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a. Think about the last time that you threw a bottle out the window. What
about the last time that you left a can at the beach.
b. I believe that you should care about the environment and this is why.
Body 1
a. Claim: You should care about the environment.
b. Warrant: Ecoadmirer says that you should care about the environment
because it is key for healthy living, global warming is occurring, we need to
preserve it for future generations, biodiversity is important, it’s a reflection
of character and Earth is home.
c. Impact: The impact of this is that without caring for the environment, the
impacts stated before will occur.
Body 2
a. Ways you can care for the environment (According to cleanweb)
i. Use less water
ii. Turn off your lights
iii. Buy a fuel effecientt car
iv. Use different fuel
v. Compost
vi. Only drive if you have to
vii. Only use appliances if they’re full
viii. Buy food in bulk
ix. Use less paper
x. Borrow and lend equipment
b. Impact: If we all do a few of these things, then we can make our
environment last longer for our future generation.
We should all care about the environment for those key reasons. If we don’t start
taking this issue seriously, and take the steps mentioned before, than our Earth
won’t be here for future generations.

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