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First Row: Mary S.

Al fo rd , M arilyn
J. Austin , M yrtis A. Austin, M ary V .
Bacon, J eanne E . Bennett, Constance
B. Berry, M ary L . Blalock, Nancy F .
Brown, Ellen L . Bruce.

econd Row: Barbara L. Burns, Bar-

bara J. Cain, Cathy A . Campbell,
Sandra A. Chambers, Peggy E . Chap-
man, Farron Chrietzberg, Sa ra C.
Cook, Ellen S. Crawford , Gwen L es-
lie Cruit.

Third Row: Margaret A. Cumbee,

Ruth C. D avis, Mary M . Denton ,
Cyn thia E. Dixo n, Patricia Flanigan ,
Diane Fleming, Linda J . Frith , Mar-
cia D . Frutige r, Carolyn S. Graves.


l;ourth Row: D onna S. Griffin , Linda
With the purpose to hold truth inviolable, sincerity essential, and kindness R . Griffith, Nancy L . Grimes, Mar-
jorie A. H ale, Virgi nia L. Hal ey, Su-
invaluable, Alpha Gamma D elta was founded nationally in 1904 at Syracu e san E. H arlan , Carole A. Harris,
University. Gamma Delta chapter became active on Auburn's campus with Mary J . H arris, Ann H en don.
its establishment in 1939.
Alpha Gam's were found participating in many niversity organizations and Fifth R ow: D eborah E. H obbs, Kath-
activities. J a na H oward was elected Miss Auburn; K ay Ivey served a.s Vice- erine H offman , J ane M . H o rnsby,
Suzanne Hubbard, Patricia Hu ckstep ,
President of the Student Body; Beth Crawford was Pre. ident of the School of K ay E . Ivey, Mary H . J ohn son, P eg-
Education a nd Carolyn Graves was President of the School of Home Economics; gy J ones, Gloria D . Liles.
Kay Moss and Margaret Ann Cumbee were War Eagle Girls; Gwen R oton
was in Angel Flight; Fraternity sweethearts included Ellen Crawford, Michele Sixth Row: Linda A . Lon g, Vivian C.
Purnell, Diane Fleming, Judy D eavours, and Bobb ie M cVi'horter; Sand y W al- Long, Susa n L . L ovelady, Barbara J .
L owry, M artha L . M abry, Marilyn
drop was a majorette; Sara McCree was a cheerleader; Judy D eavours was a H. M cD onald, Katherine McLemore,
Clom beauty; Ellen Bruce was a Calendar Girl; Anna R einhart was Editor of L aura A. M cMillan , L ou ise M . M c-
Pherson .
the Tiger Cub and Linda Long was Editor of Co-Ettiquette.
H onoraries included Mortar Board, Cwens, Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi K appa
Phi, K appa Delta Pi, Pi Mu Epsilon, Omicron Nu, and Who's Who in Ameri- Seventh Row: Bobbie N. M cWhorter,
can Colleges a nd Universities. Kathl een W . M edl ock, Carol J .
M eigs, Jan e T. M organ , J anie E .
Morgan , Patsy K . Moss, Elizabeth M .
eal, Nancy R. Nu nn ery, Rita A .

Eighth Row: Sher ril yn Parsons , Mary

C. Phelps, N a ncy A. Phillips, Brenda
L . Pl yler, Mi chel e A. Purnell , Neida
C. Ramey, Ann a M. R einh a rt, M ar-
ion B. R oberts, Susan F. R obinson.

inth Row: Gwendolyn R oton, Ma ry

H . R ylan d, D onn a G. Saliba, Nancy
I. Sanford, Penelope Saunders, J eann e
M . Sibbet, Sherry . Smith, Eliza-
beth A. Sm yth , Anita J . T aylor.

Tenth Row: A. V. Therrel l, L eslee J.

Thomas, M ary B. Thompso n, Martha
J. Tilley, Gin ger Van H ooser, M ary
C. V enable, Smyl y Wadswo rth , San-
dra M . Wald rop, Stephanie Wallace.

Alpha Cam Minst rels welcome rushees aboard their showboat. Eleventh Row: Pegi F . W ear, Claudia
Y . Wheeler, Antoin ett Williams, H ar-
riet E . Williams, Nancy A. Williams,
J anet M . Wilson , Martha A. Yates.

Not Pictured: Pau la A . Crowd er,

Judith A. D eavours, J oann L . Feagin,
M eril yn S. Graves, J ane L . H offman ,
President - .Jana Howard Lu cy E. H offman , Eleanor A. H olm-
Vice President Beth Crawford berg ancy A. Kirkwood , Sara W .
M cCree, Carolyn M . ichols, L eslie
Secretary l\farcia Parden Russell H elen M . Tuttle, Gwen
Vicker~, ancy A. Washburn, Eliza-
Treasurer - E ll en Lu cy beth Wheeler.

First Row: Gl en W. Blazemore, T em -
ple I. Bowling, J ohn W . Brock, J am es
R . Buckwalter, M ichael Bumgarner,
J ohn M . C loud , D onald E . Cole.

Second Row: T omm y C . D aniels, At-

ley C . D a ni els, A tl ey J. D av is, H ugh
D . D ozier, R obert A. Ferguson, J am es
A. F lanagan , K enn on T . Francis,
Loyd G . Fu lton .

T hird R ow: J ames D . Grigsb y, Wil-

liam G . Grubb, Arthur B. H ammond ,
Allen C . H art, C ha rl es M . H ines,

PI KAPPA PHI T homas R . H o rn , Andrew C. J ack-

so n.

The College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina, was the founding

site for Pi K appa Phi in 1904. With the purpose of believing in and holding to
all the principle. and ideal of our Southern heritage, Alpha Iota chapter was Fourth Row: D onald T . K end rick,
J ames E. Ki rk endall, R ay C . Lapier,
organized locally in 1926 . R obert E. La tham, R icha rd H . L ing,
T he outstanding social functions of the yea r were the R ed R ose Formal, J ungle R ona ld 0 . L ing, Bru ce R . Lockwood.
Party, M iss Easter Bunny Contest, Pledge Formal , a nd a Florid a H ouseparty.
Pi K ap's were active in various organizations and activities on Auburn's Cam-
pus. Brothers were represented on the soccer, golf, and gymnasti c teams, Society
of Military E ngineers, Society fo r the Adva ncement of M anagement, a nd the Fifth Row: J a mes E. M alone, J ames
T . M ann, Otis D . M a rsha ll, J ohn E.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. M cC lure, W ay ne S. M iller, J ohn C.
Several honoraries also were proud to have Pi K appa Phi mem bers. T hese M orrison, K enneth B. M orton.
included Scabbard and Blade, Arnold Air Society, Delta Sigma Pi, Pi T au Sig-
ma, Eta Kappa Nu, and Tau Beta Kappa.
O utstanding alumni include , v all y Bu tts, George Grant, and T homas , v olfe.
Sixth Row : C la ude M . Mueller, Pa t-
ri ck T. M u rphy, Thomas M . M ur-
p hy, Wi ll iam T . Pond er, J ames
Q uattl ebaum, Alfred J. R amsey, M i-
chae l E. R iddle.

Seventh Row: R obert G. R obie, J ames

B. R olli ns, Leo nard J . R onan, J er ry
W. Stalnaker, La rry D . Stephenson ,
D avid R . Stra in, F rederick Swindle.

Eighth R ow: Gu y M. T adlock, J ames

B. Tubbs, D av id 0 . V andervo rt ,
R obert Will iamson, J ohn D . Wolso n-
croft, Wi lso n R . Wood, Edwin C.
Wo rd.

inth Row: Thomas M . Wright.

Pi K a pp's J ung le' Pa rty p rovides a week-end of fun .

Not Pictured: Leo na rd C hristian ,

Scovell D ar rell , M endheim D ud ley,
J ames D . Flournoy, J oe W . Forehand ,
C ha rles E. French, J ames R . Gray-
so n, R obert L . H o pper, .Will iam W .
J ones K enn eth La urendme, H arvey
President L . M ~yes, J am es E. Scoggins, D onald
William Jones A. Scott, T erry M . Scr.oggin, T er ry
N ot pictured Vice President T erry Shiver S. Shiver, D ann y M . Smith, J ames D .
Stewart Ward S. T aylor, R obert G.
Secretary Don Marshall Thornt~n, J oh n A. White, R obert E.
Willard, William B. Wyatt, R obert H .
Treasurer - Gary Murray Patterson Wynn e, Thomas N . Young.
Baby Gamm a Phi Bet a Chap ter Brings in the Laure Is as
Do you know what the best day in the whole wide world
is? It's the day you celebrate your very first birthday. It's
the day when suddenly you're walking and talking and
growing and rushing. Well, that is, it you are a baby
Gamma Phi chapter. Since then, we have experienced
growing pains as we strived to introduce others to the
Crescent world. Little by little our efforts have been re-
warded as some maturing Gamma Phi's found a place in
AWS, as Junior Counselors, in Student Government, and on
the publications. Others brought home the laurels in intra-
murals, while our more intellectual sisters participated in
Cwens, Alpha Lambda Delta, Kappa Delta Pi, and Pi Mu
When you're a baby chapter, you learn fast. At the ripe
A few of our favorite things. old age of two weeks we sang in Step Sing. At age five
weeks, the techniques of rushing were rapidly acquired
with the coming of Spring Rush . These methods were ex-
panded when Gamma Phi Beta entered its first fall rush.
The holiday season gave us an opportunity to share our
Gamma Phi love with others. Because Santa was busy, he
sent several Auburn football players to distribute Christ-
mas gifts to children from a nearby orphanage at our first
annual Christmas party. Finals found us making plans
tor our Winter Valentine Formal and Project Garter Toss
for the All-Campus Fund Drive.
It's a wonderful first birthday tor Gamma Phi at Auburn.
When we blow out our solitary birthday candle, our wish
is that all new chapters may have a rewarding year as
we have had.

One, two, three - kick! !

Mammy's little baby loves shortening, shortening ..•

Village Photographers


Village Photographers
Village Photographers

Alpha Chi Omega
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Barb and Ray leI a fe w no te$ fly after 8

long day at the ponel.

The Old Man of the Sea rells o f the one

tha I gOI away.

Uncle Remus and Daniel Boone lell

jokes 8 1 the Fisherman's Par ty.

ThiS shOI represents both ends o f the

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Y. photo • ~~c'o

PHI DELT ~ If[H]~lf ~

The Brothers of Phi Delta Theta got together and

came out with a great year. They started off the year
big with the largest pledge class on campus and then
went on to have many fun filled football part ies. The
rest of the year contained For mal at Maggie Valley
and House Party at Fort Walton Beach. Other big
events were the Bowery Ba ll and 101s1 Founders Day.
Besides h aving a good time the Phi Delts like to get
together and help others. They sponsored a Ch rist-
mas party fo r underprivileged kids as t hei r guests.
They also h osted the annual Tenn is Tou rnament.

Y, photo

454 1 greek /lie

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I always wear a table when I party,

Okay. can you pick out what does

nor be long in th is p ic ture?

The /as l two sane people al the

~ p hotO

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Celebrating its 100th year on Auburn 's campus ,

Alpha Tau Omega has enjoyed a new sense of broth-
erhood . Fall quarter, the little sisters threw a Hallo-
ween party f or the brothers and a Valenti ne's party
during winter quarter. Fall quarter also brough t foot-
ball weekend band parties and the Christmas party.
Winter quarter began with the Hayseed party fol- -
lowed by littl e sister ru sh , a winter formal , and a
Founder' s Day celebration.
The annual Wild West Saloon, which is presented to
-.. ~

the campus jointly with the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority,

was held spring quarter. The proceeds were contri-
buted to the all-campus fund drive.

430 f greek life

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