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Once properly completed and received, this document will be treated as CONFIDENTIAL by HKEAA.

此表格一經填妥及收悉,考評局將以「密件」方式處理。 For Office use only

Demand Note No.
內部專用 – 繳費單編號 (1-5)
ABRSM Practical Exams Entry Form 2016
2016 年度 ABRSM 術科考試報名表 P
Please read carefully the “Notes on Completion of ABRSM Practical Exams Entry Form 2016” and “ABRSM Exam Information &
Regulations 2016” before completing this form.
填表前,請仔細閱讀「2016 年度 ABRSM 術科考試 - 填寫報名表指引」及「2016 年 ABRSM 考試資料及規則」 。
*Please put a ‘’ where appropriate 請在適當的方格內加上「」號

1 Applicant (aged 18 or above) information 申請人(年滿 18 歲或以上)資料

Candidates aged below 18 can apply through parent/guardian, teacher or studio/school
18 歲以下考生可以經家長/監護人、老師或樂室/學校報名
Adult candidates can apply themselves or apply through parent/guardian, teacher or studio/school

* Relationship with candidate Teacher 老師 ✔ Studio/School 樂室/學校

申請人與考生關係 Parent/Guardian 家長/監護人
Candidate 考生本人 Others 其他

*Title 稱謂 Dr 博士 Mr 先生 Mrs 太太 Miss 小姐 Ms 女士


Please complete this form in BLOCK capital letters 請以英文大楷填寫這表格

Surname 姓氏 T O M L E E M U S I C F O U N D A T I O N
22 46 *Given name first
Given name 名字 L T D 名字置於姓氏前
48 72 (Optional 如適用) 47

HKID no. 香港身分證號碼 ( )

319 327
Other official ID document no.
(if no HKID, 如沒有香港身分證)
328 347

Telephone no. Mobile phone no. Fax no.

電話號碼 2 7 3 1 4 1 2 0 手提號碼 傳真號碼 2 7 2 1 9 5 9 8
77 89 263 90 97

E-mail 電郵地址
98 137

2 School/Studio information (optional) 學校/樂室資料 (如適用)

Required only if the candidate(s) is presented by a studio or school and wishes the institution to be
named on the certificate(s)
只適用 於由樂室或學校保送,並要求將機構的名稱列印在合格證書上的考生
School / Studio
學校/樂室 138 T O M L E E M U S I C F O U N D A T I O N L T D 177

3 Correspondence address 通訊地址

Flat/Room 室 Floor 樓 3 Block 座
184 187 189 191 199 202

Line 1 第一行 6 C A M E R O N L A N E
203 227

Line 2 第二行 T S I M S H A T S U I
228 252

Line 3 第三行
277 301

*Area 地區 Hong Kong 香港 ✔ Kowloon 九龍 New Territories 新界


*Please put a ‘’ where appropriate 請在適當的方格內加上「」號

Reminder 提示 :
Have you written down the flat, the floor, the block, the name of house/building, the name of street (where appropriate) and the district of your
請問是否已填妥 室號 ﹑樓數 ﹑座號 ﹑大廈名稱 ﹑街道名稱 (如適用)和 區域名稱 ?
4 Candidate information 考生資料
1 Surname 姓氏 Given name 名字

11 30 31 50

1 Grade 考試級別 Given name first 名字置於姓氏前(Optional 如適用) ””or blank ”” 或 留空
54 51
2 Year passing Gr.5 or above Theory (for Gr.6 to 8 candidates) Date of birth 出生日期 / / (DD/MM/YYYY 日/月/年)
五級或以上樂理合格年份 61 68
(六至八級考生適用) 128 131 HKID no. 香港身分證號碼 ( )
3 Subject code 科目(樂器)編號 69 77
52 53 Other official ID document no. 其他法定身分證明文件號碼 (if no HKID, 如沒有香港身分證)
4 Interpreter 傳譯服務 *
55 106 125

5 Exam area code 考區編號 Candidate’s contact tel. no. 考生日間聯絡電話

57 58 78 85

6 Exam in AM 在上午應試 * Preferred exam months 考試月份選擇 ””one box only 只可””一格 RV No. (For Office Use Only 內部專用)
* ”” or blank ”” 或 留空 60 April / August 2015
APR to AUG AUG to SEP to OCT to
7 Special needs 特別安排 MAY 8月 SEP OCT EARLY/MID-NOV
(except time & place,月份、考區除外) 4至5月 8至9月 9 至 10 月 10 至 11 月初/中 132 139
Fill in 只可填寫 B, R, L or S only 56

2 Surname 姓氏 Given name 名字

11 30 31 50

1 Grade 考試級別 Given name first 名字置於姓氏前(Optional 如適用) ””or blank ”” 或 留空
54 51
2 Year passing Gr.5 or above Theory (for Gr.6 to 8 candidates) Date of birth 出生日期 / / (DD/MM/YYYY 日/月/年)
五級或以上樂理合格年份 61 68
(六至八級考生適用) 128 131 HKID no. 香港身分證號碼 ( )
3 Subject code 科目(樂器)編號 69 77
52 53 Other official ID document no. 其他法定身分證明文件號碼 (if no HKID, 如沒有香港身分證)
4 Interpreter 傳譯服務 *
55 106 125

5 Exam area code 考區編號 Candidate’s contact tel. no. 考生日間聯絡電話

57 58 78 85

6 Exam in AM 在上午應試 * Preferred exam months 考試月份選擇 ””one box only 只可””一格 RV No. (For Office Use Only 內部專用)
* ”” or blank ”” 或 留空 60 April / August 2015
APR to AUG AUG to SEP to OCT to
7 Special needs 特別安排 MAY 8月 SEP OCT EARLY/MID-NOV
(except time & place,月份、考區除外) 4至5月 8至9月 9 至 10 月 10 至 11 月初/中 132 139
Fill in 只可填寫 B, R, L or S only 56

1. Enter the number 1 to 8 for different grades. For other levels, please refer to the Notes 根據報考級別填上數字 1 至 8,其他等級請參閱報名表指引
2. Candidate entering for Grade 6, 7, 8 must fill in the year he/she passed the Grade 5 or above Theory Exam and attach a photocopy of certificate/result slip
報考 6, 7, 8 級考生 必須 填寫考生考獲 5 級或以上樂理考試的年份,並附上證書或成績單的影印本
3. Subject Codes 科目(樂器)編號 : Enter the code number (01-55) of the instrument for each candidate 填寫每名考生所選報的科目(樂器)編號 (01-55)
01 Piano 鋼琴 05 Cello 大提琴 11 Clarinet 單簧管 36 Alto Saxophone 中音薩克管
03 Violin 小 提 琴 07 Guitar 結他 14 Trumpet 小號 40 Singing 聲樂
04 Viola 中提琴 09 Flute 長笛 32 Trombone 長號 44 Percussion 敲擊樂
Please see the attached Notes for other subject codes 其他科目編號請參閱報名表指引
4. Exam area codes 考區編號: Enter the exam area code (01-11) for each candidate 填寫考生所選擇的應試地區編號 (01-11)
Code 編號 Preferred Area 考區選擇
01 KLN (E) Tseung Kwan O, Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin, etc 將軍澳、觀塘、黃大仙等
02 KLN (S&W) Lok Fu, Kowloon Tong, Yau Tsim Mong, Shamshuipo, Kowloon City, etc 樂富、九龍塘、油尖旺區、深水埗、九龍城等
03 HK (C&W) Causeway Bay, Happy Valley, Wan Chai, Central, Sai Wan, etc 銅鑼灣、跑馬地、灣仔、中環、西環等
04 HK (E) Shau Kei Wan, Tai Koo Shing, North Point, etc 筲箕灣、太古城、北角等
05 NT (N&TP) Fanling, Sheung Shui, Tai Po, etc 粉嶺、上水、大埔等
06 NT (ST) Shatin, Ma On Shan, Fo Tan, etc 沙田、馬鞍山、火炭等
07 NT (W) Kwai Tsing, Tsuen Wan, Lai King, Mei Foo, etc 葵青、荃灣、荔景、美孚等
08 NT (T) Tuen Mun 屯門
09 NT (Y) Yuen Long, Tin Shui Wai, etc 元朗、天水圍等
Tung Chung 東涌
10 NT (TC)
(Candidates choosing this area may be allocated to area 07. 選擇此地區之考生有可能被派往 07 區)
Aberdeen, Ap Lei Chau, Stanley, etc 香港仔、鴨脷洲、赤柱等
11 HK (S)
(Candidates choosing this area may be allocated to area 03. 選擇此地區之考生有可能被派往 03 區)
5. Provide English/Cantonese interpreter service to candidate (HK$144 per candidate per exam) 提供英語/粵語傳譯服務予考生(每名考生每次考試港幣 144 元)
6. Candidate can choose to take the exam in AM session (not applicable to bulky instrument candidates) 考生可選擇於上午應試(不適用於報考大型樂器之考生)
7. Please refer to the Notes for the arrangements for candidates with special needs 倘考生需要申請特別安排,請參閱報名表指引內的有關手續
Please tear off along this page 請沿此處撕下

5 Summary of fees 考試費結算 6 Applicant’s signature 申請人簽署

Please calculate the examination fee you need to pay 請 計 算 你 需 付 的 考 試 費
Total exam fee I agree that the candidate(s) presented by me can directly make application to the
No. of cand(s) Exam fee / cand.(HK$)
Level/Grade 級別 考試費用總數 Authority for change of applicant (i.e. change from teacher /studio /school / others as
考生人數 考試費 / 每人(港幣) applicant to candidate/parent/guardian as applicant). I accept the responsibility for
HK$ (港幣) distributing examination related documents to candidate(s) entered by me as
effectively as possible.
Grade 1 一級 1,060
I accept that neither the ABRSM nor HKEAA shall be responsible for any non
Grade 2 二級 1,220 performance of duties where such non performance has been caused by an act of
God, labour strike, natural disaster, governmental action or intervention, riot, or any
other cause not reasonably foreseeable and beyond the reasonable control of the
Grade 3 三級 1,310 ABRSM or HKEAA.
I understand that the HKEAA, including their contractors and subcontractors, shall
Grade 4 四級 1,450 not be liable to anyone claiming for any damages which are caused by, arising from
or otherwise related to the failure of staff members, examination personnel or the
Grade 5 五級 1,560 examination centres to comply with the examination regulations, policies or
Grade 6 六級 1,720 I understand that the ABRSM Interpreter Service in Hong Kong provides for full
spoken English/Cantonese translation throughout the Graded and Diploma
Grade 7 七級 examinations. Interpreters communicate with Examiners fully in English and with
1,960 candidates fully in Cantonese. Musical terms are also spoken in a standardized
Cantonese format, unless these musical terms are Italian, French or German in
Grade 8 八級 2,350 which case they are not translated to either English or Cantonese, but spoken in the
original language. Interpreters are unable to accede to any personal requests,
Prep Test 840
beyond their brief, as set out above.
I understand and undertake to abide by the current regulations of ABRSM listed in
Performance ABRSM Exam Information & Regulations 2016 that are applicable to the ABRSM
Assessment 1,540 Practical Exams held in Hong Kong, and the conditions set out in the ‘Notes on
演奏評估 Completion of ABRSM Practical Exams Entry Form 2016’, including those in relation
#Total no. of cand(s) to the use of my personal data. Any issues about the examination must be raised in
writing within seven days after the examination.
* The ABRSM and the HKEAA wish to use your personal data for marketing the
Interpreter Service services and products of the ABRSM (including examination services, courses,
傳譯服務 144 events, publications, and other examination materials or resources). If you object to
such use, please tick this box □. (318)
Ensembles Primary 初級@1,720 本人同意經本人保送的考生,可直接向香港考試及評核局要求把申請人改為考生本人/
(including piano duet) 家長 / 監護人。本人承諾會為保送的考生接收所有與考試相關的文件,並盡速將之轉
小組合奏(包括鋼琴二 達各考生。
重奏) Intermediate 中級@1,960
Instrument 樂器: 本人同意 ABRSM 及考評局不會對以下情況負上任何責任:因天災、工人罷工、自然災
Advanced 高級@2,350 害、政府干預、動亂、或任何不能預料及 ABRSM 或考評局不能控制的情況下,而引致
ABRSM 或考評局不能履行職務。
Total Amount (exam fee + interpreter fee) 本人明白考評局或其委託人士不會對因職員、考務人員或考場沒有履行考試的規則、政
合共金額 (考試費 + 傳譯服務費) 策或程序而導致的損失作出賠償。
271 276
本人明白在香港舉辦的 ABRSM 考試的傳譯服務會於術科考試及文憑考試中提供全英語
For Office Use Only 內部專用 及廣東話的傳譯服務。傳譯員會以全英語方式與考官溝通,並以全廣東話與考生溝通。
RV Amount ( - )
. 彙均會以標準化廣東話譯本傳譯,而未能翻譯的詞彙將會以原文陳述。除以上所述外,
302 307 308 309
本人明白並承諾遵守 2016 年 ABRSM 考試資料及規則內所訂定的 2016 年術科考試規
CT Amount ( + )
. 則,其中包括與這考試在香港舉行的有關守則及「2016 年度 ABRSM 術科考試-填寫報名
312 315 316 317
DN Amount
. * ABRSM 及考評局希望採用你的個人資料作推廣 ABRSM 的服務及產品(包括考試服
內加上「」號 □。(318)
No. of supplementary sheet(s) attached :
Maximum no. of candidates per entry form : 99
每份報名表格最多只可報考 99 位考生
Applicant’s signature
Please ensure the information supplied on the entry form is accurate,
including candidates’ name spelling, grades and exam subjects, and any Date 日期 :
specific needs. Once an application has been accepted by the Authority or
the registration data have been confirmed (on-line registration), a
supplementary fee will be collected if the application of the following is
- late entry / late payment For each candidate you present, please remember to enclose
- addition of interpreter service 請為每名代報考生夾附下列文件
- change of subject / change of grade
- re-scheduling of examination (within the same administration) a photocopy of candidate’s ID document
- change of applicant
Please note that ABRSM and HKEAA are unable to become involved in any a photocopy of certificate / result slip (for Grade 6-8 candidates)
arrangements between exam studios and applicants/parents/candidates with 證書或成績單副本 (報考六至八級考生適用)
regard to pre-exam preparation. a stamped, self-addressed envelope (for postal registration)
貼有足資回郵信封一個 (郵遞報名適用)
任何特定需要。報名表一經接納 / 報名資料一經確認(網上報名),本局將會 If you apply by yourself in person, you may bring original document(s)
就下列申請(如獲批准)收取附加費用: 如考生親身報名, 只需出示證明文件正本
- 逾期報名 / 逾期繳費 Before handing in the form, please check you have completed / done the following:
- 報名後要求加設傳譯服務 於遞交報名表前, 請填妥 / 覆核以下資料:
- 更改報考科目 / 更改報考級別  Completed applicant information 填妥申請人資料
- 更改考試日期或時間(只限同一期考試)  Completed correspondence address 填妥通訊地址
- 更改申請人身分  Completed candidate information 填妥考生資料
請注意:ABRSM 和考評局對考試場地與考試申請人、家長及考生之間的任何  Calculated examination fee 計算考試費
考前準備的安排恕不能介入。  Signed the entry form 申請人簽署
 Enclosed the necessary document(s) 夾附所需文件
Supplementary Sheet 附加表格 This form may be photocopied 可複印此表格

4 Candidate information 考生資料

1 Surname 姓氏 Given name 名字

11 30 31 50

1 Grade 考試級別 Given name first 名字置於姓氏前(Optional 如適用) ””or blank ”” 或 留空
54 51
2 Year passing Gr.5 or above Theory (for Gr.6 to 8 candidates) Date of birth 出生日期 / / (DD/MM/YYYY 日/月/年)
五級或以上樂理合格年份 61 68
(六至八級考生適用) 128 131 HKID no. 香港身分證號碼 ( )
3 Subject code 科目(樂器)編號 69 77
52 53 Other official ID document no. 其他法定身分證明文件號碼 (if no HKID, 如沒有香港身分證)
4 Interpreter 傳譯服務 *
55 106 125

5 Exam area code 考區編號 Candidate’s contact tel. no. 考生日間聯絡電話

57 58 78 85

6 Exam in AM 在上午應試 * Preferred exam months 考試月份選擇 ””one box only 只可””一格 RV No. (For Office Use Only 內部專用)
* ”” or blank ”” 或 留空 60 April / August 2015
APR to AUG AUG to SEP to OCT to
7 Special needs 特別安排 MAY 8月 SEP OCT EARLY/MID-NOV
(except time & place,月份、考區除外) 4至5月 8至9月 9 至 10 月 10 至 11 月初/中 132 139
Fill in 只可填寫 B, R, L or S only 56

2 Surname 姓氏 Given name 名字

11 30 31 50

1 Grade 考試級別 Given name first 名字置於姓氏前(Optional 如適用) ””or blank ”” 或 留空
54 51
2 Year passing Gr.5 or above Theory (for Gr.6 to 8 candidates) Date of birth 出生日期 / / (DD/MM/YYYY 日/月/年)
五級或以上樂理合格年份 61 68
(六至八級考生適用) 128 131 HKID no. 香港身分證號碼 ( )
3 Subject code 科目(樂器)編號 69 77
52 53 Other official ID document no. 其他法定身分證明文件號碼 (if no HKID, 如沒有香港身分證)
4 Interpreter 傳譯服務 *
55 106 125

5 Exam area code 考區編號 Candidate’s contact tel. no. 考生日間聯絡電話

57 58 78 85

6 Exam in AM 在上午應試 * Preferred exam months 考試月份選擇 ””one box only 只可””一格 RV No. (For Office Use Only 內部專用)
* ”” or blank ”” 或 留空 60 April / August 2015
APR to AUG AUG to SEP to OCT to
7 Special needs 特別安排 MAY 8月 SEP OCT EARLY/MID-NOV
(except time & place,月份、考區除外) 4至5月 8至9月 9 至 10 月 10 至 11 月初/中 132 139
Fill in 只可填寫 B, R, L or S only 56

3 Surname 姓氏 Given name 名字

11 30 31 50

1 Grade 考試級別 Given name first 名字置於姓氏前(Optional 如適用) ””or blank ”” 或 留空
54 51
2 Year passing Gr.5 or above Theory (for Gr.6 to 8 candidates) Date of birth 出生日期 / / (DD/MM/YYYY 日/月/年)
五級或以上樂理合格年份 61 68
(六至八級考生適用) 128 131 HKID no. 香港身分證號碼 ( )
3 Subject code 科目(樂器)編號 69 77
52 53 Other official ID document no. 其他法定身分證明文件號碼 (if no HKID, 如沒有香港身分證)
4 Interpreter 傳譯服務 *
55 106 125

5 Exam area code 考區編號 Candidate’s contact tel. no. 考生日間聯絡電話

57 58 78 85

6 Exam in AM 在上午應試 * Preferred exam months 考試月份選擇 ””one box only 只可””一格 RV No. (For Office Use Only 內部專用)
* ”” or blank ”” 或 留空 60 April / August 2015
APR to AUG AUG to SEP to OCT to
7 Special needs 特別安排 MAY 8月 SEP OCT EARLY/MID-NOV
(except time & place,月份、考區除外) 4至5月 8至9月 9 至 10 月 10 至 11 月初/中 132 139
Fill in 只可填寫 B, R, L or S only 56
Notes on Completion of ABRSM Practical Exams Entry Form 2016
General information
The ABRSM/Authority reserves the right to allocate candidates to any examination session/venue within the examination period
and cannot undertake to alter the appointments as specified on the admission forms. All candidates are required by ABRSM to
be present for examination at the time/venue specified on the admission forms. ABRSM also reserves the right not to accept any
entry. (See ABRSM Exam Information & Regulations 2016)
The entry form should be completed in BLOCK capitals with a pen or ball pen. One letter for each box and leave a blank box between words.
Do not exceed the boxes provided.
There are separate entry forms for Diploma Examinations.
Personal data of applicants/candidates are used by the HKEAA and the Examination Board for delivery of examination and assessment
services. Whether you provide the requested personal data is voluntary. However, if you fail to provide all the data, or if any of the data are
inaccurate or incomplete, the HKEAA may not be able to accept your entry or provide all or part of the examination and assessment
services. The personal data submitted may also be used for:
(a) assisting tertiary institutions and other government/public organisations in their admission processes;
(b) assisting tertiary institutions and other government/public organisations in respect of their requests for information in granting
(c) assisting tertiary institutions and other government/public organisations to confirm the candidates’ eligibility for financial assistance or
other forms of subsidization, in which case, the necessary personal data of the candidates may have to be disclosed to the concerned
organisations for verification;
(d) certifying candidates’ examination results in response to legitimate requests;
(e) processing any refund or payment in relation to the examination;
(f) conducting educational research and analysis in an anonymous format in which the identities of candidates are not traceable; and
(g) marketing the services and products of the Examination Board (including examination services, courses, events, publications, and
other examination materials or resources) subject to the consent of the applicants/candidates. †
The HKEAA may also transfer the personal data of applicants/candidates to third parties for use for the above purposes or other directly
related purposes, including government/public organisations, schools and educational institutions, banks (for processing refund or
payment), and service providers providing various administrative or technical services to facilitate the delivery of the examination and
assessment services including but not limited to data punching, registration process, despatch of examination documents, and the capture,
disposal or other processing of data.
In compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, access to all personal data will be made available, on payment of a fee, to
anyone who can establish his/her right to be informed of such data as are retained by the HKEAA. Please also note that
applicants’/candidates’ personal data/correspondence/other information received by the HKEAA may be transferred to the Examination
Board concerned for delivery of examination and assessment services and for any of the abovementioned purposes or other directly related
purposes. In general, within a reasonable period after completion of an examination, the HKEAA would have transferred all such data to the
Examination Board who would then assume full control of such data. Applicants/candidates should approach the Examination Board direct
for their personal data/information handling policies if necessary.

If you have given consent but wish to withdraw your consent for your personal data to be used for this purpose, please send a letter of request to the Registration Centre
(Ref to Section 7).

1 Applicant (aged 18 or above) information notes

Please note that the candidates presented by teacher/studio/school/others as applicant can directly make
application to the Authority for change of applicant (i.e. change the applicant to candidate/parent/guardian),
subject to the payment of the related fee.
The term ‘applicant’ on the entry form refers to the person who accepts the responsibilities for:
a. reading and undertaking to abide by these Exam Regulations, ensuring that those connected with the exam are
aware of relevant matters;
b. entering candidates, ensuring the accuracy of the information supplied, including name spellings, grades and
exam subjects, and any specific needs;
c. explaining to the candidates that:
i. they may enter themselves for examinations or may be entered by a parent/guardian, a school, or a teacher
of music;
ii. the applicant’s name will appear on the candidate’s certificate if awarded;
d. notifying the candidate of the exam date, time and venue;
e. receiving all communications regarding the entries made (including exam mark form/certificate) and disseminating
all such communications to the candidates as effectively as possible.
Relationship If the applicant is the candidate, please choose ‘candidate’.
with candidate
Title/Surname/ The Applicant’s full name will be shown on the grade certificate as being the person who presented the candidate(s)
Given name unless it is indicated in Section 2 that the name of an institution (e.g. a school or a studio) should be shown instead. If
given name appears first on your identification document, please put a ‘’ in the box. If you need more space for “Given
name”, please make use of the space of “Surname” by writing part of your given name in the “Surname” field and vice
HKID no./ Please enter the applicant’s HKID card number. If you do not have a HKID card, please enter other official
Other official identification document number.
ID document no.
Telephone no./
Mobile phone no./ Please give your daytime contact telephone number, including mobile phone number, fax number and e-mail address.
Fax no./E-mail

2 School/Studio information notes

If the candidate(s) is presented by an institution (e.g. a school or a studio), please write its full name in this section.
The institution will then be named on the certificates of the candidates presented. If this section is left blank, the
applicant’s name as given in Section 1 will be shown on the certificate.

3 Correspondence address notes

Please give the full address in the following order. Do not break up words at the end of the line of boxes.
Flat/Room, Floor, Block
Line 1 Name of House/Building, Estate
Line 2 Number and Name of Road/Street
Line 3 District
Area Please put a ‘’ where appropriate
4 Candidate information notes
Surname/ Care must be taken to ensure that the name entered agrees with that on the candidate’s Hong Kong Identity Card,
Given name Passport or Birth Certificate. If given name appears first on the identification document to be presented, please put a
‘’ in the box. If you need more space for “Given name”, please make use of the space of “Surname” by writing part of
your given name in the “Surname” field and vice versa.
Subject code/ Write the subject code and instrument for every candidate. A list of codes is given below. Some subjects are
Instrument offered at certain levels only. Please check the 2016 syllabuses for details.

Code Subject Code Subject Code Subject

01 Piano 13 Horn 36 Alto Saxophone
02 Organ 14 Trumpet 37 Tenor Saxophone
03 Violin 20 Bb Cornet 38 Descant Recorder
04 Viola 21 Eb Cornet 39 Treble Recorder
05 Cello 22 Flugelhorn 40 Singing
06 Double Bass 23 Eb Horn 41 Harpsichord
07 Guitar 24 Baritone 42 Practical Musicianship
08 Harp 31 Ensembles 44 Percussion
09 Flute 32 Trombone 54 Soprano Saxophone
10 Oboe 33 Bass Trombone 55 Baritone Saxophone
11 Clarinet 34 Tuba
12 Bassoon 35 Euphonium
Grade Enter the Level/Grade for every candidate. A list of codes is given below
Code Level/Grade Code Level/Grade
T Prep Test 7 Grade 7
1 Grade 1 8 Grade 8
2 Grade 2 R Performance Assessment
3 Grade 3 P Ensembles - Primary
4 Grade 4 I Ensembles - Intermediate
5 Grade 5 A Ensembles - Advanced
6 Grade 6

Candidates who take Performance Assessment should refer to specific entry requirements stipulated in the Syllabus.
Interpreter All examinations will be conducted in English. Put a ‘’ for candidates who need an interpreter
(English/Cantonese only) for Prep Tests, Grades 1 to 8. An additional fee of HK$144 per candidate per examination
entry will be payable. The request must be made at the time of registration. This box should be left blank if the
service of an interpreter is not required.
ABRSM Interpreter Service in Hong Kong provides for full spoken English/Cantonese translation throughout the
examinations. Interpreters communicate with Examiners fully in English and with candidates fully in Cantonese.
Musical terms are also spoken in a standardized Cantonese format, unless these musical terms are Italian, French or
German in which case they are not translated to either English or Cantonese, but spoken in the original language.
Interpreters are unable to accede to any personal requests, beyond their brief, as set out above.
Special needs A written request for the special arrangements should be submitted with a doctor’s certificate at the time of
registration. Candidates who need special arrangements for the examination may enter the code as appropriate.
Please refer to ABRSM’s website (www.abrsm.org) for details. This box should be left blank if no special
arrangements are required.
Code Nature Special Arrangements Code Nature Special Arrangements
B Blind Braille memory test L Partially sighted Large notation
Deaf/Partially Special test
R Blind Aural repetition test S (in place of standard aural test)
For special requests other than those listed above, please contact our staff at 3628 8721. Please do not enclose any
letters or write on the form any notes, requests, etc.
Preferred area Indicate the area where you would prefer your candidates to be examined according to the list of codes tabled at the
candidate information page of the entry form. Your preference will be considered if given here. As the number of
candidates and the capacity of examination centres in a particular area never exactly match, there can be no
guarantee that your preference will be met.
Exam in AM This field is not applicable to candidates taking bulky instruments.
Only those who prefer to be examined in the morning are requested to complete this part by putting a ‘’ in the
appropriate box. As the demand for PM session is normally much higher (about 4 times) than that for the AM
session, AM timeslots will first be allocated to those who prefer ‘AM session’, and the remaining timeslots (both AM
and PM) will be allocated at random to the rest of the candidates. Still there can be no guarantee that the choice for
‘AM session’ will be met.
Preferred Please put a '’ in the appropriate box to indicate the exam period that the candidate prefers to be examined.
Candidates will be assigned to take the examination at a specified time between 9:00am and 5:15pm on any dates
(normally from Tuesday to Saturday, excluding general holidays) during the entire examining period of the specified
administration (i.e. April/May 2016 or August to early/mid-November 2016). Month preference of examination will be
considered if given here.
It should be noted that appointments may be given for any time within the entire examining period subject to the
availability of ABRSM’s examiners. There can be no guarantee that your preference will be met. ABRSM requires
all candidates to be present for examination according to the date, time and place specified on the admission forms.
Please note that the examination will normally start from the first or second week of April and August.
Date of birth Enter the date in the format of DD/MM/YYYY and attach a photocopy of the candidate’s Identity Card/Passport/Birth 
Certificate with the entry form. These documents will be destroyed by the Authority after verification.
HKID no./ Please enter the candidate’s HKID card number. If he/she does not have a HKID card, please enter other official
Other official identification document number.
ID document no.
Candidate’s Please enter the candidate’s daytime contact telephone number, preferably mobile phone number. This should be
contact tel. no. different from the one given in Section 1 unless the candidate is entered by himself/herself/parent/guardian.

Year of Please enter the year of passing the qualifying grade 5 or above Theory, Practical Musicianship or solo Jazz subject
passing examination and attach a photocopy of the candidate’s relevant certificate or result slip. If the Authority is requested to 
Grade 5 check if a candidate has met the entry requirements by retrieving the result of a Theory Examination (excluding the
Theory October 2015 and the January 2016 Theory Examinations for candidates entering for the April/May and the August to
early/mid-November 2016 administrations respectively) from its records, an additional fee of HK$55 per candidate will
be levied for checking the examinations held in one calendar year (e.g. February and June 2015 administrations).
This fee will be charged even if no such record can be retrieved or the result is a fail.
No. of If more than 2 candidates are entered, supplementary forms should be used. Please state the number of
supplementary supplementary forms attached and staple them to the entry form.
sheets attached
5 Summary of fees notes
Please state here the total number of entries in each Level/Grade or Division and the total fees. Applicants will receive
a demand note after submitting entry forms. Method of payment is printed on the front and/or reverse side of the
demand note issued. Payment of examination fees must be made on or before 14 January 2016 and 6 April 2016 for
the April/May and the August to early/mid-November 2016 administrations respectively (except for on-line registration
where applicants will be asked to make payment on-line as part of the registration process.) Entry to the examination
will be invalidated if payment of examination fees is not made on or before this date. All fees paid are not refundable
and not transferable from one examination to another or from one candidate to another or for any other purposes. NO
LATE PAYMENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Please keep your original receipts as evidence of payment.

Note: Total Exam Fee More Than $5,000 Total Exam Fee Equal To / Less Than $5,000
- Payment at Hang Seng Bank in Hong Kong - Cash payment at 7-Eleven or Circle-K convenience
- Payment by PPS store in Hong Kong
Payment - Payment by PPS
- Payment by ATM
Methods - Payment by ATM
- Internet Banking - Internet Banking
- Phone Banking - Phone Banking

6 Applicant’s signature notes

The applicant submitting the entry form should sign and date it after checking the correctness of the entries. This
constitutes an undertaking to abide by the current regulations of ABRSM listed in ABRSM Exam Information & Regulations
2016 that applicable to the ABRSM Practical Exams held in Hong Kong, and the conditions set out in the ‘Notes on
Completion of ABRSM Practical Exams Entry Form 2016’.

7 Registration dates
Applications must reach the Authority on or before the closing date.

April to May Administration August to early/mid-November Administration

By post ** : 14 December 2015 – 18 December 2015 1 March 2016 – 4 March 2016

In person ^ / 5 January 2016 – 9 January 2016 17 March 2016 – 22 March 2016

By a representative^ : (9:00am – 5:00pm) (9:00am – 5:00pm)
(Excluding Sundays and General Holidays) (Excluding Sundays and General Holidays)

On-line : 14 December 2015 – 18 January 2016 1 March 2016 – 11 April 2016
(Re-entry voucher is not (8:30am) (5:00pm) (8:30am) (5:00pm)

Last day of payment

(Not applicable to on-line 14 January 2016 6 April 2016

** For postal registration, applicants must note that their entries will not be accepted if any of the requested
attachments have not been enclosed. A stamped, self-addressed envelope (size : 9” x 4”) must be enclosed for the
Authority to return a demand note for settlement of examination fees at a later stage. Do not enclose any cheque 
or cash. The Authority cannot accept the responsibility for any delay/loss in mail service. If a demand
note is not received by 6 January 2016 and 18 March 2016 for the April/May and the August to
early/mid-November administrations respectively, the applicant should submit another application in
person/by a representative/on-line on or before the respective closing dates.
Supporting documents produced by applicants at the time of registration in person/by a representative should either
^ be the originals or hard copies. Soft copies of supporting document are NOT accepted.
++ On-line registration will be available at online.hkeaa.edu.hk during the specified period. The applicant should SCAN
and save the image file(s) of the requested attachments for each of the candidate(s). The Authority cannot
accept any responsibilities for unsuccessful registration because of technical/network failure. For
enquiries about hardware and software requirements, please contact hotline (8107 0068) for details. This registration
method is not available to candidates entering for the Diploma or Ensembles Examinations, or using re-entry
Registration centre: International and Professional Examinations Division (ABRSM)
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
17 Tseuk Luk Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon
Telephone: 3628 8721 / 3628 8787
Post-registration communication
Please note that the exam related documents will be sent to the applicant according to the following schedule. If they are
not received before the designated dates, please contact ABRSM Team at 3628 8721 or 3628 8787. Applicants should
inform ABRSM Team in writing if their address or contact telephone number has been changed. It is not necessary for
the candidates to notify the Authority of their change of addresses.
April to May Administration August to early/mid-November Administration

Candidate Entry  will be sent by post to applicants in late  will be sent by post to applicants in late May
Information Checklist February 2016 2016

Admission Form & List  will be sent by post to applicants in late March  will be sent by post to applicants in middle of July
of candidates 2016 2016

 will be sent by post to applicants about 7 weeks  will be sent by post to applicants about 7 weeks
Exam Result
after the exam date after the exam date

 will be sent by registered post / local courier to  will be sent by registered post / local courier to
applicants in early August 2016 applicants in early February 2017
*** Applicants who have not received their candidates’ certificates should contact ABRSM Team within five months after the issue of certificates. Otherwise, the
certificates will be regarded as successfully received by the applicants. Uncollected certificates will be destroyed five months after the issue of certificates. After
that, requests for uncollected certificate will be regarded as applications for replacement of certificates and supplementary fees will be levied.

Syllabuses & regulations

Attention is drawn to the requirements in the current syllabuses and the ‘Exam Information & Regulations’ booklet.
Limited free copies of the syllabuses are available at the International and Professional Examinations Division of the
Authority. They may also be sent to candidates upon request and provision of a stamped (postage: HK$4.50) and
self-addressed A5 sized envelope. They can also be downloaded from ABRSM’s website (www.abrsm.org).
General Any issues about the examination must be raised in writing within seven days after the examination.
The examination data including entry records, question papers, answer scripts and results, if any, will normally be
destroyed and erased from the computer system 6 months after the examination date. Therefore, all examination
documents including candidate information checklists, admission forms and mark forms, if any, cannot be re-issued after
destroy and erase of data.
Playing one or more of the prepared pieces from memory is optional. Candidates playing from memory must bring
copies of the pieces for the examiner's use. No one is allowed to listen outside the examination room, nor is anyone
allowed to remain near the door except the waiting room supervisors or other representatives of the ABRSM.
Candidates may not bring any unauthorized material or equipment into the examination room. Any candidate infringing
this rule may be disqualified. Examinations will be conducted in English.

Photocopies Examiners in the past reported cases of candidates playing their pieces from photostat copies. Candidates are
reminded that the copyright law forbids the reproduction of published materials and action may be taken against those
who present themselves for examinations using photostat copies of the test pieces. Examiners have been asked to
report any such cases which come to their notice. Examiners may refuse to examine candidates who do not observe
this regulation.

Wrong music Candidates offering a wrong piece or study or not being prepared to perform the whole of the work specified in the
pieces current or previous year's syllabus for the Grade under examination will be liable to disqualification. Teachers and
candidates are requested to pay particular attention to Regulations of the current ‘Exam Information & Regulations’

Accompanists Candidates must provide their own accompanist in instruments where an accompaniment is required. Their teacher
may act as the accompanist but the examiner will not do so. Accompanists must therefore be punctual. Particular
attention should be paid to the capability of the accompanist. A poor accompanist can jeopardize the success of a
soloist particularly in the higher grades where the set pieces call for a high degree of technical proficiency from both
Stringed & wind Candidates examined in stringed or wind instruments are reminded that their instruments need to be tuned to the piano
instruments in the examination room immediately before the examination either by themselves or the accompanist. According to the
syllabus, in Grades 1-5 the teacher or accompanist may tune the candidate’s instrument (or advise on tuning) before the
exam begins. The examiner will not do so. In Grades 6-8 candidates must tune their instruments themselves.

Aural test Candidates should refer to the current (i.e. 2016) syllabuses.

Bulky Applicants and candidates examined in the following subjects should make their own arrangements for their exam
instruments venue. Their instruments should be set in a suitable room, which is easily accessible and free from noise and other
disturbances. Transportation for the examiners must be provided without cost to ABRSM or the Authority. Please refer
to the syllabus for details. Applicants will be contacted later to provide details of the examination venue.
As stipulated in ABRSM Exam Information & Regulations, applicants hosting a Visit have a duty of care towards
examiners as well as candidates and their escorts and, as such, they are advised to carry out a risk assessment and to
make appropriate arrangements to comply with health and safety legislation. ABRSM or HKEAA cannot accept liability
for any damage, injury, expense or loss (including consequential loss) incurred during the course of a Visit.
02 Organ 06 Double Bass 08 Harp
31 Ensembles 41 Harpsichord 44 Percussion
2016 年度 ABRSM 術科考試 - 填寫報名表指引

按 ABRSM 的規定,本局可根據有關情況,編派考試期內的任何時間給個別考生,考生必須遵照准考證上的指定日期/時間
及地點應試 。ABRSM 亦保留不接受任何報名申請的權利。(詳情見 2016 年 ABRSM 考試資料及規則)。
(甲) 協助高等院校、政府或公營機構處理入學申請;
(乙) 應高等院校、政府或公營機構要求,提供資料協助處理獎學金申請;
(丙) 應高等院校、政府或公營機構要求,提供資料協助核實考生於津貼申請的資格,在此情況下,本局將向有關機構披露所需的個
(丁) 回應合法要求,證明考生的成績;
(戊) 處理任何有關考試的退款或付款;
(己) 以不記名及在不披露考生身分的方式,進行教育研究及分析;及
(庚) 在申請人/考生同意下,為所屬考試機構推廣服務及產品(包括考試服務、課程、活動、刊物及其他考試有關的物品或資源)

1 申請人(年滿 18 歲或以上)資料

請注意,經老師/樂室/學校/其他為申請人保送的考生,在繳付有關費用後 ,可直接向本局要求更改申
(甲) 要閱讀並承諾遵守考試規則,以確保關注與考試相關的所有事項;
(乙) 保送考生參加考試,並確保所提供的資料正確無誤,包括姓名,級別和考試科目,及任何特定需要;
(丙) 向考生闡明:
i. 考生可選擇自行報名參加考試,或經由家長∕監護人、學校或音樂老師代報;
ii. 考生如獲頒發合格證書,申請人的姓名亦會列印於該證書上;
(丁) 通知考生有關考試日期,時間和地點;
(戊) 接收所有與報名事宜相關的通訊(包括考試成績/證書),並盡速將之轉達各考生。
Relationship 倘申請人為考生本人,請選「考生 (candidate)」

with candidate
Title/Surname/ 請書寫申請人的姓名。倘申請人選擇在其代報考生的合格證書上,印上學校或樂室的名字,請在第二欄「學
Given name
在有關方格內加上「」號。若申請人的名字比「名字(Given name)」的欄位長,可將部分的名字填寫在「姓
氏(Surname) 」一欄內,相反亦如是。
HKID no./ 請填寫香港身分證號碼。如申請人沒有香港身分證,請填上其他法定的身分證明文件編號。
Other official ID
document no.
Telephone no./ 請填上申請人的日間聯絡電話號碼、手提電話號碼、傳真號碼及電郵地址。
Mobile phone no./
Fax no./E-mail
2 學校/樂室資料
3 通訊地址
Line 1 第一行:填寫大廈名稱、屋邨名稱
Line 2 第二行:填寫門牌號數、街道名稱
Line 3 第三行:填寫區域名稱
Area 地區:請在有關方格內加上「」號
4 考生資料
Surname / 請留意,考生姓名必須與其香港身分證∕護照∕出生證明書上所載的姓名完全相同。如考生身分證明文件
Given name
上的名字排列在姓氏之前,請在有關方格內加上「」號。若考生的名字比「名字(Given name)」的欄位長,
可將部分的名字填寫在「姓氏(Surname) 」一欄內,相反亦如是。
Subject code / 根據下列列出的「科目(樂器)編號及名稱一覽表」
Instrument 關於某些科目只有部分級別供考生報考的詳情,請查閱 2016 年新版的「考試範圍」

Subject Codes
01 鋼琴 13 圓號 36 中音薩克管
02 管風琴 14 小號 37 次中音薩克管
03 小提琴 20 Bb 調短號 38 高音牧童笛
04 中提琴 21 Eb 調短號 39 中音牧童笛
05 大提琴 22 柔音小號 40 聲樂
06 低音大提琴 23 Eb 調法國號 41 古鍵琴
07 結他 24 上低音號 42 實用音樂修養
08 豎琴 31 小組合奏 44 敲擊樂
09 長笛 32 長號 54 高音薩克管
10 雙簧管 33 低音長號 55 低音薩克管
11 單簧管 34 大號
12 巴松管 35 中音號

Grade 請參考下列各科目的級別∕等級編號表,填寫個別考生報考科目的級別編號:
編號 級別 編號 級別
T 預備級測試 7 七級
1 一級 8 八級
2 二級 R ##
3 三級 P 小組合奏 – 初級
4 四級 I 小組合奏 – 中級
5 五級 A 小組合奏 – 高級
6 六級

Interpreter 考試會以英語進行。如參加預備級測試、一至八級考試的考生在考試進行時,需要傳譯服務 (只設英語/廣東話),

請在此方格內加上「」號,有關服務必須於報名表上註明。此項服務收費為每名考生每次考試港幣 144 元正。
在香港舉辦的 ABRSM 考試的傳譯服務會於考試中提供全英語及廣東話的傳譯服務。傳譯員會以全英語方式與考

Special needs 倘考生在應試時需要特別安排,必須在報名時提交書面申請,並附上醫生證明書。請參考下列編號表,填寫適當

編號 情況 特別安排 編號 情況 特別安排
B 失明 Braille memory test L 視障 Large notation
R 失明 Aural repetition test S 失聰/聽障 Special test (in place of standard aural test)

除上述特別安排,其他申請請向本局職員查詢(電話: 3628 8721)。請勿 夾附任何信件或於報名表內提出任何要求。

Preferred area 請參考報名表考生資料頁內之考區編號表,填寫考生所選擇的應試地區。考生應試地區的選擇,當可獲有關方面

在編派試場時優先考慮。不過,由於各區考生人數一般未能與試場數目完全配合,本局 不能保證 考生定可獲派往

Exam in AM 此選項不適用於報考大型樂器之考生。

務請留意,據統計數字分析,在過往考試中,考生選擇上午應試和下午應試的人數比例,約為 1 比 4。如欲被派
,會再以電腦隨機編派給其他考生。惟申請人及考生必須注意,本局 不能保證 選擇上午時段的考生定可獲派
Preferred 請在適當的方格內加上「」號以表達考生欲報考的考試月份。
2016 年的考試將於 4 月至 5 月及 8 月至 11 月初/中舉行,一般於星期二至星期六(公眾假期除外)每日上午 9 時至
下午 5 時 15 分舉行。本局於編派考試時段時,將先考慮此欄中所填寫的資料,但考生最終獲派的考試時間,端視
乎 ABRSM 的考官人數及有關工作安排而定。
因此,本局 不能保證 考生定可獲派所選的月份、時段應試。按 ABRSM 的規定,本局可根據有關情況,編派考試
期內的任何時間給個別考生,考生必須遵照准考證上的指定日期/時間及地點應試(詳情見 2016 年考試規則)。
考試一般會於 4 月和 8 月第一或第二個星期開始舉行。
Date 填寫考生出生日期。先填日期,然後月份,最後填年份。並請附上個別考生的香港身分證∕護照∕出生證明書影印本,
of birth 供核對資料用後,由本局銷毀。 
HKID no./ 請填寫香港身分證號碼。如考生沒有香港身分證,請填上其他法定的身分證明文件編號。
Other official ID
document no.
Candidate’s 請填寫考生之日間聯絡電話號碼(如考生的手提電話號碼)。除申請人為考生本人/家長/監護人外,否則,此欄填寫的
contact tel. no. 資料應與第一欄的申請人電話號碼不同。

Year of passing 請將考生考獲 5 級或以上的樂理、實用音樂修養或 Solo Jazz subject 的年份,填寫在適當的空位上,並附上證書或成

Gr 5 Theory 績單的影印本。申請人若要求本局代查是否符合有關報考資格,須另繳費用港幣 55 元正(以每一考生於同一年度考 
取的考試成績計算,例如:2015 年 2 月及 6 月份的樂理考試) ,如因提供資料不詳或成績為不合格者,有關款項仍需
繳付。查詢 2015 年 10 月份樂理考試成績(報考 2016 年 4/5 月份考試的考生)及 2016 年 1 月份樂理考試成績(報
考 2016 年 8 月至 11 月初/中考試的考生)除外。

No. of 每一張報名表只可填報 2 名考生。如申請人為超過 2 名考生報名,可使用附加表格,請於報名表內填上附加表格的數

sheets attached 目。

5 考試費結算
費單正面及/或副頁背面所列的繳費辦法,報考 2016 年 4 月及 5 月份考試的申請人,最後繳款日期為 2016 年 1 月
14日;而報考 2016 年 8 月至 11 月初/中的申請人,必須於 2016 年 4 月 6日或該日前繳付全部考試費,否則報名作
注意: 考試費總額超過$5,000 考試費總額等於或少於$5,000
- 於香港恒生銀行繳費 - 以現金於香港 7-Eleven 或 Circle-K 便利店繳費
- 可用繳費靈繳費 - 可用繳費靈繳費
繳費方法 - 可用自動櫃員機繳費 - 可用自動櫃員機繳費
- 網上銀行付款 - 網上銀行付款
- 電話理財 - 電話理財

6 申請人簽署
申請人必須在此簽名及填寫報名日期,以示承諾遵守 2016 年 ABRSM 考試資料及規則內所訂定的音樂術科考試規
則,其中包括與這考試在香港舉行的有關守則及「2016 年度 ABRSM 術科考試 - 填寫報名表指引」內所列各點。
7 報名日期
4 月至 5 月份考試 8 月至 11 月初/中考試
郵遞報名 : 2015 年 12 月 14 日至 2015 年 12 月 18 日 2016 年 3 月 1 日至 3 月 4 日
^ 2016 年 1 月 5 日至 2016 年 1 月 9 日 2016 年 3 月 17 日至 3 月 22 日
親身報名 :
上午 9 時至下午 5 時正 上午 9 時至下午 5 時正
(星期日及公眾假期除外) (星期日及公眾假期除外)
網上報名 : 2015 年 12 月 14 日上午 8 時 30 分 2016 年 3 月 1 日上午 8 時 30 分
(考試代用券不適用) 至 2016 年 1 月 18 日下午 5 時正 至 4 月 11 日下午 5 時正
2016 年 1 月 14 日 2016 年 4 月 6 日

** 若有關文件未有連同報名表一併遞交,申請恕不接納。以郵遞報名,須附上貼有足資的 9 吋 X 4 吋回郵信封一個, 
能在郵遞報名截止日期前寄抵報名地點,本局恕不負責。倘申請人於 2016 年 1 月 6 日(報考 4/5 月份考試)
或 2016
年 3 月 18 日 (報考 8 月至 11 月初/中考試)
^ 申請人於親身或委託他人遞交報名表時所遞交之有關文件必須是正本或影印本,任何軟複本恕不接納。
++ 申請人可於指定時間內,透過網頁(online.hkeaa.edu.hk)在網上辦理報考手續。申請人須先為個別考生掃描有
求,請致電 8107 0068。此報名方法不適用於報考文憑或小組合奏考試,及使用考試代用券的考生。

報名地點: 九龍新蒲崗爵祿街 17 號香港考試及評核局國際及專業考試部(皇家音樂組)

電話: 3628 8721/3628 8787
3628 8721 或 3628 8787 向本局查詢。申請人如有遷徙,必須立即以書面通知本局皇家音樂組其新遷住址及電話號
4 月至 5 月份考試 8 月至 11 月初/中考試
報考資料核對表  約於 2016 年 2 月底郵寄給申請人  約於 2016 年 5 月底郵寄給申請人
准考證及考生名單  約於 2016 年 3 月底郵寄給申請人  約於 2016 年 7 月中旬郵寄給申請人

考試成績  約於考試後 7 星期郵寄給申請人  約於考試後 7 星期郵寄給申請人

 約於 2016 年 8 月上旬以掛號/本地郵政速  約於 2017 年 2 月上旬以掛號/本地郵政速遞形

遞形式郵寄給申請人 式郵寄給申請人

*** 倘申請人未能於上述時間收到其考生的證書,申請人必須於五個月內 (由發出證書日起計)與本局聯絡。否則,有關證書將視作為成功派遞給申請

人。未領取之證書將於五個月後 (由發出證書日起計)銷毀。倘於日後要求領取有關證書,將作「申請補發證書」處理,考生須另繳附加費用。


冊供考生免費索閱,函索須附上 A5 尺碼回郵信封(郵資為港幣 4.5 元)

一般守則 任何有關考試之事宜必須於考試後七天內以書面形式提出。
所有涉及考試的文件及檔案(包括報名記錄、試題、答卷和考試成績,如適用),在一般情況下,將於考試日期後 6

複印樂譜 本局過去曾接獲主考報告,謂部分考生使用複印樂譜應試。由於有關版權法例規定,複印樂譜實屬違例,違例考生

錯選應試樂曲 考生在考試中未能依照考試課程內規定的樂曲應考,有可能被取消資格。各申請人和考生應特別注意考試規則內有

伴奏 主考不會為任何考生在考試中伴奏。考生在應考需要伴奏的樂器時,可邀請老師或其他人為其伴奏。為考生伴奏的

管弦樂器 參加管弦樂器考試的考生或為其在考試中伴奏的有關人士,須在進入試場後立即調較其樂器,使能與鋼琴調合。跟
據 ABRSM 術科考試規則,參加 1-5 級管弦樂器考試的考生可請其老師或伴奏協助在考試開始前調較樂器。主考將
不會為考生調較樂器。參加 6-8 級管弦樂器考試的考生必須自行調較樂器。

聆聽測驗 詳情請參閱 2016 年考試課程手冊。

大型樂器 擬報考下列大型樂器的申請人或考生,須自行安排適當的考試場地,試場所在地宜交通便利及環境清靜。應考當日
按 ABRSM 考試資料及規則內所訂明,倘考試於申請人安排的場地舉行,其申請人有責任保障考官、考生和同行人
士的安全,因此,ABRSM 要求申請人進行風險評估,並作出適當的安排,以符合相關的健康和安全法/條例。ABRSM

02 管風琴 06 低音大提琴 08 豎琴
31 小組合奏 41 古鍵琴 44 敲擊樂

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