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Educational qualifications:
Post graduation or 4 year length degree or equivalent degree
Age and height:
General and other quotas (Male) Age: 21-30 year, Height: 5’4’’ (Five feet four inch)
Freedom fighter (Male) Age: 21-32 year, Height: 5’4’’ (Five feet four inch)
General and other quotas (Female) Age: 21-30 year, Height: 5’ (Five feet )
Freedom fighter (Female) Age: 21-32 year, Height: 5’ (Five feet )
Subjects determined by Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC)
Total number of written exam-900 and total number of viva voce exam-200
Basic training 1 (one) year and field attachment 06 (six) months
Appointing authority:
Peoples Republic of Bangladesh


General Police Academy Requirements and Disqualifiers

All departments establish and maintain their own police academy requirements and qualifications; so interested
candidates are advised to consult department-specific resources for qualification standards and disqualifying factors.
This list represents the general requirements and disqualifiers for police academy eligibility, although it is not an
exhaustive list and is not representative of qualifications maintained by all police departments:

 At least 21 years at the time of police academy graduation

 No misdemeanor convictions within the three years prior to applying
 Valid driver’s license
 United States citizenship
 No felony convictions
 No DWI convictions in the five years prior to applying
 No domestic violence convictions
 Sixty credit hours from an accredited college or university (College credit requirements may be waived for
those with at least three years of military service and an honorable discharge)

Physical Fitness Requirements

The first component of officer fitness is the physical capability to perform the many duties expected of any law
enforcement professional. While different police organizations emphasize various attributes, almost all require top
physical condition for their officers. At the top of most police requirements is stamina. Not only will heightened
endurance help officers pursue and subdue individuals, but it also contributes to a higher level of performance
during the long hours that police may have to remain on duty. A heightened endurance enables officers to remain
aware of their immediate surroundings, which can help them identify threats and respond appropriately.
Strength is also an important requirement of police officers. Officers often must wrestle unruly subjects into
handcuffs, which requires upper body strength coupled with flawless technique. Physical strength is also necessary
for many life-threatening situations like conveying an injured comrade to safety.
Dexterity and coordination are critical to police service. The ability to properly discharge and reload a firearm is
contingent upon the dexterity of the officer. In many cases, the lives of officers and bystanders are dependent upon
the ability to properly aim and fire a weapon at a dangerous individual.

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