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NAME :_____________________

YEAR :_____________________
DATE :_____________________


A. Choose and circle suitable answers.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Glue Shawl Whael Trofy Newspaper

Gloo Shoal Whale Trophy Niewspaper
5. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Doo Shout Peanut Third Magpy

Doe Shawt Peenut Thread Magpie

(10 marks)

B. Rewrite the paragraphs correctly

1. carrie crow had a chick she wanted her chick to have a

good voice so she took it to her friend mary magpie





the viperfish can change its colour from green to
silver black or blue it can live up to 50 years





(4 marks)

C. Read the sentences below and underline the correct answers.

1. Kelvin and I share the same hobby. ( We , They ) like collecting stamps.

2. Happy Birthday Lina. ( This , That ) is gift for you.

3. Ranjit alwalys ( take , takes ) his dog for a walk in the park.

4. My sister ( iron , ironed ) her clothes this morning.

5. We can stay in a tent ( or , and ) chalet at the farm.

6. I keep my diary ( in , on ) the drawer.

(6 marks)

D. Circle the correct answer

1. Su Ling and Kartini are friends. __________ are afraid of small creatures.
A) I B) They
C) She D) We

2. The Hindus _________ oil lamps during Deepavali.

A) light B) lighted
C) lights D) lighting

3. Priya ___________ when she saw a cockroach on the floor

A) scream B) screams
C) screamed D) screaming

4. The flowers of a water lily can be white, yellow __________pink.

A) and B) but
C) or D) so

5. The beggar lay __________ the floor and fell asleep.

A) in B) on
C) under D) above

(5 marks)

E. Rewrite the sentences by replacing the pictures with words

ocean sheep playground swing Dolphins school bus pupils pen

1. There is a in the .

_______________________________________________________ .

2. The lives in a .

_______________________________________________________ .

3. The are boarding the .

_______________________________________________________ .
4. live in the .

_______________________________________________________ .
(8 marks)

F. Rearrange the words to form sentences.

want beautiful and any one. Princess


did not proud to but marry was




worn- marry her a poor clothes One

out and day,

her shoes. musician forced to torn

father with




the a king married, many After they
princess years. were

he was they lived told poor and

happily musician

the for that




(15 marks)

G. Read the dialogue below and complete the message bellow.

Your classmate, , called jus now. She wants to

Bring them .

(12 marks)

H. Study the picture below and answer the questions.

1. Where are the scouts camping?

2. Who is carrying a pail of water?

3. What are the two boys doing near a tent? Who are they?

4. Why is James hanging a pot over the fire?

5. Is camping an indoor or outdoor activity?

(10 marks)

F. Circle the correct answers.

Encik Azman wears his uniform when he goes to work every morning. His
job is to deliver letters from house to house on his red motorcycle. Besides
letters, he also delivers postcards and parcels. Encik Azman’s job requires him
to be punctual and trustworthy.
People in the neighbourhood see him every day. They wait anxiously for
him to drop the letters in their letter boxes. The letters bring news from near
and far. Some people smile at him when he passes by their gates. Some wave at
him. He has become a familiar person in the neighbourhood.
Encik Azman returns to the post office in the afternoon. He then collects
letters from the postbox and sorts them. After a long day at work, he returns
home feeling tired but happy.

1. What does Encik Azman work as?

A. Police man C. Paramadics
B. Fire fighter D. Postman

2. What does he do every day?

A. Delivers letters from house to house.
B. Delivers postcards and parcels from house to house.
C. Delivers letters, postcards and parcels from house to house.
D. Delivers letters, postcards and parcels to the offices.

3. What do the people in the neighbourhood do when they see Encik Azman?
A. They chase him away.
B. They smile and wave at him.
C. They welcome him to their houses.
D. They give their letters to him.

4. What does Encik Azman do when he returns to the post office in the
A. He collects letter from the postbox.
B. He collects letter from the postbox and delivers the letter.
C. He collects letter from the postbox and sorts them.
D. He collects letter from the postbox and puts the letters in his motorcycle.

5. Which word in the passage means doing things at the arranged time?
A. Trustworthy C. Familiar
B. Anxiously D. Punctual
(10 marks)


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