Set Texts Kiss of The Vampire

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Set Text:

Set Kiss of the

Text: Tide Vampire
Wooden typography Dark colour palette key SH Representation – Feminist Theory- David Gauntlet –
looking like a coffn/stake signifers to the scary, castle, bats, moon helps the antagonist Theory of Identity –
Cliched typography – link horror sub genre. The red audience decode familiar contributes to SC female acts as role model
to over used codes in brings colour to forefront generic iconography non traditional GR for women who are
Hammer Horror oppressed by men
Feminist Theory-Women are still sexualised with off shoulder code of dress and
Male Gaze – Laura hour glass fgure and becomes a vampire through 'penetration' = sex/rape? Aggressive gesture codes
Mulvey. Media of arm being bitten and
represented women how holding man down shows
men wanted women to her being non ST
look at them dominant

Red blood connotations Gesture code of woman

serif typography on left is passive (holding
with one arm) –
Thrusting herself towards submissive to men?
vampire – sexual and
lustful. Patriarchal Moon = night
hegemonic men? dichotomy of light vs dark
Good vs evil Binary
Red code of dress Opposites present
connotations of danger,
blood and lust Sexualised
representation of woman
Link to context of TV/Film with off the shoulder
code of dress.
Hand drawn image –
Intertexual references of Female antagonist which
Christopher Lee's subverts regular view of
Dracula. Eastman Colour women – 1960s
connotes modern permissive society
retelling context

Submissive position Iconography of company

despite veins signifying production logo
muscle and power. Good
people can be corrupted Orgasmic posture. She is
active and he is passive-
Hammer Context – use of 1960s liberation context
similar plot lines and sets
etc Semiotics – suspense Semiotics – Structuralism Strauss – Sexual submissive
is created through the vampirism and horror binary opposites of posture
Audiences will be familiar use of relationship conventional codes representations of vampires
with codes of 'monster Pale dress codes for
between female signifed. vs victims. Romantic kiss
movies' and its usual women connotes to
vampire (kiss) and fate Moon and victim connotations opposed to
female victims. Inter-text femininity and highlights
of victims – Barthes sacrifce are signifers idea of a vampire and
reference of 'Evil of curves & breasts= Male
Hermeneutic Code for the genre of flm monster
Frankenstein' Gaze, hegemony

Relates to the codes of the genre's 1960s permissive society context of women's sexual liberation including events of contraceptive pill.
posters put the highest paid actors frst More women in workforce and rise of feminist movement. Women challenging male dominance

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