of
11pm to 6 am sleep vampires who live in Gary of all the pictures only 2 still live in
Gary. Lucian and Modius. Along with addresses to 10 houses, 7 of
On the weekends he spends the daytime covered by his which were burnt down. One is Prince Modius's Mansion, another
work time stalking out his next target. He will leave shortly after once belonged to Lucian but was tore down being replaced with a
midnight to burn the next target down usually Saturday. Sunday he Walmart, and lastly a church.
relaxes at home.
Although sadistic characters will fight fire with fire
burning the Arsonists house down killing the rats, termites, the Maltov Cocktail VTM20p297
arsonist, and the vampire. Dexterity + Athletics to attack
Difficulty to soak 9
Scene 6: The Vampire in the Basement Damage 3 Aggravated
The concealed room under the basement takes 5
successes on a Perception + Alertness roll Difficulty 7 to find. If Light Pistol
the characters find it, they find a single rotten wooden coffin with Damage 4, Range 20, Rate 4, Capacity 15+1
a water bloated corpse inside (6 th Generation Vampire in torpor,
worse yet there is also a piece of wood in his heart) The vampire
looks to be wearing clothing from the 80's. The 10 x 10 room itself
is mostly submerged in water. See Standing Fox in chapter 3. Standing Fox
5th generation Brujah
Child of Critas
Nature: Plotter
Demeanor: Survivor
Scene 7: The Gift of the Haven Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 7, Stamina 5, Charisma 3,
Prince Modius quite happy with the turnout of the
Manipulation 3, Appearance 4, Perception 3, Intelligence 6, Wits 4
characters actions will give the haven to the characters as a reward
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 7, Awareness 6, Brawl 5,
for their good work in protecting the vampires of Gary. He does
Intimidation 6,
tell them that the Mansion belonged to an old friend of his named
Skills: Archery 6, Drive 1, Firearms 2, Melee 4, Stealth 7,
Standing Fox whom had been missing for nearly 20 years.
Survival 4
Knowledge's: Computer 1, Law 2, Occult 5,
Chapter 3 Disciplines: Animalism 5, Auspex 3, Celerity 5, Fortitude 4,
Antagonists Potence 6, Presence 5, Thaumaturgy Path of Blood 4.
Backgrounds: Allies 5, Status 5 (Gary Brujah Primogen),
John Marks the Arsonist. Resources 5 (Invested in Apple) , Occult Library 2, Haven (Size 3,
Nature: Survivor
Security 5, Location 2) For a description of the Haven see Scene 5.
Demeanor: Bonvivant
Humanity 7, Willpower 9, Conscience 4, Self Control 4, Courage
John was a normal run of the B&E artist who stumbled
upon an empty house which has mail piling up since the 1980's
Note: If the characters are given the house and do not find the
with a small library and room devoted to vampire hunting. He may
secret room the he will awaken 6 months later from the termites
not have even bothered with any of this but after reading the lore
and rot from the water.
books while watching his favorite shows over the next few months
of squatting he began to notice that supernaturals actually exist.
His first target was actually Modius's mansion but as he stalked it
out he noticed his sister inside the mansion. One day he acted like
a lost pizza delivery driver, she answered the door but didn't even Chapter 4
Summery Of Rolls

• [Dexterity/Wits + Drive]: A Drive roll isn’t needed to
Strength Feats Lift (lbs/kg)
1 Crush a beer can 40/20
steer a vehicle under normal circumstances, assuming your
2 Break a wooden chair 100/45
character has at least one dot in the Drive Skill. That said, bad
3 Break down a wooden door 250/115
weather, the vehicle’s speed, obstacles, and complex maneuvers
4 Break a wooden plank 400/180
can challenge even the most competent drivers. Specific
5 Break open a metal fire door 650/295
difficulties based on these circumstances are up to the Storyteller,
6 Throw a motorcycle 800/360
but should increase as the conditions become more hazardous.
7 Flip over a small car 900/410
For example, driving in heavy rain is +1 difficulty, but
8 Break a lead pipe 1000/455
going fast while also trying to lose pursuers increases the difficulty
9 Punch through a cement wall 1200/545
to +3. Similarly, maneuvering in heavy traffic is +1, but doing so
10 Rip open a steel drum 1500/680
at a breakneck pace while avoiding pursuit bumps the difficulty to
11 Punch through 1”/2.5 cm thick sheet metal 2000/910
+3. A failed roll indicates trouble, requiring an additional roll to
12 Break a metal lamp post 3000/1360
avoid crashing or losing control. Characters in control of a vehicle,
13 Throw a station wagon 4000/1815
and who have no dots in the Drive Skill, need a roll for almost
14 Throw a van 5000/2265
every change in course or procedure. On a botch, the vehicle may
15 Throw a truck 6000/2720
spin out of control or worse.
Because different cars handle differently — some are
designed for speed and handling while others are designed for Characters can work together to lift an object. This is a
safety — the following chart helps calculate the difficulty for any “teamwork roll” for which the secondary individual players roll
maneuver. Generally, for every 10 miles or 15 kilometers per hour separately and the successes add extra dice to the primary's die
over the safe driving speed of a vehicle, the difficulty of any pool. His successes resulting success or failure.
maneuver is increased by one. Exceedingly challenging stunts and Lifting is all or nothing — if you fail the roll, nothing
bad road conditions should also increase the difficulty accordingly. happens. At the Storyteller’s discretion, your character’s effective
The maximum number of dice a driver can have in her dice pool Strength may be raised if all she wants to do is drag something a
when driving is equal to the maneuver rating of the vehicle. short distance instead of pick it up. On a botch, your character may
Simply put, even the best driver will have more trouble with a pull a muscle or drop the object on her own foot.
dump truck than she will with a Ferrari.

Modern Vehicles Pursuit

Vehicle Safe Speed (mph/kph) Max Speed (mph/kph) • [Dexterity + Athletics/Drive]: Vampires must
Maneuver often pursue their terrified prey, and sometimes they themselves
6-Wheel Truck 60/95 90/145 3 must flee. Generally, pursuit can be resolved automatically by
Tank (modern) 60/95 100/160 4 using the formulas for calculating movement; if one party is
Tank (WWII) 30/50 40/65 3 clearly faster than another, the faster party catches or evades the
Bus 60/95 100/160 3 slower party eventually. However, dramatic situations may occur if
18-Wheeler 70/110 110/175 4 two characters are of equal or nearly equal speeds, or if one
Sedan 70/110 120/195 5 character is slower but might lose the faster character or make it to
Minivan 70/110 120/195 6 safety before she catches him. In these cases, use the system
Compact 70/110 130/210 6 below.
Sporty Compact 100/160 140/225 7 Basic pursuit is an extended action. The target starts with
Sport Coupe 110/175 150/240 8 a number of free extra successes based on his distance from the
Sports Car 110/175 160/255 8 pursuer. This breaks down as follows: on foot, one for every two
Exotic Car 130/210 190+/305+ 9 yards/meters ahead of pursuers; in vehicles, one for every 10
Luxury Sedan 85/135 155/250 7 yards/meters ahead of pursuers. For chases involving vampires and
Sport Sedan 85/135 165/265 8 mortals, remember that mortals tire, but the undead do not.
Midsize 75/120 125/200 6 The target and pursuers make the appropriate roll
SUV/ Crossover 70/110 115/185 6 (depending on the type of pursuit) each turn, adding new successes
Formula One Racer 140/225 240/385 10 to any successes rolled in previous turns. When the pursuer
accumulates more total successes than the target has, she catches
up and may take further actions to stop the chase. As the target
Lifting/Breaking accumulates successes, he gains distance from his pursuers and
• [Strength]: The following chart may use that lead to lose his opponents. Each success that the
provides the minimum Strength needed to deadlift various weights quarry accumulates beyond the pursuer’s total acts as a +1
or break objects without a die roll. Characters of lower Strength difficulty to any Perception roll a pursuer must make to remain on
may roll to affect heavier weights than their Strength ratings allow the target’s tail. The Storyteller may call for the pursuer to make a
for. The roll is made not with Strength, but with Willpower, and is Perception roll at any time (though not more than once each turn).
difficulty 9. Each success advances the character by one level on If the pursuer fails this roll, her target is considered to have slipped
the chart. away (into the crowd, into a side street). On a botch, the pursuer
loses her quarry immediately. If the quarry botches, he stumbles or
ends up at a dead end.

• [Dexterity + Stealth, Wits +Drive]:
Shadowing someone requires that your character keep tabs on the
target without necessarily catching her — without being noticed.
At the Storyteller’s discretion, or if the target suspects she’s being
pursued, the target’s player can roll Perception + Alertness
whenever she has a chance to spot her tail (the Storyteller decides
when such an opportunity arises). The pursuer’s player opposes
this with a Dexterity + Stealth roll (or Wits + Drive, if the
shadower is in a vehicle). The difficulty for both rolls is typically
6, but can be modified by conditions (heavy crowds, empty streets,
etc.). The target must score at least one more success than her
shadow does to spot the tail; if she does, she may act accordingly.

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