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We have seen the first part of the sutra writings of the Muni.
This volume of the Collected Works is the second part containing
many other important sutra writings of the Muni.
The major works in this volume are viQvamnmDWsD and
dharmDnuQDsnam. There are sixteen different notes under the
title viQvamnmDWsD which deal with the principles of existence.
The notes under the title dharmDnuQDsnam deal with the nature
of dharma. DevatDmnmDWsD is a text dealing with the all pervad-
ing indivisible Consciousness and Her manifestations. Apart from
these texts, there are other wrtings like tattvDnuQDsanasutrDKi
dealing with different types of Yoga, vDsiIFhadarQanam and
sarvDrthadarQanam dealing with the three kinds of pramDKas,
DdiQDstrDrthasutram dealing with the philosophy of the Vedic
Rishis, vDsiIFhakamasutram dealing with sexulaity, and
mahDvDrtikam dealing with the authenticity of the Vedas. Though
many of these texts of the Muni are incomplete yet they throw
much light on the subject and guide us to have a clear understand-
ing of our rich tradition.
We pray that Shri K. Natesan, who has dedicated himself for
the compilation and editing of all the works of the Muni, may
have Sri Bhagavan’s Grace and Blessings and will continue to be
the inspiring force towards the publication of all the volumes.
We hope and believe that this volume of The Collected Works
of Ganapati Muni, like the earlier five volumes, will also be equally
useful and inspiring for the spiritual aspirants.

Sri Ramanasramam Sri V.S. Ramanan

15. 05. 2006

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