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India-Geographical Features and their impact on History. * A country’s geography determines its historical events and Indian histor influenced by its geography. So study of Indian geographical features wil contribute to better understanding of Indian history. * India may be divided into 3 major regions : * Himalayan mountains. + Indo Gangetic plains. * Southern peninsula, * Himalayan Mountains * Considered that they acted as barriers against invasion but * Passes in North-west mountains like Khyber, Bolan, Kurram and Gomal provided easy routes between India and Central Asia. * Continuous flow of traffic from pre-historic times. Both invaders and immigrants * Indo-Aryans, Greeks, Parthians, Sakas, Kushanas, Hunas and Turks. * ‘Swat Valley another important route in this region. Alexander came to India through this route. is also India-Geographical Features and their impact on History. * Even missionaries and merchants came using this route. * Facilitated trade + cultural contacts b|w India-and Central Asia * Karakoram highway via Gilgit connected to Central Asia but there is little communication. * East of Himalayas — North East — Heavy rains — thick forests to cross — relative isolation. inhospitable — difficult * Indo Gangetic Plain * Irrigated by 3 rivers ~ Indus, Ganga, Brahmaputra + IGP contributed to rise of urban centers on river banks or at confluence + Harappan culture flourished in Indus valley, * Vedic culture along Gangetic valley. Other imp cities - Benares, Allahabad, Agra, Pataliputra and Delhi * Pataliputra - confluence of Son and Ganges. India~-Geographical Features and their impact on History. * Pataliputra ~ capital of Mauryas, Sungas, Guptas and other kingdoms. * Most important city on western side of Gangetic plain is Delhi + most decisive battles like Kurukshetra, Tarain and-Panipat fought here: This place a source of attraction for invaders for its fertility and productive wealth. Imp powers fought for the possession of these plains and valleys, especially Ganga-Yamuna doab region proved to be most contested area * Rivers were arteries of commerce and communication as roads were difficult to build in ancient times. * Southern peninsula * Vindya and Satpura along with Narmada and Tapti dividing line b| w N & S India * South of Vindhyas ~ Deccan Plateau(DP) ~ volcanic rocks easier to cut so we can find number of rock-cut monasteries and temples in Deccan * OP flanked by Eastern and western ghats. India-Geographical Features and their impact on History. fn’ * Coramandal coast — b|w E Ghats and Bay of Bengal. * Konkan upto Goa beyond it Kanara, southern most is Malabar Coast - b|w W Ghats and Arabian Sea. * Passes in WG like Junnar, Kanheri and Karle linked to trade routes to western ports. * Dense forests in Vindhyas — isolated south from north — so language and culture preserved for long time. * Palghat pass — passage across ghats from kaveri valley to Malabr coast — acted as imp trade route for Indo-Romans in ancient times. * Region b|w Krishna and Tungabhadra (Raichur doab) has been bone of contention b|w major kingdoms of south. * Kaveri delta — seat of Chola power ~ rich in tradition, art and culture. * Long coastline — so people took to maritime activities — mariners travelled to - Java, Sumatra, Burma and Cambodia

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