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Grade: Kindergarten Subject/Unit: Seasons, ELA

Teacher: Miss McGovern Lesson: 1

Desired Results (what will students learn?)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

SLO 4.1
Enhance and improve by:
Outcome(s) • Exploring and experimenting with new words and terms associated with topics of interest (chlorophyll,
colours of the leaves, fall season, etc.)
• Experimenting with sounds, colours, print, and pictures to express ideas and feelings (drawing and
colouring the tree of Fall season, further understanding of what Fall is, listening to the video)

Students will be able to:

1. Show that they know how a Fall tree is supposed to look
Objective(s) 2. Practice their pencil holding / drawing skills

Assessment Evidence (how will you determine student learning?)

Summative Formative • Observations during work time
• N/A • Verbal questions and responses; contribution to group discussion
Assessment Assessment • Pictures of the correct season drawn on their four-square sheets

Learning Experiences/Opportunities (what will students do to learn it?)

• Set up the video ahead of time so
that it’s ready for the students
• Mystery Science video on • Make sure I have enough sheets
Ed Resources
why leaves change colour folded to look like four squares for
Tech in the Fall to Prepare each child (always have extra in
case there isn’t enough)
• Pencils and pencil crayons
Time Allotment Content/Description Notes
Introduction/Attention Grabber:

• Specific steps to promote relevance with students:

• Q1: “So when everyone was coming in from outside, what was the first thing
that you did?”
• Expected Response: We took off our coats, shoes, and backpacks and came
to the carpet
• Q2: “And you were all dressed up in warm clothes because of the cold
• Make sure to point out as I ask
1:05pm weather outside. What season is it outside?”
these questions, that I will only
Approximately • Expected Response: Winter
take answers from people who
5 minutes
raise their hand
• Assessment of Prior Knowledge:
• Q3: “Who remembers talking about the seasons?”
• Expected Response: Me! I do! / No, I don’t
• “Raise your hand if you can tell me one or more of the seasons.”
• Students will raise their hands, I will pick a couple (if one student answers all
of them then great)
• Write their answers along the top of the board

ED3501 – Section AB (Fall, 2018) Page 1

Grade: Kindergarten Subject/Unit: Seasons, ELA
Teacher: Miss McGovern Lesson: 1

• Overview:
• “Today we will be talking a little bit more about the season of Fall.” Circle the
word “Fall” on the board.
• Q4: “Can you all remind me what the colours of the leaves are in the Fall?”
• Expected Response: Red, Orange, Yellow, Brown
• “To start off, we will watch a quick video about why the leaves change colour
from green to red, orange, yellow, and brown.”

• Transition:
• “Can everyone turn to face the screen please?” Can call on whichever
students are not doing it.
Activity #1: Video on Why Leaves Change Colour

Teacher Prompts/Cues/Explanations
• When new or familiar words come up from the video, ask the students to
say it with me (like chlorophyll), and talk about what letter the new or
familiar word starts with

Student Actions
• Should be silently listening to and looking at the video
• Anyone who I talking or not paying attention, say their name and signal to
• SLO 4.1 Enhance and Improve by:
them to pay attention
-exploring and experimenting with
• Replying to questions of mine / contributing to discussion
1:10pm new words and terms associated
Approximately with topics of interest
Guiding/Prompting Questions
6 minutes -experimenting with sounds,
• “What letter does this word start with?”
colours, print, and pictures to
• “Can you say _____ with me? 1, 2, 3: _____”
express ideas and feelings
Check for Understanding/Performance Indicators
• After the video, sum up the idea of the leaves changing colour
• Could ask the kids to remind me what the new word we talked about was
called. (chlorophyll)

Transition Cues
• “Can everyone turn to face the board now please? Sitting crisscross apple
sauce, eyes are open, ears are open and ready to listen, and mouths are
zippity dippity. Thank you.”
Activity #2: Drawing the Trees of the Seasons

Teacher Prompts/Cues/Explanations
• Draw the trunk of a tree with a brown whiteboard marker
• Ask the class if they remember what each season tree looks like as we go
• Stop more than once to quite them
through the cycle
down and make sure they are
• Start drawing on the suggestions that they make, correct them if they are
paying attention
completely off the mark
1:16pm • Crisscross apple sauce, eyes open,
• Continue drawing the trees until finished
Approximately ears open, mouths zippity dippity
• Take one of the four square sheets and tell them that it is their turn to draw
10 minutes • Oh no, no one is listening nicely, so
just the Fall tree
I’ll wait / no one is paying
• Explain what order the seasons will go in, and which box they need to put
attention so we will sit here and do
their Fall tree in. There will be a brown dot in the box that Fall needs to go
• Ask them if I can put my tree in other boxes, they should say no, then ask
about the box with the dot in it, they should say yes

ED3501 – Section AB (Fall, 2018) Page 2

Grade: Kindergarten Subject/Unit: Seasons, ELA
Teacher: Miss McGovern Lesson: 1

Student Actions
• Listening and responding when asked to
• Facing the teacher

Transition Cues
• “Okay now who’s ready?” Pick kids who are sitting nicely, quiet, waiting to

Activity #3: Students Draw the Tree on Their Four-Square Sheet

Teacher Prompts/Cues/Explanations
• Walking around, seeing who needs help, encouraging kids to get up to get
the colours they want, encourage them to use the appropriate colours for
Fall, making sure they do it in the right box, helping kids write their name on
the back

Student Actions
• Drawing the Fall tree in the right box
• SLO 4.1 Enhance and Improve by:
1:26pm • Using the appropriate colours
-experimenting with sounds,
Approximately • At least getting the look of the season right
colours, print, and pictures to
15 minutes • Writing their name on the back of the sheet
express ideas and feelings
Guiding/Prompting Questions
• “Is that the colour of Fall leaves?”
• “Is that what Fall looks like? Does that seem like what we just talked about?”
• If they draw people in their pictures, etcetera, ask them “What is that? What
did you draw there?”

Transition Cues
• “When you are finished, please write your name on the back, fold it up, and
hand it in to Mrs. Pereira or I.”
Lesson Closure/Cliffhanger:

• Gather up the pencils and pencil crayons to put away when all kids are done
• Kids will go to the carpet to read a book when they are finished
1 minute
• Connections to Upcoming Learning Opportunities
• “We will continue to work on these projects as the seasons go by. So soon
enough, we will work on Winter trees.”


ED3501 – Section AB (Fall, 2018) Page 3

Grade: Kindergarten Subject/Unit: Seasons, ELA
Teacher: Miss McGovern Lesson: 1

ED3501 – Section AB (Fall, 2018) Page 4

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