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An article


Section A

Directed Writing

Sample question - SPM 2002

[ 35 marks ]

You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.

Question 1

You find that many of your friends are under a lot of pressure. They spend most of their
time studying and appear to suffer from stress. Write an article for your school
newsletter on how to cope with stress. Include the following points:

- regular exercise
- hobbies
- plan a time-table
- work in group
- balanced meals
- enough sleep
- study skills
- make a check-list
- seek advice
- games
- talk to your family
- listen to music
When writing the article, you should remember:

• to give a title
• that your readers are mainly students
• to include all the points given
• to write in paragraphs

How to Cope with stress (F1)

Hello friends! How are you all doing in your studies? I assume that all of you are
studying very hard. In the process of studying, I am sure you have a headache, muscle
tense and so on. These systems are caused by stress. There are a lot of ways for you to
cope with stress.

Regular exercise (C1) is one of them. Exercising helps to relax your muscles as (F2)
well as improve your blood circulation to ensure your heart and brain are in good
condition. You can start a hobby or hobbies (C2) that can relax and keep your mind off
any problems. You can do swimming, traveling and so on.

Be organized. Plan a time-table (C3) that is convenient to you so that you will have
sufficient time to do daily work and study. Some of you may find it less stressful to work
in groups (C4). Your meeting place can be your friend’s house or even the park.

Besides that, eat balanced meals (C5) everyday. The right amount of proteins,
carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals is essential for your health. Having enough sleep,
(C6) at least eight hours per day, is another key to cope with stress.

Make sure you get your studying strategies right. Study skills (C7) such as using
colourful highlighters, making notes and drawing pictures actually help you understand
better. Keep yourself on track, make a check-list (C8), so you can tick off whichever
subject that you have or have not covered.

If you have any problem in your studies, do not be quiet, go and seek advice (C9)
from your 2ounselor or teachers. They might advise you to play games (C9) like
badminton, football and other outdoor games.

Remember that your family is always there to help you in everyway they can. Talk
to them (C11). It will not only help you cope with your stress but will tighten the bond
between your family members. Listen to music (C12) if you like.

Those were the things you can do to get rid of that stress. Care to give it a try?

Written by:
Andy (F3)
Section A: Directed Writing
[35 marks]

You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.

Question 1

The English Society of your school recently organised ‘A Caring Society Week’. During
that week, the members visited the following institutions in your town to express their
care and concern in various ways. Write an article for your school magazine based on
all the notes below.

 Golden Years Home for the aged
 distribute food hampers
 entertain residents

 House of Hope for disabled children
 offer private tuition
 organise story-telling session

 Seri Harapani Home for under-privileged children
 treat them to Kenny Fried Chicken
 take them to the zoo

 Mesra General Hospital
 play board games
 decorate children’s ward

When writing the article you should remember:

· to give an appropriate title
· to use all the given points
· to add relevant details
· to write in paragraphs

Fill in the blanks with the content points provided, number the paragraphs and
rewrite them. Write the title of the article.


On ____________ we proceeded with our second trip to the _______________

_____________________________________ . We were so amazed to see that they

are so high spirited and full of enthusiasm to do their assigned task in spite of their

disability. Seeing their enthusiasm, we ___________ them a_____________________ .

To entertain them we ________________ a _________________________________ .

The children were thrilled with our stories.

Our last trip was to ____________________________________ . We met some

patients in the hospital. Most of the patients were children and elderly people. My friends

______________________________________ with some elderly patients. Before going

home, we __________________________________________________ . The children

looked cheerful and seemed to be grateful with what we did.

Recently, the ________________ of my school organized _________________

as one of our main activities of the year. We visited several institutions in the town to

________________________________________________. The visit which took about

four days was joined by 35 members of the society and 5 teachers.

The next day, on_____________ , we departed to our third destination. It was

______ ___________________________________________________________ . We
took the children to the town and __________________________________________ .

After their meals, the children went for a around the town. They were overjoyed when we

______________________ .

In a nutshell, we learned many things about life during the trips. We hope we

would be able to make another trips in the future.

On__________________, the day of the trip, we visited the ________________.

_____________________________________________________ . The old folks there

were very pleased and excited to see us. Besides talking to them, we also ___________

_____________________________________ for each of them as well as __________

____________________ with a sketch and a few songs. To our surprise, the residents

seemed to enjoy themselves very much with our simple performance

__________________ :

Nurin Faiza

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