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Name Size CR Hit Dice Mininum CL Cost Cost / CR Cost / HD HD / CR Link Damage Reduction Weapons Special Abilities

Animated Object, Tiny Tiny 0.5 01 0 125.00 250.00 125.00 2

0-08 Hardness 1+ Slam Construction Points
Poppet, Tiny Tiny 0.33 01 0 160.00 480.00 160.00 3
0 1 Slam Modifications (Craft Poppet)
Poppet, Small Small 0.5 01 0 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 2
0 1 Slam Modifications (Craft Poppet)
Ioun Wyrd Tiny 0.33 01 0 1,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 3
0 1 Slam Ioun Affinity, Share Iouns, 3 INT
Animated Object, Small Small 02 02 0 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 1
0-08 Hardness 1+ Slam Construction Points
Homunculus Tiny 01 02 0 1,050.00 1,050.00 502.50 2
0 1 Bite Poison, Telepathic Link, 10 INT, Improvements
Cobra, Iron Small 02 01 0 2,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 0.5
05/— 1 Bite Find Target, Poison
Animated Object, Medium Medium 03 03 0 2,250.00 750.00 750.00 1
0-10 Hardness 1+ Slam Construction Points
Soulbound Doll Tiny 02 03 0 2,300.00 1,150.00 766.66 1.5
02/Magic 1 Manufactured Alignment Variation, Susceptible to Ming Affecting Effects, Soul Focus, 11 INT
Cobra, Darkwood Small 02 01 0 2,500.00 1,250.00 2,500.00 0.5
05/— 1 Bite Find Target, Poison
Guardian Scroll Tiny 03 05 0 2,500.00 833.33 500.00 1.66
05/Magic 1 Slice Smothering Wrap, Susceptible to Mind-Affecting Effects, 4 INT
Ship in a Bottle Tiny 02 03 0 2,600.00 1,300.00 866.66 1.5
05/Bludgeoning 1 Ram 1 Ranged Manufactured Shatter Spray
Cobra, Cold Iron Small 02 01 0 4,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 0.5
05/— 1 Bite Find Target, Poison
Cobra, Mithral Small 03 01 0 5,000.00 1,666.66 5,000.00 0.33
05/— 2 Bites Find Target, Poison
Animated Object, Large Large 05 04 0 6,250.00 1,250.00 1,562.50 0.8
0-10 Hardness 1+ Slam Construction Points
Soulbound Mannequuin Medium 07 10 0 8,500.00 1,214.28 850.00 1.42
05/Magic 2 Claws Alignment Variation, Disguise Self, Susceptible to Ming Affecting Effects, Soul Focus, 11 INT
Cutlass Spider (Bestiary 6) Large 06 08 0 9,400.00 1,566.66 1,175.00 1.33
05/Adamantine 3 Various Melee All-Around Vision, Collapse, Shared Enhancement, Weapon Thief
Cobra, Adamantine Small 03 01 0 10,000.00 3,333.33 10,000.00 0.33
10/— 1 Bite Find Target, Poison
Animated Object, Huge Huge 07 07 0 12,500.00 1,785.71 1,785.71 1
0-15 Hardness 1+ Slam Construction Points
Gargoyle Guardian Large 08 11 0 15,000.00 1,875.00 1,363.63 1.37
05/Adamantine 3 Various Melee Freeze, Snatch
Skull Ripper Large 09 15 0 15,500.00 1,722.22 1,033.33 1.66
05/Adamantine 3 Various Melee Behead, Dread Visage, Poison
Urannag Huge 08 11 0 17,500.00 2,187.50 1,590.90 1.37
05/Adamantine and Good 3 Claws Encage, Exposed Mechanisms, Living Trap
Sentinel Hut Huge 08 10 0 18,000.00 2,250.00 1,800.00 1.25
05/Adamantine 2 Various Melee Dancing Evation, Immune to Magic, Stir Crazy
Animated Object, Gargantuan Gargantuan 09 10 0 20,000.00 2,222.22 2,000.00 1.11
0-15 Hardness 1+ Slam Construction Points
Gargoyle Guardian, Sentry Large 08 11 0 25,000.00 3,125.00 2,272.72 1.37
05/Adamantine 3 Various Melee Freeze, Snatch, Sentry
Animated Object, Colossal Colossal 11 13 0 30,000.00 2,727.27 2,307.69 1.18
0-20 Hardness 1+ Slam Construction Points
Soulbound Shell Medium 12 15 0 60,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 1.25
10/Adamantine and Magic 1 Manufactured Cemented Mind, Soul Focus, Spells, Susceptible to Mind-Affecting Effects, 20 INT
Abrarkarn Viper Huge 13 18 0 80,000.00 6,153.84 4,444.44 1.38
10/— 3 Bites Confusing Critical, Demon-Souled, Find Master, Guard, Poison, Shield Other
Set Guardian Large 13 22 0 90,000.00 6,923.07 4,090.90 1.69
15/Adamantine 2 Slams Elemental Conduit, Mighty Blows, Trumpet of Doom, Unholy Weaknesses
Animated Tank Huge 12 16 0 100,000.00 8,333.33 6,250.00 1.33
10/Adamantine 4 Various Ranged Inexhaustivle Ammo, Integrated Weaponry, Telekinesis, Vicious Trample, 13 INT
Set Guardian (Elevated) Large 15 22 0 110,000.00 7,333.33 5,000.00 1.46
15/Adamantine 2 Slams Elemental Conduit x2, Mighty Blows, Trumpet of Doom, Unholy Weaknesses
Emerald Automaton Medium 04 05 06th 6,500.00 1,625.00 1,300.00 1.25
05/Adamantine 1 Manufactured 1 Slam Electricity Aura, Magic Dependent, Proficient
Scarecrow Medium 04 05 06th 8,000.00 2,000.00 1,600.00 1.25
0 2 Slams Fascinating Gaze, Fear
Clockwork, Mechanical Genie Tiny 01 01 07th 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1
10/Adamantine 1 Slam Variants
Necrophidius Medium 03 03 07th 4,250.00 1,416.66 1,416.66 1
05/Bludgeoning 1 Bite Dance of Death, Paralysis
Golem, Junk Medium 04 04 07th 5,200.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 1
05/Adamantine 2 Slams Discorporate, Disease, Immunity to Magic, Junk Repair
Golem, Carrion Medium 04 04 07th 5,500.00 1,375.00 1,375.00 1
05/Bludgeoning or Slashing 2 Slams Foul Stench, Immune to Magic, Plague Carrier
Golem, Carrion (stand-in) Medium 04 04 07th 5,500.00 1,375.00 1,375.00 1
05/Bludgeoning or Slashing 2 Slams Foul Stench, Immune to Magic, Plague Carrier
Golem, Carrion (weaponized) Medium 04 04 07th 6,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1
05/Bludgeoning or Slashing 2 Slams Foul Stench, Immune to Magic, Plague Carrier, Walking Bomb
Golem, Carrion (mount) Large 05 04 07th 6,500.00 1,300.00 1,625.00 0.8
05/Bludgeoning or Slashing 2 Slams Foul Stench, Immune to Magic, Plague Carrier
Cutlass Spider, Berserk Large 06 08 07th 8,000.00 1,333.33 1,000.00 1.33
05/Adamantine 3 Various Melee All-Around Vision, Berserk, Collapse, Shared Enhancement, Weapon Thief
Clockwork, Toy Golem Medium 05 06 07th 8,500.00 1,700.00 1,416.66 1.2
05/Adamantine 2 Slams Clockwork Repair, Disease
Graven Guardian Medium 05 06 07th 9,500.00 1,900.00 1,583.33 1.2
05/Adamantine 1 Manufactured 1 Slam Faith Bound, Magic Weapon
Guardian Doll Tiny 03 04 08th 3,600.00 1,200.00 900.00 1.33
05/Magic 1 Manufactured Doll's Dagger, Soul Focus, Susceptable to Mind-Affecting Effects, 13 INT
Cutlass Spider Large 06 08 08th 9,000.00 1,500.00 1,125.00 1.33
05/Adamantine 3 Various Melee All-Around Vision, Collapse, Shared Enhancement, Weapon Thief
Living Wall Large 04 03 08th 9,500.00 2,375.00 3,166.66 0.75
05/Slashing 2 Slams Crushing Push, Fleshy Link
Embalming Bear Large 07 08 08th 10,300.00 1,471.42 1,287.50 1.14
05 Hardness 2 Claws Poison
Golem, Flesh Large 07 09 08th 10,500.00 1,500.00 1,166.66 1.28
05/Adamantine 2 Slams Berserk, Immunity to Magic
Tupilaq Small 07 09 08th 10,500.00 1,500.00 1,166.66 1.28
10/Bludgeoning 3 Various Melee Scrimshaw Magic, Seek Target, Shearing Jaws
Shell Sentinel Medium 05 07 09th 6,000.00 1,200.00 857.14 1.4
05/Bludgeoning 4 Talons Discorporate, Fragile Grame, Poison, Poison Cloud, Sense the Masters, Sharpened Edges
Caryatid Column Medium 03 03 09th 7,000.00 2,333.33 2,333.33 1
05/— 1 Manufactured Immunity to Magic, Shatter Weapons, Statue
Golem, Wax Medium 03 04 09th 7,000.00 2,333.33 1,750.00 1.33
0 1 Slam Conditional Sentience, Immunity to Magic, 10 INT (if sentient)
Tattoo Guardian Medium 03 04 09th 7,500.00 2,500.00 1,875.00 1.33
0 2 Ink Blades Bodyguard, Fluid Form, Hyper Vigilant, Worn Form
Terra-cotta Soldier Medium 06 08 09th 10,000.00 1,666.66 1,250.00 1.33
05/Bludgeoning 2 Manufactured 2 Slams Keen Weapons, Rank Fighting, Variants, 1 INT
Ship Sentinel Large 07 07 09th 10,750.00 1,535.71 1,535.71 1
05/Slashing or Piercing 1 Manufactured 2 Slams 1 Thrown Salted
Wound, Ship Sight
Ship Sentinel (Ballista Marksman) Large 07 07 09th 11,000.00 1,571.42 1,571.42 1
05/Slashing or Piercing 2 Slams 1 Ranged ManufacturedSalted Wound, Ship Sight
Ship Sentinel (Mariner's Muse) Large 07 07 09th 11,750.00 1,678.57 1,678.57 1
05/Slashing or Piercing 1 Manufactured 2 Slams 1 Thrown Inspire
Courage, Salted Wound, Ship Sight
Golem, Mask Medium 04 04 09th 12,500.00 3,125.00 3,125.00 1
05/Bludgeoning 2 Slams Immunity to Magic, Masks of Control, Swarm Form, 7 INT
Ship Sentinel (Sea Sorcerer) Large 07 07 09th 12,750.00 1,821.42 1,821.42 1
05/Slashing or Piercing 1 Manufactured 2 Slams 1 Thrown Salted
Wound, Ship Sight, Spell-like Abilities
Golem, Bone Large 08 11 09th 21,000.00 2,625.00 1,909.09 1.37
05/Adamantine and Bludgeoning 3 Various Melee Bone Prison, Immunity to Magic
Hollow One Medium 10 15 09th 21,000.00 2,100.00 1,400.00 1.5
10/Magic 2 Slams Dread, Rage, 16 INT
Skinstitch Large 05 04 10th 3,500.00 700.00 875.00 0.8
05/Slashing 1 Manufactured 1 Slam Nest, Repair, Variants
Bronze Sentinel Small 03 04 10th 11,000.00 3,666.66 2,750.00 1.3
0 2 Claws 1 Ranged Alert, Fiery Bolt, Immunity to Magic, 1 INT
Angelic Guardian Medium 05 06 10th 12,000.00 2,400.00 2,000.00 1.2
05/Adamantine 4 Various Melee Deflective Wings, Metallic Feathers
Golem, Glass Large 08 12 10th 17,000.00 2,125.00 1,416.66 1.5
05/Adamantine 2 Slams Dazzling Brightness, Immune to Magic, Reflect Spells
Golem, Alchemical Large 09 12 10th 18,000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1.33
10/Adamantine or Bludgeoning 2 Slams 1 Ranged Alchemy, Bombs, Immunity to Magic, Splash
Clockwork Vivisectionist Medium 10 13 10th 44,250.00 4,425.00 3,403.84 1.3
10/Bludgeoning 2 Claws Anesthetizing Injection, Efficient Winding, Standby
Clockwork Excavator Huge 10 13 10th 80,000.00 8,000.00 6,153.84 1.3
10/Adamantine 3 Various Melee Explosive Charge, Metal Sense, Pulverizing Ray, Superior Craftmanship
Juggernaut Gargantuan 11 15 10th 80,000.00 7,272.72 5,333.33 1.36
10/Adamantine 1 Slam Faith-Bound, Shrine, Soul-Powered, Vicious Trample
Rune Guardian Tiny 01 02 11th 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,750.00 2
0 1 Slam School Vulnerability, Sin Magic, Variants, 11 INT
Tribal Totem Medium 06 09 11th 10,000.00 1,666.66 1,111.11 1.5
05/Slashing 2 Slams Ceremonial Activation, Effigy, Mouthpiece, Spirit Link
Ebon Acolytus Large 07 09 11th 12,000.00 1,714.28 1,333.33 1.28
0 1 Manufactured 2 Slams Prostration, Sacrifice, 10 INT
Mirror Man Medium 05 06 11th 12,500.00 2,500.00 2,083.33 1.2
05/Bludgeoning 1 Manufactured 1 Thrown Manufactured
Alert Master, Mirror Sight, Scrying Focus, Soul Mirror, Susceptible to Mind-Affecting Effects, 15 INT
Argent Warden Medium 08 14 11th 13,650.00 1,705.00 974.28 1.75
05/Adamantine and Bludgeoning 1 Manufactured Argent Armor, Divine Grace, Hellspurning Aura, 13 INT
Cephalophore Large 08 12 11th 18,500.00 2,312.50 1,541.66 1.5
0 2 Slams Dazing Gaze, Dazing Strike, Shatter Weapons, Statue
Golem, Clay Large 10 13 11th 21,500.00 2,150.00 1,653.84 1.3
10/Adamantine and Bludgeoning 2 Slams Berserk, Cursed Wound, Haste, Immunity to Magic
Golem, Marrowstone Large 08 10 11th 22,500.00 2,812.50 2,250.00 1.25
10/Adamantine 2 Slams Create Spawn, Immunity to Magic, Necrotic Field
Tiberolith Huge 10 13 11th 24,000.00 2,400.00 1,846.15 1.33
10/Adamantine and Bludgeoning 2 Slams Corrosive Strikes, Shockwave, Spell Trap
Golem, Panthereon Large 11 16 11th 28,500.00 2,590.90 1,781.25 1.45
10/Adamantine and Bludgeoning 3 Various Melee Cursed Wound, Eye Beam, Haste, Immunity to Magic
Golem, Coral Large 09 12 11th 30,500.00 3,388.88 2,541.66 1.33
10/Adamantine 2 Claws Aquatic Reconstruction, Immunity to Magic
Golem, Panthereon (Esteemed) Large 11 16 11th 41,500.00 3,772.72 2,593.75 1.45
10/Adamantine and Bludgeoning 3 Various Melee Cursed Wound, Esteemed, Eye Beam, Haste, Immunity to Magic
Golem, Panthereon (Slaver) Large 11 16 11th 42,000.00 3,818.18 2,625.00 1.45
10/Adamantine and Bludgeoning 3 Various Melee Cursed Wound, Eye Beam, Haste, Immunity to Magic, Slaver
Golem, Panthereon (True Hunter) Large 12 16 11th 55,000.00 4,583.33 3,437.50 1.33
10/Adamantine and Bludgeoning 3 Various Melee Cursed Wound, Eye Beam, Haste, Immunity to Magic, True Hunter
Golem, Panthereon (Spell Bearer) Large 12 16 11th 58,500.00 4,875.00 3,656.25 1.33
10/Adamantine and Bludgeoning 3 Various Melee Cursed Wound, Eye Beam, Haste, Immunity to Magic, Spell Bearer
Clockwork Spy Tiny 0.5 01 12th 750.00 1,500.00 750.00 2
0 1 Slam Record Audio, Self-Destruct
Clockwork Songbird Tiny 0.5 1 12th 1,750.00 875.00 1,750.00 2
0 1 Bite Mechanical Musicality
Clockwork Servant Medium 02 02 12th 4,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1
0 1 Slam 1 Ranged Manufactured Net, Repair Clockwork
Clockwork Goblin Small 03 04 12th 5,000.00 1,666.66 1,250.00 1.33
0 1 Manufactured Fire Resistance 5, Integrated Dogslicer, Searing Eyebeam, Unstable Construction
Clockwork Servant, Intelligent Medium 02 02 12th 7,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 1
0 1 Slam 1 Ranged Manufactured Net, Repair Clockwork, 11 INT
Clockwork Familiar Tiny 02 03 12th 7,500.00 3,750.00 2,500.00 1.5
05/Adamantine 1 Bite Advice, Item Installation
Golem, Wood Medium 06 08 12th 8,800.00 1,466.66 1,100.00 1.33
05/Adamantine 2 Slams Immunity to Magic, Splintering
Golem, Ice Medium 05 06 12th 9,500.00 1,900.00 1,583.33 1.2
05/Adamantine 2 Slams Cold, Icy Destruction, Immunity to Magic
Golem, Blood Medium 06 08 12th 11,500.00 1,916.66 1,437.50 1.33
05/Bludgeoning 2 Slams Blood Drain, Clotted Skin, Immunity to Magic, Vulnerable to Bleed
Marble Sentinel Small 04 06 12th 12,500.00 3,125.00 2,083.33 1.5
0 2 Claws 1 Ranged Alert, Immunity to Magic, Paralyzing Bolt
Clockwork Hound Small 05 06 12th 15,375.00 3,075.00 2,562.50 1.2
05/Adamantine 2 Bites Chest Container, Efficient Winding, Expert Tracker, Swift Bite
Clockwork Steed Large 06 08 12th 16,000.00 2,666.66 2,000.00 1.33
0 3 Various Melee Powerful Kick
Clockwork Steed, Charger Large 07 08 12th 18,750.00 2,678.57 2,343.75 1.14
0 3 Various Melee 1 Manufactured Powerful Kick, Lance
Clockwork Soldier Medium 06 08 12th 19,000.00 3,166.66 2,375.00 1.33
05/Adamantine 1 Manufactured Efficient Winding, Latch, Proficient, Standby
Animate Aria Large 09 14 12th 20,000.00 2,222.22 1,428.57 1.55
0 2 Slams Aura of Courageous Inspiration, Dissonance, Natural Invisibiity
Clockwork Gunslinger Medium 07 09 12th 21,750.00 3,107.14 2,416.66 1.28
0 1 Slam 1 Ranged Manufactured Captive, Integrated Clockwork Pistol
Clockwork Overseer Medium 07 10 12th 22,000.00 3,142.85 2,200.00 1.42
05/Adamantine 2 Various Melee Aura of Command, Lash, Overclock, Tactical Calculus
Tophet Large 10 14 12th 22,500.00 2,250.00 1,607.14 1.4
05/Adamantine 3 Various Melee Conductive, Swallow Whole
Golden Guardian Medium 06 08 12th 24,300.00 4,050.00 3,037.50 1.33
05/Adamantine 2 Slams Conductivity, Heat, Molten Destruction, Heat Shimmer
Cryptguard Medium 09 14 12th 25,000.00 2,777.77 1,785.71 1.55
10/Adamantine 2 Slams Consecration Aura, Sanctification, Spirit Touch
Clockwork Guardian Medium 08 10 12th 26,000.00 3,250.00 2,600.00 1.25
05/Adamantine 1 Manufactured 2 slams Barrier, Shield Expert
Golem, Sand Large 09 12 12th 28,500.00 3.166.66 2,375.00 1.33
10/Bludgeoning 2 Slams Clutching Sands, Immunity to Magic, Sand Blast
Golem, Sand (Quicksand) Large 09 12 12th 31,000.00 3.444.44 2,583.33 1.33
10/Bludgeoning 2 Slams Clutching Sands, Immunity to Magic, Quicksand
Golem, Sand (Gravel) Large 11 12 12th 33,500.00 3,045.45 2,791.66 1.09
10/Bludgeoning 2 Slams Advanced, Clutching Sands, Immunity to Magic, Sand Blast
Clockwork Mage Medium 09 15 12th 43,000.00 4,777.77 2,866.66 1.66
05/Adamantine 4 Slams Wand Magic
Clockwork Snail Large 10 13 12th 50,000.00 5,000.00 3,846.15 1.3
05/Adamantine 1 Manufactured Eidite Trail, Improved Charge, Tracks
Clockwork Priest Medium 11 18 12th 52,500.00 4,772.72 2,916.66 1.63
0 4 Slams Domain Magic
Wickerman Colossal 13 14 12th 60,000.00 4,615.38 4,285.71 1.07
05 Hardness 2 Slams 1 Ranged Burning Brand, Constant Blaze, Fire Healing, Wicker Cage
Clockwork Leviathan Huge 12 16 12th 70,000.00 5,833.33 4,375.00 1.33
10/Adamantine 3 Various Melee Breath Weapon, Grind, Swallow Whole
Clockwork Nautiloid Huge 14 22 12th 109,000.00 7,785.71 4,954.54 1.57
10/Adamantine and Bludgeoning 5 Various Melee Deep Dweller, Enhanced Senses, Reflective Shell, Tenacious Grappler
Tribal Totem, Greater Large 09 13th 12,000.00 1,333.33
05/Slashing 2 Slams All-Around Vision, Extended Effigy, Mouthpiece, Spirit LInk
Hanshepsu Medium 10 15 13th 24,000.00 2,400.00 1,600.00 1.5
10/— 1 Manufactured Immunity to Magic, Morphic Head, Soldier's Training, Warrior's Mace, 11 INT
Swarm, Scythe Glass Diminutive 09 20 13th 31,250.00 3,472.22 1,562.50 2.2
0 Swarm Swarm Freeze, Resonant Flight, Serrated Wings, Swarm, Variants
Golem, Lead Large 10 14 13th 32,500.00 3,250.00 2,321.42 1.4
10/Adamantine 2 Slams Divination Screen, Immunity to Magic, Intractable Density, Retributive Miasma
Golem, Robot Large 11 15 13th 36,000.00 3,272.72 2,400.00 1.36
10/Adamantine 2 Slams Immunity to Magic, Rend Construct, Shockwave
Aluum Large 10 14 13th 40,000.00 4,000.00 2,857.14 1.4
10/Adamantine 2 Slams Immunity to Magic, Paralysis, Soul Shriek
Gravitic Globe Large 10 20 13th 45,000.00 4,500.00 2,250.00 2
20 Hardness 1 Slam Magnetism
Golem, Magnetitie Large 10 13 13th 47,500.00 4,750.00 3,653.84 1.3
10/Adamantine 2 Slams Immunity to Magic, Inescapable Grip, Magnetic Disarm, Magnetic Field
Golem, Stone Large 11 14 14th 55,000.00 5,000.00 3,928.57 1.27
10/Adamantine 2 Slams Immunity to Magic, Slow
Taotieh Large 11 14 14th 55,000.00 5,000.00 3,928.57 1.27
10/Adamantine 3 Various Melee Swallow Whole
Kikituk Huge 13 20 14th 75,000.00 5,769.23 3,750.00 1.53
0 3 Various Melee Scrimshaw Magic, Shearing Jaws, 12 INT
Name Size CR Hit Dice Mininum CL Cost Cost / CR Cost / HD HD / CR Link Damage Reduction Weapons Special Abilities
Living Effigy Huge 08 10 15th 35,000.00 4,375.00 3,500.00 1.25
10/Adamantine 1 Slam Charming Gaze, Preserved Mind, Shape Self, Silent Watcher, Statue, Susceptible to Mind-Affecting Effects, 13 INT
Iron Rhinoceros Huge 11 14 15th 61,250.00 5,568.18 4,375.00 1.27
10/Adamantine 3 Various Melee Grasping Chains, Powerful Drag, Scooping Charge, Swallow Whole
Golem, Clockwork Large 12 16 15th 65,000.00 5,416.66 4,062.50 1.33
10/Adamantine 2 Slams Death Burst, Grind, Immunity to Magic, Wall of Gears
Golem, Fossil Huge 12 15 15th 65,000.00 5,416.66 4,333.33 1.25
10/Adamantine and Bludgeoning 2 Bites Immunity to Magic, Petrification
Golem, Crystal Large 11 15 15th 67,000.00 6,090.90 4,466.66 1.36
10/Adamantine 2 Slams Immunity to Magic, Psychic Amplification
Golem, Obsidian Large 12 17 15th 69,250.00 5,770.83 4,073.52 1.41
10/Adamantine 2 Claws Death Throes, Immunity to Magic, Jagged Body, Obsidian Spray
Akaruzug Large 14 32 15th 95,000.00 6,785.71 2,968.75 2.28
15/Good 5 Various Melee Soul Engine, Soul Slave, Soul Steal, Unhallow
Golem, Iron Large 13 18 16th 80,000.00 6,153.84 4,444.44 1.38
15/Adamantine 2 Slams Breath Weapon, Immunity to Magic, Powerful Blows
Clockwork Assassin Medium 13 18 16th 81,000.00 6,230.76 4,500.00 1.38
10/Adamantine 1 Manufactured 4 Ranged Integrated Rapier, Projectile Launcher, Rapid Repair, Standby
Clockwork Angel Medium 15 20 16th 107,500.00 7,166.66 5,375.00 1.33
10/Adamantine 1 Manufactured Enhance Weapon, Infused Heart, Programmed Sentinel
Golem, Dragonhide Huge 16 21 16th 109,000.00 6,812.50 5,190.47 1.31
15/Adamantine and Magic 4 Various Melee Berserk, Breath Weapon, Draconic Grafts, Immunity to Magic, Rampage
Golem, Inubrix Large 14 20 16th 195,000.00 13,928.57 9,750.00 1.42
10/Bludgeoning and Magic 4 Claws Breath Weapon, Immunity to Iron, Immunity to Magic, Razor Fingers
Golem, Inubrix (Abysibrix) Large 14 20 16th 195,000.00 13,928.57 9,750.00 1.42
10/Adamantine 4 Claws Abyssium Residue, Breath Weapon, Immunity to Magic, Razor Fingers, Rend
Golem, Inubrix (Ghost Metal) Large 14 20 16th 195,000.00 13,928.57 9,750.00 1.42
10/Bludgeoning and Magic 4 Claws Ethereal Jaunt, Immunity to Iron, Immunity to Magic, Negative Energy, Razor Fingers
Golem, Brass Huge 14 20 17th 100,000.00 7,142.85 5,000.00 1.42
15/Adamantine 1 Manufactured 1 Slam Brass Falchion, Breath Weapon, Death Throes, Immunity to Magic
Golem, Cannon Large 15 20 17th 105,000.00 7,000.00 5,250.00 1.33
15/Adamantine 2 Slams 1 Ranged ManufacturedAlloyed, Blasting Critical, Cannon, Gun Training, Immunity to Magic
Prismatic Orrery Gargantuan 13 18 17th 110,000.00 8,461.53 6,111.11 1.38
10 Hardness 1 Slam Blinding Pulse, Dispel Resistance, Prismatic Refraction
Golem, Shadow Large 14 22 18th 100,000.00 7,142.85 4,545.45 1.57
15/Adamantine and Slashing 2 Claws Breath Weapon, Immunity to Magic, Shadow Aura
Golem, Gold Large 15 23 18th 122,500.00 8,166.66 5,326.08 1.53
15/Adamantine 2 Slams Death Throes, Immunity to Magic, Prismatic Surge
Golem, Viridium Huge 18 28 18th 142,000.00 7,888.88 5,071.42 1.55
20/Adamantine 4 Various Melee Disease, Immunity to Magic, Shield, Sword
Golem, Ioun Large 17 23 18th 145,000.00 8,529.41 6,304.35 1.35
15/Adamantine 4 Slams Gem Receptacle, Immunity to Magic
Golem, Mithral Huge 16 24 18th 150,000.00 9,375.00 6,250.00 1.5
15/Adamantine 2 Slams Fluid Form, Immunity to Magic, Quickness
Clockwork Fiend Medium 17 23 18th 150,000.00 8,823.52 6,521.73 1.35
15/Adamantine 5 Various Melee Explosive Rend, Overdrive, Savage Bite
Golem, Noqual Huge 18 25 18th 153,000.00 8,500.00 6,120.00 1.38
15/Adamantine 2 Slams Construct Bane, Immunity to Magic, Impeded Magic, Powerful Blows, Spell Absorption, Spell Sunder
Clockwork Goliath Gargantuan 19 28 18th 160,000.00 8,421.05 5,714.28 1.47
15/Adamantine 4 Slams 1 Ranged ManufacturedCannon, Self-Destruction
Clockwork Dragon Huge 16 25 18th 162,500.00 10,156.25 6,500.00 1.56
15/Adamantine 6 Various Melee Adamantine Weapons, Efficient Winding, Self-Destruction
Golem, Behemoth Colossal 17 23 18th 165,000.00 9,705.88 7,173.91 1.35
15/Adamantine 3 Various Melee Castle, Immunity to Magic, Quake
Warmonger Huge 19 28 20th 225,000.00 11,842.10 8,035.71 1.47
15/Adamantine and Bludgeoning 5 Various Melee 5 Ranged Automatic Crossbow, Fortified Construction, Warmonger Weaponry
Golem, Adamantine Huge 19 30 20th 350,000.00 18,421.05 11,666.66 1.57
15/Epic 2 Slams Destructive Strike, Indestructible, Immunity to Magic
Golem, Quintessence Huge 20 32 20th 450,000.00 22,500.00 14,062.50 1.6
15/Epic 2 Slams Immunity to Magic, Powerful Blows, Soul Infused, Soul Siphon
Golem Type Price Cost Body Cost Cost+Body Cost CL Increase CL Required Notes
Adamantine 125,000 62,500 100,000 162,000 4 20
Alchemical 10,000 5,000 3,000 8,000 2 10
Behemoth 70,000 35,000 25,000 60,000 2 18
Blood 70,000 35,000 500 35,500 2 12
Bone 12,000 6,000 1,000 7,000 2 9
Brass 55,000 27,500 20,000 47,500 4 17
Cannon 60,000 30,000 10,000 40,000 4 17
Carrion 30,000 15,000 500 15,500 1 7 Cost is more expensive by 10,000gp compared to crafting without the manual
Clay 12,000 6,000 1,500 7,500 2 11
Clockwork 35,000 17,500 10,000 18,500 3 15
Coral 17,500 8,750 3,500 12,250 2 11
Crystal 40,000 20,000 7,000 27,000 3 15
Dragonhide 65,000 32,500 9,000 41,500 3 16 Also probably needs dragon and giant corpses
Flesh 8,000 4,000 500 4,500 1 8
Fossil 37,500 18,750 5,000 23,750 3 15
Glass 10,000 5,000 3,500 8,500 2 10
Gold 65,000 32,500 25,000 57,000 4 18
Ice 5,000 2,500 500 3,000 2 12
Inubrix 90,000 45,000 10,000 55,000 3 16
Iron 35,000 17,500 10,000 27,500 4 16
Junk 3,000 1,500 200 1,700 1 7
Lead 20,000 10,000 7,500 17,500 2 13
Mithral 80,000 40,000 50,000 90,000 4 16
Obsidian 40,000 20,000 8,500 28,500 3 15
Quintessence 150,000 75,000 150,000 225,000 4 20
Sand 15,000 7,500 3,500 11,000 2 12
Stone 22,000 11,000 5,000 16,000 4 14
Stone Guardian 44,000 22,000 5,000 27,000 3 14
Viridium 75,000 37,500 45,000 82,500 4 18
Wax 4,000 2,000 0 2,000 1 9
Wood 6,000 3,000 300 3,300 1 12
Name Size CR Hit Dice Mininum CL Cost Cost / CR Cost / HD HD / CR Link Damage Reduction Weapons Special Abilities
Broodiken Tiny 02 04 1,500.00 750.00 375.00 2
0 1 Bite Attach, Shared Rage, 2 INT
Caryatid Column Medium 03 04 12th 9,500.00 3,166.66 2,375.00 1.33
05/— 1 Melee Immunity to Magic, Shatter Weapons
Chrystone Medium 04 04 14th 8,500.00 2,125.00 2,125.00 1
05/— 1 Manufactured Death Throes, Spell-like Abilities, Immunity to Magic, Shatter Weapons, 8 INT
Clockwork Beetle Tiny 02 04 2,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 2
05/Slashing 1 Bite Poison, 4 INT
Clockwork Hound Medium 03 03 5th 5,500.00 1,833.33 1,833.33 1
0 1 Bite or 1 Slam Diligent Tracker, Whip Tongue, 1 INT
Clockwork Huntsman Medium 03 03 5th 5,500.00 1,833.33 1,833.33 1
0 1 Manufactured 1 Slam Diligent Sentinel, Net Cannon, 4 INT
Clockwork Myrmidon Large 06 08 9th 8,500.00 1,416.66 1,062.50 1.33
0 1 Manufactured 1 Slam Alchemical Flame Jet, Grease Spray
Cobra, Iron Small 02 01 10th 6,000.00 3,000.00 6,000.00 0.5
05/— 1 Bite Find Target, Poison
Colossus, Jade Colossal 16 32 15th 59,000.00 9,833.33 1,843.75 2
15/Adamantine 2 Slams Breath Weapon, Immunity to Magic, Light reflection, Variants
Dragonship Gargantuan 10 20 16th 55,200.00 5,520.00 2,760.00 2
15/Adamantine 5 Various Melee Navigate, Winds
Elemental Construct 102,500.00
Feyward Tree Huge 08 11 10th 18,000.00 2,250.00 1,636.36 1.37
10/Adamantine 2 Melee Cold Iron Construction, Flaying Leaves, Immunity to Magic
Golem, Flagstone Large 07 08 11th 17,500.00 2,500.00 2,187.50 1.14
10/Adamantine 2 Slams Camouflage, Energy Absorption, Flatten, Immunity to Magic, Stunning Blow
Golem, Furnace Huge 14 19 16th 96,000.00 6,857.14 5,052.63 1.35
15/Adamantine 2 Slams Furnace-Interior, Heat, Immunity to Magic
Golem, Gelatinous Large 10 13 12th 43,000.00 4,300.00 3,307.69 1.3
10/Bludgeoning and Magic 2 Slams Acid, Engulf, Immunity to Magic, Transparent, 3 INT
Golem, Ice Large 05 06 12th 10,050.00 2,010.00 1,675.00 1.2
05/Adamantine 2 Slams Breath Weapon, COld, Immunity to Magic
Golem, Iron Maiden Large 09 12 14th 30,000.00 3,333.33 2,500.00 1.33
15/Adamantine 2 Slams Animated Host, Bladed Lid, Immunity to Magic, Steal Essence, Vulnerability to Rust
Golem, Magnesium Medium 06 08 9th 15,500.00 2,583.33 1,937.50 1.33
10/Adamantine 2 Slams Aura of Sickness, Dexterity Damage, Immunity to Magic, Rust Vulnerability
Golem, Mummy Medium 06 08 8th 11,500.00 1,916.66 1,437.50 1.33
10/Magic and Slashing or Piercing 2 Slams Strangulation
Golem, Ooze Large 08 10 10th 14,900.00 1,862.50 1,490.00 1.25
10/Bludgeoning 2 Slams Acid, Amorphous, Death Throes, Fast Healing
Golem, Rope Medium 05 06 8th 7,200.00 1,440.00 1,200.00 1.2
05/Adamantine and Slashing 2 Slams Strangulation, Immunity to Magic
Golem, Stone Guardian Medium 04 05 10th 7,050.00 1,762.50 1,410.00 1.25
0 2 Slams Light Fortification, Ring Link, See Invisibility
Golem, Tallow Medium 07 10 14th 6,750.00 964.28 675.00 1.42
10/Adamantine and Bludgeoning 2 Slams Chemisorb
Golem, Witch-Doll Large 11 14 13th 21,600.00 1,963.63 1,542.85 1.27
10/Adamantine 2 Slams or 1 Manufactured Extra Damage against Foe, Find Target, Linked Attack, Witch-Doll Link, Immunity to Magic, Resist Magic
Golem, Wood Medium 06 08 12th 8,425.00 1,404.16 1,053.12 1.33
05/Adamantine 2 Slams Alarm
Guardian, Reliquary Large 13 16 16th 90,000.00 6,923.07 5,625.00 1.23
10/Alignment 1 Manufactured 2 Slams Alignment Subtype, Immunity to Magic, Magic Weapon, Pronouncement, Spell-Like Abilitites. 10 INT
Guardian, Sepulchral Medium 08 10 11th 21,000.00 2,625.00 2,100.00 1.35
10/Adamantine 1 Manufactured 2 Slams Disease, Dread
Juggernaut Gargantuan 18 25 18th 130,000.00 7,222.22 5,200.00 1.38
15/Adamantine 1 Melee Crush, Immunity to Magic, Irresistible Force, Momentum, Rolling Destruction, Unstoppable
Necrophidius Large 02 03 8th 4,250.00 2,125.00 1,416.66 1.5
05/Bludgeoning 1 Bite Dance of Death
Scarecrow Medium 04 05 6th 8,000.00 2,000.00 1,600.00 1.25
0 2 Slams Fascinating Gaze, Fear
Screaming Skull Tiny 04 06 8th 8,500.00 2,125.00 1,416.66 1.5
05/Adamantine Magic Missile at will Cacophony, Insanity
Skeleton, Lead Medium 07 10 14th 21,500.00 3,071.42 2,150.00 1.42
10/Adamantine and Bludgeoning 2 Slams Immunity to Magic
Swarm, Adamantine Wasp Fine (Swarm) 10 15 13th 45,000.00 4,500.00 3,000.00 1.5
Swarm Swarm Poison
Swarm, Warden Jack Fine (Swarm) 04 05 8th 4,500.00 1,125.00 900.00 1.25
Swarm Swarm Topple, Wounding Spikes
Name Duration Link Abilities
Animate Objects 1 round/level
Same as Animated Object stats. Size and Amount depends on CL
Wicker Horse 1 hour/level
Animal/Construct hybrid. Feat and Skills vary on materials.
Wooden Phalanx 1 hour/level
1d4+2 Advanced Wood Golems, cannot have multiple castings active at the same time.
Name Size CR MR Hit Dice Mininum MR Cost Cost / CR Cost / HD HD / CR Link Damage Reduction Special Abilities
Colossus, Flesh Gargantuan 16 6 16 6 70,000.00 4,375.00 4,375.00 1
10/Epic Alternate Form, Selective Antimagic Aura, 3 INT
Colossus, Gold Colossal 18 7 19 6 100,000.00 5,555.55 5,263.15 1.05
10/Epic Alternate Form, Aura of Blazing Courage, Blessing of the Gilded Host, Selective Antimagic Aura, 7 INT
Colossus, Iron Colossal 21 8 23 8 300,000.00 14,285.71 13,043.47 1.09
10/Epic Alternate Form, Deadly Fumes, Fire Absorption, Selective Antimagic Aura, Siege Tower, 5 INT
Colossus, Sphinx Gargantuan 14 4 18 4 62,500.00 4,464.28 3,472.22 1.28
10/Epic Alternate Form, Create Rocks, Selective Antimagic Aura, 10 INT
Colossus, Stone Colossal 19 7 21 8 170,000.00 8,947.36 8,095.23 1.1
10/Epic Alternate Form, Movable Keep, Selective Antimagic Aura, Self Repair, Siege Tower, 5 INT
Colossus, Wood Gargantuan 17 6 18 7 190,000.00 11,176.47 10,555.55 1.05
10/Epic Alternate Form, Selective Antimagic Aura, 5 INT
Name Size CR Hit Dice Cost Cost / CR Cost / HD HD / CR Link Damage Reduction Special Abilities
Annihilator Gargantuan 16 20 160,000.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 1.25
10 Hardness Booster Jets, Chain Guns, Plasma Lance, Suppressing Fire, 14 INT
Arachnid Small 0.5 01 5,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 2
0 Explode, Fragile, Plasma Torch, 10 INT
Collector Medium 03 02 30,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 0.66
10 Hardness Adaptive Tracker, Integrated Stun Gun, Integrated Tracking, Reactive Gyros, 12 INT
Director Large 10 14 100,000.00 10,000.00 7,142.85 1.4
10 Hardness Advanced Analytics, Cling, Electromagnet Pulse, Grasping Tentacles, Integrated Laser Rifle, Override, Repair Robot, 16 INT
Evaluator Medium 12 16 120,000.00 10,000.00 7,500.00 1.33
10 Hardness Force Field, Integrated Laser Rifle, Memory Wipe, Process Languages, Stun, Superior Optics, 12 INT
Gearsman Medium 04 04 40,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1
05 Hardness Adaptive Learning, Charge Weapon, Nanite Repair, 10 INT
Gladiator Medium 17 22 170,000.00 10,000.00 7,727.27 1.29 TBA 15 Hardness Adaptive Defensive Programming, Boosted Charge, Dense Structure, Flexible Programming, Integrated Weaponry, Overclocked Targeting, Programmed to Entertain, Resilient, Superior Optics, Work the Crowd, 14 INT
Juggernaut Gargantuan 15 20 150,000.00 10,000.00 7,500.00 1.33
10 Hardness Atomizer, Charge Fist, Combined Arms, Electromagnetic Pulse, Force Field, Integrated Heavy Lasers, Targeting Array, Vicious Trample, 12 INT
Mannequin Medium 02 02 20,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1
0 False Flesh, Variants, 10 INT
Mechanical Viper Small 02 01 20,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 0.5
05/— Find Target, Poison, 10 INT
Myrmidon Large 11 15 110,000.00 10,000.00 7,333.33 1.36
10 Hardness Laser Rifle, Quantum Lash, Resilient, Rockets, Superior Optics, 12 INT
Observer Tiny 02 03 20,000.00 10,000.00 6,666.66 1.5
05 Hardness Camouflage, Integrated Laser Torch, Integrated Stun Gun, Transmit Senses, 10 INT
Observer Swarm Tiny 10 18 100,000.00 10,000.00 5,555.55 1.8
10 Hardness Camouflage, Transmit Senses, 11 INT
Octopod Mechanic Medum 13 16 130,000.00 10,000.00 8,125.00 1.23 TBA 10 Hardness Crew Boss, Integrated Laser Pistols, Mass Repair, Mechanical Expertise, Reboot System, Repair Station, 15 INT
Reclamation Large 12 16 12,000.00 10,000.00 7,500.00 1.33
10 Hardness Combined Arms, Efficient Grappler, Item Creation, Force Field, Integrated Laser Rifle, Salvage, Scaling, Vulnerable to Critical Hits, 14 INT
Repair Medium 02 02 20,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1 TBA 0 Net, Refresh System, Repair Robot, 10 INT
Scrapyard Medium 03 04 30,000.00 10,000.00 7,500.00 1.33
05 Hardness Fall to Pieces, Repair, Staggered, 5 INT
Surgeon Medium 14 18 140,000.00 10,000.00 7,777.77 1.28
10 Hardness Force Field, Master Surgeon, Specialized Programing, Superior Optics, Syringe, 14 INT
Terraformer Large 07 10 70,000.00 10,000.00 7,000.00 1.42
10 Hardness Poison, Reprogram Terrain, Terraform, Technological Wonders, 15 INT
Thought Harvester Medium 10 13 100,000.00 10,000.00 7,692.30 1.3
10 Hardness Force Field, Integrated Nanite Injectors, Integrated Sonic Rigle, Harvest Thoughts,12 INT
Torturer Small 08 10 80,000.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 1.25
10 Hardness Agile, Force Field, Interrogate, Nanosurgeon, Surgical Lasers, 10 INT
Warden Large 09 15 90,000.00 10,000.00 6,000.00 1.66
10 Hardness Combined Arms, Dazzler, Infrasonic Field, Integrated Sonic Disruptor, Reactive Armor, Resilient, 11 INT
Name Cost Effect
(Temporary) Energizing Salve 3,000 per use. Standard action to apply. +2 dodge bonus to AC and +2 insight bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. Also grants 1 additional atttack at full BAB when Full Attacking. Lasts 5 minutes.
Ability Score 5,000 Increase any Ability Score that isn't 0 or - by 2. Stacks infinitely
Alarm Link 250 As alarm but for creatures the construct encounters instead of an area. Sends alert to creator within 1 mile. Increase range by 1 mile for 250 gp. Stacks infinitely.
Armor Enhancement 500+ Same as Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Bioconstruct (Brain) 22,750 Increase CR by 1. Critical Hits against the Construct permanently destroy one Bioconstruct Modification. Gains Feats and Skill Ranks as if INT 10. Enchantment spells and Mind-affecting Effects cast on the construct stop it functioning for the duration.
Bioconstruct (Heart) 22,750 Increase CR by 1. Critical Hits against the Construct permanently destroy one Bioconstruct Modification. Able to receive 50% magical healing. Grants 1 HP per HD. Negative Energy spells cast on the construct stop it functioning for the duration of the spell, or 1 round if instantaneous. Can only be applied to a Golem.
Construct Armor 35,000 Increase CR by 1. Construct must be same size as creator. Construct can be worn as breastplate armor as a full round action, and removed as a swift action. Attacks against the wearer damage the construct first. The construct cannot perform independant actions while worn. If destroyed, all benefits are lost and removing it is the same as normal breastplate armor.
Construct Limb 27,000 Construct must be Small or Tiny. Construct can be worn on the creator's arm. While worn, the construct retains any melee attacks and the creator can use any special attacks the construct has (using her own action but the construct's statistics), but the wearer is the creature making the attacks for purposes like attacks of opportunity. Also has the stats of a Heavy Steel Shield when worn.
Construct Shelter 11,250 Construct can transform into a shelter in 10 minutes. Can house one creature of equal size and amount doubles for each size smaller. Only comes with accomodations required to rest. Creatures inside can see out but outside cannot see within. Construct can be commanded to eject a creature inside. (reflex DC 10+CR negates) A creature can force itself in with a str check (DC 10+CR) or dealing damage equal to 1/4 the construct's total HP. The Shelter always has AC 10 but retains DR or Hardness of the construct.
Construct Storage 11,250 Construct houses an Extradimensional space similar to a Bag of Holding. Small construct can hold 4 cubic feet and 25 pounds and these values double for each size larger than small. The Construct can access as a swift action, other creatures can retrieve an object as a move action.
Crafter's Eyes 8,000 Can use Scrying or Greater Scrying through a special focus to see from the perspective of the construct without chance of failure.
Mind Link 16,500 Communicate with construct within 100 feet. If construct is mindless or can't communicate it can still recieve orders through this link.
Movement (Fly) 4,000 Increase existing speed by 10. Stacks to a maxmum of double original speed. Spend 8,000 to grant a speed of 15 to a construct with 5 HD or more without one. Maneuverability is Good if Tiny or smaller, Average if Small or Medium, Poor if Large or Huge, or Clumsy if Gargantuan or Colossal
Movement (Land) 2,000 Increase speed by 10. Stacks to a maximum of double original speed.
Movement (Swim or Climb) 3,000 Increase existing speed by 10. Stacks to a maxmum of double original speed. Spend 6,000 to grant a speed of 15 to a construct without one.
Resistance 6,000 Increase existing resistance to Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire by 5. Stacks to a maximum of double original value or 15 higher than original value, whichever is lower. Spend 4,000 to grant resitance 5 to one of those types.
Rune-Carved (Agony) 18,000 CL 9. Rune works once per day. Creator can use immediate action and spellcraft check (DC 10+CL) to delay it. Rune is triggered when the construct takes damage. All creatures in a 20 ft. radius must make a Fort save (DC 17) or take a -4 on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks for 1 minute. On a successful save it instead lasts 1 round.;
Rune-Carved (Imprisonment) 57,600 CL 18. Rune works once per day. Creator can use immediate action and spellcraft check (DC 10+CL) to delay it. Rune is triggered when the construct is hit with a touch or ranged touch attack spell. The caster of the spell must make a Will save (DC 22) or be trapped inside a gem inside the construct's body. The caster is held until the gem or construct are destroyed. Gem costs 20,000 gp and can hold one creature at a time. Rune does not trigger unless there's an empty gem available. Critical hits against the construct destroy the gem and relealse the trapped creature into an adjacent space.
Rune-Carved (Lightning) 2,000 CL 5. Rune works once per day. Creator can use immediate action and spellcraft check (DC 10+CL) to delay it. Rune is triggered when the construct is hit by a melee attack. All creatures in a 5 ft. radius take 3d8 electric damage. Reflex save (DC 12) half.
Rune-Carved (Shielding) 1,200 CL 3. Rune works once per day. Creator can use immediate action and spellcraft check (DC 10+CL) to delay it. Rune is triggered when the construct is hit by an attack or magic missile. Construct is affected by the spell Shield for 3 minutes.
Rune-Carved (Terror) 11,200 CL 7. Rune works once per day. Creator can use immediate action and spellcraft check (DC 10+CL) to delay it. Rune is triggered when a creature moves adjacent to the construct. Creatures in a 20 ft. radius burst must make a Will save (DC 20) or become panicked for 1d4 rounds. On a success the creature is shaken for 1 round.
Self-Destruct 3,750 Increase CR by 1. Construct explodes in a 10-foot radius burst when reduced to 0 or fewer HP. Deals 1d6 slashing damage per CR. Reflex half. (DC = 10+HD) If the construct already has a similar ability, instead increase the DC of such by 4.
Self-Repair 1,500 Increase CR by 1. Can grant itself Fast Healing 5 as a swift action for rounds per day equal to half its HD (minimum 1) and do not need to be consecutive. Can stack up to a maximum of double its HD per day. If the Construct already possesses Fast Healing, it instead increases by 2. Can stack to a maximum of double original value.
Sense (Blindsense) 4,000 Grant or increase Blindsense by 30 feet. Stacks to a maximum of 60 ft.
Sense (Blindsight) 7,500 Grant or increase Blindsight by 15 feet, Stacks to a maximum of 30 ft. Can only be applied to a construct with Blindsense.
Sense (Darkvision) 2,500 Increase Darkvision by 30 ft. Stacks to a maximum of 120 ft.
Shatter Stash (Corrosive Jet) 1,200 Triggers when the Construct is hit by a Critical Hit. One Use. Only one Shatter Stash at a time. 15. ft burst. Fort save (DC 15) or take 2d6 acid damage and be nauseated for 1d4 rounds. Sickened for 1 round on a successful save.
Shatter Stash (Firebomb) 1,200 Triggers when the Construct is hit by a Critical Hit. One Use. Only one Shatter Stash at a time. 15 ft. burst. Reflex save (DC 12) or take 2d6 fire damage. Half on a successful save.
Shatter Stash (Frost Mist) 1,000 Triggers when the Construct is hit by a Critical Hit. One Use. Only one Shatter Stash at a time. 15 ft. burst. Fort save (DC 14) or take 1d6 damage and become entangled for 1 round. Half damage and no entangled on successful save.
Shatter Stash (Lightning Lash) 1,200 Triggers when the Construct is hit by a Critical Hit. One Use. Only one Shatter Stash at a time. 30 ft. burst. Reflex save (DC 15) or take 3d8 electric damage. Half on a successful save.
Shatter Stash (Willsap Gas) 2,000 Triggers when the Construct is hit by a Critical Hit. One Use. Only one Shatter Stash at a time. 15 ft. burst. Will save (DC 13) or become confused for 1 round. This is a poison effect.
Spell-Like Ability 3,000/level/day Grant a use/day spell-like ability of a spell you can cast. Costs 3,000 gp per spell level per use/day. Maximum of 1 spell level per day per HD. Cantrips are 1,500 per use/day.
Weapon Enhancement 1,000+ Same as Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Weapon Mod Varies Attach a weapon to the construct. Construct is automatically proficient. Only costs as much as the weapon itself does.
Name CR Increase Cost Link Abilities
Advanced Golem 1 15,000
Base Creature must be a Golem, Advanced Template
Clockwork Construct 0 150%
Base Creature must be a Construct, Winding, Vulnerable to Electricity, Swift Reactions
Commando Construct Varies 10,000 TBA Base Creature must be a Construct, Natural Armor +4, Bonus HP, Special Attacks based on HD, STR +4, DEX +4, Bonus Feats based on HD, Energized Alacrity, Tactical Awareness
Energized Golem 2 25,000 TBA Base Creature must be a Golem, Elemental Aura, Natural Armor +3, Immunity to one energy type, Energy Discharge, Ability Score bonuses based on HD and Element, Elemental Overcharge
Enlightened Construct Varies 60,000 TBA Base Creature must be a Construct, Lifesense, Susceptible to Mind-Affecting Effects, Mind Thrust, Spell-Like Abilities, INT +2d6+4 or +6, CHA +2d6, Artificial Soul, Phrenic Stone
Fiend-Infused 2 25,000
Base Creature must be a Construct, Fast Healing 5, Fire Immunity, DR/and Good, Berserk Liberation, Hellfire, INT 4, CHA 10
Hell Engine 1 Your Soul TBA Base Creature must be a non-chaotic non-good Mindless Construct, Aura of LE Outsider, Fire Resistance 30, Vulnerable to Dispel Evil or Dispel Law, Contract Powered, Breath Weapon, Banishing Strike, Redirect Summons
Irespan Basalt 0 0.5 per lb. TBA Base Creature must be a Construct made of Stone. -1 minimum CL. +2 STR. 2x bonus HP. +5 Craft DC.
Recycled Construct -1 50% TBA Base Creautre must be a Destroyed Construct that has not taken more than 20 damage beyond 0 HP. -5 DR or Hardness. Immunity to Magic replaced with SR = CR+11. Malfunction. -1 natural attack unless only 1, can be replaced with weapon.
Shield Guardian 2 45,000
Base Creature must be a Golem, Controlled, Fast Healing, Find Master, Guard, Shield Other, Spell Storing, 2 higher minimum CL
Soulbound Construct Varies 10,000+ TBA Base Creature must be a living corporeal creature with 4+ INT, Template is applied to any Construct, CHA to AC, Susceptible to Mind-Affecting Effects, Spell-Like Abilities, Mental Ability Scores, Skills, Feats, Soul Focus
Steam-Powered Clockwork 2 150% TBA Base Creature must be a Construct, More HP, Vulnerable to Electricity, Swift Reactions, Fortification, Fire Resistance, Fire Damage on Attacks, Steam-related Special Attacks, Heat Management, Increased Locomotion, Steam Engine, STR +4, DEX +4
Trompe l'Oeil 1 500 per HD
Base Creature must have INT, Same Alignment as Creator, Convert non-construct base creature into construct, Magic Armor, Magic Weapons, Autotelic, Enter Painting, Rejuvenation
Waxwork Varies 500 per HD
Base Creature can be any coporeal non-ooze non-construct, Waxen Regeneration, Cold Immunity, Fire vulnerability, no INT
Waxwork Candle Waxwork plus 1 plus 500 same as waxwork plus Burn and Illumination
Waxwork, Sentient 0 same as waxwork except 3d6 INT
Name Cost Type Time Link Effect Notes
Celestial Healing 0.00 Spell, 1st level 1 round/2 levels
Fast Healing 1 Golems are immune
Clockwork Servant Repair 4,000.00 once Construct 1 action
1d10 HP to clockwork constructs only
Construct Channel Brick 10,000.00 once Magic Item 1 action
Lets Channel Energy work on Constructs Heals regardless of type, also buffs Artifice Domain's Artificer's Touch by 2d6
Craft Construct feat 100.00 per HD Feat 1 day per 1,000.00, min 1 day
1d6 HP per HD Free with the Field Repair feat
Hammer of Mending 300.00 once Spell, 5th level 1 action casting time
1d6 HP per level in 30 ft. radius. Torag spell
Infernal Healing 0.00 Spell, 1st level 10 round duration
Fast Healing 1 Golems are immune
Iron Priest Channel Energy 0.00 Archetype 1 action
Lets Channel Energy work on Constructs Half healing/damage unless Robot or Clockwork
Make Whole 0.00 Spell, 2nd level 10 minutes casting time
5d6 HP
Make Whole, Greater 0.00 Spell, 4th level 1 action casting time
1d6+1 per caster level (max of 10d6+10)
Memory of Function 10,000.00 Spell, 7th level 1 action casting time
Full HP from destroyed unless missing parts
Rapid Repair 0.00 Spell, 5th level 1 round/level duration
Fast Healing 5
Reboot 25.00 per HD Spell, 5th level 1 round casting time
1 HP from destroyed, lasts 1 round per level Repairing it further doesn't keep it alive after duration
Voice of Brigh's Spark 0.00 Archetype 1 round of bardic performance TBA Fast Healing equal to Bard Level from Destroyed until performance ends (and goes back to destroyed) or fully repaired (as if Memory of Function, except for the first 24 hours it listens to the Bard's orders.)
Chirurgeon Cube 9,800.00 once Magic Item 10 minutes per day TBA Fast Healing 2 in 1-minute increments Is a Wondrous Item but acts as a Construct Thrush with 10 hardness, attaches to other constructs as a standard action
Name Type Link Benefits
Arclord of Nex Prestige Class
Artifcer's Touch at will. Craft Constructs in half the time. Can call constructs and other bound creatures by sacrificing prepared spells.
Clocksmith Wizard Archetype TBA Construct Familiar with Eidolon Evolutions. CL+1 or 2 when casting spells on Clockworks. Craft Construct at 1st level but all non-clockworks are 150% cost.
Construct Collector Occultist Archetype TBA Can prevent Constructs from being destroyed for a limited amount of time per level. If used on enemy constructs they become allies for the time.
Construct Rider Alchemist Archetype
Mount Animal Companion with Construct type. Craft Construct without prerequisites. Can use Extracts for spell prerequisites.
Cruorchymist Alchemist Archetype TBA Homunculus Familiar, can take con drain to repair familiar, can take con damage to give familiar animal aspects.
Hedge Magician Trait, Magic
Cost reduced by 5%. Only take if Spark of Creation isn't allowed
Impossible Bloodline Sorcerer Bloodline
Treat constructs as living creatures for spells. Cast Compulsion spells on constructs as if they were not mind-affecting. Ignore 1 spell prerequisite at 3rd, additional at 9th, 15th, and 20th levels.
Iron Priest Cleric Archetype
Channel Energy to heal or harm Constructs. Only half effective if not Clockwork or Robot. Spontaneous Make Whole and Greater Make Whole.
Promethean Alchemist Alchemist Archetype
Promethean Disciple at 1st level. Scaling Homunculus companion.
Promethean Disciple Alchemist Discovery
Craft Construct without Prerequisites, Craft Alchemy ranks = CL, Craft Alchemy instead of other Craft skills to create constructs. Can use Extracts for spell prerequisites.
Spark of Creation Trait, Magic
Cost reduced by 5%. +1 to all craft skills
Tinkerer Alchemist Archetype
Scaling Clockwork Familiar.
Valet Familiar Archetype
Cooperative Crafting cuts crafting time in half. Shares all Craft skills and Item Creation feats.
Voice of Brigh Bard Archetype TBA Spend Bardic Performance to reanimate destroyed constructs, giving it Fast Healing equal to Bard Level. If fully repaired while reanimated it no-longer needs to be animated by the bard. Follows orders for 24 hours.
Name Price Bonus Link Notes
Automaton Core Artifact 4 TBA Must be Held, Untyped Bonus, Obtained from Automatons, Can reduce cost of construct
Golem Manual Varies Varies Varies Golem Manual Tab
Ioun Stone, Orange Prism 30,000.00 1
Slotless, Untyped Bonus
Aether 20.00 1
Drug, lasts 1 hour, take 1d2 con damage, must make concentration checks to cast for the next 1d4 hours

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