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4.1 Purpose of slope analysis

4.2 Techniques of slope measurement

4.3 Regional distribution of average slope

4.4 Frequency distribution of average slope

4.5 Correlation between average slope and

absolute, Correlation between average slope

and relative relief

4.6 Profile analysis



In 1974, Savindra Singh and R. Srivastava wrote “Slope is an angular

inclination of region between crests and base of the valley. Geological
structure, climate, vegetation cover, drainage network, drainage texture and
frequency, bifurcation ration, absolute relief, relative relief, dissection index,
and erosion are the causative factors which combination is developing the
slope. It is important geomorphic attributes in the study of landforms of a
drainage basin”.

Thus the slope is upward or downward inclination of ground between
mountain and valley. The shape of the slope is concave, convex, free face and
rectilinear which are known as morphology of slope. The convex element
originates in the crest, free face element is found in steep inclination of slope
and is shown like a wall which is resting on the sedimentary cover. Rectilinear
element represents a straight line of the hill slope profile that is generally
found in between upper free face and concave element which the concavity is
defined by the basal section of an ideal mountain slope (fig. 4.1).

Fig. 4.1 Show the element of slope

In landscape assemblages, slope plays a most important role. The
physical landscapes are the result of the mixture of various types of slopes.

4.1 Purpose of slope analysis

Plain and terraces are more significant in the mountain regions which
place a most suitable for the developing of morpho-environmental landscape.
Slope is master key to describe and analyse the landform and it is introduced
as variation and complexity of the landform development in the basin. The
development and formation of landforms are dependent on the shape of slope

and process of slope development. So the analysis of slope is very important in
morphometric analysis. The main purpose of the present slope analysis is to
study the characteristics and distributional pattern of average slope and to
express numerically the regional distribution of the slope.
4.2 Techniques of slope measurement
In geomorphic study, the computation of slope from topographical
maps involves tedious and time-consuming procedures. Several techniques of
the derivation and computation of average slope from topographical maps
have been suggested from time to time, e.g., Finsterwalder, Rich, C.K.

Wentworth, G. H. Smith, Raize & Henry, A. H. Robinsons, A.N. Strahler and

others. Some techniques are given below:
In 1890, S. Finsterwalder determined the slope analysis. In this
method, the total length of contour in the entire basin or area is calculated.
There-upon, the following formula used to calculate the average slope of the
study area:-

Total lenght of contour × contours interval

( )=
Total area

C. K. Wantworth (1930) introduced a simple method for the

determination of average slope. The result gives the average slope in tangent
of the average direction of slope which can be changed into degree with
tangent tables. Wontworth used the following formula to perform average
slope analysis:

= ∅= ×

N= number of contour crossings per unit length
I = contour interval
336.6 = constant value

G. H. Smith (1935) established the relationship between the highest

and the lowest contours in the study area. He used the term relative relief. Rich
used an alternative method to determine the average slope essentially by
counting the contour intersection along line at right angles to the contours; this
method is simpler as well as more readily applied than that of Finsterwalder
and applicable to more complex maps.
According to Strahler (1956) among all these methods, the Wentworth
technique is considered to be most useful and applicable as well as very easy
to calculate. Most of the methods or techniques are largely dependent on this
technique. Therefore, this technique is considered as a base of other methods.

4.3 Regional distribution of average slope

Slope is the most significant characteristic of the earth's surface form.
Maximum slope line is well marked in the direction of a channel reaching
downwards on the ground surface. Slope map (Fig. 4.2) is created by using
Surface Analysis Tool in ArcGIS-9.3 software.
According to Wenthworth (1930), erodibility of a watershed can be
studied and can be compared with its average slope. More the percentage of
slopes more will be the erosion, if all other things are kept constant. The
Ladhiya catchment is divided into four major slope groups. There are:
1. Gentle slope (< 100)
2. Moderate slope (100-200)
3. Steep slope (200- 300)
4. Very steep slope (> 300)
Table 4.1 Shows the area of different slope groups in the Ladhiya catchment.
Sl.No. Slope group (in Area Category of slope

Km2 %
1 < 10 154.39 Gentle
2 10 - 20 348.26 Moderate
3 20 - 30 223.78 Steep
4 > 30 17.22 2.32 Very steep
Total 743.65 100

Gentle slope

The spatial distribution of these slope groups in the study area is given bellow.

Gentle slope area of Ladhiya catchment varies between 00 to100, which

is encompassing about 154.39 km2 (20.76%) (Table 4.1). Generally the valley
regions and river terraces are characterized by the gentle slope. Maximum
portion of gentle slope of Ladhiya catchment is in the form of river terraces.
The gentle slopes are found in the entire Ladhiya catchment in big and small
patches (fig.5.2). Some of the villages of the catchment that lie on the gentle

slopes are Devidhura, Chamrura, Dharouj, Pakhauti, Ladhauri, Rautyura,

Digti, Joshyura, Topnilpal, Kathaul, Chyurakhark, Suyalkbank, Asera and
Kothoul etc. Most of the landforms of gentle slope group falls under alluvium
Moderate slope
Moderate slope area that falls under 100 to 200 covers an area of 348.26
km2 of the total Ladhiya Catchment area(743.65 km2). The moderate slope
area depicts 46.83 percent of the total area and is defined as the largest slope
group of the entire cathchment. In general, the moderate slope is found above
the gentle slope on the mid- ridge area and the hills forming the convex shape.
Mostly, the moderate slope areas are covered by the forest like Chaura
Reserve Forest, south of Dolar village, Debguru East Reserve Forest and
Dharson dhar forest etc.


Fig. 4.2 Slope magnitude map of Ladhiya catchment

Steep slope
This zone encompasses slope magnitude from 200 to 300. It is covers
an area of 223.78 km2 which is 30.09 % of the whole Ladhiya catchment
area.This zone has a large portion in eastern side of the Ladhiya catchment. In
north- east of the Ladhiya catchment, small patches of this group of slope are
found. These slopes are roofed by dense forest. The various villages falling in
this steep slopes zones are Airwari, Matiyali, Katna, Gullaritha, Sal, Kumalta,
Tand, and Bari etc.
Very steep slope

In the north-east of the basin very steep slope zone, where maximum
slope is more than 300 is found. This very steep slope zone includes about
17.22 km2 of area which amounts of 2.32 % of entire catchment. This group
has small isolated patches in the form of vertical scarps on either sides of
enclosed stream network. No villages are found in the very steep slope.
Slope Aspect
Aspect is a significant component in slope analysis of basin morphometry.
Aspect defines as a direction of compass that a surface faces. Aspect depicts
clock -wise direction from the north which also shows directional measures of

slope. The major classifications of aspect are as follows

 North
 North –East
 East
 South- East
 South
 South – West
 West and
 North – West
For the preparation of aspect maps of Ladhiya catchment, Arc GIS 9.3
software was used with the help of digital elevation model (DEM) of Ladhiya
catchment. Surface analysis tool in 3D analyst tool box was used for making
the aspect map (fig. 4.3).

Table 4.2 Shows the area of different slope aspect groups in the
Ladhiya catchment.

Sl.No. Aspect name Aspect ( in degree) Area

Km2 %
1 North 337.5 – 22.5 80.19 10.78
2 Northeast 22.5 – 67.5 105.58 14.20
3 East 67.5 -112.5 97.18 13.07
4 Southeast 112.5 – 157.5 96.54 12.98

5 South 157.5 – 202.5 97.85 13.16
6 Southwest 202.5 – 247.5 107.47 14.45
7 West 247.5 – 292.5 86.67 11.65
8 Northwest 292.5 – 337.5 72.17 9.70
Total 743.65 100
Brief accounts of following groups are bellow:
Aspect of north
Aspect of north is defined as a direction of surface slope Between
337.50 to 22.50. It covers about 80.19 km2 which 10.78 % of total Ladhiya

catchment. The maximum area under aspect of north lies in extreme southern
portion of Ladhiya catchment. In the northern portion small patches of this
aspect, are found.

Aspect of Northeast
In this portion the slope have a direction between 22.5 to 67.50.
Almost 14.20 % area of the catchment falls under this aspect with account to
an area 105.58 km2 .area of this aspect is situated in southern side of Ladhiya
catchment. Small patches are also found in the northwest of the catchment
particularly in Lingrani, Jhuplibanjh, and Nortoula villages. Large patches are
found in the central portion of Ladhiya catchment, particularly in
Chhotrogorha, Sanuura, Goti, and Dhora laggo villages. Few patches are
located in the eastern part of Ladhiya catchment.


Fig.4.3 Slope aspect map of Ladhiya catchment

Aspect of east
Under the aspect of east, the direction of surface slope lies between
67.50 to 112.50. It has 97.18 km2 which is 13.07 % area of the total Ladhiya
catchment area. A large area in the northwest of the Ladhiya catchment in
Chama, Serka dinai, Bhut, Simal kodiya Chuchang, villages has aspect of east.
Large patches are located in the central part of Ladhiya catchment at Kalkhan,
Banpas and Diwarak villages. Eastern portion of the Ladhiya catchment also
registers few patches are found.

Aspect of Southeast
This aspect belongs to the aspect group of 112.50 – 157.50. It covers
an area of 96.54 km2 which is of 12.98 % of the whole Ladhiya catchment
area.Three patches of this aspect group are found in the eastern portion,
central part and western side of the Ladhiya catchment .Few patches are also
located in extreme southwest of the Ladhiya catchment.

Aspect of south
About 97.85 km2 area or 13.16 % area of the Ladhiya catchment falls
under this aspect group. This aspect lies between 157.50 to 202.50 directions of

the surface slope. The combinations of small and large patches are located in
the entire Ladhiya catchment. The maximum patches are represented by dense
forest of Ladhiya catchment (fig.4.3).

Aspect of southwest
The upper portion of the main Ladhiya river bank is represented by the
aspect of south which lies between 202.50 to 247.50. It is covered by an area of
107.47 km2 which is 14.45 % of the whole Ladhiya catchment area. It is the
largest group of the Ladhiya catchment. The villages which lie on the
southwest aspect are Sirna, Jyuli, Tolkhet, Jonera, Giwani, Pasoda, and Pali
etc. Above these villages, mostly the aspects of southwest have a dense and
fixed forest.

Aspect of west
The aspect of west lies between 247.50 to 292.50. It has an area of
86.67 km2 which is of 11.65 % of the entire Ladhiya catchment area. It
encompasses middle part to northern part of Ladhiya catchment. The villages
which are located in the west aspect are Danya, Gurna, Kuyirgoan, Duwar,
Burshkhola, Bisa, Ritha, Garsari and Dundi etc. The maximum patches are
located in the dense forest and some patches are agriculture land.

Aspect of northwest

In this aspect of slope direction between 292.5 0 to 337.50 is registered.
Almost 9.70 % (72.17 Km2) area of the catchment falls under this aspect.The
small and large patches are located in the entire Ladhiya catchment. The
villages are situated in this aspect are Bhowarkot, Bhat, Mahar pinana,
Modyali, Koruli, Olka, Gombir and Garhkot etc. The maximum patches of this
aspect represent agriculture land .

4.4 Frequency distribution of average slope

In the average slopes distribution of Ladhiya catchment the largest area
is represented by the group of 100 -200 and lowest area by above 300 (fig.4.4).

The largest group is 46.83 and above 300 group is 2.32 percent. The frequency
distribution map (fig.4.4) shows that the maximum frequency lie between the
slope group of 100 to 200 of the Ladhiya catchment and lowest frequency is
registered by above 300 slope group of the catchment. The values of mean,
median, mode and coefficient of standard deviation and correlation of the
Ladhiya catchment stand at 16.4, 16.24, 16.08, 0.4 and 0.49 respectively. The
difference between these values indicates the varying nature of slope.

t el
Fig. 4.4 Frequency distribution of the average slope in the Ladhiya catchment

4.5 Correlation between average slope and absolute,

Correlation between average slopes and relative relief
An analysis of relationship between morphometric variables using
statistical methods of correlation represents the characteristics of catchment.
The relationship between various morphometric variables of Ladhiya
catchment like degree of slope, absolute relief, relative relief, stream length
and stream frequency registers paramount significance for the proper
understanding of the fluvial landform development.

4.5.1 Average slope and absolute relief

To find the coefficient of correlation Pearson’ product method was
used. The correlation table (table 4.3) was prepared. The coefficient of

correlation (-0.185) shows that the absolute relief and average slope are
negatively but insignificantly correlated.

Table 4.3 The bivariate frequency distribution of average slope and

absolute relief in the Ladhiya catchment

Absolute Average slope (in degree) Total

reli(in 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50

2000-2500 7 34 35 - - 76

1500-2000 23 181 192 19 1 416

1000-1500 - 56 197 19 - 272

500-1000 3 26 33 4 - 66
0-500 1 - 1 - - 2

Total 34 297 458 42 1 832

4.5.1 Average slope and relative relief

Average slope and relative relief have cause and effect relationship
with of each other. When any regions have the high degree of slope, it
accelerates the intensity of fluvial erosion and thus results in high degree of
rundown which results in to high relative relief. Similarly high relative relief,
whether it is denudational or tectonic origin, maintains high degree of slope.
Pearson’s product moment method, the coefficient of correlation has
been computed to explain the correlation between average slope and relative
relief. The value of coefficient of correlation (0.98) shows (Table 4.4) that the
relative relief and average slope are strongly positively correlated. It proves
the concept that the lower degree of slope corresponds to low relative relief.
Relative relief is defined as, difference between maximum elevation and
minimum elevation. Slope is outcome of VI/HE, where VI is vertical interval
and VI is a difference of maximum and minimum elevation. Erosion is

directly controlled by the vertical interval (height) and therefore is an
important factor for controlling the slope.

Table 4.4 The bivariate frequency distribution of average slope and

absolute relief in the Ladhiya catchment.

relative relief Average slope (in degree)

(in metre) Total
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 Total
600-800 - - 2 8 10

400-600 - 2 192 28 222
200-400 1 194 238 6 439
0-200 34 105 20 2 161
Total 35 301 452 44 832
4.6 Profile analysis
In morphometric analysis, the detection of any erosion surface in the
catchment helps the investigator to determine the stage of the landform. To
define erosional surface different techniques were used, such as, serial

profiles, superimposed profile, projected profile composite profile and

altimetric frequency curve. “The conversation of the general nature of regional
difference with the help of profiles is necessary because of the limitation of
contour map. The contour map does not indicate complete picture of the
region (shodganga). Thus the different profiles are very useful in
understanding the sharpness of absolute relief. The serial, superimposed,
projected and composite profiles have been drown along the Northeast to
Southwest, that is to show a clear picture and also a panoramic view of the
entire Ladhiya catchment. The profile map of the Ladhiya catchment is
prepared with help of Arc GIS 9.3 software with digital elevation model
(DEM). The following steps are used to make a profile of the Ladhiya

Step – 1
First draw a interpolated line in the entire Ladhiya catchment with help
of interpolated tool in the 3D analyst tools box (fig. 4.5).

Fig. 4.5 Step – I
Step -2
Select the interpolated line in the Ladhiya catchment and click to
create graph tool in 3D analyst tool box. The software is run and give a desire

serial profile of the Ladhiya catchment(fig. 4.6)

Fig. 4.6 Step – 2

Step -3
To create superimposed profiles of Ladhiya catchment.All the
interpolated lines are selected and then clicked on to create profile graph tool.
Software is run and gives a desire profile (fig 4.7)

Fig. 4.7 Step – 3

Thus the projected and composite profiles maps of Ladhiya catchment

are prepared with the help of superimposed profile. These profile show gorge,

ridges and v shaped valleys in the Ladhiya catchment (fig 4.8).

The interpretation of the profile of the Ladhiya catchment is as
(I) Serial profile
For developing the serial profile maps ten sets of serial profiles in the
entire catchment are drawn .Cross section 1 to 2 of the Ladhya catchment
show the Sothern portion of Ladhiya catchment (fig.4.8) which has the
maximum relief of approximate 2000 metre and minimum is 0f 1300 metre.
Cross sections 3 to 6 depict the central portion of the Ladhiya catchment. This
group represents the maximum relief of about between 2000 metre to 2100
metre and minimum relief is bellow 400 metre. The cross sections 7 to 10
represent the extreme northern portion of the Ladhiya catchment. The
maximum relief of the this group is above 2000 mette and minimum relief is
about 1000 metre. This portion is quite wide rather than southern part of the
Ladhiya catchment. Erosional processes are more active in this part in
comparison the southern and middle portion of the Ladhiya catchment.

(II) Superimposed profile

Superimposed profiles of the Ladhiya catchment depict the panoramic
view of the high peak and deep valleys (fig 4.8). that shows the approximately
the true characteristic of regions. The superimposed profile discloses the
erosional activities by the river streams and relief or slope of Ladhiya
catchment. (fig 4.8) shows the clear picture of low and higher relief of the

Ladhiya catchment.

(III) Projected profile:

Projected profiles of the Ladhiya catchment are drawn with
the help of superimposed profiles by mitigatating the obscurity. Projected
profiles depicted the rise and fall and undulating terrain’s visible in the
Ladhiya catchment. The high-land topographic expressions are accepted to
portray vista view of the study area. Projected profiles show a vivid image of
the amount of relief and general nature of dissection of the terrain.

(IV) Composite profile:

The composite profiles show the highest branch of the summit
levels as seen from a distant place. Ladhiya catchment exhibits the ruggedness
of the sky line and the clear peaks summit at the higher altitude. The skyline of
the Ladhiya catchment lies between 800 metre to 2300 metre (fig 4.8).

Fig. 4.8 Show the (A) superimposed profile (B) projected profile and (C)
composite profile, of the Ladhiya catchment.



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