Goose Creek Monthly Meeting Newsletter February 2019

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Goose Creek Friends

Newsletter February 2019

Goose Creek Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Lincoln, Virginia

Queries for Second Month:

• How can I actively support the
meeting community?
• How can I support the Clerk of Meeting
and clerks of committees?
• How am I maturing into the fullness of
membership in this spiritual community?
• How does the meeting community nurture
my spiritual growth and transformation?
• In what ways does the Meeting make its
needs clear to each of us? Friends with Delegate Wendy Gooditis at the daily session of the
Virginia House of Delegates in January. See story on page 2.

Monthly Meeting for Worship with a Friends from Goose Creek recently attended
Concern for Business: Second Month a meeting of a new independent Loudoun
Friends approved use of the Meeting House County network called Faith Community. The
for a production of Meredith Bean McMath’s group is intended to help coordinate responses
play “All for the Union,” to take place probably to community needs. Friends approved a
the second weekend in August. This play continuing involvement.
recounts the true story of three young women Carolyn Unger described Goose Creek Friends’
from Waterford who helped with Loudoun’s offering of the invocation at the daily session of
Underground Railroad and created a newspaper the Assembly of the Virginia House of Delegates.
to boost the morale of Union soldiers. Meredith Accompanying Carolyn were Martha Mason
and the play’s director, Jenna Powell, visited Semmes, Sheila Kryston, and Peggy King.
Meeting to answer questions. They will work
closely with our Property Committee. February 10: Discussion – The
John Unger read the 2018 Annual Financial Spiritual State of the Meeting in 2018
Report of the Meeting Trustees. One of the Each year we gather to reflect upon what the
Trustees’ responsibilities is to act as stewards in spiritual state of the Meeting has been over the
safeguarding and investing Goose Creek’s capital previous twelve months. The impetus for this is
funds. They are also responsible for managing the report that Baltimore Yearly Meeting asks
our insurance coverage. After reviewing the us to submit: our discussion becomes the basis
report, Friends approved it with thanks. for what we say in that report. But always we
Friends approved making the Camping find that this time for group reflection has deep
Committee a working group within the Religious value for us as individuals and for the Meeting
Education Committee. as a whole.
Continued on next page g
Goose Creek Friends Newsletter | February 2019 | Page 2
Continued from page 1

BYM has sent us four queries to consider. From Baltimore Yearly Meeting:
These will be distributed via email before the February 23 – Religious Education Retreat at
discussion. But the Ministry and Oversight Frederick Friends Meeting (Frederick, MD)
Committee has created this general query for
our use: Please join us for a day focused on Teaching
Friends across the Generations. . . [to be] held
• Are we as a Meeting being faithful to our at Frederick Meeting House, February 23 from
leadings regarding the people we are called 10-3:30pm, with a snow date of April 13. The
to be? morning will focus on what we have found most
• Are we growing in our capacity to be a meaningful and successful in our individual
channel of light in a world of darkness? Meetings. We will share with each other our
• What are specific examples of such light? most successful lessons and programmatic
approaches and have time to hear from a couple
• How can we bring more light into our world? of our elder teachers. In the afternoon we will
• Where do we fall short? brainstorm ideas about some common challenges
Please take some time to ponder these questions, we face … We will close by exploring and
and please stay for a while after Meeting for developing an idea which emerged from our RE
Worship on February 10 to talk about them. discussion/listening groups: Learning Boxes
for Teaching Across the Generations. This
would involve developing “Learning Boxes”
Quaker silence in the Virginia or resource packets that would contain lesson
House of Delegates plans, book recommendations, etc. for each
This is a long link to type, but it will lead you age group, from preschool to adult RE. Each
to a video of Goose Creek Friends leading the Learning Box would focus on one particular
Virginia House of Delegates in silent prayer: theme or topic, such as simplicity or compassion.
All members of the Meeting would concurrently
study some aspect of the same theme, giving
an opportunity for increased intergenerational
cohesion and interaction. For this retreat to be
most productive, we need you. If you can’t make
Wendy Gooditis, a member of Meeting who is it, please recruit someone from your Meeting
the member of the Virginia House of Delegates to attend. For information or to register, please
representing District 10, invited Goose Creek contact Ellen Arginteanu, at ellenandjules@
Friends to open the Virginia House of Delegates or 814-206-6712.
Session on Wednesday, January 23, with an
Young Friends will meet February 22-24 at
invocation in the manner of Friends.  Carolyn
Sandy Spring Friends Meeting.
Unger, Sheila Kryston, Martha Mason Semmes,
and Peggy King supported Wendy in her desire March 2 – BYM Change Group Training:
to bring Quaker traditions to the House of Reflect on Yourself to Stop Implicit Bias,
Delegates in Richmond. Frederick Friends Meeting (Frederick, MD)
The ad hoc Growing Diverse Leadership
Committee and the Working Group on Racism
invite you to this free Change Group training
Continued on next page g
Goose Creek Friends Newsletter | February 2019 | Page 3
Continued from page 2

to realize our vision of overcoming racism and Meeting News

becoming a multicultural religious society. Our Landon Hughes and Everett Svedlow have
lead facilitator is Dr. Amanda Kemp assisted by announced the birth on January 30 of their
Dr. Erika Fitz. Both are members of Lancaster little brother, Ace. Ace is otherwise known as
Monthly Meeting. Each training session will be Asher James Svedlow. His parents are Cameron
from 10am to 5pm (with an hour lunch break). Hughes and Jacob Svedlow. Congratulations to
You’ll find details and registration information them all!
at a link on this BYM page: http://www.bym-rsf.
org/events/localcommittee.html From Carolyn Unger, who is Goose Creek’s
marriage officiant: “It is with great pleasure
March 23 – Third Month Interim Meeting at that we celebrated the marriage of Lucas
Annapolis Friends Meeting Kosbob and Natalie West on a snowy First Day,
Get to know Yearly Meeting Committees and January 13, 2019, in a quiet ceremony held at
Friends from other Meetings! Be a part of the Meeting House in the presence of God and
important decision making. Join Friends for family and friends. Carolyn Unger, officiant,
morning committee meetings and the afternoon’s presided. We wished them happiness and health
Interim Business Meeting. Annapolis Friends while they cherish each other as long as they
Meeting will host the Third Month Interim both shall live.”
Meeting. Friends will begin gathering at Libby and Mark Walker have sent news of
10:00am. Committee meetings will begin at their daughter Eve. She finished high school
10:30. Check the Yearly Meeting website for a semester early and hopes to spend a month
more information. ( this spring in Costa Rica contributing to the
interim/third19.html). preservation of sea turtles through a program
called the International Volunteer HQ. In the
Save the date: March 17 fall Eve plans to attend Northern Virginia
Miriam Westervelt will offer a presentation Community College. Congratulations, Eve!
of the doctoral work she recently completed Congratulations also to Kelsey Welsh Parris,
on “Gender dimensions of land change among daughter of Eleanor Welsh and niece of Beth
indigenous Maasai in southern Kenya.” Welsh, and a birthright member of Goose Creek
Meeting. Kelsey earned her Masters of Business
Administration degree from Loyola University
of New Orleans in December 2018. She lives in
New Orleans.
Friends have been missing Nancy Uram on First
Days. She continues to recover at home from the
effects of a fall she had in December.

Lincoln's resident peacock visits the Meeting House.

Page 4 | February 2019 | Goose Creek Friends Newsletter

Sundays Facing Bench

Meeting for worship at 9:45 a.m. FEBRUARY
First Day School at 10:00 a.m. Debbi Sudduth
Fellowship at 10:45 a.m. MARCH
Wednesdays Rich Weidner

Discussion Group at 7:00 p.m.

First Day
Calendar School
FEBRUARY 02/03/19
Elizabeth Fry
2.10 Sunday 11 am Discussion of the spiritual state of the Meeting 2018
2.11 Mon. 5 pm SPICES Peace Troupe working group meeting 02/10/19
The Lord's Prayer
2.17 Sunday 11 am Meeting of committee clerks and co-clerks
2.20 Wed. 6 pm Religious Education Committee meeting 02/17/19
2.24 Sunday 11 am Ministry & Oversight Committee meeting An Introduction to
Bible Study
3.1 Sunday 11 am Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business Right Sharing of
3.10 Sunday 11 am Quakers and the Bible World Resources
3.17 Sunday 11 am Mimi Westervelt on women and
water in southern Kenya
3.31 Sunday 11 am Ministry & Oversight Committee meeting
Asher James Svedlow, to Cameron Hughes and Jacob Svedlow,
on January 30, 2019. NEWSLETTER
The Goose Creek Friends Newsletter
is published monthly by the
MARRIAGE Goose Creek Friends Meeting,
Lucas Kosbob, to Natalie West, January 13, 2019 18204 Lincoln Road, P.O. Box 105,
Lincoln, VA 20160.
Rich Weidner, 540.554.2747
Allen Cochran, 540.338.6485
Seven Goose Creek Friends
went to Richmond on Jan. 22 to TREASURER
advocate with lawmakers as part Brian Burgher
of the 2019 Day for All People,
organized by the VA Interfaith NEWSLETTER EDITOR
Center for Public Policy. Pictured: Catherine Cox, 301-471-5330
Some GC Friends with Delegate
Jennifer Boysko and others. WEBSITE & FACEBOOK
“When early Friends affirmed the priesthood of all believers it was seen
as an abolition of the clergy; in fact it is an abolition of the laity. All 150892438287560/?rc=p
members are part of the clergy and have the clergy’s responsibility for DONATIONS
the maintenance of the meeting as a community. This means helping to Please direct donations for
contribute, in whatever ways are most suitable, to the maintenance of an Goose Creek Friends Meeting to
Brian Burgher, P.O. Box 105
atmosphere in which spiritual growth and exploration are possible for all.” Lincoln, Virginia 20160
– Britain Yearly Meeting, 1999

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