A Overview of MND Research PDF

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Introduction to MND research

Information Sheet A
The purpose of this information sheet is to provide an introduction to motor neurone
disease (MND) research, including an explanation of what happens in motor neurones in
MND, overview of the possible causes, and how the MND Association supports cutting-
edge research to find the causes and treatments for MND.

The content is split into the following sections:

1: What is MND?

2: What causes MND?

3: What goes wrong in motor neurones?

4: Funding MND research

5: International Symposium on ALS/MND

6: How do I find out more?

Disclaimer: Please note that information provided in this information sheet is based on a review of the
currently available literature. This information sheet was written by the MND Association staff who are
not clinicians and so any information provided in this sheet should not be considered as clinical advice.
You should always discuss potential treatments with your clinician.

i This symbol is used to highlight our other publications. To find out how to
access these, see Further information at the end of this sheet.

What do the words and abbreviations mean?

Axon A long projection carrying the electrical impulse from

the cell body to the end of the neurone.
Dendrites Projections stemming from the neuronal body that
receive messages from preceding neurones.
Electromyogram (EMG) Procedure for detecting muscle fasciculations.

Frontotemporal dementia A condition causing severe cognitive and behavioural

(FTD) changes, found in 15% of people with MND.

Glial cells Cells that surround motor neurones, providing them

support and nourishment.
Lower motor neurones Motor neurones connecting the spinal cord to the
muscles of the body.
Magnetic resonance imaging A type of scan that can visualise certain areas of the
(MRI) body (most often the brain).
Neurotrophic factors A group of chemicals that provide nutrients to motor
Primary Lateral Sclerosis A type of MND predominantly affecting upper motor
(PLS) neurones.

Progressive Bulbar Palsy A type of MND affecting muscles involved in speech

(PBP) and swallowing.
Progressive Muscular A type of MND predominantly affecting lower motor
Atrophy (PMA) neurones.
Upper motor neurones Motor neurones connecting the brain with the spinal

1: What is MND?
MND is an umbrella term covering a number of progressive degenerative conditions
involving selective degeneration of motor neurones. MND can affect adults at any age,
but it most commonly appears in people aged between 50 and 70.

Motor neurones are the nerve cells along which the brain sends instructions to the
muscles in the form of electrical impulses (Fig 1). Motor neurones form the link between
a person thinking about moving and the movement itself.

Dendrites Cell body

The control centre of the
neurone, where electrical
Axonal terminals signals are received from
preceding neurones by
The place where projections called ‘dendrites’.
information is handed
over to the next neurone
or muscle cells.

A long projection carrying the
electrical impulse from the
cell body to the end of the

Figure 1. Illustration of a motor neurone. In MND, motor neurones lose the ability to communicate the
message from the brain to the muscle.

While the ‘wiring’ is a bit more complicated, the process of making the muscles work
essentially involves two types of neurones that form a ‘chain of commands’ from the
brain to the muscles.

The two types of motor neurones are upper motor neurones, connecting the brain to
the spinal cord, and lower motor neurones, connecting upper motor neurones in the
spine to the muscles of the body. These neurones communicate by sending electrical
messages from one neurone to another, until they reach the desired location (muscles).
In MND, this line of neuronal communication collapses; motor neurones are unable to
bring electrical information from the brain and spinal cord to the muscle, which then
becomes inactive (paralysed) as a result. If a muscle is paralysed for a long time, it starts
to decrease in mass – it atrophies. This is why muscle wasting is a common symptom of

Types of MND
In the most common form of MND, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), degeneration
of both the upper and lower motor neurones occurs, leading to paralysis of all voluntary
muscles in the body (especially limbs). When only the muscles involved in speech and
swallowing are affected, this is known as progressive bulbar palsy, causing slurred
speech and difficulty swallowing.

In less common forms of MND, there is a more selective degeneration of either the
upper motor neurones (primary lateral sclerosis; PLS) or lower motor neurones (such
as progressive muscular atrophy; PMA).

Another type of motor neurone degeneration, Kennedy’s disease, is sometimes

misdiagnosed as MND despite not being classed as a type of MND. The disease causes
damage to voluntary muscles, leading to weakness, wasting of muscles and hormonal
changes. It is caused by a genetic mutation, which can be found through genetic

For further information about the different types of MND, see: Information sheet
2B – Kennedy’s disease, 2C – Primary Lateral Sclerosis, or 2D – Progressive Muscular

Cognitive and behavioural symptoms

Up to half of the people living with MND may also experience difficulties with learning,
language and concentration. This is generally known as cognitive impairment. Around
15% of people with MND experience severe cognitive and behavioural changes that
will be diagnosed as frontotemporal dementia (FTD). FTD is an increasingly recognised
form of dementia, with different signs and symptoms to the more common Alzheimer’s
disease (behavioural changes and speech problems are more prominent in FTD).

Mutations in the gene C9ORF72 have been shown to be the most common cause of
inherited FTD, MND and MND-FTD. Importantly, up to 10% of cases of sporadic MND
(where there is no known family history) are also strongly associated with this same


For further information about cognitive change in MND, see: Information sheet
9A – Will the way I think be affected?.

2: What causes MND?
Understanding the causes and mechanisms of motor neurone degeneration is essential
to allow the development of treatments. Only by understanding what goes wrong in
MND can scientists know how to design and where to target drugs and other therapies.

At the moment, the cause of MND is still not fully understood. The majority of MND
cases are thought to be caused by a number of contributory factors, including subtle
genetic, environmental and lifestyle influences. It is important to note that these
factors must all coincide to trigger the disease. Below is the possible contribution the
three factors might have on the development of MND.

The instructions for the way our bodies develop and function are provided by genes,
which we inherit from our parents. In approximately 5-10% of cases, MND is directly
caused by a genetic mistake. This mistake can be passed down from parent to child, so
the disease appears in the different generations of a family. This is known as familial, or
inherited MND. Inheriting a copy an MND-causing gene however doesn’t necessarily
mean that the person will go on to develop the disease, and the influence of the
contributory factors is still likely to play a role.

In the majority of cases however, the disease appears for no apparent reason and
without any known familial link. This is sometimes known as sporadic MND. It has not
yet been established what causes this type of MND. Normal genetic variations may
make people more susceptible, but on their own do not cause the disease. In these
cases, MND is thought to result from a combination of subtle genetic, environmental
and lifestyle factors.

Researchers believe that discovering the genetic causes of inherited MND will lead to a
better understanding of what is going wrong in all forms of MND. As both the familial
and sporadic form of MND are clinically indistinguishable, the mechanisms underlying
both types of the disease are likely to be similar.

So far, a number of genes have been identified that can cause inherited MND, including
SOD1, TDP-43, FUS, UNC13A, C9ORF72, MATR3, NEK1 and ANXA11.


For further information about inherited MND, see: Information sheet B1 –
Introduction to inherited MND.

Lifestyle and environment

Exposure to lifestyle and environmental factors that might contribute to the
development of MND has been extensively studied over the years. This research is
known as epidemiology. Epidemiological studies have identified possible links with

prior exposure to mechanical and/or electrical trauma, military service, smoking,
agricultural chemicals, high levels of physical activity, and a variety of heavy metals.
However, it is important to note that these are only suspected contributory risk factors
and the evidence obtained in these studies has often not been conclusive.

It is not known how environmental and lifestyle factors could increase the risk of MND.
One possible explanation is that they have a cumulative effect in weakening of nerve
cells, making them more susceptible to degeneration. Another explanation is that these
factors interact with specific genes, triggering the disease through gene-environment

Some of the possible environmental and lifestyle factors that have been linked to MND
are protective, whereas some may increase the risk of developing MND. An example of
these are listed below:

Studies into the impact of diet on the risk of developing MND found that people who
ate a healthier diet, inclusive of fruit and vegetables, were less likely to develop the
disease. The findings of such studies apply only to the risk of developing MND, not its
treatment, and often examine just one of the many factors that may ‘tip the balance’
towards somebody getting the disease.

Professional sportsmen
A number of studies identified that professional football or rugby players develop MND
more often than the general population. This might be partly due a connection with a
repeated exposure to head injuries, or exposure to other environmental factors. Other
professional sportsmen however do not appear to be at any greater risk.

Physical activity/exercise
A large multi-centre study investigating the association between lifetime physical
activity and the risk of developing MND found a slightly increased risk of developing
the disease in people with substantially higher levels of activity. Further research is now
ongoing to look at how physical activity may increase the risk of someone developing
MND, including studying the genetic make-up of these individuals.

It is important to note that physical activity alone is not responsible for causing MND,
and other contributory factors are needed to ‘tip the balance’ in predisposed individuals.
The benefits of exercise also greatly outweigh the potential negatives, especially when
we consider the high odds of developing cardiovascular diseases due to sedentary

The six steps theory

Using a mathematical model, previously used by cancer researchers, Al-Chalabi and
colleagues (2014) suggested that it takes six steps to trigger MND. The number of steps
might be different (and likely reduced) in MND caused by specific genes. Each step
represents a separate event that could be a genetic, environmental or lifestyle factor,

with the last one triggering the disease. What exactly these factors are is yet unknown.

For more information on environmental and lifestyle factors associated with the
development of MND, see www.mndassociation.org/whyme.

3: What goes wrong in motor neurones

To know what causes MND, we need to delve even deeper under the surface, to
investigate the pathological mechanisms that lead to degeneration of motor neurones.
Below are some of the mechanisms that are suspected to be involved in motor neurone

Abnormal clumps (aggregates) of protein molecules cluster inside motor neurones
affected by MND, disrupting their normal functioning.

Editors on strike
‘Editors’ copy, tidy and transport short sections of code, known as RNA, to produce
instructions that can then be used to build proteins. If this process becomes faulty, the
production of proteins could be adversely affected and cause MND.

Faulty scaffolding
Cellular ‘scaffolding’, called the cytoskeleton, ensures that the shape and structure of
motor neurones and other cells is maintained. If the structure is defected, it could cause
the cell to degenerate.

Disruption to chemical communication networks

Electrical messages are transmitted from one motor neurone to the next via the release
of chemical messengers in the gap between them. For many motor neurones this
chemical messenger is glutamate, which in high concentrations can be toxic.

Transport disruption
Motor neurones are large cells, with the largest axons measuring up to one metre in
length. It is necessary that their transport systems for moving nutrients, waste and
components from one end of the neurone to the other work well. If any part of the
transport system becomes faulty, it may cause disruption to the whole system and lead
to degeneration of the motor neurone.

Build-up of toxic waste

Oxygen free radicals are toxic chemicals formed as a normal by-product of cellular
processes, which are normally mopped up by antioxidants. In MND however, the motor
neurones’ own antioxidant defence pathways may be suppressed, leading to a toxic
build-up of waste.

Power failure
All cells contain tiny ‘batteries’ called mitochondria, which are responsible for producing

energy for the cell while maintaining the cell’s normal function. The mitochondria in
motor neurones of people with MND appear to be abnormal.

Lack of nerve nourishing factors

There is some evidence that motor neurones become more susceptible to MND
because of the lack of nutrients. One form of motor neurone nutrients that are likely
to be in shortage in MND, is a group of chemicals called neurotrophic factors, literally
meaning ‘nerve nourishing factors’.

Problematic neighbours
Motor neurones are surrounded by cells called glia, which normally provide the
neurones with support and nourishment. However, researchers have now come to
realise that glial cells, such as oligodendrocytes, can in fact contribute to motor neurone
degeneration if they lose their supportive properties and become toxic.

4: Funding MND research

We are a leader in funding and promoting cutting-edge MND research both within the
UK and across the world to lead us to new understanding and treatments, and bring us
closer to a cure for MND. Our research portfolio is split into five themes:

Causes: Understanding what causes motor neurones to die.

These projects aim to understand the causes of motor neurone degeneration. This is
essential to allow the development of treatments. Only by understanding what goes
wrong in MND can scientists know how to design and where to target drug treatments.

Models of MND: Developing models to understand causes of MND.

One way in which to understand the function of a gene and how this goes wrong in
a disease, or the impact of a biochemical pathway malfunctioning, is to use a model.
This might be in mice or isolated cells in a dish. These projects aim to develop new and
better models of MND to better understand the causes of MND.

Healthcare: Increasing quality of life of people living with MND.

These projects aim to increase the quality of life of people living with MND, as well as
improving care. The projects have a direct impact on people living with MND here and

Markers: Identifying markers of disease progression.

There is currently no diagnostic test for MND and no specific ‘biomarker’ to monitor
the disease. These projects aim to find a marker of disease progression to speed up
diagnosis, prognosis and disease monitoring of MND.

Developing treatments: Turning scientific discoveries into potential treatments.

These projects aim to test the effectiveness of potential treatments. They aim to test

potential treatments from the laboratory stage to the clinical trial environment.


For further information about the projects we currently support, see: Information
sheet E – Research we fund.

6: International Symposium on ALS/MND

The International Symposium on ALS/MND is the largest medical and scientific
conference specific to MND. It is the premier event in the MND research calendar for
discussion on the latest advances in research and clinical management.

Each year, we organize the three day event, now attracting over 1,000 delegates
worldwide, representing the energy and dynamism of the global MND research

Find out more about the Symposium on our website:


4: How do I find out more?

Useful resources
The contact details are correct at the time of publishing, but may change between
revisions. If you need help to find an organisation, contact the Research Development
Team (see Further information at the end of this sheet for details).

MND Association website - research webpages

We provide information about MND-related research, clinical trials, research we fund,
and ways to get involved.
Website: www.mndassociation.org/research

MND Research blog

Our blog is continuously updated with the latest MND research news throughout the
year. From the International Symposium on ALS/MND to MND research in the news, the
blog keeps you up to date by demystifying the science and explaining what it really
means for people living with MND.
Website: mndresearch.blog

MND Research newsletter
Monthly e-newsletter and quarterly research magazine focusing on the latest MND
research, which contains recent MND research news, updates on MND Association-
funded projects, conference news and current opportunities to get involved with
Website : www.mndassociation.org/mnd-research-newsletter

Further information
You may find these information sheets from the MND Association helpful:

2B – Kennedy’s disease
2C – Primary Lateral Sclerosis
2D – Progressive Muscular Atrophy
9A – Will the way I think be affected?

B1 – Introduction to inherited MND

E – Research we fund

We also provide the following guides:

Living with motor neurone disease – our main guide to help you manage the impact of
the disease
Caring and MND: support for you – comprehensive information for unpaid or family
carers, who support someone living with MND
Caring and MND: quick guide – the summary version of our information for carers

You can download most of our publications from our website at

www.mndassociation.org/publications or order in print from the MND Connect
helpline, who can provide further information and support.

MND Connect can also help locate external services and providers, and introduce you
to our available services, including your local branch, group, Association visitor or
regional care development adviser.

MND Connect
Telephone: 0808 802 6262
Email: mndconnect@mndassociation.org
MND Association, David Niven House, 10-15 Notre Dame Mews,
Northampton NN1 2BG

Research Development Team

Telephone: 01604 611 880
Email: research@mndassociation.org

MND Association website and online forum
Website: www.mndassociation.org
Online forum: forum.mndassociation.org or through the website

We welcome your views

Your feedback is really important to us, as it helps improve our information for the
benefit of people living with MND and those who care for them. If you would like to
provide feedback on any of our information sheets, you can access an online form at:

You can request a paper version of the form or provide direct feedback by email:

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Company Limited by Guarantee No. 2007023
Last revised: June 2018 © MND Association 2015


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