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I.I Background

The current competition for undergraduate graduates is getting tougher.

According to Director Tim.Work, Caca Samhudi, around 6.2% of unemployed people in
Indonesia are undergraduates. Moreover, we are now living in the Asean Economic
Community (MEA). This will increase competition in the labor market. Thus, prospective
graduates need sufficient knowledge and good skills so they can compete in the labor
market. To achieve that, possessing good skills is not only obtained from lessons learned
academically but also from direct experience in the field. One way to develop abilities is
by choosing and conducting research at research locations that can develop ones abilities.
The company that has been established for a long time and produces quality products in
Indonesia is PT. Batutua Tembaga Raya.
PT. Batutua Tembaga Raya is a company engaged in copper mining in the village
of Lerokis, Pulau Wetar, Southwest Maluku Regency, Maluku Province. As one of the
copper mining companies in Indonesia, PT. Batutua Tembaga Raya will require experts
who are qualified to produce high quality products. One of them is an expert in the field
of planning. The Mining Engineering Department of Nusa Cendana University, which is
under the faculty of science and engineering, is a department that meets the requirements
for good mine planning.
The mining process consists of several stages. In general, this process starts from
the general investigation, exploration, feasibility study, preparation, mining,
transportation, processing, then transportation to be marketed. Good mine planning is
needed prior to mining, starting from the calculation of costs, method selection, pit
design, haul road design, heavy equipment selection and production targets.
One of the stages to achieve the production target is the transportation phase. This
stage is influenced by several factors, namely road conditions, equipment conditions,
weather conditions and others. The conveyance cannot operate optimally if the design
and road conditions are not good, such as narrow road, steep slopes, slippery or muddy
road surfaces.
In its mining activities, PT. Batutua Tembaga Raya uses a means of transport so
that it requires a mine road with a good design so that the conveyance can work
optimally. For that I am
Name : Marnix Arthur Soruday
Student ID Number : 1406100008
Major : Mining Engineering

intends to conduct a research related to mine planning, especially regarding the geometry
design of mining haul roads at PT. Batutua Tembaga Raya.

I.II Groundwork

The bases of this research are to:

1. Conduct a research as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
bachelor of engineering.
2. Implement knowledge attained from university in the field
3. To improve and deepen my knowledge so that I can compete in the labor market

I.III Aims

The aims of this research are:

1. To complete final research project as partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of bachelor of engineering
2. To develop my knowledge and skills
3. To enrich my knowledge about hardware and software


II.I Activity Details

Overall, I let this activity to be arranged by the company so that it runs in

harmony with the company's activities and I promise to follow the directions given by the
company so that this activity can run well. This activity is expected to be related to the
Department of Mining Engineering, especially regarding mine planning, mine road
design, mining road design methods, slope design, and software use at PT. Batutua
Tembaga Raya. Besides that, I hope that the company can guide me and provide new
knowledge that will be beneficial in the future for me and the company itself. I also hope
that the company will provide a companion who is an expert in the field of mine planning
so that it can guide me while doing research at PT. Batutua Tembaga Raya.

II.II Method

I hope to be able to make observation so I can directly observe the cases that
occur in mining activities related to mine planning. After that, conducting interview
methods with escorts and parties related to the case and then the literature method where I
look for data - data from related research to help resolve the case.

II.III Time and Place

I let the time and duration of this research activity to the company to arrange. To
the knowledge of the company that I, as a student, do not have the burden of subject
matter, it can be said at any time, so that I have made an activity plan, which is for 2
(two) months starting from March 1, 2019 - May 31, 2019.

No Activity Week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Administration and field

2 Determine the case to be studied

2 References and data collection

3 Data processing
4 Consultation and guidance
Arrangement and collection of
draft reports

But this plan can change according to company policies and conditions in the field. I
hope that this research activity will be carried out at PT. Batutua Tembaga Raya located
in Lerokis village, Wetar island, Southwest Maluku district, Maluku province.


III.I Closing

I submit this research proposal to the PT. Batutua Tembaga Raya. I look forward
to doing research and developing my knowledge and abilities at PT. Batutua Tembaga

My Sincerely,
Kupang, 16th January 2019


Marnix Arthur Soruday

Student ID Number : 1406100008

Knowing and Approving

Head of Mining Engineering Program

Ika F. Krisnasiwi, S.Si., M.Sc

NIP : 197902012014042001

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