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ABPM REPORT 2/9/2019
Name: Sarmila Samanta
Identifier: Dr Deep Das
Gender: Female Date of birth: 12/21/1961
Height: 0.0 cm Age (2019): 57 Years old
Weight: 0.0 kg BMI:


Start: 2/4/2019 18:00 Start of statistics: 2/4/2019 18:00
Length: 24 hour Length of statistics: 24 hour
No.of meas./successful: 43 / 43 (100%) Active period: 05:00-22:00
ABPM-05: 508863, 5.03 Programme: EasyABPM

ABPM REPORT Sarmila Samanta 2/9/2019 2/5

Hourly means

ABPM REPORT Sarmila Samanta 2/9/2019 3/5
All Systole Diastole MAP PP Pulse Double
24:00:00 mmHg mmHg mmHg mmHg 1/min product
Hypertension 130 80
Mean 122 65 84 57 68 8303
Max 155 83 102 85 79 10640
Min 92 45 62 39 60 6014
SD 14 8 9 10 5 1127
PTE 26 0 4
Hyperbaric impact 61 0 2
Diurnal index 9 11 10
Morning surge 19

Active period Systole Diastole MAP PP Pulse Double
17:00:00 mmHg mmHg mmHg mmHg 1/min product
Hypertension 135 100
Mean 125 67 87 58 70 8688
Max 155 83 102 85 79 10640
Min 99 55 71 39 60 6912
SD 13 6 8 10 5 994
PTE 22 0 0
Hyperbaric impact 47 0 0
Hypotension 85 65

Passive period Systole Diastole MAP PP Pulse Double
07:00:00 mmHg mmHg mmHg mmHg 1/min product
Hypertension 120 80
Mean 114 60 78 54 65 7368
Max 138 74 95 70 70 9108
Min 92 45 62 43 61 6014
SD 16 10 11 10 3 1106
PTE 36 0 14
Hyperbaric impact 94 0 7
Hypotension 70 55

List of hourly means

Date Time Systole Diastole Pulse Measurement
m/d/yyyy hh-hh mmHg mmHg 1/min piece
2/4/2019 17-18 139.0 64.3 69.5 2
2/4/2019 18-19 130.2 70.0 65.0 3
2/4/2019 19-20 140.0 69.8 64.5 3
2/4/2019 20-21 139.3 77.0 64.0 3
2/4/2019 21-22 141.0 68.8 65.3 3
2/4/2019 22-23 113.0 52.0 64.5 2
2/4/2019 23-00 111.0 55.0 62.5 2
2/5/2019 00-01 131.5 69.5 64.5 2
ABPM REPORT Sarmila Samanta 2/9/2019 4/5
List of hourly means
Date Time Systole Diastole Pulse Measurement
m/d/yyyy hh-hh mmHg mmHg 1/min piece
2/5/2019 01-02 128.5 70.0 65.5 2
2/5/2019 02-03 112.5 63.0 63.0 2
2/5/2019 03-04 99.0 54.0 65.5 2
2/5/2019 04-05 100.0 56.5 68.5 2
2/5/2019 05-06 118.5 61.8 67.5 3
2/5/2019 06-07 117.0 65.0 64.8 3
2/5/2019 07-08 120.3 65.7 68.0 3
2/5/2019 08-09 130.5 67.0 74.8 3
2/5/2019 09-10 138.0 77.0 75.0 3
2/5/2019 10-11 130.5 73.0 75.8 3
2/5/2019 11-12 127.0 70.0 69.3 3
2/5/2019 12-13 119.5 68.0 64.3 3
2/5/2019 13-14 125.8 65.0 69.0 3
2/5/2019 14-15 122.5 63.3 70.3 3
2/5/2019 15-16 106.5 60.5 74.2 3
2/5/2019 16-17 110.5 62.3 75.7 3
2/5/2019 17-18 109.3 59.3 75.5 3
2/5/2019 18-19 113.0 60.0 73.0 1

Data list
Type Date Time Systole Diastole Pulse Other
m/d/yyyy hh:mm mmHg mmHg 1/min
Manual 2/4/2019 17:23 147 64 71
2/4/2019 18:00 121 65 66
2/4/2019 18:30 137 72 65
2/4/2019 19:00 126 71 64
2/4/2019 19:30 155 70 67
2/4/2019 20:00 124 68 60
2/4/2019 20:30 139 83 65
2/4/2019 21:00 155 74 66
2/4/2019 21:30 140 71 64
2/4/2019 22:00 129 59 67
2/4/2019 23:00 97 45 62
2/5/2019 00:00 125 65 63
2/5/2019 01:00 138 74 66
2/5/2019 02:00 119 66 65
2/5/2019 03:00 106 60 61
2/5/2019 04:00 92 48 70
2/5/2019 05:00 108 65 67
2/5/2019 05:30 119 57 68
2/5/2019 06:00 128 68 67
2/5/2019 06:30 116 65 64
2/5/2019 07:00 108 62 64
ABPM REPORT Sarmila Samanta 2/9/2019 5/5
Data list
Type Date Time Systole Diastole Pulse Other
m/d/yyyy hh:mm mmHg mmHg 1/min
2/5/2019 07:30 125 66 65
2/5/2019 08:00 123 69 78
2/5/2019 08:30 129 61 75
2/5/2019 09:00 141 77 71
2/5/2019 09:30 140 76 76
2/5/2019 10:00 131 79 77
2/5/2019 10:30 131 74 76
2/5/2019 11:00 129 65 74
2/5/2019 11:30 125 72 67
2/5/2019 12:00 129 71 69
2/5/2019 12:30 116 67 62
2/5/2019 13:00 117 67 64
2/5/2019 13:30 129 65 69
2/5/2019 14:00 128 63 74
2/5/2019 14:30 126 67 67
2/5/2019 15:00 110 56 73
2/5/2019 15:30 99 60 75
2/5/2019 16:00 118 66 74
2/5/2019 16:30 111 64 75
2/5/2019 17:00 102 55 79
2/5/2019 17:30 111 61 75
2/5/2019 18:00 113 60 73
Battery insert 1/1/2020 00:00

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