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Chapter 7

Oracle Database Programming

Srecko Howard
Glen Van Der Vyver

7.1 Oracle Database Programming Overview

This chapter defines the naming standards for Oracle database programming and
provides a guide to the correct usage of Data Definition Language, Data
Manipulation Language and PL/SQL statements. It also discusses a number of
other database programming concepts.

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Information Systems Developers Handbook

The idea, thought of as revolutionary not many years ago, that data could be
independent of applications, heralded the rapid evolution of the database. Today, an
overwhelming majority of applications are database-driven. The database is a key
corporate asset, often constituting the margin between success and failure.

As the use of databases became more pervasive, the need arose to develop a
language that could extract and manipulate data in the database. Hence Structured
Query Language (SQL) was born. This language works in a fundamentally different
way to languages such as C++ or COBOL, which are often referred to as
‘procedural’ programming languages. Code written in these languages implies an
end result by explicitly defining the means or procedures to get there. In contrast,
SQL explicitly defines the end result, leaving it up to the data base management
system (DBMS) to determine the method of obtaining the data. SQL is, therefore, a
relatively simple language with a limited syntax. Although many standards exist for
the structure and mathematical underpinnings of SQL, commercial programming
standards have been uncommon. The only widely applied standard for many years
was that a SQL statement must be spread over multiple lines.

Databases have changed dramatically in recent years. The database is no longer just
the repository of raw information. Today, the knowledge of the business, its rules
and procedures, is often stored in the database. Oracle Corporation has developed
PL/SQL, a procedural extension of the base SQL language, to cater for the
increasingly sophisticated demands business places on the database. The PL/SQL
language offers far more execution potential than the simple update, select, insert
and delete statements of SQL. It allows for things such as modularity, variable
declaration, loops and advanced error handling. The PL/SQL language is
specifically designed to interface optimally with the database and to seamlessly
handle the logic and business rule enforcement of database applications. Although it
is a much simpler language than, for instance C++, it has all the common logical
constructs required of a programming language. It also has many attributes other
languages do not have — such as modularisation of code blocks.

The PL/SQL code used to interface with the Oracle database may be stored in
applications programs or directly within the Oracle database, making PL/SQL the
only programming language that interfaces with the Oracle database natively and
within the database environment.

SQL has been accepted as the American standard by ANSI and as the international
standard by ISO. The most current ANSI standard is SQL-92, although new SQL3
and SQL4 standards are in the pipeline. These are likely to extend the capabilities of
SQL-92, which sets the minimum standard for a compliant database. It has become
rather the custom for individual vendors to offer distinct flavours of SQL. These
may involve the extension of capabilities on the base standard, or be as minor as a
subtle difference in syntax. The programmer must approach each different version
of SQL with caution, as it will often happen that a statement, which works perfectly
in one particular version of SQL, will fail in another.

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Chapter 7 Oracle Database Programming

Standards for PL/SQL have developed slowly. Most companies using Oracle have
PL/SQL programs running into many thousands of lines, but there is a wide range
of standards. Inevitably, the situation is slowly changing. Of particular importance
is the fact that companies often store a large volume of PL/SQL dynamically within
the database in the form of packages, stored procedures, triggers and so on. It is
very expensive to store sloppy, non-optimised code within the database.

Due to the relative simplicity of PL/SQL, many argue that it requires a smaller and
less complex set of standards than many other languages. Whether this is accurate
or not, these standards are likely to be applied in a wider variety of contexts than
most languages, for example, standalone programs, stored procedures, database
triggers, and within Developer 2000/Oracle Reports. The same set of standards is
required by the Department of Information Systems to be applied in all contexts.

7.1 Naming Standards

Choosing a meaningful name for a database object simplifies the process of
maintaining existing code, as well as the creation of new code. Meaningful names
can enhance documentation by making the code self-documenting. This section
provides the standards for naming objects in applications.

7.1.1 Tables
Table names must clearly and unambiguously describe the table. The name chosen
must reflect the contents of the table. For example, if the table contains records of
employee details the appropriate name might be EMPLOYEES. Note that the table
name is in the plural form. This signifies that it is a collection of records, as
opposed to a single individual entity (employee). Avoid using abbreviated names,
unless they are clear and well understood. Interception or Associative entities
(tables which are involved in many to many relationships) may be named via a
concatenation of the names of both entities if a simple description is not available.

7.1.2 Columns
A column name must describe the contents of the column and must be consistent
across all tables in the application. Adherence to this standard will ensure that
programming and documentation tasks are greatly simplified, as is the process of
understanding program code.

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7.1.3 Variables
Make variable names as descriptive as possible and avoid using one or two
character names. This would only be appropriate as a counter for a simple loop
where a numeric value is involved. Ensure that variable names clearly distinguish
local variables from table columns. One common error, that causes much confusion,
occurs when a local variable is given the same name as a related table column.
Therefore, use a ‘v’ to signify a variable.

vCounter NUMBER;
vCounter := vCounter + 1;
end loop;

Where appropriate, use multiple words with the first letter of each word capitalised
to make the variable meaning clear.

vNotFinished BOOLEAN;
vTotalRecords NUMBER;
vMoreRecords := TRUE;
vTotalRecords := 0;

while vNotFinished loop

vNotFinished := ProcessRecord( );
if vNotFinished then
vTotalRecords := vTotalRecords + 1;
end if;
end loop;

7.1.4 Cursors and Records

A cursor variable must have the word ‘cursor’ within its name to signify the
variable type. The first part of the name must be closely related to the table upon
which the cursor is based. A variable used to contain a structured record associated
with the cursor must have the word ‘Rec’ at the end of its name. Use the keyword
%ROWTYPE when using records. Refer to section 7.5.7 %ROWTYPE and %TYPE,
for a further discussion on these two keywords.

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Cursor vEmployeeCursor is
FROM Employees;

vEmployeeRec vEmployeeCursor%ROWTYPE;


open vEmployeeCursor;
fetch vEmployeeCursor Into vEmployeeRec;

ProcessRecord( vEmployeeRec );

close vEmployeeCursor;

7.1.5 Procedures and Functions

Since every procedure and function has one specific purpose the name must
describe the process performed by the subroutines. The name can consist of a
number of words, with the first letter of each word capitalised for clarity and ease of
reading. For a more detailed discussion on the use of procedures and functions
refer to section 7.7 Functional Decomposition, in this chapter.

7.1.6 Parameters
Formal parameters in functions and procedures must follow the same standards as
specified for variables. The variable operation type ‘in’, ‘out’ or ‘inout’ must be
specified when defining formal parameters. Use the function type if only one value
needs to be returned. It is considered poor practice to use the procedure variable
mechanism to modify parameters. For a more detailed discussion on the use of
procedures and functions refer to section 7.7 Functional Decomposition, in this

7.1.7 Forms
The Oracle form wizard, by default, creates forms with the same name as the base
table. It is possible to create a form not based on any table and then assign a table
to it through the object browser. Forms that are not based on any table must have
the prefix ‘frm’ in their name. All forms must maintain the same naming
convention, that is, using the ‘frm’ prefix.

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7.1.8 Blocks
Blocks based on tables will inherit the table name. Control blocks, that is, blocks
not based on any table, must have the ‘blk’ prefix to identify the object as a block.
Refer to your textbook for a more detailed discussion on use of blocks and forms

7.1.9 Fields
A field that represents a column in a table must have the same name as the column.
Fields which are not directly related to columns in a table must be prefixed with a
clear type indicator. For example, text input fields must be indicated with ‘txt’
prefix, combo boxes with ‘cmb’, text fields with ‘txt’ and so on. For other field
types, choose an appropriate and meaningful extension. Refer to Oracle help files
for a more detailed description of objects available.

7.2 SQL — DDL Standards

Data Definition Language (DDL) statements are used to create and modify the
actual underlying structure of the database. These must always be approached with
caution as, amongst other things, incorrect usage can result in large-scale data loss
and inconsistent data.

This section will not cover the syntax of DDL statements (which is not complex) in
great detail. Rather, it will provide pointers about the correct usage of DDL
statements and the basic structure of the most important statements.

7.2.1 Script Files

The script file provides a record of the database structure and is used to create the
database. It also provides a means of recovering the database structure. There are
many documented examples of databases that could not be properly recovered
because there was no definitive record of the structure.

Databases must not be created ‘on the fly’. All DDL statements must
be stored in a script file, which is used to create the database. The
commands for any subsequent modification to the database must be
added to the script file, along with appropriate documentation. Do not
rely absolutely on database exports for recovery.

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7.2.2 Create
Creating tables and related objects is the first task of database development.
Physically, a database is a set of files resident on a disk. Logically, a database
comprises user accounts identified by username and password. Each user account
owns a variety of database objects, for example, tables. Each table name must be
unique for that user. Indeed, for each object type, each individual object must have
a unique name for a particular user.

A table stores the data in a relational database. A table name and a name, data type
and size for each field (column) must be specified. A primary key is usually also
specified at the time of creation, often in conjunction with other constraints. The
specification of constraints, triggers and other server-side mechanisms will depend
upon the system model driving development (eg, client-server), business rules and a
variety of other factors.

CREATE TABLE <tablename>

(<fieldname1> <data declaration>
CONSTRAINT <integrity constraint declaration>
CONSTRAINT <fieldname1 value constraint
<fieldname2> ... ... );

A view is a logical table. It is based on a normal select statement (a query) which
may involve one or more tables. A view DOES NOT store data and it may present
data in a different format and/or sequence than the underlying tables.

CREATE VIEW <viewname> AS

SELECT <fieldname1>,<fieldname2>,<fieldname3> ...
FROM <tablename>;

This should be adapted as appropriate when a table join is required.

A sequence is a number drawn from a sequential list maintained by Oracle and
generated automatically. It is often used to create artificial or surrogate keys when
no column in a table can guarantee uniqueness.

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CREATE SEQUENCE <sequence name>

START WITH <start value number>;

Indexes are used to speed up data retrieval. They facilitate the retrieval of specific
rows from a table, in optimal circumstances removing the necessity for a full table
scan and minimising the number of row hits. It is important to note that an index
does not guarantee improved performance on a select statement and may actually
retard the overall performance of the system. The design of indexes is an important
task of the DBA.

CREATE INDEX <index name> ON <table name>

(<column1>,<column2> …);

The alter command is used to change and maintain database objects, primarily
tables, views, sequences and indexes. There is a wide variety of alter statements,
however, it is not intended to cover their specific syntax here. Note, however, that
an alter statement may work in particular circumstances and fail in others. Also,
changing the structure of database objects could result in initiating fundamental
changes in data interrelationships, as well as influencing business rules.

The drop command is used to remove objects (tables, views, indexes, sequences,
etc) from the data dictionary.

Dropping a table is one of the most extreme actions possible when

working with a RDBMS. It implies that you wish to delete all the
data contained in that table. The normal rollback facility is usually
lost when this option is used. This command must be approached
with an even greater degree of caution than the alter command.

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7.3 SQL — DML Standards

The procedural extension to the SQL language provided by Oracle (PL/SQL) allows
access to a richer, more complex Data Manipulation Language (DML) than would
be provided by standard SQL alone. In order to maintain the program readability
and internal consistency, standard formatting rules must be applied.

7.3.1 Select
The SELECT statement within PL/SQL allows selection of a single row of
information to be stored in a local variable. Below is an example of mixed PL/SQL
and SQL that retrieves and processes a single record. The select statement will
retrieve only one record into the variable ‘vEmp’ assuming that the database has
been normalised to ensure that the ‘employeeID’ field stores unique values. If
the search criteria were to retrieve more than one record, it would then be necessary
to use cursors to process each record. Please refer to section 7.1.4 Cursors and
Records in this chapter, and your textbook, for further information.

INTO vEmpRec
WHERE employeeID = 1313;
--process the record here

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7.3.2 Insert
The INSERT statement can be used in PL/SQL to achieve the same result as in
SQL, that is, insert one or more records into a table. The syntax is the same as with
a plain SQL statement. Refer to the snippet of code below for the preferred
formatting style.
vEmpRec SCOTT.Salary%TYPE;
INTO vEmpRec
WHERE employeeID = 1313;

INSERT INTO TemoraryTable (EmployeeID, Salary,

VALUES( vEmpRec.EmployeeID, vEmpREc.Salary,

7.3.3 Update
The UPDATE statement can be used in PL/SQL to update one or more records in a
table. The syntax is the same as with a standard SQL statement. Below is a simple
example of an update statement. Note that the employee whose ID is 1313 in this
instance will have their salary increased by 20 percent. The table with the salary
information is named ‘Salary’ and owned by user ‘SCOTT’.
SET Sal = Sal * 1.20;
WHERE employeeID = 1313;

7.3.4 Delete
The DELETE statement can be used in PL/SQL to delete one or more records from
a table. The syntax is the same as with a standard SQL statement. In the example
below the delete statement is applied to a single record. The employee with the
employee ID of 1313 will be deleted from the ‘Salary’ table owned by user


WHERE employeeID = 1313;

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7.4 Transaction Processing

Tables that are modified by SQL statements can still be reversed to the previous
state by the use of transaction processing. A transaction is a set of statements that
changes the state of rows in a table. Each transaction must be ended, either by
specifying that it should be made permanent using ‘COMMIT’, or returned to the
previous state at a later time using ‘ROLLBACK’. The first SQL statement marks
the beginning of the first transaction. Either a ‘COMMIT’ or a ‘ROLLBACK’
statement marks the end of the transaction. It is possible to undo only part of the
transaction by using the ‘SAVEPOINT’ command. For a detailed description of
transactions please refer to your textbook. The main consideration when using
transaction processing is to clearly comment and document the program logic. The
‘SAVEPOINT’ facility is very powerful but can obscure the logic of processing.
For this reason transaction processing must be clearly documented.

7.5 PL/SQL Standards

As with all programming languages, having consistent and well-designed
formatting rules adds greatly to the readability and understanding of the code.
Unlike earlier languages, modern languages utilise a free form for source code.
This simply means that the rules regarding the positioning of the keywords and
declarations are not required. The best and most popular example of this would be

SQL is non-procedural relational database language. Being non-procedural means

that the users only need to specify which data is required and how this data may be
found in the tables. The PL in PL/SQL stands for Procedural Language, — that is,
PL/SQL provides procedural extensions to the SQL language. The procedural
extensions provided to the SQL are the usual ones of sequence, selection and
repetition. Being able to use SQL within a procedural language makes the language
extremely powerful when manipulating data stored in a RDBMS.

Each statement in PL/SQL must occupy one line. Do not complicate

code readability by placing more than one statement on a single line.
Longer statements may be carried across a number of lines and
indented to aid readability. The semicolon terminates the statement.
Use white space to add readability to the code.

7.5.1 Indentation and Capitalisation

PL/SQL is case insensitive. This means that the use of either upper case or lower
case for key words is allowable. However, there is an expectation of consistency
with the style chosen. Having selected to use capitals for the keywords, then the
same style must be applied throughout the code.

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Indenting is mandatory for readability and understanding. All blocks, selection and
repetition constructs must have indented statements. Avoid using tabs for
indentation unless your editor converts the tabs to spaces. Having tabs in your
document may cause your source code to be misaligned when imported into a
different editor. Generally speaking, programmers use between two to six spaces
for indentation. Again, there is no set requirement covering the number of spaces
used for indenting, however, indenting must be consistent throughout the whole

Any code submitted as part of the assessment must be printed using

mono spaced font.

Courier or Courier New fonts are suitable and available on

most systems.

7.5.2 Block Structure

PL/SQL like Pascal, C, Ada and Modula-3 is a block-structured language. The
logical code section is defined within the boundaries of a block. Blocks may be
considered as procedures without parameters or names. For this reason some
people refer to blocks as anonymous procedures. Statements within the block are
enclosed within the ‘begin’ and ‘end’ keywords.

Exceptions are a very important programming concept in PL/SQL. Each block

must have an exception section to handle unexpected errors. The following sample
demonstrates a simple block. A generic representation (--------;) is used in
the next two examples to represent executable statements within blocks. Please
note that in PL/SQL the semicolons are used to terminate a statement and, as such,
are mandatory.


7.5.3 Nested Blocks and Exceptions

Blocks may be nested within other blocks, which may declare and use private
variables. It is preferable to avoid nesting blocks too deeply. As each block can
have its own exception section, the logic and readability of the code can become

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Chapter 7 Oracle Database Programming

obscured. Block nesting can be minimised by using appropriate Functional

Decomposition. Please refer to section 7.7 Functional Decomposition in this
chapter for more information.

When using nested blocks the outer block must have an exception section to catch
any exceptions not handled by the inner blocks. Exceptions in the inner blocks
would be dependent on the logic used in the code.

Nested blocks can easily obscure the logic and make the code hard to maintain.
Using appropriate indentation can greatly aid in readability and understanding of
the code. In all programming units, appropriate indentation and setting out of code
is required. Skeleton code below demonstrates an indentation style for use in
nested blocks.


7.5.4 Use of Comments

Use comments liberally within programs, but keep them relatively short and
specific. In particular, make sure that an explanation is given to spell out exactly
what the select statements are trying to achieve and any measures which have been
taken to optimise these statements. It is often difficult to strike a balance between
too many comments and just the right number in a program. It is worth bearing in
mind that a variety of levels of documentation exist for most systems. Do not
replicate information already covered in another document — rather, refer to that
document if necessary. Comments in programs are often used for maintenance
purposes and are, therefore, commonly of a technical nature. In other words, the key
rationale for writing comments in a program is to help programmers who sometime
later may need to fix system and/or data errors, as well as make changes to the

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Comments must be used in all PL/SQL code submitted for

evaluation. Comments at the head of the code must contain
information describing the program, including the author details, the
date written, date of any modifications, the version, the purpose, any
required input data or files, and any output it produces. Comments
must also be used, where necessary, throughout the code to clarify
the program logic.

Two styles of comments are available in PL/SQL, namely, single line comments
and multiple line comments. Single line comments can be used to have an entire
line ignored by the compiler by placing a double hyphen (--) at the start of the line.
This particular comment marker can also be used to add a comment to the end of a
line or to temporarily disable a line of code as shown in the code snippet below.

Single Line Comments

-- This is a single line comment

vdummy := 0; -- and here is another

-- This is all comment, vdummy := 0 ;

The other form of comment is the multiple line comment. It is started with the
slash-asterisk (/*) opening sequence and everything after the slash asterisk is treated
as a comment until the closing asterisk-slash (*/) sequence. When using multi line
comments it is essential to terminate the comment section with a (*/). Failing to do
so could result in misleading errors from the PL/SQL parser.

Multiple Line Comments

/* This is a comment that can span more than

one line. In fact it continues until a
terminating pair is shown like this -> */

Guard against over-documentation in your source code. Some students seem to be

under the impression that if some comments are good, then lots of comments are
better. Having too many comments in your source code can make the source code
harder to read. Remember the documentation is provided to assist the person in
their task of maintaining the application. For this reason, document only that which
might cause some confusion within the source code. Functions and procedures
must be documented at the beginning to give the reader a good understanding of the
purpose of the subroutine and how it can be used.

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7.5.5 Variable Declarations

All variables used in the code of PL/SQL blocks, procedures and functions must
utilise names that are clear and unambiguous. Variable names must be simple and
represent information stored in the variable. Single character variable names for
simple repetition statements are acceptable. This does not include cursor FOR
loops. Variable names must be the same name as the column name in the table,
with an additional ‘v’ as a prefix. The ‘v’ in this instance stands for variable to
differentiate it from the column name.

vName Students.Name%TYPE;
vPostCode CHAR(4);
vMarried BOOLEAN := FALSE;
vToday := SYSDATE;


7.5.6 %ROWTYPE and %TYPE

Oracle provides the keywords %TYPE and %ROWTYPE for declaring variables
that will store the contents of a column. By using these two keywords, variables
can be declared without having to know exactly the type or size of the column. The
keywords tell the system to look up the definition of the column in the data
dictionary when needed. This simplifies the coding and helps to guard against code
breakage when tables are modified. Unfortunately Oracle does not enforce the use
of the keywords. It will allow the programmer to use either %TYPE or
%ROWTYPE to refer to either one or more columns in a table. This can lead to
confusion and lack of clarity in the code.

The standard required by the Department of Information Systems is

to use %TYPE when referring to a single column, which means that
it will store a single variable. Therefore, it must be labelled with a
‘v’ prefix as normal variables are.

The use of %ROWTYPE will be reserved for situations where more

than one column will be stored in the variable. This variable is
referred to as a record variable as it will contain a number of values.
The record variable must be postfixed with a ‘Rec’ extension to
signify that it contains more than one column of data.

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vName Students.Name%TYPE;
SELECT name, age
INTO vName, vAge
FROM Students
WHERE StudentNumber = 13;
when No_Data_Found then
message (‘Student Not Found’);

Please refer to the discussion on Cursors and Records, in section 7.1.4 of this

vStudentRec Students%ROWTYPE;
-- vStudentRec has all the filed in Students table
INTO vStudentRec
FROM Students
WHERE StudentNumber = 13;
when No_Data_Found then

message (‘Student Not Found’);


7.6 Structured Programming

As is common practice in most modern languages, large problems are best handled
by dividing them into smaller, more manageable tasks — the so-called divide and
conquer approach. Oracle development greatly benefits from the same strategy
when it comes to large applications. Whilst at university, students will no doubt
write applications which are challenging and demanding. However, they are
unlikely to rival real world applications in size or complexity. Nevertheless, you
should develop an understanding and appreciation of modern programming
practices. The Department of Information Systems will expect students to apply
structured programming principles in all relevant units.

7.7 Functional Decomposition

As noted above, experience has shown that the best way to handle complexity is to
break the problem down into simpler parts. The same principles apply when
creating applications. Functional decomposition deals with breaking down
complexity by creating simple manageable subroutines. In order for these

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Chapter 7 Oracle Database Programming

subroutines to be effective they must be simple and well defined. They must also
provide only one service and be clear in their purpose. Oracle uses procedures and
functions as the mechanism for functional decomposition. In this chapter the
primary focus is on procedures and functions available as part of the application,
and not those stored in the database.

7.8 Procedures
Subroutines, which provide service but do not return a value, are known as
procedures. Information may be passed between the called subroutine and the
calling routine using parameters. When values are passed into the subroutine they
must be identified with the type of operation allowed on them. The modifiers may
be of the type ‘in’, ‘out’ or ‘inout’. For a more detailed description of
parameter modifiers please refer to the PL/SQL section of your textbook.

All procedures must be documented at the top of the procedure

declaration, defining the purpose and functionality of the procedure.
Procedures must provide simple and specific service to the calling
routine. The name used for the procedure must clearly reflect the
services provided by the procedure. The procedure must not
reference variables that are not local to its scope.

7.9 Functions
The last area to be considered in this chapter is that of functions. Functions, like
procedures, perform a simple and distinct service. Unlike procedures a function
must return a value at the end of its execution. The value passed back is the result
of performing the function execution. As with the procedure, values passed into the
subroutine must be identified with the type of operation allowed in them. The
modifiers may be of the type ‘in’, ‘out’ or ‘inout’. For a more detailed
description of parameter modifiers please refer to the PL/SQL section of your

All functions must have their purpose and functionality documented

at the beginning of the subroutine. Functions must provide a simple
clear and specific service to the calling routine. The name given to
the function must clearly reflect its purpose. Functions must provide
only one exit point. Early return from the function body must be
avoided. This usually means that more thought has to be given to the
design and coding of the function.

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7.10 References and Suggested Readings

Bobrowski, S. 1996, Mastering Oracle 7 and Client/Server
Computing, Sybex, New York.

Lulushi, A. 1996, Developing Oracle Forms Applications,

Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.

Morrison, J. & Morrison, M. 1999, A Guide to Oracle 8,

Thomson, Cambridge.

van der Lans, R.F. 1993, Introduction to SQL, Addison

Wesley, New York.

van der Lans, F. R. 1995, The SQL Guide to ORACLE,

Addison-Wesley, New York.

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