Operation Citadel Kursk Campaign Sheet

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Operation Citadel

Kursk Campaign Sheet

Kursk, Russia, 12 July 1943
The following units are available to both sides for commitment
to any of the three battles in Operation Citadel. Players may
also choose to hold back and not commit units for VP awards

Victory Conditions
The winner is determined by victory points. See special rules for a
complete breakdown of victory point awards.

Turn Record Chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Allied player deploys first

Axis player wins first turn initiative END

Soviet Reserve Forces: Elements of the 5th Guards Tank Army Reserves

T-34/76 T-70 M4A1 Commissar Fanatical Fanatical

Sherman Sniper Sniper

German Reserve Forces: Axis player may choose one of these groups as their reserve force.
Elements of the 506th Schwere Elements of the 560th Schwere
Panzer Battalion. Panzerjager Battalion

Tiger I Nashorn PAK 40

Elements of the 7th Panzer Division AT Gun

Panzer III Sd Kfz 251 Sd Kfz 251 SS-Panzer- PAK 40

Ausf F grenadier AT Gun

Playing the Campaign Game

A Clash of Steel is a set of three scenarios. Players agree as utilize their forces on each battlefield, as well as efficiently
to the order the three battles will be fought and write down, manage their reserves, will have the best chances of winning.
in secret, the deployment of any reserve forces that they will
commit to play in these battles. Each of the three matches is Note: The three scenarios contained in Operation Citadel can
fought and the victory points earned by each side, if any, are be played independently. When doing so, do not use any of the
recorded. The player with the highest victory point total is reserve forces, just those listed for the particular scenario.
declared the overall winner. It is possible for a player to “lose”
two of the three matches and still win the overall game if a
“big win” is scored in the third scenario. Players who can best
Author: Paul Rohrbaugh
Operation Citadel
Kursk Campaign Sheet


Special Campaign Rules

4. Reserve Force VP Awards: Both players will receive the
1. Game Length: Each of the three scenarios is normally 8 following VP for not committing reserve force units:
turns long. Players can extend a scenario by 1 or 2 turns by
awarding victory points to their opponent. - 1/3 of the cost value (drop any fraction) for any reserve
force unit designated before play as an additional
The desire by a player to extend play another turn is declared reinforcement/set-up unit that is not actually entered in any
at the end of what is the currently scheduled last turn. The of the scenarios.
number of victory points that must be paid, and the determina-
tion if another turn is indeed to be played is as follows: - 1/2 of the cost value (but not less than 1) for any reserve
force unit that is not chosen to enter the game at all.
If the player who wants to extend play is leading in the victory
point total, a number of victory points equal to a DR is given to
the opponent. If the opponent does not want to extend play to
another turn another DR is made. If the DR is greater than the
one made for the victory points the scenario ends immediately
and the player who wanted to extend play is instead awarded a
number of victory points equal to the difference of the two DR.

If the player who wants to extend play is trailing in the victory

point total a number of victory points equal to a DR plus 3 is
given to the opponent. This additional turn must be played in
this instance (there is no option to decline by the opponent with
more victory points).

Note: Additional turns may not be played beyond 10.

2. For all of the scenarios the Soviet player sets up his units
first, followed by the German player. The German player has
the initiative on turn 1 (an initiative DR is not made).

3. For determining victory, control of a hex is the player who

last had a unit occupy or pass through a hex. Each scenario will
define the map hexes that begin under a player’s control.

Elements of the 102nd SS Panzer Battalion are deployed during the movement phase of Turn 4 accord-
ing to special rule #4

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