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Holocene coastal evolution of the Northern Rio Grande do Norte coast, NE


Article  in  Journal of Coastal Research · January 2004


15 314

3 authors:

Karl Stattegger Luciano Henrique de Oliveira Caldas

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Petróleo Brasileiro S.A.


Helenice Vital
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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Marine Geology 228 (2006) 39 – 53

Holocene sea-level history: Evidence from coastal sediments of the

northern Rio Grande do Norte coast, NE Brazil
Luciano Henrique de Oliveira Caldas a,⁎, Karl Stattegger b,1 , Helenice Vital a,2
Programa de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação em Geodinâmica e Geofísica (PPGG), Campus Universitário,
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), P.O. BOX: 1596, 59078-970, Natal-RN-Brazil
Institute of Geosciences, University of Kiel, Olshausenstr. 40, 24118, Kiel, Germany
Received 23 August 2004; received in revised form 22 August 2005; accepted 23 December 2005


The Holocene sea-level history of the mesotidal northern Rio Grande do Norte coast, NE Brazil, was reconstructed from
sedimentology and AMS radiocarbon dating of beachrock and tidal lagoonal sediments. At 7000 cal. year BP at −3 m sea level
stood and passed the modern sea level 6700 cal. year ago. The Holocene highstand reached 1.3 m above modern sea level at 5900
cal. year BP as determined by beachrock samples from the uppermost part of an intertidal foreshore deposit. A 5700 cal. year old
shell midden overlies this beachrock that represents the spring-tide sea level.
After the highstand, sea level dropped to its present position. Beachrock samples from intertidal upper foreshore deposits were
used for elevation and age control. Beachrock positions with their error bars are all within the tidal-range envelope. Therefore, no
secondary oscillations during the sea level fall can be confirmed. A linear sea-level fall of this magnitude can be explained by the
mechanism of equatorial ocean syphoning.
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Rio Grande do Norte, NE Brazil; Holocene sea-level history; beachrock; radiocarbon dating

1. Introduction of Natal, discussed the origin of some coastal out-

crops. These authors concluded that these outcrops
The Quaternary coastal geology of the northeastern were deposited in a coastal environment and could be
Brazilian coast between Natal and Fortaleza is poorly correlated to the uppermost part of the late Tertiary to
investigated. Available data are focused on localized Pleistocene Formations from the Potiguar Basin. More
onshore investigations and some limited offshore survey. recent studies focused on modern hydrodynamics and
Srivastava and Corsino (1984) and Nogueira et al. sedimentation (Testa and Bosence, 1998; Costa-Neto,
(1990), working along the coast of Touros, northwest 1997; Vital et al., 2002, 2003), neotectonics (Fonseca,
1996; 1997), and Quaternary stratigraphy (Silva, 1991;
Bezerra et al., 1998; Barreto et al., 2002).
⁎ Corresponding author. Fax: +55 84 2153831, 215 3806. Sea-level studies in Brazil started in the 1960s
E-mail addresses: (L.H.O. Caldas),
when Van Andel and Laborel (1964) and Delibrias (K. Stattegger),
(H. Vital). and Laborel (1969) published the first attempts to
Fax: +49 431 880 4376. reconstruct the regional Holocene sea-level changes
Fax: +55 84 215 3806. based on radiocarbon dating of paleo sea-level
0025-3227/$ - see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
40 L.H.O. Caldas et al. / Marine Geology 228 (2006) 39–53

indicators. According to Delibrias and Laborel (1969), beachrock in mesotidal coasts and further comparison
sea level reached its present position 6000 years BP, with modern beaches have permitted its vertical posi-
then rose to 3 m above modern mean sea level at 4500 tioning with respect to tidal range (Oliveira et al., 1990;
years BP. From this time sea level fell gradually to its Bezerra et al., 1998). It should be noted, however, that
modern level. the radiometric age control of beachrock can be biased
Fairbridge (1976) proposed similar sea-level varia- by dating reworked and recrystallized bioclasts or
tions by the use of shell middens from the southern and secondary cements.
southeastern coasts, although he recognized five periods This paper presents new data on Holocene coastal
of transgression with amplitudes varying between 1 and sediments on the north coast of Rio Grande do Norte,
5 m. Subsequent sea-level studies have been undertaken NE Brazil. Specific objectives are: (i) evaluate sedi-
in more restricted areas and some Holocene sea-level mentary structures in beachrock with emphasis on
curves have been proposed for different sites along the establishing precise depositional environments of vari-
Brazilian coast. ous beachrock outcrops within the tidal zone, (ii) utilize
Suguio et al. (1985) were the first to propose sys- AMS radiocarbon dating of unaltered shell material in
tematic, well-constructed Holocene sea-level curves for beachrock and of plant remains in lagoonal sediments,
the Brazilian coast. The Salvador Curve, as the best and thus (iii) establish a new sea-level curve from these
example for NE Brazil, shows that sea level started to data.
rise above modern sea level shortly before 7000 years
BP and reached the highstand at 5 m above modern sea 2. Study area
level approximately 5100 years BP, recently calibrated
to 5660 cal. year BP (Martin et al., 2003). Furthermore, The investigated area is located on the north coast of
two negative oscillations, 4200–3700 and 2600–2200 the federal state of Rio Grande do Norte in the northeast
cal. year BP, were proposed. A recent paper by Bezerra region of Brazil (Fig. 1). The area is about 150 km
et al. (2003) contains an envelope sea-level curve with northwest of the state capital Natal, between Ponta dos
the Holocene highstand around 5000 cal. year BP and at Três Irmãos and Guamaré city extending from the coast
least one positive oscillation between 2100 and 1100 to the shelf edge. The study area is part of the Potiguar
cal. year BP. basin which is part of the NE Brazilian Rift system
The study of sea level and coastal evolution is together with other basins that originated in Cretaceous
enormously improved when accurate paleo sea-level times (Matos, 1994). The investigated area has been
indicators are available. Amongst the existing sea-level subjected to late Quaternary neotectonics according to
indicators formed by coastal deposits, beachrock and Bezerra et al. (1998), Caldas (1996) and Fonseca (1996,
lagoonal sediments are widely used. Although some 1997).
authors believe that beachrocks are more reliable sea- The area has an open, wave dominated, mesotidal
level indicators on microtidal coasts (Ramsay, 1995; coast. It is associated with the inner zone of the narrow
Omoto, 2001; Ramsay and Cooper, 2002), their use in continental shelf that is shallow (maximum 25 m
sea-level studies on mesotidal coasts is also valuable, depth) and has an average width of 18 km. The shelf-
specially in the absence of other suitable sea-level break is situated at 50 m water depth 20 km offshore.
indicators. A careful sedimentological description of The continental shelf and coastal zones are strongly

Fig. 1. The study area.

L.H.O. Caldas et al. / Marine Geology 228 (2006) 39–53
Fig. 2. Geological setting of the coastal zone between Ponta dos Três Irmãos and Galinhos.

42 L.H.O. Caldas et al. / Marine Geology 228 (2006) 39–53

influenced by oceanic and wind driven currents from N 4 of CALIB rev4.3 (Stuiver and Reimer, 1993; Stuiver
and E–NE directions, which promote local erosion as et al., 1998) and corrected for isotopic fractionation
well as deposition in the shore zone. A large lagoonal based on the 13C/12C ratio measured simultaneously
channel system can be recognized on the backside of with the 14C/12C ratio by the AMS system. There is
the sandy spit of Galinhos (Fig. 2). Some closed paleo- no information about reservoir age of marine or
lagoons that are filled up with sediments occur near brackish water in the study area and therefore no
São Bento do Norte. In the beach zone, beachrock correction has been applied. The δ13C values for the
occurs frequently along the actual foreshore zone and bivalve shells (Table 1), ranging from + 3.31‰ to
occasionally in the backshore zone. − 3.09‰, show that the majority was typically from
The semidiurnal mesotidal tide has a maximum brackish water. Careful pre-treatment procedures were
spring range of 3 m and minimum range of 0.8 m during carried out on the shells to avoid contamination,
neap tides (Riedel, 2000). The tidal measurements which could lead to some unreliable radiocarbon ages.
performed in the harbor of Macau showed that the All shells were first mechanically cleaned under a
average ranges of spring and neap tide are 2.8 m and binocular magnifying glass using a dentist drill.
0.9 m, respectively (Brazilian Navy, 2001). Afterwards they were examined by electron scanning
Coastal dune fields increase toward the hinterland microscope and X-ray diffraction. Only the samples
while dunes close to the shore are moving westward and that did not show signs of diagenetic alteration were
subjected to permanent reorganization. chosen for 14C dating.
The climate of the area is tropical, hot and semi-
arid (Nimer, 1989), and it is subjected to the 4. Results
conditions of the intertropical convergence zone. The
dry period of 7 to 8 months lasts from June to January, 4.1. Beachrock
while the rainy period of 3 to 4 months lasts from
February to May. The mean air temperature is Beachrock is carbonate-cemented beach sediment,
approximately 26.8 °C, with minimum temperatures found and formed mainly in the intertidal zone of
of 25 °C occurring at the end of winter (July) and tropical beaches. In the study area the beachrocks (Fig.
maximum temperatures of 28.6 °C in February during 2) exhibit a great range of dimensions and shapes. The
the summer. São Bento Beachrock is the longest, stretching 2.3 km
along the beach, while the Cabelo Beachrock is the
3. Materials and methods shortest with a length of 0.3 km (Fig. 2). The beachrock
bodies range in thickness from 0.4 m to 2 m and in width
In order to obtain a reliable stratigraphic framework from 3 to 17 m and occur mainly parallel to the modern
for the region, two vibro-cores were taken in the study shoreline with exception of Recuado Beachrock (Fig. 2).
area utilizing aluminum barrels with a length of 6 m and The beachrock bodies are subhorizontally oriented
inner diameter of 70 mm (LCSBN-1 and LCSBN-2). dipping gently seaward (b 8°). Their surfaces are
Bivalves from beachrock and from lagoonal sediments irregular and often organic encrusting of algae and
of the vibro-cores have been taken for radiocarbon marine organisms is present. All Holocene beachrocks
dating. Only well-preserved bivalves with some original from the study area are actually positioned in the
shell-color without any visible superficial alterations intertidal zone with the exception of Recuado Bea-
have been used for analysis. chrock that lies entirely in the backshore zone east of
Precise AMS radiocarbon dating of both terrestrial São Bento (Fig. 2).
organic materials from vibro-cores and mollusc shells The beachrock has a gray color. Grain sizes vary
of coastal deposits formed the basis for a chronologic from very fine sand to gravel, thus forming poorly
framework of the environmental changes. The AMS sorted deposits. The grain morphology varies from
radiocarbon ages were determined with a 3MV HVEE subangular to subrounded with grain contacts being
Tandetron 4130 AMS system at the Leibniz Labor, mostly punctual. The beachrock is composed basically
Kiel. The standard procedures are described in Nadeau of terrigenous components with quartz being the main
et al. (1997) and Schleicher et al. (1998). The system constituent (20–45%) followed by feldspar, limonite
presents an average zero background of 0.3%. and quartzitic rock fragments. Zircon, opaques and
AMS14C carbonate ages are not corrected for a tourmaline occur as trace minerals. The bioclastic
mean ocean reservoir effect. All radiocarbon ages constituents can reach up to 30% and are mainly red
presented here were calibrated using Dataset 2, 3 and algae and bivalves. It is also observed that gastropod,
L.H.O. Caldas et al. / Marine Geology 228 (2006) 39–53 43

Table 1
AMS radiocarbon data of the beachrock and vibro-cores samples
Laboratory Sample Elevation Elevation Material δ13C AMS Conventional age 1σ Calibrated age c 1ó range d
number a (m AMSSL) (m AMMSL) (‰) [14C year BP] [year] b [cal. year BP] [cal. year BP]
KIA12334 Guajiru (a) − 0.2 1.2 Biv. 1.77 ± 0.08 3150 30 2930 2960–2880
KIA14751 Recuado +1.3 2.7 Bv. − 0.62 ± 0.07 5480 35 5910 5940–5900
Beachr. (b) Shell
KIA14746 Recuado +1.4 2.8 Biv. − 2.50 ± 0.08 5270 40 5730 5760–5680
shell Shell
midden (c)
KIA12336 São Bento − 2.5 −1.1 Biv. − 1.31 ± 0.11 6265 40 6790 6850–6740
Beachr. (d) Shell
KIA14748 Cabelo −1 0.4 Biv. − 0.35 ± 0.08 3990 30 4070 4090–3990
Beachr.-a (e) Shell
KIA14755 Cabelo − 0.5 0.9 Biv. 1.26 ± 0.46 3795 35 3750, 3730 3810–3690
Beachr.-b (f) Shell
KIA14749 Galos − 0.7 0.7 Biv. − 2.84 ± 0.17 2595 40 2350 2390–2340
Beachr. 2 (h) Shell
KIA12338 Galinhos − 0.8 0.6 Biv. − 1.04 ± 0.20 3375 30 3330 3350–3300
Beachr. 1 (i) Shell
KIA14742 Galinhos 0 1.4 Biv. 3.31 ± 0.11 4485 35 4680, 4660 4770–4600
Beachr. 2a (j) Shell
KIA14747 Galinhos − 0.2 1.2 Biv. 2.64 ± 0.09 2180 25 1780 1810–1730
Beachr. Shell
2b (k)
KIA14752 Galinhos − 0.8 0.6 Biv. 1.32 ± 0.05 2715 30 2400 2460–2350
Beachr. 2c (l) Shell
KIA14750 Galinhos − 1.6 −0.2 Biv. 1.22 ± 0.07 3315 35 3200 3240–3140
Beachr. Shell
2d (m)

KIA13956 LCSBN-1a − 2.1 −0.7 Wood − 25.91 ± 0.14 6520 45 7430 7460–7420
KIA13957 LCSBN-2b − 2.2 −0.8 Leaves − 26.33 ± 0.20 6125 40 6990 7090–6910
KIA13958 LCSBN-2c − 3.7 −2.3 Bark − 27.19 ± 0.13 6035 35 6880; 6870; 6840–6760
(p) 6820; 6810
KIA14743 LCSBN-2a − 1.3 0.1 Biv. − 3.08 ± 0.15 3575 30 3580 3630–3550
(q) Shell
KIA16093 LCSBN-2d − 3.9 −2.5 Biv. − 3.09 ± 0.41 6355 45 6950 7010–6890
(r) Shell
AMSSL = above modern maximum spring-tide sea level.
AMMSL = above modern mean sea level.
Leibniz Laboratory-Kiel, Germany.
1σ Probability of conventional age.
Calibrated applying CALIB rev4.3 (Dataset 2, 3 and combination of 1 and 3): Stuiver et al., Radiocarbon 40: 1041–1083, 1998.
1σ enclosing 68.3% of area of probability distribution.

coral, foraminifera (Miliolid, Textulariid and Nummu- modern mean sea-level (MSL) and maximum spring-
lite), echinoderm spins, bryozoans and green algae tide sea-level (MSSL).
(Halimeda) are present. Beachrock compositions are All horizontal positions were gained by the global
almost always very similar to modern sands of the positioning system (GPS). The elevations were mea-
adjacent beaches. The sedimentary structures preserved sured by theodolite, which were corrected by using tide-
in the beachrock were compared with modern beaches tables, supplied by the Brazilian Navy (2001), of the
to identify their position in the beach profile. Elevation local standard ports, Natal and Macau and our own tidal
measurements were used in order to relate them to the measurements at Galinhos and São Bento. The elevation
44 L.H.O. Caldas et al. / Marine Geology 228 (2006) 39–53

Fig. 3. Typical sedimentary structures found in a mesotidal modern beach.

of the sampled sites from the current MSSL was although some trough-cross-stratification is induced by
determined by theodolite leveling. These procedures are an important N–S component. Fig. 5 shows the two
recommended by Admiralty (1996). The zero level used most common sedimentary structures found in the
was the Brazilian “Corrego Alegre” National Datum. beachrocks of the study area. The foreshore sands are
Fig. 3 was based on field observations (Fig. 4) and it slightly finer than those of nearshore, varying from
shows a typical beach profile mainly characterized by coarse to medium sand. Tabular beds and sheets with
swash-cross-stratification in the foreshore zone and thickness of 0.1 to 0.4 m compose the seaward dipping
trough-cross-stratification in the nearshore zone. Fore- swash-cross-stratification that is the main sedimentary
shore deposits dip seaward (right side of the photo) structure. The description of cross-sections of each
while the washover deposits dip gently landward (left beachrock helped to position them and their samples
side of the photo). (bivalves to later AMS 14C dating) in relation to the
The differences between nearshore and foreshore maximum spring-tide sea-level and mean sea-level.
deposits are basically marked by the grain sizes and Details on cements of beachrock are given in Caldas
sedimentary structures. The nearshore deposits are (2002).
characterized by coarse to conglomeratic quartz sand Although estimations exist about sea-level positions
often with bioclastics. The most common sedimentary from beachrock facies (Bezerra et al., 1998), the exact
structure beginning in the lowermost foreshore is the mean sea-level position cannot be determined due to the
trough-cross-stratification that is a result of cross-shore large thickness of the foreshore and nearshore deposits
migration of sinuous-crested sand bars in the breaker in beachrock of meso- and macrotidal coasts. Therefore
zone. Paleocurrents are directed in a westward direction an exact sea-level indicator is required because the local

Fig. 4. Upper foreshore and backshore deposits on the modern beach between Ponta do Emissário Beachrock and São Bento Beachrock (For location
see Fig. 2).
L.H.O. Caldas et al. / Marine Geology 228 (2006) 39–53 45

Fig. 5. Beachrock and sedimentary structures in the foreshore and nearshore zones. (A) São Bento Beachrock showing swash-cross-stratification (sw)
in the foreshore zone and (B) trough-cross-stratification in Cabelo Beachrock positioned in the foreshore–nearshore transition zone.

average spring-tidal amplitude of 2.8 m (Brazilian Navy, In Fig. 6 the topographic profile across the Guajiru
2001) can disguise the indicator. According to Hopley Beachrock and Recuado Beachrock is shown, of which
(1986) only the uppermost level of beachrock cemen- the latter is positioned entirely on land. The profile
tation can be used as a reliable and precise sea-level shows that the top of the Recuado Beachrock, interpreted
indicator. In this case, it represents the mean spring-tide as its uppermost cementation level, is positioned at 1.3 m
sea level. Thus we attempted to define the uppermost above the level of the top of the Guajiru Beachrock,
cementation level of the beachrock that corresponds to which corresponds to the modern maximum spring-tide
the highest exposed position of the foreshore deposit. sea-level. Therefore, we conclude that the Recuado
Furthermore, the elevation of this uppermost level Beachrock marks the Holocene highstand.
relative to the modern maximum spring-tide sea level
was measured. Nevertheless, the top of many bea- 4.1.1. Age control
chrocks could not be defined as in many cases both The AMS radiocarbon ages of the beachrocks were
modern foreshore and backshore sediments (dunes) obtained from bivalve shells (Table 1). A group of 13
cover this top. From our strategy of sampling the well-preserved shells were selected upon which pre-
uppermost beachrock available we propose as a treatment procedures were carried out. An additional 5
conservative estimate that our samples are positioned radiocarbon dates determined from vibro-cores in the
within the tidal range. This means the interval 0 to 2.8 m paleo-tidal flats of São Bento were used together with
below MSSL, or + 1.4 to − 1.4 around mean sea level, the data from the beachrocks.
assuming similar tidal conditions to the modern ones for The bivalve species were determined with reference
the last 6000 years. to Maury (1934) and Campos e Silva et al. (1964). The

Fig. 6. Topographic profile normal to the Recuado and Guajiru Beachrock with the top of the Recuado Beachrock positioned at 1.3 m above the
modern maximum spring-tide sea level and 2.7 m above the modern mean sea level. For location see Fig. 2.
46 L.H.O. Caldas et al. / Marine Geology 228 (2006) 39–53

most common species, in order of abundance, present on The use of different calibration methods (Stuiver et al.,
the beach and in the beachrock are Donax striata, 1986, 1998) can cause maximum age differences of 100
Divaricella quadrisulcata, Tivela mactroides, Anoma- years.
lorcadia brasiliana, Anadara ovalis and Ostrea sp. In One sample of bivalve shell located at the base of the
this study Lucina pectinata was also found on the paleo- shell midden (1.4 m above MSSL) and close to Recuado
tidal flats of São Bento. Beachrock was dated at 5760–5680 cal. year BP. Caldas
Radiocarbon shell age is that at the time of organism (1996) and Bezerra et al. (1998) dated bivalve shells
death. Thereafter it is transported, deposited on a beach from the same deposit and obtained ages of 4130 cal.
and subsequently cemented into the beachrock. The year BP and 4070 cal. year BP, respectively. The age
difference between the time of death of the organism and differences can be a result of the contamination of
the cementation of the beachrock may be hundreds or modern 14C by secondary calcite in the bivalve shells
even thousands years (Hopley, 1986). Thus a careful that the above authors used.
choice of biogenic material is required. By choosing São Bento Beachrock: One sample of bivalve shell
only well-preserved shells showing no signal of (São Bento Beachrock, Table 1) located at 2.5 m
chemical and physical alteration, it is possible to reduce below MSSL (1.1 m below mean sea-level) in the
the difference between shell and cementation age foreshore–nearshore transition zone produced an age
because shell transport in a high-energy environment, of 6850–6740 cal. year BP, which shows good
such as beaches, tends to promote chemical and physical agreement within 2σ age limits with the date for the
alteration. Nevertheless, the age yielded by the dating of same beachrock by Bezerra et al. (1998) (Farol de
a constituent organism can only be regarded as the Santo Alberto Beachrock). They dated this beachrock
maximum possible age for the beachrock cementation. to 6460 cal. year BP. It is probably that the São Bento
Guajiru Beachrock: One sample of bivalve shell Beachrock was formed during the last phase of
located 0.2 m below the MSSL in the upper foreshore Holocene transgression briefly before the sea level
deposit was dated at 2960–2880 cal. year BP. This is passed the modern position.
slightly older than the age of 2759 cal. year BP at 2σ Cabelo Beachrock: Two samples of bivalve shells
found by Bezerra et al. (1998) for the same beachrock. It from Cabelo Beachrock were dated. One sample
is probable that the beachrock formation occurred (Cabelo Beachrock-a, Table 1), positioned in the
approximately 2920 cal. year BP when, at this time foreshore section at 1 m below the MSSL, gave an
the sea-level position was probably identical to 0.7 m age of 4090–3990 cal. year BP, whereas the other
higher than the modern one (see Section 4.3; Fig. 8). Cabelo Beachrock-b, located at 0.5 m below MSSL and
Recuado Beachrock and Recuado Shell Midden: One also in the foreshore section, provided an age of 3810–
sample of bivalve shell located at the uppermost part of 3690 cal. year BP. This age difference suggests that the
the foreshore deposit and 1.3 m above MSSL was dated cementation process of the beachrock continued upward
at 5940–5900 cal. year BP. Bezerra et al. (1998) for at least 300 years.
obtained an age of 5450 cal. year BP for a bivalve shell Galos Beachrock 2: One sample of bivalve shell
positioned 3.9 m above mean sea level. Silva (1991) located at 0.7 m below MSSL and in the foreshore
obtained a conventional age of 5020 year BP for cement deposit was dated at 2390–2340 cal. year BP. The
of beachrock located on the Açu river delta and difference between the Galos Beachrock 1 and 2 might
positioned at least 1 m above the modern high tide. demonstrate that each beachrock had been formed at a
The Recuado Beachrock certainly was formed during different time although under same sea-level conditions
the Holocene highstand that according to some Brazilian or that the shells were transported and recemented.
sea-level curves took place approximately 5200 cal. year Galinhos Beachrock 1: One sample of bivalve shell
BP. Therefore, the age determined in this study is 700 positioned at 0.8 m below MSSL and in the foreshore
radiocarbon years older than ages determined by the deposit gave an age of 3350–3300 cal. year BP.
mentioned authors, and this might reflect several Galinhos Beachrock 2: Four samples of bivalve
contributing factors. It may be possible that the bivalve shells were dated from Galinhos Beachrock 2. The
dated in this study died 700 years earlier than the sample Galinhos Beachrock 2a dated at 4770–4600 cal.
organisms of the shells dated by previous authors, but all year BP was collected at the top (upper foreshore
were deposited and cemented at the same time. Another deposit and at MSSL) and in the extreme east of the
reason for the age differences could be the influence of beachrock closer to the Galos City (Fig. 2). The other 3
diagenetic alteration in the previously dated shell bivalve shells were sampled in front of Galinhos City
material with a general shift towards younger ages. (Galinhos Beachrock b, c and d). The samples Galinhos
L.H.O. Caldas et al. / Marine Geology 228 (2006) 39–53 47

Beachrock 2b and 2c were taken at 0.2 m and 0.8 m used for the reconstruction of paleo-sea level. In the São
below MSSL in the foreshore deposits, respectively. The Bento area deposition of tidal flats as the youngest
ages obtained were 1810–1730 cal. year BP and 2460– sediments in the paleo-lagoon was dominated by
2350 cal. year BP, respectively. The sample Galinhos vertical accretion. In the cores (Fig. 7), this deposit is
Beachrock 2d was positioned at 1.6 m below the MSSL composed of greenish-black mud with organic layers,
in the foreshore deposit and yielded an age of 3240– halite and gypsum crystals, root and shell fragments and
3140 cal. year BP. This last sample indicated the leaves (probably from mangrove trees). Some shells in
maximum age at which the formation of beachrock had living position form banks on the paleo-tidal surface.
started. The discordant age correlation between Galin- This facies is more extensive in vibro-core LCSBN-2,
hos Beachrock 2b, 2c and 2d may reflect various sources where it attains 2.9 m in thickness. In vibro-core
of the material or vertical sequence of beachrock LCSBN-1 it has a thickness of 0.7 m and downwards it
cementation; the latter being more probable. The sample occurs as intercalations with washover sands. The basal
Galinhos Beachrock 2a, in contrast to the others, contact with washover sands is abrupt and defined by an
appears to represent a reworked and recemented bivalve increase of grain size and change in color from greenish-
shell. It seems that Galinhos Beachrock 1 and 2 were black to medium gray. The washover sands are
formed during the same period. comprised of moderately sorted medium to coarse
gray sand. The sedimentary structure is a plane parallel
4.2. Lagoonal tidal sediments lamination dipping at 5° to 7° towards the continent. In
the vibro-core LCSBN-1 its maximum thickness reaches
The closure and filling of a lagoonal system provide 1.0 m at the base while in the vibro-core LCSBN-2 it
tidal flat deposits in the latest filling stage, which can be reaches 0.17 m at the base.

Fig. 7. Grain size variations, sedimentary structures and AMS radiocarbon ages for the vibro-cores taken in the paleo-tidal flat close to São Bento and
Caiçara. Elevations are related to Modern Maximum Spring-tide Sea-level (MSSL).
48 L.H.O. Caldas et al. / Marine Geology 228 (2006) 39–53

4.2.1. Age control − 1.7 m to continue to the top. This could suggest pulses
The oldest age in paleo-tidal flat sediments of São of lagoonal influence with limited connection to the
Bento was found in the middle part of vibro-core open sea. The sediments are rich in evaporitic minerals
LCSBN-1 yielding 7460–7420 cal. year BP whereas the (halite and gypsum) from − 2.3 m to the top confirming
youngest age reaches 3630–3550 cal. year BP in the top the regime of a semi-closed lagoon. The last marine
of the vibro-core LCSBN-2 (Fig. 7 and Table 1). In the incursion occurred approximately 3630–3550 cal. year
latter vibro-core an age of 7010–6890 cal. year BP at BP when for the last time a typical lagoonal environ-
− 3.8 m depth was determined for a bivalve shell in good ment existed.
state of conservation (the bivalve shell was intact In the core LCSBN-1 only one sample of wood was
showing original color and without any sign of dated. It was positioned at − 2.1 m and gives an age of
recrystallization) which suggests that this bivalve 7460–7420 cal. year BP. This age is the oldest found in
probably died and its shell was deposited shortly the paleo-tidal flats of São Bento and confirms the
afterwards together with the sediment. A wood remnant presence of a lagoonal environment during this time.
located in the mud sequence at − 3.6 m provided 6840– The sedimentation rate was high and indicated a
6760 cal. year BP. From the shell and wood ages, we rapid growth in the paleo-tidal flats of São Bento during
believe that a short term sedimentation rates could have the last phase of the Holocene transgression after 7500
been very high and within the error bars of radiometric year BP, when sea level and shoreline position were
dating. already close to the modern ones. Similar ages were
The age of leaves in the middle part of the core found by Silva (1991) in the transgressive basal
LCSBN-2 (− 2.3 m) reaches 7090–6910 cal. year BP, at sequence of the Açu River Delta (∼ 130 km westward).
least 120 years older than that positioned at − 3.6 m, Although there is no age control available for the beach
indicating that they are not in situ. Although this age ridges parallel to the present coastline, those located
does not represent the sediment age at the time of its seaward represent regressive sequences that have been
deposition, it may be assumed that a typical lagoonal deposited during falling sea level after its maximum at
environment existed in this period. The obtained age 5900 cal. year BP.
probably belongs to mangrove leaves from the margins
of the former lagoon. On the top of the tidal flat 4.3. Holocene sea-level history
sequence a bivalve shell in living position gives an age
of 3630–3550 cal. year BP indicating a lagoonal From radiocarbon dating and elevation measure-
environment at this time. It is interesting to observe ments of beachrock and lagoonal sediments a new sea-
that the organic matter in the vibro-core LCSBN-2 level curve for the northern Rio Grande do Norte coast
disappears exactly at − 2.3 m and appears again at was constructed. Fig. 8 shows the trend of the

Fig. 8. Holocene sea-level curve for the studied area. MSSL = modern maximum spring-tide sea-level, MSL = modern mean sea-level. Sample codes:
see Table 1.
L.H.O. Caldas et al. / Marine Geology 228 (2006) 39–53 49

Holocene spring-tide sea level (solid line in Fig. 8) uppermost part of these beachrocks could not be
based on paleo-tidal and beachrock ages. The use of determined, and this may explain the absence of ages
the uppermost level of beachrock cementation as a between 5900 and 4700 cal. year BP positioned above
reliable sea-level indicator seems to be appropriate for the modern MSSL.
a tropical mesotidal coast where beachrocks are the Data from Fig. 8 provide clear evidence that the
most important coastal deposit. However, difficulties Holocene highstand was probably not higher than the
exist in recognizing and defining the exact position of modern spring-tide sea level and thus it is not expected
the uppermost level, as modern backshore and that many mean Holocene sea-level indicators would be
foreshore sand deposits almost always covered this positioned above the modern tidal range. In fact, only
level. Despite these difficulties, it was possible to one part of one beachrock is positioned above the
construct a transgressive Holocene maximum spring- modern MSL as well as the MSSL. Fig. 6 shows that the
tide sea-level curve showing a consistent trend. On the presumed base of Recuado Beachrock coincides with
sea-level curve of Fig. 8, beachrock deposits are the modern mean sea-level and only its upper foreshore
plotted as high-precision age-dots with vertical error part (former MSSL) is located above the modern MSSL,
bars which represent the elevation uncertainty com- which indicates that this beachrock could have been
prising half of spring–tidal range (1.4 m) on each side cemented during the Holocene sea-level highstand. The
(see Section 4.1). Error bars of tidal deposits span half beachrocks younger than 5000 cal. year BP indicate that
of the neap-tidal range (0.9 m) on each side of the dot. they were formed under sea-level conditions similar to
For sample (b) from the top of Recuado Beachrock the modern and secondary oscillations which cannot be
only a downward unidirectional error bar is given confirmed. According to the beachrock geochronology,
indicating its topmost position. The beachrock is the cementation of the São Bento Beachrock first took
overlain by the slightly younger Recuado Shell place during the sea-level transgression. During the
Midden with sample (c) which is positioned above Holocene highstand that reached 1.3 m above the
the tidal range (see Fig. 6). Sample (d) from the modern mean sea level, the São Bento Beachrock was
foreshore–nearshore transition zone contains an up- drowned under typical marine phreatic control. Caldas
ward unidirectional error bar indicating its position (2002) showed that the chemical and diagenetic patterns
close to the low-water line. for this beachrock agree with the proposed sea-level
According to the curve in Fig. 8, the transgression curve.
passed the modern mean sea-level position 6700 cal. The uppermost part of the Recuado Beachrock is
year BP and reached its maximum approximately 5900– positioned 1.3 m above the modern spring-tide level and
6000 cal. year BP. The height of the maximum Holocene if one assumes that the tidal regime during the Holocene
spring-tide sea-level certainly did not extend 1.3 m time has remained more or less identical, the mean sea
above the modern one with a maximum elevation of level may be placed at maximum 1.4 m below the
2.7 m AMMSL. Stated otherwise, if more or less the uppermost part of the Recuado Beachrock. This
same tidal range with a maximum spring-tide range of suggests that Holocene highstand reached approximate-
2.8 m is assumed for the Holocene period, the Holocene ly 1.3 m above the modern level at 5940–5900 cal. year
highstand was not higher than 1.3 m above the modern BP while at the same time the Holocene spring-tide
as indicated by the top of the Recuado Beachrock and the reached also 1.3 m above the modern one. Immediately
base of the supratidal Recuado Shell Midden. The age of above the highest part of the beachrock lies the
this maximum is approximately 5900 cal. year BP. lowermost part of the shell midden which is definitely
The regressive Holocene sea-level trend could be above the tidal zone (Fairbridge, 1976; Martin et al.,
determined from beachrocks younger than 5000 cal. 1986, 2003) dated at 5760–5680 cal. year BP.
year BP. A general trend for both Holocene MSSL and Cabelo Beachrock is the most indicative to show the
Holocene mean sea level can be delineated without uppermost level of cementation above the modern
secondary oscillations and with the same tidal regime as maximum spring-tide level because it was cemented
today. The beachrock outcrops younger than 5000 cal. soon after the Holocene highstand when the maximum
year BP indicate that they were formed under sea-level spring-tide sea level was yet higher than the modern
conditions similar to the modern and secondary level. Since, the Holocene regression has been uniform
oscillations which cannot be confirmed. According to and no secondary oscillations have taken place, as
Caldas (2002), marine conditions governed beachrock diagenetic, chemical and isotopic data suggest, which
lithification and later stages of diagenesis. Nevertheless, show clearly that all stages of cementation occurred
the maximum elevation and the topography of the under marine conditions (Caldas, 2002).
50 L.H.O. Caldas et al. / Marine Geology 228 (2006) 39–53

5. Discussion the sea level may be observed since the Holocene

highstand (Isla, 1989; Pirazzoli, 1991).
After the work by Suguio et al. (1985) the For the shoreline under study one constructed
discussion involving Holocene sea-level changes has Holocene sea-level envelope curve exists from paleo
mainly been focused on minor secondary Holocene sea-level indicators (Bezerra et al., 2003) (Fig. 9c). One
sea-level oscillations (see Angulo et al., 1999; Angulo diagram gained from glacio-hydro-isostatic models has
and Lessa, 1997; Ybert et al., 2003; Martin et al., been published (Fig. 9d). The envelope curve presented
2003). The Salvador Curve (Fig. 9) marks the recently by Bezerra et al. (2003) shows at least one sea-
highstand at 4.7 m above modern sea-level 5660 cal. level oscillation after the Holocene highstand which
year BP (Martin et al., 2003). Furthermore, two occurred around 5000 cal. year. BP. The diagram
negative oscillations, 4200–3700 and 2600–2200 cal. produced from glacio-hydro-isostatic modelling is the
year BP, were proposed. Fig. 9b shows the sea-level so-called Touros curve (Peltier, 1998) and it predicts a
curve proposed by Angulo and Lessa (1997) for the Holocene highstand reaching 2.3 m above the modern
Brazilian Coast from ∼ 24°S to 27°S latitude. It was mean sea-level 5200 cal. year BP without secondary
based on 93 dated vermetid samples (incrusting sea-level oscillations.
aragonitic gastropods) and according to Angulo and In comparison with the other Brazilian sea-level
Lessa (1997) no secondary oscillations occurred after curves for Holocene time, our curve presents a similar
the Holocene highstand. These findings agree with the trend, although the transgressive section with dated
Holocene sea-level trends for other coastal regions of samples positioned below the modern mean sea level
the southern hemisphere, where a smooth decline of is better represented than in the other curves. To

Fig. 9. Sea-level curves proposed for the Brazilian coast and their locations: (A) Martin et al. (2003); (B) Angulo and Lessa (1997); (C) Bezerra et al.
(2003); (D) Peltier (1998).
L.H.O. Caldas et al. / Marine Geology 228 (2006) 39–53 51

determine the exact position of the mean sea level The Holocene highstand followed by a succeeding
from coastal sediments deposited under mesotidal linear sea-level drop may be explained by the
regime is quite difficult. The difficulty increases when mechanism of ‘equatorial ocean syphoning’ which
variation in sea level has not been large enough to assumes the migration of ocean water from low latitudes
deposit undoubted mean sea-level indicators above the to the high-latitude glacial forebulge areas which
modern spring-tide level. Since the tidal range is subside after deglaciation (Mitrovica and Peltier, 1991;
greater than the observed Holocene sea-level high- Mitrovica and Milne, 2002). Numerical experiments of
stand (+ 1.3 m), any small-scale higher frequency Mitrovica and Milne (2002) suggest an actual sea-level
oscillation cannot be recognized. Only the uppermost drop between 0.2 and 0.3 mm/year for the NE Brazilian
part of the beachrock cementation and its height in coast which would correspond to a highstand between
relation to the current spring-tide level has indicated 1.0/1.2 and 1.5/1.8 m for the time interval 5000 to 6000
that such deposit was cemented during sea-level years BP, in good agreement with our data. Modelling of
highstand. However, it should be kept in mind that Holocene sea-level data from the Caribbean and South
the upper levels of cementation were difficult do America including data from Recife by Milne et al.
determine due to burial by modern beach deposits. (2005) indicates for the last 7000 years a global ice-
There are noticeable differences with other Brazilian volume change of no more than ± 1 m eustatic
sea-level curves. A highstand about 2.5 to 4.0 m for the equivalent. An influence of the ‘broad shelf effect’
Rio Grande do Norte coast extending from 5730 to 4630 enlarging the relative sea-level rise during deglacial
cal. year BP was proposed by Bezerra et al. (2003, see shelf flooding can be neglected on the narrow and
Fig. 9c). After a subsequent sea-level fall, a positive sea- shallow NE Brazilian shelf (Peltier and Drummond,
level oscillation occurred from 2100 to 1100 cal. year 2002).
BP which is interpreted by the authors as a local
disturbance from the glacio-isostatic sea-level trend 6. Conclusions
predicted by Peltier (1998). Peltier (1998) predicts the
Holocene highstand to occur approximately at 5200 cal. The uppermost part of the beachrock cementation is,
year BP with a maximum highstand of 2.3 m. On the due to its elevation relation with modern sea level, a
other hand, a Holocene “highstand” corresponding to reliable sea-level indicator. The determination of paleo-
the modern sea level has been reported by Mörner et al. mean sea level from beachrock deposits in macro- and
(1999) for the coast between São Luis and Belém, 2000 mesotidal coasts is complicated because beachrock
km NW of the Rio Grande do Norte coast. deposits can only hint at the former spring-tide level
The principal differences to these other records and the tidal amplitude. Therefore, only the uppermost
comprise (i) the Holocene highstand, and (ii) secondary part of the beachrock can be used as a reliable sea-level
oscillations during the subsequent regression. The indicator.
highstand of 2.5 to 4 m above modern mean sea level The sea-level curve obtained from radiocarbon
in the sea-level curve of Bezerra et al. (2003) results dating of beachrock and paleo-tidal sediments demon-
from the interpretation of the dated beachrock outcrops strates a similar trend to other curves for the final part of
as nearshore sands that have been deposited in the the transgressive section with dated samples positioned
middle foreshore to upper nearshore (subtidal) zone. We below the actual mean sea-level. Sea level reached the
used only samples from the intertidal upper foreshore present position along the northern Rio Grande do Norte
zone indicating spring-tide and other high-energy events coast approximately 6700 cal. year BP, about 300 years
except the São Bento beachrock which was deposited in later than in other sea-level curves for the Brazilian
the lower tidal zone. These differences in positioning the coast. According to the beachrock geochronology, the
beachrock relative to mean sea level cause the cementation of the São Bento Beachrock first took place
differences in sea-level heights. Positions of the younger during the transgression when typical intertidal arago-
beachrock outcrops with their error bars are all within nitic cements were precipitated in the pore space of the
the tidal-range envelope which is much larger than the beach sand (Caldas, 2002). During the Holocene
total sea-level drop of 1.3 m. Therefore no secondary highstand the São Bento Beachrock was drowned
oscillations can be confirmed although elevation of under typical marine phreatic control.
sample points differs up to 1.6 m. In addition, our Maximum spring-tide sea level at the Holocene
studies on beachrock cementation indicate only marine highstand was 1.3 m higher than the modern one
conditions during lithification and later stages of corresponding to a highstand mean sea level of 1.3 m
diagenesis (Caldas, 2002). above modern mean sea level at 5940–5900 cal. year
52 L.H.O. Caldas et al. / Marine Geology 228 (2006) 39–53

BP. The lower part of the supratidal shell midden review. Special thanks go also to the crew of the
immediately above, which is only 180 years younger, fishing boat Amarildo Neto, and to the local people of
limits the uppermost extension of the beachrock. Caicara and Galinhos who made the sea-based part of
Our findings demonstrate that for the proposed this research possible. We would like to thank
Holocene highstand and subsequent sea-level fall Venerando Amaro, Walter Medeiros, Joana Rotnicka,
substantial differences to other Brazilian records appear. Helmut Beese and the Brazilian and German students
These differences comprise timing and elevation of the participating in field and laboratory work. Thanks are
Holocene highstand and secondary oscillations during also due to Aracy Vilela Cid for logistic facilities. L.
the subsequent regression. Caldas thanks the FAPERN/CNPq for his current
For the Salvador curve the highstand differences can research fellowship.
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