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Improve your Skills Writing for Advanced PAU emt | Yee le Malcolm Mann « Steve Taylore-Knowles MACMILLAN Improve your Skills Writing for Advanced with Answer Key Series editors: Malcolm Mann e Steve Taylore-Knowles FA MACMILLAN Macmillan Education 4 Gehan Street London Ni xW ‘Adlision of Macmian Publishers Lites Companies and repesentatves throughout the word SBN 978-0-200-46209-8 (with key) SBN 972-0-220-46208-3 (without key) ISBN 978-0-230-46202-1 (with key + MPO Pack) ISBN 978-0-230-46201-4 (without key + MPO Pack) “ext, design and iustration © Macmilan Pubishors Limited 2014 Series ected by Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles ‘The authors have asserted thor rights to be dentied as the authors ofthis workin accordance with te Copyright, Designs fang Patents Act 198, Fst published 2014 {Al hts reserve no part of his publication may be reproduced, stored in a retieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, slectronc, mechanical, photocopying, recording, oF otherwise, without the prior wren permssion of the publishers Designed by eme design te CCover design by Macmitan Cover photograph by Photoshot/Moodboard Peture research by Emily Taylor "Malcolm Mann and Steve Tayore-Knowles would lk to thank ‘everyone at Macmilan and signature manuscripts for thei hard ‘work on tis challenging but greatly enjoyable roect. “The publishers woul ike to thank al hose who participated ln the development of the project, wth apocial thanks to the freoance editor ‘The author and publishers would keto thank the folowing for permission to reproduce ther photographs. ‘Alamy/JelfGibert p15, Alamy/Boris Karoinski p99, Alamy/ Fosecrary Roberts pion, Corbis/Rachid Dahnour/Aurora (Open p88, Coris/Sean De Burca p23), CorbsEric Raptosh PPhotography/Blond Images p28, CorsHalen King p71, Corba! Jean Pie Lescourt p&2, Corbs/Neumann & Rodimann 34, Coris/Ole Spataltoa p55, Corbisroy House p23 Getty Images/Absodels 995, Getty Images/Bambu Productions pr, Getty mages/Comstock Images p7. Getty Images! Lonely Panet images p74, Getty Images/Sian Raisbeck 287; Image Source ppt8, 31, 78, mage Source/Siend p83, Image Souroe/Fancy pA, Image Source/Fa0d Collection p49; Pain Picture/Alexandra Lechner p86; Photoshot p87. ‘Altnough we have tied to trace and contact copyright holes before pubcaton, in some cases this has not been posse, contacted we willbe pleased to rectty any erors or omissions at the earest opportunty Pnted and bound in Tail 2018 2017 2016 2018 2014 woes 7654321

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