Letters To The Editor: Rapid Responses

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Arch Dis Child 2000;83:87–92 87

need to be taken into consideration. In an graphic parameters and RSV risk factors.
attempt to help with this there are two ongo- The study demonstrated a relative reduction
LETTERS TO ing studies that Deshpande, Nicholl, and in RSV related hospitalisation of 55%

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.83.1.87e on 1 July 2000. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.com/ on 10 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
others, may find helpful. One is taking place (10.6% placebo v 4.8% palivizumab
THE EDITOR in four centres in the UK and the other is a
follow up study from the IMpact trial. Both
p=0.0004). A significant reduction in RSV
hospitalisation was seen irrespective of
are attempting to identify the health service gestational age, diagnoses of BPD, weight, or
costs over a three year period following gender. Of all the children in both groups
hospitalisation for RSV disease, and it is admitted with RSV infection, 27.7% were
hoped the results will be available later on admitted to intensive treatment units (this
Rapid responses this year. figure was similar in both groups). There
The UK guidance on the use of palivizu- was however a significant reduction in the
If you have a burning desire to respond to mab does not advocate universal usage of the overall incidence of RSV related intensive
a paper published in ADC or F&N, why product, but makes recommendations on treatment unit admission in the palivizumab
not make use of our “rapid response” how infants may benefit. It is the role of cli- group (3% placebo v 1.3 % palivizumab
option? nicians in local hospitals to discuss with their p=0.026).
Log on to our website (www.archdischild. managers, the local health authority, and the The placebo RSV hospitalisation rate of
com), find the paper that interests you, individual primary care group or trust, which 10.6% reported in the IMpact-RSV trial was
click on “full text” and send your response specific patients they feel should receive lower than that seen in previous controlled
by email by clicking on “submit a palivizumab. These decisions may well diVer trials which have reported rates of 13.5%,4
response”. between centres depending on budgets, 20%,5 22.4%,6 and 37%.7 Further reported
the morbidity of their patients and interpre- rates of hospitalisation vary depending on the
Providing it isn’t libellous or obscene, it tations of evidence both research and risk group studied, and data from the US
will be posted within seven days. You can clinical. demonstrate that it is possible to predict sub-
retrieve it by clicking on “read rapid RSV bronchiolitis remains the greatest groups who have considerably higher hospi-
responses” on our homepage. annual epidemic disease to hit paediatric talisation rates.8
The editors will decide, as before, whether departments in Europe, the USA, and Further data from both Europe9 and the
to also publish it in a future paper issue. Australasia.1 The treatment of the symptoms US10 reported RSV readmission rates in large
is unsatisfactory in that the only proven ben- numbers of premature children receiving pal-
efit is oxygen. Each year, vast amounts of ivizumab prophylaxis over the 1998/9 RSV
money are wasted on bronchodilators, ster- season (neither study had a placebo arm). Of
oids, ipratropium bromide, and antibiotics. the 565 European infants enrolled, 1.2% had
Palivizumab and RSV prevention Palivizumab, the first monoclonal antibody to confirmed RSV hospitalisation, whilst two
be developed specifically for use in paediat- US groups of 1839 and 7013 children had
EDITOR,—The letters from Drs Deshpande rics, has been shown to be eVective in reduc- RSV hospitalisation rates of 2.3% and 1.5%
and Nicholl, in relation to the Impact-RSV ing hospital admission in high risk infants. To respectively. Despite the lack of comparator
study and the UK guidance for the use of dismiss it out of hand seems churlish. To arms, these data do suggest that the IMpact-
palivizumab in the prevention of serious RSV rationalise its use in those whom it may most RSV trial may have underestimated the true
infections, raise interesting questions that benefit seems clinically sensible. All new eYcacy of palivizumab.
need to be addressed. treatments need to be considered with The generation of pharmaco-economic
I believe Dr Deshpande “has got it wrong” caution. However, I believe that if clinicians arguments directly from the IMpact-RSV
in that he fails to realise that the primary take a back seat view whilst awaiting defini-
data very much oversimplifies what is an
objective of the IMpact study was to tive confirmation of absolute cost eVective-
extremely complex issue. Hospitalisation
investigate whether palivizumab reduced ness, we will continue to deny our most
rates vary considerably between risk groups,
RSV hospitalisations in high risk infants. It vulnerable patients the benefits of scientific
and measuring the true economic cost of
was never intended that this study would advance.
RSV hospitalisation requires long term follow
address the severity of RSV infections, the WARREN LENNEY up, both of hospital, community, and parental
need for paediatric intensive care, the need Academic Department of Child Health, costs.
for mechanical ventilation, or a reduction in City General Hospital, Newcastle Road, Despite its relatively high costs, modern
death rate. It is unreasonable to suggest that Stoke-on-Trent ST4 6QG, UK
neonatal care has led to dramatic improve-
because the study didn’t show these then it is ments in the outlook of premature infants.
not valid. To show such benefits would 1 Simoes EAF. Respiratory syncytial virus infec-
tion. Lancet 1999;354:847–52. Advances such as surfactant therapy and
require a totally diVerent protocol, the num- mechanical ventilation seem expensive on the
bers of patients being such that the study face of it, but both controlled trials11 and
could never have been undertaken. EDITOR,—I am writing in reply to the recent clinical experience have shown the invest-
To reiterate the findings of the IMpact correspondence regarding the use of palivizu- ment to be worthwhile.
study, there was a 55% reduction in hospital mab (Synagis),1 2 a monoclonal antibody Dr Deshpande refers to the guidance
admission rate for RSV proven disease—a licensed for the prophylaxis of respiratory document reflecting the outcome of a con-
significant result, however one wishes to syncytial virus (RSV) infection in premature sensus committee of a number of UK
interpret it. Those high risk patients admitted infants. RSV is a disease that aVects 50% to clinicians,1 and issued by ourselves. Many
with RSV infection spent fewer days in hospi- 70% of all infants within the first year of life, were aware of the guidelines published by the
tal, had less need for oxygen treatment, and and causes significant morbidity and mor- American Academy of Pediatrics regarding
had lower respiratory infection clinical scores tality, particularly in a number of well defined RSV prophylaxis and the use of
if they received palivizumab. high risk groups. palivizumab,12 and felt that whilst they were
The study was designed in association with The major trial demonstrating the safety very useful, UK guidelines should be formu-
and with the approval of the licensing and eYcacy of palivizumab was the IMpact- lated at a local level, taking into account local
authorities to grant a marketing licence for RSV trial,3 a randomised, double blind, pla- risk groups and epidemiology. For these
the medication. It was not designed to cebo controlled, multicentre trial that en- reasons, the UK guidance document deliber-
provide economic data on the cost eVective- rolled 1502 children with prematurity (<35 ately avoids being too prescriptive and whilst
ness of the product. Both Deshpande and weeks gestation) or bronchopulmonary dys- describing the two major risk groups (prema-
Nicholl fail to realise that if they want this plasia (BPD). One hundred and twenty three ture infants, <35 weeks gestation, and those
information then diVerent studies are of the children enrolled were from 11 UK with BPD), it emphasises that treatment pri-
needed. centres. The primary end point of the orities are likely to vary locally and that deci-
Does anyone know the lifelong cost of IMpact-RSV study was hospitalisation due sions regarding which preterm infants to treat
RSV disease in infancy? What is the relation- to confirmed RSV disease. The study was will be individualised.
ship between RSV hospitalisation in the first not powered to demonstrate a reduction in Abbott Laboratories are continuing to
year of life, recurrent wheezing in childhood, mortality, neither was it designed as a work with many in the paediatric community
or indeed the possible development of pharmaco-economic study. The average ges- in order to help better define many of the
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in tation of all the infants was 29 weeks and the issues. We strongly feel that palivizumab is an
later adult life? To develop a relevant, long placebo (n=500) and palivizumab (n=1002) important breakthrough in the battle against
term, cost eVectiveness plan, all these points groups were well matched for both demo- RSV infection, a disease that continues to
88 Letters, Book reviews

cause high levels of morbidity and significant Dietary products used in infants for 4 Chandra RK. Five-year follow-up of high risk
mortality in high risk infants. infants with family history of allergy who were
treatment and prevention of food allergy exclusively breast-fed or fed partial whey

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.83.1.87e on 1 July 2000. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.com/ on 10 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
CHRISTINA CARNEGIE hydrolysate, soy, and conventional cow’s milk
Medical Director, EDITOR,—The joint statement of the Euro- formulas. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1997;24:
Abbott Laboratories Ltd, UK pean Society for Paediatric Allergology and 380–8.
5 Oldaeus G, Anjou K, Bjorksten B, et al.
Clinical Immunology (ESPACI) and the Extensively and partially hydrolysed infant for-
European Society for Paediatric Gastroenter- mulas for allergy prophylaxis. Arch Dis Child
1 Deshpande S. RSV prevention. Arch Dis Child
2000;82:88–90. ology, Hepatology and Nutrition 1997;77:4–10.
2 Nicholl RM. RSV prevention. Arch Dis Child (ESPGHAN),1 deserves some comment.
2000;82:88–90. Firstly, on the use of soy based formulas for
3 Palivizumab, a humanized respiratory syncytial Drs Koletzko and Host comment:
virus monoclonal antibody, reduces hospitali-
the treatment, as well as for the prevention of
zation from respiratory syncytial virus infection food allergy: I was disappointed that no word
in high-risk infants. The IMpact-RSV Study about this subject appeared in the conclu- We thank Professor Salazar-de-Sousa for his
Group. Pediatrics 1998;102:531–7. sions of the statement. Many have claimed insightful comments on the joint comment of
4 Reduction of respiratory syncytial virus hospi- ESPACI and ESPGHAN.
talization among premature infants and infants that the use of soy bean formulas in infancy is
with bronchopulmonary dysplasia using respi- an eYcient way of treating or preventing food We kept our conclusions brief and did not
ratory syncytial virus immune globulin prophy- allergic disorders, but more recent prospec- repeat all the considerations discussed earlier
laxis. The PREVENT Study Group. Pediatrics tive and randomised clinical studies have in the text but, rather, focused on the practi-
1997;99:93–9. cally most relevant advisable measures to
5 Groothuis JR, Simoes EAF, Levin MJ. Prophy- shown that soy protein is as allergenic as
lactic administration of respiratory syncytial cow’s milk protein.2 As the matter remains treat and prevent food allergy. In the text of
virus immune globulin to high-risk infants and controversial,3 I believe that the conclusions the comment it is stated that, based on infor-
young children. The Respiratory Syncytial mation currently available, we do not recom-
Virus Immune Globulin Study Group. N Engl should have been that soy based formulas are
J Med 1993;329:1524–30. not recommended for the treatment or mend the use of soy protein based formulas
6 Groothuis JR, Simoes EAF, Hemming VG. Res- prevention of food allergy until more data are as a first line choice to prevent food allergy in
piratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in pre- available. infants. However, we also note that diVerent
term infants and the protective eVects of RSV views exist on this issue and that further
immune globulin (RSVIG). The Respiratory The second issue concerns the use of par-
Syncytial Virus Immune Globulin Study tially hydrolysed formulas for preventing food studies may be useful to extend the rather
Group. Pediatrics 1995;95:463–7. allergy. A recent five year follow up prospec- limited database available, in order to clarify
7 Groothuis JR, Gutierrez KM, Lauer BA. Respi- the allergenicity of soy formulas in infants
ratory syncytial virus infection in children with tive, randomised, and controlled study by
Chandra,4 which showed a beneficial preven- with allergy risks.
bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Pediatrics 1988;
82:199–203. tive eVect of a partial whey hydrolysed The data presented in one of the studies by
8 JoVe S, Escobar GJ, Balck SB et al. Rehospitali- formula in high risk infants, was ignored. The Chandra1 referred to by Professor Salazar-de-
zation for respiratory syncytial virus among Sousa were not ignored. However the com-
premature infants. Pediatrics 1999;104:894–9. only study where the preventive eVect of an
9 Law BJ, Patrick A, Baarsma R et al. Palivizumab extensively hydrolysed formula was com- mittee felt that neither this study, nor many
(Synagis)—Expanded access study in 1998– pared with the eVect of a partially hydrolysed similar studies allowed definitive conclusions
9—Northern Hemisphere [abstract, p 25]. on all the issues. Since our comment was not
Second World Congress of Pediatric Infectious one, showed that the former was superior to
the second.5 This paper, however, has a pos- intended to be an extensive review of all
Diseases; 1999 Nov 2–6.
10 Cohen A, Hirsch RL, Sorrentino M et al. First sible methodological shortcoming: the manu- available publications, we did not cite this
year experience using Synagis (palivizumab), facturer (Mead Johnson, Evansville, Indiana, particular paper or the many other original
humanised antibody for protection from RSV papers on this topic, but referred to a recent
lower respiratory tract infection [abstract USA) provided both a commercially available
A1.6]. Second World Congress of Pediatric extensively hydrolysed formula (Nutrami- editorial considering these and other data.2
Infectious Diseases; 1999 Nov 2–6. gen) and a non-commercially available (at We agree with Professor Salazar-de-Sousa
11 Soll RF, Jacobs J, Pashko S et al. Cost eVective-
least in Sweden where the study was that currently available data are insuYcient to
ness of beractant in the prevention of respira- allow a firm conclusion on the relative eVects
tory distress syndrome. Pharmacoeconomics undertaken) partially hydrolysed formula,
1993;4:278–86. prepared by mild (how mild?) enzymatic of partially versus extensively hydrolysed for-
12 American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on hydrolysis. In future, such studies should only mulas for the prevention of food allergy, an
Infectious Diseases and Committee of Fetus important issue for clinical practice. Hence,
and Newborn. Prevention of respiratory syncy- use commercially available formulas of either
tial virus infections: indications for the use of the same or diVerent brands. I consider that we concluded that more studies are needed.
palivizumab and update on the use of RSV- current data are insuYcient to allow a firm BERTHOLD KOLETZKO
IGIV. Pediatrics 1998;102:1211–16. view. Therefore, I believe the conclusions Professor of Paediatrics,
should have stated that no clear recommen- University of München, Germany
dation can be made for the use of a partially Secretary, ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition
The editor comments:
hydrolysed formula to prevent food allergy. ARNE HOST
In her letter, Dr Carnegie refers to a guidance Conclusions of consensus statements are Professor of Paediatrics,
generally considered as guidelines for the University of Odense, Denmark
document reflecting the outcome of a con- Chair, ESPACI Committee on
sensus committee of a number of UK practitioner. Omissions, as in the case of soy
based formulas, or ambiguities, as in the case Hypoallergenic Formulas
clinicians and issued by Abbott Laboratories
Ltd. of partially hydrolysed formulas, do not
clarify the issues so should be avoided. I 1 Chandra RK. Five-year follow-up of high risk
Earlier this year, we received as a submis- infants with family history of allergy who were
sion for publication such a document, headed believe that modified conclusions, as referred exclusively breast-fed or fed partial whey hydro-
by the names of a number of distinguished to above, would have been more in agreement lysate, soy, and conventional cow’s milk formula.
with the literature and more helpful to the J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1997;24:380–8.
paediatricians and neonatologists. I was puz- 2 Kerner JA. Use of infant formulas in preventing
zled because it was addressed from a public reader. or postponing atopic manifestations. J Pediatr
relations company. I contacted all those J SALAZAR-DE-SOUSA Gastroenterol Nutr 1997;24:442–6.
named to ask who the corresponding author Professor of Paediatrics,
was. I learned that they did not know the Ava da República, 64-6,
1050.197 Lisbon, Portugal Health care needs for travellers
paper was to be submitted to a peer reviewed
journal. EDITOR,—The article recently published by
Consequently, I invited the PR company to 1 Host A, Koletzko B, Dreborg S, et al. Dietary
products used in infants for treatment and pre- van Cleemput has made a valuable contribu-
withdraw the submission, which they did. vention of food allergy. Joint Statement of the tion to the health care needs of travellers and
The paper, itself, was marked as having been European Society for Paediatric Allergology has drawn attention to a very deprived section
produced with the aid of an educational grant and Clinical Immunology (ESPACI) Com- of our community.1 However, the assertion
from Abbott Laboratories. mittee on Hypoallergenic Formulas and the
European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterol- that childhood asthma is more common in
In general, Archives of Disease in Childhood ogy, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) travellers is not based on sound evidence.
is reluctant to publish the results of consensus Committee on Nutrition. Arch Dis Child This suggestion was based on a study by
groups, unless the methods by which they 1999;81:80–4.
2 Kerner JA. Use of infant formulas in preventing Anderson, who reported on the health
arrived at their conclusions are totally trans- or postponing atopic manifestations. J Pediatr concerns and needs of traveller families.2 The
parent. This case illustrates one reason why Gastroenterol Nutr 1997:24:442–6. selection criterion for Anderson’s study was
we believe it is right to be cautious. 3 Cantani A, Lucenti P. Natural history of soy families with children of less than 5 years of
allergy and/or intolerance in children, and
HARVEY MARCOVITCH clinical use of soy-protein formulas. Pediatr age. The traveller families had a mean of six
Editor in Chief Allergy Immunol 1997;8:59–74. children aged 1 to 15 years. The control
Letters, Book reviews 89

aZuent families had a mean of 1.7 children transaminases. Their results could indicate if of treatment, to which our failure to improve
aged 1 to 3 years, and the control inner city this is a cost and clinically eVective screening the final height with the combination therapy
families had a mean of 1.9 children aged 1 to test. might have been ascribed. To improve the

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.83.1.87e on 1 July 2000. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.com/ on 10 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
4 years. Anderson reported that asthma was a S VIVEKANANDAN final height, we should have increased the
concern to 30% of travellers compared with Clinical Biochemist, dose of LHRH analogue and growth hor-
11% of inner city families and 4.5% of aZu- Chemical Pathology, Guy’s and St Thomas’s NHS mone. During the combination therapy, peak
ent families, using a questionnaire that Hospital Trust, London, UK serum insulin like growth factor 1 was 710
seemed to tackle parental concerns only, and ng/ml (normal: 370–896 ng/ml), and peak
was not validated for asthma incidence. Yet, 1 McCormick DB, Green HL. Vitamins. In:Burtis concentrations of LH and FSH were com-
van Cleemput extrapolated a high incidence CA, Ashwood ER, editors. Tietz textbook of pletely suppressed in response to gonadotro-
of asthma in travellers’ children from this clinical chemistry, 3rd ed. Pennsylvania: WB pin releasing hormone. Although her men-
Saunders, 1999:1016–18.
study, and did not comment on questionnaire 2 Bates CJ. Vitamin analysis. Ann Clin Biochem struation was successfully suppressed, bone
validation or the confounding factors of age 1997;34:599–626. maturation was not inhibited.
and transient early wheezing. 3 Walker V, Mills GA, Petrs SA, et al. Fits, We concluded that patients with juvenile
We used the ISAAC (International Study pyridoxine, and hyperprolinaemia type II. Arch hypothyroidism who are often found to be in
Dis Child 2000;82:236–7.
of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) ques- progressive pubertal development may not be
tionnaire to compare the prevalence of indicated for treatment with LHRH analogue
asthma in schoolboys, aged 6 to 12 years, LHRH analogue and growth hormone and growth hormone. An early diagnosis may
from travellers’ families with settled controls.3 did not improve the final height of a therefore be of utmost importance in improv-
The parent reported prevalence of wheezing patient with juvenile hypothyroidism ing the final height. In Japan, schoolchildren
and related symptoms were all more common accompanied by precocious puberty are biannually measured for height and
in schoolboys from the control group than in weight. It is therefore strongly urged to
traveller schoolboys. The values were signifi- EDITOR,—We report an 11 years 8 months old educate school nurses to direct their attention
cant for wheeze in the last year (31.3% v girl with juvenile hypothyroidism and preco- to the evaluation of height measurements and
14.8%, OR 5.6, p=0.025), and for doctor cious puberty who failed to respond to also thelarche and to consult paediatric
diagnosed asthma (25.6% v 11.1%, OR 5.1, thyroxine, growth hormone, and luteinising endocrinologists. Although a number of pos-
p=0.04). We concluded that the experience of hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) ana- sibilities have been raised for failure in attain-
the travelling lifestyle may be a protective logue. The patient was considered to be ment of desired height in the patient, the early
factor in the development of asthma. hypothyroid for about two years before the medical attention would have been expected
PJ KEARNEY therapy was started. She had a very low to lead to the possible prevention of short
PM KEARNEY serum thyroxine concentration, a height SD stature.
Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, score of −3 SD, and a bone age of 10 years 3
Cork University Hospital, months. Her pubertal development was This work was supported by grants from the Minis-
Cork, Ireland graded as Tanner stage IV of breasts and try of Health and Welfare of Japan, the Ministry of
email: p.kearney@ucc.ie Education, Science, and Culture, the Japan Private
Tanner stage II of pubic hair. Her menarche
School Promotion Foundation, and the Mami
occurred at the age of 10 years 3 months. The Mizutani Foundation.
1 Van Cleemput P. Health care needs of travellers. enlarged pituitary gland reduced in size with
Arch Dis Child 2000;82:5–9. RIKA MIYAZAKI
the thyroxine treatment (100 µg/day). In
2 Anderson E. Health concerns and needs of trav- NAOMI YANAGAWA
eller families. Health Visitor 1997;70:148–50. addition to thyroxine, she was treated for 31 HIROHIKO HIGASHINO
3 Kearney PM, Kearney PJ. The prevalence of months with an LHRH analogue (30 µg/kg, YOHNOSUKE KOBAYASHI
asthma in schoolboys of traveller families. Irish once a month) and growth hormone (0.5 Department of Paediatrics, Kansai Medical University,
Medical Journal 1998;91:203–6. U/kg/wk divided into six doses) to avoid the 10–15 Fumizonocho, Moriguchi,
progression of puberty and improve the final Osaka 570-8506, Japan
Fits, pyridoxine, and hyperprolinaemia height. She reached the final height at the age
of 15 years 1 month (−2.8 SD), which was 1 Minamitani K, Murata A, Ohnishi H, Wataki K,
type II
the same as before the treatment (fig 1). Yasuda T, Niimi H. Attainment of normal
EDITOR,—There are currently two types of Minamitani et al reported that treatment height in severe juvenile hypothyroidism. Arch
with LHRH analogue and growth hormone Dis Child 1994;70:429–31.
measurements that are used to assess vitamin
B6 status. These are measurements of in addition to thyroxine was successful in
vitamin B6 and its metabolites, and activation improving the final height and avoiding Intraosseous access in infant
of vitamin B6 dependent enzymes and pubertal growth of patients with juvenile
associated amino acids. Tryptophan loading hypothyroidism in the prepubertal stage.1
test is also used to reveal the subtle defects by DiVerence between the report of Minamitani EDITOR,—We believe that intraosseous access
stressing the B6 metabolic pathway. None of et al and our case is that our patient already to the circulation in infant resuscitation is
them is ideal, and a combination of them is had the advanced bone age relative to height undervalued and therefore under utilised.
recommended. age and the progression of puberty at the start Intraosseous cannulation is a simple and
Additionally, there is no concordance eVective technique that can be performed
between these indices. Transaminase activity Height +2SD F 170 both quickly and safely in resuscitation.1–4
25 +1SD
in serum and red blood cells (functional Bone age Mean 160 There have been relatively few complications
Height (cm)

index) decreases along with plasma pyridoxal –1SD reported with this technique.5
–2SD M 150
phosphate, urine B6, and pyridoxic acid In a laboratory study, we compared the
Growth velocity (cm/year)

(direct chemical index) within one week of 20 140 average flow rates through a range of
the removal of vitamin B6 from the diet. 130 intravenous cannulae with that of an 18 gauge
Electromyelographic abnormalities appear 120
intraosseous cannula. We purged intravenous
within three weeks.1 Some population groups 15 Hartmann’s solution through the various
have a suboptimal intake with or without Thyroxine
devices, at a constant pressure of
LHRH analogue
excess protein intake, although severe vitamin Growth hormone
300 mm Hg, recording the average volumes
B6 deficiency is not common in man.2 10 Mean over one minute intervals. The results and
Epileptiform convulsions are a common +2SD calculated infusion time for a 20 ml/kg bolus
finding in young vitamin B6 deficient in a 5 kg baby are shown in table 1.
subjects.1 These (sub)clinical deficiencies can 5
Administration of intravenous fluid is an
be routinely screened by a clinical laboratory essential component of infant resuscitation.
if simple tests like transaminases are used. Fluid boluses have to be infused under pres-
Vitamin B6 deficiency in a well nourished sure through an intravenous cannula placed
child with an autosomal recessively inherited 0 5 10 15 in a peripheral vein. Successful cannulation
Ä1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase Age (years) can be a technical challenge in collapsed
deficiency led to childhood fits, because of infants. Small veins are prone to damage
Figure 1 Treatment, bone age, and height of
binding of the proline metabolite, pyrroline- the patient, plotted on a cross sectional growth when fluids are rapidly purged through
5-carboxylate with vitamin B6, as reported by chart for girls (0–19 y). Height, bone age, and them. Central venous access is not usually
Walker et al.3 It would be interesting to know growth velocity of the patient are shown. F, established in infants in the immediate
if and how the authors had measured the father’s height; M, mother’s height. resuscitation period and larger intravenous
90 Letters, Book reviews

Table 1 Results and calculated infusion time for a bolus in a 5 kg baby screen for CF mutations. While it is possible
that we may have missed a child in whom the
combination of asthma and respiratory symp-

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.83.1.87e on 1 July 2000. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.com/ on 10 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Flow rate Infusion time for 100 ml bolus
Access device Gauge (ml/min) (minutes) toms was due to CF, we consider it
Yellow venflon* 24 35.6 2.81
exceedingly improbable that such omission
Blue venflon* 22 60.6 1.65 would have substantially prejudiced our
Pink venflon* 20 126.8 0.79 results.
Green venflon* 18 161.2 0.62 The finding that gastrointestinal symp-
Intraosseous needle 18 248 0.40 toms, for most of which there was no simple
explanation, are common both in children
* BOC Ohmeda AB, SE-25106 Helsingborg, Sweden.
with atopic eczema and in children with
asthma, suggests that these symptoms are a
cannulae (22 and 20 gauge) can be diYcult Family 3—This family are Irish travellers reflection of the patients’ atopic status itself,
to site in small infants presenting with circu- and they have had three aVected children. and undiagnosed CF is unlikely to be a
latory failure. The first died with a severe movement disor- significant contributory factor. Neither do we
Our simple experiment has shown that flu- der and the third, although he was known to believe that these symptoms can merely be
ids can be infused through an intraosseous be at risk, had an episode of decompensation dismissed as being due to food allergy, any
cannula at a significantly higher rate to that of at 6 weeks. He developed a severe movement more than one could dismiss either atopic
the intravenous devices. The resistance to disorder and died suddenly and unexpectedly eczema or asthma themselves as being caused
flow in situ has not been calculated, but one at the age of 13 months. The second child has exclusively by food allergies. The precise
could reasonably expect the capacitance of had some speech delay but has minimal aetiologies of these conditions remain to be
the marrow cavity to be greater than that of problems and attends a normal school. clarified.
an infant’s peripheral vein. These factors, in None of these children were receiving any
addition to the ease and success of placement specific dietary treatment or medication. CARLO CAFFARELLI
of intraosseous over intravenous cannulae, While we would agree that early diagnosis is
leads us to advocate that greater emphasis is essential, the diet is a significant imposition
placed on the value of intraosseous cannula- and all that may be needed is intensive treat-
tion during the early phase of resuscitation in ment during intercurrent infections.
This is an important issue that should be
addressed both locally and nationally, as well
Metabolic Unit,
Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK BOOKS
as through advanced life support provider
courses (APLS/PALS). Biochemistry, Endocrinology, and Metabolism Unit,
ROSS FISHER Institute of Child Health, London, UK
Specialist Registrar, Paediatric Surgery
National Study of Health and Growth.
Gastrointestinal symptoms in asthmatic By Rona RJ, Chinn S. (Pp 133, hardback;
Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist,
Royal Bristol Hospital for Sick Children, patients £49.50.) Oxford: Oxford University Press,
St Michael’s Hill, 1999. ISBN 0 19262 919 0
Bristol BS2 8BJ, UK EDITOR,—CaVarelli et al comment on several
immunological mechanisms by which gastro- The youth of today are not what they were:
intestinal symptoms could occur in asthma.1 they are bigger. Rona and Chinn, in their long
1 Ellemunter H, Simma B, Trawoger R, et al. They do not comment on whether they
Intraosseous lines in preterm and full term and meticulous study of the health and
neonates. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed excluded cystic fibrosis (CF). This is relevant growth of some 87 000 children, have
1999;80:F74–5. as there are an increasing number of mild documented the continuing trend to increas-
2 Rieger A, Berman JM, Striebel HW. Initial phenotypes of CF presenting as asthma.2 CF ing height for age in primary school children
resuscitation and vascular access. Int Anesthesiol could be a unifying diagnosis in the “asth-
Clin 1994;32:47–77. over a 20 year period. This is generally
3 Neufeld JD, Marx JA, Moore EE, et al matic” with gastrointestinal symptoms. thought to be a good thing and indicative of
Comparison of intraosseous, central, and The important clinical message is to ever improving health and nutrition. The
peripheral routes of crystalloid infusion for consider a diagnosis of CF in diYcult cases of
resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock in a swine trend has been rumoured to be at an end
model. J Trauma 1993;34:422–8. asthma. many times, but in fact continues. Similarly,
4 Guy J, Haley K, Zuspan SJ. Use of intraosseous JOHN FURNESS poverty was thought to be at an end in the
infusion in the pediatric trauma patient. J Pedi- Department of Paediatrics,
atr Surg 1993;28:158–61. 1970s when this study had its beginnings,
5 Simmons CM, Johnson NE, Perkin RM, et al. Sunderland Royal Hospital, only to be reluctantly rediscovered after the
Intraosseous extravasation complication re- Kayll Road, Sunderland SR4 7TP, UK Black report. The two clearly go hand in
ports. Ann Emerg Med 1994;23:363–6.
hand: when there is no more poverty and
1 CaVarelli C. Gastrointestinal symptoms in
patients with asthma. Arch Dis Child 2000: perfect health and nutrition have been
Natural history of glutaric aciduria 82;131–5 achieved, there will be no further gain in
type 1 2 Aznarez I. Increased frequency of CFTR muta- height. The eVect of poverty is illustrated in
tions and variants among asthma patients. Ped this study, as in many others, by the social
Pulmon 1999;208 (Suppl 19): poster 155.
EDITOR,—In their retrospective study, Mona- class gradient in height. Yet the exact
vari and Naughten (Arch Dis Child mechanism of the relationship is mysterious
2000;82:67–70) suggest that early intensive Drs CaVarelli and Atherton comment: as most of the gradient disappears after
management can alter the natural history of adjustment for parental height. The authors
glutaric aciduria type 1. However, the patho- We appreciate the comments made by Dr argue that most of the variation must
genesis of this disorder is poorly understood Furness, and we would certainly concur with therefore be genetic, others argue that there
and just what is responsible for the better his view that one must consider a diagnosis of has been overadjustment.
outcome is not clear. In several families in CF in any child presenting with the combina- The other secular trend observed has been
which the first child has the classical tion of asthma and gastrointestinal symp- of increasing obesity: a worrying trend in light
phenotype, we have noted a marked diVer- toms. of the much larger epidemic in adult obesity.
ence in outcome of siblings without any spe- We accept that a diagnosis of CF may not But then again all is not what it seems. Mean
cific treatment. always be obvious on clinical criteria alone, weight for height is referred to throughout as
Family 1—In this Jordanian family the first but it remains the case that there is no simple “obesity”. Yet, as this is the age when children
child had a severe movement disorder and cheap screening test for CF, and we must pass through the thinnest phase of their
died. The second has macrocephaly and mild therefore continue to test only those children growth, few if any will be actually obese and
gait disturbance but is attending normal in whom there is at least some clinical basis presumably a proportion were actually un-
school. for suspecting this diagnosis. We believe that derweight. When does less undernutrition
Family 2—This first child of Nigerian and we did adequately consider CF in the become too much overnutrition, and how do
West Indian parents has a severe dyskinetic children that participated in our study we tell? So a paradox: the secular trend to
cerebral palsy. Her sister has minimal symp- according to clinical criteria, but sweat testing increasing height is good and is due to
toms and attends a normal school. was not undertaken routinely, nor did we improved overall nutrition. The parallel trend
Letters, Book reviews 91

to increasing weight for height is bad and is Information for evidence-based care. By rapidly on to other textbooks considered the
due to improved overall nutrition. Roberts R. (Pp 79, paperback; £17.95.) bibles of paediatrics. Hence, when I was
No dataset can provide all the answers. By asked to review the fourth edition, I was

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.83.1.87e on 1 July 2000. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.com/ on 10 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Oxford: RadcliVe Medical Press, 1999.
collating their long work and summarising all ISBN 1 85775 356 9 overwhelmed as it brought back memories of
their analyses in this well structured and my first few months in paediatrics.
admirably slim volume, the authors make it Evidence based care is upon us, whether we As the editors have noted in their preface,
possible for the idle and speculative like like it or not. There is a multitude of books on this book is meant for medical students. I find
myself to argue with their conclusions. The the subject, so how is this one diVerent? This that this has been maintained with regard to
range of the work is vast: from heart disease is the first in the “Harnessing health infor- the manner in which diVerent subjects have
risk factors and asthma prevalence, to the mation series”, and summarises how evi- been handled with easy to understand
prevalence of enuresis and food intolerance. dence based care has evolved into main- language and diagrams. I continue to find the
It may come as no surprise that the last has a stream NHS policy. It does appear to achieve first chapter, “The ill child”, the most
strong inverse relation with level of educa- what the series purports to do, as it harnesses impressive and compelling to read, and
tion, but the adverse impact of food exclusion health information on the subject. The reader would not hesitate to recommend this to
on height certainly surprised me. No doubt is gently guided around the diVerent organi- postgraduate doctors intending to take up a
future generations will dip into this rich data- sations set up to implement evidence based first paediatric post. A similar chapter that
set and pick out many more plums to inform care, and the diVerent policies in each of the needs special mention is that on emotions
both research and practice. We can be grate- countries of the United Kingdom are de- and behaviour, which, in a brief but concise
ful to Rona and Chinn for making it possible. scribed. Many useful resources are high- manner, describes children that we meet
CHARLOTTE WRIGHT lighted, and the reader feels that he or she can daily. It teaches us the importance of careful
Honorary Consultant in Community Child Health make sense of all the jargon in current usage. history taking, including social and family
There is a brief introduction to the practice histories.
of evidence based care, with an overview of The book has been updated in many areas,
Using the Internet in Healthcare. Tyrrell the types of research, including qualitative especially in terms of management, in
S. (Pp 168, paperback; £17.95.) RadcliVe research, and their advantages and disadvan- keeping with an evidence based approach.
Medical Press, 1999. ISBN 1 85775 366 6 tages for answering diVerent sorts of ques- The addition of the British Thoracic Society
MedLine: a Guide to EVective tions. The book does not set out to duplicate guidelines on the management of chronic
Searching. Katcher BS. (Pp 148, the many “How to...” books, but, rather, asthma is commendable. However, I cannot
points the reader in the right direction. There understand why the importance of the peak
paperback; $29.) Ashbury Press. ISBN 01 flow meter has been downplayed, unlike the
is a useful chapter on information sources on
96734 450 6 the Internet, and a comprehensive chapter on previous edition which also featured a graph
guidelines, describing most of the arguments of normal PEFR values related to height.
Good, I thought, as these books dropped for and against. Again, the reader is continu- On the whole, Essential paediatrics can be
through the letterbox. ally pointed in the direction of other useful described as user friendly, with numerous
The day before I’d been party to a family information, without it being duplicated in relevant line drawings and important infor-
receiving an antenatal diagnosis of gastro- this book. Patient information is covered in mation in the margin and in highlighted
schisis, and the father had commented on another chapter, and this is interesting and boxes. Interesting and useful x rays have also
“looking it up on the Internet”. I wanted to thought provoking reading. Audit, and where been included in this edition.
learn more about the condition myself, and it fits into the system, is also included. Finally, Yet why does one get the feeling that this
reckoned I’d follow the man’s example. clinical quality and clinical governance are may not be the first choice textbook for many
Using the Internet in Healthcare sounded an brought into the picture, and it all makes medical students? One reason, I would think,
ideal title; disappointingly it wasn’t. It’s a sense. is the limited number of colour photographs
book about the basics of the Internet, which Ruth Roberts is a nurse, and she empha- compared with some other books on the
isn’t bad, but is presented better in other sises the importance of multidisciplinary market. Another reason, I would suggest, is
books (for example, Internet for dummies). working. This is an easy book to digest, mak- the lack of adequate definitions of some of the
It’s “medical” legitimacy comes from a ing common sense of what sometimes seems common disorders—for example, coeliac dis-
good summary of NHSnet and a crumb of a complex system. It gives a “warts and all” ease and ulcerative colitis.
information about healthcare searches on the description of evidence based care. The Despite some drawbacks, I find that Essen-
Web. (Embarrassingly, it was MedLine: a guide reader is not put oV, but, rather, is left with tial paediatrics is invaluable and have no
to eVective searching that contained the nicest the feeling, “I can do this”. qualms about recommending it to medical
www resources.) This will be a useful resource for managers, students as essential reading.
MedLine: a guide to eVective searching was nurses, doctors, and clinical quality coordina-
also a let down. It’s beautifully written, starts tors. It will be useful for senior staV with a MINI MARGARET NELSON
StaV Paediatrician
with a lovely summary of the history of good understanding of the health service and
MedLine, but annoys with drawn out expla- its current requirements, as well as being a
nations of Boolean logic and historical access good starting point for more junior staV who Eating disorders: a parents’ guide.
systems. In explaining PubMed, it doesn’t are trying to make sense of white paper Bryant-Waugh R, Lask B. (Pp 222,
even mention the excellent “Clinical queries” recommendations, and the national organisa- paperback; £7.99.) London: Penguin. ISBN
search page (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed/ tions set up to implement those recommen-
0 14026 371 3
clinical.html), based on the work of Brian dations. It can be read in a couple of hours,
Haynes and colleagues. and will no doubt become pre-interview Their children’s eating disorders pose serious
For clinicians, there are better summaries reading for would be consultants and special- problems for parents. They may seek profes-
of framing questions and eVective database ist registrars. sional help, but services in the United
searching in Sackett’s book.1 For researchers, Kingdom are fragmented and under devel-
there are better databases for citation search- North Middlesex Hospital oped; therefore, any book that is designed
ing than MedLine. specifically for parents must be welcome.
My own searches found a wonderful My clinical experience is that parents
paediatric patient information site (http:// Essential paediatrics. Edited by Hull D, appear bemused and shocked by the realisa-
www.birthdefects.org/MAIN.HTM), a site Johnston DI. (Pp 400, paperback; £24.95.) tion that their daughter or son has an eating
telling the story of a young lad with Churchill Livingstone, 1999. ISBN 0 44305 problem. They are often confused and may
gastroschisis (http://www.geocities.com/ 958 6 be angry or in denial. Parents may turn to the
Heartland/Flats/1558/), and an excellent popular press, in which articles are some-
study of outcome (using the PubMed/Haynes After coming to this country some years ago, times sensible, sometimes sensationalist, wor-
filters). I wonder how the father of our latest I decided to take up paediatrics. I remember rying, or misleading. High profile cases, such
presurgical patient fared... asking a senior colleague for advice regarding as those of Princess Diana or Lena Zavaroni
any textbook that would give me an introduc- tend to dominate.
Paediatric Senior House OYcer tion to the subject. She gave me a choice, but The authors have obviously recognised the
recommended that Essential paediatrics, then lack of sensible self help and advice for
in its third edition, would make easy reading. parents of younger children and adolescents.
1 Sackett D. Evidence-based medicine. 2nd edition. I must say I found this sound advice. Of This book, therefore, is timely and fills an
1999. course, as a postgraduate, one had to progress important gap. A lot of the information is
92 Letters, Book reviews

derived from their previous book, Eating dis- knowledge of paediatrics, and others appear produced in this way there are strengths and
orders in early adolescents (Psychology Press to be aimed at the experienced paediatrician. weaknesses, with a bias towards specific
1999). In spite of this, there is a reasonable and logi- topics of interest.

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.83.1.87e on 1 July 2000. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.com/ on 10 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
One of the main premises of the authors is cal flow to the text, and many extremely use- The book starts with a short introduction
that parents are the best people to help their ful tables and diagrams. Key learning points by Frederick Andermann, followed by several
child, and they set about informing them how and common errors are highlighted in most chapters on cortical development and animal
to be in a better position to do so. There are chapters, and constitute a list of useful tips models. These early chapters are not easy
seven main chapters, which cover subjects based on the considerable collective experi- reading but persistence is rewarded by infor-
such as “What are eating disorders?”, ence of the authors. This sort of approach is mation of direct clinical relevance from the
“Causes”, “What to do”, “General principles as close to bedside teaching that you can get dry basic scientific details—for example, I
of treatment”, and “Collaboration with pro- in a textbook, and will be appreciated by learnt that work with animal models has
fessionals”. There are case vignettes, outlines trainees in particular. shown that pathological changes continue for
of overall care, therapeutic treatments, and a Areas that stand out include the manage- years after the initial insult, explaining the
very sensible dietary plan. A glossary of the ment of fluid and nutritional problems, toxi- delay in the development of clinical epilepsy.
terms commonly used in the treatment of cological and metabolic emergencies, and the Furthermore, the progressive maturation of
eating disorders is provided. diagnostic investigation of children with the neurotransmitter pathways could explain
It is diYcult to judge at what level to set a cardiac and neuromuscular problems. It is why neonatal encephalopathies are often
book like this. There is a danger of being always diYcult to do justice to non-clinical catastrophic, and why children can grow out
either too complicated or simplistic and pat- topics like the ethical and psychosocial of their epileptic tendency, even with lesional
ronising. This book is probably set correctly, aspects of critical care, but, at least by includ- epilepsy.
but the text is a little heavy, and with only ing them, the emphasis on the whole patient The later chapters on electroclinical imag-
seven figures, mostly graphs, can appear a lit- remains intact. Due attention is given to non- ing, neuropathological studies, genetics, and
tle dense. At 222 pages, it is not too long and accidental injury and the challenges of trans- surgery are more relevant for the clinician. In
can be read in sections, which is helpful for porting patients, the latter reflecting modern, this section, several of the authors emphasise
parents going through a particular stage of increasingly centralised paediatric intensive the error of using the term “neuronal migra-
treatment or assessment. Naturally enough, care. tion disorders” for all dysplasias, when the
the book concentrates upon the treatment In a subspecialty defined by rapid interven- disturbance can be of neuronal proliferation
plans the authors have used with good eVect tion and practical procedures, it is especially or organisation and not always an arrest of
at Great Ormond Street Hospital. diYcult to strike the appropriate balance neuronal migration. Of particular interest to
Overall, I can recommend the sympathetic between background detail and clinical prac- me were the chapters on neuroradiology of
and caring approach taken by the authors, tice. On the whole, this book accomplishes malformations, neuronal migration disorders
which will reassure parents. this very well. It is not a comprehensive and epilepsy in infancy, schizencephaly: clini-
ANDREW JAMES reference text for tertiary care paediatric cal and genetic findings, and periventricular
Warneford Hospital intensivists, but covers first line treatment to nodular heterotopia, especially the genetic
optimise the transition from emergency implications of recognising these various
patient to PICU patient. Until recently, this malformations. I also enjoyed Guerrini’s
Immediate care of the critically ill child.
was mainly undertaken by specialist registrars excellent chapter on the development of poly-
By Macnab AJ, Macrae D, Henning R. (Pp and consultant anaesthetists, but, in the microgyria. As in his other publications, he
660, paperback; £45.) Edinburgh: Churchill United Kingdom at least, the next generation points out that polymicrogyria is the only
Livingstone, 1999. ISBN 0 443 05394 4 of consultant paediatricians will increasingly cortical developmental abnormality which
be called upon to manage critically ill can produce ESES with eventual spontane-
Few would disagree that in the past two dec- children in those crucial first hours. That ous remission, and when this pathology is
ades, world leaders in the relatively young group, however reluctantly, will particularly identified on neuroimaging, surgery should
specialty of paediatric intensive care have benefit from this useful text. be avoided. This leads us to the two chapters
emerged in Australia, Canada, and the
on the problems of resective surgery in focal
United Kingdom. It is a welcome pleasure, ALISON SHEFLER
Consultant in Paediatric Intensive Care developmental abnormalities and epilepsy;
therefore, that the exceptional talents of many
the first by the Montreal group and the
of the individuals working in these centres
second outlining the Italian/French experi-
have been brought together to create a much
Abnormal cortical development and ence. Both emphasise the specific diYculties
needed practical text encompassing the prin-
epilepsy: from basic to clinical science. of deciding the demarcation of surgical resec-
ciples and practice of caring for critically ill
Edited by Spreafico R, Avanzini G, tion in these patients. I was particularly inter-
and injured children.
Andermann F. (Pp 324, hardback; £39) ested in the approach of Munari et al to two
The major strength of this book is that it
London: John Libbey, 1999. ISBN 0 86916 step surgery, reoperating with more invasive
takes into account one of the most important
aspects of paediatric critical care, namely that electrocorticography if the seizures do not
579 5
the initial management of these children stop with lesionectemy alone. While acknowl-
takes place in a wide diversity of settings. For In his chapter in this book entitled “Neuronal edging that cortical dysplasias can be intrinsi-
many children ultimately admitted to a migration disorder and epilepsy in infancy”, cally epileptogenic, Munari et al state that, in
paediatric intensive care unit (PICU), the Vigevano emphasises that brain malforma- practice, the epileptogenic zone is often wider
first few hours of care may have the most sig- tions represent a causal factor in 3–4% of all than the MRI limits of the lesion, suggesting
nificant impact on their clinical course and epilepsies, although this percentage increases either that the adjacent cortex is also
outcome. This book targets the practitioners to 18–20% in drug resistant epilepsies. With epileptogenic or that microscopic pathology
most likely to be involved in these situations, every new generation of MRI scanner, more extends further than that seen on MRI
and provides key information and a problem and more patients with epilepsy are recog- images.
based approach that is diYcult to achieve in nised to have a cortical developmental abnor- The book is a useful addition to the litera-
standard texts. mality, and the aetiological significance of ture on cortical dysplasias. It does not aim to
Like most multidisciplinary texts, the bulk these to the development of epilepsy has be a comprehensive review of the topic and
of the book is divided into systems, and by opened up exciting new fields in the under- the reader would need considerable prior
and large system disease and failure are standing of the pathophysiology of epilepsy knowledge of the subject to find the book
addressed separately. This distinction doesn’t and its treatment. This book is a compilation useful.
always work, and the inevitable repetition and of papers presented at a meeting on epilep-
need for cross referencing can be distracting. togenic cortical developmental abnormali- ZENOBIA ZAIWALLA
Some sections seem to assume no prior ties, organised by the editors. As with books Consultant Paediatric Neurophysiologist

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