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The Anoixi Herald------ www.theanoixiherald.weebly.

com-----The Anoixi Herald

2018 -

A chance to celebrate Halloween

Last month we were invited to spend Hallow-

een with our friends in PEGKAP. It was de-
cided that B2 would be the lucky class. After
careful planning and preparation, the big day
finally came! We started with face-painting at
school and then we set off! We had two beau-
tifully carved pumpkins, helium red, black
and white balloons, a spider web target to play
“pin the spider on the web”, lots of materials
to do a variety of arts and crafts and all the neces-
sary ingredients to decorate special Halloween
cookies and plenty of…..toilet paper! The get-
together started with a very interesting presenta-
tion in order to inform the people there what Hal-
loween is all about as they had no idea whatso-
ever! Then we played “pin the spider on the web” and
after that we had a small break for refreshments. After
the break, we started the art-and-craft activities as
well as the decoration of the Halloween cookies. Eve-
rybody worked in groups. There were candles, straw
skeletons, bats, ghosts, a wide range of deco-
rations and jewellery! As you can see, a
whole table was filled with our creations! Fi-
nally, we played “wrap the mummy”. The
girls won!! Before we left, we ate the cookies
we had prepared and everyone was allowed
to take a small memento with them!! We re-
turned at school at 1.30. Everybody was very
Comic Strip
THE KIDNAPPED SANTA by Spyros Giantsoulis 1st Grade

los Orestis 3rd

Page 2
Let's find out how Christmas is celebrated in
the United States!!
Christmas holds a great signifi- ple get into the celebratory Christmas trees are put up in
cance for the people of the mode much before the Christ- houses and offices, decorations
United States. And this is a mas day actually arrives. are in full swing be it the street
piece of information we must or the home, people exchange
look into!! Christmas day in the gifts with friends and family
US is celebrated on 25th of De- and they exchange gifts with
cember every year and it cele- each other. Doesn’t a Christmas
brates the birth of Jesus Christ trip to the US sound interest-
much like in other parts of the ing?
world. John Kokmotros 3rd Grade
Here, the celebration is accom-
panied by the winter hues. Peo-

Best Christmas celebration Destinations

MALDIVES Here, we are going to -A Pleasant trip to Mauritius
Christmas is the mention some of those -Do various activities in Thai-
time of the year MAURITIOUS
enthralling locations land
when the whole THAILAND that will render you -And my favourite is a Cheer-
world wishes to or with a chance to take a ful Christmas celebration in
celebrate in a differ- shower in the sun and South Africa
ent and even unique SOUTH AFRICA?
say cheerful wishes at
way. And, of course your Christmas party.
a trip to a destination charming
enough to captivate your atten- Here we go...
tion would be the best option to
celebrate Christmas day. -A Rejuvenating trip to the
Caption describing picture or
Christmas in JAPAN
Encouraged by commerce, the secular celebration of Christmas is popular in Japan, though Christmas is
not a national holiday. Gifts are sometimes exchanged. Christmas parties are held around Christmas
Day: Japanese Christmas cake, a white sponge cake covered with cream and decorated with strawber-
ries, is often consumed and Stollen cake, either imported or made locally, is widely available. Christmas
lights decorate cities, and Christmas trees adorn living areas and malls.Christmas Eve has become a
holiday for couples to spend time together and exchange gifts. A successful advertising campaign in the
1970s made eating at KFC around Christmas a national custom. Its chicken meals are so popular during
the season that stores take reservations months in advance.

Eliana Metai 1st Grade

Page 3
Cinnamon Rolls Recipe Method
Christmas is here, and with it comes our
favorite part of the season: delicious holi- 1) To make the dough, beat the eggs, sugar and salt
day desserts!
together in a large bowl. Combine the warm milk
There are so many amazing desserts to
and margarine and add to the egg mixture.
make during the holiday sea-
son: impressive pies, stunning 2) Slowly add half the flour and beat well. Add the yeast
cakes, and of course, cinnamon rolls. and mix thoroughly. Add the remaining flour and mix
Let’s see a deli- on medium speed for 7 minutes.
cious recipe to 3) Place the dough in an oiled bowl and cover with cling
make this Christ-
film. Let the dough rise to double its size, about 1
Ingredients 4) Preheat the oven to 180C/Gas 4. Roll the dough into
For the dough a 45cm by 60cm rectangle.
5) To make the filling, spread 125g of margarine over
4 eggs the dough and sprinkle the entire surface with brown
sugar, cinnamon and chopped pecans.
175g caster 6) Roll the dough into a cylinder shape, starting with the
sugar bottom edge, and then cut into 12 slices.
7) Place the slices onto a greased baking tray and bake
1 tsp fine salt for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave to
500ml milk, lukewarm 8) In the meantime, mix all the ingredients for the icing
125g margarine together and beat until smooth. Spread the icing
over the cooled rolls and serve immediately.
1.2kg plain flour, divided Elizabeth Chronopoulou 2nd Grade
2 tbsp yeast
For the filling
125g margarine

400g brown sugar Ugly Christmas Sweaters

3 tbsp ground cinnamon
 Firstly, you can use felt or to gift your sweater, take a
150g pecans, chopped fabric to create fabric marker and write
silhouettes of dogs, presents, your or your friends name
For the icing trees or whatever your heart or a very common used
desires. word for some personal
500g powdered sugar  Also you can use fabric touches.
125g margarine
glue or stitch your creations  And….
on. that's it!!! It is a very simple
250ml milk and cheap alternative for a
Christmas sweater. However,
In America there is a trend
this is not only for Christmas,
called ''ugly'' Christmas
you can adapt the ideas for a
sweaters. You might think
different season or holiday.
''How can they be a trend if
Anyway, I hope you got an idea
they are ugly?''...Actually they
of what you can give to your
are not even ugly. The trend
loved ones for Christmas!!!
calls them like that. For this
specific reason they are very  Secondly, for some glam ,
Merry Christmas Everyone !!!
expensive. Their price calls you can add some tinsel or
from 25-50$!! But today I'm some colorful ribbon. Amalia Raftaki 1st GradeWe’re
here to give you some ideas to  But lastly if you want on the Web!
do them yourselves. something extra or you want

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