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A Hack for Ammo:The RPG

13th Mercenary Corps
A Shoot-Em-Up Hack by GremlinLegions 01/13/2012

Based on Ammo: Revenant War and Amm02: Deus vs. Machina

by AD Henderson

trixie | swis721 BT | six sided dice

images sourced from random Google searches

The text of this game is licensed under the Creative Commons

Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
The original AMMO is a high-octane action game, featuring handgun-wielding
supernatural heroes blazing a trail of justice and destruction, wading through
waves of baddies until they finally face (and hopefully defeat) the final boss.
Created by Gray Pawn (a.k.a. AD Henderson), AMMO uses specialized
six-sided dice called Fudge dice, which hit the table, one-by-one, with the
satisfying feeling of firing bullets a round at a time. A whole story can be told in
one game, taking just a few hours. Altogether, it is an unique experience that
you can’t get from many other games.
So why hack it, you ask, if AMMO already does what we want?
Well, let’s think of this instead as a “genre supplement.” The original two
versions of AMMO, Revenant War and Deus vs. Machina, tell stories of very
specific sub-genres – enhanced gunfighters battling an invading alien menace
(a la Cowboys & Aliens), or Angels battling the robots of the apocalypse
(which...well...there’s probably an anime of this out there somewhere). So, if
either of these concepts catch your fancy, then go for it, and download them
from, and enjoy! Make sure to give Gray
Pawn lots of compliments for making something so fun. If you meet him, give
him candy.
AMMO: 13th Mercenary Corps (henceforth called AMMO13), instead tries
to emulate modern-style combat action flicks and television shows (though
not specifically war films), such as Die Hard, The Losers, Red, The Unit, and
Inglorious Bastards, or with a little tweaking, classic 80s action cartoons like
GI Joe or Rambo: The Force of Freedom. Essentially, instead of superhuman
gunfighters battling for the fate of the planet, you have highly trained soldiers-
of-fortune battling against rogue militants, whether for justice, money, or
AMMO13 also provides a plethora of firearms to play with, including shotguns,
sniper rifles, assault rifles, machineguns, and even explosives! The original
AMMO focuses entirely on pistols. Yes, for an indie, narrative game, it has a
staggering array of pistols available, but nothing else. For what it is trying to
accomplish, that works perfectly well. But half the time when I’ve described to
someone the concept of AMMO, the first thing they want to know is if they can
use a sawed-off shotgun...
However, despite the additional armory, almost all of the special techniques
characters can have will still only apply to pistols, with few exceptions. Why?
Two words: Game Balance. The special techniques make a pistol-wielding
hero a force to be reckoned with, and combining those with the high rates
of fire, heavy calibers, and massive ammunition capacities of assault rifles
or machineguns would be overkill. Not that overkill is bad…just not as
So, grab a bunch of Fudge dice (15 to 20 is a good number, though it helps
if everyone has their own stash), some paper and pencils, and a bunch of
friends, and get playing! Note that this edition is as yet untested, and may
need to be tweaked later on, but that’s no excuse to not blow things up in the

The Set-Up six distinct Weapons at any one time (even
if those Weapons are really small or really
Before you can start playing, you need, big…throw realism out the window). These
as a group, to make three things: the point values are sort of decided arbitrarily,
Soldiers, the Enemy, and the World. As and only really matter when first making
follows… your Soldier, since they are bound to
collect weapons as they go.
The Soldiers Firearms are each defined by three scores:
While the Game Master will portray the Load, Rate, and Power.
Enemy, all the other players will take the Load: This is how much ammo your
role of Soldiers – highly-trained, heavily- Firearm holds. Each time you fire a
armed heroes...or sometimes anti-heroes. shot, mark off a point of Load.
Some will be loyal to a particular nation, Rate: This is how many shots you can
others mercenaries for hire, or possibly fire off with a Shoot Action. Some
AWOL outlaws taking justice into their own Firearms can have a high Rate of
hands. fire.
Making your Soldier is pretty simple – just Power: This is how many Fudge
make a few choices (and add a little flavor dice you roll per shot. Firearms
text while you’re at it). with a higher Power have better
penetration, but typically have lower
Profile Rates of fire.
This will be a brief description of your
Soldier. This should be both a physical Melee weapons only have one score:
description, as well as a brief overview Power. Instead of determining how many
of their training. So, in addition to their Fudge dice are rolled per shot, it limits
gender, ethnicity, prominent features, how many Hits you can inflict on a single
battle scars, fashion sense, etc., also Enemy at a time. If you have a machete
describe how they learned their battle with a Power of 2, you can only do two
skills, what branch of the military (if in the Hits against a single Enemy, even if you
military at all!) they trained in, and what roll three (s against him.
their specialties were. This is a good
time to give hints at past connections, So, where’s the rest of my gear?
friendships, or rivalries with the other
You can assume your Soldier will
Soldiers. have whatever equipment would be
Motives necessary to perform his team duties. Is
This is what drives your Soldier to battle your Soldier a thieving mercenary? He’ll
the Enemy. When you act according to probably have a bunch of fake IDs and
a pouch of lockpicks with him. Is she a
your Motive, you earn a bonus to the former Russian hacker? You can bet a
Aftermath of the scene. The Aftermath high-powered laptop with WiFi will be in
determines what benefits, consequences, her inventory. In the end, they’re all just
or complications happen as a result of the props.
combat, both on-screen and off, which
influence what kind of dramatic scenes will
follow. Effort
Your Soldier can endure a ton of damage,
Talents and seems practically tireless. They’re
Each Soldier has a particular style when
action movie stars, after all! But you still
using pistols and revolvers (in some
need to keep track of how many Hits your
cases melee weapons), that makes them
Soldier has sustained so far, and this is
dangerous in their own, individual way.
represented by Effort, which starts at 6. If
Talents also provide certain Special Effects
your Effort is reduced to zero, it doesn’t
(or SFX) when you roll triple ( or *.
mean your Soldier is dead – instead, you
Weapons fall unconscious, or get trapped under
The most important thing of all! Soldiers rubble, or captured by the Enemy –
will be armed to the teeth, and you get something that doesn’t end your Soldier’s
to pick 10 points worth of Firearms and story, but makes it more complicated and
Melee weapons, and can’t have more than interesting!
The Enemy Profile
A brief description of the Enemy, focused
In AMMO13, the setting is built up largely more on function than appearance. The
around one thing: The Enemy – the Game Master can rely on the players to
villainous forces the Soldiers will be fill in the gaps about what they look like,
fighting. Who your Enemy is will determine unit insignias, behaviors, accents, etc.
a lot about the game: where battles might Examples: Footsoldiers, Cyber-Ninjas,
take place, who has been victimized, the Men in Black, Thug Enforcers, Rapid
tactics and weaponry that gets used, Assault Team, etc.
what might be at stake, and possible
background stories. Together the players Talents
and Game Master will get to define the Grunts don’t get any Talents – they are,
Enemy, so that they can tell the story they after all, just moving targets. Elites get
all think will be the most interesting. In one Talent, but not the associated Special
a way, it also allows them to dial-down Effects. Leaders get one Talent, and can
aspects they might find discomforting or use the SFX.
boring. Make the following choices below: Weapons
Determine what Firearms and Melee
The Enemy are... weapons the Enemies are carrying. If a
(choose one) unit has multiple types of Weapons, it’s up
Cloned Corporate to the GM which gets used and when.
Grass-Roots Fearless
Foreign Heavily Armed Lightly Armed: 3 points +2 per
Highly Trained Irrational player
Mysterious Rag-Tag Well Armed: 6 points +2 per player
Heavily Armed: 9 points +2 per
(choose one) player
Activists Anarchists Full Arsenal: 15 points +2 per
Criminals Extremists player
Gangsters Mercenaries
Mutants Security Agents Threat
Terrorists Vigilantes Soldiers have Effort, Enemies have Threat.
This is how many Hits it will take to bring
...dedicated to...and... them down.
(choose two) Weak: 2 Threat +2 per player
Destruction End of Days Average: 4 Threat +2 per player
Enslavement Espionage Strong: 6 Threat +2 per player
Extortion Financial Collapse Dangerous: 8 Threat +2 per player
Forbidden Experimentation
Genocide Invasion
Larceny Piracy And BOOM, you have your Enemy. Easy
Political Upheaval as that. From here on, the Game Master
Things Man Was Not Meant to Know gets to control these reprobates, criminals,
Weird Science World Domination terrorists, and masterminds.
Once you know what your Enemy is and
what they stand for, the Game Master can
start building individual opponents, in a
manner similar to the Soldiers, though with
a few differences.
Enemies will either be Grunts (groups
of low-level Enemies), Elites (teams of
veteran Enemies), and Leaders (skilled
and dangerous individuals). They are all
built with the same components:

The World What Do You Want to
Once you’ve defined your Soldiers and least, aside from the Enemy? Think
the Enemy, you should define the overall of some location-appropriate backdrops
scope of the game. Do the players want you’d like to see get shot up, blown up,
this to be a globe-spanning adventure, and reduced to rubble. Like with your
flying from one combat zone to another? contacts and informants, these are more
Are the Soldiers fighting in a sanctioned suggestions for the Game Master to use
war, or are their battles entirely in the as inspiration. They may not necessarily
shadows? What has happened already, come up in play, but the more things you
and how is it connected to the Soldiers? can think of, the more possibilities there
It isn’t necessary to come up with all the are.
details just yet – starting with a few basic
ideas will be enough for now. Here are a How Bloody Do You Want It?
few questions to get you all started: The last thing to consider when building
the setting for your game is how much
Where are You? or little gore and disturbing imagery you
What are the geographical boundaries want. This is particularly important if some
for the adventure? Are you operating players are young or particularly sensitive
within a South American country? A to certain subjects, like rape, violence
bustling Chinese metropolis? A run- against children, cannibalism, mass
down neighborhood in south-central Los murder, etc. Dial it low, and you have an
Angeles? Within a newly-built skyscraper? 80s action cartoon, where no one gets
Typically, developing a smaller boundary killed (unless dramatically appropriate)
means a shorter adventure – your Soldiers and the bad guys always escape or get
won’t have to go as far to encounter the captured. Dial it high, and you have an
Enemy. But this is not always the case, explosively bloody Takashi Miike-inspired
and a little tweak in the pacing can turn a gore-fest, where nothing is sacred.
“half-hour episode” adventure set inside a
shopping mall into a full-scale “two-hour
Who do You Know?
Do your Soldiers have friends or family in
the civilian world? Who are their contacts,
both legitimate or criminal? This may
include politicians, informants, fences,
black marketeers, cops, engineers,
journalists, mercenary companies,
criminals, etc. Note down a few ideas for
people you have ties to in the area. They
may not all come up during the adventure,
but they will serve as inspiration for people
to encounter, plot hooks, etc. You should
also decide if you know the other Soldiers,
and what events you have in common.
What is Your History With
the Enemy?
Perhaps you have fought the Enemy
before, and have been a constant thorn
in their side, disrupting their operations.
Or maybe you were once a top Enemy
lieutenant, and have since had a falling-out
with your former masters. It is possible
you aren’t familiar with the Enemy at all,
or didn’t realize their true nature until they
decided to strike.

Press Play they actively seek each other out, based
entirely on their reputations for action?
The Opening Scene Now, there are players who are masters
of inertia. They will claim, under the guise
Play starts with the Game Master describing of “being true to the character,” that they
the Opening Scene, giving the players an don’t see a compelling reason to take on a
introduction into the impact the Enemy has mission. You know what? It’s not up to the
had and the suffering of their victims. Are other players to give them a reason – if they
citizens being rounded up for interrogation aren’t presented with a good reason, they
by the secret police? Are terrorists setting should make one up themselves! If you
off a bomb in the middle of a hotel? Has didn’t want to blow things up and get shot
a governor’s child been kidnapped by at, you shouldn’t have agreed to play! What
malcontents? Think of it like the opening of kind of Soldier are you, anyway?!
a movie – you need to give the audience
a taste of what makes the Enemy so bad. Here are some details you might want to
Show how the victims are trying to be brave consider when narrating the meet-up with
in the face of adversity, or resisting before the other players:
they are beat into submission. Where are you? Is this someplace safe,
Once the GM has played that up enough, or is it in the middle of a war zone?
he passes the narration to the player on the What time is it? What are the conditions
right, who gets to tell everyone where his like outside?
Soldier is in relation to this scene and what Who is with you? Is it just you and the
he is doing. This is a chance to describe other Soldiers, or did you bring anyone
your Soldier without reading off a grocery else along?
list of adjectives, so the other players and Once everyone is agreed and plans have
the GM gets a feel for their personality and been made, the Game Master (who will
style, rather than being bored to death. Is have been suspiciously quiet all this time)
the Soldier hiding on a rooftop, sniping will have the Enemy suddenly attack, and
at the terrorists below? Is he, at that very the first Action Scene begins!
moment, sleeping off a hangover in a jail
cell after causing a bar brawl the night
before? Or maybe he’s sitting at home, Taking Action
committing Social Security fraud, when Rounds
Enemy agents storm his house! Action Scenes are divided into Rounds
There are no dice to be rolled during the (which, like the original AMMO game says,
Opening Scene, it’s just a chance for is coincidentally the same term for a bullet
showing off your new character and adding chambered in a firearm). During a Round,
some interesting detail to the World. Have each character, both Soldier and Enemy,
some fun with it, but don’t take too long. gets a Turn to act. The side with the most
Everybody needs a chance to narrate characters has initiative, and gets to take
before we hit the real action. their Turns first. There are certain Talents
that let some characters act before others,
despite the order of initiative, but this
Gathering Your doesn’t help their allies. Characters on the
Forces same side can decide among themselves
who acts in which order.
Once everyone has had their opportunity to Actions
describe the coolness of their characters, On your Turn, you can perform two different
the next scene starts with the Soldiers Actions. Some of these Actions are fairly
meeting up. It’s up to the players to figure specific in what they do, others are broad in
out why and where they meet, and they scope. But the mechanics behind them all
should play out the discussion that leads are still fairly simple. The Actions are:
to their decision to save the day. Are they
called to a secret base by the commander
of an elite anti-terrorist force? Do they
answer an ad in the paper headed XYZ,
the cryptic mercenary code for help? Or do
Assist your allies. Pull a Stunt.
You do something exciting or dramatic (or Ever wonder why action heroes do the crazy
both!) that helps your fellow Soldiers. Give one things they do? Because it’s cool. Swinging
of your allies +2 dice to their next Carry Out or across a ballroom on a chandelier. Sliding down
Evade Action. banisters atop a serving tray. Doing some fancy
moves with your nunchaku before you whack
Assess the situation. a baddie. You take this Action to describe in
You observe your surroundings carefully,
detail just how over-the-top your other Action this
and ask the GM to: point out the remaining
Turn is, and in return, you add +1 die to your
objectives; reveal the condition or intent of
Aftermath roll at the end of the scene. You can’t
surviving Enemies; or introduce a new objective.
get more than +3 dice by pulling Stunts.
You can suggest what type of objective it is
and how you find it, but its up to the GM to Reload or switch weapons.
fine-tune the idea. For example, while fighting in Pretty much what it sounds like, with no special
a dockyard, perhaps some crates topple over rolls or anything like that. You’ll never actually run
to reveal a switch that releases a cargo net – if out of normal ammunition (this is an action-movie
someone can pull it, they could tangle up a style game, after all), and you only have one Load
bunch of Grunts. worth of special ammunition when you get it.
Carry Out an objective. Retreat to safety.
Objectives are tasks that must be accomplished If the chips are down, and the Enemy has
to move the scene along. Each scene will have reinforcements incoming, you may need to beat a
several objectives: perhaps you need to bypass hasty Retreat. This is like Evade, but by Shooting
an electronic lock on a door, or release a instead of sneaking to get the hell out. The GM
hostage being held in the next room, or find the will need to determine which Enemies lie between
stolen dossier in the generalissimo’s office. If you and your extraction point; you roll your shots
you decide you want to Carry Out the objective, and hold the ( results, spending them to get past
roll dice equal to your current Effort, and as long Enemies without harm. Once there are no further
as you get one (, you succeed! Otherwise, you obstacles, you can leave combat safely. You can
can always try again next Round! help others to escape as well, but each person
penalizes your total roll by one shot.
Defend yourself or an ally.
You can ignore the first Hit the GM rolls against Shoot with a Firearm.
either you or the person you are protecting. You Choose which Enemies you wish to Shoot,
can only protect one person at a time. distributing how many shots you will take at each,
up to your Firearm’s Rate. With each shot you
Destroy an objective. take, mark off a round of ammunition and roll dice
Some objectives can’t be overcome by
equal to its Power: each ( inflicts a Hit; each * is
picking a lock, bribing a guard, or shooting
a Graze, which does no harm; each & is a Miss.
it a lot. Vault doors, fortified concrete walls,
munitions depots, and battle tanks require... Strike with a Melee weapon.
DESTRUCTION. This works the same way as A gun may not always be handy, so every now
Carrying Out an objective, but instead of rolling and then you have to resort to Melee weapons.
your Effort, you roll the Power of an explosive Distribute dice equal to your current Effort
charge, missile, or some other heavy weapon between nearby Enemies and roll: each ( inflicts
instead. If that doesn’t work, use another charge a Hit; each * is a Graze, which does no harm; &
or missile next Round! results are a Miss. The Melee weapon’s Power
limits how many Hits you can inflict on a single
Evade detection. Enemy. On the plus side, most Melee weapons
Sometimes you don’t want to directly engage
are silent (with a few exceptions), so you can
the Enemy, and must use stealth instead. Like
attack while being stealthy.
Carrying Out an objective, roll dice equal to your
current Effort, but total up your ( results and Target an Enemy’s weak point.
hold them. As long as you have one (, you are You take your time to aim, looking for that
hidden from view; you spend your collected crack in their armor, or waiting for just the right
(s as you move around, avoiding Enemies. moment. On the next Shoot or Strike Action you
Grunts only need one ( to evade, Elites need make against that particular Enemy, count one of
two, and Leaders need three. If you try to sneak your dice as an automatic Hit.
past two Grunt squads, you’d need two (s to
Wreak Havoc on your Enemies.
sneak by, but two Grunt squads and an team of
Maybe you shoot continuously at the Enemies’
Elite soldiers would require four total (s. You will
feet, taunt them with bawdy jokes about their
remain undetected until your next Turn, as long
mothers, or make something volatile explode by
as you don’t do anything that attracts attention
shooting at it a lot. Whatever ballsy, risky feat you
(like shooting someone). Once they know where
attempt, it gives each of your fellow Soldiers +1
you are, you’ll have to Retreat before you can try
die to their next Shoot or Strike Actions.
to Evade again.
Combat Narration Special Effects
Narrating the outcomes of attacks is the Whenever you roll triples of the same
icing on the triple-layer chocolate cake result, whether all at the same time, or one
that is combat. Whether you’re shooting after another, you unlock a Special Effect,
someone, or getting shot by someone, based on the character’s Talent. This
all the flavor text is up to the players, not only applies when using an appropriate
the GM (though he can certainly chime Weapon – either a Handgun or in some
in with suggestions when the players are cases a Melee weapon.
lagging). You will note that Talents don’t list SFX
When you Shoot or Strike, each * Graze for rolling a triple & - that’s because you
endangers your Enemy, but it doesn’t instead suffer a Botch. Botches are special
harm them, so describe why: maybe they SFX that make your life more difficult. The
dodge the shot, or it deflects off their list of different Botches is conveniently
armor, or is blocked by some rubble. It listed on the Soldier’s sheet, and the
may not cause a Hit, but sparks are still player to your right gets to choose which
flying and making things look dangerous. one will be most appropriate, and you get
to check it off the list. While most Botch
Each ( Hit does damage, but how you
effects will be pretty self-explanatory, some
describe it can depend on the Enemy.
of them you’ll need to figure out how to
Grunts are just mooks, large groups of work into the story. Once you’ve checked
fodder for you to kill in droves: describe off every possible Botch result, any further
each Hit as cutting a swath through triple & results are ignored! You’ve suffered
their ranks, dropping four, five, even six enough!
baddies in the process.
Elites are tough, but still have to gang
Butterfingers: You drop your weapon.
together to prove a threat: each Hit can Close Quarters: Next Turn, you can’t
be used to describe how one of them take a Shoot Action because the Enemy
dies in a spray of blood. is right in your face. You can make a Strike
Leaders are on the same level as the Action instead.
Soldiers: each Hit is an individual strike,
Confused: Next Turn you have to take a
Defend Action, as you loose track of where
gradually weakening their defenses your Enemies are.
until they are finally taken down! Enraged: You have to keep fighting the
You also get to describe how it looks Enemy you last attacked until he’s dead. You
can’t go after any other Enemies until then.
when your Soldier takes a Hit or a Graze.
Escalation: The Enemy calls in their
Does that shot tear through your jacket, reinforcements – the GM distributes 10
leaving a superficial blood stain? Or does bonus Threat amongst the remaining
it rip through your arm in gory detail? Enemies.
Since your character doesn’t die unless Jammed: You lose one Action next Turn as
you think it’s dramatically appropriate, you fix your weapon.
you don’t have to worry about blood Misfire: One of your allies takes a Hit from a
loss, post-traumatic stress disorders, or bad shot.
concussions…unless you really want to! Overheat: Next Turn you have to take a
Reload Action to switch Firearms, or else
take 1 Hit from handling a searing-hot
Rampage: Next Turn you have to take a
Havoc Action.
Running on Empty: Next Turn you have
to take a Reload Action, even if you still have
shots left.
Solo Mission: No other Soldiers can
join you in your next Story Scene. They may
follow you in secret, but they don’t share in
any of the advantages or disadvantages.
Stumble: Next Turn you go last.
Uncool: You get a penalty * result on your
Aftermath Story Scenes
Action Scenes can end either with victory When the Action Scene is finally over,
or defeat for the Soldiers, and the events players will take turns, spending the holds
that have transpired will affect what from their Aftermath rolls on buying scene
happens later on. This is the Aftermath. elements – Benefits, Consequences, and
Each player will get 1 die to roll, plus one Complications. These are combined to
per Action Scene they’ve gone through – create your Story Scene. Players can
for example, at the end of the first Action pool their Aftermath results together to
Scene, each player will get to roll two dice. get more complex Scenes, and you can
Depending on how things turned out, you involve yourself in other players’ Scenes
will be able to spend certain results to to share some of its effects, but only if you
“buy” Story Scenes. actually participate, instead of just paying
Remember that Soldiers get additional lip-service.
Aftermath dice by performing Stunt Story Scenes present suggestions for
Actions. They also have their Motives, events, locations, situations, and activities
which describes a particular situation or that the Soldiers get involved with, but
circumstance that will grant a bonus ( once you select a particular Scene, you
result for their Aftermath. get to add description and detail as you
If the Enemy is defeated, captured, like. Set up the Scene, create a particular
or retreats: mood, and make it interesting, and the
Ignore * results, and hold ( and & Game Master will take it from there to
results to spend on Story Scenes. weave it into the rest of the adventure.
Other players can jump in to take the role
If any Soldiers retreat, one of them of side-characters and extras as needed.
runs out of Effort, or if a starting
objective remains unachieved: Once everyone has had a chance
Hold all results to spend on appropriate to choose a Story Scene, all of your
Story Scenes remaining Aftermath results are lost.
If the Soldiers are all defeated,
captured, or retreat: Benefits
Hold & and * results to spend on ( Inspiration
Consequences – you MUST spend all Something happens that raises your hopes.
You get to act first during the next Action Scene,
* results. Hold ( results to spend on no matter how many Enemies you face. Only
Benefits. characters with certain Talents get to go before
you do.
( Protection
You find something that will keep you safe in the
next combat, like a flak jacket or a boiler plate
hidden under your poncho. Ignore the first Hit
you suffer next Action Scene.
( Recuperation
You have a chance to patch some wounds,
perhaps at a hospital, or maybe you find a
spare medical kit. Heal someone’s Effort.
( Replenish
You find a small stash of ammo somewhere,
allowing you to refresh your supply of one type
of special ammunition.
( Upgrade
You get a access to a workbench or engineer,
giving you a chance to improve your Firearms.
Increase the Rate of one Firearm by 1. You can
only Upgrade each Firearm once.
(( Invigorate
Something happens that boosts your stamina –
perhaps you raid granny’s painkillers, or you get
really, really angry (they wouldn’t like you when ** Injury
you’re angry). Increase your base Effort by one. You run across some hazard, disaster, or maybe
(( Reinforcements a trap, and suffer 1 Hit.
You meet someone who joins your mission. ** Kidnapped
During the next Action Scene, you roll 2 Someone your Soldier knows has been
additional dice from your ally with Shoot and captured by the Enemy, and it becomes an
Strike Actions. If you roll **, they are wounded objective during the next Action Scene to save
or somehow unable to help you that Turn. If you them.
roll &&, they are knocked out of the fight.
** Malfunction
(( Stock Up You haven’t taken very good care of your guns.
You scavenge from fallen Enemies, or uncover During the next Action Scene, you have to roll
a small weapons cache somewhere. You get two (s to get one Hit.
one Load of special ammunition for one of your
Firearms, or pick a new Firearm that was used
*** Broken
You haven’t taken very good care of your guns,
by the Enemies during the last Action Scene.
and one of them is completely ruined beyond
((( Endgame repair.
After considerable searching, gathering
intelligence, and roughing up some hostile
*** Captured
You have been ambushed by the Enemy and
informants, you and your allies finally find the
taken prisoner at their main base! This inevitably
Enemy main base, and the Final Scene can
leads to the Final Scene, and you start unarmed
begin! Everyone is fully healed and ready for
– your first objective is escaping from your
bonds and finding your guns!
((( Jackpot
You find a stockpile of munitions, and reap
the benefits. Choose one Heavy Weapon, two
Grenades, or three types of special ammunition. & Access
You discover in your investigations that you
Consequences need to find a special key or secret code to
get into the Enemy main base. This becomes
* Antagonist an objective in the next Action Scene that
During the Story Scene, your activities come to needs two ( to succeed, and increase the
the attention of one of the Enemy, who is now Threat of each Enemy by 2. Once the objective
seeking you out. During the next Action Scene, is complete, you can immediately move to
that Enemy gets +1 Hit against you with their the Final Scene after the next round of Story
first attack. Scenes.
* Collateral Damage & Blockade
An ally or other character your Soldier knows You pass through areas with lots of harsh terrain
has been seriously injured in the recent fighting. or heavy rubble, and it makes it difficult to
You must spend three total ( Aftermath before escape when your Enemies attack. This is an
the end of the game, or they die despite your objective in the next Action Scene that needs
attempts to help them. two ( to succeed, or else Evade and Retreat
* Ruined Actions are impossible.
At some point during your travels, one of your
special ammo loads gets ruined, and must be
* Tragedy
You stumble across some horrifying situation,
one that gives you pause. During the next
Action Scene, you can ignore one Enemy’s
Talent because of your righteous indignation.
** Discarded
Some accident makes you lose all the normal
ammunition for one of your Firearms. Spend
one ( Aftermath after the next Action Scene to
replenish your supply.
** Exhausted
It’s been a long day, and it seems you never
get a chance to rest this scene. During the next
Action Scene, you will always go last, even if
you have Talents that say otherwise.

& Flunky
You meet someone during your travels that
Final Scene
decides to follow you around...whether they are After several fierce battles, daring action,
helpful or not. During the next Action Scene, and brow-furrowing suspense, the Soldiers
you can decide they take a Hit instead of you. will finally make it to the Enemy’s main
Yeah, they won’t be following you around after
base. This may be the result of a particular
Aftermath, the direction the narration is
& Secret headed makes it “feel” right, or maybe
You find out there is some vital information that
you’ve all played so long that you just
you need to get to aid you in your mission. This
becomes an objective in the next Action Scene want to wind things up. Hopefully, you’ve
that needs two ( to succeed, and the Enemy will all been able to get in at least three Action
always have initiative before your team until it is Scenes, though there is no set number of
achieved. scenes that you need to have. If its time to
& Trouble start the Final Scene, you’ll know it.
You get word that one of your friends is being In the Final Scene, the Soldiers come face
threatened by the Enemy, and becomes an to face with the Boss Enemy, whether
objective in the next Action Scene. Increase the
Threat of each Enemy by 1, and if you Carry Out
a criminal mastermind, foreign dictator,
the objective, you gain back 1 Effort. insane supercomputer, or bloated mutant
monster. The GM will set up the scene,
&& Danger giving a brief description of the Boss’
You’ve entered an extremely hazardous location
or situation that will lead into the next Action base. He’ll then pass the narration to the
Scene. There are three objectives related to the player on the right, who describes part of
danger that have to be Destroyed. Until then, the scene from his Soldier’s eyes, filling
all Enemies you encounter will always have in details about who else is there, what
initiative, and increase their Threat by 2. kind of chaos surrounds them, etc. Each
&& Mystery player gets a chance to add flavor to the
You are presented with a strange situation scene, and should say something about
or puzzle that distracts you. There are three how willing (or unwilling) their Soldier is to
objectives related to the mystery in the next sacrifice himself in this last battle, or how
Action Scene, and if you complete them, you something important to them is at stake.
get two bonus ( Aftermath. Increase the Threat What will losing mean to the Soldiers, and
of all Enemies by 2.
how far will they be willing to go in order
&& Supplies to take down the Enemy, once and for all?
You spend this scene looking for needed Once everyone has had a turn, it’ll be time
provisions, but recover 1 Effort.
for the final battle!
The Boss is a special Enemy, that starts
with two Talents, any two Weapons,
and 13 Threat. Also, there will be one
objective per player that must be Carried
Out or Destroyed before the Boss can
even be touched. Maybe he’s guarded by
security drones that must be blown up,
one by one, or perhaps he’s sequestered
himself inside a maze of traps and secret
And he’s not alone. The GM will include as
many other Enemies and objectives as he
thinks is appropriate, though a good mix
would be two Grunts per player, one Elite
and objective per player, and one Leader
per two players. That’d make for a pretty
big and satisfying fight.

Motives Talents
Adrenaline Assassin
If you inflict at least one Hit against each You’ve been trained to take advantage of
Enemy during the combat, you get a your Enemy’s carelessness. Whether with a
bonus ( Aftermath. Handgun or Melee weapon, if you successfully
Evade your Enemies, when you attack you can
Bad Luck trade two *s for one (.
If you don’t roll any *** or ((( results *** Your attack may not have been entirely
during the combat, you get a bonus ( successful, but you still have the upper hand.
Aftermath. You go first next Turn, even if outnumbered,
or facing enemies with Melee Master or
Bloodlust Quickdraw.
If you kill at least two Elites single-handed ((( You infiltrate, kill, and leave no trace.
during the combat, you get a bonus ( Enemies you kill this Turn seem to drop
Aftermath. unexpectedly, while injuries leave them
bewildered. You get a free Havoc Action while
Destiny remaining hidden.
If you roll both a *** and ((( result
during the combat, you get a bonus ( Cruel Aim
You don’t usually shoot to shoot to
Aftermath. maim. As Target Action, instead of +1 Power,
Fellowship you make your Enemy lose an Action if he takes
If you help an ally or other friendly a Hit.
character escape from combat, you get a *** Your shots may have missed, but
describe how shrapnel or debris from the
bonus ( Aftermath.
ricochet blinds an Enemy, preventing him
Foolhardy from taking a Shoot or Strike Action next
If you are the last to Retreat from a Turn.
combat, you get a bonus ( Aftermath. ((( Not only are they Hit, they’re
handicapped by your shot. Reduce the
Greed Enemy’s Rate of fire by 2 for the rest of
If you complete an Objective involving combat.
money or other wealth, you get a bonus ( Dead Eye
Aftermath. It’s like you have an instinct for hitting where
Justice it hurts most. When you take a Target Action,
If you take a Leader prisoner during reduce your Handgun’s Rate by half, and
combat, you get a bonus ( Aftermath. increase the Power by +3 for your next
Shooting Action.
Madman *** Your shots find the weak point in any
If by wreaking Havoc you help your allies defense. Your target must lose an Action or
kill at least three Elites during the combat, take a Hit anyway.
you get a bonus ( Aftermath. ((( It doesn’t just hurt, it cripples. Do +1
Mission Endless Ammo
If you complete at least two Objectives
You follow in the great Hollywood tradition of
without aid, you get a bonus ( Aftermath. never needing to count your shots, since you
Redemption never seem to run out of ammunition. Each
If you take at least two Hits by aiding allies Turn, you can Reload up to 5 shots of normal
during the combat, you get a bonus ( ammo without taking an Action.
*** You’ve fired off so many shots, the
Aftermath. scenery is practically falling apart. On your
Revenge next Turn, you get a free Havoc Action.
If you kill a Leader single-handed during ((( You’ve hit one Enemy so many times
combat, you get a bonus ( Aftermath. with so many shots, he (or they!) get knocked
down and have to spend an Action next Turn
Survival to get back up.
If your Effort drops below half during the
combat, you get a bonus ( Aftermath.

Itchy Trigger Finger Quickdraw
If someone didn’t know you better, they’d say Your senses are keen, and your reflexes
you have a nervous twitch, but really you’re just lightning-quick. No matter how many Enemies
itching for your next firefight. When you take a you face, you always go first. If you’re fighting
Defend Action, instead of ignoring a Hit, you get someone else with Quickdraw, you both roll
a free shot against any Enemy that attacks you dice equal to your current Effort. Whoever gets
that Round, as long as you have ammo left. the most (s goes first. Only the Melee Master
*** You shoot so quickly, you’re bound to goes faster than you.
miss a few times. You get three bonus shots, *** You were just distracting them while
as long as you have enough ammo. you grab some extra ammo. Take a free
((( You have them pinned down. The next Reload Action.
three Enemies that try to attack anyone this ((( You can follow the Enemy’s intent as
Turn take a Hit from your return fire, as long if they were moving in slow motion. On your
as you have enough ammo. next Turn, you get a free Target Action.
Lucky Bastard Rapid Fire
You’ve never felt any great need to be cautious You’ve learned to empty your clips as quickly
on the battlefield – it’s just that the Enemy never as you can fill them. When you take a Target
seems to try very hard to hurt you. Ignore any action, the +1 Power bonus applies to any
((( SFX against, you. You’re just lucky like Enemies you Shoot that Turn.
that. *** Your attack was just cover fire. Your
*** Your shots ricochet, hitting a single allies get a free Defend action on their next
Enemy for one Hit. Describe how your shot Turn.
causes collateral damage bouncing off ((( Roll an additional shot. If you get a (,
different objects. keep rolling bonus shots until you don’t roll a
((( You stride through battle, firing as you ( or you run out of ammo.
go, heedless of the return fire. Ignore the next
three Hits against you. Take Down
You don’t believe in mercy. Mercy is for the
Mass Carnage weak. If your target has only one point of Threat
You really like shooting a bloody swath through remaining, you can count one * as a ( instead.
your opponents. When you Shoot at Grunts, *** Those misses only help you get closer
your first ( result against each target counts as to the kill. Double the Hits inflicted by any (
2 Hits. rolls you get this Turn.
*** Feh. It doesn’t matter if you don’t hit ((( The Enemy you shoot goes down, and
them, because they can’t hit you. Ignore the hard. If your shot kills him, it blows through,
next three Hits inflicted by Grunts. striking another Enemy for 1 Hit.
((( You are really efficient with your
ammunition, and you can maim multiple Trick Shot
opponents with a single bullet. Halve the You have a special flair for fancy shooting, much
amount of ammo you actually use this Turn. to the dismay of your Enemies. You can take
two Havoc Actions on your turn.
Melee Master *** They thought your shots missed,
You are highly trained in close-quarters combat. but they were wrong – you just needed to
As long as you are using a Melee weapon, you bounce them off something first. Trade two &
always go first, even if you are outnumbered or results for one (.
facing someone with Quickdraw. ((( When you shoot, they run for cover.
*** Your fancy moves keep your Enemies As long as each of your shots is against a
off-guard. You get +2 dice to your next Strike separate Enemy, you get a free Havoc Action.
((( Not only do you wound your Enemy, Twin Menace
you disarm him...literally! Do +1 Hit, and the They say it’s impractical, but you like the feel of
Enemy drops his weapon. a pistol in each hand. As long as you are firing
two Handguns, you can take two Shooting
Actions on your Turn.
*** You have a trick for reloading in the
heat of battle, without needing a free hand. If
you take a Reload Action next turn, you get a
free Defend Action.
((( Your Enemies can’t avoid your arc of
fire. Next Turn, you can take a free Target
Action that applies to both of your Pistols.

Melee Weapons Cost Load Rate Power
Small Melee Weapon 1 - - 1
Knife, Club, Nunchaku
Medium Melee Weapon 2 - - 2
Short Sword, Machete, Mace, Cinderblock, Electric Drill (loud)
Large Melee Weapon 3 - - 3
Sword, Axe, Weed Whacker (loud)
Heavy Melee Weapon 4 - - 4
Exotic Sword-With-Lots-Of-Pointy-Bits, Big-Ass Sword, Chainsaw (loud)

Handguns (1-Handed)
Backup Pistol 1 8 5 1
Colt M1911, Luger P08, Tokarev TT-30, Walther P38
Pocket Pistol 1 6 4 1
Bernedo 6.35mm, Browning Model 1910, Colt M1908
Pocket Revolver 1 5 5 1
Ruger SP-101, Astra Cadix
Service Revolver 1 6 5 1
Colt M1908, Enfield Mk 1, Webley Mk IV, Ruger Service-Six
Snubnose Revolver 1 6 5 1
Colt Detective, S&W Horton Special, Webley .38 No. 3
Bulldog Revolver 2 5 4 2
Webley .44 Bulldog, .45 British Bulldog
Combat Revolver 2 6 4 2
Colt Python, Taurus M86, Ruger Redhawk
Defense Pistol 2 10 6 1
H&K P7, Sig Sauer P226, Steyr M40
Heavy Pistol 2 8 4 2
Desert Eagle, .50 Automag
Target Pistol 2 6 6 1
FAS Model 601, Hämmerli 200
Target Revolver 2 6 6 1
S&W K38, Ruger Blackhawk, .38 Excelsior
Combat Pistol 3 15 7 1
Beretta M9, Glock 17, H&K USP, Ruger P85
Heavy Revolver 3 6 3 3
Ruger Super Redhawk, S&W Model 29, Colt Anaconda
Service Pistol 3 12 6 1
Beretta 92, Browning OP 35, H&K MK23, Sig Sauer P229
Machine Pistol 4 20 8 1
Beretta 93R, Sterling MK VIII, Steyr SPP

Submachineguns (2-Handed, Halve the Rate of Fire when used 1-Handed)
Compact SMG 4 20 10 1
Steyr TMP, Model 61 Skorpion, Mini Uzi
Combat SMG 5 30 8 1
UZI, Sten MK II, US M3, Thompson M1, Walther MPK
Service SMG 5 30 10 1
H&K MP5K, Ingram M10, Sterling L2A3, AKSU-74
Tactical SMG 6 30 12 1
Steyr AUG Para, H&K MP5, H&K MP5K-PDW
Heavy SMG 7 50 8 1
Thompson M1928, Beretta Model 12
Assault SMG 8 50 12 1
FN P90, Calico M950, Bison 9mm, Spectre M4
Shotguns (2-Handed)
Target Shotgun 4 1 1 4
Harrington & Richardson Topper
Sporting Shotgun 5 2 2 4
Beretta 682, Browning 125, Winchester 8500
Hunting Shotgun 6 4 2 4
Beretta 303, Remington 1100, Winchester 1300
Service Shotgun 7 6 2 4
Remington 870 Wingmaster, Stakeout Ithaca
Assault Shotgun 8 8 2 4
Benelli 121-M1, Franchi SPAS 12, Ithaca 37, Mossberg 500 ATP
Combat Shotgun 10 12 3 4
Striker, Pancor Jackhammer
Rifles (2-Handed)
Target Rifle 2 1 1 2
Falco Alberti, Hart Model 2, Remington 40XB BR
Sporting Rifle 3 5 3 2
BSA 1922, Halger No. 7, Parker-Hale M81, Winchester M70
Hunting Rifle 4 10 2 3
Enfield L39A1, Tokka M65-A308, Parker-Hale M85
Field Rifle 5 20 4 2
Springfield M1A, US Carbine M1A1, M14
Sniper Rifle 5 10 3 3
L96A1, Dragunov SVD, H&K PSG-1, Mauser SP66, SIG SSG-3000, US M40A1
Assault Rifle 6 30 6 2
FA MAS, FN FAL, H&K G3, AK-47, M16, Norinco Type 81
Combat Rifle 7 50 8 2
GALIL ARM, H&K G11, Steyr AUG/HB, CZ 2000
Heavy Sniper Rifle 8 10 2 4
Barrett 82A1, PGM Hecate II
Machine Rifle 8 50 10 2
H&K HK13, RPK-74, Enfield L86 LSW, Beretta AS70, H&K G36
Anti-Tank Rifle 10 5 1 6
Halve Power for Destroy Actions
Gepard M3, Model 96 Falcon, Steyr IWS 2000
Machineguns (2-Handed, requires 2 Actions to Shoot)
Light Machinegun 12 100 10 2
FN Minimi, Ameli, M60, Stoner 5.56mm
Heavy Machinegun 14 100 10 3
AAT-F1, MG42, Vektor SS77, M249 SAW
Mounted Machinegun 16 100 12 3
GAU 19/A, GE Minigun M134, H&K 21
Machinegun Artillery 20 100 12 4
Halve Power for Destroy Actions
Browning M2HB, NSV 12.7mm, Gecal 50
Explosives (Explodes at the start of the next Round)
Smoke Grenade (per 3) 1 - 1 0
+5 die bonus to Evade
Molotov Cocktail (per 2) 1 - 1 5
Free Havoc Action
C4 Charge 2 - 1 3
Used for Destroy Actions only, each additional charge adds +1 Power
Fragmentation Grenade (per 2) 2 - 1 5
High Explosive Grenade (per 2) 3 - 1 8
Halve Power for Destroy Actions
Phosphorus Grenade (per 1) 3 - 1 8
Free Havoc Action
Heavy Weapons (2-Handed, requires 2 Actions to Shoot)
Grenade Launcher 2 1 1 Per grenade
This version is mounted on a rifle, such as the M203, HK79, or PIM 203
Grenade Launcher 3 1 1 Per grenade
This is a separate launcher, such as the M79, L1A1, or the 40mm ARMSCOR
Assault Launcher 6 6 1 Per grenade
40mm ARMSCOR MGL, 40mm MM-1
Rocket-Propelled Grenade 10 1 1 8
Halve Power for Destroy Actions; includes the RPG-75, Type P-27 Pancerovoka, M-55
Disposable Rocket 6 - 1 8
Halve Power for Destroy Actions; includes the M72, C-90C, AT4 FFV
Flamethrower 12 8 1 5
Trade 2 * for a free Havoc Action; inlcudes the ABC-M9-7, MOD T148, LCT1M1
Rocket Launcher 12 1 1 10
Halve Power for Destroy Actions; includes the LAW80, B-300, Panzerfaust 3, LAT 500

Special Ammunition
Armor Piercing (Any except Shotguns)
Trade 2 * to ignore an Enemy’s Defense Action
Depleted Uranium (Pistols, Rifles, Machineguns)
Trade 2 * for 1 (
Exploding (Pistols)
Trade 1 * for 1 (, reduce Rate by -1, suffer 1 Hit on a Botch in addition to normal SFX
Frangible Round (Pistols)
Trade 2 shots for +1 Hit with a (
Full Metal Jacket (Any except Shotguns)
First ( on your Turn does +1 Hit
Heavy Slug (Shotgun)
Trade 2 * for 1 (
Incendiary (Shotgun)
Trade 2 * for a free Havoc Action, suffer 1 Hit on a Botch in addition to normal SFX
Tracer (Rifles, Machineguns)
Trade 2 * to illuminate Enemies in the dark, suffer 1 Hit on a Botch in addition to
normal SFX

AMMO: 13th Mercenary Corps


Weapons Load Rate Power Botches
Close Quarters
Running on Empty
Solo Mission

Special Ammo

Other Stuff

9 9 9 9 9 9
Another GremlinLegions Hack

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