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Aging and constitutive modeling of asphalt

mixtures: Research developments in Brazil

Conference Paper · June 2014

DOI: 10.1201/b17219-131


3 62

3 authors, including:

Lucas F. A. L. Babadopulos J. B. Soares

Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat Universidade Federal do Ceará


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1 Aging and Constitutive Modeling of Asphalt Mixtures:
2 Research Developments in Brazil
3 Lucas F. de A. L. Babadopulos1, Jorge Barbosa Soares2, Verônica T. F. Castelo Branco3
4 (1 Laboratório de Mecânica dos Pavimentos da Universidade Federal do Ceará (LMP/UFC),
5 Campus do Pici s/n, Bloco 703, Departamento de Engenharia de Transportes, CEP 60440-554,
6 Fortaleza-CE, Brazil,
7 (2
8 (3


11 The use of complex modulus for asphalt mixture characterization is still restricted to
12 special projects in Brazil. Nevertheless it is recognized the importance of leveling ongoing
13 national research efforts towards a new pavement design methodology with international state-
14 of-the-art developments. The work presented herein concentrates on testing and analysis
15 procedures for characterizing stiffness of asphalts mixtures considering its properties dependency
16 on aging evolution. It uses an existing aging phenomenological model and it also proposes an
17 aging experimental procedure. The referred model utilizes an internal state variable and four
18 materials constants. Coupling the aging and well-established linear viscoelastic models, storage
19 and loss moduli results at two different aging states are predicted. A simulation of the change in
20 dynamic modulus with time (aging) is also presented to illustrate the potential of the modeling
21 approach. This work is part of a continuing research at Universidade Federal do Ceará, at
22 Fortaleza, Brazil, involving extended aging times, methodology, materials and further modeling
23 efforts.
25 Keywords: Aging, Asphalt Mixture, Stiffness, Complex Modulus, Modeling.


28 Asphalt mixture mechanical characterization in Brazil is today primarily based on

29 resilient modulus and indirect tensile strength tests. There is still no national standard for fatigue
30 or permanent deformation mixture characterization. In some specific situations, especially in
31 road concessions to the private industry, controlled-stress diametral compression test at only
32 room temperature is used for the former, and laboratory traffic simulators or dynamic creep
33 (Flow Number) is used for the latter. Brazil is currently undergoing a national effort to develop
34 its own mechanistic-empirical pavement design method, based on a national pavement material
35 database and on the performance of test sections monitored around the country. A first version of
36 the design guide is planned for 2016.
37 When it comes to mixture characterization in Brazil, the use of complex modulus is still
38 restricted to academia and research centers. Therefore, it should not be considered in this first
39 phase of the design method, which is being planned in such a way to be systematically updated.
40 For that reason, it is recognized the importance of leveling the country’s research with
41 international state-of-the-art developments. In this context, the present work deals with the
1 improvement of test and analysis procedures for the characterization of asphalt mixtures
2 considering their properties dependency on aging evolution.
3 There is no worldwide consensus on a procedure for the characterization of fatigue in
4 asphalt mixtures, although it is considered a major pavement distress. There is also no widely
5 accepted aging model or experimental procedure to take into account this phenomenon in fatigue
6 characterization, despite extensive literature comments on its influence. This paper is focused in
7 modeling the behavior of asphalt mixtures under small strains, aiming at the stiffness
8 characterization and at the incorporation of aging considerations. The authors believe that the
9 presented approach is an important step towards more sophisticated stiffness and fatigue
10 characterization of mixtures in the Brazilian pavement design procedure. The research is part of
11 a broader project related to the development of the new Brazilian mechanistic-empirical
12 pavement design method. At this point, only data for early ages (2 days of aging) at two different
13 temperatures (85 and 135ºC) were available. Aging was induced to loose asphalt mixture, in a
14 procedure adapted from Partl et al. [1].
15 In literature, some works have presented viscoelastic models which included aging time
16 as a variable (Daniel et al., [2]; Michalica et al., [3]) in addition to loading time (or frequency).
17 However, these models are not conceived to allow easy coupling of aging to other mechanical
18 characteristics of the asphalt mixture, such as viscoplasticity or damage. This has motivated the
19 use of the aging phenomenological model proposed by Al-Rub et al. [4]. The referred approach
20 couples aging to linear viscoelastic, viscoplastic and damage responses of asphalt mixtures. The
21 model utilizes an internal state variable, whose evolution depends on oxygen availability,
22 temperature, and four materials parameters. Those parameters are related to aging susceptibility,
23 reaction kinetics, and aging history and temperature dependency. It allows to establish a relation
24 between the difference of aging time and the difference of temperature in two different aging
25 processes under the same oxygen availability. The material constants are obtained by minimizing
26 model prediction square errors with respect to experimental results. Complex modulus results
27 can be used to fit linear viscoelastic models at different aging states. The comparison between
28 the linear viscoelastic parameters obtained at the different aging states allows the identification
29 of the aging model parameters along with the linear viscoelastic parameters aging sensitivity.
30 With the fitted aging model parameters, the nonlinear and the damage aging sensitivity can be
31 estimated comparing experimental results obtained at different aging states, as shown by Al-Rub
32 et al. [4]. This is the object of an ongoing research project conducted by the authors, and this
33 paper presents the first aging results obtained. An aging experimental procedure is also proposed
34 for asphalt mixtures herein as a contribution of the present research under development in Brazil.


36 2.1 Linear Viscoelasticity

38 In this paper, mechanical analogs are used to fit linear viscoelastic models to
39 experimental data. The Generalized Maxwell-Wiechert model was fitted to storage modulus
40 following a Linear Least Squares Method, and then the Generalized Kelvin-Voigt model was
41 generated by an interconversion procedure (Park and Schapery, [5]). These models are
42 commonly referred to as Prony series models, and are often used to represent the linear
43 viscoelastic behavior of solid continuum media, e.g., bituminous materials. The Maxwell-
44 Wiechert model gives a Prony series for the relaxation modulus defined by the parameters E∞,
45 Ei's, and i's, while the Kelvin-Voigt does the same for the creep compliance, whose Prony series
1 is defined by the parameters D0, Dj's, and j's. These properties are given in the time domain, and
2 designated transient. However, it is more practical to perform experiments in the frequency
3 domain, due to time consuming and difficulty with respect to linearity limits typical from time
4 domain tests. In such case, the complex modulus (E*) is used. For viscoelastic materials, the
5 strain signal is delayed from the stress signal by a quantity known as the phase angle ( ). Using
6 Euler's formula for complex exponentials, E* is given by the ratio between stress and strain
7 during a harmonic oscillation:
9 (1)
10 Where .
12 , known as the storage modulus, is associated to the stored portion of
13 mechanical energy during harmonic loading. is the loss modulus, associated to
14 the dissipated portion. The angular frequency ω represents the pulsation (rad/s), and it is directly
15 related to the loading frequency f (Hz), as . The parameter is referred to as the
16 dynamic modulus, although it does not deal with inertial properties. It grows with the increase in
17 loading frequency and decreases with growing temperature. , along with , describes the
18 behavior of linear viscoelastic materials in the frequency domain.
19 For an asphalt mixture, a composite heterogeneous material, the interlocking provided by
20 the aggregates provides to the phase angle a non monotonic trend with the change in temperature
21 (or frequency). Generally, for low frequencies and high temperatures, grows with loading
22 frequency, whereas for high frequencies and low temperatures the inverse occurs (Clyne et al.,
23 [6]; Flintsch et al., [7]). This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the elastic behavior
24 ( ) of the aggregates influences more the material's response when the asphalt binder is
25 softer, i.e., at low frequencies and high temperatures. At those conditions, a decrease in
26 frequency leads to a more elastic response, because aggregates participation in the material's
27 behavior becomes more important: decreases.
28 Assuming the generalized Maxwell model, the storage ( ) and the loss ( moduli are
29 calculated from Eq.(2) and Eq.(3), respectively.
31 (2)
32 (3)
34 In this paper, a least squares optimization based on Eq.(2) was used with assumed
35 relaxation times ( 's) and long-term modulus ( ). It consists of the minimization of the Cost
36 Function described by . This is presented in
37 detail by Babadopulos [8] and it is analogous to equations provided in Silva [9]. The resulting
38 equation from the optimization of the cost function leads to a system of linear equations. Eq.(4)
39 summarizes the fitting procedure:
41 (4)
1 The value of the long-term modulus ( ) is meant to be assumed lower than the lowest
2 obtained modulus. Eq.(4) represents the algebraic linear system whose solution is the set of
3 stiffness constants associated to the preestablished time constants in order to fit (frequency
4 domain) experimental results using a linear least squares method. It is capable of considering all
5 M experimental points . The dummy variable (index) represents the lines of the linear
6 system to solve, and it varies from 1 to (number of elements in the Prony series). Although
7 is not used in the fitting procedure, it can be used to verify the goodness of fit, comparing
8 experimental to predicted results from Eq.(3). Then, the procedure proposed by Park and
9 Schapery (1999) to interconvert the relaxation modulus discrete spectrum (E∞, Ei's, i's) into a
10 creep compliance discrete spectrum (D0, Dj's, j's) can be applied. Having both Prony series
11 (relaxation and creep), allows one to model both strain input and stress input problems in linear
12 viscoelasticity.
14 2.2 Aging
16 Since the production, asphalt binders are subjected to conditions which induce a change
17 in their mechanical properties. Volatilization of light fractions produces physical aging. There is
18 also oxidative aging, induced by irreversible chemical reactions of the binder with diffused
19 oxygen in its volume. Binder aging is largely reported in the open literature, with relevant
20 contributions made four decades ago (Lee and Huang, [10]; Lau et al., [11]; Petersen et al., [12]).
21 On the other hand, constitutive modeling of asphalt mixtures aging is a relatively undeveloped
22 subject. In Brazil, an attempt to include aging in constitutive modeling of asphalt mixtures is
23 undergoing at Universidade Federal do Ceará. Different laboratory mixture aging methods are
24 being considered, and mixture properties are subsequently obtained.
25 Al-Rub et al. [4] proposed a phenomenological mechanistic-based aging model which is
26 conceptually similar to the chemical pressure- and temperature-dependent aging models for
27 binders, which predict the basic carbonyl reaction rate. It establishes a general law for the
28 evolution of an aging internal state variable and, then, couples its value to the effects of aging,
29 i.e., change in mechanical properties such as viscoelastic, viscoplastic and damage
30 characteristics. The general expression for the model is as follows:
32 (5)
34 Where is the aging internal state variable, its time derivative, is the normalized
35 oxygen content (between 0 and 1), the reference aging absolute temperature, and the actual
36 absolute temperature. The four aging model parameters are the aging dependency on normalized
37 oxygen content , the aging history dependency , the aging temperature dependency , and
38 the aging fluidity parameter . The last one is given in s-1 and its inverse can be interpreted as a
39 relaxation time for the aging process, i.e., time necessary for a fixed change in the original value
40 of the aging variable. The aging internal state variable ranges from zero to 1, with
41 representing an unaged material, whereas =1 represents a completely aged material. This
42 model can be simplified, assuming the material to be saturated ( ), , and integrating
43 it. The result is shown in Eq.(6).
45 (6)

2 Where is the value of the aging state variable in the beginning of the aging process
3 ( ) and . The product can be seen as a reduced
4 aging time, taking aging temperature into account. This simplified model is the one used to fit
5 the experimental data in this paper.
6 The aging model can be coupled in the constitutive modeling of asphalt mixtures as
7 shown by Al-Rub et al. [4]. For the coupling to linear viscoelasticity, the referred authors used
8 the creep compliance discrete spectra at different aging states. In the present paper, the relaxation
9 modulus discrete spectra were used. Eqs.(7a, 7b, 7c) represent the coupling between linear
10 viscoelasticity and the aging of the material.
12 ; ; (7a,7b)
13 (7c)
15 The subscript indicates the aged state. The model parameters represent the relaxation
16 spectrum susceptibility with respect to aging (1 for the elastic modulus, 2 for the transient
17 modulus, and 3 for the relaxation times).


19 3.1 Reference Asphalt Mixture

21 The asphalt mixture investigated is a dense asphalt concrete with 12.5mm nominal
22 maximum aggregate size. The binder is classified by penetration as a 50/70. For the designed air
23 voids content (4%), the required binder content was 6.0% (by weight). The resulting maximum
24 theoretical density (Gmm) determined by the Rice test was 2.3915g/cm³ (average results for
25 three samples).
26 The materials tested in this paper are the reference unaged mixture (Age Zero), and two
27 mixtures resulting from aging (designated Age 2, because of the 2 days aging time in the oven) at
28 different temperatures (Age 2, 85ºC and Age 2, 135ºC). Testing different temperatures allows to
29 identify the mixture aging sensitivity with respect to aging temperature, which constitutes a
30 contribution with respect to the results originally presented by Al-Rub et al. [4], where aging
31 temperature dependency was not evaluated. The Gmm changed with aging, resulting in
32 2.4025g/cm³ for Age 2, 85ºC and 2.4017g/cm³ for Age 2, 135ºC.
34 3.2 Aging Procedure
36 Short-term aging was simulated at 150ºC, for 2h. For the long-term aging simulation,
37 aging was induced to the loose asphalt mixture, using a procedure inspired by a RILEM protocol
38 described in the work edited by Partl et al. [1]. In order to normalize aging conditions, identical
39 cooking trays (30×50×8cm) containing asphalt mixture were maintained in the oven at the
40 desired aging temperature. Equal quantities of material (three batches of 3.5kg, i.e., 10.5kg) were
41 stored in each tray, in order to have always approximately the same height.
42 Sample preparation in the Superpave Gyratory Compactor was set to stop at a fixed
43 height, targeting 150mm, as the number of gyrations necessary to produce samples with 4% air
44 voids could change due to the bitumen viscosity variation induced by aging. Final heights near to
1 150mm were obtained, using approximately 2.630kg of mixture to prepare each sample. Samples
2 were not cored or cut, but used directly from gyratory compaction in the mechanical tests. For
3 each aging condition (Age Zero; Age 2, 85ºC; and Age 2, 135ºC), 15 samples were prepared
4 following the described procedure. The obtained mean air void contents were 4.3, 4.5 and 4.7%,
5 respectively.


7 In this section, the experimental results (dynamic modulus and phase angle) are described
8 and compared. The procedure to fit the adopted linear viscoelastic and aging models is also
9 described, and the resulting parameters are presented. A comparison is made between model
10 prediction and experimental results. At the end, a brief aging simulation is performed, showing
11 the estimated change of the mixture stiffness, according to the fitted aging model.
13 4.1 Stiffness characterization
15 AASHTO TP62-03 [13] was the test protocol adopted for HMA stiffness
16 characterization. The results are shown in master curves for both and , as indicated in
17 Figures 1a and 1b, respectively. Mean results were obtained from four tests in samples of
18 100mm diameter by 150mm height, using three axial LVDTs mounted 120º apart on the surface
19 of the sample, around its circumference. Fingerprint tests (short-time complex modulus tests, at
20 very small strain amplitudes) were conducted in order to select the load pulse to be tested. A
21 strain amplitude of 67.5 was the target, expecting to reach strain amplitudes in the interval
22 between 60 and 75. At this strain levels, linearity conditions should be respected and
23 negligible strain dependency (nonlinearity) observed. The master curves for each aging state
24 were obtained after horizontally shifting the isotherms, using a WLF Law (Williams et al., [14]).
1.0E+05 50
Master Curve at 21.1C Age 0
Dynamic Modulus (MPa)

Phase Angle (degrees)

40 Master Curve at 21.1C Age 2 85C


30 Master Curve at 21.1C Age 2 135C

Master Curve at 21.1C Age 0
Master Curve at 21.1C Age 2 85C 10
Master Curve at 21.1C Age 2 135C
1.0E+01 0
1.0E-05 1.0E-02 1.0E+01 1.0E+04 1.0E+07 1.0E-05 1.0E-02 1.0E+01 1.0E+04 1.0E+07
Reduced Frequency (Hz) Reduced Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)
26 FIGURE 1 Dynamic Modulus (a) and Phase Angle (b) Master Curves for the Three
27 Tested Aging States
29 In Figure 1a, it can be seen that gradually increases as aging evolves. In logarithmic
30 scale (Figure 1a), the dynamic modulus at low reduced frequencies (or high temperatures) seems
1 to be much more affected by aging then at high reduced frequencies, as observed by other
2 authors (Glover et al., [15]). This means that the percentage change in dynamic modulus is
3 higher at low reduced frequencies. The scatter of results may not present a clear trend for the
4 phase angle as aging evolves, as seen in Figure 1b, at least for the beginning of the aging
5 process. The expected trend with respect to aging evolution was a decrease in .
7 4.2 Linear Viscoelasticity Modeling
9 The fitting procedure for linear viscoelasticity experimental data was the one presented in
10 the Literature Review. At first, a pre-smoothing procedure using a sigmoidal function was tried,
11 but significant prediction inaccuracy was observed for frequencies below 10-3Hz at 21.1ºC. So,
12 direct fitting to the data was used and resulted in acceptable results for the cases analyzed. One
13 elastic term (long-term modulus, E∞) and eleven transient terms (pairs Ei, i) were used to fit the
14 storage modulus (E’=|E*|.cos) experimental data. The same set of relaxation times (i), a
15 decade apart one from another, was used for fitting all asphalt mixtures data, varying only the
16 stiffness parameters (Ei’s). The results are the discrete relaxation spectra of the tested asphalt
17 mixture at different aging conditions, which describe its linear viscoelastic behavior, and can be
18 used to simulate any kind of loading path that do not cause material nonlinearities (such as
19 plasticity or damage). Then, the procedure proposed by Park and Schapery [5] to interconvert the
20 relaxation modulus discrete spectrum (E∞, Ei's, i's) into a creep compliance discrete spectrum
21 (D0, Dj's, j's) was applied. The obtained discrete spectra (relaxation modulus and creep
22 compliance) for the three aging states tested in this work are presented in Table 1.
26 TABLE 1 Discrete Spectra for the Three Evaluated Aging States
Age Age 2, Age 2, Age Age 2, Age 2,
Zero 85ºC 135ºC Zero 85ºC 135ºC
E∞ (MPa)= 60 75 90 D0 (MPa-1)= 3.74E-05 3.48E-05 3.15E-05
i (s) Ei (MPa) Ei (MPa) Ei (MPa) j (s) Dj (MPa-1) Dj (MPa-1) Dj (MPa-1)
1.00E-07 1.62E+03 1.90E+03 3.29E+03 1.00E-07 2.21E-06 2.25E-06 3.24E-06
1.00E-06 2.65E+03 2.78E+03 2.88E+03 1.00E-06 4.34E-06 4.01E-06 4.11E-06
1.00E-05 3.87E+03 4.20E+03 3.66E+03 1.00E-05 8.00E-06 7.58E-06 5.69E-06
1.00E-04 4.67E+03 4.66E+03 4.09E+03 1.00E-04 1.47E-05 1.32E-05 9.53E-06
1.00E-03 4.82E+03 4.89E+03 5.17E+03 1.00E-03 3.01E-05 2.47E-05 1.75E-05
1.00E-02 2.84E+03 3.48E+03 4.50E+03 1.00E-02 4.27E-05 3.92E-05 3.45E-05
1.00E-01 4.42E+03 4.11E+03 3.70E+03 1.00E-01 7.79E-05 8.00E-05 6.18E-05
1.00E+00 1.32E+03 1.81E+03 2.87E+03 1.00E+00 4.44E-04 2.88E-04 1.50E-04
1.00E+01 3.02E+02 6.35E+02 9.51E+02 1.00E+01 1.59E-03 8.50E-04 5.44E-04
1.00E+02 1.45E+02 1.54E+02 4.52E+02 1.00E+02 3.63E-03 3.10E-03 9.95E-04
1.00E+03 3.02E+01 6.05E+01 7.08E+01 1.00E+03 1.04E-02 7.34E-03 7.64E-03
28 The linear viscoelastic models summarized in Table 1 presented a satisfactory fitting to
29 the experimental data. The good fitting was observed both for the storage modulus (fitting
30 input) and the loss modulus (not the fitting input), as seen in Figure 2. This indicates that
31 linearity limits were respected during laboratory tests.

1.0E+05 1.0E+05

1.0E+04 1.0E+04
Modulus (MPa)

Modulus (MPa)
1.0E+03 1.0E+03
Storage Modulus Storage Modulus
1.0E+02 1.0E+02
Loss Modulus Loss Modulus
1.0E+01 1.0E+01
Prony series Prony series
1.0E+00 1.0E+00
1.0E-05 1.0E-02 1.0E+01 1.0E+04 1.0E+07 1.0E-05 1.0E-02 1.0E+01 1.0E+04 1.0E+07
Reduced frequency (Hz) Reduced frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)

Modulus (MPa)

Storage Modulus
Loss Modulus
Prony series
1.0E-05 1.0E-02 1.0E+01 1.0E+04 1.0E+07
Reduced frequency (Hz)
1 FIGURE 2 Measured and Modeled (Prony series) Storage and Loss Moduli for
2 (a) Age Zero, (b) Age 2, 85ºC and (c) Age 2, 135ºC
4 4.3 Aging Modeling
6 In this section, the previously obtained viscoelastic models are considered as inputs for
7 the aging modeling. In this work, aging modeling consists in determining the best set of
8 parameters, with respect to experimental data, for the simplified model presented in the
9 Literature Review: the reference temperature (T0), the aging fluidity parameter (), the initial
10 aging state (A0), the aging temperature dependency (k3), and the relaxation spectra susceptibility
11 with respect to aging (1 for the elastic modulus, 2 for the transient modulus and 3 for the
12 relaxation times). The optimization of the aging oxygen availability dependency (k1) and the
13 aging history dependency (k2) were not pursued for this work. They were assumed to be equal to
14 0.15 (as Al-Rub et al., [4] assumed) and 1 (to simplify calculation), respectively. The reference
15 temperature (T0) was taken as 21.1ºC.
16 The first step for the aging model fitting is the estimation of the values of the aging state
17 variable (A), to which the aging process has led the asphalt mixtures to present at each aging
18 condition. In this work, the initial aging state (A0) was assumed to be zero, as Age Zero was
19 taken as the beginning of the aging process. However, A0 could be assumed to have a value
20 different from zero, accounting for short-term aging (Al-Rub, [4]), and this would mean that the
21 initial aging state occurred before the one referred to in this paper as Age Zero.
22 The parameter 3, which accounts for the aging susceptibility of the relaxation time, was
23 assumed to be zero (3 = 0), as the magnitudes of the discrete spectra were obtained at exactly
24 the same relaxation times, in a manner that they did not vary with respect to the aging state. As
1 the elastic (E∞) and the transient (Ei's) magnitudes did vary with respect to the aging state (A), the
2 ratios between aged and unaged magnitudes were used as indicators of the aging state change. In
3 addition, the aging susceptibility of the elastic and the transient relaxation magnitudes are given
4 by 1 and 2, respectively.
5 Therefore, if the relaxation magnitudes are to be modeled using the unaged relaxation
6 spectra and the aging model, the least squares method can be applied to minimize the error in the
7 model prediction, varying the values of the aging state variable (A2,85ºC and A2,135ºC) and the
8 elastic and transient aging susceptibility. The procedure was carried out using Solver and the
9 obtained results were 1 = 0.58, 2 = 0.94, A2, 85ºC = 0.228 and A2,135ºC = 0.449. With the obtained
10 aging state variable values (A2, 85ºC = 0.228 and A2,135ºC = 0.449), the aging model could be fitted
11 by the determination of optimal  = 9.95×10-7s-1 and k3 = 3.03. The summary of the results is
12 presented in Table 2.
14 TABLE 2 Result for the Fitted Aging Model to the Studied Mixture
 (1/s) A0 ( ) k1 ( ) k2 ( ) k3 ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) T0 (ºC )
9.95×10-7 0.00 0.15 1.00 3.03 0.58 0.94 0.00 21.1
16 Combining the aging model, whose parameters are presented in Table 2, with the linear
17 viscoelastic model, whose parameters are presented in Table 1, one can represent all data of this
18 paper. Figure 3 presents the comparison between experimental storage and loss moduli results at
19 both aging states and the results predicted by the combination of Prony series and aging model.
1.0E+05 1.0E+05
1.0E+04 1.0E+04
Modulus (MPa)

Modulus (MPa)

1.0E+03 1.0E+03
Storage Modulus Storage Modulus
1.0E+02 1.0E+02
Loss Modulus Loss Modulus
1.0E+01 1.0E+01
Prony series from aging model Prony series from aging model
1.0E+00 1.0E+00
1.0E-05 1.0E-02 1.0E+01 1.0E+04 1.0E+07 1.0E-05 1.0E-02 1.0E+01 1.0E+04 1.0E+07
Reduced frequency (Hz) Reduced frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)
21 FIGURE 3 Measured and Modeled (Prony series combined to aging model) Storage
22 and Loss Moduli for (a) Age 2, 85ºC and (b) Age 2, 135ºC
24 It can be seen that the aging model, combined with the unaged discrete relaxation
25 spectrum, can fit stiffness experimental data for asphalt mixtures, at least for early ages. Al-Rub
26 et al. [4] used experimental data from the work done by Walubita [16], fitting an aging model for
27 data covering up to 6 months of aging of compacted mixtures at 60ºC. Those authors evaluated
28 two asphalt mixtures, obtaining  of 3.33 and 9.30×10-7s-1, i.e., the same order of magnitude
29 found in the present paper. Al-Rub et al. [4] stated that  is used as an indicator of mixtures
30 susceptibility to oxidative aging, because 1/ could be regarded as a "relaxation time" for the
31 aging. In this paper, temperature dependency was captured, because data was generated using
32 aging at two different temperatures. Data for longer aging times will soon be available as part of
33 the ongoing research effort at Universidade Federal do Ceará, at Fortaleza, Brazil.
2 4.4 Aging Simulation
4 To present the main contribution of an aging model representing asphalt materials
5 mechanical properties evolving with aging time, a few analytical simulations were performed. In
6 the simulations the percent change in the Dynamic Modulus is presented as time passes during
7 aging at a constant temperature. Different aging temperatures were evaluated, from 40 to 150°C.
8 Results were summarized in Figure 4.
Percent Increase in Dynamic

Taging (C) = 40
Taging (C) = 60
Modulus (%)

Taging (C) = 85
Taging (C) = 135
Taging (C) = 150
Two days
Five days
0E+00 1E+05 2E+05 3E+05 4E+05 5E+05
Aging time (s)
11 FIGURE 4 Aging Simulation at Constant Aging Temperatures: 40, 60, 85, 135, 150ºC
13 It can be seen that the fitted model predicts that a 40% increase in |E*| occurs at
14 approximately 2.8×105, 2.4×105, 1.9×105, 1.1×105 and 0.9×105s, for 40, 60, 85, 135 and 150°C,
15 respectively. This corresponds to the following aging times, in days: 3.2, 2.8, 2.2, 1.3 and 1 day.
16 For a given aging time, for example, 2 days, the predicted percent increases in |E*| are
17 approximately 22, 26, 36, 68 and 75. In other words, it can be said that, based on some
18 observations of the consequences of aging (change in moduli master curves in the case of this
19 paper) at few aging states, a phenomenological aging model based on an internal state variable
20 can associate aging time and aging temperature. The aging model predicts the value of the aging
21 internal state variable (A) and it is then coupled to the aging consequences using the
22 susceptibility parameters (i's). This gives the aging model the ability to predict the evolution of
23 the mechanical properties, such as the Storage and the Loss Moduli, of asphalt mixtures. It is
24 observed that this could be analogously done for viscoplasticity and damage as well, as presented
25 by Al-Rub [4]. It is to be noticed that only two aging times were evaluated to this point of the
26 research and could lead to prediction errors. A more comprehensive fitting will be produced with
27 further data.


29 This paper uses an existing phenomenological model to study the aging effect on linear
30 viscoelastic properties of asphalt mixtures. The referred aging model utilizes an internal state
31 variable and four materials parameters. An aging experimental procedure inspired by a RILEM
32 protocol is presented as part of a broader research effort under development in Brazil related to
33 the country’s new mechanistic-empirical pavement design method to be launched in 2016.

1 Different aging temperatures allowed to identify the mixture aging sensitivity with respect to
2 aging temperature, which constitutes a contribution with respect to the results originally
3 presented by Al-Rub et al. [4], where aging temperature dependency was not evaluated.
4 Concerning the aging model fitted in this paper, the material constants were obtained by
5 minimizing square errors of the model compared to dynamic modulus experimental results at
6 different aging states. A well-established procedure was used to fit the curves (Prony series)
7 directly to experimental results (linear viscoelastic model), without pre-smoothing the data. The
8 same relaxation times (i) were used for fitting all storage moduli (E’) - aged and unaged
9 mixtures - varying only the stiffness coefficients (Ei’s). Combining the aging and the linear
10 viscoelastic models, storage and loss moduli results at two different aging states were
11 satisfactorily predicted. At the end, a simulation of the change in dynamic modulus with time
12 (aging) was performed to show the potential of the coupled modeling approach. Data for
13 extended aging times are being collected at Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil, and will be
14 presented along with further modeling efforts in future papers by the authors and their research
15 group.


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