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Akhenaten and Nefertiti

Akhenaten and Nefertiti


Akhenaten was the 10th pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt who
reigned over the country for about 17 years about 3.500 years ago. He was
known as a heretic king, religious revolutioner. He is especially noted for
abandoning traditional Egyptian polytheism and introducing worship centered
on the sun disc Aten, which is sometimes described as monotheistic. When he
ascended the throne his name was Amenhotep IV, but in his sixth year of rule
he changed it to “Akhenaten”. He has succeeded his father Amenhotep III.
Akhenaten has established a new capital city Akhetaten (Horizon of Aten) at
modern Amarna. Aten was the only god and Akhenaten was only intermediary
between the Aten and the people.
Akhenaten was married to Nefertiti, one of the most famious queens of
ancient Egypt. Nefertiti’s origins are uncertain. Some historians believe that she
was a foreign princess and others believe that she was Akhenaten’s relative,
daughter of Ay.
After Akhenaten’s death, Egypt returned to the worship of the old gods and
the name and image of Akhenaten were erased from his monuments in an
effort to wipe out the memory of his ‘heretical’ reign.
The present bibliography is a comprehensive guide to articles and books on
Akhenaten and Nefertiti, aimed at scholars, students of Egyptology and general
public as well.

Armenian Egyptology Centre


Akhenaten and Nefertiti

List of Abbreviations

AA American Antiquity

ABPK Amtliche Berichte aus den Preuszischen


AC Analytical Chemistry

AFA Archiv fuer Anthropologie

AfR Arbeitsblätter für Restauratoren

AIM Annals of Internal Medicine

AIM Annals of Internal Medicine

AJ Art Journal

AJA American Journal of Archaeology

AL Amarna Letters

AO Acta Orientalia

ASAE Annales du service des antiquités de l’Égypte

AuOr Aula Orientalis

AV L’Art vivant

BA The Biblical Archaeologist

BACE The Bulletin of the Australian Centre for

Akhenaten and Nefertiti

BAEE Boletín de la Asociación Española de Egiptología

BAR Biblical Archaeology Review

BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental


BCMA The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art

BÉAO Bibliothèque d'Égypte Afrique et Orient

BEES Bulletin of the Egypt Exploration Society

BFAM Bulletin of the Fogg Art Museum

BH Buried History

BHM Bulletin of the History of Medicine

BIFAO Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie


BiOr Bibliotheca Orientalis

BJO British Journal of Ophthalmology

BMFA Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts

BMJ The British Medical Journal

BMMA Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art

BMRAH Bulletin des Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire

BMSAES British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and

BroMQ The Brooklyn Museum Quarterly
Akhenaten and Nefertiti

BSEG Bulletin de la Société d'égyptologie Genève

BSFÉ Bulletin de la Société française d'égyptologie

CCR Chronologies and Catastrophism Review

CdÉ Chronique d'Égypte

CSEG Cahiers de la Société d’égyptologie

CW Catholic World

DAIKS Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung

Kairo, Sonderschriften

DE Discussions in Egyptology

EA Egyptian Archaeology

ÉB D'Égypte et de Bible

EVO Egitto e Vicino Oriente

GM Göttinger Miszellen

HÄB Hildesheimer Ägyptlogische Beiträge

HBO Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft

HT History Today

IA Imago Aegypti

IJPA International Journal of Psycho-Analysis

ILN The Illustrated London News

Akhenaten and Nefertiti

IMJ Israel Museum Journal

JA Journal Asiatique

JAEI Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections

JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association

JANER Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions

JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society

JARCE Journal of the American Research Center in


JBS Journal of Black Studies

JCR Journal of Coastal Research

JEA The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology

JEH Journal of Egyptian History

JES Journal of Egyptian Studies

JESS Journal of the Egyptian Study Society

JGS Journal of Glass Studies

JHM Journal of the History of Medicine

JMEOS Journal of the Manchester Egyptian and Oriental


JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies

JPK Jahrbuch des Preußischen Kulturbesitzes

Akhenaten and Nefertiti

JS Journal for Semitics

JSSEA The Journal of the Society for the Study of

Egyptian Antiquities

JWCI Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes

KMT Kmt: a Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt

MDAIK Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen

Instituts Abteilung Kairo

MDOG Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft

zu Berlin

MIO Mitteilungen des Instituts für Orientforschung

MMS Metropolitan Museum Studies

MP Fondation Eugène Piot. Monuments et mémoires

NARCE Newsletter of the American Research Center in


NARF Newsletter of the Amarna Research Foundation

NGTT Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese


NKGWG Nachrichten der k. Gesellschaft der

Wissenschaften zu Göttingen

OLP Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica

OLZ Orientalistische Literaturzeitung

PES Pražské egyptologické studie

Akhenaten and Nefertiti

PJ Preussische Jahrbücher

PJAS The American Imago: A Psychoanalytic Journal

for the Arts and Sciences

PQ Psychoanalytic Quarterly

PSBA Proceedings of the Society of Biblical


RA Revista de Arqueología

RdE Revue d'Égyptologie

REA Revue de l’Égypte ancienne

RIC Rassegna italiana di culture

RN Revue Neurologique

SAK Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur

SAMJ South African Medical Journal

SAOC Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization

SCIE Sesto Congresso Internazionale di Egittologia

SPAW Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der


VZA Vernissage: die Zeitschrift zur Ausstellung

WS Wetenschap en Samenleving

WW Wissenschaft und Weltbild

Akhenaten and Nefertiti

YES Yale Egyptological Studies

ZÄS Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und


ZOrA Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie

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Akhenaten and Nefertiti

ABD EL-HAMID, S. Aménophis IV - Akhenaton à Karnak.

HistArch 61: 70-73; 1982
ABD-UR-RAHMAN, M. H. The Four-Feathered Crown of
Akhenaten. ASAE 56: 247-249; 1959
ABRAHAM, K. Amenhotep IV (Ikhnaton): a Psycho-
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Understanding of his Personality and
the Monotheistic Cult of Aton. PQ 4:
537-549; 1935
ABRAHAM, K. Amenhotep IV: psychoanalytischen
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monotheistischen Aton-Kultes. Imago 1:
334-360; 1912
ADEMOLLO, E. Akh-en-aton, il faraone dell’esodo? Vita
e pensiero. RIC 35: 524-529; 1952
AHRENS, A. New Light on the Amarna Period from
DOHMANN-PFÄLZNER, H. the Northern Levant: A Clay Sealing
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AHRENS, A. New Evidence for Contacts between
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AHRENS, A. PFÄLZNER, P. Akhenaten in Syria. EA 41: 34-35; 2012

ALBERS, B. Echnaton. Der Untergang einer Familie.

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ALDRED, C. Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Thames &
Hudson, New York; 1974
ALDRED, C. Akhenaten: King of Egypt. Thames &
Hudson, London; 1988
ALDRED, C. Akhenaten: Pharaoh of Egypt. Thames
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Akhenaten and Nefertiti

& Hudson, London; 1968

ALDRED, C. Akhenaton: Faraón de Egipto. Madrid;
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ALDRED, C. The Horizon of the Aten. JEA 62: 184;
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ALLEN, J. P. Further Evidence for the Coregency of
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ALLEN, J. P. The Amarna Succession. In: Brand, P. J.
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Akhenaten and Nefertiti

ALLEN, J. P. The Natural Philosophy of Akhenaten.

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Egyptological Studies 3: 89-102. Yale
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ALLEN, J. P. The Religion of Amarna. In: Arnold, D.
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ALLEN, J. P. Two Altered Inscriptions of the Late
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