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‘Total page: 2 Roll n IV B.E. EXAMINATION, MAY-JUNE 2016 at" * 8Y52 : Data Warehousing and Data Mining (GS&NGS) ‘Time :3 Hours ‘Maximum Marks : 70 ‘Minimum Marks : 22 Nae: daoer tf etn ov saenafend ioe, neheeraentstacg, Markt Naseer telt Feral helm cay el ah, Of ay come en ery 3 mary Por fm 180 vr) cart 3 marks an pat (i 00 wat) ‘ae 7mart. 1. (@)_ Whatdo you understand by data mining? o () Discuss the importance of data mining. a - (©) Whatdo you understand by Data Warehouse ? 6 (Discuss the major issues in Data mining. 0 oR, ‘Write an essay on Application of Data Mining 2 ‘What do you understand by OLTP technology? a (©) What do you understand by Data Cube? (©) Differentiate between Operational Database system and Data Warehouse (@ Discuss the following schemas in the context of data warehousing: ao ° () Star Schema (Gi) Fact Constellation oR ‘What do you understand by multidimensional Data model ? Discuss 3, (@) What do you understand by data integration” a (©) Whatare the advantages of data Cleaning ? (© What do you understand by data reduction with reference to data mining? PTO @ o © ° © © © © © ‘What do you understand by Dissretzation ? Why it's required? Discuss ‘with suitable example. oR Discuss the Architecture of data mining system. {What do you understand by market basket analysis? “What do you understand by transtetonal database ? ‘What do you understand by association ule mining ? Discuss any one association rle mining algorithm? OR tha fthe support of fequnt itemsetis greater than o eat 10 Prormum confidence required for the rule then all sssociation ules GP ach test or fom is subset will have confidence at leas ‘gual tothe minimum required confidence. ‘What do you understand by clustering ? List any four data mining tools (commercial) ‘What is prediction? Discuss with examples Write an essay on “Applications and trends in Data mining” oR “List diferent classification methods and explain any one in detail. Pa 0 0 6 7 | rot no. AAAS Ae IV YEAR B.E. EXAMINATION MAY - JUNE 2016 8YSI : ADVANCE OPERATING SYSTEM (¢SENGS) Tine: 3 Hare axa Mak 70| Mosoun ang Marle:72 [Number of Questions: . Answer of part a & b in maximum $0 words and carry 2 marks, part © in maximum 100 words and carry 3 marks. part d ore (Internal choice) In ‘maximum 400 words and carry 7 marks. (21 (@)Destibe the concepts of mulprogramming and tine sharing sytem shorty. (©) Define he hardware and software concept of distribute sytem, (© Diterentate loosely and tigly couple and losely couple system with the help of suitable cramp, e (© Give detail about various design ampect of single and muluser operating system using spproprite example, oR (© Wie shor notes on folowing 1. Online and ofine system 2 Real Time System 3. Spooting 22 (a) Howto achieve avalability and relibiliy in distbuted system? (©) Why fat tolerance is required for designing dsuibuted operating syste? (© Explain dierent ype of transparencies for designing tasparnt distibuted opening system, (@Diseuss some of te guideline rinsples fr designing sealable distributed system, oR (©Blaboate various sues for achieving Aen ndstibuted operating system, 05 (How arsaing arguments ad resus invlv ia implement of REC? (©)Bvplain how logical clocks are implements in distributed system.

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