Sheryls Newsletter 2 - 19

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Ashes February 2019

to Healing from the past.
Hope for the future.

Dear Family and Friends,

Considering ways to love better? Me too. Love is indispensable.

It’s challenging to love God first, Matt. 22:37 “Jesus replied, ‘love
the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your mind.” Praise the Lord - there’s room for you
in our Freedom in Christ Discipleship
We exhibit love our through our service to him, expressed in Course at Canyon Hills on Tuesdays,
Ephesians. 5:2 “Live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave 7:00-9:00 p.m..
himself up for us…"
We would love to have you!
Thank you for your prayers and ongoing partnership,


Jim’s oldest son, Micah and Molly Turner with their children, John, Peggy,
Betty and James have recently moved to Turana, Albania, to train business Sheryl and Jim are rich in sharing a legacy of love with their 13 of their 14
professionals with the Lincoln Center. Thank you for praying for their transition. grandkids (so sorry, Caleb not pictured). “Children’s children are a crown to the
aged, and parents are the pride of their children.” Proverbs 17:6

Events and New Partnerships

2/12 Sheryl speaks Canyon Moms – How to Affair Proof Your
Marriage in Bakersfield, CA
2/25 Sheryl presents at Missions Conference at Parkside
Church in Bakersfield, CA
3/9 From Ashes to Beauty Street Teams Delivering Care Kits
to Homeless in Bakersfield, CA

Our GriefShare group is underway at the Lee and Krysyna Jamieson home for 3/14 Sheryl speaks at Moms of Littles at Laurelglen Bible Church
women and children. Please pray for healing, wholeness and peace through in Bakersfield, CA
the comfort of Jesus Christ.
5/4 Unstuck: One-Day seminar at Emmanuel Faith in
Escondido, CA

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