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Teaching in education is challenging for teachers as they need to cope with the course

and take full responsibility for it. Teachers need to think and plan their lesson plan carefully.
According to TEAL (2010), in education, the planning tool is the lesson plan, which is a detailed
description of an instructor’s course of instruction for an individual lesson intended to help learners
achieve a particular learning objective. Therefore, this academic essay will discuss on
effectiveness of two suitable instructional media of a chosen topic based on an instructional

My lesson plan is designed for the Standard 4 class of Malaysian Primary School who are
in the intermediate proficiency level. The topic that will be taught is Yesterday and Today which
is under theme of The World of Knowledge. This lesson plan is follow the ASSURE model.
According to Hala (2014), the ASSURE model is a guide for planning and conducting instruction
that uses media. This model really easy and good for teachers to use it. Next, instructional media
encompasses all the materials and physical means an instructor might use to implement
instruction and facilitate students' achievement of instructional objectives. This may include
traditional materials such as chalkboards, handouts, charts, slides, overheads, real objects, and
videotape or film, as well newer materials and methods such as computers, DVDs, CD-ROMs,
the Internet, and interactive video conferencing. (Teaching Portfolio, n.d). So, teachers need to
think cautiously about the instructional media that they want to use in teaching. The main objective
for the lesson are by the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to spell at least 3 out of 5
inventions correctly. Furthermore, pupils also can state the functions of the inventions correctly.
Hence, in this essay, the instructional media that I think would be suitable for the teaching and
learning for my topic are Power Points, videos and pictures.

. PowerPoint is easy way for teachers to deliver the information to the students. According
to Ding and Liu (2012), in a PowerPoint presentation, the teacher can deliver more information
than by traditional lecture. The amount of information transferred in a traditional lecture is often
limited by the writing speed of the instructor on chalkboard. But in a PowerPoint presentation, all
outlines were typed previously in slides. Especially, when instruction of science courses need to
present large amount of data, using PowerPoint could significantly increase the efficacy of a
lecture. In my lesson plan, teachers will shows the inventions to be introduced today using the
PowerPoint presentation. Teachers will use a simple and easy words for students to understand
the information. Furthermore, PowerPoint presentation saves time for students with learning
differences that require more time to take notes, because they may download PowerPoint files
from web and obtain organized notes or handouts and accurately drawn graphs. Therefore,
PowerPoint may enhance the performance of students at class. (Ding and Liu, 2012).

Next, the instructional media that I think would be suitable for the teaching and learning
for my topic is videos. As teachers, our aim is to get students energized and engaged in the
hands-on learning process, and video is clearly an instructional medium that is compelling and
generates a much greater amount of interest and enjoyment than the more traditional printed
material. Using sight and sound, video is the perfect medium for students who are auditory or
visual learners. With the added use of subtitles each child then has the choice to watch, listen to,
or read each presentation. Video stimulates and engages students creating interest and
maintaining that interest for longer periods of time, and it provides an innovative and effective
means for educators to address and deliver the required curriculum content. (Zane Education,
n.d). In my lesson plan, teacher will shows a video about inventions when come in the classroom.
Then teacher asks pupils to name out some inventions they can see from it. After that, teacher
explains the lesson for the day. Videos also can makes learning more personalized to students.
According to Stanic (2014), video can blend perfectly into bite-size or micro-learning, so rather
than engaging your students’ visual sense by decorations, use explanative videos. This means
using short videos to explain or demonstrate the knowledge in a show and tell method that would
be difficult to represent otherwise, and thus incorporating these videos into bites of information
for your students. This is a proven method of fostering deeper cognitive processing in students,
enabling them to truly make sense of the material. So, teachers need to choose a good videos to
teaching in class because it can give a respectable effects for students.

In a conclusion, this academic essay has discussed on two instructional media that are
very important for teachers. According to Price and Maier (2007) state that nowadays people are
living through a period of rapid change where our knowledge needs to be updated regularly
throughout our lives in order to remain current. However, each student must have his or her own
desire and effort to apply these skills. Although the teachers are always there to give support for
students, the decision to take this responsibility, to reflect and act on their development, are theirs
alone. So, this academic essay can act as the guidelines for teachers and students to become an
authentic scholar that has potential to become a great leader in the future.

Dr Hala Ibrahim. (2014). The ASSURE Model Lesson Plan. Retrieved from

Teaching Portfolio. (n.d). Presentation Enhancing Technology. Retrieved from

The Teaching Excellence in Adult Literacy (TEAL). (2010). Effective Lesson Planning. Retrieved

Zane Education. (n.d). The Benefits of Using Educational Video in The Classroom. Retrieved

Stanic. T. (2014). Why You Should Add Video To Your Teaching. Retrieved from

Ding Xingeng & Liu Jianxiang. (2012). Advantages and Disadvantages of PowerPoint in Lectures
to Science Students. I.J. Education and Management Engineering, 9, 61-65. Retrieved

Geraldine Price & Pat Maier. (2007). Effective Study Skill:Unlock Your Potential. London:
Pearson Education Limited.

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