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Afiya Cave

God’s Rebel 
How can one be good without the bad? That is a very good question
that none of these idiot gods know the answer of. My name is Ayo Vida
Ultimo. I am a shapeshifter, which means I can transform into anything
living and absorb their abilities. Unfortunately, I am also the daughter of
the Ultimo God. The Ultimo god is the highest ultimate god of the Upper
Realm. There are two realms or worlds as you humans say. There is the
Upper Realm and the Underworld. The Upper Realm’s expectation is to be
all good, while the Under Realm is to be all bad. I have never personally
been to the Under Realm, because my goody-two-shoes father forbade
me. I also don’t know much about it, since I’ve never met anyone who’s
been there. I can tell you about this dump up here though! It is boring as
hell, which is funny because this is supposed to be “Heaven”. Lol. Yeah,
there is no laugh out loud up here either, because we are supposed to be
poised, polite, and professional. As you can see, I’m not one to follow rules.
Ok, the history lesson is over. Let’s begin this story.

I layed lazily in a Baobab tree. I yawned as my paw slipped and I fell

on my feet. My legs was all stiff from last night. I ran for miles to get to this
one great, big Baobab tree. I hate sleeping in our huge spiritual
containment. My dad calls it headquarters. I call it a cage. My original form
is a saber-tooth tiger, so I basically spend most of my time as that mammal.
Yawning, I walked on all fours to the main part of Vida, The Cage. Gods
bowed down as I walked through the busy and boring city. My fur swayed
in the bright colorful image of our headquarters. It’s so freaking bright up
here that my night vision is going to waste. As I walked, I see Venom slither
across the street. Venom is the ​thing​ I supposedly am supposed to marry.
He’s a snake shapeshifter. Venom slithered toward me and proudly said,
“Well Miss. Ultimo, aren’t you supposed to be in headquarters? I would
think that your father would teach you to make my daily breakfast.” I rolled
my eyes as I continued to walk toward the Cage, but of course he followed.
Venom sarcastically said, “I never heard of a cat getting her own tongue
caught. What is the matter Miss? Are you out of smart comments? We are
to be wed after all and I need you to be a respectable young lady that cares
for me only with 100% effort.” I tried really hard to be the ​good ​girl, but he
makes me want to rip out my whiskers. My father has warned me to be on
my best behavior for the ceremony today. I have to keep my mouth shut.
Venom smirked and whispered, “At least now she can make my side
females jealous. I would love to see some lust and jealousy…” I stopped
walking and looked at him like a respectable young lady. I said, “I ain’t got
time for your emotional ass hopscotching to each girl, so do me a favor and
piss off.” I flashed my ​incisors​ ever so brightly as I waltzed into the
mansion. I looked back only to see his gaping ugly face. Then I cat-walked
to my father.

Father said, “Ayo please, go to your room to get changed or at least

comb your fur. The ceremony for the planning of your wedding is starting
and you’re already late!” He looked behind me. “You too Venom. It is nice
to see you both enjoying each other’s company, but we have to plan!”
Venom said, “I advise you to teach your daughter some manners. She,
dare I say….​cussed​ as you hoodlums state.” My father and Venom glared
at me as I walked into my room. I rubbed my fur on the spikey carpet and
waltzed right back out with a white rose beside my ear. Now people can
say a lot of things about me, but being ugly was not one of them. I was
rated the most beautiful creature in the world, both upper, human, and
under-world. People also said Venom was the most beautiful creature in
the upper world. That is what you call a ​lie.​ A full blown lie. He’s so ugly, he
scared the crap out of the toilet. At the moment, my brother and I sit on the
magnificent chairs staring at the pointless communication of the planning
committee. I love my twin brother, but I am a female. Females are to serve
the men so he receives a lot more attention than me. I don’t mind though.
He hates that he is the one that is expected to be responsible, but we are
future leaders. You would think that Venom would be king. I laughed
quietly. That is the ONLY thing that is in my favor.

A lady from the committee screamed,”We must have a color

sequence! The bride cannot look ordinary and the colors have to be
organized.” My brother rolled his eyes and whispered, “This place is so
damn colorful that even I go blind. You can literally taste the rainbow just
looking at air.” I smirked as the conversation continued. A man said,”After
she transforms into a snake to match her husband, her scales must look
like it will reflect off all of that color. She’ll near look like a disco ball!” A lady
in the back said,”We need her to look like me. I’m a wonderful young lady
that always outshines.” My brother grunted. She was old and it looked as if
she kidnapped her edges. She snatched them poor babies up so quick. I
rolled my eyes as Venom stood up and said,”It doesn’t matter what my
fiance looks like. It matters her personality. She acts like some street rat.
She looks like a hooker and I cannot speak to her without her screaming
that foul language. Your highness needs to ​fix​ her.” That released my fire.
The word ​fix​ meant control. So I proved that word wrong and said, “Oh I
greatly apologise. Would you like me to use monumental appellations to
please your greatness?”

My brother stared me down to warn me for what I was about to say

next. “Hell nah G. The funny thing is, I don’t give a unicorn’s anus what you
think about me. Ya know...I tried to keep it cool, but I guess I gotta wild out
on you fancy folks.” I pointing to the gaping lady in the back. “Your hair
lines so crooked that every week I look at it and say nationwide is on your
side.” Then I cocked my furry head at Venom and said, “You my lovely
fiance, can kiss your side chicks all you want, because at the end of the
day…..they’re only with you so they can see the real beauty. That would be
me, myself, and I. So you can take your hissing sheddin’ self and slither
along to Candy’s house, because my eyeballs keep wanting to commit
suicide just looking at you.” The whole room gasped at me as my twin
giggled behind his chair. He snapped back into place when my father
abruptly yelled at me. He yelled, “Ayo Vida Ultimo! Go to your room at this
instant! You are a nuisance and a disgrace to my name!” I strolled to my
room as if nothing ever happened and played video games. My brother’s a
genius, so having WiFi in the upper world is a great blessing.

Three whole hours later, my father slammed my door wide open. I

said,”Aye man, you don’t know how to knock? I was just about to get 99
kills on Fortnite.” He stomped around my room, to my playstation and
smashed it to the ground. I shrugged. My account wasn’t deleted and I can
just ask brother to get me a new one. My father said in his calmest
threatening voice, “You will have a new mission.” Every year we have a
mission to help one of the worlds. My twin always gets Earth, because he’s
the responsible one and I just help these halfwits up here. My father slowly
said,”You will go to Earth and learn responsibility.” I cackled relentlessly.
After a few minutes I sarcastically said, “So you mean to tell me...that you
gonna send me there? Oh of course, there’s no such thing as drugs or
thiefs or let’s say, people like me! Those fools ain’t responsible! Their own
president is a hooker that don’t like immigrants, but his wife is an
immigrant. The ganges river looks like the water in the bottom of the sink
every time Venom washes his hands.” He yelled, “You will see that the
world isn’t all rainbows and sprinkles. You are a disgrace and disobedient
child. I will ​fix​ you. I thought that maybe when you grew up, you would be a
lovely stay-at-home wife with your husband. I was wrong. I must direct your
attention to Earth for a year so you can understand hardship.” I immediately
said ok, after witnessing my father’s serious eyes. He sent me to Fuego.
Fuego was a chamber in my the house that was a ultimate punishment for
gods. The fire could roast a human in a millisecond. You would turn to
Casper the ghost in a matter of seconds my G. Gods on the other hand are
immortal, so it feels like we’re being burned alive for however much time
the punishment is. He left me in there for a year once. I am the only one
who receive such a horrible punishment, because of my disobedience.
Since I now have a mission in a month, I have to stay in here for a month.
I’m pretty much used to being burned alive, but I want him to think i’m dying
in here. I layed in the fire deathbed and awaited my awakening.

I woke up on Earth. Father must have transported me here in my

slumber. I was in Atlanta Metropolitan. I was free.

Three years have passed already. Yes, I dodged the Ultimo god for
years. I couldn’t go back to that boring and tragic world. The wedding ring
is just another cage inside a cage. So, I tried to do everything. I smoked,
drinked, and danced till my hair looked like Einstein. I even had a
apartment in New Jersey. I had a blast. The clubs were my usual hang-out
spot. Today, I went to Mad City in my all black leather top, pants, and
shoes. I have to look human, so this was my human form. I was a skinny
dark chocolate girl with huge eyes and as a boy at the corner store stated,
“Big, smooth lips”. My hair was in long box braids that reached to my
ankles. I had hoop earrings and I was rocking my black eyeliner and
mascara. Louise was standing guard at the club. He recognized me and let
me in through the VIP section. I saw Lil Baby and Lil Yachty on stage as I
prowled to the bar. I sat on a stool and ordered a margarita while looking
up on stage. A male sat next to me on a stool. He was a teenager. He
seemed about 17 or 18 years old with a mysterious and mischievous look
on his face. The stranger turned his head toward me and shot a dagger in
my stomach. I gasped in surprise. He yanked it out and watch my belly
heal. He said, “Oh would you look at that, your belly’s flesh just weaved
together. How wonderful, daughter of Ultimo.” I extended my claws under
the stool. The mysterious stranger took a sip of his vodka and said,”Whoa
now kitty. Don’t get your whiskers in a bunch. I just wanted to see the
famous Vida Ultimo. I heard you’re a bit of a baddy.” I was silent. I
remained silent, until he glared at me with an intensifying passion. He
looked confused, but also amazed. I finally said,”Who are you?” The male
smirked and said,”I am one who wishes to dance. Shall we?” I laughed and
said,”You must take me for a fool. You just tried to stab me.” He rolled his
eyes,”Cut the proper talk and dance with me.” I had a comeback, but all of
a sudden the stranger took my hand and whirled me on the dance floor. He
wanted to battle me. His devilish grin was taking a hold of me, not to
mention the crowd that surrounded us making a circle. “Ok, Diablo(Devil).
Let’s see what you got.” Diablo break danced on the floor. He spun on his
back, arms, and his head, but what surprised him was that I reciprocated it.
We were dancing to “I love It”, by Kanye West. An hour passed and of
course I won. His shocked face was as priceless as the chain on my neck.
He cunningly said,”You dance pretty good for a cat.” I cocked my
head,”Well cats have a tendency to land on their feet. Plus their balance is
very good.” He looked at me in confusion. Diablo said,”I’ve heard that one
of the Ultimo twins is a bit feisty. Dare I say, a bit wild.” I laughed quietly
and said, “Obviously, you came for the wrong person.” I heard the gods
whispering before my transfer here that someone was sent to spy on me. I
was ordered to be on my best behavior or I will spend the rest of my time
on Earth in a personal Fuego. A mental Fuego that you can feel but not
see. So I guess I’ve been a bit of a Goody-Two shoes. I helped a homeless
person on the bridge yesterday and I helped Latinos cross the border. I
also had to get my speech in order. Basically, I couldn’t be myself. He
smiled his devilish smirk and said, “Quite the opposite.”

I woke up in a cell. I let my eyes roam the place I was held captive in.
It was dark and a bit chilly. It was beautiful. I saw glow stones and crystals
and I heard water dripping from the creaks of the rocks. It was obvious I
was underground. I would’ve basked in the beauty if it was not for my
stupid chains on my wrist. Did I mention I hated to be imprisoned? I
growled in frustration. I even tried to transform into an insect and crawl out
of the cell, but these chains seemed to be magic. It is a God retainment like
Fuego. My hair glowed and my eyes shone a fiery blue. My skin was
glowing in mysterious symbols and artwork. Even my lips was a auburn
color. I heard footsteps amongst the dripping of water. Damn.
The devil has me. Diablo stood with his hands in his pockets looking
down on me. He also glowed a beautiful pattern of colors. He was already
dark chocolate, so without the lights of the crystals and his skin, I wouldn’t
have seen him. Diablo smiled and said, ”Wass good kitty?” I let my control
go and said, ”Do I look like a vagina to you? Stop calling me that. What’s
up with the light sabres and glow worms? Also, I need to piss.” Diablo’s
face showed confusion and shock. He bent down to the front of the cage
where my face was. He reluctantly said, ”Yo. Are you the wrong twin?” I
rolled my eyes and said, ”No shit, Sherlock.” He almost fell backwards.
Diablo clasped his mouth and shut his eyes tight. He looked at me and
said,”No, You’re not. You will continue your fake ass identity for the rest of
the time you are here.” I cocked my head. I let my eyes be half closed
showing boredom as I asked this question. ”Why?” He rolled his eyes and
said, “Because I said so.”

I broke my chains and transformed into a sabertooth, but this time I

had a pattern of glowing symbols that weaved from my nose to my
backside. I roared a mighty roar as I licked my lips and smirked at Diablo. I
backed him up into the cage, kicked it close, and sat on the cold, damp,
floor. I said,”Get talking.” Diablo rolled his eyes,”I thought women in the
upper world was polite and not ​senile​.” I said,”Well obviously your brain is
screwed, because I’m not a saint. Now get talking.” He squinted his eyes,
but said,”I have orders from Muerte to kidnap the sweet twin and bring him
or her here. We wanted to tease the Ultimo and get him to pay attention to
us. The upper world is richer than the lower and your the attention we’re
trying to bring to him for him to see that. It’s colorful and you live in a whole
mansion. Now, I’m screwed, because I bought the wrong freaking twin.” I
yawned. I was hungry. I said,”Do you mind if I just take a chunk of flesh out
of your neck? I’m a bit famished.” Diablo immediately said, “No.” I rolled
my eyes and said,”Tsk,tsk,tsk. Well I’m sorry that I was born a predator and
a hunk of meat is literally staring me in the face. Don’t be so judgy.” My ear
shifted in response to footsteps. They disappeared as soon as my paws
clawed out. I then heard a click of a door and Diablo grabbed me.
He pinned me down against the wall and I immediately transformed
to my human self. He was inches away from my lips as a zombie walked
by. Diablo put his finger to my lips and we stood still. The zombie glanced
in the cage and walked away. Diablo opened his eyes in relief and was
staring into my eyes. I looked at his chest. No, I wasn’t being naughty. I
was honestly just hungry as shit. I nibbled on his finger that was still on my
lips. He instantly drew his hand back. “Did you just try to eat my finger?”
Annoyed, I said,”For the last time, you are in here with a carnivore. So I
would suggest you get me some food by doing that Casper trick before I
nibble on your bones.” Why am I so hungry? I never was like this, because
I could always transform into other mammals to take the edge off. I can’t do
that anymore, so this hunger may be the death of me. Diablo stood up and
said,”I am a Rakuten. We tend to absorb any supernatural power in the
underworld. So yeah I just turned us into Casper. My name is Diablo.” I
smiled and said,”I thought so.” He squeezed his lips together and
asked,”Why are you willing to help?” I said, “I’m not that terrible of a person
and I for damn sure am not my dad. Plus, after he comes to the underworld
to get me, I can dash off before anybody even notices and his spy won’t
know where I am. I can be truly free to be my psychotic self.” Diablo rolled
his eyes and said sarcastically,”Oh goody.” I pounced on him and now
layed under me. I purred in his ear,”Don’t think I don’t remember you, Lo.”


Her body heaved on top of me. I remembered the second she said
“Lo”. Her brother and I were homies in Goddish. Goddish is school for all
gods. School is the only time the underworld and upperworld are
integrated. She of course was the rebel of the school. School starts at 5
years old and ends at 10. I called Ayo Yo-Yo back in the day. She used to
tease me all the time. A lot of other girls liked me and I did date, but I was
10. NO girl would actually approach me. They would just send letters and
kisses, but my best friend was her brother. She would tease me by purring
in my ear, which is something she developed on the last year of school. I
would blush and run away like a girl. Hell I was a wimp, but I soon
understood what hormones meant. Lol. Yeah, the girl was addictive. No
wonder, I caught myself wandering in her deep red universal eyes. She
nibbled on my ear as she purred. I shoved her off of me and stood up. “Do
you want food or not?” Ayo chuckled and smirked. She said,”I wasn’t
thinking about my hunger, but now I am so let’s go.”

We walked through some streets in the underworld. Crystals were

glowing and creatures of all kinds was looking eating in restaurants.I
stopped and said,”Choose.” She dipped her head and said,”Carne Vibes.”
Typical. Even with her human teeth, she was born a carnivore after all.
Carne Vibes was a full out meat restaurant. It had brains for the zombies
and other types of meat for the Lycans. Nobody could see Ayo, because I
veiled her from the outside world. They could see me and the plate of meat
that layed in front of her, so I had to eat some of the meat so it wouldn’t
look suspicious. We were in a dark corner when I picked up a fork to stick
in the food. She growled and I said,”I have to eat something. People can
still see your fork moving. I’ll feed you.” Her eyebrows raised. I rolled my
eyes and shoved a fork of meat into her mouth.


After lunch, the sun was set. I figured that it was time for the real joy,
the club. There was all kinds of clubs in the Underworld. We planned to go
to this club called MidNight. He left me in the dressing room of this clothing
store to get dressed. I put on a catsuit with glowing african queens trailing
down the sides. My hair was still in box braids and I put on some glowing
blue and black hoops. When I stepped out of the dressing room, Lo looked
at me and just walked off. He wasn’t even fazed! I just nodded in what
seemed to be acceptance and walked in the club. The club was lined with
crystals and on stage was a turning 5 meter crystal. It shone all types of
colors. It was like our disco ball. I seemed to notice that people were
looking at me. Lo said,”My boss doesn’t like clubs so he won’t see you
here. Go have fun.” Say no more.

I danced till my body was glistening. The males were all staring at
me, except for one. That damn Diablo. He was just sipping on his tequila
like it was hot tea. He didn’t even glance bro. Then came a slow song. I
practically had a whole crowd of males at my service, except Diablo. I
shook every one last of them off and walked toward the bar where Lo was
at. I said,”Ok Lo. I see you’re still the unbold child you were in 5th grade.
How sad that you have no game whatsoever with the female species. I
mean God made you male for a reason Diablo. Oh right, you are a God so
that’s understandable.” Lo broke the glass of Tequila he had in his hand. I
rolled my eyes, “Oh don’t be such a-” Before I knew it he had me in his
arms on the dance floor. I umm…I blushed. He whispered in my ear, “Oh
don’t be such a tease.” My blushing disappeared instantly as he laughed.
His hand was on my waist. His touch was electrifying as I buried my face in
the crook of his neck. When the song ended, I dashed toward the club
doors, but Lo snatched my waist and picked me up onto the bar. He
teased, “No, no, no. I’m a tease? I’m not bold? Who was the one running
toward the doors?” I looked away from him and leaned down to get off the
bar. He leaned up and bit my earlobe! He cunningly said, ”That’s for earlier,

It was night time. I figured we would have to sleep on the street or

something. He took me in a dark alley after walking across a billion of
streets. We climbed some stairs up from the alley. It must have been a 100
steps until we we reached a bright shining light. I asked if we were dead
jokingly. He looked at me and pushed me through the light. It took a
second, but I looked around me in astonishment. There stood a huge
Umbrella Thorn Acacia tree mixed with a weeping willow. The canopy was
flat, but the branches had a sort of vine hanging from it. Vines hung from all
the branching and it was glowing in light blue droplets. If you’ve ever seen
Avatar you would know what I’m talking about. The tree was so gigantic, I
didn’t see where the it ended. I knew my eyes were starry. My trance was
broken when Lo passed me a blanket. I rolled my eyes and said,”I’m a
Saber-tooth Tiger…..what do I need a blanket for?” He said,”And I’m a
Vampire and a ghost. All things that are cold to the touch or is just air. So
take the damn blanket and stop pouting.” I snarled and layed on the ground
staring up into the sky. I caught him looking at me and said, “You like what
you see?” He laughed. “I’ve never seen a face that looked exactly like an
ass before. It’s unrealistic honestly but you made it reality. You know your
cheeks are just so big…” I flipped up from my position and charged toward
him to jump him. He flipped me over and I fell on my back with him on top
holding me down. He flashed his devilish smile. Then Lo bit my
ear….again. Two could play at that game.

I caressed his head and yanked it downward so that I could purr in

his ear. I purred and his body tensed up. Awwww. He was blushing. I
said,”Don’t try me Lo. You know me. This always ends with you running
away like a lil sissy.” I giggled and got up on my feet to head toward the
tree so that I could sleep on its branch. I was right about to climb when a
flash of light appeared behind me and Lo had my shoulder and pressed me
on to the tree. I looked at his long eyelashes and silky brown skin. He was
beautiful. I’d always thought so, but I never express my feeling or thoughts
so that was a dead end. He leaned close and whispered, “I think you know
by now that I’ve….matured. It’s not like I’ve never had a girlfriend you
know. Hell, I think I had about 38 girlfriends in these 8 years.” I cocked my
head in annoyance. “I just can’t seem to understand why you’re telling me
this. Like get to the point.” I waited 5 seconds but the tension was
depressing so I pushed his arm from my shoulder and tried to walk away.
His arm shot out in front of me and his hand was set on the tree. He said,
“My point is that out of all these girls, I’ve never was in love. You showing
up after 8 years like a snacc is a lil tough. I didn’t think I was in love now
like I was then, but you are way more sexy and your personality just took a
jump on me more than it did 8 years ago. And-” I shot my hand out to stop
him. I said, “As much as I like being called a snacc and sexy….can ya get
to the point?” He rolled his eyes in annoyance and moved his arm from my
side. I said,”Wait, look I’m sorry if I made you feel bad….but G, it is 6:00 in
the morning. Can your confession wait or-” He kissed me.
He full on lip-locked me while I was talking. I would talk about how
rude it is for a person to interrupt you, but Lo was taking things in his own
matters! Diablo cupped my chin before I pushed him away, transformed,
and my tiger form shot up the tree and sat on a branch. I was blushing. I
couldn’t have given him the satisfaction of seeing me blush or smile. I
shouldn’t be enjoying this, but the felt of his hand on my face made my
fingers tingle. I opened myself up to someone. He wouldn’t accept me for
who I really was and I don’t plan on trying. Everybody at home shunned me
except for my brother. They didn’t like me. I was forced to change and he
was just be another person that will change me. Hell, I’m ok being alone.
That’s why I was so happy when we left school at 10 years old. I wouldn’t
have to debate whether I like him or not back then. Plus he’s an
underworlder. We couldn’t have been together even if we tried.


Her eyes were glistening and shining like a billion stars. Her cheeks
actually were cute as she looked up into the tree, even if it did look like an
ass. It actually was a underworld tree. That’s why it was glowing. Her smart
mouth was intoxicating. Do you even understand how hard it is to resist
her? Her calling me a sissy actually sounded so sexy when it came out of
her mouth. That’s how crazy I am for her. I’ve always been crazy for her but
I was ten. You draw a girl a picture and hope she accepts it at ten years
old. Obviously, I’ve grown and I guess that kissing a girl is how you get her
to pay attention. The sound of her purring makes me lose my shit ok. I
couldn’t control myself. I was kissing her when she was made out to be the
sissy. She ran. Lmao. Now Ayo can never call me out on my punk ass
again. I was a little confused, because I know she was definitely into the
moment. I just was confused to where she felt uncomfortable. I guess I’ll
just tease her about it in the morning. I cackled on the floor bed of the tree.

I woke up and thought I would see the sun. I remembered that I was
underground and basked in the beauty of the tree once more. The glow
stones shine more brightly in the morning and there was morning dew from
the water in the creaks of the rocks. I yawned and turned over on my back.
My fur was messy. Upside down, I looked down under to see where Lo
was. I didn’t see him. All of a sudden a voice screamed, “AYOOOOOOO”. I
whimpered and fell out of the tree, but landed on my feet. Lo came from
the roof of the canopy and dropped down laughing. I rolled my eyes and
said, “Ya know, you could try not to breathe in my face. You could really set
a global warning with that hot, garbage ass mouth.” He smirked and rose
from the ground. “You seemed to like my mouth last night.” I froze for two
seconds and walked away. He teased and teased. It was like a nasty
mosquito that wouldn’t stop biting. We wandered until we arrived at a big
waterfall. There was a huge crack in a rock 189m high with water rushing
out. The water ended up in a kind of yellowstone pool with glow stones
lighting up the water underneath. I transformed into my human form. I
jumped in the water as soon as I jumped in. The water licked my skin as I
floated. Then, Diablo ruined it with his tsunami splash of water. He laughed
and swam toward me where I was floating. He put a strand of hair behind
my ear and rubbed my cheek. I said.”I’m not a crystal ball. Stop rubbing
me.” He smiled and said,”But you are cute.” I loss my balance in the
position of floating. I sunk in the water when Lo caught me from completely
sinking in. He held me in his arms as I wrapped my legs around his torso
for support. We were looking at each other face to face. His black curls
were loose and the water dripped down his abs. His eyes were flourishing
in the glowing colors of the pool. I know I promised to stay away, but I
realized just then that I’m a coward. I’m not ruthless. I’ve become a little
wimp like Lo was. I will be who I am and take chances. I am a savage. I will
always be a savage and nobody can stop me from being me. If I want to be
a gangsta like Harley Quinn, then hell I’ll be Harley. At least she didn’t care
about opinions and always had her match, the Joker. Lo was my Joker.
Therefore, I took the reins.


After a few minutes of staring, I was just about to let her back in the
water when she started purring. I smirked. I was glad I had this kind of
effect on her and instead of covering her mouth, she continued to stare.
Then she plunged through the silence between us and kissed me. Then
she broke away and said, “I’m not gonna say I love you or nothin, but I
think you get the gist.” I nodded and smiled. She dropped in the water and
continued floating. I wondered what was going through her brain.

I don’t know what the hell came over me, but I feel better. I feel true to
myself. I feel ​prosperity​ and joy. It’s a feeling I haven’t felt since my time in
school. I felt at home with my brother and Lo. I felt happy, until I was forced
into an emotionless world that happens to be my original home. My home
was within my twin and Lo. It always was. I just denied the thought of
having somewhere to belong. I smiled and lifted myself out of the water. I
walked away from the water and dried my hair. Lo was following until a
bright surge of light appeared in front of me. My father and Venom walked
out and I immediately transformed. I roared and started to run. Chains
wrapped around my legs and I tripped. I was being dragged through the dirt
as I clawed at the ground. I roared and roared for Diablo. Finally, he
stepped out of the shadows. I felt relieved and the chains stopped pulling
me back. I looked at Lo. His face was different somehow. It was serious
and bold. Diablo looked my father dead in his eyes and said, “We did as
you’ve requested. I have lured your daughter to you. Will you follow
Muerte’s deal and grant more riches?” I shook in realization that this was all
a plan. Diablo deceived me. He didn’t care about me. This was the plan.
My father knew I would run away from the wedding between Venom and I.
This was his backup plan. My father stood with a heroic smile and said,
“What a great deed you have done. I will absolutely not do as promised.
This world is a shameful creation by the Superior Lords from above. Our
world is at peace and do not have such ugly creatures within its walls. Tell
Muerte that if he wants war, I will give him war.” I trembled as Venom
touched my face. He said,”Welcome home, ​hoodlum​.” Venom stepped
back and the chains pulled and squeezed my legs raw. I clawed the floor
desperately. Diablo looked at me emotionless as I screamed at him. I
screamed,”You traitor!” I whimpered as I was getting closer to the light that
was a portal. I screamed and screamed. Diablo turned and walked away.

I woke up in a cell. Binded by chains, I lifted my head off the rusted

floor. I laughed and shook my head. We were beneath headquarters in the
upper realm. This place was used for detaining gods who’ve rejected purity.
Basically, the G’s(gangsters) were kept here. They weaken our spirits. We
actually feel pain. This place messes with our mentality and spirituality until
we beg for mercy. My father stood in front of me with his hands in his
pockets. He said,”I’m disappointed in you Vida. I thought you were smarter
to trust an underworlder, but I guess your stupidity was beneficial for me.
The underworld is for devils.” I coughed and said, “Then why aren’t you
there?” He pressed a button on a remote in his pocket. I suddenly felt a
burst of pain throughout my chakras. I was being electrocuted. It lasted for
2 minutes, till he said,”You are a abomination. Mercy would be too easy on
you. Sending you to Earth was a bad mistake on my part. You are a Ultimo.
I thought that you would have some goodwill sense, but I was mistaken.
You will be locked in here, until the wedding in a week.” I laughed and
said,”What happened to me having colorful scales? You expect me to go to
a wedding with dirty fur and bad breath? I mean, at least I can take
pleasure in Venom’s repulsed face when we kiss.” My father electrocuted
me again for 10 minutes. After gasping for air, he stopped and said,”I will
make sure you act and look like my daughter by the end of the week.” He
walked after putting a electrocution magnet on the roof of my cell with a
timer. The world went dark.
(Diablo’s POV)

My knees was shaking on the ground where I was kneeling to

Muerte. He sat in his magnanimous chair. He said,”Ultimo failed us as
expected. We will have to go to war. I need you to execute the girl when we
arrive at Ultimo. Our powers will remain strong with the seer’s premonition
of the battle. We just need to break through the upper world’s barrier.” I
lifted my head and whispered, “Can’t we leave the girl alone?” Muerte
looked at me furiously and shouted,”How dare you make requests of me?!
You will do as I say. Kill the girl.” I nodded my head and walked away with
my eyes squeezed tight. A tear slipped out of my eye.

(Ayo’s POV)

It was day 4. I have gone through four days of torture and

unimaginable pain, but I’ve never cried once. I just laughed and shook off
the pain. This deed made my father relentless and frustrated. The war was
coming as well. He had a lot on his hands. Venom sometimes came to
torture me just for the fun of it. I heard footsteps down the stairs of the hall.
Venom crawled behind the staircase and waltzed his way to my cell door.
Venom threw a bucket of boiling water on me and my flesh sizzled. Venom
inhaled and said, “Oouu. I smell bacon or is that the wrong animal? I don’t
know. Earth’s creatures are so peculiar. Good morning Sunshine! You look
utterly disgusting today!” My eyes were gray and my fur was thin. It also
lost its color. My fur always grew back. It’s god’s fur, but my spirit is weak.
Venom wrinkled his nose and said,”I do hope you do not become one of
those ratchet hairless cats. They look so naked and bare!” I laughed and
said, “Why would you say that about yourself? You must not have a lot of
self-confidence then.” Venom threw another boiling pot of water on me. I
gasped and cackled. Venom screamed, “You evil witch. Give in!” I stopped
laughing and twisted my head from the floor to look him in his eyes. I said,
“Never”. The world went black again.
On Day 6, I constantly saw illusions of people I cared about rejecting
me and what not. I saw my brother telling me that I was foolish and stupid. I
saw Lo saying he didn’t love me and to die. After hours of constant torture,
I was on the brink of giving up. I drowned in the depths of loneliness. My
bones were fragile and I was afraid of being hairless. I’m sorry, but hairless
cats look like rodents. I saw a hairless cat go out into the sun and burst into
flames on YouTube. I can’t go out like that. If I’m going to die, I want to at
least look pretty. I trembled in the cold depths within the cell. I’m already
being turned into a popsicle and I haven’t even lost all my hairs yet. I
closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep.

(Diablo’s: POV)

It was Day 7. I stood by the baobab tree with Muerte leading the
soldiers. The soldiers were only ghosts, vampires, werewolves, demons,
sirens, and other unnatural creatures that all had special abilities. The
difference between the underworld and upper is that they lack diversity and
difference. They wanted all women to be the same and they needed all
males to be superior. Diversity was in our favor in this case. A stepped on a
few gray cat hairs beneath the tree. The hairs were Ayo’s. My eyes
widened as I realized that she was dying. I inhaled and let the hair fall to
the ground. I marched on and another tear slipped out of my damn eye.


“Mommy”, I said. My mom blessed me with her grand presence. I

figured I was sleeping, since I haven’t seen her in 18 years. She had white
kinky hair and deep brown skin. Her eyes glowed white against her
chocolate almond eyes. Her black dress draped alongside her ankles as
her beautiful curls fell flawlessly on her bosom. She was beautiful. For the
first time in a long time, I sobbed. I cried as my mom enveloped my small
body in her arms. My brother and I were born without a mother. Father said
she disappeared as soon as we came to exist. He said she couldn’t stand
the sight of twins in the spirit world. My mother said, “Hello Ayodele. I have
missed you so much.” At this point I was having a panic attack. My mom
laughed and cupped my chin in her hands. She said,”You were always
such a drama queen growing up. I have watched over you your entire life.” I
took a deep breath and said, “Fa-father said you a-abandoned us.” She
rolled her eyes. She said, “Your father was a shit head who only believed in
the good. When he found out I was in love with his brother, he locked me
and his brother under the mansion. I had you and your brother in a jail cell
where you bawled and cried. You always hated being locked up. Your
brother was a bit more calm. Your father’s brother was to be the
underworld ruler. I wanted him to be the ruler. After all, I was in love with
him.” I laughed and said,”Mommy. You screwed dad’s brother? I’m not
mad. He should’ve seen it coming.” My mother smirked and said,”Your
father had multiple women in his bed every night. Women were supposed
to have one husband. Cheating was only a sin to women. I was never in
love with your father. The underworld was always inferior to the upper
world. I was captured to be his wife, since I was very beautiful. Anyway,
your father’s brother escaped the cell with you and your brother. He
promised to come back for me, but the cell was on a timer. My soul was on
the verge of being diminished. Everyone thought I just disappeared, but I
am a god. Gods don’t just die. I went into a semi world. It was a empty
world, but with my Seer abilities I spent my time watching you grow up.” I
wiped my tears from my face and hugged my mother. I suddenly collapsed
and my body was shaking. My mom held my face between her hands and
quickly said,”We don’t have much time. Ayodele, you need to defeat your
father and save the two worlds from colliding. Save yourself from dying and
do what you do best. Be you. You and your twin are half underworld and
half upper world. You are the strongest gods on Earth. You can create
havoc. That’s why you were glowing in the underworld. Normal upper
worlders don’t glow. You are invincible. Ayodele Vida Ultimo, wreak havoc
on the gods.” I opened my eyes. I struggled to stand. I collapsed on the
floor when I heard the quick footsteps that trailed toward my cell. My
brother ran toward me and said, “I saw Mother.” He looked at my state of
being with a concerned look. He said,”I didn’t know. I promise I thought you
were in New York. Father must be crazy. I never thought he would be this
drastic. You look like a rat.” I smiled and said, “Nice to see you too bro.” He
started to examine the lock on the cage. I quickly said,”Go. The war is
coming and Father needs you. He will be suspicious if you’re not with him.”
He looked at me with glassy eyes. He said,”I can’t just leave you like this. I
don’t know how much time you have left. Mother informed me of our true
history and ordered me to help you. We can’t have a repeat in history.” I
rolled my eyes and my bones cracked as I stood up. I leaned on the wall as
I said,”I can save myself. Go.” He stared for a minute or two. Then he
shook his head and went back upstairs. After 20 minutes of thinking of a
plan, I witnessed three guards accompanied by Venom. They were telling
Yo’ Mama jokes. It was honestly corny as hell. Nonetheless, my voice
cracked as I shouted,”Yo’ mama’s so ugly that when she went to take a
bath, the water jumped out.” Venom twisted his silky head towards me. He
stomped to the cell doors and said,”Bic’ what?” I smirked in the dark depths
of my cell and said,”And Yo’ Mama’s teeth are so yellow, when she smiled
at traffic, it slowed down.” One of the guards said, “We must challenge this
foul mouthed girl.Pull up a chair Venom.” I rolled my eyes at their stupidity
as they sat down front of the cage. Venom said,”Your mother is so dumb,
she went to the dentist to get a bluetooth.” I started to crawl toward the
door to face them. I said,”Yo’ Mama is so dumb, she put two M&M’s in her
ear and thought she was listening to Eminem.” Venom twisted his head and
said,”What is this M&M person?” I rolled my eyes and said, “Yo’ Mama’s so
ugly, she threw a boomerang and it refused to come back.” We went back
and forth. After I said that his mother was so ugly, she made a onion cry he
got angry. He got so angry, he didn’t realized that I stole his keys. A battle
war cry was announced from the outside. The guards jumped up and
Venom pressed the electrocution button just for me before he ran off. I felt
as if my skeleton was a puzzle. The pieces were all uncoordinated. I was
dying rapidly. All of a sudden a bomb was set off near the cage. My fragile
body slammed against the concrete wall. Dust and smoke was everywhere
as I coughed and coughed. The world was blurry. A body came out of the
smoke and leaned down at the cage. It was Diablo.

Diablo’s (POV):

For some reason the Ultimo god set a bomb to his own headquarters.
As soon as he saw us standing on the hill, there was an explosion. Muerte
looked terrified as he ran down the hill toward Ultimo. He motioned me
toward the explosion site, but when I got there my heart. She looked weak
and old. I immediately rushed toward the cell door, shouting her name. I
forgot about my mission and I honestly couldn’t care less. Ayo was a fierce
flame that now is slowly dying. I shouted and screamed. Her head peaked
over the bricks and her eyes were emotionless. She placed her head back
down and gave up. I saw a key in the corner and grabbed it. I unlocked the
door and shoved the bricks off of Ayo. I carefully carried her in my arms
and placed her in front of a staircase by the cell. She was a skinny cat with
gray eyes and no color whatsoever. The great beast she was before was

(Ayo’s: POV)

Diablo looked me up and down. I saw his hands move toward a knife
in his pocket. I smirked and whispered, “You’re not gonna hurt me. You can
betray and neglect, but you’re not gonna kill me.” He snarled and said,
“Watch me.” The knife cut through the hair, but then there was a pause. It
was inches away from heart, when he started to cry. He dropped the knife
and gently caressed me in his warm arms. I was still purring. After all the
shit he did, I can’t seem to get my emotions in order. I tried to scratch him
away from me but he just hugged me harder. He acted like such a bad boy
earlier. He’s acting like such a pussy cat now. I saw my mother behind him
and I quietly nodded my head and closed my eyes. I felt Diablo froze and I
did some Ju-ju on my spirit. I connected my twin and my mother. The gates
were opened. I opened my UnderWorld powers and my body flourished.
(Diablo’s: POV)

I wiped a tear from my eye and widened them. Ayo’s skinny body was
wrapped in a black mist that grew and grew by the minute. I then saw
another mist fly down the stairs and join her. A flash of darkness shot
upwards through the air in a elongated beam that broke the sky. I then
observed the two Saber-Toothed Tiger that was 10 m long and 30 m high
that stood before me. One was white and the other was black with glowing
patterns that followed along their fur and ears. They both roared. It shook
the sky creating a quick earthquake in the world.

(Ayo’s: POV)

I smirked. My brother stood beside me in his silky white coat looking

astonished at his form. I laughed and realized that I could fly. Shit, I can
transform into anything and absorb their powers. I could be anything in the
worlds or even in your imaginative mind. I growled and pounced on Lo who
was shocked at my transformation. I tore him to pieces. I took apart his
skeleton and chewed on his clavicle. My brother laughed and squirmed on
the ground. I only ate his physical body. His spirit is beside me with his lips
folded. I looked at him and said, “What?! You betrayed me and I starved in
that cell for days. The least you can do is offer a carnivore its meat.” His
spirit formed a layer of physical flesh and a clone of the body that was
ripped apart before him. He nodded his head and said,”That’s fair.” My twin
transformed into his human self and hugged Lo. I growled and he
said,”Easy Ayo. He was my friend way before he was your boyfriend.” I
rolled my eyes and cocked my head toward upstairs. I smirked and
said,”Let’s go turn our father into a corpse.”

We looked upon the battlefield. The Underworld was winning. Its

diversity should teach father a lesson, but oh well. He dies today. Brother
and I crashed through the mansion and faced the terrified God that sat in
his throne. His teeth clenched at the sight of his children. He then
said,”Ayo. It seems that you’ve spoken to your dead mother.” He rolled his
eyes and we wasted no time. Brother charged at his ribs, but father pushed
him into the concrete miles away. I growled and pounced from up high. I
spun in a downward descent toward father’s bald head. He head butt me
and I flew through walls of the mansion. I ran through 6 walls just to get to
my father who was now occupied with another foe. A god that had a black
buzzcut and black clothes glanced at me. My father suddenly said, “You
know Ayo is your daughter. Would you like to say your greetings before our
fight?” He laughed and said, “Kidding.” Then father transformed into a bald
eagle. He clawed at the Underworld god. I saw Lo appear from the rubble
from the far right. He then transformed into a werewolf and bit father’s wing.
Father’s wing was made of metal knives, but Lo did not let go of him.
Father threw him to us behind him. He came crashing into me and we
flipped and turned to where he was on top of me. I licked the corner of his
mouth where blood trailed down and nudged him off of me. We watched
the fight from behind. The underworld god was a huge black wolf that bit
and fought the great mighty eagle. The eagle folded the wolf head in his
wings and scraped his flesh. The wolf collapsed to the ground as the eagle
began to walk toward him. I pounced and my brother jumped on top of my
back, leaped and attacked from the other side. We roared as rubble fell in
every direction. Lo was dragging the wolf outside so the rubble wouldn’t hit
him. The eagle swiped my inner thigh. I tripped and clenched my teeth in
pain. My brother pushed him with a mighty force. The eagle went flying
through the roof, but then he shot right back down to the ground and
stepped on my face. He pushed my face into the ground, but I transformed
into a person and plucked his eyes out. I realized that I could transform into
anything, so I had fun. I transformed into a fly and grasped onto his wing. I
then transformed into an elephant and sat on him. My brother was cracking
up. The body was dead for sure, but his spirit was still there. He wrapped
his spiritual energy around my throat and slammed me into the ground. Lo
ran from outside toward the spirit and turned into a ghost. Lo punched him
and headlocked him where father flipped him over and started to choke
him. I stood up and ran into my father where Lo was free to breathe and
my father went tumbling through air. I snarled at him and growled. I walked
in front of Lo as a sign of territorial instincts. My father’s spirit looked dull
and colorless. He said,”You love this beast?! He’s an underworlder.” I
said,”So am I. Give up. You will not win against all of us. How can you have
the good without the bad anyway?” My father clearly didn’t agree and my
brother flipped him over on his back as I clawed at his spiritual core. He
screamed,”I don’t deserve this! Stop playing around!” I yelled,”Nah shawty.
I’m deadass. Kinda like your breath right now. Oouu whee! Dem teeth look
like shit chips.” Father kicked me in my face where I slid backwards. Lo
transformed into his true form;a werewolf. He rubbed my nose and licked
the cut by my eye. I stood up and pounced again. I tore his core. The
infinite crack pulled me into oblivion as soon as I killed him.

(Diablo’s: POV)

She disappeared. Out of nowhere she was gone. I collapsed to the

floor and howled. I howled until a flash of light appeared from outside by
the border between the worlds. All of a sudden a earthquake occurred and
the mansion fell apart. A new world appeared on the other side. I looked
over and saw Ayo with another woman. The other woman was beautiful. All
the gods cautiously walked over the hill to take in the sights. It was a
golden empire or wonderland or whatever you imagined it to be. There was
a part of the world that was made of chocolate. Another was full of different
types of sodas. There was one part that was a bunch of twisty water slides
that led into a stream for water rafting. Another part of the world was a
rainforest with birds and different creatures. This was diversity. In fact, It
was ​havoc​.​ The woman would stood next to Ayo said,”So this is not what I
meant when I said make havoc, but girl you wrecked the gods up!” Ayo
bowed,”Thank you, thank you. I just thought of the one thing both worlds
didn’t have. Fun.” I rolled my eyes and laughed. Obviously, it was her
mother. I can see where she got her humor from. Ayo’s brother ran up to
his mother and hugged the living spirit out of her. Seriously, her spirit
jumped out of her body in excitement. Young gods ran down to the new
world, raced in Bugatti cars and jumped down the waterfalls in the east.
There was also a section of the world that was full of clubs and glowing
crystals. It was also kind of colorful in the south. There was even a corner
of the world that was a Fortnite playground. The new world was an exciting
land of imagination.

(Ayo’s: POV)

The underworld god ran up to my mother. Next thing you know, they
were sucking each other’s faces off. It was utterly disgusting. Lo walked up
to me and said,”You know, you and your mom both purr.” I twisted my head
to him and said,”Ewwwww. Shuttup. I don’t purr.” He cocked his head and
said, “Really?” Lo transformed into his beautiful wolf form and stood beside
my Tiger form. He started to rub his head under my chin. I really tried hard
not to purr, but he nibbled on my ear! He started cuddling me, when the
underworld god grunted. Lo sat up straight on his hind legs and bowed. I
laughed. My mother said, “My son and daughter, this is your real
father;Muerte.” Lo immediately looked at the god. He said,”I thought you
wanted me to kill her?” Muerte laughed and said,”I can’t have Ayodele
dating a bum. I wanted to see if you were worthy, but I knew you wouldn’t
kill her.” My mother stared at Muerte and said,”So you put our daughter in
danger? Wow…’re so freakin’ smart bae!” My eyes darted between
the both of them. I said,”What the-.” Lo pushed me off the hill before I could
finish my sentence. I tumbled toward the new world as I rolled in a sea of
grass. He tumbled and laughed as we played.

My brother and I ruled the combined worlds. The world that I created
is called Vierto or Havoc. It is a place of diversity and self-expression. My
twin brother ruled over the main parts of the world, while fun awaited me for
years to come.

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