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Final Test Basic Class

A. Choose the correct answer !

1. Just because I once got a speeding ticket, my pareants object to ..... to taking the car for
even short drives.
A. I
B. My
C. Me
D. Mine
2. We were going to watch ......., but the review said that it was a flop.
A. The movie frightening
B. The frightened movie
C. The frightening movie
D. The frighten movie
3. Madam Levin requires that her employee ..... more cooperative in the next meeting.
A. Is
B. Are
C. Be
D. Being
4. Australia is one of the biggest cuntries in the world, but there are not ........ there.
A. Much island
B. Many islands
C. Many island
D. Much islands
5. Margaret likes playing music, ....... often presents her appearance in front of class.
A. She
B. He
C. They
D. Her
6. The food ......... delicious, I have eaten more this morning.
A. Feel
B. Feels
C. Taste
D. Tastes
7. It is difficult to carry ....... things to the office, so I need your help for a moment.
A. Much
B. Pair
C. Many
D. That
8. Yesterday I ..... a big tree because it disturbed the pedestrian.
A. See
B. Saw
C. Sew
D. Sawed
9. Because she is going ........ her job, she must stay in office until night.
A. For finishing
B. To finishing
C. To finish

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Final Test Basic Class

D. Finish
10. When Sue has just arrived in home, direcly she lay ...... bed because she is tired.
A. In
B. At
C. On
D. Beside
11. When we ....... at the education fair last year, than the presentation from University of
Harvard was over.
A. Has come
B. Had come
C. Have come
D. Had came
12. Based on the research, after ........., people will immediately check their phone.
A. Wake up
B. Woke up
C. Waking up
D. Will wake up
13. ........ more than 65,000 described species of protozoa, of which more than half are
A. Being that there are
B. There being
C. Are there
D. There are

14. My sister ...... two subjects this semester, one is Public Administration and the other is
A. Attending
B. Attended
C. Attends
D. Attend
15. That the world is round is still .......
A. Debatable
B. Debate
C. Debator
D. Debated

B. Translate the paragraphs in English

1. Using Present

Azwar adalah seorang sahabat baikku. Dia selalu menolongku ketika saya sedang
membutuhkan sesuatu dari dia. Hari ini adalah hari ulangtahunnya. Saya berencana, saya
akan memberikan seekor kucing untuknya karena dia kadang-kadang memberikan makanan

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Final Test Basic Class

kepada beberapa kucing dekat rumahnya. Akankah Azwar menolaknya ? atau apakah azwar
menyukainya ?

Saya sudah membeli kucing tersebut di sebuah pasar tradisional. Karena Azwar tidak
dirumah sekarang, saya harus menemui dia di sekolahnya. Tetapi sekolahnya sangat jauh
dari rumahku. Sehingga saya memesan mobil sewa. Dapatkah saya disana sebelum Azwar
pulang kerumah ? Saya Saya seharusnya memikirkan hal ini jauh-jauh hari sebelumnya.

2. Using Past

Kemarin Hasrul pergi ke kampus dengan sepeda motor, tiba-tiba dia melihat Riska. Saat itu
Riska sedang berangkat ke kampus. Karena dia mempunyai jalur yang sama, Hasrul akan
menawarkan boncengan ke Riska. Tetapi Hasrul ragu, dia akan mengantar Riska atau tidak.
Apakah hasrul malu ?. mungkin dia malu, karena minggu lalu Riska menolak cintanya.
Sebenarnya Riska tidak bermaksud seperti itu. Dia hanya ingin menyelesaikan sekolahnya

Answer Sheet

1. Present

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Final Test Basic Class

2. Past

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