Hadrat Sheikh Sirajuddin Junaidi 770 Hegira

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A brief biography of Sheikh Sirajuddin Junaidi
Baghdadi Gulberga

The tomb of Hazrat Sheikh Sirajuddin Junaidi

Baghdadi Gulberga

In the praise of Hazrat Sheikh Sirajuddin Junaidi
Baghdadi Gulberga

Oh, Sheikh, you are a great Sultan of the Deccan

So your name is very famous around the world
You have given the kingdom to Hasan Bahmani
In this way, you have shown you a great favor
First, you have shown Hasan treasure in the jungle
Then you have asked him to gather a large army
Not only given wealth but asked to where to attack
 Due to your prayer, Hasan was successful at Miraj
Till his life, Hasan was his devotee and his disciple
Who followed your advice and become successful
Oh Shah due to your works you become famous
The history of Deccan is not ok without your name
 His favors of Bahamani rule became him famous
Their achievement and the personal record is fine
 So, Shah, Hafeez is your devotee so not forget him
Do not return from him your door of a kind favor
      On the western side of Shah's bazaar, his tomb is situated.
His tomb and door are in grand construction style and the two
minarets were built by Sultan Adil Shah. On the door of the
tomb, there is one couplet that is inscribed. And from it, his
date of death is known as 781 Hegira. And from word
(chronogram) Qutub, his age is known as 111 years. And from
Doran Ibn Mohammed Siraj his year of birth is known which is
680 Hegira.
   He belonged to the sons of the Hadrat Junaid of Baghdad. And
his genealogical link is connected with Salam bin Abd Manaf
who was the ancestor of the last prophet of Allah. Her mother’s
name was Bibi Mastura and she was the daughter of Abdalla
Qashiri from Peshawar. His father, Abdul Muzaffar Sirajuddin
went to Peshawar from Baghdad. Then Abdallah, who was the
son of the king met with him. And he was married to his sister
there. And there were born four sons to him. His real name is
Rukunuddin. But he has become famous and well known for his
father’s name and he was born in the year 670 Hegira. His
father has died when he was a very small child. He was brought
him up by his uncle who was king of Peshawar. And when he
has become an adult when he was reached to Doulatabd in the
year 707 Hegira in search of his spiritual master. And he was
becoming the disciple of Hadrat Khundmir Alauddin and has
obtained caliphate from him and he went to Delhi from
Doulatabad. His spiritual master was pious personality and
Qutub (highest cadre in the spiritual pivot at axis) of his time.
And who was the disciple of Hadrat Qawamuddin Mahmood.In
the way of mysticism, he was a jurist of his time. In the Deccan,
his three caliphs came and he was one among them. He died on
28 Shaban on Friday in the year 734 Hegira and he was buried
in Doulatabad. There is one more tradition that his coffin was
taken away to Delhi from his son. In Delhi, Ghiasuddin Tuqlaq
was his great devotee there. And in every matter, he used to
act as per his advice and instruction. And which was not liked
by his courtiers and officials. And they were wanting to ignore
him and Pratap Rudra who was defeated the royal army in the
Deccan area. So, for this reason, the royal army was sent under
prince Alaq Khan there. And he was also going with the army so
that for the sake of the felicity of his foot there will be the
successor to the army. And due to the grace of Allah royal army
was successful in the expedition of the Deccan. But there was
the opposite result upon the sultan and he began thinking that
when he was having such power with him that he was defeated
Raja of Warangal so he can also rule from his side. But there
was difficulty in this matter that all people were under his
influence so the king cannot remove him from the kingdom. So
there was played one trick by his minister and who asked to
attend the court by a cover veil on his face as there will be royal
harem before him there. So he said that if there is such a case,
then he will not come there. So he left there with the intention
of visiting Doulatabad.On his way, his elder brother Arsalan has
died in Lucknow on 17th Ramadan 723 Hegira. And his younger
brother Sheik Ahmed Salahuddin went toward the area of
Bengal for his teaching and preaching of Islamic mission there.
And after six years he died there on 9th Rajab in the year 729
Hegira. His smaller brother lived with Sheikh Tajuddin. After
living some years in Doultabad he has received instruction for
going to the area of the Deccan. He has arrived in the village of
Kudchi which was at the bank of the river. And by walking he
was reached to Bijapur. And where his mother has died on 12th
Shaban in the 720 Hegira. And she was buried in the house of
minister Abul Hasan. Then he has arrived in Kudchi village
which was at the bank of the river Krishna. And from this
village, there is a deep forest area of tamarind trees at the
distance of two miles and in which he was settled down there.
Kudchi is the village of Brahmins and there is a big temple of
Hindus situated. And from this village nearby villages are
Rajapur, Chakuri, Kotli, and in these villages and in this area due
to his revelation and miracles, there was much progress of
Islamic mission there. So there was stopped idol worship in this
area for this reason. He used to wake up at the time of 3 ‘o
clock during the night and used to take baths and engage in the
recital, remembrance of Allah, and as well as other endeavors
and used to perform Tahjud supererogatory prayers. And after
performing morning prayer then he will be used to engage in
mediation and revelation. In those days mother of Sultan Hasan
Gangu and whose name was Ashraf Jehan and who was called
by the people Ma Sahiba and who came over to Sargur village
and which is near to Kudchi village while leaving her native
place due to an upset of her private matter in the royal harem.
When she was heard the name and fame of Hadrat then she
has visited him along with his son Alauddin and daughter-in-law
and two daughters in Kudchi village in his presence. And all
have become his disciples there.
  In his servants, his two brothers were available and they were
called Mohamed Qasan and Mohammed Lagri. And who came
along with him from Peshawar city. He used to love them very
much and he was given his caliphate and they were in
deplorable condition. One day village Patwari Gangu Pandit
came into his service along with respectable persons of the
village and he had said to him that “By the forecast of astrology
it was known that there will be no rain at all. So, for this reason,
you pray for the rainfall in the village. So that there may be no
starvation. He said that there is no house for Qasan so when
there will be rainfall then where they will go.? So first arrange
for the construction of the house for their stay of Qasan and
mosque so that there will be a fall of rainfall by the grace of
Allah. When there was such his saying then there was a crowd
of the people, which throng there and Gangoji has started
construction for house and mosque in the village soon.
  In the book ‘Tadhkira Maluk’ it was mentioned that Hadrat
told Gango Ji that “Yes, you are construction mosque, but what
Hindus does know about the construction of the mosque. So
engage Alauddin, who is a very poor person and who will help
you a lot in this matter. Gangoji immediately appointed him as
the servant and he began giving him two times food to him and
he was fixed some salary for him. First, the house construction
was completed and upon entry of Moulana Khasan into the
house rainfall started. And starvation was avoided in the village.
Alauddin was engaged in the construction of the mosque and
he used to stay there on the site and watch the laborers. He
was struggling hard and working hard day and night in this
   One day at two o’clock afternoon time Hazrat himself came
on the site to inspect the construction of mosque work there.
At that time all the workers went for a lunch break from eating
food. But Alauddin was taking a rest under the tree as he used
to get bread after 2.30 afternoon. So he was taking resting and
slept there under the tree in a helpless condition. Hazrat has
inspected the mosque construction work and then he was seen
Alauddin sleeping in a deplorable condition and his hand and
feet were besmeared with mud and kneaded clay. So he told
him that “ Oh king of the Deccan why you are sleeping in a
helpless condition. How parasol of the king is looking good on
his head.” Upon saying this he was left from there. But there in
this matter Alauddin unaware of saying of Hazrat. After going
off the Hadrat one cobra came there and stood while shading
his hud on the face of Alauddin who was sleeping there. The
boys, while playing were reached there and they saw a snake
there and were began making loud and cry and were going to
see the patwari and reported the matter to him that the snake
was killed Alauddin. So, for this reason, the village Patwari
came there in worrying condition. And he has seen that snake
was swinging there and upon seeing him snake left in his
burrow. The Hindus believe that the snake is the god. So in this
matter, he was surprised. He was waking up Alauddin and he
was taken him his house and given him food there. Then he has
checked his horoscope and he was found that Alauddin was
going to become the Sultan of Deccan. So, for this reason, he
went into the presence of Alauddin and he was standing in his
presence by folding his hands with respect and honor. So
Alauddin was worried that what mistake was done by him so
his master is standing in such a position before him. So
Brahman told him that “Soon you are becoming the sultan of
Deccan so what he will give to him.”But there was no such
thinking with Alauddin about this matter even in his dream. But
when his master was firm in this matter, then he told him that
“If the matter is such then you act as a sultan on my behalf and
I will be your subordinate like you as before.” The Brahman told
him that “ There is no such thing in his fate. Who has written
such fate and it will happen as per his writing.” Then Alauddin
told him that “ I will give your one-fourth or half of the kingdom

to you.” But Pandit told him that “What he will do with his
  Then Alauddin told him that whatever you will say I will accept
such things. The Pandit told him to accept two things in this
1. To add my name along with your name in the royal seal as it
will remain forever in history.
2. To give an order that the royal office should be kept under
the custody of my sons.
Alauddin has accepted the above things happily.
  In the history book of Farista, it was mentioned that “
Alauddin who was an employee of one Brahman. And who
himself was an employee of Sultan Mohammed Tughlaq. And
who got the kingdom of the Deccan due to the prayer of the
Hadrat Nizamuddin Auliya of Delhi. But in another book
‘Tadkhira Mulk’ this event was mentioned in another way. But
it is not known which event is right in this matter. But it is
correct that Aladdin's mother Ashraf Jehan was the disciple of
Hazrat. And she was living in the place of Hazrat. And she has
died in Kudchi village and where her tomb is there. It is
narrated that one day Hazrat was doing ablution and then at
that time for doing Masah (cleaning the head and this is known
as "Masah") and he was given his turban to Alauddin to hold
there at that time, but Alauddin thought that Hazrat was given
his turban to him so he was wearing on his head and touched
his foot with respect and honor. Then Hazrat told him that “
Why there is uneasiness in this matter such day is very near
when you will become Sultan.”

  One day Alauddin has mentioned his poor condition and
difficulties in the presence of Hadrat so for this reason he told
him “ Yes you go jungle of Turgund and go there in such and
such tree under beneath of which there is the treasure and take
it. With this wealth gather an army and when the army will be
ready and when he was given the order to attack the first fort
of Mirj. There was the occasion of the holy festival and Raja
Tena who was busy at that time in gaiety and happy social life
in his palace. So, for this reason, Alauddin was reached without
any hurdles into the fort. And he has killed Raja and he has
captured the fort of Mirj. And he informed him of the details in
this matter to Hazrat and who in reply conveyed his message of
congratulation (Mubarakbad) to Alauddin. Upon this Alauddin
changed the place of Mirj to Mubarakabad. From there he went
to Penalgada and conquered its fort. And there Raja Kalhar
Chand was ruling. In this way, Alauddin has conquered some
forts and came into the presence of Hazrat. So he was
instructed to conquer the fort of Gulbarga. And in those days
Raja of Bhiran was the ruler of Gulbarga and was subordinate of
Sultan Mohammed Tuqhlaq. There was one temple in Sawangi
village which is 8 miles away Gulbarga and Raja were going
there to visit the temple. As Aladdin's luck was good so he was
reached directly into the fort without any battle and hurdles.
Upon hearing this news Raja came there and after a fierce
battle, Raja was killed and his head hung on the gate of the fort.
   During the year 748 Hegira Alauddin was sitting on his throne.
And he has changed the name of Gulbarga as Husband. And as
per his promise, he made his name as follows.

   “ Hazrat Subhani Alauddin Hasan Gangu Bahmani.” Till his life
Sultan used to go Kudchi every year. And he used to get felicity
of kissing the feet of the Hazrat there. Upon his death, his son
Mohammed Shah, who also used to visit Kudchi as per the
system of his father, and Kudchi is away from Gulbarga at the
seven destinations. One day he told him that “ As you have
such fondness of me to see me and come to visit me here so
due to your visit there will be a lot of difficulties for the people.
So, for this reason, I will come to see you in Gulbarga in the
royal procession and it seems not good forgiving of the
difficulties to the people for the sake visit of the one person. ”
When the Sultan was heard this glad tiding then he could not
able to control his condition and he was declared all village in
between Gulbarga to Kudchi as his presence in the service of
Hadrat. He said that it is against disrespect for him to have
those villages in his kingdom. Hadrat told him that “ If I will take
all villages, then he will become a rich person then who will call
him as a fakir. And in my children, there will find greed of
wealth and richness for this reason.” The Sultan offered him the
second time, but he did not accept those villages in his name.
When Hadrat was seen that Sultan was sad, so he told him that
“ Yes give me on village Kudchi in my name.” So the Sultan was
happy to hear Hadrat's acceptance and he has presented him
Kudchi village and in which he was added to seven nearby
villages. The Sultan was prepared the title paper as follows.
  “ This all country of the kingdom which belongs to Hazrat
Maqdum Rukunuddin Junaidi Qad Sarah. And which he has
rewarded me by keeping one village Kudchi with him.” So, for

this reason, the title paper of Kudchi village is still found by his
sons there.  
  Hazrat while making his successor, his elder son Sheikh
Alauddin in Kudchi then he came to Gulbarga along with his
younger son Qutubuddin in the year 770 Hegira. At the
riverside where he's sitting place was there. After one Kose
(One and a quarter to three miles) from the village, their trees
of tamarind were there and in that area, his tomb was
constructed there. And he has become well known and famous
with the name of Hadrat Siraj. 
The Urs (death anniversary)
  People from various walks of life, irrespective of caste and
creed, assemble to celebrate the Urs (death anniversary) which
takes place at the famous shrine (Dargah) in Kudchi every year.
Several hundred thousand devotees from near and far,
irrespective of religion and beliefs, gather there to seek
  To write about this great Sufi saint and the great author is not
only it is difficult and but it is a very hard task as he was not
only a great pious personality of his time in the area of the
Deccan (South India) but he was also a great author of so many
great books so, in brief, he was Qu’tub (highest cadre in the
spiritual pivot at axis) of his time in the Deccan region. 
  For a long time, he was engaged in religious discourses,
sermons, and spiritual training of the people and he did also
many great endeavors for the preaching and propagation work

of Islam in Deccan (South India) and around this region and
there was no such personality during his time. 
  Upon his arrival in Gulbarga, the Sultan asked him whether he
will stay inside of the fort or outside of the fort. He told him
that “ Wait, I will search myself my place. Where now there is
his tomb and at this place, there were trees of acacia were
there. He said that from this place he was finding the smell of
Baghdad. So he will stay at this place. Immediately tress was
cleared and there was constructed one small house there was
the Sultan used to pay to visit him in the morning time. After
the death of Mohammed Shah, Mujahid Shah has become the
third Sultan of the Bahmani kingdom. And he came first in his
presence before sitting on the throne. So he has given him one
dress of Khadi (An Indian homespun cotton cloth.) fakir persons
and one waistband and fixed one turban on his head. Then he
prayed to Allah in his favor. Mujahid Shah after leaving from
there and came to his palace and he wore the dress of elegant
and he was sitting on the throne. After this when the new king
will first go into the presence of Hadrat there wear a Khadi
dress and get a fixed waistband and wear a turban and get his
blessing or from his sons then he will sit on the throne in his
  When the Nizam of Hyderabad then he used to visit Gulbarga
then he was offered the above fakir dress to him which he was
wearing there.
  It is narrated Sultan Mujahid Shah asked his permission to
conquer the fort of Adhoni. And then he was told him go in the
name of Allah and there will be the success in this battle.” Then
after Sultan Mujahid Shah went into the presence of Hadrat
Zainuddin and Hadrat Burhanuddin Doulatabadi and he was
also asked their permission to attack the fort of Adhoni. When
he was come to know this news then he sent his letter in the
presence of the Sultan Mujahid Shah that if he will go there
with his permission then there will be successful and if you go
there on the trust of others, then there is no need of his
permission in the campaign.” The Sultan was shocked by his
writing and which he was not liked by him. And he said that “
Yes, well it is known. I have sent a large number of my army
there. And I will go there in the campaign. And I will see
whether how this campaign will not be successful.” Mujahid
Shah was thereby in the campaign of the besiege of the fort for
many months. The ration supply of the fort was finished away.
Due to heat, there was a prevailed shortage of water in the
fort. But there was the grace of Allah and pray of the Sheikh
was there so there was a fall of heavy rainfall. There came life
in the dead hearts and the fort people came out of the fort and
were attacked severely by the army of Mujahid Shah. So, for
this reason, he was defeated there. Sultan Mujahid thought on
this matter that it was the curse of the fakir. So in anger, he said
that “When he will reach Gulbarga then he will kill the fakir at
once.” So At the time of his arrival in Gulbarga unless and until
he will not do this work then he will not put his foot in the fort.
When this news reached Hadrat then he was told that “He will
not reach to Gulbarga.” So it has happened the same with him.
  When the Sultan came back from Adhoni and he wants to
enter the city, then his horse slid down and he was falling from
the horse and his head becomes into pieces and he died on the
spot. In the book ‘Tadhkira Al- Mulk’ it is mentioned about
Mujahid Shah that when he was reached to Gulbarga then one
gypsy slave who killed him there in the year 779 Hegira.
  After some days he asked his servants to bring some fine rice
and pulse for him. And he was boiled rice in the split pulse. He
has put the rice cooked in the pulse in two trays in full. And he
was also put there 11 paise and one rosary of good quality.
Then he was told to his grandson Abul Fazal who was his
successor that his death days are near. And after about 22
years Hadrat Khaja Bande Nawaz Gesu Daraz will arrive in
Gulbarga from Delhi and who arrived in the year 804 Hegira
during the ruling period of Sultan Feroz Shah Bahmani and who
was the caliph of Hadrat Nasiruddin Chiragh Dehli. Hazrat Khaja
Bande Nawaz Gesu Daraz 804-825 Hegira
  All the world knows well about Khaja Bande Nawaz Gesu Draz
and all his position and dignity which belongs to Hazrat Siraj
Uddin Junaid Baghdadi as he was granted such a position and
dignity which is favor of his consideration to him in this matter.
 Hazrat Naseeruddin Chiragh Dehalavi who was the spiritual
master of Hazrat Khaja Bande Nawaz Gesu Daraz and who has
given him instruction and told him “ You go and meet great Sufi
personality Hazrat Sirajuddin Junaid Baghdadi and who in
Gulbarga and seek his prayers.”
  As per the instruction of the spiritual master Hazrat Khaja
Bande Nawaz Gesu Daraz left Delhi for his journey to Gulbarga
on 11th November 1398 A.D. He was migrated to Doulatabad
from Delhi along with his family members and parents and at
that time Khaja Sahib was 80 years old and from Bahdurpur,
Gwalior, Bahandir, Chanderi, Baroda, Sultanpur, Khambait,
Khaja Sahib, and his family members were reached to
  During the above long journey of many days, many thousand
his devotees welcomed and greeted him on his way in the
above old Indian cities. As per records of history, it is clear that
Khaja Sahib was advised his disciples for his final resting place
in Doulatabad near his father’s grave, but due to the invitation
of Sultan Feroze Shah Bahmani to visit Gulbarga city so Khaja
Sahib left from Doulatabad and reached Gulbarga city. In the
year 1400 A.D. he arrived in the land of Gulbarga. His shrine is
located on the western side of the Gulbarga fort in which he
had spent some time there, but due to some differences with
the Sultan, he left that place and shifted to the present area
where his tomb is situated.
   When Hazrat Khaja Bande Nawaz Gesu Daraz was reached in
Gulbarga and he was come to know that Hazrat Sirajuddin
Junaid Baghdadi who was already died by that time. So for this
reason he was much in the condition of sadness. Then he has
visited his grandson and whose name was Hazrat Maqdum
Awaise and who was a blind person at that time. So Hazrat
Khaja Bande Nawaz Gesu Daraz and who has put his hands on
his eyes. So for this reason he has regained his eyesight at that
time. Then he has seen Hazrat Khaja Bande Nawaz Gesu Daraz
and he has asked him are you Hazrat Khwaja Bande Nawaz
Gesu Daraz? and then he has told him yes he is Hazrat Khaja
Bande Nawaz Gesu Daraz. Yes, my grandfather rightly said to
me “ Oh Awaise after 40 years of my death Hazrat Khaja Bande
Nawaz Gesu Daraz who will come to visit me but then at that
time I will be not alive. But I have kept for him Khichdi in such
and such place so give to him”. When Hazrat Khaja Bande
Nawaz Gesu Daraz went near the window which is at the
backside of the head side in the tomb Hazrat Sirajuddin Junaid
Baghdadi and at that time lock of the window was
automatically opened and there he was found Khichdi in fresh
and fine condition and there was the emission of the steam
from the food and as it was there since 40 years in hot
condition and emission of the steam was coming from it. So
Hazrat Khaja Bande Nawaz Gesu Daraz has collected Khichdi
and he has sat at the place which is shown in Youtube clip and
also there is signboard in this matter. After eating the Khichdi
there was dignity and status which was becoming world
renown for Hazrat Khaja Bande Nawaz Gesu Daraz due to the
kindness of favor of Hazrat Sirajuddin Junaid.
The Urs (death anniversary) of Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi
  People from various walks of life, irrespective of caste and
creed, assemble to celebrate the Urs (death anniversary) which
takes place at the famous shrine (Dargah) in Kudchi every year
on the 14,15, and 16 Shawwal months. Several hundred
thousand devotees from near and far, irrespective of religion
and beliefs, gather there to seek blessings.
By Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
Email: hafeezanwar@yahoo.com


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