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Will They Fall In Love?

Jeanette Vs Qi Yuwu
Source: Citta Bella February 2005
Text: Andrew Chong
Credits: Jase from Yuwu Paradise

On screen, Qi Yuwu and Jeanette Aw are definitely a match made in heaven. What about
off screen? For this Valentine’s Day’s issue, Citta Bella deliberately arranged for them to be
on the cover, besides the photo shoot, we also took the opportunity to do some snooping
around whether any sparks flew between them off screen? Or is love beginning to surface?
In the end, after separate interviews, personality test, we found out although they are
similar in some ways, however when discussing the topic of love, instead…..

Qi Yuwu - A Devoted Man

Qi Yuwu gives out a cool demeanor when he’s quiet, especially if he’s at a corner by
himself, staring up at the ceiling, deep in thoughts as if pondering on the never-ending
philosophies of life. The interesting part is when I told him to take a personality test; he
was so serious that it was as if he was entering into an exam hall. He would spend at least
5 minutes on every question, occasionally turning his head to ask either his artiste
manager or me.

Upon seeing his serious attitude towards the personality test, I told him that it was just a
test and he need not ponder over the answer, the answer was always what appears in his
mind first. He stared at me for a moment and reverted his concentration back to his
personality test. “Ah Wu is like this, sometimes he really think too much”, his artiste
manager said.

After a while, Ah Wu finally finished the personality test and heaved a huge sign of relief.
He also appeared to be more relaxed, no longer frowning his eyebrows and was less

“Are you always like this since young?”, I asked.

“It’s probably my character!”

Ah Wu said that he is very introverted and seldom makes the first move in approaching
others and was always misunderstood to be aloof. In addition, he likes to have “crazy
thoughts”, always thinking about ridiculous stuff. When asked what thoughts he had, he
wasn’t able to give an example on the spot.

The Loss Of First Love

A man of few words like Qi Yuwu won’t have much experience in relationships. From
schooling to stepping out into the society, Ah Wu’s past relationships can be counted easily
and the most unforgettable was during his college days.

“She was from the class next door. As we would see each other and cycled to school
everyday, it was inevitable that I soon developed an interest in her, so I would always
leave the house at a specific timing, hoping to meet her.”

“My heartbeat quickened whenever I walked past her, but I do not know what to say to
her”, Ah Wu smiled happily while reminiscing about this unforgettable college romance.

It was near graduation when Ah Wu could no longer hide his feelings and finally mustered
his courage to make the first move, thus this is how their romance started.

“We were together for 2 years but slowly drifted apart because the feeling was gone.”

Ah Wu said, when in love, the most important is when both parties have that loving
feeling, as when it is gone, it is meaningless to stay in the relationship.
When asked whether he made any sacrifices for love?

“I did not. At most if I missed her at night, I would go to her house and we would go for a
walk in the park, walked a few more rounds”, he said.

Love Is Like French Cappucino

Qi Yuwu has a strange theory on love.

Love is like death, he said.

“Death is not dark to me; because of love you would want to be with each other till the

His theory was not unreasonable, however I was still skeptical.

“We often said ‘to grow old together’, if we can’t be with each other till the end, how do
you explain ‘to grow old together’?”, he explained.

What about those quotes “love is forever”, “it is better to have loved and lost than never to
have lost at all”, Ah Wu also has his own theories.

“We should never challenge love. Everyone hope for everlasting love, however we would
console ourselves that it is better to have loved and lost, when in fact we are contradicting
ourselves. Actually, the most important thing when in love is that both parties should
cherish, be truthful towards each other in order to face the future together.”

What Ah Wu said made me looked at him with a different perspective and when I was
about to commend him, he came up with another amazing theory.

”Many people consider French style of love as the most romantic, what is the French style
of love? It is like adding milk to cappucino. The bitter taste of coffee with the sweetness of
milk, doesn’t that represent the bittersweet experience of love?”

A man of few words, he stunned me with his theories.

Didn’t know Ah Wu can be so humorous!!

Jeanette Aw In The Eyes of Qi Yuwu

I’m not a regular television viewer but I have watched 1 or 2 drama episodes starring Qi
Yuwu and Jeanette Aw and always feel that both of them are quite compatible and this is
why we have invited them to be on the cover of Citta Bella’s February issue.

Since they are the cover story and are compatible as a couple, I have observed and
speculating whether the seeds of love have been planted. I asked Qi Yuwu about his
impression of Jeanette Aw and I was surprised that he knows Jeanette Aw quite well.

“She is a ditzy girl whom appears to look tough but she actually needs others’ care and

He also said Jeanette’s kind-hearted and always flashes her sparkling smile.

As I listened to Qi Yuwu’s analysis of Jeanette’s character, I felt that they are not only just
friends as he was so detailed.

Ideal Partner

I smiled and asked Qi Yuwu, since he understands Jeanette so well, is she his ideal mate?

Qi Yuwu pondered for a while, “To love and to be fond of a person are two separate issues,
I can be fond of a person but that doesn’t mean I may fall in love with her.”
His ideal mate would have to be independent and unselfish.

Jeanette Aw seems to fit Qi Yuwu’s criteria, is it possible that someday they may develop
feelings for each other and will Qi Yuwu make the first move?

“Yes! I will use my sincerity to pursue her.” Qi Yuwu replied without hesitation, however he
explained further,”We are still colleagues at the moment and good working partners, as to
being a couple; we do not have that feeling yet.”

Qi Yuwu In The Eyes of Jeanette Aw

To Jeanette Aw, Qi Yuwu is like a big kid whom can be wild at play and so chatty at times
that it’s intolerable.

“When on location, he likes to sit quietly by himself in a corner, however he will be

vivacious once he’s in front of the camera. He can be quite playful and wild once you get to
know him.”

Jeanette Aw also added that Qi Yuwu is a very sensitive guy, “He knows how to take care
of us female artistes and would always buy food for us. The deepest impression he left on
me was when the producer wanted to shoot a scene of us jumping into the water, he was
very concerned and kept asking about our well-being. We were very touched.”

Jeanette admitted that she feels very at ease with Qi Yuwu.

“He is a very nice guy! No bad habits, the Mr Nice Guy in our eyes.”

Ideal Partner

Is Jeanette carrying a torch for Qi Yuwu since she keeps heaping praises on him?

“No!” Jeanette blushed, “We are just good working partners, I do not have that kind of
feeling for him.”

Jeanette added that her ideal partner would have to be extroverted as both of them are
too introverted and would not be suitable for each other.

I teased her for being so judgmental as what if in the near future, they may develop
feelings for each other and if Qi Yuwu make the first move, will she reject him?

“If that day really arrives, I may consider. However, I would prefer someone outside the
entertainment industry as we wouldn’t be so tensed up. When I’m in a relationship, my
only request is to have my own breathing space.”

What Jeanette just said actually dispel the possibility of them being together in the near

Personality Test

As both Qi Yuwu and Jeanette Aw dismissed the possibility of being attracted to each other
now, what about in the near future? It is too early to say, so we specially chose a “Will you
fall in love with your colleagues?” test and if it is possible that they may end up together or
if they are just colleagues.

Conclusion of the test results:-

Qi Yuwu got 36 points and Jeanette Aw got 32 points. According to the results' analysis,
both are the ‘waiting’ type, which means that they are hoping to start a romance with their
colleagues. If there are interested parties, they would try to get close to you and may have
dropped you a few hints! However, you will only be attracted to someone who looks
elegant but a loner.
Although both Qi Yuwu and Jeanette Aw are hoping to start a romance with their
colleagues, it won’t be to each other, looks like our hopes of them being a couple is

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