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Professional English in Use – Year 3rd


symbol example meaning in full

. 3.14159 three point one four one five nine
+ 5+5 five plus five
- 10 - 7 ten minus seven
= 1 tonne = 1,000 kg one tonne equals one thousand kilogrammes
is equal to
≠ x≠y x does not equal y
equals not
x 25 x 4 twenty five multiplied by four
÷ 8÷2 eight divided by two
one quantity over speed equals distance divided by time
another over
≡ 1 mm vertical ≡ 5 N one millimetre vertical is equivalent to five newtons
% 0,4 % zero point four per cent
√ √9 = 3 the square root of nine equals three
² 5² five squared
³ 6³ six cubed
215 two to the power of fifteen
> > 20 cm greater than twenty centimetres
< < 15 m less than fifteen metres
≥ ≥ 100 mm greater than or equal to one hundred millimetres
≤ ≤ 30 m² less than or equal to thirty square metres

Mathematical operations – vocabulary

addition (n.) sabiranje

to add (v.) sabirati, sabrati
sum, total (n.) zbir
addend (n.) sabirak
subtraction (n.) oduzimanje
to subtract (v.) oduzimati, oduzeti
minuend (n.) umanjenik
subtrahend (n.) umanjilac
difference (n.) razlika
multiplication (n.) množenje
to multiply (n.) množiti, pomnožiti
multiplicand (n.) činilac broj 1
multiplier (n.) činilac broj 2
product (n.) proizvod
division (n.) deljenje
to divide (v.) deliti, podeliti
dividend (n.) deljenik
divisor (n.) delilac
quotient (n.) količnik
Professional English in Use – Year 3rd


symbol example meaning in full

. 3.14159 three point one four one five nine
+ 5+5 five plus five
- 10 - 7 ten minus seven
= 1 tonne = 1,000 kg one tonne equals one thousand kilogrammes
is equal to
≠ x≠y x does not equal y
equals not
x 25 x 4 twenty five multiplied by four
÷ 8÷2 eight divided by two
one quantity over speed equals distance divided by time
another over
≡ 1 mm vertical ≡ 5 N one millimetre vertical is equivalent to five newtons
% 0,4 % zero point four per cent
√ √9 = 3 the square root of nine equals three
² 5² five squared
³ 6³ six cubed
215 two to the power of fifteen
> > 20 cm greater than twenty centimetres
< < 15 m less than fifteen metres
≥ ≥ 100 mm greater than or equal to one hundred millimetres
≤ ≤ 30 m² less than or equal to thirty square metres

Mathematical operations – vocabulary

addition (n.) sabiranje

to add (v.) sabirati, sabrati
sum, total (n.) zbir
addend (n.) sabirak
subtraction (n.) oduzimanje
to subtract (v.) oduzimati, oduzeti
minuend (n.) umanjenik
subtrahend (n.) umanjilac
difference (n.) razlika
multiplication (n.) množenje
to multiply (n.) množiti, pomnožiti
multiplicand (n.) činilac broj 1
multiplier (n.) činilac broj 2
product (n.) proizvod
division (n.) deljenje
to divide (v.) deliti, podeliti
dividend (n.) deljenik
divisor (n.) delilac
quotient (n.) količnik

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