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• Attack & Support Strength/MA only, • Contiguous hexes, free of enemy • MA reduced by half, -1 ER • Affects all units
Player Aid - v1.21 never Defense Strength units/contested & enemy controlled hexes
• No Overruns or Reaction Movement • -2 MA, cumulative w/ other mods
• Artillery Halved Individually (Failed ER • Trace Supply Line to Supply Point or Supply
• OOS Units do not suffer from Low Fuel Effects • -2 ER, cumulative with OOS (-1)
check 10.42c, Firing into Marsh 12.18b) Road
• Fueled units do not suffer MA/ER reduction of • HQ Command Points = 0, No
• Non-Artillery Attacking combat units • Supply Line no more than 7 hexes, unless
OOS CAS allowed (13.2)
halved (OOS, Units across River hexside) Rain or through Marsh hex then = 5 hexes
• No Overrun, Combat Refusal,
• Unit MA halved only once (OOS, Low • Supply Line cannot go through enemy
Reaction Movement
Fuel, Assault Sequence, Reaction Strongpoint, active enemyFortified Line
Movement) hexside, River/Stream hexside w/out Bridge INITIATIVE DRM’S (7.12) • If Artillery, no Support Strength
• Supply Road = main/minor roads • Advance max 1 hex after combat
• +1 for each Pass Sequence (7.21c) opponent
• Red-Box/Orange-Circle MA units cannot • No construct/complete/remove
WEATHER EFFECTS (5.12,5.13,5.14) use Trails for Supply, all other can (even Strongpoints
during Rain) • +1 for each time a unit/group advances 2 hexes
• Cannot qualify for CAB
after combat
Cloudy Weather • Can trace through EZOC if Friendly unit
• Affects air unit Combat Coordination
occupies hex Disruption Removal
(Reorganization Phase)
Rain Weather OVERRUN (8.5) • Units not in EZOC
• MP Costs increase- see TEC OUT OF SUPPLY EFFECTS (6.14) • ER Check for units in EZOC,
• Non-Disrupted Red-Box MA units only + Command Point DRM’s allowed
• Supply Line to Supply Road reduced to Armor/Car/Cavalry
5 hexes • Reduce MA of all motorized units by half,
not cumulative w/ Assault or Reaction • Stacking limits apply at all times
• Trails = no effect on movement
GENERAL • All combat uses Assault CRT, no
• -2 MP for all Non-Motorized Units
• +1 MP cost for Overrun
• No Overrun during Rain, prohibited across River COMBINING FORMATIONS (7.3)
• -1 ER, cumulative w/ Disruption Modifier (-2) (even at bridge), Fortified Line, prohibited
• Affects air unit Combat Coordination hexsides, towns, strongpoints, from a hex • Must have AM in Activation Pool
• Reduce Attack Strength by half covered by multiple EZOC’s (via pass, only one allowed)
Winter Weather • OOS Artillery, once used, cannot flip over • Artillery and Ground Unit Coordination not allowed • Cannot use ‘Activate Any
• Noted w/ ‘W’ on Turn Record Track • Remove Strongpoints unable to trace supply Formation’ marker
• Defender can have one artillery unit in overrun
• -1 MP for all Orange-Circle MA units during Supply Status Phase (14.32) hex provide fire support, all other artillery units • Declare intent, turn one of two
and German Red-Box MA units for use defensive values only AM’s face up
Movement/Reaction Movement phases
• German Player can use one air unit for CAS, No • Roll die + Combination Value of
• Only Engineer/Motorized Engineer Soviet CAS revealed AM + Leader DRM
Units can build Strongpoints LEADERS (15.3) • Conduct Mobile Combat calculations, but • Result ≥ 8, both formations
Defender cannot engage in Combat Refusal activate
• Can activate up to twice during Operations (9.2), Reaction Movement (9.3), No Retreat (9.4),
Segment • Result ≤ 7, only revealed AM
or receive Artillery Fire Support (12.1)
ARMOR ATTRITION (11.23) activates
• If stacked with HQ of activated formation, • If successful, Defender retreats two hexes per
can use its command points as +DRM for • Combined formations can attack
• Red results on CRT (Also ER check discretion of Attacking player (must use together in same combat only if
Combined Formation attempt non-EZOC path if avail), place a Disruption
for CAS/Leader survival, if needed) nonartillery units from both
• Must be stacked with HQ to use command marker on retreating units, flip retreating Artillery formations are stacked together in
• Attacking force has armor steps, to fired side.
points for ER checks of that HQ’s formation one of the attacking hexes (10.43)
defender has armor/red defense value
• Leaders are eliminated if: • If Overrun clears Defender hex, all Overrun units • If previous is true, adjacent units
• First step loss must be armor, even if must enter that hex, may continue moving up to
CRT ≠ attacker step loss 1. Enemy combat unit enters its hex from each formation can also
remaining MA. participate. Artillery as well.
• If attacker suffers Armor Attrition, 2. If it applies DRM’s and is in
• If Defenders remain in hex, stop movement &
defender loss must be from unit Defending/Attacking hex when red
lose one step
(armor/red defense value) that combat result comes up, must make ER
qualifies for Armor Attrition effects check or be eliminated • Ignore any Attacker Retreat results on the CRT Created by Jeremy Antley
Designed by

Player Aid - v1.21 All units in Defender hex must have a Red-Box MA Conduct only after all Combat Refusals are resolved Optional, allows units to avoid retreat results but
or be Cavalry at cost of a step loss if CRT mandates retreat
Determined on a unit-by-unit basis
No unit in the Defending hex can be Disrupted Hex must contain at least three steps of strength
Declare and resolve separately AND not have failed Combat Refusal AND either:
Eligible units can move up to half of its MA (not 1. contains friendly Strongpoint, or Fortified Line
Procedure cumulative with other MA halving - 6.44b & 7.21b) effects
• Conduct ER check on Lead Unit
2. Contains Formation HQ or Leader
• ER check fails, stack must defend hex
Eligibility Requirements
• ER check passes, retreat stack two hexes
• Within two hexes of a Defender hex Procedure
• Attacking, Red-Box MA units may advance up to two
hexes, other units may advance only to the vacated hex • Red-Box MA unit • Conduct ER check on Lead Unit in Defender hex,
Command Point DRM’s allowed
• Remove all Declared Attack markers from attacking • Not Disrupted, OOS, Low Fuel
force. That force may not participate in other combats • ER check passes, place No Retreat marker
• Part of same formation as Lead Unit in Defender hex-
this turn Army units can be used if activated by formation HQ • ER check fails, conduct retreat normally
• Stacks that engage in Combat Refusal may not end (but • Soviet units cannot be in EZOC • ER check automatically succeeds if:
they can pass through) their retreat in a hex that is under
• German units can be in an EZOC 1. Non-Disrupted NKVD unit is Lead Unit OR
Declared Attack
• HQ units cannot conduct Reaction Movement 2. Non-Disrupted HQ or Leader unit is in hex
• Cannot occur if retreat path passes through vacant hex
in an EZOC • Units can be eligible for multiple Reaction Movements • No Retreat marker remains until:

COMBAT • Units that engage in Combat Refusal may not later

engage in Reaction Movement (9.3)
in the same turn
1. New friendly unit enter hex

Procedure 2. voluntarily removed
• Conduct ER check, command point DRM’s allowed 3. second bullet (at top) no longer valid
• ER check fails, unit remains & cannot make another 4. Reorganization Phase
Reaction Movement check this turn
Notes • +1 DRM to Combat Die Roll
• Advances using the Assault CRT = one hex max • Can move adjacent to an enemy unit only if friendly • Lose one additional step if CRT mandates retreat,
• Advances using the Mobile CRT = Red-Box MA up to occupies that hex must come from Lead Unit
two hexes (disrupted only one), non-motorized units • Stacking restrictions apply • Units in Defending hex do not retreat
only one hex, Orange-Circle MA Artillery, Anti-Tank,
and Anti-Air units cannot advance after combat • No MP cost for entering EZOC
• Reaction Movement can go any direction
• Cannot react across non-bridged river
If using Assault CRT:
• Mobile = 2 hexes, Assault = 1 or 2 hexes COMBINED ARMS BONUS (10.61 F) • All same formation, not disrupted = auto pass
• Cannot end in EZOC, unless with Fiendly • If units of more than one Formation attacking together
• -1 DRM to combat if: attacking force has at least one = conduct Ground Unit Coordination check
• Retreats through EZOC = ER check lead unit for
step loss, if non-motorized & retreat through Red-MA armored unit + one (or more) units of motorcycle, motorized
infantry/engineer, or recon. Need not be in same hex. If using Mobile CRT:
EZOC = auto step loss, ER check lead unit for
additional step loss • Defender must not have: red defense strength, be in • All attacking units in one hex, not disrupted = auto pass
• Artillery, Anti-Tank, Anti-Air, and Heavy Anti-Air cannot town/strongpoint/fortified hex line • Anything else, conduct Ground Unit Coordination check
retreat through an vacant EZOC hex. Failure = • Cannot attack through bridged River hexside AND cannot • If any attacking unit is Disrupted, conduct Ground Unit
elimination not be disrupted Coordination check

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