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A project of Volunteers in Asia

' by: David J. Luebbers

Published by:
David J. Luebbers
78 South Jackson
Denver, CO 80209 USA
~ Paper copies are $10. There are eight books in
this series of bibliographies, averaging more than
100 pages with over 1000 entries in each book.
Available from:
David J. Luebbers
78 South Jackson
Denver, CO 80209 USA
Reproduced by permission of David J. Luebbers.

Reproduction of this microfiche document in any

form is subject to the same restrictions as those
of the original document.
FEB 1977
David J. Luebbers
Feb. 1977

Book No.4

IX Card No, 7!%64”7?897

MARC-S, ISSN 0098&30

Library of Congress 27514. Catalog Number


Copyright C0 David J. Luebbers 1977

All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproducted in any form without the
permission of the author. This book .
is a product of Colorado, USA,
printed by SiPers Printing
Ca. in Denver during
February, 1977.

This year's bike bibliography contains 1,102 refer-

ences from around the world. Of special note to practic-
ing cyclists is Section III that lists 104 Current Mail
Order Catalogs. Of pnrticular use to bikeway engineers,
safety officials and teachers is Section V that holds 175
bikeway studies, accident reports, local tour gu:des, bike
laws and instructional items. While 299 journal articles
give broad exposure to medical, transportation, history,
legal, and industrial topics in Section II, the reader
may be equally surprised to see 125 miscellaneous foreign
documents, conference proceedings, dissertations, and
reports of professional societies in Section VI.
This new compilation of bike literature was made
possible by additions and suggestions received from
around the world, Special thanks to William Henry Stokes,
Asst. Prof., Graduate School of Librarianship, Univ. of
Denver, for his continued enthusiasm and criticism. Pre-
vious manuscripts were critiqued by Judy Houk, Library
Reports & Research Service, Westminster, CO. Richard
Presby, JHK & ASSOC., San Francisco, provided bikeway and
safety literature from his extensive library files. Pro-
fessional staffs at many public and private libraries
helped the compiler gain effective use of their collec-
tions, including those at the University of Missouri at
Columbia, University of Colorado at Boulder, Auraria
Library at Denver, and the Denver Public Library. Thank
you all!
A special thanks to the editors of Library Journal,
Bicycling! Mapazine, Civil Engineering and many others who
continue to promote this bibliographic series through
their journals,
A very special thanks to Denver artist Eileen
Bloustein for her cover illustration.
For an exciting new edition, see Book No. 5, page ii.
paw 1

Other Books in thi.sSeries . , . ii

Preface . . . . I . . . . l . . 1
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . 3
Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

I Books . . . . . l . . . . . . . . . . 5

II Periodicals . . . . l . . . . . . . . 13

111 Catalogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

IV Federal Documents . . . . . . . . . . 49

V State & Local Ibcuments . . . l I 1 . 54

VI Miscellaneous . . . . . . . I I I * 71

VII Newspapers . . . . . . . lI. . . . . 84

A. Chicago Tribune . . . . . . l e 84
B. Christian Science Monitor ... 85
c. Los Angeles Times ....... 86
D. New York Times ......... 87
E. New Orleans Times-Picayune ... 90
F, The Times (London) ....... 92
G. Wall Street Journal ...... 98
H, Washington Post ........ 98

Index .I,.............,.. 102

Notes . . . . . . . . . ..~ . . . . . . . 106

page 2
AYH American Youth Hostels, Inc,
Bd Board
Bel. Belgium
BIA Bicycle Institute of A
BMA Bicycle Manufacturers Assn. o
BNB "British National Bibliogsaph
Br. Britain
CBD Central Business District
Corn. committee
Comm. Commission
CPSC U.S. Consumer Product Safety C
CTC Cyclists Touring Club
diag diagram
DOT Dept. of Transportation
GB Great Britain
w-a graph
HR House Report [U.S. Congress
LA Los Angeles
LAT "Los Angeles Times':newspaper
LC Library of Congress, located in the "'Nat'1
available for sale from Leisure
ti47Irwin, PO Box 4111, San Raf
LTE ietrer to7the Editor
mts. mountains
Neth, The Netherlands
New Orleans, Louisiana
EIS Na'l Technical Information Service
NYC New York City, New York
:h photograph
, 8 1
pho I , v
Rep U,S, Representative in the Congress
SAE send a stamped, self-addressed,business-size
Sen U.S. Senator in the Congre:
ST. Sundav Times [London]
STM, S_undav Times Maeazine [London)
tab table
tabs tables
TdF Tour de France
TES The Times [London] Educational Supplement
TofB Tour of Britain [the Milk Race]
vol volume
W located in "Whitaker's"
America: History and Life
Applied Science & Technology Index
Art Index
Australian National Bibliography
Australian Public Affairs Information Service
Bibliographic Index
Biological Abstracts
Biole~ical & Agricultural Index
BioResearch Index
Books in Print
British Humanities Index
British Books in Print
British National Bibliography
British Technology Index
Business Periodicals Index
California State Publications
Canadian Books in Print
Catholic Periodical & Literatrwe Index
Consumers Index to Product Evaluation & Information
Cumulative Book Index
Current Index to Journals in Education
Current Literature in Traffic & Transportation
Dissertation Abstracts Internationl. A & B Sections.
Education Index
Engineering Index
Environment Abstracts
Forthcoming Books
Government Publications [Great Britain
Government Report.
Guide to Indian Periodical Literature
HRIS Abstracts
Humanities Index
Index to Current Urban Documents
Index to Legal Periodicals
Index to US Government Periodicals
Library Literature
Michigan Bocuments
Monthly Catalo of United States Govesnment Publications
Monthly Checklist of State Publications
National Union Catalog [US. Library of Congress]
Paperbound Books in Print
Popular Periodical Index
Public Affairs Information Service. Bulletin,
Public Affairs Information Service. Foreign Language Ind.
Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature
Social Sciences Citation Index
Social Sciences Index
State Education Journal Index
Transportation Research Abstracts
United Nations Documents Index
Whitaker's Cumulative Book List
World Meetings Information Center. Current Programs.
page 4
BOOKS BY PERSONAL AUTHOR contains new tour guides, repair
manuals, racing texts, bike histories and popular guides
to biking. If you have trouble obtaining a particular
book, ask your local book dealer or librarian for help.
klsa, Leisure Marketing, 647 Irwin, PO Box 4111, San
Rafael, CAL 94103, sells bike books as shown
abbrev. Other abbrev. i~di~a~~ ehe ~~~e~~~~
books: LC (Lib, of Con
(Whitaker's), etc. For
ate Index, Warning:
out notice.

ADAMS, Raymond


AVIS, Frederick C,
Cvclists~ Dietionarv F, c. Avis,
London SE4. 1373? kps, illus, 1
Br, BIP,
How to Choose G Use a Bicycle. G.T. Foulis &
Sparksford, Yeovil, Somerset, ENC. Naps, n lus
215 pages. X3.25. Originally publl as "Richard%
Bicycle Book" by Pan Books of London in 1975 for
X1.25, and by Random House in 1974 for $2.95. G-4)

BARANET, Nancy Neiman

A.S, Barnes
6lia index 1
Yos;loff Lid,
WC24 OHR for X3.75. W

A la Pointe des Pelotonsr Oca6a face 3 Merckx.
Presses Pocket, Paris, FRANCE. 1974. 315 pages,
5.00 Franc, The Tour de France challenge Luis Oca&
and Eddy Merckx. LC (5-6)
page 6

instead of Cars, T le Smith (Maurice), Ltd. 37 Gt.
Russell St, London WClB 3PP. 1974. Maps, figs, refs
256 pages. f3.50. A textbook that argues for the
need of new concepts in people transit in urban area:
bikes are part of solution. Also titled "Without
Wheels: Alternatives to the Private Car." EC (6-l)

BENNETT, Margaret
Pen name for June iemann and Bar ara Toohey. W-2)

BIERMANN,June, and Barbara Toohey for.GrownuDs. Dood, M&ad & Co, 79 Madison Ave
NYC 10016. 1976. Illus, appe
249 pages. $6.95 hardcover.

La Bicvclette. Edition de L'Ho e, 955 me Amherst,
?lontrealS4Qu;bec,CANADA.H2L 3 1974. Illus, 231
pages. "CollectionS A translation of
"The Pedal&'; handbook" published by Nash Pub. of
Los Angeles, CAL in 1972. C (6-4)
W.H. Allen & Co Ltd,
'l!us, index, 216
ike industry from

BOYER, Richard G,
do Publishing, Fayetteville,GA.
:7 31 pages. n of bike
riding safety suiti3d to young children. LC wfd

BRIETJES,S,, and W. J. Dean

PcdcTstrianRevolution: Streets Without Cars. Tandon!
201 E. 5oti, XYC 10022. 1974. Illus, maps,
52 pages. Design ideas for urban areas are given
that encourage walking and biking, (6-7)
World Pubns,
PO Box 366, Mountain View, CAL 94042,' June 1977.
$2.95 pa. A tour of Scotland by bike. St%?
BICYCLINGI, Jan 1977, p. 42. P 643)

Bike Racers, Longman Group Ltd, 74 Grosvenor St,
London WlX OAS. 1974. Illus, 104 pages. E0.28.
For schools. W (6-9)

Mes Grands du Cvclisme. Editions Lemgac, 51ll rue
Durocher, OUTREMOUNT, Montreal, CANADA PQ-H2V-3X7.
1974. Iilus, 174 pages. "Collection Education Phys-
ique et Loisers." Biographical sketches of the Tour
de France, Tour de St. Laurent, Olyn!pics,and the
great competitive cyclists. LC, C (7-U
CHAPATTE, Robert, and Francois Terbeen
Alor Chapatte, Raconte..: Propos. Calmann-L&y, 3
rue Auber F75009, Paris, FRANCE. 1975. Illus, 215
pages. 35.00 Franc. "L'Heuro du Sport." Radio & TV
coverage of French bike races told. LC (7-2)
Le Tsur de France. Blackie, Bishopbriggs,
G64 2NZ SCOTLAND. 1974. Maps, illus, 33 pages.
$0.70. "BibliothGque de travail." Adapted from book-
let published by L'Institut Coopgratif de L'Ecole
Modem of Cannes in 1961. BNB (7-3)
DOUGHTERY. Dick, and Herman Auch
Route-'76 Journal. Public Service Dept, Gannett Ro-
chest ~ -'-wspapers,55 Exchange St, Rochester, NY k61?r
1976, TLls; maps. $0.75, Newspaper re-prints that
desCri& the authors' Bikentennial '76 tour acro~, K&
along with touring tips, BMA
Sant& et Joie de Uivre oar la Bicvclette, Lidec
Edition, 1083 Ave Van Home, Montreal, 154 Quebec,
CANADA. 1975. Illus, 72 pages, Description of the
Tour L'Monde; perhaps a condensed version, C (7-5)
DURAND, Jacques
Vive le V610. EiiitionsStock, 6 rue Casimir-Delavigne
F 75, Paris 6, FRANCE. 1974. Illus, biblio, 137
pages. 20.00 Franc. History, sport, biking. LC(7-6)
EWERS, William
Sincere's Bicycle Service Manual. Sincere Press, Box
17599, Tuscan, AR12 85731. 19/6. Illus, 154 pages,
$6.95 pa, Repair manual with section on bike safety
6.history. Improved version of 1970 edition. C1(7-7)
FARNEY, Michael H.
New England Over the Handlebars: A Cyclist's Guide.
Little, Brown & Co, 34 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02106.
1975. Illus, 28 maps, 174 pages. $4.95 pa. Guide
to 38 tours east of New York that take a few hours or
4 days; description of each tour, facilities, mileage
and difficulty. I, LC U-8)
EfZective. Custom Cycle Fitments, 782 Allen
Court, Palo Alto, CAL 94303. 1975? Graphs & tables
are included in this 200 page mimeographed instruc-
tional how-to manual. $8.00. How-to get thru city
traffic snfely , to eviewed in BICYCLING! March
1976. U3-1)

Cycling Traffic Enaineerinp Handbook. S e address,

1976. Textbook for college classes in affic engin-
eering that Forester uses to help urban planners/eng-
ineers understand bicycle traffic & facilities. $12'
to bicyclists, .OO to everybody else, Reviewed in
BICYCLING! Feb 1977. (8-2)
GEORGE, Barbara (editor)
Bicycle Racing: Reorints from Velo-news. Velo-news,
140 Elliot St, Brattleboro, VT 05301. 1975'16Illus,
96 pages, $2.00 pa. Articles appearing in Velo-News
(1972-4) provide coverage of tactics, personalities,
various races, training, techniques & biographical
sketches. Reviewed in BICYCLING Ott 1976. (8-3)
c-ill. LESPIE,
David Craig, and others.
Bicycles to Beaches. McGraw-Will Ryerson, 330 Pro-
gress Ave, Scarbou h, 707 Ontario, CANADA. 1973.
Tllus, 117 pages, f
-4.75 pa, student's edition, $4.50
Teacher's edition. "Studing Our Surroundings,"
A textbook for school children contains one chapter
on bicycles. LC, C BIP See 23-10. (B-4)
Bicycles: All About Them. Penguin Books, 625 Madison
Ave, NYC 10022. 1976. Illus, 34 pages, $1,50 pa.
"Puffin series." Children's book is also available
from Kestrel Books of London for X1.70, etc.BNB (8-5)

GRIFFITH, Jane, and Edwin Mullen

Short Bike Rides in Connecticut. Pequot Press,
Chester, CONN. 1976, Illus, maps, 71 pages, $2.95,
Tours in Connecticut described. LC 03-6)

HARRIS, Reg, and Gregory H. Bowden

Two Wheels to the Top. W.H. Allen & Co Ltd, 44 Hill
St, London WlX 8L8. 1976. Illus, index, 218 pages.
s4.50. Autobiograph of a great British racer. d(8-7)
HAWTHORN, Margaret, Elizabeth Hawthorn, & James Mafchir
American Youth Hostels' Bike/Hike Book. Stackpole
Books, Cameron & Kelker Str, Harrisburg, PA 17105.
1976. Maps, illus, index, 128 pages. Published in
cooperation with Metropolitan New York Council of the
American Youth Hostel. Camping, cycling, etc.LC(8-8)
The-HunffrvPedalers Cock Book. Leisure Marketing,
647 Irwin, San Rafael CAL 94901? 1975? 3.99 oa.
Recipes suited to bike tourists in search‘of delicious
experie:lcesalong the route: and cycling tips. (9-I)

HUNTER, Edmund
Story of the Bicvcle. Ladybird Books Ltd, PO Box
:gjgBeechesRd, Loughborough, Leicestershire LEll 2NQ
Illus, 53 pages, "A Ladybird Achiev
No. i6" Suited to public schools: historic


Everything Cycling. Kennedy Bras, Silsden, ENG. 1975?
Sources to British bikes, accessories, clothing, data,
and references. Sold by && for $2.95. (9-4)
KNIGHT, Frank T,
Co Lad, 9Q Ron-
76, Plbus,
tips, racing, accessories, (9-5)
C&ale Touring in Eurone, Constable & Co, Ltd, lo-12
OriangeSt, London WC2H 7EG. 1975 c3.00. CBL (9-6)
See McPhee Gribble, 8-5, (9-7)
LEHRMAN, Steve, and John Allis
The Bicycle Book. Athenew ?ubs, 122 E. 42nd, WC
10017. May 1977, no details at this time. FB (9-8)
Far the 5 books on bicycle bibliographies,see pageiii.
They cover the period 1950-1976 with 4,000 cntr&-s(9-9)
McCULLAGH, Charles C., and Nancy Neiman Baranet
American Bicvcle Racing. Rodale Press Inc. 33 E.Minor
St, Emmaus, PA 18049. 1976. $3.95 pa. See BICYCLING
for an excerpt, Dee 1976, p 36. FB (9-10)
It's Easy to Fix YoursBike. Follett Pub Co, 1010 W.
Washington Blvd, Chicago, Ill 60607. 1976, Illus,
refs, 127 pages. $3.95. This is the 4th edition of
McFarlane's maintenance/repair manual. LC (9-11)
MOllN,Peter B,
Crestwood 0LJse Tnc, 515 .N*
A, MINN 5600 1975. $4.95, 3
Camping & touring subjects?

0LI.T che1 Leullict

aalion, Paris, I-

, raiscellanza.
BLNEY, Ross Robert
oubleday & Co,
1973 Illus

PACNOUD, Georges
Lr:Livre d,or de Poulidor. Racul Solal-,Central de
Dif-fusiondes Editions, 8 rue Garancisre, F75006 Paris
I.‘KANCE.109 pages. 26.75 Franc. "Sports 2005."
Biol:raphicalsketch of famed racer Ra and poulidor,
LC (104)

R~rnard Thfvenet; bike racing histcry~'France. (10-S)

Ch,ampionon Two Wheels. Robert Hale Ltd, 63 Old
Brnm ton Rd, Lcndcn SW7, 1975. Illus, 187 pages.
$3001 0 Biographical expose by noted British racer,
Hugh Porter. LC, CBI (10-6)
PRUDEN, Donald
Around-town Cycling. World Publications, Box 366,
Mountain View, CA 94042. 1975. Illus, 109 pages.
$2.50 pa. Shopping tips, maintenance, urban biking,
and much more are provided here. LC, CIB, P (10-7)

Bisvcler's Guide to Hawaii. Petraglyph Press, 211

Kinoole St, Hilo, Hawaii 96720. Tour guide with maps
to the islands, FB. $3.25 pa. (10-S)
King of the Road: An Illustrated History of Cycling.
Wildwood House Ltd, 29 King St, London WC2E 8JD, 1975
Illus, biblio, index, 192 pages. ~2.95. Also pub.
by Ten Speed Press, Box 4310, Berkeley, CAL 94704 for
$12.95 hard, $7.95 pa. A social history, well illus;
especially good on British topics. LC,BNB,CBI (10-9)
Reviewed in BICYCLING! May 1976.
ROBB, Loren
Bikes. Whitcoulls, Ltd, 3 Addle Hill, Carter Lane,
London EC4V 5BB. Illus, 189 pages, g3.10. 1975(1@yI)
The Invention of Bicvcles & Motorcvcles. Usborne Pubn
Ltd, 20 Garrick St, London WC2E 9BJ. 1975. Illus,
48 pageso 6:1.50. ”The Muse of Discovery.”B (11-1)

Park Ave S, NYC

ren’s lit.F(ll-3)
. TQuchstane Pr,
aps, 112

vers~~e book cm raci

that is'Windmill Press, Surrey,

SIMES, Jack, and Barbara George

WinninE Bicvcle Racinq, HI Regneq Co, C~i~a~~, 111.
1976. Illus, index, 195 pages, Paperback, LC (11-6)
Racer1 The Cycling Ganae. Trall Assocs, 320 State Hiwy
No. 17, Mahwah, NJ OmO. 1975. Illus, 32 pages.
Road & sprint racing described for children. LC(ll-7)

Sutherland's Handbook for Bicycle Mechanics,
Sutherland Pubns, Box 9061, Berkeley CAL 94709. 1976.
Improved version of 1974 edition. $10.95 pa, R~;4e;d
in BICYCLING! Jan 1977.

TERBEEN, Francois
Thevenet. Calmann-L&y, 3 rue Auber, F75009, Paris,
FRANCE. 1975, Illus, 125 pages. 36.00 Franc.
"Medaille d'or," The story of Bernard Thevenet and
the Tour de France. LC (11-9)
How to Win Bicvcle Motocross, H.P. Books, PO Box 506@
Kino Station, Tucson, AR12 85703. 1975. Illus, 144
pages, $4,95 pa, This racing manual includes a
section on how-to make your own track. F, BTP (11-10)
paCc 12
, Mark
Bit-qclcDigest. Follett Pub. Co, 1,10 \(.Washington
Blvd, Chicago, 111 606 1973. IlkUS, 287 pages.
$5.95 pa. "Digest Books series." LC (12-l)
TOBEY, Peter W (editor)

06840. 1:375. Illus, refs., 192.pages, $4.95 pa.

Improved edition of 1972 version. CI (12-2)
WOLFE, Frederick L.

Cvcle Racing & Touring;,Pelham Books, Ltd, 52 Bedford
Sq, Land;; :klB 3EF 1976. Xllus, map, index, 133
pagesI l . w, (12-4)

New Books whose Authors are not yet known:

er ccl, 120 N. Main,
2.98. "Three-M Home
- - ~;~Yc2x& Ra;$y;cNally & Co, PO Box 7600, Chicago,
Illus, $1.95 pa. "How it Works &
How To Fi; It seiies." FB (12-6)
- - Consumer Guide: Bicycle Test Reports, Publications
i;;;jrnational,Consumer Guide, Skokie, Ill. Summer
Illus, 130 pages. $1.95 pa, Product evalua-
tion'and comments on bike for adults & children are
presented along with prices & addresses. CI (12-7)
e - Complete Guide to the Bicycle, Petersen Pub, 8490
Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CAL 90069. 1975.
Revised 1972 "Buyers' Guide"? CBI
- - Cvclinq. Bri.;i;gBo;: Centre, 153 E, 78th, NYC 10021.
Nov 1976. . . (12-9)
- - Cycle Racing. British Book Centre, 153 E. 78th, NYC
10021. Nov 1976. $2.50. ?Same as Cycle Racinq
"Know the Game” series by Educational Group? (li-10)

NOTE: This section of books by personal authors contains
74 books.


Doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, scientists and

racers have written the following 299 articles that show
a remarkably diverse interest in some aspect of cycling.
They provide us with a mounting supply of data about
bicycling and its role in human activity. Please note
that:exclusively bike-oriented agazines are not indexed.

Gl-msh, Biswa N, Bicycle-operated PTO unit for small
farms, vol 57, no, 7, p 42, July 1976.
Various pedal-poKered devices are useful on farms,
including winnower-thresher, churn, grinder. (13-1)
Kleiner, Beth C, and John D. Spengler, Carbon monoxide
exposure of Boston bicvclists, vol 26, p 147-9,&b '76.
CO levels are not dangerous in Boston; tabs. (13-2)

Carson, Dorothy Hill, and Ruth A. Sweek,
from Circle to Valdez, VO’I. 42, p 16-19,
Log of a 1931 bike trip from Yukon River to Valdez
by 3 female teachers told: 5000miles! 3 photos(l3-3)
Burkholder, Sally & Jim, Bicycling in Alaska: Eauip-
and suggested routes, vol.42, p 38-40, 82, 84 & 86,
April 1976.
Side tours by ferry in so.Alaska provide spice to 4
major bike tours; 6 photos, map. (13-4)
Siple, June, Bikecentennial, vol 82, p 24-7, 61-3,
Feb 1976.
28 Nat'1 Forests and Farks along the route from Port-
land, OR to Virginia coast offer facilities to bike
tourists during the Bicentennial year; map, 9 photos.
Bilgore, Ellen, Ultimate bicycle, vol 79, p 81,May '76.
Excellent bike equipment is reviewed. (13-6)
Kroll, Bonnie, & Robert Sommer, Bicyclists' response
to urban bikeways, vol 42, p 41-51, Jan 1976. (13-7)
c Summary of nat'l survey: 5 photos, 3 diag, 7 tables.
page 13
Bicycling, vol 4, 1, Feb 1973.
-23 bike books & journals are evaluated. (14-l)
* vol 7, p 22-24, 68,
Touring, maintenance tips, books, uying tips, many
illustrations, thoughts on travel, etc. given.(14-2)
Iiapoport,David, avid Mayes, The bike articl~i4-3)
vol.63, p 90, Feb 1974.
Eckman, Paul B. George Perlstein. Paul H Altrocchi.
, vol 32, no 2;
MDs take a look at wrist & lbrswnerve injuries
caused by compression during long bike rides. (14-4)
Fletcher, Marvin E, , vol 16,
no 3, p 219-232, A
In 1896-3, the 25th Pnf. Ree, stationed at Ft. Mis-
soula, Montana, tested bikes in rough terrain...a
trip to St. Louis, Yellowstone, etc: 2 maps, 4 photo
Benien, Bette, Bike-psych, vol 78, p 28-9, Sep 1975.
Elementary school teacher says drawing a bike is
good experience for youngsters; 3 drawings, (14-6)
George, Cvclcwav planning, p 49-57, Feb 19760
Bikeways in Canberra, the capital city, told. (14-i')
Smith, David F, Bikewavs for Australian cities, vol 46
no 2, p 69-74, June 1974. (14-8)
Motocross, new type bicycle puts Huffman Mfg: in high
pear, vol 56, p 28-9, August 23, 1976.
Despite poor nat'l sales, Huffman takes the lead
with 30% of US market while imports decline. (14-9)
Chuck Steward writes the 'Bicycle Co1
month, but other contributors provide new ideas,too.
Steward, Chuck, Bicycle R: Take the right eouip-
ment-, vol 65, p 16, 3
How-to guide, with camping check list4 photo. (15-2)
Steward, Chuck, Planning a one-dav bike trip, vol 65,
p 6, Feb 1975. photo included. (15-3)
Flanders, Dave, lunknown) , vol 65, p 22-23, March.75.
Stcenblik, Jan W, (unknown), vol 65, p 54-55, March ‘75,
Steward, Chuck, Shopping for a lOwsDeed, vol 65, p ll-
13, April 1975. Shopping tips: 4 photos. (15-6)
Steward, Chuck, (unk), vol 65, p 16, May 1975. (15-7)
Steward, Chuck, Biking food, vol 65, p 14, June 1975.
How-to cook & plan proper diet for biking, (15-8)
Steward, Chuck, Hela with Your cycling merit badge,
vo? 65, p 8, July 1975 (15-9)
How-to use the Boy Sco;t cycling pamphlet; tips,
Steward, Chuck, Your personal bicycle shop, vol 65,
p 16, August 1915
Equipment descripiion & how-to use them given.(lS-10)
Steward, Chuck, A bicycle helmet: Do YOU need one?,
vol 65, p 16, September 1975. (15-11)
Helmets are recommended; general use told: 2 photos.

Steward, Chuck, (unk), vol 65, p 16, Ott 1975. (15-12)

65, p 10, Nov 1975, (15-13)
Steward, Chuck, (unk), \.lol
Asa, Warren, Lunk), vol 65, p 8, Dee 1975. (15-14)
Steward, Chuck, The weather and safe cycling, vol 66,
p 18-19, Jan 1976. (15-15)
How-to handle various weather conditions told.

Gray, Robert, Monterev bike hike, vol 66, p 26-7, Jan

1976. Spanish missions, coastal area & cypress
trees are enjoyed by Boy Scout troop in Cal. (15-16)
Steward, Chuck, Cub Scouts auestions, vol 66, p 12-13,
Feb 1976. Bike questions are answered. (15-17)

Asa, Warren, (unk), vol 66, p 18, March 1976. (15-18)

page 16

BOY'S LIFE (cont'd)

Steward, Chuck, Bicentennial bikinq, vol 66, p 10-11,
April 1976,
Bikecentennial '76 trans.American tour described;
how-to plan your own tour. (16-1)
See and be seen, vol 66, p 44-45, April 1976. (16-2)
Steward, Chuck, Questions Scouts ask, vol 66, p 10-11,
May 1976, Answers given. (16-3)
Steward, Chuck, Basic tire nroblems and repair, vol 66
p 60-1, June 1976.
How-to'guide for repair/maintenance: 8 photos.(l6-4)
Steward, Chuck, Lock it - don't lose it, vol 66, p 16-
17, July 1976. Guide to locks & security; ph(16-5)
Steward, Chuck, Touring secrets, vol 66, p 18, Aug '76.
Helpful tips given. (16-6)
Steward, Chuck, Three-speed bicycles, 1~0166, p 20,
October 1976, Repair & maintenance: diagram.(l6-7)
Steenblik, Jan W, BikinP the C & 0 Canal Trail, vol 66
p 32-33, Ott 1976.
From Cumberland, MD, to Washington, D.C., a Boy Scout
group enjoys the sights of historic canal: 4 ph(16-8)

Steward, Chuck, Ten-sneed accessories - how important?

66, p 14, Nov 1976.
An evaluation of various types of equipment. (16-9)
Steward, Chuck, Bright bikes for safety, vol 66, p 10,
Dee 1976, Guide to reflectors & lights: 2 pha(16-10)
Steward, Chuck, Get to know your gears, vol 66, p 12-3
Feb 1977, (16-11)
Function & mathematics of bike gearing told: chart,


Craft, A.W, D.A. Shaw, N.E.F. Cartlidge, Bicycle injur-,fn children, vol 4, p 146-7, Ocr 20, 1973.
A st,udyof 40~5accident victims in hospital show
that 'high rise' bikes were common to head in'uries
and fractured bones in children bikers. 3 16-12)
Cutler, Bill, (unk), vol 4, p 34-39, Jan/Feb 1976.
page 17
May, P, and W. MacKee, Feet and nedals...few rights of
of way, vol 1, p 117-118, Sep 1975. (17-1)
Crouch, Wally, The push-bike is booming, p 13, Sep 15,
1973. (17-2)
Hersey, April, Life style: Two wheels are the in
thing, p 36-37, March 1, 1975. (17-3)
Tana, A., Center boosts bicycle technolog.v,vol 19,
no. 10, p 72, 1974. (17-4)
Bus rides for bikes, vol 1, no. 5, p 10-1, Ott 1973.
CALTRANS' San Diego bike/bus hook up helps bikers
put bikes on bus, and leave car at home. (17-5)
Bronikowski, Ray, I almost killed Your child, vol 40,
p 116-119, May 1976.
Motorist asks parents to put reflectors on their
children's bikes so he won't kill them (17-6)
Motorized bikes---they get UD to 200 MPGI, vol 30,
P 21-23, Jan 1976.
Regulation of mopeds in 10 states indicate wide var-
iation of definition; helmets, insurance, etc show
how chaotic those regulations can be: chart,il(l7-7)
Hebbert, R.A., The humble bicycle, vol 21, p 3-6,
Nov 1974.
Editor describes bike frames, lugs, materials engin-
I eering, math model, tyres, gears, etch 4 diag( 17-8)
CHOICE (Chippendale, Australia)
Children's bicycles, vol 14, p 364-9, Dee 1973.
Product evaluation: illus, tables. (17-9)
Two wheels in cities: Bicycles, mopeds, motorbikes,
vol 15, Suppl. p 42-71, June 1974.
Product evaluation; graph, tables, illus. (17-10)
CINEMA PAPERS (Richmond, Australia)
Bertrand, Ina, Francis Birtles: Cyclists, explorer,
Kodaker, p 30-35, Jan 1974. Illus, biblio. (17-11)
page 18
Bri.;;i;;s5Stevenage: Pathway pioneer, vol 45, p 73-74
England,; 'new town, near London demonstrates how
bike, auto & ped traffic can be separated via under-
passes, bridges, 'circles', and result in fewer
accidents for all while improving flow; 2 phot (18-l)

Godfrey Jr, K.A., Netherlands3 No. 1 in bike Dathways

vol 45, D 74-75, Nov 19%
Editor-outlines Holland's bikeway history, popclariIy,
Support & pavement construction: 6 photos, refs,(18-2)
See Federal Documents, see 49-l.


Paving trains put bikeway work in hiah gear, vol 47,
no. 4, p 28-30, April 1973.
Laying asphalt & concrete pavements described; costs,
trends & bikeway studies told; 4 photos. (18-3)
Biking for the Bikcentennial, vol 5, p 2, July 1, 1975.
US gov,t helps make trans-American bike route possi-
ble with special signs & other preparations.
[This is a US HEW document, HE 1.509x5/13.] (18-4)
Toward safer bicycling, vol 38, p 140, Feb 1973.
LTE from Sen. Saltonsall discusses bike safety plans
in Massachusetts; Editor's reply. (18-5)
Smith Jr, Hiram, Bike on the riRht, vol 38, p 360, May
1973, In response to Saltonsall's LTE, cyclists are
riding on the right side of the road in Virginia&6)
Add-on bike seats for children, vol 40, p 421-425,
July 1975. Product evirluationof 24 rear and front
mounted seats: what to laricfor. (18-7)
Bicycle lock sets, vol 40, p 678-683, Nov 1975,
Product evaluation of 86 security devices: 10 hotos.
High-rise bikes, [The 1976 Buying Guide], vol 40,
p 111-119, Dee 1975. Ratings for 9 5-speed, 22 3-
speed, and 17 l-speed bikes presented. (18-9)
lo-speed bikes, vol 41, p 76-85, Feb 1976.
Product evaluation of 51 adult lo-speed bikes: light
weight and racer styles: 6 photos. (18-10)
page 19
Allen, Gene, RatinP auto bike carriers, vol 16, Nov/
Dee 1975, p 29. Product evaluation of bike carriers
mounted on bumpers, trunks & roofs: best buys. (19-1)
lo-speed wheels, vol 15, May/June, 1976, p 12-14.
EvaPuation of 21 men, women & mixed 10-s eed bikes
suited to touring/racing; std.price for F 2 bikes.
Tricycles, vol 58, p '14-17 Nov 1975 (19-3)
Product evaluation of lOtchildren,; trikes; 3 photos.
Tire nressure Pauses, vol 59, p 16-19, Jan 1976.(19-a)
6 high-pressure gauges for bikes evaluated: 4 photos.

Tire pumps, vol 59, p 14-17, March 1976. (19-5)

Few hand pumps are recommended: 10 pumps; 9 photos.
Swann, Dick, Safe child-carriers for bicycles, vol 59
p 17, May 1976. Front-fitting seat or saddle is rec-
ommended, not rear seat: how-to guide; diagram(l9-6)
Browder, Sue, Biking in the city, vol 178, p 136, 140,
246, June 1975. Shopping tips, accessories, what to
wear, safety, parking, woes & weekend tips. (19-7)
Rice, Joe A, Bike lanes - enthusiasm ebbs in Fort Col-
lins, vol 15, p 179, Fall 1973.
Bikeways aren't used as bikers continue use of major
streets; accidents have't been reduced: need for
recognition that bikes are vehicles, says city engin-
eer of Ft. Collins, COLO. (19-8)
Cleckner, Robert M, Bicycles on bandwagon, vol 16,
no, 1, D 70, Summer 1974.
BIA Field Dir. says that-cost benefits of urban bus/
bike/auto network leads one to conclude that bikeways
deserve a piece of the pie; home-to-school bikeways
are more difficult to justify: examples. (19-9)
Temus, Joe, Bicycle regulations, vol 15, no, 3, p 279,
Winter 197/t.
Austin, TX, traf. 6 transp. dir. says new bike rules-
of-the-road and safety must be developed before safe
and tranquil traffic environment can be established,
bikeway ideas given along with some tips. (19-10)
It is no longer indexed here. (19-11)
page 20
DESIGN (London)
Bike movement freewheeling, no. 322, p 19, Ott 1975.
Aerospace pro: Viscount-Trusty Ltd, no. 329, May 1976.
Bike has sealed bearings, It. wt., for ~115; 5 photo
p 52-3. (20-2)
The Spring 1975 issue (vol 6) is devoted to biking.
Bikewav funds PO begging, p 8. Only $24m out of $4Om
US funds for bikeways have been asked for: list.
Ferebee, Ann, Alternatives to the auto, p ll-15.(20-4)

Ferebee, Ann, New urban car, p 16-19. Small electric

cars in Holland shown; 3 diagrams, 2 photos. (20-5)
Vrchota, Janet, Take a bus. US solution: 7 ph. (20-6)
Carpenter, Edward K, Biking in the USA, Review of
bike facilities in Denver, Alameda regional (canal)
system in San Francisco area, Oregon's system: 5 ph.
Bob Summer,s guide to better bikewavs, p 28-29.
Bike facilities in Davis, CAL are analyzed; ph(20-8)
de Graaf, Peter VIM,, p 30-31, CWlists..chiD UDI
That's the slogan of Holland's bikers who are now
being plagued by hordes of new cars: 4 photos. (20-9)
Grotenhuis, Dirk H. ten, Delft's beautiful bikeway,
p 32-35. Medieval Dutch city provides safe bikeway
with bridges, tunnels, traffic signs, parking and
separation from auto/ped traffic: 6 photos. (20-10)
Ferebee, Ann, Europe's best bikes, p 36-37, Prize win-
ning bikes & mopeds reviewed by editor! 6 ph.(20-11) ~
Hosken, Fran P, Pedestrianization, p 40-43. Vienna’s
CBD plan by VictorGruen told: map, 4 photos, (20-12)
More alternatives to the auto, p 45-47. List of films,
books, bikeway studies, magazines & organiza.(20-13) 1
EC0 INFO [Queensland Conservation Council, Toowong, AUST]
Metcalf, Bill, To bicycle or not to bicycle: That is
the question, vol 1, p 16-20, Ott 1973. (20-14)
Pedalling hard, vol 260, p 69, Aug 28, 1976.
Harry Bickerton sells out to TCK Group. (20-15)
page 21
MacLain, Lynton, High tor&ue at low speed on a ulate
with nancake motor, vol 243, p 28-9, A*ug 25, 1975.
New electric motor may provide generator & flywheel
for application to mopdesr graph, diag, 2 phot(21-1)
Starkey, C.V, rs I Cost estimates,
vol 2, p 17- Bike facility.(21-2)
One good wheel deserves another.., vol 3, no* 5, p 2,
Dee 1975. MIT prof Gordon Wilson and student Lee
Laiterman show their new bike designs; 2 photo,(21-3)
Edholm, 0. G., Bicycle Science: ErPonomics & Mechanics
vol 18, no, 6, p 704, 1975. Book review of Frank
Whitt's excellent book. (21-4)
Daniels, E.B., M.M. Zajkowski, & C.G. Drury, Motor
) vol 19,
indicates that skill is very important factor.(21-5)

Kobas, G.V., & C.G. Drury, Bievclists exposure to risk

vol 19, p 389-90, May 19766 Abstract of research
indicates that bikers continue to use major roads
despite high risk, may violate the law; a study of
155 bikers' routes & behavior. (21-6)
Klimt, F, and G.B. Voigt, Studies for the standardiza-

Study of saddle height, crank lenith and cadence

yield concept of best efficiency 6. exercise; tables,
graphs, formula: text in German with English abstract
McKay, G.A., and E.W. Banister, A comparison of maxinxm
oxygen uwtake determination bv bicvcle ergometry at
various Pedaling frequencies and by treadmill run-
nine,at various speeds, vol 35, no 3, p 191-200,1976.
Pedal frequencies of 80 RPM and 100 RPM provide
optimal oxygen uptake in ergometry. (21-8)

page 22
Maas, Peggy, What to look for when YOU buy a bike,
vol 82, p 20+, April 19/3 Shopping tips with
hints on safety, brakes, gears; diagram. (22-l)
Hoyt, Wade, How to Ret 200 miles to the gallon, vol 88
p 30, June 1976. Mopeds; illus. (22-2)
Netherby, Steve, Camping and the Bicentennial," vol 81
p 32-4, 37-8, June 1975. Editor describes his bike
trip thxu historic areas from Boston to NYC to Wash-
ington DC; chart, 7 photos. (22-3)
Wilhelm, Glenda, Biking back to America, vol
81, p 489
50, 52, 55, June 1976. 3000-mi family bike trip to
Washington DC from so.Californiadescribed: tips for
family touring: 5 photos. (22-4)
Monoharov, V.D., and V.A. Antikova, Effect of traininq
Iration in h
p 807-812, 1975.
Higher efficiency of 9xternal respiration was seen
Iized in track racing which
in cyclists who sp@ci,i
helped them reach greater absolute and relative maxi-
mal values of oxygen uptake and carbonic acid gas
excretion1 written in Ukranian with Russian and
English summary. (22-5)
On a bicvcle built for..,most anvone, vol 118, p 23,
Aug 1, 1975. Bike industry growth remains at 8% to
10% per year despite slow down in bike boom;phi22-5)
MacKay, G.M., clist road accidents,
vol 15, w 79
Analysis'of English hike, ped & motorcycle accidents
show that cyclists receive high rate of head and
face injuries; statistics; 5 figs, 2 tabs, (22-7)
Wellemeyer, Marilyn, Peregrinationsof a business
cyclist, vol 93, p 75, 78, 82, 88, 90, June 1976.
Business executives take to cycling; 12 photos.(22-8)
Schildkraut, Midge L, Be sure YOU know these bike safe-
ty rules, vol 182, p 183, March 1975. (22-9)
page 23
How to find the bicycle built for YOU, vol 182, p 220,
h&k June 1975. Shopping tips to bikes & equipmt.
Kenyon, Michael, Two bicycles
p 24-5, 76-80, 82-85, June
nomic expedition thru sights & smells of nw France
doesn't include camping out; seacoast settings to
apple orchards to wine country; 5 recipes. (23-2)
Smith, Mary, SeeinP America on wheels, vol 148, p 92,
167, June 1976. Description of trans-American bike
route from Oregon to Virginia; 2 photos. (23-3)
Kawatski, Jeffery D, and Arlen M. Denk, Hvdro-wneumatic
* drive gives boost to bicycle, vol 29, p 78-9, May.76.
How-to build your own pedal driven pneumatic power
assisted bike system; 1 photo, 1 diagram, (23-4)
Bicycle makers see a better Year ahead, vol 188, p 45,
March 8, 1975. 9m bikes are expected to be sold in
US during 1976, better than 1975 sales; photo,(23-5)
Lesjack, John J, Bicycle drill team, vol 82, p 204-5,
Feb 1973. Elementary school teacher organizes the
Rincon Valley Bicycle Drill Team, Santa Rosa, CAL.
Truesdell, William, and Carol Wicks, Bike ed. for
teachers and kids, vol 86, p 58-9, August 1975.
Road experience followed by actual performance test
is stressed in bike safety: refs, photo, 4 dia.rams.
P 23-7)
Gary, Charlie, Bicycling tiws, vol 86, p 70, Aug‘1976:
Safety tips are provided with the above item. (23-8)
Kane, Thomas R, Fundamental kinematical relationships
for single-track vehicles, vol 17 p 499-504 August
1975. Mathematical model and fokula describe the
kinematical situation of bikes in motion: refs.(23-9)
Engleson, David C, Bicycles to beaches, vol 5, p 20,
Fall 1973, Book review of Gillespie's book that is
suited togrades 4 to 6; see 8-4. (23-10)

page 24


InterdisciDlinarv bike tour, vol 46, p 40-1, Feb 1975.
Ecology, community health, personal health, map
reading, & touring combine to make a great 2 week
tour-class at Catonsville Community College. (24-l)
Osborne, A.E., G.L. Read, & D.R. Wilkie, Bicvcle ergo-
meter with direct readina out of torque. sneed and
power, vol . ? no
Equipment designed t; help with man-power&d aircraft
project; diagram. (24-2)
Palmer, Mildred, Bike Query answered, vol 40, no 6,
p 7, Nov/Dec 11974,also May/June 1974.
Supplier says in LTE in reply to Drach's LTE that
battery-assist-motor can help boost bikes. (24-3)
Drach, Ronald W, Bike Droblem answered, vol 41, no 2,
p 7, 1975. One legged cyclist says 26 inch wheel
tricycle solves his balance problems. (24-4)
Noordzi-j,P.C, Cyclinerin the dark: An analysis of
fatal bicycle accidents in the Netherlands, vol 8,
p 73-m/6,June 19/6,
Statistical survey of Dutch bike accidents in both
urban brrural areas indicates higher risk of fatality
at nite; also rural accidents are more serious.(24-5)
Kennard, J.A, Social History of the Bicycle, vol 2,
no, 1, p 79-81, 1975. Book review of Robert Smith's
history of the early bike movement is US. (24-6)
Clcckner, Robert M, A long look at bicycle safety,
p 12, Ott 1975. Excerpts from presentation at the
annual American Driver & Traffic Safety Educ, ASSOC.
conference, Warrensburg, MO, Aug 1975, (24-7)
Guichen, Donald M.P., S. Terence Myles, Bicycle iniur-
ies: One-year sample in Calvary, vol 15, no. 6,
p 504-506, May 1976. Head injuries are common:
only 20% of bike accidents are with autos; children
are the usual victims: type of bike not noted1 a
Canadian study: 3 graphs, refs. (24-8)
page 24


Interdisciplinarvbike tour, vol 46, p 40-1, Feb 1975.
Ecology, community health, personal health, map
reading, & touring combine to make a great 2 week
tour-class at Catonsville Community College. (24-l)
Osborne, A,E,, G.L. Read, & D.R. Wilkie, Bicycle ergo-
meter with direct readinp out of torque, speed and
power, vol ?49, no 1 p* Proceedings 18-9 July 1975.
Equipment designed t: help with man-powerid aircraft
project; diagram. (24-2)
Palmer, Mildred, Bike query answered, vol 40, no 6,
p 7, Nov/Dec 1974, also May/June 1974.
Supplier says in LTE in reply to Drach's LTE that
battery-assist-motorcan help boost bikes. (24-3)
Drach, Ronald W, Bike nroblem answered, vol 41, no 2,
p 7, 1975. One legged cyclist says 26 inch wheel
tricycle solves his balance problems. (24-4)
Noordzij, P.C, Cycling in the dark: An analysis of
fatal bicycle accidents in the Netherlands, vol 8,
73-s/6,June 19/6,
Statistical survey of Dutch bike accidents in both
urban & rural areas indicates higher risk of fatality
at nite: also rural accidents are more serious.(24-5)
Kennard, J.A, Social History of the Bicycle, vol 2,
no, 1, p 79-81, 1975 Book review of Robert Smith's
history of the early'bike movement fs US. (24-6)
Cleckner, Robert M, A long look at bicycle safety,
p 12, Ott 1975. Excerpts from presentation at the
annual American Driver & Traffic Safety Educ. Assoc.
conference, Warrensburg, MO, Aug 1975, (24-7)
Guichen, Donald M.P., S. Terence Myles, Bicycle iniur-
ies: One-year sample in Calgary, vol 15, no. 6,
p 504-506, May 1976. Head injuries are common:
only 20% of bike accidents are with autos; children
are the usual victims: type of bike not noted; a
Canadian study: 3 graphs, refs. (24-8)
page 25
Wilson, David G, Future of the bicycle - Its problems
and potentialities, vol 8, p 81-88, April 1975.
Development of new bike designs and establishment of
its right-of-way will give bikes a role in urban
transportation; mechanical engineer reviews past &
future designs, their impact & needi 8 diag, 3 photo,,
Backpedalinp transmission shifts bicycle Pears, vol 48
42 July 22 1916. Bowman Instrument Corp of Ft.
23,; shows h& its gear changer works...just back
pedal, no cables: 4 diagrams. (25-2)
Wallis, H.F, Has the age of the bicvcle returned?
~01 44, p 354-6, Dee 1973, Bike use and sales
increase as planners admit that cars plague our
pedestrian society; Davis, CAL, & Stevenage, RNG,
set an example to follow; 2 figs. (25-3)
Maryland DOT bikewavs prove popular, p 10, Feb 1975.
Shoulder bikeways & off-street bike paths are part
of Maryland demonstration projecti photo, (25-4)
Comprehensive orogram is puttina state hi&way system
in improved condition, p 2-4, Aug 1975,
Maryland hiways are receiving extra shoulders to
handle bike traffic! 7 photos. (25-5)
Metz, James R, Pedaling mathematics, vol 68, p 495-8,
Ott 1975, Fill-in-the-blank exercise for students
presented; computing gear ratios to frame size are
covered; grade levels 7 thru 9. (25-6)
Little, Suzanne, Commuter cyclists, vol 103, p 38,
Aug 1976, Some cities are improving their bike
facilities for the local commuter: examples. (25-7)
The new, new bike storv, vol 71, p 20, Ott 1975.
12 short items presented; bike sales, bikeways, hel-
mets, brakes, safety, lights, accidents, etc. (25-8)
Mackerodt, Fred, The mODed'S curious debut, vol 72,
p 52-3, 145-6, 148, May 1976. How will it be class-
ified in USA?; review of its safety, maintenance &
construction; 11 models discussed: 7 photos. (25-9)
page 26
Eckstein, Paul M, Oval bike sprocket makes you strong
vol 72, p 84, May 1916. Elliptical sprocket designed
by engineers & recreationalists may provide greater
pedaling efficiency; 3 photos. (26-l)


Weiser, Philip C, Robert A Kinsman, & David A. Stamper,
Task-specific svmntomatology changes resulting from
solonged submaximal bicycle riding, vol 5, no. 2,
p-79, Summer 1913. Riders with long distance exper-
ience have better uptake/recovery rates that those
without experience; tabs, charts, refs. (26-2)
Pandolf, Kent Bs, Bruce J. Noble, Effect of pedalling
speed and resistence changes on perceived exertion
for eauivalent power outputs on the bicycle eraer
vol 5, no. 2, p 132, Summer 1973. Cyclists may
think they are working harder at higher pedaling
speeds, but probably aren't; refs. (26-3)
Hagberg, J.M., M.D. Giese, & J.P. Mullin, Effect of
different gear ratios on the metabolic resnonses of
competitive cyclists to constant load steady-state
work, vol 7, p 74, Spring, 1975. 7 competitive
cyclists were tested.,.blood, gas, pressure, etc.
Wilmore, Jack H, J.A. Davis, R. O'Brien, P. Vodak, G.
Walder, and E.A. Amsterdam, A comparative investiga-
tion of bicyc1ina.tenni.sand iogRi.naas modes for
altering cardiovascular endurance capacity, vol 7,
no. 1, p 83, Spring 1975, Cycling promoted heart
endurance capacity best in a group of sedentary
middle-aged men during 20 week test. (26-S)
Pollock, Michael L, John Dimmick, Henry S. Miller, Jr,
Zebulon Kendrick, and A. C, Linnerud, TraininR on
cardiovascular function and b
adult men, vol 7, no, 2, p 13
Comparative effect of running, walking & biking on
sedentary middle-aged men determined; tabs, refs,
Shennum, Paul L, and Herbert A. deVries, Effect of
saddle height on oxygen-consumption during bicycle
ergometer work, vol 8, no. 2, p 119-21, Summer 1976.
Suggested saddle height should be 103% to 104% of
leg length, as measured by the authors: refs. (26-7)

page 27
Izard I John, John C. Station Jr, & Michael E. Ross, Of
bicycles and beer: Vertical territorial and customer
restraints from Schwinn to Coors, vol 26, no. 3
p 507-26, Winter 1975. Supreme Court's infihble
decision on Schwinn Bike Co. of 1967 has lead lower
courts into trouble: condemnation of all vertically
imposed territorial & customer restraints is no
longer an absolute; refs. (27-l)
Cycling accident fatalities in the United States,
vol 57, p 2-4, June 1976. With accidents requir-
ing hospital treatment reaching a million a year,
and fatalities rising to 989 per year, it looks like
the young cyclist is usually at fault: tabs, refs.
Zimmerman, Mary A, and John N LaPlante, Developing the
ci;z's bikewav system, vol 26, no 7, p 6-7, April
City engineers describe the Chicago bikeway
systkm, how it was planned, implemented,& problems.
Biking - no exoerience (or sitit) reauired,
no, 7, p 14-15, April 1975. Blind
follow sound of beeper attached to bike in the lead;
invention by Western Electric; 2 photos. (27-4)
MinEb f;i;, Your Auto Club takes YOU biking, p 5-6,
Auto Club of Missouri offers new bike
club: 2 ;hotos. (27-5)
Flat-free bike tires, vol 4, p 16, Aug 1975. BykFil
injected into tires becomes solid, eliminates need
for pump or patches. (27-6)
Wiley, Jack, Girard bicycle comaactor kit, vol 136,
p 60, Nov 1975. A 'collapsible'kit saves space.
Dillon, Jack, Sea-goinp bike, vol 137, p 146, Jan 1976,
Bike provides cheap local transport when in port:
collapsible bike shown: 8 photos. (27-8)
Runte, Alfred, Yosemite Vallev railroad hip,hwavof
history, pathway of promise, vol 48, p 4+, Dee 1974,
Historic review of Yosemite Nat'1 Park: bikes ma
help save it from auto congestion: map, 6 phoc(24;
page 28
Hawkins, Trevor, Pushbike makers are ridinp a boom...
in small-car country, p 26-21, 24 Dee 19/3. (28-l)
Burden, Peter, One night in 1892 the &bike era
ended: Here's to its revival in 1 Jan 1974,
~27, (28-2)
Hawkins, Trevor, John Nicholson: 0nly money will stoD
him bringing home a world cvclinR title, p 38,
25 March 1974. (28-3)
James, Peregrine, Track cvclinar What it needs is a
good nromoter, an indoor track and sDectators, p 44,
12 Aug 19%. (28-4)
James, Peregrine, Cycle race - Six-day marathon, p 54,
21 Ott 1974. (28-5)
Bell, Glennys, Beautiful people are cycling in our
parks: Slowly and elegantly of course, p 8, 13 Jan
1975, (28-6)
to riches, p 42,

p 50, 22 March 1 58-9)
Mandatory bicycle safety regs effective 1 May, vol 3,
p 28, Nov/Dec 1974. CPSC regulations on bikes sold
across US will go into effect May 19751 D207,15t3/6,
Bike, vol 4, p 15, March/April 1975, Case review of
Tke accidents that lead to death of Navy personnel
is a warning to the wise; 207.1%4/2. (28-U)
Smail, David F, Handlebar nalsv, vol 292, no, 6, p 322,
Fcb 6, 1975. Doctor describes what happened to his
hands during long tour...numbness,weakness in hands;
asks if other doctors for advice. (28-12)
Handlebar Daisy vol 292, no, 13, p 702, March 27,
1975" Doctor; Pasuale F. Finelli and Steven C.
Hod,es say conditi.onis well known to cyclists, and
rumL butts may OCXXIPtoo. (28-13)
page 29
More on bicycle neuropathies, vol 292, no. 23, p 1245,
June 5, 1975. Two LTE: Keith M Gardner suggests
cyclists keep less than l/3 of his weight on the
handlebars: refs. Drs. Melvin Stem, Henry Golembe-
sky and Jory Goodman say they know the problem and
want more investigation. (29-l)
Bendixson, Terence, Bikes on move, vol 36, no 712,
p 477, 1976. (29-2)
Hertzel, Leo J, Of bicycles & buses & other moving
things, vol 258, no. 3 p l/-29, Fall 19/3
Case study of Wisconsi: Highway situation ieads
author to support mass transit & bikes as solution
to auto dominated society: 7 photos. (29-3)
Rodale, Robert, Power from the people, vol 23, p 43-52
May 1976. Human-powered devices in Fornacjsa,
and Philippines shown; water pump, bike freight,
trolley & agri-devices; 7 photos. (29-4)
Wilson, David Gordon, Putting the lens to work, vol 23,
p 53-55, May 1976. Pedal powered devices are far
more effective than arm powered devices: phoco(29-5)
Burgel, Jim, Bread for the table, vol 23, p 55-57, May
1976. Pedal powered grinder and butter chum are
useful around the home: 2 photos. (29-6)
Davidson, Joel, and Sherri Davidson, Pedal-powered
grain mill, vol 23, p 57-58, May 1976.
Stationary bike serves as flour mill; photo. (29-7)
Brr?nch, Diana, Cvclinp toward energy efficiency ~0123
p 59-63, May 1976, Multi-purpose 'Energy C$cle'
has a countertop, pulleys & gearings to help out in
the home: 2 photos, 1 diagram. (29-8)
Ruttle, Jack, Using pedal power in the harvest kitchen
vol 23, p 100-3, Ott 1976. Bike mechanism can be
adapted to power kitchen sheller,
grinder, ice cream chum, etc; 4 photos. (29-9)
Oui's ultimate bicycle, vol 4, p 78-79, August 1975.
page 30
OUTDOOR RECREATION ACTION (US Bur. of Outdoor Recreation)
BMA and Bikecentennial '76, no, 39, p 18-19, Spring'76.
1976 should be the 4th biggest bike sale year in US
history: tour group seeks leaders; photo. (30-l)
Monroe County, Florida, no. 39, p 26, Spring 1976.
More bike trails will be created. (30-2)
Philadelphia Bike Coalition, no. 39, p 29, Sprin 1976
Bridges and crossings may be used by cyclists.P30-3)
166.17rno. 39.
Bicentennial programs, no. 40, p 10, Summer, 1976.
BMA celebrates 20th annual 'Bike Month,' and 100th
anniversary of American bike use, (30-4)
Bicentennial actions, no. 40, p 31-2, Summer 1976.
US Forest Service adopts Bikecentennial '76 as its
Bicentennial program, implementing bike trails in 25
nat'l forests: trans-American trail open: 2 ph(30-5)
World Bicycle Week, no. 41, p 12-13, Fall 1976.
UN will sponsor its 2nd annual bike week that will
demonstrate bike applications to urban & transport
situations around the world: photo. 166.17tno. 41.
PARADE (Melbourne)
Oppennan, Sir Hubert Ferdinand, Oppy: Peerless pedaler
no. 283, p 18-19, June 1974. (30-7)
Cleckner, Robert, New switch for old railroads, vol 8,
p 20+, Feb 1973, BIA Field Dir. surveys problems
of creating bike/hike trails on top of abandoned
railroad beds: examples given, (30-8)
Bicycle trail to guide cvclists across country, vol 11,
p 2, May 1976. Bikecentennial */6 route from sea
to sea may attract summer tourists: photo. (30-9)
Felton, Bill, Loop lives on, vol 11, p 18-21+,Ott 1976.
Milwaukee County's peripheral bikeway ties parks,
rivers, scenery, lake, etc. together as it follows
power lines, hiways, etc; map, 2 photos. (30-10)
Scott, Robert B, They may be speed kings, but Sheila
Young & Jim Ochowicz are spinning their wheels mari-
tally, vol 5, p 81-83, May 10, 1976.
Sheila is an Olympic champ in skating & cycling, and
thev nlan to be married after Montreal '76:5uh(30-11)
page 31
Zollman, Dean, and George Athey, Variations on the bi-
cycle generator, vol 14, p 61-2, Jan 1976.
Pedaler turns on switch to various light bulbs that
demand greater output from him as he pedals the
stationary bike; fig, 2 photos. (31-1)
Stepp, Richard, The bicycle lab, vol 14, p 439-40, Ott
Experiments with bike help students understand the
reality of gravity, torque, gear ratios and the nec-
essary force to climb a hill: 2 diagramsl1976.(31-2)
PLANNING SA (Adelaide, Australia)
Tregenza, Joh,Cycling in Adelaide, no. 35, p 15-16,
Sep/Oct 1973. (31-3)

cle program: A learning experi-

Little, Willard, Bicyl
ence, vol 19, p 202-3,-Spring 1975.
Hospital teacher discusses the training of retarded
children, (31-4)
Walsh, David E, Don't all bicycles talk? vol 42, no. 6
p 53, 1975. Innovative 'talking' bike gives in-
structions at school assemblies: 4 photos. (31-5)

Cleckner, Robert M, Lonp,hard look at bicycle safety,

BMA official says bikes aren't toys, and should be
treated as vehicles on the road with strict enforce-
ment of traffic laws; public instruction needed.
vol 43, no. 6, p 58, June 1976(31-6)
Homstein, Daniel, 'E-pluribus-unum' Bicycle traffic
safety education in New Jersey, vol 43, no. 9, p 38,
40, Sep 1976. New Jersey bike safety expert cells
how his state reduces bike accidents via state-wide
plan: educational materials, film, school programs,
AAA help, etci photo (31-7)

Fitchenbaum, Matthew, Strobe flasher for night cycling
vol 10, p 68-70, Ott 1976. How-to build strobe
light using xenon flash tube; circuit & parts are
described; diagram. (31-8)
Eugene A. Sloane, author of "The New Complete Book of
Bicycling," writes the monthly "Bicycle Shop" column
that appears in PM. It is not indexed here. (31-9)

page 32
Hartford, Bill, Moneds: Pedal home if you run out of
pas! vol 146, p 56-8, Aug 1976. Summary of current
mopeds: prices, models, sources given; 16 phot(32-1)

Lindsley, E.F., Bike power from taped cones, vol 208,

p 76, Feb 1976. Battery operated front-wheel drive
moped permits reaz-wheel pedaling: photo. (32-2)
Burden, Dan, Celebrate '76 on the coast-to-coast bicy-
cle route, vol 208, p 104-5, 136, March 1976.
Dir, of Bikecentennial '76 describes the various
tours, attractions & procedure; map, 6 photos.(32-3)

Stepler, Richard L, mraulic bike brakes - faster

safer stopning? vol 208, p 32, May 1976.
Sears now offers front/rear brakes activated by one
lever brake handle: 2 photos. (32-4)
Stepler, Richard L, Slide-mount carrier - new bike-pack
sys tern, vol 208, p 42, June 1916, Eclipse
' oft;;s5>
convenient new rear carrier; 3 photos,

Stepler, Richard L, Bike sailing - a windy

Eort for cyclists, vol 209, p 122, Aug 1976.
Danner Bike Co's new sail for bikes is demonstrated;
fairly stable; 3 photos, 4 diagrams, (32-6)
Hydraulic brake stops bicycle quickly, safely, vol 46,
P 12, Sep 1975. Front & rear brakes can stop a 15
rq&,3i9t lb. rider in 9 to 14 feet: 1 diag, photo.
- . (32-7)
Effects of the energy uiisis on hie;hwaydesi&G, vol 105
p 51-2, Dee 1974. Bikeways, car pooling, reduced
street lights 6 signing, etc, discussed; photo(32-8)
Turturici, A.R., An evaluation of speed-curtailing
bumps, vol 106, no. 8, p 73-6, Aug 1975.
While various bumps in the road may slow some motor
vehicles occasionally, these man-made 'barriers' may
be hazardous to bicyclists: fig, 5 photos. (32-9)
Watkins, C., Influence of vehicle safety regulations
on quality assurance, vol 37, p 251-2, Ott 1973.
page 33
George, Jean, Bicycles built for fun, vol 108, p 168-
70, 72, March 1976. Sweeping view of bike popular-
ity in America, from family touring to bikeways,
Granger, V., ,Le stationnement des deux-rouses legers,
p 76-78, Nov 1975. Parking facilities for light
two-wheeled vehicles discussed; English summary;
ilius, diagram. (33-2)
ROAD ALERT (Port Holme, Australia)
Bicyclists ...and the potential dangers, vol 7, p 6-7,
Summer 1975. (33-3)
Moulton, Alex, The Moulton bicycle, vol 46, p 217-34,
The designer of small-wheeled collapsible
urban bike describes his famous invention and its
history: gives test results; 7 photos, 2 diag, 8 gra.
Carefree cycling on Cairfree Tares, vol 27, p 16-18,
no. 1, 1974. Tires of Raleigh Industries reviewed,
RYDGE,S CCEM (Sydney) [Construction, Civil Engineering,

Town planners report shows increasing need for cycle-

ways, vol 8, p 8, Dee 1, 1975, (33-6)
Bicycling in Canada - State of the Art - and the Law!
Part 2, p 1-3 (33-7
-- p l-3: :::~;~;;;6. (33-81
SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Columbia, Missouri)
Davenport, Irvin W, Missouri bicycle safety program,
vol 62, p 36-7+,April 1976.
Pilot project at Poplar Bluff, MO, requires community
involvement as well as in-school planning: testing,
films, bike safety packet, etc told. (33-9)

Hammond, Allen L, Conservation of eneraY: the poten-

tial for more efficient use, vol 178, p 1079-81,
Dee 8, 1972, Energy efficiency of the bike is
compared with walking, train, bus, car & plane:
table. (33-10)
page 34

SCIENCE (cont'd)
Hirst, Eric, and John C. Moyers, Efficiency of energy
use in the United States.,vol 179, p 1299-1304,
March 30, 1973. While mass transit systems are
more than twice as energy efficient as autos, biking
and walking are an order of magnitude more efficient.
Lincoln, G.A., econservation,
Ener vol 180, p 155-62,
April 13, 1973. OEP Dir. challenges science and
technology to change pattern of energy consumption
in US; bike paths & sidewalks, too; 4 charts. (34-2)
Teresi, Dick, Engineering a better bike, vol 80, p 49-
59, Aug 1976. New products and procedures include
frames of titanium, aluminum & graphite; new brakes,
automatic transmission; a trial road test of these
products told; 6 photos, 6 illus. (34-3)
Pruden, Donald J, Collision nrobabilitv and bicycle
safety, vol 43, p 40-1, Jan 1976. Statistical
probability model discussed: be visible, be predict-
able, be defensive, be aware of traffic: diag.(34-4)
Wilson, S.S., Bicycle technology vol 228, p 81-91,
March 1973. Engineering proiessor presents bike
history (12 photos) with emphasis on the significance
of its application to other industrial uses. He
reviews the Stumey-Archer Hub (6 diagrams) and the
efficiency of bike transportation as compared to
other modes. A major article. (34-5)
Bikeway design urovides new challenge for cities, vol
66, p 693-5, Nov 1973. (34-6)
Illich, Ivan, Recycling the world, p 10-16, Nov/Dec
1973. Expose on man's dependence on mechanical
transportation systems; more equity can be gained by
bicycling; perceptive look at the whole affair;2 pho.
Hake, Janet, Bikecentennialt For bicycles only vol 30
no, 8, p 21-5, Aug 1975 Review of US bike siene in
anticipation of trans-Aierican bike tour; 3 ph(34-8)
Machines of war, vol 30, no 8, p 24-25, Aug 1975.
Role of bikes in war told; 2 ph. D101.12v30no.8 (-9)
page 35
Gilbert, Bil, Road to independence, vol 44, p 50, 53-4
March 1, 1976. Bikecentennial '76 trans-American
route project described: where to stay, costs, add-
resses, registration, etc; map. (35-l)
Corey, Edward, Cycling cards, vol 44, p 44-49, June 14
1976. 15 delightful post cards of spurious origins
are p.resented. (35-2)
Verschoth, Anita, Almost all in the family, vol 44,
p 60, June 28, 1976. Sheila Young's brother and
fiance are on the US Olympic team: a run down on
the team, (35-3)
Campbell, Jule, In the wake of the bike boom, an acces-
sory avalance, vol 43, p 48-51, July 5, 1976.
Hartley Alley and other suppliers of bike clothing,
bags, equipment are interviewed; market is varied &
booming as tourists take to the road; 7 photos(35-4)
Levin, Dan, Tea for two-wheelers, vol 45, p 44-45,
Aug 23, 1976 Red Zinger classic in Boulder, CCL0
is sponsored'in part by Celestial Seasonings: John
Howard is win; 3 races: 2 photos. (35-5)
Matthews, Christopher, She was the
. Young of old, ~07.45
p 57-58, Sep 20, 1976. Sheila Young takes t;;;k6)
race in Monteroni, Italy; photo.


Xercavins, Pierre, and Klaus Ostenfeld, Structul-es for
the Olympic complex in Montreal 1976 with emphasis m
the design of the Velodrome and Swimming Centre shell
structures, vol 54, p 329-39, Sep 1976.
Pre-stressed concrete shulls of the velodrome and
swimming center at 1976 Olympics are analyzed by two
engineers; 15 diagrams, I4 photos, refs. (35-7)
Saace savinp in the &ars, vol 150, p 70, Jan 1973,
How-to build vertical bike storage into your garage;
2 photos. (35-8)
Palm Sgrinas biking gets better, vol 156, p 16, Jan '76.
15-mile route thru palm lined streets, golf areas & -
cityscapes described: 1 map. (35-9)
Bikecentennial? It's sign up time, vol 156, p 58,
March 1976. Trans-American bike tour includes
various shorter/regional tours; registration; costs
and addresses given; photo. (35-10)
page 36

SUNSET (cont'd)
Connery, Sam, and Peter Jensen, Biking the California
coast, vol 156, p 66, 69-70, 72, April 1976.(Part I)
Tour guide to seacoast & beach fronts from Santa
Barbara to San Diego; map source; day-by-day sched-
ule; where to stay; map, 5 photos. (36-l)
Cannery, Sam, and Peter Jensen, BikinP the California
coast, vol 156, p 65, 68,70, 72, May 1976. (Part II)
Tour guide to the hilly, curvy and challenging coast
between San Francisco to Santa Barbara; 600 mile
tour altogether: map, 3 photos. (36-2)
HUW cities are diverting cars, slowing traffic, putting
pedestrians back on the street, vol 156, p 120, 123,
127, May 1976. Traffic circles, diagonal divert-
ers, medians, bulbs and blockades along various resi-
dentail routes help re-establish pedestrian & bike
domination of the area; 5 photos, 5 diagrams. (36-3)

BikinP adventure in Holland, vol 157, p 40, 42, July

1976, The countryside is flat, rentals are easy,
and the bike paths good; 5 photos; addresses. (36-4)
Where to see San Francisco's big 4th? vol 157, p 62-63
July 1976. From Golden Gate Bridge to Aquatic
Park, a great part of the Bay frontage is open to
bikers & pedestrians: the Promenade; map, 5 ph(36-5)
SURVEYOR (England)
Muller, M., Give way to pedal power, vol 146, p 10-12,
Aug 22, 1975, Friends of the Earth's report
"Give Way" discussed; illus. (36-6)
Rolt, L.T.C., BicvclinR, a History, vol 14, 1,644, Ott
Review of Fred Alderson'sxk, 1973.(36-7)
Freewheelers, vol 108, p 65, July 5, 1975.
From Oregon to Virginia, bikers will pedal across US
to celebrate the Bikecentennial ‘76; route will go
around large cities, but aim for parks & history:
map, 2 photos. (36-8)
“u;;& J-M.1 Child cycling, vol 44, p 323-325, June
. (36-9)

page 37
Alexander, Robert, Pros and cons of bike lane striping
~01 45, p 18-19, June 1975. Striping disadvantages
include: lack of width in street, no protection,
conflicts at intersections & turning movements, etc.
2 photos, 2 diag. (37-l)
Theisen, Robert D, Program for safer cvclomuting, vol
45, p 30-31, July 1975. Seattle, WASH, has 380mi
bike routes that contain special signing, ramps,sep-
aration and turning movement procedures not seen
elsewhere; yellow/green striping: 3 ph, 2 maps(37-2)
Allen, C.D., and L.B. Walsh, A bumpy road ahead? vol
45, p 11-14, Ott 1975. Speed bumps may not cut
motor vehicular speed, but may create new hazards
for cyclists: 4 figs, ref. See 32-9. (37-3)

Everett, Michael D, Suoporting a bikewav oolicy in the

L&i, vol 46, p 10, 48 May 1916. LTE: Prof. argues
against anti-bikeway'movement; photo. (37-4)
Mensink, Thomas G, Mode of travel to secondary schools
vol 15, p 82-85, June 1973. A student trip survey
shows that the greater the distance, the less likely
students will walk or bike to school: 6 gra, 5 tabs.
Mogridge, M.C, Transportation planning in Nairobi, vol
16, p 40-46, Jan 1975, Survey of 4,000 households
in the Kenya capital show considerable bike/ped trip
taking; bike/ped/bus trip data suited to 1985 master
plan; 12 tabs, 2 maps, refs, (37-6)
Trevelyan, Peter, Bicvcle planninp in Sweden, vrll17,
p 75-6, Feb 1976. Sweden is moving away from
shared roadway concept, and towards separation of
motor traffic and bike/ped/moped traffic; plaslsat
Stockholm and V%ter&s sre discussed; 2 ph, refs,
Nosker, James, Trv fuel-free RVinP...bikes, vol 36,
p 88-9, 144, 146, 149-30, July 1976. Needs of rec-
reational vehicle owners discussed: tips. (37-8)
[ASCE. Proceedings,]

Ray, G.K., Lokken, E.C., and R.G. Packard, Sli form

pavers prove their versatility, vol 101, +6,
Nov 1975, Concrete paving equipment and tech-
niques can be applied to bikeway, curb and gutter
construction as well as conventionlprojects. (37-9)
page 38
Munn, Harold C, Bicvcle and traffic, p 753-62, Nov 1975
Because bike traffic can not be separated from auto
traffic in all situations, greater attention should
be given to integrating them: need for education,
enforcement and engineering called for; 5 diag(38-1)

Zuhair Abou-Loghd, Arun Chatterjee, and Kumares C.

Sinha, Bicycle accidents in the city of Milwaukee,
p 347-362, May 1976. Study of 294 bike accidents
in 1971-2 shows that youngsters are usually the vic-
tim; need for traffic signs & crossings suggested;
laws should be obeyed by bikers; public education &
law enforcement suggested: 18 tabs, 3 grap ref(38-2)
Discussion of 'Bicycle and traffic,' p 602-4, Aug 1976.
Richard C. Feder and Lane Thompson provide pro and
con statements about Munn's article. (38-3)
Fels, Margaret F, Comoarative energy cost of urban
transportation systems, vol 9, p 297-308, Ott 1975.
Cost per passenger mile is figured for auto, bus,
rapid rail, PRT, motorcycle, including the cost of
manufacturing the system; bikin and walking are
used for comparison purposes; l!!tabs, ref, (38-4)
National Cooperative Highway Research Program, [NCHRP]
Design and control of freeway off-ramp terminals,
No. 35, 1976, This 61-page report discusses the
rcLe of bike/ped accolmmodationswithin the inter-
change area; figs, tables, refs. (38-5)
Hibbard, Thomas H, and Fred Miller, Auplications of
benefit-cost analysis: The selection of wnoncon-
structionV projects, No, 490, p 31-39, 1974,
Based on the Oregon situation, authors suggest a new
method of investment analysis applied to bikeway
facilities, safety, shoulder costs, etc. that does
not rely on intuition entirely; 2 figs, tabs, refs.
Demetsky, Michael J, and Michael A, Perfater, Assess-
ment of Pedestrian Attitudes and Behavior in Sub-
urban Environments, No, 540, p 46-55, 1975,
Study results support the idea of combining ped/bike
corridors; capture area for bikes is considered to
be 10 times greater than for pedestrians; tabs(38-7)
page 39
Braun, Richard P, and Richard C. Podolske, Integrating
land use and transportationplanning in rebuilding
city centers1 and examination of Cedar-Riverside in
Minneapolis, NO. 565, p 33.46, 1976.
Extensive bikeway network is planned for the core
area of Minneapolis: 14 figs, photos. (39-l)
No, 570, 1976, provides 10 articles dealing with many
aspects of bicycling. They arer [NTIS PB253787/63(39-2)
Koch, Edward I, Bicycles and legislation, p l-2.
CongressmanKoch, prime mover in bike effects on the
Hill, comments on legislation,need for Fed coordin-
ator in US DOT office. (39-3)
Smith, Daniel T, Jr., Planning and design of bicycle
facilities: Pitfalls and new directions, p 3-8.
Failure of bikeways noted along with solutions:
realistic approach. (39-4)
Theiesen, Robert D, Planninqand des&znia a demonstra-
tion bikewav, p 9-13. Seattle, WASH, uses yellow
and green pavement striping, controversial intessec-
tion right-of-way alignments, etcl map, 7 diag(39-5)

Ohm, Carl E,
need improved safety and convenience to encourage
trip taking; 4 tables. (39-6)
Oppenlander, J.C, and J.H. Corazzini, Development of a
planning process for a fuilctional
and recreational
bicycle planning system, p 19. Summary only. (39-7)
When should a special bike crossing, yield sign or
traffic signal be erected? 3 figs, refso (39-8)
Perry & Susan Hanson, Problems in integrating bicycle
travel into the urba?i?ransoortation Drocess, p 24-
30, Lack of data on bike trips, volume, character,
etc.remains a big problem for planners: data from
Uppsala, Sweden presented, (39-9)
Markve, Kenneth, Discussion, p 29. Uppsala data
questioned as to applicability to US scene. (39-10)

Shaw, Cary S, Citizen participation in bicycle planning

from the public agency's viewpoint: Why,and is it
worth the effort?, p 31-37. Planners don't have
the data on hand, and could get it thou community
involvement; example solutions: 2 tabs, refs(39-11)
page 40
No. 570, 1976. (cont'd) IS 253 787
Kaplan, Jerrold A., A highway safety standard for
bicycle facilities, p 38-44. Fed standards for
bikeways, intersections,signs, etc. are discussed,
and highlighted with 23 photos: the 3 Es are argued.
Danahy, Barbara, The bicvcle comes of ape: Some cities
build bikewav svstems, vol 2, p 10-13, Summer 1976.
Review of bikeway experiences in Washington, DC,
Denver, Seattle, etc; commuter probl 8 and solutions
told; 8 photos, TD1.27rvol 2 (40-2)
Foster, Lee, EikinR in Holland, vol 145, p 38-43, April
1976, Run down on various maps, hostels, bike/
rail service, renting, etc. in The Netherlands:
author tells about his trip; 11 photos. (40-3)
Slop, M,
no. 4,

ci.ti&-by Royai.But icates that

bikeways are still
separation from aut
sheltered parking, etc. are discussed.
Bakker, J.P., and R. Ham,
.Julv1975, Xl-miles of bikcwaw will be added to
so,cWollandnetwork3 3 figs;,2 photos.
Vangurp, P.B, and B.A. Sangar, Tilbur~,era
OK,de Fiats,
vol 26, p 550-6, Nov 1975, 1976 demsnseratlon
project in industrial town includes separate rigkt-
of-way for bikes & mopeds: public transit is encour-
aged; 15 figs, 4 photos. (40-7)
Tholenaar, L.B., and L.B.T. Vanlenaar, Motiva-
tion study on bicycle itinerary choice in Dordrecht,
vnl 26, no. 11, Nov 1915. Survey of bikers and
mopeds-indicates they want separate paths, smooth
surfaces, safety 6 shorter distance to work: tabs.
Heere, E, Fiesten, wie, wanram, wanneer? vol 27, p 256-
259, May 1976, Trip characteristicsare stu
VERKEHR UND TECHNIK (Bielefeld,W. Gemany)
Dabbert, Fritz, Der Radverkerh als Element Integrierter
Verkehrsplanung,p 89-91, March 19%. Comparison
of motorist and his parking probl and riding ti
with the parking & riding time of icyclists. (41-1)
Sakaeva, E.A., and V.V. Efr ov, [trans.
with additional allowances of vitamin E to sportsmen
race cvclists and skiers, vol 27, no 2, p 52-5, 1972.
50 to 300 mg of oily topopheral m
over from vitamin E lood loss an
ante capacity; tab1
WALKABOUT (Chippendale,Australia)
Goodwin, Jacob, and Heinz Stucke,
odyssey, p 34-39, March 1974.
Youcha, Geraldina,

LeLong, Margaret Vaatentine,
-19, 59, July 1975. A
icago to San Francisco in 1890s tell
Amish in Iowa, sod houses in Nebras " beauty of the
old West, etc; excerpts from "Omin
1898r illus.
Galloway, Lynn, ? VOX 2, p 24, 5
July 1975,
of A&z?ricain the rain,
WORLD (National Geographic Hag)
From Alaska to Argentina, Feb 1976.
Dan & Lys Burden, and June & Greg Siple ike tcms
18,272 miles on their Hemistaurt many p tos. (41-8)

300 articles and 139 serials: Tatal.


You may enjoy lookin through mail orde
logs for new ideas and me chandise while dre
that European tour, weekend race or
It may be easier to buy from the lot
order suppliers offer a wider selection. And, there are
a greater variety of suppliers to chose from.
Cyclists of Boulder takes pride in
tested by man
out comment. service an
ignore all inquires. An ocbas icma fer may be in
business to sell catalogs, not mere
In a rapidly than
victim to the Christm
ape, or rising postal rates,
can occur.
able list overnice.
the worth of
items listed,
To overcome these
ahead of time, write le
kttepa copy.
FQ~ additio
bilccshop or ad
When requestin

ADVENTURE BACK. Free catalog t(~a-man bike sent, AP,

656 Front St, El Cajon. 9+ZkGL

ALTRA, INC. Free brochure to roof-

PO Box 3232, Salem, Oregon 973
ANDROMEDA. 25-cent catalog to bike jewelry, A, PO Box
4345, Euclid, Ohio 44132.

F.M. ASSENMACHER. SAE catalog to light weight frames,

repair & enameling. ENA, 104 E. May, Mount Pleasmt
Michigan 48858.
ATLANTIS, Free catalog to weather, survival & safety
gear. A, PO Box 12339, Waitsfield, VT 05673.
page 43

AZUKI BICYCLE COMPANY. Free catalog to Azuki bikes. ABC,

1241 E, Watsoncenter Rd, Carson, CAL 90744.
BACK COUNTRY DESIGNS. SAE brochure to sew-it-yourself
bike gear kits. BCD, Rt 9, Box 327, Concrete, WASH
98237 *

BELLWETHER. Free cat210 to bags and softwear. B, 1161

Mission, San Francisco, CAL 94103.
MAGAZINE and reprints of articles: 1963-73 Technical
Index,50-cents; 1974 Comp'beteIndex, 500centsg 1975
Index, 50-c ts; 1976 Complete Index, 50-
cents. A must for 1 raries and s rious cycl%stsl
BRS, 33 Edgerly Rd, Boston, 02115.
BICYCLING!MAGAZINE. SO-cents for the 12-p
North American Bike Club Directory." BM, PO Box 4450
San Rafael, CAL 94903.
BIG WHEEL LTD. $a*10 for the a-
which contains a
ment & accessorie
BIKECOLOGY BIKE SHOP. $1.00 for their
catalog, more tk

BIKE WAREHOUSE. 359cents for catalog with broad selec-

tion of bike equipment and accessories: send $1.00
to receive the next 4 editions. BW, 6187 W. Blvd.
OH16 44512. 50-cents Etrsframe catalog,


to bicycling BP
outdoor books, BOP, 647 Irwin, San Rafael, CAL 94901
BROOKSTONE CO. Free "Hard-To-Find-Tools"describes a
vast array of shop, garden, kitchen & bike tools;
quarterly b&page catalog. BC, 121 Vase Farm Rd.
Peterborough,NH 03458.
BROWNING, Free catalog to bikes. B, Dept W6i, Morgan,
Utah 84050,
CAMP7, Free catalog to down-filled sleeping baes. Cf,
802 S. Sherman, Longmont, Colorado 8050X.
page 44
CAMP TRAILS. $\.OO for catalog and "How to Travel light@'
booklet; sleeping bags, etc. CT, PO Box 23155,
Phoenix, Arizona 85063.
CANNONDALE CORP. Free catalog to bike bags & accessories.
CC, 35 Pulaski St, Stamford, Connecticut 06902.
St. Petersburg, Florida 33733.
CORREIA'S CYCLING FINERY. Send 24-cent stamp for catalog
to handmade wool garments, CCF, 3590 Hiway 34,
Waldport, Oregon 97394.
CRFATIVE SYSTEMS. 25-cents for booklet on ch ical spray3
against dogs and attackers, CS, PO Box 248, Dewitt,
NY 13214.
CUSTOM SPECIALISTS. Send 26-cent stamp for price list to
custom wheels, CS, 11100 Pangbom, Domey, CAL 90241
CYCLE CITY OF KALAMAZOO, Free catalo to Cqw, Shimam n
Sun Tour, etc. CCK, 1905 W, Main, Kal
Michigan 49007.
CYCLE GWDS CORP. $3.00 for 16O-
ol.ngy"that presents a vide 8
clothing, etc. CGC, 17301 Le
Minnesota 55343 a

THE CYCLIST. Free brochure to Sparrow custom-built

frames . TC, 523 S. Hi Missoula, Montana 59801
CYCLO-PEDIA. 93,OO for 72-page '"QreBc-Pa1i.a"with bikes
to bags, CP, 311 N, ~i~.chell,Cadillac, 14149601.
DON & ,JBHN'SGAME FARM. Free eata'logta safety aran%je
shirts, parkas 6 hats, zindother ouTdoor E%ws liIl&JGM
Box 1319, 995 N, Bluemound, Appleton, Wisconsin 54911
EASTERN MOUNTAIN SPORTS, INC. $1.00 (refundable) for cat-
alog to sleeping bags, packs, parkas, etc, s, Box
1047 Comm. Ave., Boston, MA 02215. 742
EARLY WINTERS, LTD. Free catalog to camping equipment.
EW, 300-AC Queen Anne Ave. N., Seattle, WASH 98109.
ECLIPSE, INC. Free catalog to touring equipment. EI, PO
Box 372, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107.
ERICKSQN CO. $4.00 for 40-page "How to begin a bicycle
repair business" can helpset your records straight,
Send 26,cent stamp for catalog to parts & accessories
EC, 1914 S. 17th, Grand Farks, North Dakota 58201.
page 45
EUR INTERNATIONAL, $2.00 for catalog to clothin
and accessories. EI, PO Box 45, Dayton, Ohio 45405.
EVARDS P & S. Send 3%cent stamp for catalog to gas and
electric booster motors for bikes, folding bikes &
mopeds. EP&S, PO Box 14641, North Palm Beach,
Florida 33408.
FASTAB CYCLES, SAE price list to frames, custom wheel
sets, etc. FC, 2706 S. Glenbrook, Garl , TX 75041
FREEDOM INDUSTRIES. Photos & price list to locks & c
FI, 13930 Stansbury, Detroit, Michigan 48227.
FROSTLINE KI atalo to sew-it-yourself
bike ba ent. FK, Dept C, 452
Burbank, Broomfield, Colorado 80020.
Gc)RMANCYCLE SPECIALISTS. Send 350cents for brochure to
Dura-Ace, tubes, etc "CS, 163 Fairmont Ave. New
Haven, Connecticut 065'13.
Source Book & Ma 1 Order Catalog.~~
Rd, Greenville, outh Carolina 296
DANDOS BICYCLES, $2.00 (refundabl
Campy, Shimano, TA, tools, etc.
Blvd, Van Nuye, CAL 91406,
8.6, HELLETT, Send 39-cents st
extra large bike Pram
Albuquerque,NM 87106.
HINE/SNOWBRIDGE. Free la-page catalog to 18 different
backpacks, also bike packs, HS, 59, Boulder,
M8LLYWOOP ENGINEERING. Free Iirerature to bike rack, HE,
7998 Santa Monica BIVd, QS Angeles, CAL 9
HCLUBAR, Free 649paae cat&lo %a bike bags,
packs, sleeping bags, te 8
1975 3Oth, Boulder, CoIo
HOUSE OF WHEELS. $1.50 catalog to variety 0% saddles,
booties, books, tubes, rims, etc. HOW, 6812 Main,
Williamsville,NT 14221,
JACOBS CORP. "Cool Gear Catalog" presents shirts, seats
etc. JC, 6681 Arapahoe, Boulder, olorado 803
accessories. r-own,Lune
page 46
KANGAROO BAGGS. Free literature to bike packs. KB, Dept
C, 232 E, Guiterrez St, Santa Barbara, CAL 93101.
KETTERING BIKE SHOP INC. $1.00 (refundable) catalog to
shoes, frames, clothing & accessories. KBS, 3120
Wilmington Pike, Dayton, Ohio 45429.
KIRTLAND/TOURPAK. Free catalog to 11 panniers and handle-
bar bags, 12 pages. KT, Box 4059, Boulder, CO 80302
RON KITCHING. see 9-4.
KLEIN, CORP. Free brochure to frame sets. KC, 23 Elm,
Cambridge, MA 01930.
AL KREITLER CUSTOM ROLLERS. SAE price list to custom roll-
ers. AKCR, Box 9812, Kansas City, Missouri 64134.
COLIN LAING, SAE brochure on custom frames, including
tandems. CL, 3454 N. First, Tucson, Arizona 85719,
LICKTON'S CYCLE CITY, 0 (refundable) c to paYdS,
bags, bikes, softw LCC, 310 Lake k Park,
MALIBU CYCLERY. SAE catalog to various
MC, 22524 Pacific Coast Hiway, Mafib
NBAS, 38-42 Everett St, Boston, MA 02135.
NINE PINES WORKSHOP. SAE catalog to Weyless, clothing,
bikes, etc. NPW, Box 122, Jacksonville,NY 14854.
NlSHlEl BICYCLE CO. Free brochure to Nishiki bikes, NBC,
1241 E, Watsoncenter Rd, Carson, CAL 90744.

9 beautifully reprBntA2dcatalogs of the

19th Century1 $2,00 aach. CCN, 68 2 Dorsey Rd,
Baltimore , Maryland 21227.
PRK FOAM PRODUCTS, Free catalog to panniers, backpacks,
tarps, etc. PFP, 390 Pine, Pawtucket, RI 02862.
PALO ALTO BICYCLE SHOP. Free catalog to tires, parts,
bags, etc. PABS, Box 1276, 171 University Ave, Palo
Alto, CAL 94301,
A.T. PATCH CO. Free booklet to custom embroidered emblens
& patohes. ATPC, 822 Bethlehem Rd, Littleton,
PICKERING CYCLES. SAE brochure to hand-built bike frames,
PC, 3260 N. Country Club, Tucson, Arizona 85716.
page 47
PRO BIKE IMPORTS. Free brochure to pro-team clothing im-
ported from Europe. PBI, 10760 Burbank Blvd, North
Hollywood, CAL 91601.
PROTEUS DESIGN. $5.00 for 87-page "Proteus Frame Building
Book" for the novicebike builder. Free 140page cat-
alog to frames & kits, PD, 9225 Baltimore Blvd,
College Park, Maryland 20740.
RECREATION EQUIPMENT INC. Free catalog to 1,600 items,
mostly outdoor equipment, including panniers, parkas,
tents, tarps, bags, etc. RFI, PO Box 22090, Seattle

RELIABLE RACING SUPPLY, Catalog to racin nmbers, tim

equipment, course markers, etc. RRS, 624 Glen St,
Glen Falls, NY 12801.
REYNOLDS TUBE CO. LTD. Free booklet "Top Tubes." RTCL,
Hay Hall Works, Tyseley, Birmingham, GLAND Bll 2BG.
SCHWINN, 250cents to complete 640page catalo of Schwinn
S, 1866 N. Kostn
Chicago, Illinois 60639.
THE SEAT POST, 400cent cata to various bike items.
Or, SAE price list to s es and whee
brakes, cables are a sp alty. SP,
Omaha, Nebraska 68114,
SHERPA SPORTS LTD. Send 25-cents for catalog to Guerciotti
racing frames. SSL, 505 E. Hyman, Aspen, COLO 81611.
SIERRA DESIGNS. Send 50,cents for catalog to wilderness
gear and mountain parkas. SD, Dept 43, 4th & Addison
Berkeley, CAL 94718.
bikes, Italian parts, various other items, SBD, 8 E.
13th, NYC 10003,
TAKARA BICYCLE CO, Free brochure to Takar:ibikes. TBC ,
1537 W. Main, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73106.
TRRRANT CYCLE, Free price list to BMX parts & accessories
TC, PO Box 6664, Ft. Worth, Texas 76115.
TELEDYNE LINAIR. Free brochure to Teledyne Titan frames.
TL, 651 W. Knox, Gardena, CAL 90248,
TEN SPEED DRIVE IMPORTS. $2.00 (refundable)catalog to
I ilnportedframes, Italian parts, etc. TSDI, 224 E.
College, Tallahassee,Florida.
page 48
TENT WORKS. Free brochure to tents. TW, Camden, ME 04843
THE THIRD HAND. $1.00 catalog to tools that also explains
how to use them. TH, 3945 High, Dept A, Eugene, OR.
THREAD-LETTERMONOGRAM CO. Free price list to embroid-
ered emblems. TLMC, Dept 23, 1929 E. 52nd,
Indianapolis,Indiana 46205.
TOURING CYCLISTS MAIL ORDER. Free 20-page catalog to
"Hard To Find Items for Bicycle Touring," including
TC's own panniers & bags, and much more. Ask Hartley
Alley for his select catalog, TC, Box 4009BL,
Boulder, Colorado 80302,
VELOCIPAC. Free brochure to bike and back packs. V,
1971 31st St, Boulder, Colorado 80301.
VELOCIPEDE MAILORDER. Free quarterly catalog to frames,
cools, campy, Var. Sun Tour, etc. VMO, Dept M,
1247 Rainier Ave S., Seattle, WASH 98144.
WACO CYCLERY. SAE catalog to Dura-Ace, hubs, brakes, etc
WC, 2225, LaSalle Ave, Waco, Texas 76706.
WARES. $3.00 book/catalog. W, 2656 N. 76th, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin 53213,
lubricant. WPC, 2533 s, West street, PO Box 1202,
Wichita, Kansas 67201.
WEST END CYCLERY. Send 35-cent stamp for catalog to
Campy items. WEC, Box 8491, 1100 E, Durwood Cres.,
Richmond, Virginia 23229.
WHEELSMITH, Free brochure to bike bags, panniers, tour-
ing equipment, etc. W, 217 Alma, Palo Alto, CAL
WXLSHIRE WEST BICYCLES. Free monthly newsletter of sale
items. WWB, 11841 Wilshire B'lvd,Los Angeles, CAL
WORLD CHAMPION BICYCLES. Send 39"cent stamp for price
list to frames suited to bicyclists 6 feet 2 inches
tall, or taller. WCB, 2122 Coal Place, SE,
Albuquerque,NW 87106,
ZEBRAKENKO. Free brochure to complete bike model.
SurnitomoShoji America, Inc., 345 Park Ave, NYC

Two major efforts have occupied Federal bike efforts in
recent years, bikeways & bike safety. Standardization
of bikeway design and construction is reaching its final
stages nowI Procedures for funding and implementation
are generally establishednow. Efforts to improve bike
safety have been noticeably aimed through the Consumer
Product Safety Commission (CRSC) regulations governing
product standards applying to bikes sold across state
lines. While CPSC regs may be controversial,their goal
is widely applauded. As recreational and commuter bike
facilities expand across USA, the technicians are trying
to document its specific characteristics,

U.S. Congress.
CongressionalRecord [Daily Edition (49-l)
Date Page Topic
1976 Volume 122
Mar 2 HI477 kowski intro 254, a
d suspension P bike
parts; sent to commite
2 H1494 Rep Rostenkowski'sl-la1225 is sent te,
ans Committee,
15 E1264-5 Rep Brown discusses "Bicycles: A Serious
Way to Save Energy:" quotes Dr. Hirst and
Cal. State Energy Res. Cons. & Dev. Comm.
18 El384 Rep Eilberg praises "PhiladelphiaExpanded
Bike Paths" in the parks,
Apr 27 E2147-8 Rep Carney discusses "Mr. Wm. P Petera
of Leavittsburg,OH, intraduc
Cycling Assn~~~ quotes from ww
release that-favors universal bike regis-
tration to combat thievery.
28 S6088-9 Sen Buckley discusses '"GEAR'76 goes to
Syracuse, NY:" quotes Washington Post of
April 28, 1976.
28 S6109 Sen Cranston discusses "Let the Cycle
Reign Supreme", quoting same article as
Sen Buckley,
29 H3691 Rep Ullman reports on HR12254 that now
has amendments. page 49
page 50

Congressional Record. (cont'd)

Date Page Topic

June 22 H6372-3 Reps Ullman, Conable, Gibbons, Mikva,
Gonzales & Kostenkowski discuss "Suspen-
sion on Duty on Certain Bicycle Parts &
Accessories, HR 12254;" want to help
domestic bike industry.
U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Ways & Means.
Susoension of Dutv on Certain Bicvcle Parts and Acces-
sories: Pertaining to Accompany HR 12254
1976. 4-pages. Write Gov't Printing Office in
Washington, D.C., and ask for 94-2gH.RP.1068. (50-2)
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Bicycle Compliance Test Manual, Document No. 502496,
Regulatory Documents, FRN July 1974, Nov 1975, Jan
1976. $5.50, IlO-pages, March 19, 1976.
Written by Kenneth W. Rdinger (Dept of Commerce, Nat1
Bur. of Standards). Test procedures for all the
compliance tests for bikes are shown, described,
defined, or illustrated. Available from NTIS as
PB 251 547/6G. Also available from Gov't Printing
Office as Y3.C76/3:8B47. (50-3)
et No. 10. April 1975. Revised,
ith biblio, Write CPSC for Y3.C76/3811/10
at CPSC, Washington, D.C. 20207. Free? (50-4)
Bicycles, Buy Right, Driye Right. 1975. lo-pages.
Wrire CPSC, Washington, D.C. 20207. (50-5)

mievcles, Trainixx Course No. T34

hn Dee 1975, 769pages, $5,00
A workbook with videotape to help understand the
technical aspects of CPSC's new bike regs, and how a
bike operates. NTIS, PB-250=984/2G (50-6)

Tricvcles. Fact Sheet No. 15. Sep 1974. 2-pages

with biblio. Ask CPSC for a free copy that will
explain the causes of trikeaccidents, and their
solution. Y3.C76/3:11/15. (50-7)
U.S. Dept. of Commerce. National Bureau of Standards.
The CPSC Road Test of Bicvcle Braking Performance Ex-
perimental Evaluation. Final Report. Aug 1975, $4.00
33-pages, CPSC's brake performance criteria is
evaluated & described; road test. NTIS PB248642/1G
Written by Donald E. Marlowe. (50-8)
page 51
U.S. Dept. of Commerce. NBS (cont'd)
The CPSC Road Test of Bicycle Braking Performance -
Kinetic & Error Analyses. Final Report. Ott 1975, '
75-pages, $4.50, by Leonard Mordfin.
Road tests, experimental data, and test procedures
are analyzed for error1 NTIS PB251411/5G (51-1)
A Procedure for Determining Bicycle Braking Perform-
ance. Final Report. Dee 1975, 27-pages, $4.00.
Calculations are given along with sample data collec-
tion sheets; NTIS PB256219/7G. By Don E Marlowe(51-2)
Structural Test Procedures for Bicycles, Final Rept.
Ott 1975, 48-pages,$4.00, by Donald E. Marlowe.
How to perform the required tests is described...
seats, handlebars, safety, etc. NTIS PB248911/oG
U.S. Dept. of Commerce. Nat'l. Technical Information
Service [NTIS].
NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road (51-4)
Springfield, VA 22151
This agency provides the public with a very wide var-
iety of re-printed reports that are prepared by Fed,
state, local and sometimes, foreign organizations.
NTIS reports are available in paper or microfilm.
See 39-2, 50-2, 50-3, 50-6, 50-8, 51-1, 51-2, 51-3,
51-5, 51-6, 52-1, 52-3, 52-7, 53-5, 57-1, 62-2, 64-3
75-10, 79-6 and 81-6,
Bicycle, A Bibliography with Abstracts. 47-pages,
Jan 1975. 41 entries concerning bikeways, laws,
accidents & physiology. NTIS PS75074/5ST.
would like to see it, Editor.] by C.Gatsoff.(51-5)

Bicycle Safety and Transportation, A bibliography

with Abstracts, 58-pages, Ott 1975, $25.00,
53 entries concerning bike safety,
and physiology. By Carol n
see this one, too, Editors .

U.S. Dept. of Defense!.

NAVAL LIFE, D207;15:3.
See 28-10 E: 28-11 for this US Navy periodical. (51-7)
SOLDIERS, D101.12:30.
See 34-8 & 33-9 for this US Army periodical, (51-8)
U.S. Dept. of Transportation [DOT]
Bicvcle Safety: A Subject Bibliography from Highway
Safety Literature. Nat'1 Hiway Traf. Saf. Admin. 79-
pages, March 1976. SB-2 [I'd like to see it] (51-g)
page 52

U.S. DOT.(cont'd)
Characteristics of the Regular Adult Bicycle User.
1976. By Jerrold A. Kaplan. Available from NTIS.
As more adults take to the road, purposeful biking
(such as commuting to work) have shown a definite
increase. Fed Highway Admin. report. 125 page(52-1)

Design and Safety Criteria - Part 2 of "Bikeways,

The State of the Art," by Dan T Smith Jr.
Now available from NTIS ?PB236998/1G?for $5.25.
97-pages, dated 1974. See 52-3. Fed Hiway Adm.(52-2)
Facility Location Criteria - Part 1 of "Bikeways,
The State of the Art," by Dan T. Smith, Jr.
Now available from NTIS ?PB236998/1G? for $5.25.
97-pages, dated 1974. See 52-2. Fed Hiway Adm.(52-3)
Highway Safety Standard for Bicycle Facilities, 1975,
32-pages, by Jerrold A. Kaplan. TD2.2:B47/3.
See 40-l. (52-4)
Lena1 Asoects of Bikewav Development with State Motor
Vehicle and Fuel Tax Revenues. Written by J. Commins
of the User, Inc., April 1975, pp l-67. It has been
copied by DOT, and appears as an 88 page item with
refs, The article reviews all 50 states as to their
bikeway laws & statues ...Is it legal to use gas taxes
for bikeways?, if not, how to make it legal. (52-5)
Pedestrian/bicvcle Safety Study. 1975, 4-pages, pam-
phlet. Ask Dot, Nat'1 Hiway Traf. Safety Admin. for
a copy of TD8,2:P34/2. (52-6)
State of the Art: Class I Bicycle Path Pavements.
by Dr. James S. Lai, 1975, al-pages, $4.50.
A study of low-cost bikeway pavement considers costs,
maintenance requirements, materials, design & methods,
NTIS PB253096/2GA, (52-7)
TRANSPORTATION USA, TD1.27:vol 2, no. 4.
See 40-2 for this DOT periodical. (52-8)
U.S. Dept. of Health Education & Welfare. [HEW]
CONSUMER NEWS, HE1.509:5/13.
See 18-4 for this HEW periodical. (52-9)
U.S. Dept. of the Interior. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation
See 30-l through 30-6 for BOR's periodical. (52-10)
page 53
U.S. Dept of the Interior. (cont'd)

C in
Rural and Urban Environment. Jan 8, 1974. Held in
Lansing, Michigan, with participation/sponsorship by
US BOR, Michigan Dept of Natural Resources, and Mich-
igan Recreation & Parks Assn. 48-pages, biblio.
Not available for sale from Fed gov't. 166,2:B47.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. CEPAI
The Guidelines and Criteria for Bikewav & Bike Path
Network Planning,in Metropolitan Centers, 38-pages,
1976, free? Prepared by the Iroquois Research
Institute of Fall Church, VA for the Office of Trans-
portation & Land Use Policy, AW 443, 401 M Street SW,
Washington, D.C. 20460. Write this EPA office for a
copy. (53-2)

U.S. General Service Administration.

Federal Register. GS4.107:vols [2 samples only]
Date Page Topic
Nov 13 52815-35 CPSC lays down the law (regs) on bike
standards: specifications given in detail
with diagrams. (53-3)
Feb 26 8344-4 Bikeway demonstration program, interim
regulations are presented. (53-4)
Late Arrival!
U.S. DOT. Urban Mass Transportation Admin. (UMTA)
Transportation Svstem Management1 Bibliopranhv of Tech-
nical Reoarts. May 1976, 149 pages, R.L. Oram. Sold
by NTIS. UMTA-UPP-L-76-1. (53-5)

U.S. ?
P.S. Penner, "Energy and labor intensity of walking,"
Energy Abstracts for Policv Analy.sis,vol 2, no. 6,
Item 1060, p 200, June 1976. Biking is more energy
efficient that walking. (53-6)

There are 35 items listed in this section.

The real fun of bike touring and bikeway building occurs
at local levels where citizens from all walks of life
come together to plan safer and more enjoyable biking.
Policement preach bike safety and pursue bike poachers.
Teachers and cyclists demonstrate skilful cycling as the
'VFWard Kiwanis sponsor annual fish fries and tours. Com-
muters join rank with ecologists to plan bike routes in
town. Planners, engineers and officials huddle over maps
and bulldozers to consider their next interlocking bike
trail alon canals and historic cocidors. Tour
guides, bikeway studies, pamphlets and maps gush forth
from each jurisdiction,proclaiming the virtues of each
locality. 175 examples follow. Additional bike tours
and bikeway studies may be seent 7-8, 8-6, 10-8, 11-4,
8-8, 76-8.


July 1972.
551 W Washin

Pima Assn. of Gov,ts. (Tbcson).

Tucson-RegionBikewavs Plan; a Different Approach.
1975, 135 pages, maps, tables, figs, biblio, (54-3)

Temoe Bikewav Studs - Preliminary Plans & Recom~-~a-

tions. 1973. 150 pages, $5.00. 5-year phased
gram for city bikeways. Same address. (Ki)
See 11-4 for Schad's 50 tours of southern California.
Berkeley. See 55912. (54-7)
page 54
page 55
California State. Dept. of Water Resources.
California Aaueduct Bikewav, Southern California Sec.
folder, illus, 19T? Sacramento. (55-O
California Aqueduct Bikewav. San Joaauin Valley Sec.
folder, illus, 1972? Sacramento. (K2)
California Bikewav (Aqueduct). Free 1972 brochure,
Dept of W,R, Rtoue 1, Box 39, Byron, CA 94514. (55-3)
California State. Division of Highways.
Circular Letter 71-15. Written by State Highway Eng.
J.A. Legarra, March 1, 1972, to district headquarters
suggesting preparation for bikes on state highways.
California State. Division of Transportation. [CALTRANS3
Bikeway Feasibilitv Study in Portions of Los Angeles
& Ventura Counties. 1974, 60 pages, maps, illus.
Prepared for Cal. Legislature in response to Senate
Concurrent Resolution No. 144. 6002 Folsom Bivd,
Sacramento CA 95819? (55-5)
Coastal Bike Route Map, 1976, 40-pa es, $1.00. This
pocket size map & guide to the California coastal
route (with marked signs) is discussed in 36-l & 2,
CALTRANS, address given above. (55-6)
The DeveloDment of Non-MotorizedTransoortation Facil-
ities. Report, annual, starting in 1974. Prepared
in accordance with Section 156.7 Cal. Streets & Hiway
Code. CALTRANS, Planning Section, (55-7)
Pedestrian & Bicvcle Access to State [CAL] owned Toll
Bridges. Jan 1976. CALTRANS, address above. (55-8)
California, Highway Patrol.
Bear Facts for Bike Drivers. 1974, 3 pages. HP,
2611 26th St, Sacramento, CA 95818. (55-9)
Bicycle EnforcementManual. Ott 1972. Same Address.
California Bicycle Accidents: their Relationshin to
Enforcement and Equipvent. 1974, maps, illus. Same
address, (55-11)
California. University of Cal. at Berkeley.
To and From Campus; Chanainp Student Transnortation
Patterns. 1974. By Ira Stephen Fink. (55-12)
California State, University of Cal. at Davis.
Bikeways in Action: the Davis EXperience. 17 p, 1970.
Profs, Sommer & Lott,Psychology Dept. (55-13)
page 56
California State. Univ. of Cal. at Davis, (cont'd)
Here are some additional unpublished reports by Profs
Dale F Lott and/or Robert Summer. $;$4yay be avail-
able through the Psychology Dept. .
Adto Encroachmentinto Bike Lanes Generated by Auto
Turning Movements. (56-l)
The Effect on Bike Traffic of Car Movements Throu h
Bike Lanes. ---Tb

How About a Part-time Bike Lane? (56-3)

A Meandering Bike Path and Bee Line Riders: If not
Straitit, then Narrow, a Tale of Two Tunnels, (56-4)
Behavorial Evaluation of a Bikeway System. (56-5)
California State. Univ. of Cal. at Los Angeles.
Bicvcles in Mixed-Mode Travel. 1973, mimeo, by W.
Lum, School of Engineering & Applied Science, 405
Hilgred Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90024. (56-6)
A Pronosed Bikewav Svstem for UCLA, Westwood and Por-
tions of West Los AnRoles. Unpublished MA thesis by
Robert A. Burgress, April 1971, School of Eng. & Ap-
plied Science, UCLA. (56-7)
UCLA Bikeway Study, Feb 1974, by Crommelin-Pringle&
ASSOC., Inc. 17000 Ventura, Encino, CA. (56-8)
Claremont. Parks & Recreation Dept.
Bicycle Trails for Claremont. 1971. Ron Hagen.(56-9)
Costa Mesa.
Bicycle Accidents - Summary of 1972. (56-10)
See De Anza College, 56-13. (56-11)
See 55-13, 56-l through 56-5.
Bicvcle Circulation and Safety Study. 1972, 108 pages
refs, maps. By DeLeuw, Cather & Co. Study includes
town and campus areas. (56-12)
De Anza College,
ProPress Report on the De Anza Colleae'Demonstration
Bicycle Lanes. June 1974. Unpublished report by
Traffic Eng. Glenn M Grigg, South Bay Transportation
Officials Assn. Gupertina, Ca. (56-13)
page 57
Fresno County Council of Gov'ts.
Fresno Regional Bikewavs Plan. Final Report, Ott 1975
142 pages, $6.00. Fresno's standards and criteria
may be applicable to other localities. Write NTIS
and ask for PB-247-284/3GI. (57-l)
Fullerton. Dept of Public Works.
A Proposed Bikewav System. July 1971, 22 pages, by
Gary P Dysart and Jack R Weimer. (57-2)
Hemet Bicycle Pathwav Study. by Gwen Menard & Assoc.
April 1973. Claremont, GA. (57-3)
Isla Vista. Planning Office.
Isla Vista TransportationStudy. 1972. John R. Hen-
derson, Planning Office, 9666 tibarcadero Del Mar,
Isla Vista, CA 93017. (57-4)
Los Angeles. Planning Dept.
Bikewav Feasibility Study. March 1974. (57-5)
See also 55-5, and 56-6 thru 56-8, and 76-6.
Los Angeles County. Dept of Roads.
School Age Bicvclists and Traffic Accidents. July
1971. (57-6)
See 55-5 also, and 76-6.
Marin County. Parks & Recreation Dept.
Bicycle Pathways Progress Report. April 30, 1971.
Pierre Joske, Civic Center, N. San Pedro Rd, San
Rafael, CA, (57-7)
The Marin Bike Map. 1972, $1.75, Group 7, Dept B-9,
Box 551, 7 Pixley Ave, Corte Madera, CA 94925. (57-8)
Merced. City Planning Dept.
Bear Creek Scenic Bikewav.
-'. (57-9)
Napa Bicycle Ordinance & Handbook. (57-10)
Newport Beach. Dept of Community Development.
Master Plan of Bicycle Routes. 1972 (57-11)
Palo Alto.
Evaluation of Palo Alto Bicycle Route System. 1972.
Joseph Nagushi, City Engineer, Civic Center, 250
Hamilton, Palo Alto, CA. (V-12)
page 58
Palo Alto. (cont'd)
OfficialBicycle Manual: An Operator's Guide to Safe
commuting, Touring & Enjoyable Recreation. 197
74 pages, Same address. (58-l)
A Study of Attitudes and Awareness of Bicycling Proce-
dures and Safety. Jan 1972. Same address. (58-2)
Biqcle Route System! Evaluation L Status Report.
Jan.1974. Same address. (58-3)
Pleasanton Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety. July 1972,
By DeLeuw, Cather & Co. Analysis of bike
=P;j?gs l

crosswalk study, safety route maps, with

pamphle; for public safety. (58-4)
Proposal for Riverside Pedestrian/BicycleSafety Pro-
ram. Phase II. Aug 1972. By Crommelin, Robert &
ssoc. Inc (58-5) .
Technical ProDosalt The Development of a Pedestrian
and Bicycle Safety Program for Riverside, CA
By Voorhees & Assoc.
Bicycle & Pedestrian Safetv Study: Ci!:v of Riverside
#!&??%$hnical Report, April 1975, 200 pays.
Volume 2, Appendices. April 1975, 200 pages. Both -
are available from JHK & Assoc., 275 Fifth Street,
San Francisco, CA 94103. (58-8)
Sacramento County. Dept of Public Works,
Bikeways for Transportation,Sacramento Region, Feb
1971. By Jack R. Rankin. (58-9)
San Francisco, Bay Area Rapid Transit.
BART Trails, Bicycle Access to the Bay Area Rapid
Transit System in the San Francisco Area using bike-
ways as feeders to the transit system. A Fed dot
TD 1,2:T68/19 that costs $2.55. (58-10)
San Jose. Public Works Dept.
An Operator's Guide to Safe and Enjoyable Bicycling.
m4. City Hall, 801 N. lst, San Jose, CA. (58-H)
Santa Barbara. Dept of Public Works.
Safe Route to School Study for the City of Santa Bar-
bara, July 1973. David S. Smith. (5842)
I’ page 59
Santa Barbara. (cont'd)
City of Santa Barbara Bikewav Planning Surveys, Part
-II. Sep 1973. BITAlice Malsin and Jane Silberstein.
A Citizen's Attitude Survey on Bikeways and a Bicycle
Users Survey. Aug 1973. (59-2)
Santa Clara County.
Bicycle Rules of the Road. Sep 1973. (59-3)
Santa Clara County Public Attitude Survey for Bicvcle
Safety. Dee 1973, By Diridon Research Corp. (59-4)
Bicycle Safety ProRram Proposal. Jan 16, 1974. By
Santa Clara County Safety Council. (59-5)
Bicycle Safety for Santa Barbara County Project. City
of San Jose Bicycle Safety Project. (Join project of
14 of the 16 jurisdictions within Santa Clara County &
administered by San Jose's Public Works Dept.) I
/ Vol I. Final Report, Aug 15, 1974, 284 pages, biblio,
refs, photos, A comprehensivehistory of the project
and its activities and results. (59-6)
Vol II. Bicycle Safety Materials Packet. vasiorls
folders, T974. (59-7)
Vol III. Elementary School Safety Guide. 1974, 521-
pages, biblio, figs, tables. (59-8)
Vol IV. 6th thru 9th Grade Educational Materials.1374
127 pages, figs, tables. (-59-9)
Skills for Bicycle Safety. June 1975 by Santa Clara
Chapter of the National Safety Council, San Jose, CA.
Stockton Bike Report II. 1971. Stockton Bike Route
Committee, (59-H)
Torrance, Dept of Recreation.
Bicvcle Route Feasibility Report. May 1971, 77 pages,
By Ilene Kamsler and Kathi O'Bitz. (59-12)
Colorado State. Univ. of Northern Colorado. [Greeley]
Bicycle Proposal No. 3. April 14, 1972, 15 pages, cost
and design of campus bikeway network. David J. Lue-
bbers, President's Campus Development Committee.
page 60
Colorado State. Univ. of No. Cola. [UNC]
Bicvcles at UNC: A New Mode of Planned Transportation
Aug 1972, I50 pages. Campus bikeway plan with cost
analysis, bike parking inventory, design criteria,
rationale, etc. prepared by David J. Luebbers for the
President *s Campus Development Committee. In use460-1)

Boulder. Transportation Division.

The Boulder Valley Bikewav Plan. 1972, 2' x 3' bike-
map with photos, cost estimates, etc. to proposed 145
mile network, but was defeated in bond election.(60-2)
Denver. Planning Office,
The Bikewav Plan. 66 pages, maps, photos, 1972. Pro-
posed 164-mi network was prepared by Fred L Wolfe: and
is in use today. (60-3)
See Wolfe's 1976 tour guide to Denver, 12-3.

Denver University.Civil Engineering Dept.

l 1973.

See UNC, 59-13 and 60-l.

Lakewood. Citizens Advisory Committee on Trails.

Bikewavs in Lakewood, Nov 1971, 35 pages, maps, diag,
tabs, illus. (60-5)
Bikeways for the City of Littleton. 1971. Folder
with map, (60-6)
See Farney's tour guide, 7-8.
See Griffith's tour guide, 8-6.
Connecticut State. Safety Commission.
Bicvcle Safety, a ConununitvAction ProRram: Safe Rider
Now, Safe Driver Later, 1972?, 22 pages, illus, Pre-
pared by Aetna Life & Casualty Co, Hartford, CT.(60-7)

Simsbury. Community Development Action Plan/Coor, Corn,,

Model Bikeway Presentation for the Town of Simsburv.
4 pages, 1970. (60-8)
Delaware State, Dept of Highways & Trans ortation.'
State of Delaware PLkewav Study. Jan P974, Wm. Elgie
Div. of Highways, Dover, DE 19901 (60-9)
page 61
Washington, D.C. Metro Washington Louncill;:6$ov@ts.
Bicvcle Paths in the Washinaton Area. $1.00,
maps . Guide to 191-mi bike system. Metro Wash CCC
1225 Connecticut Ave, NW, Washington DC 20036. (61:l)
Bikewav Planning Studv for the District of Columbia.
Prepared by Barton-A&man Assoc. Inc. (61-2)
Transportation System Management Elements for the Wash-
ington Metropolitan Area. 1976, 135 pages, app, figs,
tabs. (61-3)
Dade County. Park & Recreation Dept.
Design Criteria and Guidelines for Linear Park Dovelop
ment. Sep 1975. Bob Schaibert, P & R Dept, 50 So. W,'
32nd Rd, Maimi, FL 33129. (61-4)
Tallahassee Bike Routes. 1972 folder to 50-mi network
that is SAE f'rom Dr. Mike
- Economics Dept,
Florida State Univi -Tallaha: ssee, FL 32306. (61-5)
Macon-Bibb County. Planning & Zoning Commission.

2471, Rm 305, City tiall,Macon, GA 31202. (61-6)

See Rathbun's tour guide to Hawaii, 10-8.
Hawaii State. Highway Division.
An Approach to EstablishinE Bikewavs. 1970, 24 pages,
Prepared for the 5th State Legislature, Regular Ses.
869 Punchbowl St, Honralulu,HI 96813. (61-7)
Hawaii State,


Boise. Div. of Traf, Engi;?;ring.

Boise Bikewav Plan. 1 22 pages, maps. (61-9)
Idaho State. Dept of Highways.
Pedestrian &. Bicycle Accidents. Sep 1973, 35 pages.
page 62
Illinois State. Secretary of State.
Illinois Bicvcle Rules of the Road. 1971, 80pages.
Written as a driver's manual, complete with exam, it
is intended for mass distribution. Teacher's edition
is also available, Springfield, IL. (62-l)
Illinois State. Southern Illinois University.
Selected bicycle safety instructional methods and con-
tent with application to the Highwav System. Aug 19/l,
04 pages, tots1 of 304 pages. By JE Aaron and S.N.
Krause. Avaiiable from NTIS. Contains various safety
materials suited to children's instruction; packets,
tests, workbook, etc. Carbondale, IL. (62-2)
Illinois State. University of Illinois. (Chicagoj
Open Lands Pro.iect- Trails in an Urban Settinq. 1970.
Indiana State. Dept of Natural RLsources.
Abandoned Railroad Riphts-of-Way as Potenial Bicvclinq
Paths. Dept of NR, Planning Div, State OfficeBld
Indianapolis, IN 46204, t 62-4)

Indiana State. Purdue University. (Lafayette)

Effects of Bicycle Lanes on Traffic Flowt Final Rept.
1974, 112 pages, illus. JHRP Report No. 74-10. Bv
Robert J. Jilla, Engineering Ext: Station, Joint High-
way Research Project, West Lafayette, IN. 47907 (62-6)

Lexington, City-County Planning Commission.
Evaluation of Bicycle FaciliLies: Needs and Use.
1972. 11 pages, (62-8)

Louisiana State. LA State University and A&M College.
Bicycle Project. 1974? 18 pages, illus. Cooperative
Extension Pub, No. 1797. Baton Rouge, LA. (62-9)
page 63
Louisiana State. LA State Univ. and A & M College.
Bicvcle Project: 4-H Unit 1. 1972? 20 pages, illus.
Cooperative Ext. Pub. No. 1773 by David Hermann and
Lowell H. Watts. (63-l)
See Farney's tour guide, 7-8.

Maine State. Bureau of Parks & Recreation.

Bicycling in Maine! An Examination of the Transporta-
tion, Recreation and Safetv Aspects of Maine Cycling.
1974, 186 pages, illus, biblio. Prepared by BP&R,
Dept of Conservation & DOT, Augusta, ME. (63-2)
Maine State. Highway Safety Committee.
On Two Wheels Safe Riders Today, Good Drivers Tomorrow
1970? Folder, illus. Augusta, ME. See 60-7 & 62-5.
Historic Annapolis, Tour Folder. 1972. Map & brochure.
SAE to Maryland State Comm. on Physical Fitness, 2100
Guillford Ave, Baltimore, MD 21218. (63-4)
Baltimore. Planning Dept.
Baltimore Bikewaist -Survey of Public Attitudes and
E&~;fe;;;s,.",e;,e?~~~~i&pages: Planning Dept, 8th
Baltimore, MD 21202. (63-5)
Maryland State. Dept of FJucation.
Safetv Instructional Sb--stem:Bicvcle Safety Teacher's
Guide, 1973? (63-6)
Bike Basics. 1973, Filmstrip bebooklet. Donald L, La
Fond. (63-7)
See Farney's tour guide, 7-8.

Boston. Dept of Parks & Recreation.

Boston Green Belt Bikewav. 1971? Map, folder. (63-8)
Boston. Metro Area Planning CounrLJ.
Boston Bikewavs Booklet. 1976:1,16 pages, free. uide.
MAPS, 44 School St, Boston, MA 02108. ? 63-9)
Massachusetts Bicentennial Commission.
Community Guide to Bikeway Planning, Peter Diamond,
10 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02108. (63-10)
Massachusetts State. Dept of Public Safety.
Staff Study Relative to the Registration of Bicycles.
1974, 58 pages. Senate Document No. l/95. Boston.
Massachusetts State, Dept of Public Works.
Introductionto Bikeways in Massachusetts. 1974, 11
pages, illus. Nicholas M. Brand. (64-2)
Bicycle Wa s for Sprinafield. 16 Acres Bicentennial
COIlUG-+- 0 Senator St, Springfield,MA. 1976? (64-2)

Detroit. Police Dept.
The Child in Detroit Traffic. 1970. 1971, 18 pages.
John Logan. An annual report that analyzes children's
bike/ped accidents by age group, location, time of day
and other factors. Available from NTIS. (64-3)
East Lansing, Planning Commission.

Michigan State< Highway Commission.
Biking in Michigan, 1974?, folder, illus. Lansing.
Michigan State, Highway & TransportationDept.
Non-Motorized Transportation in Michiaan. Aug 1975,
49 pages. A H &TD, Highway Bldg. 4th Floor,
&, MI 48904 f:: HW-2N81. (64-6)
Michigan State. Natural Resources Dept.
Biking Western Michigan. 1975, Ask NRD, Info & Educ.
Ek;,Bt;son Bldg, 7th Floor, Lansing, MT 48926 for
m l see 53-l also. (64-7)
Michigan State, Secretary of State.
What You Should Know About Bicvclinpy,1975? Free booki
let helps motorists and bicyclists cope with each
other in traffic; rules of the road. (64-g)
Minnesota State. Div. of Parks & Recreation.
Countryview Bicycle Trail. 1972, illus, folder (64-9)
Minnesota State. Planning Agency. Transp. Planning Sec.
Bikewav Guide1 Model Criteria for Bikeways and Recre-
ational Lanes within the Highwav Right-of-Way. 1974.
67 pages, illus. St. Paul, MN. (64-10)
page 65
Minnesota State, University of Minnesota.
Pedal Power Workshop. 1974, 2 pages, illus. "It's 4-H
Youth Development.'*Agricultural Extension Service,
Extension Program Report No. 60. St. Paul, blN.(65-1)
Nebraska State. Dept of Education.
Bike Safety. 1973, 32 pages, illus. Duane Schmidt
and Fred Tichenor. Lincoln, NE. (65-2)

Carson City. Public Works Dept.

Application for Bikewav Assistance. 1974, 30pages, fig
tables. Submitted to Nevada State Park System. (65-3)
Washoe Council of Gov'ts. [Rena)
Ooen Soace Plan and Cben Space Program. 1974, 237 pages
maps, tables. Prepared by Thomas A. Conger of Sharp,
Water & Assoc., Reno, NV. (65-4)
See E'arney'stour guide, 7-8.
Cape May County.
Self Conducted Bicvcle Tours of Case May Countv,
1912. Map, folder.
Cranford. Cranford Bike Board. Police Dept.
NeEative Declaration for Cranford Bikeway Svstem.
April,1, 1975. (65-6)
Planning a Communitv Bikewav Svstem, (65-7)
h, Cranford,
NJ 07016. (65-8)
New Jersey State. Office of Highway Safety.
EverythingYou Always Wanted to Know About Bicycling.
1975?, 16 pages, Illus, James Hill Van Orden, T;e$;y
Mopeds. Frey9$z page booklet about use of power assis-
ted bikes. OHS, Scotch Rd, Trenton, NJ 08628.

page 66
Princeton Bikewavs. 1973, 24 pages. $3.00 booklet
sold by Arnold ASSOC. 20 Nassau St, Princeton, N.?08540
Princeton. Regional Planning Board.
A Bicycle Path Master Plan for Prineton. July 6, 1971
10 pages. (66-2)

Ithaca. Cornell University,

Ithaca Bikewavs. March 1975. Prepared by the Graduate
Landscape Architecture Program for Ithaca, NY. (66-3)
Nassau County. Parks Dept.
Nassau Bicycle Routes. SAE booklet to 10 bike tours
on Long Island. 1976. (66-4)
New York City. Fund For the City of NY.
The Bicyclists' Guide for Manhattan. 1972, $1.50, 48
age spiral pocket guid Sold by Quadrangle Books,
30 Madison Ave, NYC 10017. (66-5)
Utica, lJticaand North Utica Rotary Clubs.
Erie Canal Bike & Hikewav. Map, folder. 1972? (66-6)

Charlotte-Mecklenburg. Planning Commission.
The Bicycler A Plan and Program for its Use in Trans-
portation & Recreation. Ott 1914, 46 pages, app(66-/)
North Carolina State. Dept of Transp. & Highway Safety.
Curtis B, Yates, Bicycle & Bikeways Program Coordinator
PO Box 25201, Raleigh, NC 27611, (66-8)
. 1974, 23 paf;es.
. in coop with i3.B.
Bicycle Safety and Rules-of-the-Road, 1974, 8 pages,
Carl L. Gullick and Curtis B, Yates. (66-10)
Bicycling Throup;hHistory 1974, 5 pages illus.
Curtis B Yates for the loGa Bicentennial '76 Program.
Bikecentennial North Carolina - Mountain-to-CoastBicv-
cle Route. 1975, 7 pages, illus. Mary Meletiou and
Curtis B. Yates, Title page: "Bicycle Program.'f66-12)
North Carolina Bicycle Facility and Program Handbook.
1975, 277-pages, illus. Barton-As&man ASSOC. (66-13)
page 67
Winston-Salem. City-County Planning Board.
Winston-Salem Bikeways. 1974, 44 pages, biblio, maps.
North Dakota State. Highway Dept.
T,'yr;ri;; of Public Hearing held in...Bismarck,ND,
N 3 /4..,Project BW-Rf-U-1-010 () 917 to Construct
a bike'trail between Bismarok and Mandon. Wilford Wolf
and Hank Witness. 1974, 51 pages, illus. Bismarck.
Suoqlement to1 [above]. 1974? 17 pages, illus.(67-3
North Dakota State. Public Instruction Dept.
Bike Basics: Teacher's Guide. 1974? 113 pages, illus
Cover : "Safety Instruction System - Bicycle Safety
Guide, Grade 2." Bismarck, ND. See 63-6 & 7. (67-4)

Erie County. Metro, Park District.
Milan Canal Bikeway. 1972. Map, folder to 27-mile
tour on Huron River Valley. MPD, 1200 Syamore, Sandus-
ky, OH. (67-5)
Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission.
Bikewavs - Miami Valley Reaional Plan. 1972?, $3.50
study, $1.00 more for large 5 county bikeway
plan, Eric Smith, MVRPC, Rm 500, 33 W. lst, Dayton,
OH 45402. (67-6)
Ohio Bikeway Communicator,
Checklist for a Community Bikewav Program. Free, OBC,
Suite 221, 3300 S. Dixie Dr., Dayton, OH 45439, (67-7)
Toledo, Metro. Area Council of Gov'ts.
Toledo Area Bikewav Plan. 35 pages, $3.00, 3 county
area,231-mi system, Mr. Peter Atonna of Samborn,
Stekete, Otis and Evans, Inc, Libbey-Owens-Ford Bldg,
Toledo, OH 43624. (67-8)
Qregon State. Highway Div. Location Section.
-OregonFootpaths and Bikeways: Progress Report. 1975
98 pages, illus. Rm 17, Highway Bldg, Salem OR 97310.
Oregon State, Motor Vehicles Div.
Oregon Bicycle/Motor Vehicle Accidents. 1974. Salem.

page 68
Harrisburg. Harrisburg Area Bikeway Planning Study.
Bike Trips in Southcentral Pennsylvania. 1976? Pre-
pared by Barton-As&man Assoc with George Ely Assoc.
Helpful touring Guide with map. Wm H Wilcox, Rm 216,
Dept of Community Affairs, South Office Bldg, Harris-
burg, PA 17120. (68-l)
Pennsylvania State, Dept of Transp. Bureau of Design.
Guidelines for the Development of Bikeways. 1974, 41
pages, illus, DOT Pub. No, 119. Harrisburg, PA.(68-2)

Philadelphia, Philadelphia Bicycle Coalition.

Bike Commuters' Map. 1976? 24" x 30" map, 270-mile
bike route network: bike shop index, etc. $1.00 plus
24~ stamp from PBC, 3410 Baring, Philly, PA 19104.
Facilities and Services Needed to Sunoort Bicycle Com-
muting into Center City Philadelphia. 1976?, 45 pages.
Write Bicycle & Transp. Research Center, 400 Market,
Suite 814, Philly, PA 19106, (68-4)
State College,
State College Cycleway Study. May 1975. Mark Davis,
200 Gettysburg, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. (68-5)
San Juan.
San Juan Bicycle Transportation Study. July 1975.
Etiense R. Dusart, TUS Planning, Suite 504, Empire Bldg
316 DeDiego Ave, Santurce, PR 00908. (68-6)
See Farney's tour guide, 7-8.

Tennessee State. Dept of Conservation.

Rutherford County Bicycle Touring System. Free pamphlet
to scenic countryside in central TN near Nashville.
DC, 2611 W. End Ave, Nashville, TN 37203. (68-7)
Austin. Dept of Urban Transportation.
Austin Area Bicycle System: Interim Rept. Joe S.Temus
DUT, PO Box 1388, Austin, TX 78767. May 1975. (68-8)
Dallas. Dept of Traffic Control.
Dallas Bikewav Plan. 1975, 37 pages. (68-9)
Houston, Parks Dept. (68-10)
Houston Bikeways, 1976? PD, City Hall, Houston, TX.
page 69
Utah State. Road Commission.
School Age Children nedestrian Accidents. Aug 1973.
See Famey's tour guide, 7-8.

Burlington. Alderman's Commission on Bicycles.

Report. James Draper, Burlington, VT. 1974. (69-2)

Virginia State. Dept of Transportation.

Bikewav Develooment Study Report to the Governor and
the General 4ssembly of Virginia. House of Delegates
Document No. 5. 1974, 110 pages, illus, biblio.
Dept of Purchases & Supplies, Richmond, VA. (69-3)
Mercer Island,
Model Bikeway Presentation for the City of Marcel: Is-
land, 1970, 7 pages. Lloyd W. Jones. (69-4)
Seattle. Community Development Dept.
Commuter Bikeway Study - Preliminary. June 1972.(69-5)
Seattle. Engineering Dept.
Bikeway System Planning & Design Manual. Aug 1975,
150 pages, figs, tables, refs. (69-6)

Madison, Dept of Transportation. Rcycle Transp. Corn.

Lank;Range Bikewav Program1 A Summary Report of Pro-
posed Policies and Facility Plans. Dee 19/5 45
app, biblio, figs, maps, tabs. Summary res:lts %"Zirn-
prehensive study of CBD bike needs. (69-7)

Madison, Police Dept.

;g";ksonRegional Bicycle Conference, Feb 26, 1976.
t 37 pages. Bicycle Program Coordinator. (69-8)
Milwallkee. Bur. of Traf. Eng. & Electrical Service.
Bicycle/Motor Vehicle Accident Trends in the City of
Milwaukee, 1971-73. Jan 2, 1975. 3 pages. (69-9)
Wisconsin State. Dept of Natural Resources.
On the Trail of the Ice Age - A Hiker's and Biker's
elide to Wisconsin's Ice Age Natural Scientific Reserve
and Trail, 1975? Guide, map, description. DNR, Box
450, Madison, WI 53701. Supersedes 70-3. (69-10)
Wisonsin State. Dept of Public Instruction.
Wisconsin Bicycle Drivers Handbook. 1976, 23 pages,
illus, diagr, tables. Prepared by the Wis. Office of
Highway Safety Coordination,Madison, WI. DPI Bulle-
tin MO. 5380. (70-l)
Teachers Curriculum
. Guide to Safer Bicycle Driving.
1976, 8 diagr. Supplement to 70-l.
DPI Bull~:~~s~o:l~%. See also 62-l. (70-2)
Wisconsin State. Dept of Transportation. Bikeway Inves-
tigation Group.
Guidelines for Develoninp Rural Bikeways. Jan 1973?
FgTi)2Div,of Planning, 4802 Sheboygan, Madison, WI
. See 69-11 also. 51 pages, figs, refs. (70-3)
Wisconsin State. Div of Highway Safety Coordination.
Wisconsin Pedestrian and Bicvcle Safety Plan. Jan 1976
Ronald L. Thompson, Pud & Bike Safety Specialist, 131
W. Wilson, Madison, WI 53702, See 70-l & 70-2 also.
Safety education programs for local and county groups.
Wisconsin State, Division of Tourism.
Wisconsin Bikeway Map & Guide. 1976? (70-S)
Wisconsin Bicentennial Bike Map. Put these two pamphlm
together, and you have 3009miles of bikeways ahead of
you. DT, Box 7606, Madison, WI 53707. (70-6)


For additional State & Local Documents, see the
previous bike bibliographies in this series. They
contain more than 100 additional items. This
edition contains a total of I75 citations.

Proceedings, foreign documents, reports, pamphlets, books

and miscellaneous publications by corporations, private
groups, professional societies and foreign agencies are
listed below. Coupled with CATALOGS (page 42), this set+
tion serves as your "Index to Corporate Authors." For
further listings of organizations dealing with biking or
bike magazine publishers, see last year's 1975 Bit cle
Bibliography for an additional 87 addresses.


See 60-7.


Lewicki, L.R., and J.A. Newman, Head Protection for
the Bicvclist. 1975, 14 pages, tables, phots, refs.
Taken from the 19th annual Conf. Proceedings.
Evaluation of various helmets, including Bell. (71-2)
McDermott, J.E., and P.A. Wood, Pedal-cycle Injuries.
1975, 5 pages, tables, refs, Taken from the same
conf, proceedings, this paper deals with 613 bike
injuries reported by emergency rooms that show head
and shoulder damage, especially to children, (71-3)
Remington, J.D, Planning for and Developing the Oregon
Recreation Trails System. Taken from the proceedings
of the Western Assn. of State Highway & Transportation
Officials conference of: 1974; 3 pages. WASHT0.(71-4)

Tebeau, W.H, Planning, Design and Funding of Bike

Paths. Taken from WASHTO Conf. Proc. of 1974; 18
pages, figs. Further discussion of Oregon's bikeway
efforts, AASHTO, 341 National Press Bldg, Washington
DC 20004, (71-5)
Hammond, Beverly J, Defining the Educational
- Needst
Putting the Problem in Persoective: Bicycle Safety
in California. June 19, 1974. AAA of So. California
2601 So. Figueroa, Los Angeles, CA 90007. (71-6j
Teacher's Guide to Bicycle Safety Activities and Pro-
jects. (71-7)
For additional AAA bike literature, see you:::
American Automobile Assn. representative. See 73-2,
See 18-1, 37-9, 38-1, 61-8, 77 1
page 71
AXE. [cont'd)
Eggleston, David M, Low-Energy Dual Mode Transit, Pre-
print No. 2689, $1.00, ASCE, Pub. Sales, 345 E. 47th,
NYC 10017. Experimental link up of bike, bus and van
system in California told. Same as 79-7? (72-l)
Ramey, M. R., R.Sommer, and D.F. Lott, Some Asoects of
the Design and Evaluation-of Bikeway Facilities. Pre-
sented at ASCE Transportation Engineering conference
in Tulsa, OK, July 1973. (72-2)
Capelle, D.G., Pedestrian/Bicycle Planning. Another
paper from same meeting. Address given above. (72-3)
Lynch, J.P, Computer Animation of a Bicvcle Simulation
This paper was presented Dee 1972 in Anaheim, CA meet-
ing. American Fed. of Info Proc. Sot, 210 Summit,
Montvale, NJ 07645. (72-4)
See 8-8, and 76-8 for AYH material.
Cross, Kenneth D, and Richard de Mille, Human Factors
in Bicycle Safety. June 11, 1973. SantaBarbara, CA.
Drake, Elizabeth, The Temoe Bikeway Study. Arizona
Conf. on Roads & Streets, Proceedings, p 167-175. 1975
See 66-l.
Asphalt-oaved ShDlders for Safety. 1976? Free pam-
phlet. (72-7)
Full-DepthAsphalt Pavements for Bicycle Paths. Free
pamphlet, illus, 19761 (72-8)
Skid Resistance - Its Role in Highway Safety. Free
pamphlet, 1976?-, Asphalt Inst. Bldg, College Park,
Maryland 20740. (72-9)
See also 81-3.
Dept. of Transportation.
Foldvary, L.A, A Review of Pedestrian, Pedacvclists
and Motorcyclists in Relation to Road Safety. 19/3
258 pages9 diag, tabs, biblio. Write C&berra, Gov't
Pub, Service and ask for Report No. NR/19 of the
Expert Group on Road Safety? (72-10)
page 73
AUSTRALIA. (cont'd)
Western Australia. Dept.of Education.
Tranport 1: Manual Arts Options. 1973, 43 pages, fig
diag, Perth, AUST. A textbook to bikes & motor vehic-
les. (73-l)
Great Rivers. 19761, pages, $3.25, 201 Progress
Parkway, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. 30 tours with
maps of the junction area of the Missouri & Mississip i
Rivers in St. Louis area. (73-2y
1821 University Ave, St. Paul, MN 55104.
See 61-2, 66-9, 66-13, 68-1 (73-3)
See 71-2,
See 68-4.


A monthly serial for the bike industry publish& by
William/Lawrence Corp., Newport Beach, CA. new listing
122 East 42nd, NYC 10017.' s provided significant
support for American bike industry, bikeway movement,
safety and other functions. BMA has taken over some
of those tasks recently. (73-5)
BMA, 1101 15th St, NW, Washington, B.C. 28005. Naw
provides you with BOOM IN BIKEWAYS, various pamphlets,
maps, guides, ideas and support, including1 (73-6)
Cleckner, Robert, So, You want a Bikewav, 1975?(73-7)
Teacher's Guide to Better Bicycle Driving, 1975?(73-8)
Bicycle Legislation Surge Continues: Over 100 Bills
Become Law in 2 Years, Jan 1975, 47 pages. (73-9)
See also 43-4 and 43-S.
Bikeloaedia. 1976, 104 pages, $3.95, illus. "Six years
of technical tips from BICYCLINGl's 'Question Man"'
Fred DeLong and others": excerpts not previously pub-
1ished beiore. Leisura Marketing, San Rafael, CA&lo)
page 74
BIKE WORLD EDITORS. [World Publications]
See also 5-l and 10-7.
Bicycle Frames. World Publications, Box 366, Mountain
View, CA 94042. 1975. Illus, 48 pages. $1.95.
Manual to choosing and building frames. (74-l)
Bicycle Track Raciq. July 1976. Illus. $3.95.
Guide to training, pacing, tactics, types of races,
suggestions from coaches, etc. (74-2)
Building Bicvcle Wheels. Aug 1976. Illus, 48 pages,
93 Pa. Assembling new wheels and old.
I) (74-3)

The Comnlete Bicycle Time Trialing Book. 1977.

Illus, $2.95 pa. Comprehensive coverage of time
trialing; training, competition, organization and how
to run bike race meets. (74-4)
Cyclist's Training Guide: For Both Recreational and
ComPetitive Cvcling. Sep 1977. Illus, $3.95 pa.
Physical preparation for various types of cycling:
simple exercises included. (74-5)
Food for Fitness, 1975. Illus, 144 pages. $3.50 pa,
$5.95 hard. Medical experts tell how to eat for the
occasion, a diet that is fit for cyclists, and in
understandable language! Dr. Creig Hoyt, etc. (74-6)
International Bicycle Touring. 1976. Ill-, 96 pyj
- I9> paa
*, Advice from the professionals.
PO Box 8308,Missoula. Montana 59807.
Resource Directory for Bicycle Tourists. 1976. Illus,
$T aa Manual to assist those making long
tours in Amekicir lists of clubs, agencies, map source
and much more. See BICYCLING! July~l976. (74-8)
1976. 60 photos,
d datebook contains
important events in cycling activities: gear chart,
mileage chart, sP,Lralbound. (74-9)
A Bicycle Tczrist's Cookbook. 1975? $1.00. (74-10)

Various pamphlets (25~ each) on various biking topics,

commemorative posters, instructional materials, maps
and other materials are available from BIKECENTENNIAL.
- l
page 75
Founded in 1875 as the British Union, it changed its
name to National,Cyclists Union,1883, then changed to
its present name with its merger with the British League
of Racing Cyclists in 1959. BCF, 70 Brompton Rd,
London SW3 lEN, 310 pages. (75-l)
Handbook, 1976. 1976. Map, illus, f0.65 pa. An(gnt$l
yearbook. -L-


Cyclinq. BTA, Queen's House, St. Jame's St, London
;;;;?lNF. Information Sheet No. 316/76/153, f0.12.
English text with various other languages used
in the introduction; cycling in Britain. (75-3)
Stevenson, Lynn, and Artemas Ginzton, The Bicycle
Boulevard Concept. June 1974. Berkeley, CA. (75-4)
New Brunswick. Dept of Prov. Secetary. Motor Vehicle.
Cyclist's Handbook. 1963. Illus, 28 pages. (75-5)
Cyclist's Handbook. 1975, New Edition. Fredericton, NB
Quebec Province. Haut-Commissariat 3 la Jeunesse, aux
ioisirs et Tg4Sports.
Cvclisme, Illus, 20 page*>,$0.40 pa. (75-7)
"Collection GraAd Soleil: Serie !C,Sports Divers,

Benedict, Francis G, and Walter G Cady, Bicycle Ergo-
meter with an Electric Brake. Washington, D.C. 1912.
Illus, 44 pages, tables. Re-printed, and now distribu-
ted by Academic Press, 111 Fifth Ave, NYC 10003.
Publication No. 167 is sold for $1.50, paperback.(75-8)
Whitman, D,
Culkowski, P.M., J.M. Keryeski, R.P Mason, W.C. Schatz,
and D.J. Segal, Research in Impact Protection for Ped-
estrian and Cyclist. Report No, CAL VJ-2672-V-2. May
1971, 354 pages, refs. A study of 319 accidents in
Toronto, Canada area. Available from NTIS? CAL, BOX
235, 4455 Genesee, Buffalo, NY 14850. (75-10)
Glading, Judith, Alternative Transportation Modes:
Bikeway Planning and Design. Exchange Biblio. No. 941,
Dee 1975 15 pages, mimeo. CPL, PO Box 229, Monticello
IL Gl854: (75-11)
- .


Hnndboo;,61976, CTC, Godalming! 69 Me;:;:;, Surrey GU7
3HS, 1 1 lOO+ pages, map, lllus, . An annual
yearbook; bnpriced. (76-l)
See 56-12 and 58-4
Radat Trafiksikkerhedsfo
Jorgensen, N.O., [trans.
on Riders Safety, Feb 19
refs. Indepth study by Danish Council of Road Safet;
Research into bike accidents, intersectionalproblems,
conflicts, traffic flow, bikeways, etc. (76-2)
Engel, Ulla, and Hans V. Lund, Ulvkker ned Tohiulere I
Traffikker, 1973, 74 pages, illus. Report Ko. 89.
Free from Copenhagen office above. (76-3)
Erling Tmlsen of Aalborg is writ&? !Prek==ive
biblispraphy of Scandinavian bieycl literature th
shollldbe available mid-1977. No details yet.
See 59-4,
See 52-l and 56-7.
Ferrara, Thomas Ciro, A Studv of Two-Lane Intersections
and Crossings under Combined Motor Vehicle and Bicvcle
m-7._ Demands, PhD dissertation, 312 pages, 1975,
I Engineering, University of California at Davis.

Wall, John William, External economies and lacalizatlm

in small scale industrv: A case of the bicvcle manu-
factllringindustry in Ludhiana District, India.
PhD dissertation, 163 pages, l9/3 Economics Dept.
Duke University. Ann Arbor, MI Arder na 74-7572.
Guide to East Coast Bicvcle Trail. 1976, $4.95, kCBC,-
5300 Akron, Philadel hia, PA 19124. Reviewed in BICY
CLING! Ott 1976. 808-mi trip from Boston to Rich=.
page 77
See 68-1.
Claxton, Eric, Designing a New Town for cyclists and
pedestrians. July 1974. Presented at ASCE & EIC conf.
in Montreal in 1974. Available for 75~ from EIC, 700
EIC Bldg, 2050 Rue MansfZeld St, Montreal, CANADA H3A
lY9. Ask for Pre-print MTL-62. (77-l)
Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland.
Iso-Roobertinkatu20, 120 Helsinki 12, Finland.
. COTSF Report

Liisa Oranen (editor), Investigationsinto Light Traf-

fic, 38 pages, 1975, Report hliikenneturvajNo. 16.
Gl.uding these articles: (77-3)
"Survey on BicycI Reflectors,~ p 1 Need for
immediate improve ent indicated by (77-4)

“Use of WzmF~ Pennants in Bit eles,‘” p 1

ffwgs improve safety in rural a eas, but n
the city.
Oranen, Liisn,

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Develo
Road Research Group, 2 rue Andre Pascal, Paris 75775,

L 1971.


Richard Feilden,
tain. May 12, 197 Ii0
mo, London. Various bike plans in Great Britain
are considered; transport planners are urged to help
cycle traffic. (77-8)
See 66-5.
see 7-4,
Blue Book. 1974, Safety booklet. Akron, OH.
See also 6-8, 11-2, 10-9, 75-1, 75-2, 75-3, 76-1, 77-l
77-8, 81-1, 82-2

Countryside Commission.
Cycle Hire; A Practical Guide. 1976, 12 pages, illus,
unpriced, Cheltenham, ENG. A manual to the economic
organization of bicycling hiring industry. (78-l)
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.
Skilful Cycling: Manual of Roadcraft. Cycling Tech-
nique, and Maintenance for Cyclists. New edition, 1975,
RoSPA, Royal Oak Centre, Brighton Rd, Purley, Surrey
CR2 XJR, Also available from HMSO. Illus, 36 pages,
eo.20. Helpful guide for parents and their children,
with road signs, exam and safety tips. (78-2)
Sports Council, Southern Regional Office.
Report of the Conference on Cycling at Bletchley
Leisure Center. Conf. Proceedings, held Ott 16, 1975.
14 pages, Illus, free. Watlington House, Wat. St,
Readings, BERKS. RGl 4RJ. (78-3)
See 57-8,
Flora, J.D., R.J. Kaplan, and E. Margoshes, Description

veillance System has sampling methods, data management

use of results and suggested changes in system. (78-4)

.JohnsHopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD 21218, (78-5)

See 7-3,
Bikeways..,What's mnninq, 1975, 9 pages, $1.00 IME,
1313 E. 60th, Chicago, IL 60637. Result of the RPWA
survey told; promotion of engineering, education and
enforcement to solve US bike problems. (78-6)
Report on Bicycle Route Standards, in Western ITE, vol
29, no 3, Dee/Jan 1975. 12 pages. (78-7)
page 79
ITE. (cont'd)
ITE, 1815 N. Ft.-Meyer Dr, Arlington, VA 22209.
Bicycles. 1973 ITE report. (79-l)
Estimating Potential Bicycle Use and Public Investment
Aug 22, 1973, 27 pages. Presented at 43rd ITE annual
meeting. (79-2)
Tebeau, W.H, Problems in the Operation of Bikeways.
Aug 1975. $20.00 for Compendium of Technical Papers
presented at.45th Annual ITE Meeting: p 129-134.
Oregon state bikeway situation discussed. (79-3)
The Highway Loss Reduction Status Report, "IIHS Com-
pl&ed Major Bicycle Study," vol 9, no. 22, Dee 10,
. IIHS, Watergate 600, Washington, DC 20037x79-4)
McLean, A.J., and G.M. Mackay, The Exterior Collision,
pp 1214-1221, 1970. In the *Compendium of the Confer-
ence.' Bike/ped/motorcycle accidents and their situa-
tion are discussed along with helmets. (79-S)
See also, Volumes 1 & 2 of the Conference Proceedings
held July 15, 1974, and printed March 1975, that are
sold by NTIS. Volume 1 is PB-241-766/5ST, and Volume 2
is PB-241"767/3ST. It's the 3rd int'l meeting. (79-6)


Eggleston, D.M, Toward Dual-Mode Use of Bicycles in
Public Rapid Transit. 29 pages, 13 figs, refs. -
Sponsored by Transp, Research Bd [TRB], 2101 Constitu-
tion Ave, NW, Washington DC 20418, Result of bike/bus/
train hook up in California told. Same as 72-1?(79-7)
The following report of the 1st International Ped/Bike
Seminar held at Hotel Metropole, London, on 27-29 May
1974 is available from MAUDEP, PO Box 722, Church St,
Station, NYC 10068. The 269 page conf. proceedings
are edited by K.G. Fixdal. It contains much more than
the following list would suggest. Published in 1975.
Berkowitz, Carl, and W.H. Kraft, Bikeway Maintenance,
p 111-119. (79-8)
Claxton, Eric C, Mobility and the Environment in Old
Established Towns and Cities. 16 pages. (79-9)
Cole, N, The Situation of the--Bike--in
Britain, p 20-X
Drake, Elizabeth A, The Tempe Bikeway Study, p 37-36.
page 80

IF-PA. (cont'd)
Everett, Mike, Roadside air Dollution: New evidence
and policy implication for bicycle/Dedestria.n
p 69-78. (80-l)
Lavigne, H.H, Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities for San
Francisco Bav Area Rapid Transit Operations, p 232-41.
Trevelyan, Peter, Bicycle Planning at the Local Levelr
The London Experience. 12 pages. (8093(
Wolfe, Fred W, The potential relationship of the bicy-
cle to mass transit systems. 20 pages. (80-4)
For additional MAUDEP and IFPA publications, see last
year's bibliography,
International Series on Sport Sciences, Vol 2, No. 11:
Swimminq. Edited by Leon Lewille and Jan P Clarys, the
proceedings of the 2nd Int'l Symposium on BioMechanics
in Swimming, held in Brussels 1974, is available from
University Park Press, Baltimore, MD or London, 1975.
N.H. Secher and I. Oddershede wrote "Maximal Oxygen
UptcakeRate during Swimming and Bicycling**that
[appearson pages 137-142 of Swi.mmin$. (80-S)
Basmajian, J.V, The Human Bicycle. A paper presented
at the 5th Int'l Congress of BioMechanics in July
1975 at Jyvanskyla, Finland. Write ISM, University
Park Press, Baltimore, MD, (80-6)
National Institute for Physical Planning & Construc-
tion Research, Dublin. Ireland.
Moore, Desmond Francis, The Bicvcle, a Study of Effic-
iencv, UsaPe and Safety. 1975, 45 pages, illus,
~0.30 paperback. (80-7)
See also 53-2.
Poirer, Bernard, Preliminary analysis of bicyclists
survey conducted in May and June 1973. 19/j. A study
of bike behavior and characteristics of population.
Falls Church, VA. (80-8)
See 62-6.
See 58-7 and 58-8.
page 81
Bicycling in London. Jan 1976, 14 pages. i10.70.@1-1)
For MAUDEP's cooperative sales, see 79-8+.

OWE;e;ENp;y & ASSOC.

- .


1001 Connecticut Ave, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036.
Moped spokesman in USA. (81-2)
Recreation Asphalt. NAPA Promotional Series No. 12,
NAPA, 6811 Kenilworth, Riverside, MD 20840. S
sort of material as 7207+. Bikeways included. (81-3)
See 79-6.
See also 59-5.

, Youth Astivities De
icago, Ill 6

Collep,eDept, NSC,
Schupack, Stewart A, and Gerald J. Driessen,
Accidents and Usap,eAmona Youp,hAdults. July
73 pages. Research Dept, NSC. Available from NTIS
for $4.50, PB-256-563/8GI. A study of cyclists aged
16 to 30 on 2? US college campuses in Ott 1972. (81-6)

Undersized & Overlooked. 1976, free booklet, It puts

bikes and motorists back into traffic with emphasis an
each other's rights & responsibilities. (81-7)
Royal Netherlands Tourin Club.
[Koninklijke Nederlandsehe Toeristenlmnd, PO Box 2200,
The Hague, Netherlands.] or, ANWB, Wassenaarseweg 220
Box 2200, The Hague, Netherlands. (81-8)
Fietspnden en-Overstreekplaatsen. Memo No. 4, June
1970, 62 pages, Dutch language text that describes
bikeways in the Low Countries, with 70 photos. (81-9)
Riviera and Voorhoeve.
Dorren, 1, The Child in nd in Hat Werktter].
1975, 104 pages, photos, Dutch language text. Helpful
page 82


Fiester,..Ken Oo! [trans. ,,Cyclists..Chinu !,j. $1.25
brochure available Katernen 200, PO Box 20Ii0,
Amersfoort, 2900 Holland. A rallying cry for cyclists
to work against 'autocide, in Holland; an urban guerrila
manual. (82-l)
Broomhead, Philip, The Bicycle Showr June Sea 5
1976. 1976. 84 pages, illus. E0.40. A catalogue to
themuseum exhibits by Nottin ham Museum, City OZ Not-
tingham Leisure Service, Nottingham, NGl 6EX (82-2)
The Bicvcle Driver's Guide. 1975? SO.5
Eastlake Ave, E, PO Box C-19000, Seattle, WA 98109.
See 68-3 and 68-4.
See 6-5 and 11-5.

see 78-2.
See 67-8.

See 6-8.


Cycling Activities Dapt, 1856 N, Kostner, Chicago, IL
60639, Schwinn provides a lot of pamphlets, brochures
nnd guides that are helpful to cyclists, planners and
businessmen.,,fsom bike history to bike courts. SW?
also 47-6, (82-5)
See also 65-4.


Shaw, Cary S, Bicycle Parkina and ReRistration: Theft
Prevention and Recovery. 1972. Washington, D.C.@2-67

See also 39-11,

page 83
Hirst, Eric, & Robert Herendeen, Total EnerRv Demand
for Automobiles. SAEI, 2 Pennsylvania Plaza, NYC 10001
8 page booklet compares auto/bus/train/bikecostsIl973.
Del, Ernest, L.C. Moss, and T.Z. Reicher, Handbook for
Bicycle Activists. 1975, 79 pages, $3.00, biblio,
Reviewed in BICYCLING! Aug 1976. (83-2)
Rosen, Nils, Cyklen I Stadsplanen fcvclewavs in Citv
L-~ -- ----, - --- --‘,

~~~.Sweden. Cvkel-och
Planning]. 1971. Orsa. .s - ----Monedfrem-
jandet. (83-3)
Rosen, Nils, PlanninE for Pedal Power. 1973. Swedish
InformationService, 825 Third Ave, NYC. (83-4)

National Swedish Board of Urban Planning.

[Bicycle in the Urban Tra-
ens Planverk. No. 33. Del 1.
72 pages, figs, tables, photos, refs. Handbook-to lo-
cal bikeway planning, PO Box 22027, S-lfi4,22 Stocklx&n
Skandia Insureance Co Ltd.

June 1974, 85 pages, figs, tabs, refs. 182 Swedish

accidents show-parents& motorists must take notice.
THESIS. See 76-5 thru 76-7.
Cycle Safely for PEP PROGRAM. Free. TI, 9 PB, One
Tower Square, Hartford, CONN 06115. (83-73
Cvclateral Thinking, 1976, 72 p, Illus, $3.00. UBDC,
W20-002 MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139, Reviewed in BICYCLIK
Feb 1977. Needs of post-bikewayAmerica told, along
with review/critiqueof problem areas. (83-O)
USER, INC. See 52-5.
140 Elliot St, Brattleboro,VT 05301. Journal of bike
racing. $3.25 per year. See also 8-3. (83-9)
WASHTO. See 71-4 and 71-5.
4939 Glenway Ave, Cincinnati, Oh 45238. It desires
universal bike registration 6 commuter retrieval of
that information. See 49-l. (83-10)
The following 289 articles frcnneight daily newspaper-~
provide a wealth of information not easily gathered from
other sources. They are arranged in chronological order
with the month, day and section appearing ahead of the
page and column numbers. Titles are underlined. Brief
annotations stand alone. Articles of earlier publication
than reported here may be seen in earlier bibliographies.


The Chicago Tribune provides news of
5 w America's second largest city and its
5 2 z ST hinterland along Lake Michigan and the
x a v3 P-Mu upper Mississippi River Valley.
Ott 3, 3, la & 3. Fling into fall's splendor with a lo-
speed flourish 3 tours in urban Chicago are told:
30-mi, 41=mi, and 100-mi tours; 3 maps.
Feb 21,2, 3d. State bike trail periled Completion of bike
trail along abandoned railroad halts in central IL
as local farmers and conservationists argue: map,
Marc 7,9, 23, 25 & 26 (Chicago Magazine) Whimsv on wheels
Odd bikes by Joe & Dave Steinlauf shown; 5 photos.
Apr 8, 7, la. Forest Preserve's bike paths will look like
a million in '76 Bridges, new routes and pleasures
help make FP attractive; $560,000 fund: map, photo
Jun 19,1, 10e. Riding bikes safelv LTE; suburban bike saf-
ety expert pleas for parental cooperation.
23, 4, 16~. Bicvclists 'walk over water' Bikecentennial
'76 route thru Carbondale to Berea, KY, (484-mi)
has one section void of bridge: map, 3 photos.
Jly 8, '7,4~. Enforcement called kev to bike safetv Keith
Kingbay of Schwinn bike safety efforts told: photo
12, 6, 9b. Bike industry looks to 1980s Schwinn is op-
timistic as total US bike sales hit 9m in 1976.
29, 7, 5a. Cvclists to rest- 20,000 miles later Aussie
couple's 3 yr trip thru So. America told; the Cart-
wrights are back in Chicago on their Schwinns; pho
Aug 30,3, lc, A world 'cruise' via pedal Dower Robert Mor-
ris of NJ returns to US after biking thru Europe,
Africa, Asia and Australia: tells story: photo.
page 84
page 85
Sep 22, 2, Ia & 5. Homiest group on wheels - bar none
Singles group opts for bar hopping via bikesrphot
29, 7, la & 2. Fall's best is better on a bike Touring
trails in IL, WI, IA and IN are described; 4 maps.
29, 7, 2a. The &ng and short of bicycle touring Tips,
addresses and local tour schedule given.
29, 7, 3a, Packing for Dedalina: A ride-on-taraet bag
of tips Shopping tips for packs, bags & panniers.
29, 7, 8c. Defeating the dust Windfoiler attaches to
handlebars can cut wind; rain capes listed, too.
Oct/Nov. No entries.


The Christian Science Monitor is one of
America's few newspapers with a national
scope. The Eastern Edition is used for
this compilation.

Dee 15, 14a. Pedal power comes to Britain Noblemen and

commoners take to biking in London, a review of GB
Jan 13, 18a. Trans-America bicycle trail readied for the
Bicentennial Bikecentennial '76 program includes
various long and short tours: description.
23, 2a. Bike? Cvcle? No, it's a moped! Should mopeds
ride on the street like cars or on bike paths like
bikes? Classification of mopeds is uncertain.
Feb 4, 2~. Pigtail oedaler Photo of 3rd grade girl in
motocross competition.
May 14, 4a, Just how fast can a bicvcle go? Dr. Kyle's
Int'l Human Powered Speed Championships in so. CAL
are discussed; odd looking wind shells seen: photo
Aug 3, 17a. You see much more when traveling bv bike Bike-
centennial '76 cyclists are quoted: comments on
gear l types of touring and buying tips.
4, 2a. Bicvcle racing in hiah gear Expanding interest
in US racing scene draws new faces: great potential
Sep 7, 21a. California, here we (bikers) come California
coastal bike route described: places to camp.
Nov 9, 2b. Bicycle built for two times 17% Photo of Dani&
built bike that can carry 35 people; huge!
Dee 10, 2n. On a bicycle built for folding Harry Bicketon's
collapsible bike seen as potential success soon.
The Los Angeles Times (LAT) provides
5 03 news of America's third largest city
c h YJ tcrl and its hinterland along the coastal
2 2s2:: corridor of southern California.
May 28, II, 4a. It's a mudocross 2 photos of bike moto-X
29, I, 33e, Bicycle trails fail to win at Tahoe Citv
Shoreline bike path loses bond issue vote.
Jun 5, II, le St 5a. Panel hears pros, cons of Venice Bike-
way extension CA State Coastline Comm. hears con-
flicting ideas about Marina de1 Rey bikeway.
19, II, Id. Coastal unit OKs two car racesi beach bike
path Comm. approves 14ft. wide Venice bike path.
22, VI, lld. Dealers find it hard to peddle bikes Ral-
eigh says US market has fallen out, but Schwinn is
less pessimistic as adult bike sales improve.
28, II, 6,. These oilgrams pedal the California coast
210 Christians pedal 407-mi from Monterey to LA in
challenging religious witness; photo.
.Jly 17, II, 8a. Bistle guides blind cyclist. 15 Despite
e ilepsy, paralysis & blindness Jeff Meyer biked
I!0 miles while father whistled'directions; photo.
28, II, la. US climbs aboard the bicycle bandwagon US
Environ. Protection Agency has pamphlet on biking.
30, II, 8a. A bicvcle beat for 2 in Irvine Officers P.
Rose & J. Boyd patrol greenbelt on bikes: photo.
Aug 17, I, 2e. Claiming a bicycle oath... Environmental
group sues to stop Venice beach bike path.
Sep 17, I, 2e. Bikeway on parts of Venice Blvd OKd LA City
Council approves 'Sunday Only, bikeway on street.
Ott 16, I, 23a. 5 bicyclers braving South America Despite
the high Andes, night robbers & gun fire, 5 bikers
enjoy cycling South America.
20, II, 6e. Bicvcle riders LTE: motorist feels besew
Nov 1, II, 4c, Bicvcle riders and power-mad motorists LTE:
7 cyclists respond to motorist's LTE.
22, II, 4e. Bicycle riders and Dower-mad motorists 3LlE
recommend defensive driving & courtesy: bike acci-
dent victim replies; x,equestfor total separation.
Feb 25, IA, 8a. Britain becoming nation of cyclists Com-
moners and noblemen biking in London: GB reviewed.
Jly 2, IV, lb & 4a. Off and pedaling - 3,499 miles to go
110 cyclists join LA to Washington, D.C. tour: ph.
page 87
Sep 9, I, 2e. Bicyclists will have.. to stay in bike lane
and cars out of bike lanes; new CA state bike law.
Nov 7, VII, lla. Anart Bike Bank offers secuitv for cvcl-
ists Sturdy locking device for basement shown; pho
9, II, 5a. A soulful old friend is off on a new adven-
ture After years of daily commuting, teacher re-
tires his Olmo bike, selling it to collector: air
pollution was causing him problems.


8 The New York Times provides news of
c .d
4-J0, America's primate city and its extensive
2 9 u aorl
a, cd0 metropolitan hinterland along the Atlan-
2 n v3 PIG) tic seaboard and Ohio River Valley.
Sep 17, 54g. Consumer notes: Bicycle carriers Public com-
ment on bike carriers desired by US DOT.
21, X, 19a. Bicvcle ban LTE;cars should also be banned
in Orient Park, along with bikes & pedestrians,
21, X, 2lb. Unsmiling bikers 2LTEa bikers say motor-
cyclists cause noise & dust, and unhappiness.
24, 49g. Bronx bov slain bv bike robbers in city park.
Ott 5, x, 27a. Orient Park LTE: bikes and people are ban-
ned because there is no access except to motorists,
Nov 2, 2c. Mindful of oil and ecolopv, Dutch are returning
to bicvcles bv the millions Of Hollands 13m people,
Srn ride bikes, especially in smaller towns: photo.
9, X, 5a. Notesr A vearuclfsts Activities of AYH,
Bikecentennial, Int'l Bike Touring Sot, told,
14, 4lh. Cvclists and son awarded $980,060 by ConEdi-
son whose truck hit them in 1971; law suit winners.
16, 130~. Bike safety rodeo saonsored bv Freeport Pol-
ice Sum bike theft/safety aroblernsreceive at-
tention from police who inspect, license bikesrpho
Jan 5, 28e. Defensive bicycling LTE; riding against the
traffic on the left side of the road recommended.
14, 37h. Police are opposed to citv council bill liccs-
sing bicycles NYC cops are too busy for bikes,
Feb 8, IV, 3d, Life in a factorv: It is unitv that coults
China mass production in Kwrtngchoware told.
page 88
1976 I '.*
Feb 16, 23d. Knieva? :'cvclesin park to oromote bike safety
Eve1 fieval in Central Park; 2 photos.
22, X, 5d. Bike train AYH's semi-annual bike train will
leave Queens for Hampton: $12 tickets available.
Mar 7, X, 5e. Bike train LTE; AYH also has g-day trips to
other places, carried there in old RR car: $6.00.
26, 69~. Reflecting tires required. NY State requires
all adult bikes to have reflective sidewalls.
28, X, 9 & 22. Wheeling through Wales American couple
tell about their tour thru hilly Wales, air service
scenery and the land of King Arthur: map, 2 photos
25, XI, 19a & 24. Pedaling fun for 2 wheels NYCity
bikeway plans side tracked by lack of funds; NJ is
center of bike racing in the east: bike calendar
given: Memorial Day Tour of Somerville told; 4 pho
28, XI, 19a, 25-27, Scenic tours for bikers 2 NJ tours
described1 Crombury to New Egypt, and Princeton to
New Hope; 2 maps, quotes from Caslinsky's guide.
Apr 4, XXI, 3a. Lcng article about
bike oppo sland,.,sea coast,
hills, food, muselrms,etc: Dan Henry routesc
4, XXI, 26c, Routes to anvwhere Suffolk, Nassau, Oys-
ter Bay, Shoreline, mts, farm land, cities, etc.
provide wide variety of biking on Long Island; ph.
11, XXI, 38a. Stop by - don't write for bike tour book
Nassau County has guide to 10 bike tours on Long
Island, but not available by mail.
16, 12~. Donald Burch biked from Massachusetts to Miami
where his wife & daughter met him via airplane.
May 2, 4Od, Concourse to become bikewav Bronx's Grand Con-
course will have bike la~tesopen on Sundays,
8, 53~s. Safety panel issues tips to bicyclists CPSC
regs will go into effect in May; tips: diagram,
21, I, 20b. Moped legalized NY State classifies the
'new' motor-assisted bike as a motorcycle.
22, 13~. Sadness in Sicily Photo; Spanish rider killed
in Tour of Italy crash: Santisteban.
;un 5, 35e. Message on a bike Figuretone Exercising Bike
pedals while massaging, a stationary bike.
7, 33e. 150 pedal down Manhattan to promote 'Bike
Right' Sen Javits et. al. request bike paths inNYC
10, 8Oc.Trenton topicsNJ issues free 250page moped book
page 89
Jun 14, 35e. In support of bike lanes Photo; highwheelers
and unicycles lead bike parade in NYC.
14, 67~. 300 b icyclists compete in Enalewood Mile NJ
town sponsors annual race: 2 photos.
23, 38e. Dangerous cyclists LTE; bikers should stay
off pedestrian paths; request bikers obey law.
Jly 13, 35h. Cyclist, 61, killed while on a trip around
the world Dr. Wm F Marquardt, linguistics prof,
was killed near Batavia, NY, Sunday nite after
having pedaled from San Francisco enroute to Europe
and Asia. [I have lost a good friend. Editor]
19, 18b. Belgian first in Tour de France Lucian van
Impe wins 63rd TdF that has ended in Paris.
20, 68f. Assemblvman Bl-ianKennedy of NJ says mopeds
are cheap, safe and energy savers: photo.
24, 27g. State traffic deaths increase NY State bike
fatalities hit 8 dead by May 1976.
Aug 4, 28a. Mercury on 2 wheels Can Carriers Messenger
Service provides color & excitement in NYC,
10, 28d. WronP-wav cyclists LTE; doctor suggests bikers
pedal the right way, and stay out of hospitals.
23, 27b. Bicycle check-up draws big wheels to Central
Park Voluntary safety check attracks crowd: photo.
25, 34~. To license bicyclists LTE; should bikers be
licensed so that police can ticket violators?
27, Blc. Cyclist's trip around the world is in the
3,000-mile home stretch Robert Morris, NJ, re-
enters US in CA after traveling thru 29 countries
in Europe, Africa, Australia and E. Asia: recounts
memorable events, suggesting that America drops its
materialistic viewpoint for joys of simpler things;
map9 2 photos.
29, 46a. New York seeks bikewav funds NYC applies for
Fed funds to help pay for 27-mi urban bikeways.
29, X, 5. Bike trail 800-mi East Coast Bicycle Trail
from Boston to Richmond is layed out by East Coast
Bicycle Congress, AYH, LAW, etc; guidebook f‘c,r
Sep 2, 30a. Two-wheeled underdoes LTE: taxis, potholes 6
pedestrians are the bane of cyclists.
5, V, 9a. Dutch woman takes cycling title K.van Oosten
-Hage takes women's road race in Italy.
9, 56~. Dutch woman takes cycling title.pursuit race.
Sep 12, X, 21. Bike meters Oxford, OH, installs bike park-
ing equipment to parking meter poles; motorists
pay as usual, bikers don't.
25, 18~. West Side Promenade West Side Highway will be
converted to bike route.

Nov 6, 21a & 34b.

Robert Mor
truckers a

arrives fn

Kane: 2 photos.


& The pKWid@S
news Riwer VaP-
ley, the delta area and nearby Gulf

Mow to classify mopeds causes local officials

problems with regulations, insurance, etc.
Mar 10, I, 14f. Bicyclists in dancrerLTE: gives examples
of motorists* infringementon bikers' right-of-way
15, 1, 22e. Bicyclists don't care LTE; when bikers
learn the rules of the road, motorists will start
to respect their rights.
Apr 9, 3, 2a. [photo] World's smallest bike was built in
page 91

Apr 9, 2, 2a. Bike oath Dlan to move here NO master bike

plan wired tried, but how to predict bike use is
an unresolved problem,
25, 3, 1Oa. Safe 'volt waxen* mobilizes elderly Inven-
to Anthony Lam operates bikes from batteries: phot
May 14, 1, 14a. Consultants proDose 3 bike routes Park,
French Ouarter and Universitv c= could have a
bike ro&ze, according to plah befbre the City,
6, 2a. Allons a Montreal: Finkleat cyclist-in-exil
pedals on Univ. of NO stlldentTom Finklea wins t!
Tour de Louisiana, and hopeful about the Olympics.
1, 14~. Bucktown bike bridae? LTZ; new bike bridge
needed adjacent to wooden Bucktown Bridge t- give
access to park, yacht club & restaraunts.
1, 14a. 6 more bike paths mulled NO City Planning
amm . receives more ~~~~o~o~~~s PETXIIBuck & Assn
1, 1oa.
c0n1mut@ 3m
bike master plan itarNO,
.Ily12, 1, ba.
Baton R Prix Bicycle
Race clu ana Festivaltpho
Aug 17, 1, 13d. September bike safety month Gav. Edwards
kicks off Louisiana Bike safety month: films bc
literature are available; photo.
17, 3, 9d, NO bicycle repairman brings his business to
his customers Wm. Port carries his repair business
in iltruck, providing service by appointmcntt phot
s last yeart
Sep 16, 7, 15h, 3-~war bike trip finished bv US pair.
JackForeman & Grant WagneT bike from Univ. of Chi-
cago to Buenos AirFzs,tell about 10,OOO
Ott 17, 1, 9a. Pedal-aowered bikes invented MIT pro!
designs innovative bikes; David G Wilson
24, Dixie, p 30, 32-7. The spokin' word A major arti-
cle that conteins interviews with local touring,
racing and com2ting interests; broad bike cove~c
and quotes from-bike dealers; 12 photos.
Nov 14, 1, lOe, Canadian couple peddles here Louise &
Serecs GiZbert of Montreal stop in NO to tell of
1-heirbike trip to tip of South America that still
has 13,000-mi,lcs yet to go; phora.
THE TIMES (London)

.A The Times and its various associated
5 w Q,5 parts is a major British national news-
g 3 x iKl paper that provides news of the British
2z cl VI P4u Isles and the Continent.
Jan 27,e;d~tCycle-cross: Seventh double for Belaium in
R years Amateur Eric devermeire and pro Roger
devlaeminck of Belgium take race in Switzerland.
Feb 3, 17e, Pedalless Ralei will put X130,000 into its
ll-man team1 many wi not be Britons,
9, 19e ST, The push-bike blues Biking in con
London has its perils: photo,
14, 19g ST. Make cycling safe 336 fatal bike accidents
in Cl3in 1973 spurs cycleways in Portsmouth, etc.
27, 8h. Merckx wins tour and Pope's medal Eddy takes
the Tour of Sardinia for 4th time.
Mar 16, 21f ST. Ride in country is

6, 19d ST, Bikes flash Nation-wide rent-a-bike setice

now available at hotels, parks, etc: photo.
24, 16~. Biking Reporter tells about Hira-Bike's race
between London & Kensington: perils of urb,an
May 24, 15d.
26, 10n. Phil Edwards
t&es T.of Britain time trial4 C'iro d'Italia told,
27, gh. Edwards loses lead to a Czech cyclist 1st stage
of"Milk Race taken by V. Vondracek.
28, 'lg.Edwards leads British win British r1team takes
2nd stage of Tour of Britain; Cairod'Ita1i.atold.
29, 8~. Another win for Britain as world champion era&-
es 3rd stage taken by Wm Nickson as Kowalski falls
30, 10~. Nickson comes first after long uphill sprint
4th stage of TofB raken'by Bill Nickson.
31, 22e, Finishing sprint bu a Dane wins fifth stage
Henrik Rasmussen takes 5th stage of TofB.
paP,e 92
THE TIMES (London) page 93
June 1, 25g ST, 'Cat' Pet his man Dudley Hayton sprints
past leaders to take stage of Milk Race.
2, 9f. Griffiths falls from fourth to 29th position
Sean Kelly, Ire., takes 7th stage while Johansson,
Sweden, takes overall lead: Giro d'Italia report.
3, 9e. Johansson increases overall lead in TofB.
4, 10d. Champion's win fails to change pattern 9th
stage taken by Kowalski, but Johansson keeps lead.
5, 7a, Edwards loses stage by a tyre's width TofB 10th
stage is won by J. Postusny of Czech.
7, 128, The ouiet American who is leading a two-wheel
revolution John Howard leads the US team at TofB
and receives good comments from European racers,
and discusses racing situation is US; photo.
7, 22c, Johansson well positioned to win Milk Race
Henk Mutsaars, Holland, wins 11th stage TofB;
R devlaeminck, Belgium, takes 20th stage T.of Italy
8, 31g ST. British hopes curdle Dave Chauner, US,
takes stage while Johannson drops behind.
9, 8c0 Swedish rider takes the Milk Race B. Johannson
takes 1st place; v. Vondacek, 2ndr T.FiIipsson, 3d.
10, 8b.
10, 19h-21d, Raleigh halts production of cycles for
America Raleigh chairman Phillipssays US market
has collapsed, forcine Raleigh to cut work force
from 8,800 down to 550; situation explained.
15, 6h ST, Two-wheel week Nat'1 Bike Week to be cele-
brated m procession in London.
23, lob. Large ga13separates West from rest of col-
leagues Les West wins Br. prcl-roadcycling chLampian-
ship for 2nd time.
26, 13n* AnquetiP ready to concede Tour record to
Merckx Tour de Fran;%eshould be won by Eddy M.
27, 9f. Itnl'dn
c- defeats Merckx in Tour time trial
takes trial in TdF,
28, 23g. Several Tour favorites soon w out Moser
and Merckx are out in front as Eddy takctage.
30, SC. Hoban finishes one place behind PlerckxBarry H,
Br, takes 7th place in 2d stage TdF.
Jly 1, llg, Moser still leads after huge sprint finish
Jacques Esasson, Fr, takes 4th stage TdF.
2, lid. Belgians lose places in final sprint Theo Smit,
Nerh., takes 5th stage ahead of Van Linden & Eddy.
page 94 THE TIMES (London)
Jly 3, 5g. Time for Merck.x to put vellow jersey on again
Eddy takestime trial & the lead in TdF 6th stage.
4, 9g. Merckx unmoved bv Moser's stage victory Eddy
keeps overall lead.
5, 21g. Hoban sprints in to get his mention Barry H,
Br, takes 8th stage that ends at Bordeaux velodro
7, 7c, Merckx prepares for challenge in the mountains
Merckx moves 90 sec. ahead of Moser of Italy.
8, 7g. Gimsndi climbs to stage win Felice Gi
takes stage 10 of TdF in the ~~~~~~s Mts.

10, 5h. Kneteman wins twelfth stage of Tour Gerrie K,

Holland, takes 12th stage TdF, but Merckx leads
the race with Thkvenet right behind.

12, %Qc, Merckx loses 30 seconds Lucien Vnrahpe takes

14th stage, a superb hill climber, ut blerckx is
punched by spectator near finish
is under consideration against s
ke service at

14, Bf, Inexplicable failure bv Merckx after leading

Thevenet takes 1350mi stage as Gimandi, Zoetemelk
and Van Impe pass Merckx with Z-miles of the line,

18, 7a. ThGvenet again keeps rivals in their places

Bernard keeps lead as Tour moves across to Parys.
19, 4h. Paris nrq~ares to receive French winner Mercks
trails Thgvenet by 3 min. 3 sec.
21, Ge. Thgvenet Tour winner and national hero Paris
celebrates as B. Thevenet takes 1st place; Merekx
2nd place (and with a broken jaw): Van I
Zoetomelk, 4th place; photo.

page 95
THE TIMES (London)
Jly 22, 2d. [photo] New bike trails in nat'l forest open.
23, 9a. Powerful teams compete in Scottish race Scot-
tish Milk Race attracks Polish h Czech teams, with
R. Szurkowski and S. Szozda.
24, 9f. Pole sprints clear in the final mile Stanislav
Szozda takes first stage.
24, 25a. Bicycle firms are back in the saddle Designer
Eric Claxton takes reporter on tour of Stevenage,
England, to show him the new bikeway network.
25, 8e. Poland stays in charEe of Scottish race 2nd
stage taken by Ryszard Szurkowski.
28, 52. Medhurst wins snrint title after favorites
Paul Medhurst, Br, wins Br. amateur track race at
28, 5h. Poland makes clean sweep in Milk Race Tour of
Scotland won by Poland; France, 2nd place: Britain
in third place; Mieczslaw Nowicki is first.
Hallam wins title Ian NaIlam, Br, wins Dr.
29, 81-1.
amateur time trial at Leicester.

es not to

Aug, 1, 5a. Path for cyclists Urban bikeway opens in

Richmond Park, London.
1, Ills.Like mother, like dauffhterDenis Burton takes
3,000-metes pursuit race at Leicester.
Nat'1 team

f Barras Sid Barras takes pro

race at Birmingham: results from Leicester meet.
10, 2% ST.Special offer The Times sells small-whcelod,
collapsible Euro-Bike for f39.50.
14, 25a. Foresakinp,
avoided bikeways rn t
19, 7f, World event not to be in Britain
won't host l9ir"s
world ch,ampionships:
21 ( 7&
i, Jt~dgesrule in Lutz*s favor despite flat tire.
page Yb
THE TIMES (London)
Aug 22, 6g. Men's final mav be decided bv hundreth of a
second Sheila Young is disqualified: Susan Novarra
& Iva*Zajickowato fight for 1st place at Liege;
while men's race looks very tight.
23, 21g. Morelon takes seventh world snrint title Dan
Morelon, Fr, takes amateur title at Liege while
Norarra wins her race.
25, llh. Russian Dair are beaten after steerina error
Tandem sprint at Liege taken by Poland.
26, 8a. Nicholson beats champion to win snrint title
John Nicholson, Australia, takes pro race in Liege

29, 9~. Best amateur riders need to keep Poles anart

Polish team has many fine racers, a review.
Sep 1, 9~1,Kuiper adds world title to Olvmnic gold Hcnnie
Kuiper beats Thevenet and Merckx in 166-m world pro
road race.

7, 32f ST, Priced out Fatsi.& Sercu,

in TdF because Italian sponsor Los

Skol S-day track race at Empire Pool is under way,

because of
Up””says bikes are
not dangerous: 2
v\.llner;ible, tas.
21( 30 ST. It's that man Sercu again Patrick Sercu, BeI,
is 6 time winner of the Skol 6-day race: photo.
22, 9a. BelRian breaks ribs but will race on Pijnen-
Hari?z team leads at Wembley.
23, 8e. Dutch-German pair still in lead Pijnen-Haritz.
24 , 8h. Rene Pij-
nen and Gunter Haritz still in the lead at Skol.
page 97
THE TIMES (London)
Sep 25, llg. Overall lead for Gowland and German partner
Tony Gowland & Peffgen take Skoll track race while
capacity crowd cheers.
26, 12g. For Britain the party is over before it beti
Pijnen-Haritz take 6-day team race at Wembley.
Ott 5, 15a ST. Cyclists* pennant LTE; recommends reflective
triangle extending 20-in into traffic: safety.
12, 12e ST. How to be a cyclist and stav alive 2LTE;
belts, flashinglights, horns, etc. suggested.
12, 19g ST. Motor show's best bargain Collapsible,
small-wheeled bike is road tested, a good buy.
30, 27b. The lightest bicycle Harry Binkerton's It. wt,
collapsible, small-wheeled bike evaluated: story.
Nov 12, 10h. Spain invited Spain accepts invitation to
TofB; hasn't been invited since 1965.
21, 1386b, TLS, Chain gang Book review of "King of the
Road" by Andrew Ritchie, an illus, bike history.
Ilec 20, 16g. While
the Wembley stadium is under repair and reconstruc-
Jan 17, 12n. Magnificent men on their trying machines
Chit chat about bike scene in London and prevailingly
British attitudes on biking.
15, 9. Cycling A collection of short articles dealing
with clothing, lights, 19th Century bike graphics,
etc; 5 illus, 3 photos,
Fcb 24 k 9b, Skol
6-day ey Pool
is under reconstruction.
26, 14~. Nite riders Reflective tape, strips, etc. may
help reduce Britain's 300 annual bike deaths.
29, 14 & 15 STM. Wear on wheels
u- Various apparel can be
worn while cycling to work: photos of doctors,
professors, engineers, etc. cycling in Britain.
Mar ?3, 156, Place of cycling in transoort policy LTE;
planners should include bikes in urban policy.
26, 15a. Cycling in London LTE; Creater London Council
member says the Council wishes to improve the
plight of cyclists in congested London traffic,

The Wall Street Journal is America's

4-J financial newspaper with a national
act-J scope. The "Eastern Edition" is used
g 2
r: a dS for this compilation,
Sep 11, le. Motorized bicycle Are common in Europe, and
are now finding their way to America where each
state has its own ideas as how to treat mopeds.
Nov 4, le. The checkoff Fed employee is denies mileage
claim because he rode a bike, not a car.
Dee 31, 8d, Bike oath oroiect to Pet $dmillion of US funds
US DOT bikeway demonstration project receives funds

Jan 29, 3c. Bicycle-safety rules, requiring stress tests,

reflectors are issued CPSC bike regs outlined.
May 11, lla. BicvcIists, ioggers and even skaters claim
doomed highway in Manhattan Unused elevated hiway
awaits demolition as locals use it as bikeway.
.Jun 2, 26~. US stlldyinp,
exports of bicycles by Taiwan Is
Taiwan gov't subsidizing bike exports to US?
.Jly 30, 16d. Huffman says profit rebounded after the 1975
sales slump; stocks look good, too.
Aug 18, 30d. Goodyear to stop making tires, tubes for bi-
cyrles Foreign & domestic competii iorl too much.
Ott 6, Id & 30a. On the trail, bikers have ups & downs
plus aches & pains 8 adult bikers pedal 480-miles
across Virginia following Bikecentennial trail;
daily log and comments about the trip are told.
18, 29c, Bike carrier
seats led by CPSC.

E The Washington Post provides news of
c ..-I America's politics, the nation and that
4-J 4J a,5
g 2' : %"o world beyond the Potomac River. The
7% ci b-JLO "Eastern Edition" is indexed below.
t 24 ) !226c.For bicycles only LTE; suggests lipplying
Canadian prncticc of closing parks to c;lrson
Sunday as s\litablcpractice for Rock Creek Parkway
Dee 3, Al4a. Mopeds Editorial opposed to 1umpinC:mopeds
with bicycles; should be considered mot orcycle.
13, A72c. Mopeds and cars LTE; r,ivethem a chance.
page 99
Dee 19, A22c. Encouraging the use of mopeds LTE: mopeds
should not be required to register as motorcycles,
a procedure that works against them; alternative
criteria suggested.
Jan 11, D12b, Pedal power British bike scene reviewed:
observations from Whitehall to burlesque told.
22, Glc. They're off and trikinq Congressmen and Earl
Butz race their trikes indoors: 4 photos.
Mar 2, A18c. A harassed bicyclist LTE; biking and walking
are a real challenge rather than an open invitation
to energy saving alternatives: examples given.
16, A18c. Commuting bicycles LTE; motorists are more
towards bikers than ever before.
Ap 17, AlOc. Priorities for bicycles LTE: asks repeal of
Maryland law that requires bikes to use bikeways.
22, DCle & DC4d. -I_-+-
New network of bike trails may not
aind easy solline,DC area plans unified bikeway
system to riverscapes, businesses, parks, canal,&
countryside; details given with 2 maps, photo.
25, K6a. Biking for the Bicentennial Bikecentennial '76
plans tour across US: Ed Haering to lead a tollrtph
28, A13r1, Brie d summat-y01~
Dr. E y told: auto con-
cesti ke planning told.
May 10, Bla & B7a. Bikecentennial will beEin alone,4,250-
mile route Interviews with anxious cyclists: photo
17, Cla & C3n. 76 trail bikers squish westward GTOIL~
Youngstown, VA in rain, heading for Oregon
while spirit-s;ZrQhigh; photo ol- Clnr-cnccPa&;lril,
85 yrs old Iowa I~Llmlcr-/biktr: histary & photo.“;.

20 ) DCGii . DC DO’1 bf;lnt H IlIog~cYI

cl2ssi t r-y wnnts bike 9.10~
26 ( Al?!4* IIlIPI'OVi Ilk-: t h( 1 .-l-l!:
DC s~~bw;l>v (:;IL-s
can car-~-y
bikes 6. bikers: photo.
31, A15;t. Biking, ;unid the fumes Editor-i;11complains
~lbout srq:,p,est 0 ing bikers r-vcc>i
full~c~s ) \'c t;is
benefit for-Iraving their cars at home.
.Iliil 10 , :\18C. Bicvcle commuting, hazards 3LTE; air in DC is
too dirty to bike thru; safe routes to l<orkare
needed: cars shoul.dbe taxed to support bike modes.
14 f Aid & A8d. lOOO-mile bike trip lures reporter A
Wa;hinaton Post reporterwill accompany Bikecenten-
ninl tow from Astoria, Oregon, to Jackson, Wyomiv,

Jun 21, Ala & A5a. First stop: a one-room schoolhouse
2nd article in CynthiaGorney's series on bike tour-
ing; swaps bike talk with cyclists while they get
organized for tour: visits Finnish homes near
schoolhouse in Oregon: map.
23, A3a. Wyoming trip beains with ro: LMo.3
group described as easy going, mostly ed
mostly young: first 50-mi day down the Oregon
coast described: map,
24, A3a, Night's 1odRinR a bit rustic
floor greets bi.kers after long day
sights & smells: map.

catches group asleep: local folks help

27, A3a. Hungary bikers reach Salem [No.63 A day off
to see Salem, OR,: map.
27, G5a, G6a & G7

29, A3a. Roundus of an errant calf

Valley ta Eugene off fS side tr
streams and mountain rimlandr photo.

can priest's retreat..guided tour:map.

30, 18~. Bicycles are Un-American LTE: bike
says car-aLiented society needs a switch i

ownhblP to
SiStf?SS ( OR, on the dry interior plateau is easy.
7 A3a. Cyclists visit llcamasin Ore No.101 Ll,unn
ranch on volcanic landscape enjoy-e before rain;m&ap
4, B8b. He made his point Clarence Pickard, 86, leaves
Bikecentennial in Missouri after biking 1,500-miles
from Youngstown, $?A; advocate oC physical fitness.
5, 113i-r.
Bikecentennial is a hit in Mitchell Fresh
cherry pie and smiles greet hikers: storics[Ko.:ll
7, A3a. Western mh hosoitalitv[No. 12 Sagebrush &
talk with local ranchers at Werford, OR.; map.
page 101
Jly 9, Ala 6cA6a. Heat, fatirue take toll [No.131 Bikers
too tired for halfway-point celebration as the sun
wilts spirits in barren terrain; map.
11, R3a. Wine tasted fun at White Bird [No. 14
ful locals dance & drink, tell Indian storiestmap.
13, A3a. In Lewis-Clark's VfootstepsgExplorer Lewis
had tummy ache at Syrgina, and so do bikers: just
as they leave Snake River for the forests & mts.
14, Alb-A9a. An escane from bups, bikes Mosquitos,bugs
and rain interrupt sleep: hitch-hike to Missoula.
17, AlOb. A pushover to pedal Are mopedsbikes or motor-
cycles? Maryland law now favors bike status: phot
18, A3a. Bikers' oath oarallels Indian march [No.17
In 1877 the US Army chased the Nez Perce Indian
1700 miles across Oregon and into Montana; map.
19, A22d. LTE:
Commuters' bike route thsu Arlington Cemetery is
closed; alternativessuggested.
20, A3e.
mines gfeet than
22, Alf & A18a. Pavina a visit to Old Faithful Geisers
of Yellowstone delight group , but campe
and tourists present a real danger8 map
25, Ala & A6e. Toasts hail iourney'send Gro
it up in Jackson, Wyoming, retelling stories: map.
26, A3b, Biker'?-haonvordeal ends at 1,400 miles[207
Reporter sums up the wonderful biking experiences
she & her new companions suffered/enjoyed:photo,
26, AlSc, Cycling across America 3LTE; 2 favorable to
Bikecentennialseries~ one criti al of maps, dialog,
spelling, perspective of series, SQU~ grapes, E&]
Aug 17, Al6c, Bikes in elevators LTE, US gov't could force
landlords to permit bikes in office elevators.
Sep 30, A26c. Rough bike trails LTE; DC commuter says
paths need to be swept, repaired.
Ott 16, A14d. Facts and fiction about bike safety L'TE:
because Fed report on bike accidents shows that
riding on a bike path is more hazardous for adult
bikers than in the street, maybe pathsshould be
Nov 18, Blf & B5a. NW lawyer oedals into legal pitfall
Car door flies open into cyclist, who gets fined.
26, A22c. Bicvclinp and the law 3LTE; Dutchman says
motorist should be the ticket, not the cyclistl
taking the lane can be dangerous alternative.
Corporate authors are listed in alphabetical order in
Sections III [CATALOGS] starting on page 42 and in
Section VI [MISCELLANECXJSJstarting on page 71.

Aaron, James E, 62-2 Burgess, Robert A., 56-7

Abou-Logh, Zuhair, 38-2 Burl&older, Jim, 13-4
Adams, Raymond, 5-1 Cady, Falter G., 75-8
Alexander, Robert, 37-l Campbell, Jule, 35-4
Allen, C.D., 37-3 Cantin, Eugene, 6-8
Allen, Gene, 19-1 Capelle, D.G., 72-3
Allis, John, 9-8 Camey, Rep., 49-l
Altrocchi, Paul H, 14-4 Carpenter, Edward K., 20-7
Amsterdam, E.A., 26-5 Carson+ Dorothy Hill, 13-3
Anquetil, Jacques, 5-2 Carter, Bruce, 6-9
Antikova, VIA., 22-5 Cartlidge, N.E.F., 16-12
Asa, Warren, 15-14 & 15-18 Cary, Charlie, 23-8
Athey, George, 31-1 Chapatte, Robert, 7-2
Atonna, Peter, 67-8 Chantigny, Louis, 7-l
Auch, Herman, 7-4 Chany, Pierre, 5-2
Avis, Frederick C., 5-3 Chatterjee, Arun, 38-2
Bakker, J.P., 40-6 Chlapecka, Thomas, 78-5
Ballantine, Richard, 5-4 Clarys, Jan P., 80-5
Banister, E.W., 21-8 Claxton, Eric, 77-1, 79-9
Baranet, Nancy N,, 5-5, 9-10 Cleckner, Robert M., 19-9,
Basmajian, J.V., 80-6 24-7, 30-8, 31-6, 73-7
Bastide, Roger, 5-6 Commins, John, 52-5
Bell, Glennys, 28-6 Cole, N, 79-10
Bendixson, Terence, 6-1,29-2 Conger, Thomas A., 65-4
Benedict, Francis G, 75-8 Conner-y,Sam, 36-1, 36-2
Benien, Bette, 14-6 Corazzini, J.H., 39-7
Bennett, Margaret, 6-2, 6-3 Corey, Edward, 35-2
Berkowitz, Carl, 79-8 Craft, A.W., 16-12
Bertrand, Ina, 17-11 Cranston, Sen., 49-l
Biermann, June, 6-2 & 6-3 Cross, Kenneth D., 72-5
Bilgors, Ellen, 13-6 Crouch, Wally, 17-2
Blish, Jeffrey, 6-4 Culkowski, P.M., 75-10
Bowd;nj G;;e$oryHouston Cutler, Bill, 16-13
-1 - Dabbert, Fritz, 41-l
Boyer, Richard G., 6-6 Daffem, Eileen, 7-3
Branch, Diana, 29-8 Danahy, Barbara, 40-2
Brand, Nicholas M., 64-2 Daniels, E.G., 21-5
Braun, Richard P., 39-l Daveport, Irvin W., 33-9
Brienes, S., 6-7 Davidson, Joel, 29-7
Bronikowski, Ray, 17-6 Davidson, Sherri, 29-7
Broomhead, Philip, 82-2 Davis, J.A., 26-5
Browder, Sue, 19-7 Davis, Mark, 68-5
Rep Brown, 49-l Dean, W.J., 6-7
Buckley, Sen James, 49-l Del, Earnest, 83-2
Burden, Dan, 32-3, 41-8 DeLong, Fred, 73-10
Burden, Peter, 28-2 Demetsky, Michael J, 38-7
Burgel, Jim, 29-6 Denk, Rrlen M., 23-4
page 102 Diamond, Peter, 63-10
page 103
Dillon, Jack, 27-8
Dimmick, John, 26-6 Giese, M.D., 26-4
Dorren, I, 81-10 Gilbert, Bil, 35-l
Doughtery, Dick, 7-4 Gillespie, David Craig, 8-4
Drach, Ronald W, 24-4 Ginzton, Artemas, 75-4
Drake, Eliz, 54-4, 54-5, Glading, Judith, 75-11
72-6, 79-11 Godfrey, K.A., 18-2
Draper, James, 69-2 Golembesky, Dr. Henry. 29-l
Driessen, Gerald J, 81-6 Goodman, Jory, 29-l
Drury, C.G., 21-5, 21-6 Goodwin, Jacob, 41-3
Dumoulin, Ggrald, 7-5 deGraaf, Peter V.M., 20-9
Durand, Jacques, 7-6 Granger, V., 33-2
Dusart, Etiense R., 68-6 Gray, Robert, 15-36
Dysart, Gary P., 57-2 Gribble, McPhee, 8-5
Eckman, Paul B., 14-4 Griffith, Jane, 8-6
Eckstein, Paul M,, 26-1 Grigg, Glenn M., 56-13
Edholm, O.G., 21-4 Grot;;fh$s, Dirk H. ter,,
Edinger, Kenneth W., 50-3
Efremov, V.V., 41-2 Guichon, Donald M.P., 24-8
Eggleston, David M, 72-l Gullick, Carl, 66-11
79-7 Hagan, Ron, 56-9
Eilberg, Rep,, 49-l Hagberg, J.M., 26-4
Elgie, William, 60-9 Hake, Janet, 34-8
Engle, Ulla, 76-3 Hammond, Allen L, 33-10
Engleson, David 6, 23-10 Hammond, Beverly J., 71-6
Ev&cgtj Dgri)yike.D., 37-4, Hanson, Perry, 39-9
- 1 Hanson, Susan, 39-9
Ewers, Wiliia& 7-7 Harris, Reg, 8-7
Famey, Michael H., 7-8 Hartford, Bill, 32-l
Feder, Richard C,, 38-3 Haugen, Judith, 41-7
Feilden, Richard, 77-8 Haut, R., 4
Fcls, Margaret I~,,38-4 Trewor, 2
Felton, Bill 30-10
F'erebee,Ann, 20-4, 20-5, Hawthorn, Elizabeth, 8-8
20-13. Hawthorn, Margaret, 8-8
Ferrarra, ?homas C., 39-8, Hebbert, R.A., 17-8
76-5 Heere, E., 40-9
Finelli, Dr. Pasquale, 28-13 Hemstad, Rarhel, 9-l
Fink, Irn Stephen, 55-12 Henderson, John R., 57-4
Fi tchenbnran,Matthew, 31-8 Herendeen ) Robert , 83- 1
Fixdal, K.G., 79-7.5 St:in, 54-l
Flanders, Delve, 15-4 avid ) 63-1
Fletehor-,Marvin E., 14-5 Hersev, April, 17-3
Flora, .J.D., 78-4 Hcstzel, Leo J., 29-3
Foldvary, L.A., 72-10 Hibbard, Tham~~ H., 38-h
Forester, John, 8-1, 8-2 Hirst, Dr. Eric, 34-1, 49-l
Foster, Lee, 40-3 83-l
Galloway, Lynn, 41-6 Hodges, Dr. Stevpn, 25-13
Gardner, Keith M., 29-l Hornstein, Daniel ,
Gatsoff, C., 51-5 Hosken, Fran P., Z
Gay, David, 76-6
George, Barbara, 8-3, 11-6
George, Jean, 33-l
Ghosh, Biswa, 13-1
page 104
Illich, Ivan, 34-7 Lott, Dale F., 55-13, 56-l
Izard, John, 27-l thru 56-5, 72-2
James, Peregrine, 28-4, 28-5 Luebbers, David J*, page ii,
28-7. 28-9 9-9, 59-13, 60-l
Jensen, Peter, 36-1, 36-2 Lum, W, 56-6
Jilla, Robert J., 62-6 Lund, Hans V., 76-3
Jones, Lloyd W., 69-4 Lynch, J.P., 72-4
Jorgensen, N.O., 76-2 Maas, Peggy, 22-1
Jorgetxon, Eric, 9-3 MacKay, G.M., 22-7, 79-5
Joske, Pierre, 57-7 MacKee, W., 17-l
Kamsler, Ilene, 59-12 Maekerodt, Fred, 25-9
Kane, Thomas R,, 23-9 MacLain, Lyn,ton,21-l
Kaplan, Jerrold A., 40-1, Mafchir, J
52-1, 52-4 Malsin, Al
Kaplan, R.J., 78-4 Margoshes,
Kawatski, Jeffrey D., 23-4 Markve, Ke
Kendrick, Zebulon, 26-6 Marlowe, Donald-E, 5
Kennard, J.A., 24-6 51-2, 51-3
Kenyon, Michael., 23-2 Mason, RiP., 75-l
Keryeski, J.M., 75-10 Matthews, Christo
Kinsman, Robert A,, 26-2 May, P., 17-1
Kitching, Ron, 9-4 Mayes, David, 14-3
. Beth C., 13-2 McCullagh, Charles C., 9-10
, I;‘.,
21-7 McDermott, J
Knir,ht,Frank T., 9-5
Knott%c,y,P., 9-6
KObils,G.V, 9 21-Q
Koch, Edward I , 39-3
Krnft, W,H,, 79-8
Scott N., 62-2
Kra1.1,Bonnie, 13-7
Don, 11-4
La1"and,Donald L, 63-7
Lai, Dr. James S., 52-7
Lnnc;lshire,David, 9-7
LnPl;tnte,John N,, 27-3
Lnllxon,B, , 70-3
Lavigne, H.H., 80-2
Lcgarra, J.A., 55-4
Lehrmnn, Steve, 9-8
LeLonp,,Mary,aretv, ) 41-5
Lcsjnc>k,John J,, 23-6
iot ) Jean-Michel , 10-2
LPVi n, DilIl, 35-5
Ixwichi , L.R. , 71-2
Lewi 11::
) Leon, 80-5 Muller, PI.,36-7
Lincoln, G.A., 34-2 hullin, J-P., 26-4
Lindsley, E.F., 32-2 Mum, Harold C., 38-l
Linncrud, A.C., 26-6 Myles, S. Terence, 24-8
Little, Suzanne, 25-7 Nagushi, Joseph, 57,12+
Little, Willard, 31-4 Netherby, Steve, 22-3
Logan, John, 64-3 Newman, J.A., 71-2
Loghd, Z&air Abou- , 38-2 Noble, Bruce J., 26-3
Lokken, E,C., 37-9 Naordzi-1,P.C., 24-5
Nosker, Janes, 37-8 Schaibert,
K;Ftjli565z-12 Schildkraut, Hidge L., 22-9
4 - Schmidt, Duane, 65-2
Oddershhde, I,, 80-5 Schupack, Steward A., 81-6
Ohm, Carl E,, 39-6 Scab, Mishel, 5-2
Ollivier, Jean-Paul, 10-2 Scott, Robert
Olney, Ross Robert, 10-3
Oppenlander, J.C., 39-7
Oppeman, Six Hubert F, 30-7 Shaw, C&y S.,
Oram, R.L., 53-5
Oranen, Liisa, 77-3+
Orden, James H, Van, 65-9
Osborne, A.E., 24-2
Ostenfe'ld,Klaus, 35-7
Packard, R.G., 37-9
Pagnoud, Georges, 10-4, 10-S
Palmer, Hildred, 24-3
Pandolf, Kent B., 26-3
Penner, P.S., 53-6
Feregrine, James, 28-4+
Per-fat-w,Michael A., 3
Pefistein,George, 14-4
Psdolske, Richard C,, 39-1
Psirxx, Bemard, 80-8
Michael L., 26-6
Porter, Mu&, 10-6
Pruden, Donald J., lo-7,34-4
Ramey, M.R., 72-2
Rankin, Jack R, , 58-9
Rapcport , Dilvid,14-3
Rathbun, Lindn M, , 10-8
Ray, G.K., 37-9
Re;d, G.L., 24-2
Reicher, Thomas Z., 83-2
Rcminr,ton,J.D., 71-4
Rice, JOE?,A., 19-P
Ritchie, Andrew, IQ-9
Rahb, LOEXI, IO-10
, 1l-1
Roberts , Dc-trek
, 3-3
Rodala, Robrart
, ?$-[I
Rolt, L,T.C*, 36-7
Rosm, Nils, 83-3, 83-4
Ross, Michnc~l E. , 27-l
Rnstcnkowski , Rep. , 49- 1
Koth ) Mark) 1l-3
Rtmt r, :\I lWrcd, 27-9
Rutrlt3, .Jack,29-O
S:iltZIP\l;l, E.fl, , 41-2
, sm. ) 18-5
Snndcls, Stina, 83-5
Scqgett i , .I:wk 28-8
Schnr4, Jerry , 11-4
Sclxlrx,W.C. ( 75-10
page 106
Wallis, H.F., 25-3
Thawley, John, 11-10 Walters, Sally, 11-2
Theigef;, Robert De, 37-2 Walsh, L.B., 37-3
Walsh, David E., 31-5
Thkvknei, Bernard, 10-S Watkins, C., 32-10
Thiffault, Mark, 12-1 Watts, Lowell H., 63-l
Tholenaar, L.B., 40-8 Weeks, Sandra, 65-8
Thompson, Lane, 38-3 Weimer, Jack R., 57-2
Thompson, Ronald L,, 70-4 Weiser, Philip C., 26-2
Tichenor, Fred, 65-2 Wellemeyer, Marilyn, 22-8
Tobey, Peter W#, 12-2 Whitman, D., 75-9
Tomlins, George, 14-7 Wicks, Carol, 23-7
Toohey, Barbara, 6-2, 6-3 Wiley, Jack, 27-7
Tregenza, John, 31-3 Wilhelm, Glenda, 22-4
Peter, 37-7, 80-3 Wilkie, 24-2
Truelsm, Erling, 76-4 Wilmore, &t H., 26-5
Trucsdell, William, 23-7 Wilson, David G., 25-1,29-5
Turtlwici, A.R., 32-9 Wilson, S.S., 34-5
Ullm;in,Rep,, 49-l Wolf, Wilford, 67-2
Van~urp, P.B., SO-7 Wolfe, Fred L, 12-3, 60-3,
Vanlenaar, L.B.T., 40-8 80-4
Van Orden, JCamesH., 65-9 Wood, P.A., 71-3
Vcrschath, Anita, 35-3
VCldillt1 P* f 26-
VoLpJ, S,B*, 21-7
VrchOtil,Janet) 20-6
deVries, Herbert A., 26-7
W;tld~r, G, , 26-5 ~a~ko~sk~, M.M., 21-S
Wal1 , John Wm. , 76-7 Zimmerman, Mary A,, 27-3
Zollman, DeanI 31-l


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