Your Power Called Love

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Your Power

Called Love
By Louis Yagera

Copyright and Disclaimer

Introductory Message
Universal Acceptance and Oneness
How I Learned About Love Energy ….
The Radiance That Keeps The World Together
7 Months Of Love Meditation


Glowing with Love Makes Mafia Boss’s Wife Fall In Love With Me In 5 Minutes
The Barcelona Airport Incident
When You Glow With Love You Don’t Need A Hotel Reservation
How I Made A New Friend Just By Visualizing A New Friend
How I Located My friends In a Crowd of 20,000 people


Love Saturation Meditation by Qin

The Pink Light Technique by Joe Tolve

Radiating Love


Old Buried Resentment Healed In One Session

Should We Use Chickens As Money ?





How I Manifested My Ideal Lifestyle

How I Created My Ideal Relationship

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Hello. I am Louis Yagera and I blog about personal development and mind
technology at
I discovered the power of sending love only seven years ago. I learned a lot
about it during these years. It has been an incredible journey. With this report, I
want to share my experience and techniques to help you improve your life. The
Art Of Sending Love has been practised successfully by many. People have
been able to use it to improve their relationships, health, finances and life in


Love can mean many things in the context of this book. Love is the “force” from your
heart chakra or heart center.
The purpose of love meditation is to experience more love and express the qualities of
love in your life. The qualities of love are joy, a sense of humor, compassion and
acceptance of all also, referred to as ‘unconditional love’.

There are countless ways to do love meditation and there are many aspects to it .
Among them are experiencing the feeling of love, radiating or sending out love,
forgiveness, acceptance and experiencing oneness. There is no right or wrong way to
do love meditation. Usually, it is a positive experience. However, doing the love
meditation releases emotional blocks, and old wounds have to be healed in order to
progress and radiate and experience more love.

The love you feel is the degree to which your heart chakra feels safe. This is no
panacea. They are the high moments, and there are low moments. You can feel great
and expanded at the beginning and have some buried pains that emerge at a later
time. It is necessary to heal these heart center issues. Mine started emerging within a
month of starting love meditation,.

My healing was to forgive and accept the people who were involved with these buried
pains. After that, I was able to radiate more love.

Universal Acceptance and Oneness

Universal acceptance is the fantastic experience where you feel one with everything
created. There are many ways to achieve this state. Here is how to proceed. You have
to imagine being one with the members of your family, then being one with your friends
and neighbors. Then move on to include being one with the people in your city and
country, then being one with people in the world, repeat with the animal, vegetal and
mineral worlds.

It is best to do this meditation when you have some experience with feeling the love
energy. You know you have opened your heart chakra, when you manifest the quality
of it. You have a new found sense of humor that has a childlike quality to it. You are
happier, more confident. In fact, doing specific chakra opening and balancing can help
you greatly in having a stronger experience. However, it isn’t necessary.
The first time, I did the “oneness of love” meditation, I cried a lot. By the time I reached
the animal world, I was crying with joy.

When you say “nobody loves me” or “I’m not loved”, know that you are loved by your
soul, by the you that YOU really are. If you weren’t totally loved, you would simply not
exist. You exist because you are loved. You can say “I’m not loved” precisely because
you are unconditionally loved by the YOU that you really are.

How I Learned About Love Energy ….

I first learned about the idea of filling myself with Love's energy and sending it out to
the world and people when I read the book “Soul Love” by Orin and Sanaya Roman.
When I read the book in 2003, it found it complicated to make these techniques work. It
was too difficult for me at the time. The following year, I developed my chakra system,
and I did a lot of energy (chi) work (tai).

By late 2005, it was a lot easier for me to do these meditations. During that year, I
went to visit a friend in Barcelona. I was alone in my hotel room, and I was listening to
Immrama Insight CD . At some point something happened. I was filled with the
emotions of love and the energy of love. I could feel it in every part of my body. I even
had the impression that it was non-local; not belonging to space and time because It
was just everywhere. It was me.

It was brief and intense. Looking back, now I understand that my chakra development
at that time, the energy work and the deep relaxation caused by the Immrama Insight
CD allowed this experience to happen.

Back home, I returned to working with the techniques from the book “Soul Love”. When
I did it this time it was strange. I could feel a stream of “something “ warm penetrating
into my head, flowing down to my heart and moving up again to my crown chakra.

It was really the first time I could channel this energy in a controlled manner. At that
time one of my friends severed our friendship. I did one of the meditations to heal a
relationship from “Soul Love” and a few minutes after I had finished, I got an email

from my friend. She apologized. She resumed our friendship and to this day she is still
a very good friend. She lives here in Valencia.

This event proved to me that this material isn’t junk, and that it can be used to improve
my life.

Then came The Klaus Joehle books

In the summer of 2006, a friend suggested I listen to the audiobook Money Is Love and
read the book “Living on Love: The Messenger”. I read the Messenger, and it was
really the missing piece of my puzzle. Most of the obscure points from the Soul Love
became clear. Klaus Joehle is an ordinary individual talking exclusively from his own
experience It makes the information even more valuable to me. His book added a new
level of understanding about love’s energy .

The radiance that keeps the world together

(From Datre Book One)

…The one thing that constantly holds the fabric of your planet together, are those
individuals who are secure in themselves and continue to go forward in creating an
underlying stability that greatly affects those immediately around them.
Those that interact with these particular individuals will feel that stability and will in turn
pass that to on to others. It has been said many times, A master walks among you and
you know not who it is.
They do not change in appearance. They work, act and live as ordinary people. They
blend in with all of humanity. And yet, simply by them interacting with other individuals
on the planet, changes are made.
The only ways changes are made on your planet are by other individuals in physicality.
They radiate a stability and a calmness that is felt by people even though a word is not

7 months of Love Meditation

August – Starting

I started with Klaus Joehle’s – Opening the flow to love – mp3 meditation in August. I
did not have much of a result the first week. The second week I could feel the energy
a little bit in my heart center. It was a warm feeling in my chest area and arms at the
level of my heart. At the end of the meditation, I started to cry but not because of
sadness. I was just crying I guess due to the awakening of my heart center. However,

it was also time for me to travel to Andalucia (Spain). I had less time for meditation in
Spain. I did one hour a day at most. It was a five-day trip.

When I got home, I discovered that It was easier to work with my chakras with certain
sound referred to as mantras. I successfully experimented with love meditation and a
variety of mantras such as OM. By using sound, I could direct the flow of energy in
various parts of my body and also to different areas of my room. Towards the end of
August, I reached a plateau. I couldn’t develop my ability to feel love or send love any
further. I asked for help, and I received it. I was intuitively guided to some music by an
unknown Italian composer and I bought four of his albums online. it was a hit for me.
Listening to his music helped open my heart center and, in combination with the OM
mantra I chose to keep from the many mantras tested, my experience became even

The Alcazaba in Almeria , Andalucia (Spain)

September – Forgiveness

At the beginning of that month, I carefully observed myself, and I noticed that some
anger of unknown origin was slowly emerging. I decided to meditate on it, and I
discovered that it was connected to traumatic experiences in early childhood. I could
heal them instantly during my meditation. That month, I learned to ask my higher self
for guidance. I got many insights. I never shared these insights as they are
information that cannot be understood by reading about them. You need direct
experience. Author and astral traveller Robert Allen Monroe had an experience similar
to mine. He wrote a chapter about it in one of his books. However, people don’t
understand this chapter. The story he wrote is very bizarre. I don’t want to debate the
meaning of the story, so I will not go through it in great detail. Just know that I got two
important insights. The first explained to me how the heart center or chakra recharges
itself. The second was the meaning of what I can loosely call ‘Pure Unconditional
Love’ which differs completely from romantic love.

October – Nobody Does it Better. Children Do Get It.

There are two simple rules for my meditation :

I must have an improvement each day.

There is no quitting.

I wasn’t getting any improvement at the beginning of October. However, bizarre stuff
happened. For instance, I would walk around the streets wondering what happened to
the people I knew a few years ago, and then I would meet not one but all of them in
various areas of the city during my walk. So strange.

More bizarre was the behavior of children under 5 years of age toward me. One day I
was in a shop near a mother carrying her baby in her arms. The baby couldn’t see me
but quickly turned his head in my direction and pointed at me as though he wanted to
be in my arms. Another day, I was in a park, and I saw a little girl maybe 30 meters
away from me. At some point, I felt that she was aware of me and she ran as fast as
she could in my direction. She stopped in front of me. I didn't react and when her
mother arrived, she started talking about me to her mother.

One evening it was dark around 7 p.m. I was walking on a street when I realised that a
baby girl in her stroller was aware of me. I deliberately walked slowly when she and
her mother drew level with me. She turned her head in my direction and gave me a big
smile. So we played at giving each other big smiles for several minutes. At a point,
her mother got irritated and walked faster with the stroller. The baby girl still managed
to make a sign to me until she was out of sight.

Such events aren’t supposed to happen to me. I don’t understand the reason. I
investigated and asked for help but no one could give me a satisfying answer. Like I
said earlier, I wasn’t getting much improvement in the meditation in October, so I
decided to buy some CHI or Orgone generators. One was called the ZPB and the
other the ChionMax. The vendors of these devices claim that their gadgets generate a
field of subtle energy. True or not? It worked like magic for me.

November – Quantum Leap and Collapse

November marked the beginning of a new era or stage in my development. The CHI-
Orgone generators helped me tremendously to get there. The generators gave me
extra energy, which allowed me to go further in my meditation. Now when I meditated,
my experience was completely different. I felt such euphoria. I had physical pain
disappearing instantly. I also experienced a series of dreams that were extremely
realistic. More than that however, in these dreams I was an altered version of myself;
a version that was much more advanced with the love stuff.

I also had a lot of lucid dreams and spontaneous astral projection. However, at some
point some part of me rebelled against these rapid changes. It was clear that if I
continued at that pace, I would be transformed for good. The rebellion was strong and
brutal and as a result I ended up doing my meditation for no more than one hour.

December – Slow month

December was a month of self reflection and questioning, where do I go from here?
What I have achieved? What do I want? And so on…I managed to do one hour of
love meditation at most.
I had to find and handle these parts of myself that rebelled against changes. Fear is the
biggest block to human evolution said Robert Monroe, there is certainly truth in his

January – The magic coat and the fantastic voyage

From late November to January, I had no time to meditate more than one hour (self-
sabotage?) . I was planning my trip to Republic of Georgia the night before taking the
plane, I managed to meditate for two hours.

On my journey to Georgia, I had a transit to Vienna. During the two hours of flight to
Vienna my chest area became very warm. It was strange. I didn’t have any particular
emotions during that time. I arrived at Vienna airport. I had to wait three hours for my
plane to Tbilisi (in the Republic of Georgia). I sat on a bench in the airport and for
some bizarre reason most of the girls who passed in front of me gave me a big friendly
smile. I said to myself that Vienna must be some kind of paradise where girls are

When I took the plane from Vienna to Tbilisi, the feeling in my chest came back even
stronger. They showed us a movie called “Hoot”. One scene shows a boy running
barefoot and being spied from a school bus by another boy. This scene made me cry
because I could reconnect with the energy of my own childhood when I played in the

By the time, the plane landed in Tbilisi, my heart center was completely open and
radiating, and it remained like this for two weeks without me doing any meditation.

Everything went perfectly during my trip to Tbilisi. It was so perfect that sometimes it
seemed surreal. When I was back in Brussels, it continued the same way as in
Georgia. I was approached in the street by strangers, and they asked if they could
take a picture of me. That also happened when I was in Georgia. I meditated less
when I got back; about one hour and not everyday, so the effect I had enjoyed during
the previous two weeks faded away.

Me and my friend at the Sameba Church

(Tbilisi, Rep. Of Georgia)

February – Healing system

I took a wrong turn in November after I slacked off with my meditations. If I had
continued at the same pace as in early November, I would be completely transformed
something that some part of me rejected with fear. I had to find a solution and do

I came across EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and I used that system to remove
mental blockages. I believe the next months will be very different than these first seven


Glowing with Love Makes Mafia Boss’s Wife Fall in Love With Me in 5 Minutes

I want to share a funny story that happened to me three or four months after my initial
intense seven months of meditation. I usually do not go out. However, on rare
occasions I do. This time, It was the birthday party of a friend. We had a great party at
the flat of his girlfriend. As always I was glowing with love. Toward the end of the
party, my friend and his girlfriend wanted to go to an after-club that stays open until the
early hours. We took the car and went there.

We arrived and entered the club. It was a weird club. I have never been to an after-
club before. I knew this one had a reputation for drugs. I didn’t see many people
inside. Maybe it was too early. I saw a group of guys in a corner. They told me that
one of them is the boss, and that he doesn’t joke and he can be dangerous. Maybe, he
makes money from the club and he sells drugs.

It was like in a typical gangster movie. The boss was in a corner with two other guys
smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. That was the total cliché scene. On the other
side of the club on a podium, three girls were dancing. I went to dance with them. As
soon as I was on the podium one of the girls introduced herself. She told me her name
and that she is the (sexy young) wife of the boss. She was exuding a quality that the
two other girls didn’t display. She was exuding total self-confidence, the best quality
a young woman can have.

I left the podium then I was invited to the mafia boss’s table ….hmm. Maybe, he was
about to tell me to leave his wife in peace or shoot me. However, I sat next to the man
and I spilled his drink on the table. I did it unconsciously. I said (delete ‘that’)I was
sorry. I left the table….. then my friends freaked out. They said we should leave the
club immediately. I agreed.

I went to say bye-bye to the wife, but she said she didn’t want me to leave. She
claimed that she was in love with me and to prove it, she kissed me (tongue) on the
mouth and her husband was around. That was a crazy move on her part, but she
sounded like the passionate type of woman. My friend freaked out some more and
took me by the arm to drag me out of the club, but then the girl was trying to keep me
in by taking me by the other arm.

It was like two kids fighting for a bag of candies. I was the bag. Finally, my friend was
able to drag me out of the club. We went to our homes safely.

So you see if you are a young guy and radiate out love, you can have that kind of thing
happen to you. It will make the James Bond character look weak in comparison. He
has a gun to protect himself. I don’t have any weapon. I have something better: an
aura …a love coat.

The James Bond guy is fiction. I'm real. The wife of the mafia guy kissed me almost
in front of him and told me she is in love with me, only a few minutes after we

What does it teach us? It teaches us one thing…

Money and power can’t secure the love of someone for long. Only love can
secure love for long.

Here is what the scientists found out about true love:

Using brain scans, researchers at Stony Brook University in New York have discovered
a small number of couples respond with as much passion after 20 years together as
most people only do during the early throes of romance, Britain's Sunday Times
newspaper reported. The researchers scanned the brains of couples together for 20
years and compared them with results from new lovers, the Sunday Times said. About
10 percent of the mature couples had the same chemical reactions when shown
photographs of their loved ones as those just starting out. Previous research has
suggested that the first stages of romantic love fade within 15 months and after 10
years it has gone completely, the newspaper said.

"The findings go against the traditional view of romance -- that it drops off sharply in the
first decade -- but we are sure it's real," said Arthur Aron, a psychologist at Stony
Brook, told the Sunday Times.[1]

The Barcelona Airport Incident

Let me tell you an incident that happened to me in 2008 when I was in Barcelona on
my way to Canada. It was early in the morning, and I decided to go to the airport to wait
there for my plane. It was like 9 a.m. and my plane was scheduled to leave for Canada
at 1.30 p.m. with one stop in New York.

I was waiting in line to do an early check-in. I hoped that the procedure would go
quickly so I could have some breakfast when I was stopped by a security guard
working for the airline (Continental Airlines). He had a worried face like he had eaten
some expired food. He asked me for my ticket. He checked my ticket for a long time,
then he called some of his colleagues over. Then they decided to check my luggage.
The whole thing took like 40 minutes after which it seemed that it was about to end.
They decided to interrogate me. They asked me a lot of questions that didn’t make
sense. When they ran out of questions, I thought that I would finally be able to check-in
but no, one of the guys took me to the airport police office to check my luggage for
weapons and explosives. At this point I was worried that I would miss my plane and
ruin my holiday in Canada. My friends were waiting for me in Quebec (Canada).

At the airport police office, I had a bit of relief because I could clearly see that the police
officers didn’t care, and they didn’t see me as a threat. They quickly scanned my bag
and let me go. I thought this would end here but no. One of the security guys took my
passport for 40 minutes to check it to see if it was a real one. I could see that some of

[1] Source: CNN

the hostesses were a bit shocked because they couldn’t understand why they had
been harassing me for hours.

One of the hostesses doing the check-in tried to help me by putting me on an earlier
flight forcing the security guards to stop their ridiculous control. However, it didn't work.
They told her to stop, and they took my luggage apart one more time. Instead of
staying in fear I decided to send love to these security guards and after a few minutes,
they lost interest me. They gave my passport back and let me go. I realized I should
have sent love earlier... Once in the plane, I feared that this incident would repeat itself
again when I arrived in New York, so I decided to send love for the duration of the eight
hour flight!

When I arrived in the United States, one of my most joyful holidays was about to start
as I was glowing with love.

When You Glow With Love You Don’t Need a Hotel Reservation

I could not stay at the house of my friend Kate because her father didn’t like to invite
people. Actually, they never invite people to stay in the home of my friend Kate‘s
family. Kate searched for a cheap hotel for me to stay in, but she didn't find any. As a
consequence, I was in Canada without a hotel reservation for the first week; I only had
a reservation for my second week.

When I arrived in Quebec my friend told me that her father had suddenly changed his
mind and I could stay at their house with the family. It was great news. I arrived late at
night and her father was already asleep. I could not thank him right away for his

The next day, I woke up very early, and Kate’s father was also awake. He was in the
kitchen, and I took my breakfast with him. We had a very friendly chat. Later, I told the
story to Kate and she was very surprised because her father usually doesn't talk to her
friends. In fact, Kate and all her friends were very surprised that her father was so kind
and friendly toward me.

Sunny day in Quebec city

How I made a New Friend Just By Visualising a New Friend

I had a great time with my friends in Quebec city. The time came to go and visit
Montreal. I had to go alone because my friends were working, and they could not take
a holiday. I had a three hour bus ride to Montreal.

On the bus, I closed my eyes and imagined that when I arrived in Montreal, I would
make a new friend to have fun with and discover the city. That is exactly what
happened. When I arrived in Montreal, I went to my hotel and then went out for a long
walk across the city. It was very sunny, and it was the time of the Montreal Jazz
festival. When I went back to the hotel, I sat in the lobby to read some tourist
information brochure. Then a girl sat exactly opposite me.

She was reading a book, the lobby was empty, and I immediately assumed that she
was the friend I wanted to make. I went to talk to her and asked her to go for a drink.
She accepted. She took a moment to put her book in her room, and then we went into
the city together. I have to say that in the past when I travelled alone to some place, I
would stay alone the whole duration of the trip. I’m not the type of person who makes
friends easily.

How I Located My Friends In A Crowd Of 20,000 People

After three days in Montreal, I went back to Quebec City. I was invited to the concert of
singers Wyclef Jean and Akon. They were featured in the Quebec City summer
festival. My friends told me to meet them at a certain place, but I missed the
rendezvous point. It was an outdoor concert with at least 20,000 people I had no idea
where my friends were. I tried to call them, but they could not hear me with all that
noise, so I decided to walk amongst the crowd. I didn’t know really where I was
walking or where to find my friends but nonetheless, in less than 10 minutes, I found
them in the middle of this massive crowd. They were very surprised that I found them.
Even today, I'm amazed myself. I had a good time with my friends during the concert
and two days after that I was back in Spain.

I have to mention that many other things happened that were unusual for me. For

instance, many people smiled at me in a friendly way during the whole visit to NYC
airport, Quebec City and Montreal. I was always in the right place, at the right time. I
seemed to meet the right person all the time. I attribute this exceptionally good travel
experience to the eight hours of sending love I did in the plane.

Singer Akon during his concert. Thankfully, I was able to locate my friends in the massive crowd.

n this chapter, I will share with you three methods of sending out love energy.

Love Saturation Meditation by Qin

I would like to share a healthy visualisation exercise that will promote the well being of
mind and body. It is called Love Saturation (LS).
LS is very natural and soothing.
It is practised to reduce stress and it gives a sense of well being and harmony.
Doing LS makes one feel energetic and calm all the time.
It is a good way to combat stress and fatique.
Many people who did LS say that they see positive result such as feeling calm and
If you find LS beneficial to you, please tell your friends about it so that everyone can
benefit from embracing loving kindness.
Note : The Love here refers to pure, unconditional love, or simply loving kindness. If
you feel difficult to feel “love”, simply feel other higher emotions like Compassion,
gratitude, blissfulness etc.
Here’s the step by step visualisation for LS.
If you want to do LS with your friends in a group, simply guide them with the
instructions below.

Love Saturation

1. Sit or lie down comfortably. you can play nice soothing background music if you
want to.

2. Take three slow, deep breaths and keep yourself calm and relax.

3. Imagine there is white, warm and comforting light of pure love and compassion
glowing at your chest. Feel the pure love and compassion in the white light. While
doing LS, it is helpful to keep smiling because smiling promotes good feelings.

4. Now imagine the white light of pure love spreads to every part of you body
(head, hands, legs etc.) and then imagine every cell in your body is filled with white
light of pure love. hold this imagination for about one minute. Enjoy the blissful
feeling of love in your glowing body.

5. Imagine from your body, the white light of pure love is radiated and extended to
fill your surrounding. imagine your room is filled with white light of love…. and then
it expands to fill the whole town/city with love.

6. Imagine the white light of pure love expands until it fills the whole planet earth.
Imagine earth as a big sphere and the white light is filling the whole sphere (its
interior and atmosphere).

8. Now imagine all living beings (plants, animals, humans) are filled with white light
of pure love. Imagine they are feeling good and growth in the white light of love.
Further imagine that the flowers of pure love bloom in their hearts and pure love is
further radiated from these flowers of love.

9. Do it 15 to 30 minutes everyday.

10. You can also send love to anybody by imagining white light of pure love being
sent to that person.

The Pink Light Technique by Joe Tolve

If any of the following questions are currently answered with a

no, you owe it to yourself and anyone in your life to read the
free and simple message below.

1. Is your life fulfilling for you and all of your family/friends?

2. Do you have a satisfactory relationship with all of them?
3. Do all of them act the way you desire?
4. Are your children always behaving honorably?
5. Have you or your children fully recovered from emotional
or physical abuse?
6. Are you the most loving you can be?
7. Are you free of all addictive habits?

My list of do’s could extend for pages, but this gives you some idea of things that
will be changed after you start using this free enclosed love enhancement

I love Everyone and only desire world harmony, peace, and never-ending love for
us all! Keep reading and you will soon learn how realistic this goal is going to be for
everyone who practices this life-altering technique.

I was working as a darkroom tech developing x-rays at Greenwich Hospital in
Connecticut when providence led me to a new understanding of love.

While my physical body did the manual work of developing x-rays, it was necessary
for me to keep my mind occupied.
I achieved this by constantly listening to either TV and or
Talking Books.

One day while listening to “Out On A Limb,” the author, Shirley McClain, was
describing the different properties of crystals. She told us that rose crystal gave
feelings of love. At that point I stopped the Talking Book and thought to myself,
“If a rock could give feelings of love, we humans should be much better at it.”

That realization totally transformed my boring, lonely, and unsatisfactory life into
one in which I am thrilled to be living. That very afternoon was dreadfully busy and
to top it off I was asked to duplicate a 400 x-ray case for a lawyer who was
coming back for them in two hours.

Well after working an hour as fast as I could, I painfully realized that I wasn’t getting
anywhere. Not even one of those duplicates had been made. I did the unheard-of-

thing and stepped out of the darkroom to ask for help.
My boss scolded me and said, “Now stop this nonsense and wasting time out here.
Get in there, and do it.”

I heard at least six technicians sitting outside the darkroom chatting, while waiting
for me to develop their x-ray cases.

Normally, I would have gone back into the darkroom and began cursing her and the
other techs, none of whom had offered to help. However, this time after closing the
door (quietly) behind me, I turned towards it, raised my palms and imagined pink
light exiting my forehead, heart and hands. I focused this loving light on them,
visualizing pink light encircling each in turn. I kept each of them in the light for about
thirty seconds. While they were in my loving light, I felt a tightening in my stomach,
as if I were being loved in return.

I now realize that all of us have a Universal Spirit in them. This force is universal
and can be called just about anything you desire. You might choose to
call It/Him/Her, God/Goddess, Universal Spirit/Energy,
Universal Mind, Infinite Being, Tao, Eck, Yahweh, and/or Allah.
This Omnipresent Energy Force is in us uniformly, whether or not we recognize Its
presence. This Spirit in us is returning love as we hold love’s pink loving light on
other people.
Imagine love’s energy moving from you to them, then back to the source of love
within you. I say, “Source,” because even if you or the person you are projecting
love energy to are less than perfect, we can love that pure Godself in us all.
In short, that’s the mystery of love expansion: “We can love
the perfection of the Immortal Spirit even in enemies!”

I can’t impress on you enough how important it is to feel the love energy from our
Universal Creator being returned to you a hundred times over.

That huge case from the lawyer got done an hour later than I would have liked, but
I did it with peace and unforgettable inner feelings of love running through me.

I was feeling special that very first day. My Seeing Eye dog, Erin, and I left the
hospital with a special fortified lift to our step that is as present today as it was
some 15 years ago.

I personally liked the feelings I received while projecting pink light, love’s energy to
others, and continued doing it daily. I use it 15 to 20 times a day, but for only 30
seconds or so each time.

I always notice enormous waves of love returning and penetrating every cell and
fiber of my body.
Almost immediately my always friendly dog became exceptionally affectionate, and
less than two months later I was surprised to find myself living a more harmonic life.
I was being invited out for lunch and dinner.

The transformed x-ray techs and doctors were asking me out of the darkroom when
we had quiet moments. I was brought coffee when too busy to get away on break.
People in the file room were making those duplicates whenever my darkroom work
was too demanding.
My boss, instead of giving me the minimum, gave me a maximum pay raise only
weeks later. Total strangers were coming up to me while I waited for trains and/or

buses, and they discussed very private affairs. I was playing piano in a
steak house and my tips went from an average of twenty to over two-hundred
dollars a night, and all I was doing was filling the room with love’s unselfish energy,
(pink Light.)

I still lived alone and often felt lonesome. I did have more visitors, friends who
invited me out, and received calls daily, etc., but I was still very much on my own.
So, one day I decided to do something about it and started projecting pink light into
the sky while saying something like, “The right woman is coming
into my life.”

Less than a month later, that perfect woman came into my life and we’ve been
delightfully happy ever since.
This method will work for you as it did for me, “Try it, you’ll like it!”

Though, like achieving everything worthwhile, this technique does take work.

For awesome emotional attachments, ten to fifteen minutes daily exercise is a very
small price to pay!

Nevertheless, you’ll enjoy the feelings being returned to you while projecting this
pink light or more appropriate, Love Energy Force.

“Heck, you’ll probably want to pay me for those gratifying sensations!” lol
Really push that pink light out of yourself and feel an even more powerful love
being returned to you.

Distance is no barrier to this energy and its awesome powerful effects.

Once you have experienced the powers of unselfish love, you will not want to ever
stop using it! In case you do, you will almost immediately notice yourself feeling
less emotionally attached, and the behavior of others will reflect it.

I do have two warnings and would be amiss if I failed to give them to you:

1.This technique is so powerful that it will transform you and the way others feel
about you. You will be radiating love and become a powerful magnet creating and
drawing more and more powerful love to yourself.

However, you have to be sure not to over use it, it can turn you into a fanatic if used for
too long of a period of time. In fact, for that very reason I restrict it to only
ten or fifteen minutes daily.

There was a time when I was having a crisis and used it continuously for two days. To
be frank and forthright with you, my wife had to have me hospitalized because I felt a
burning passion to love the Infinite Spirit within me and in all of existence. I had to
praise this spirit every moment that I was awake. I couldn’t stop this behavior until I
restricted the time back to ten/fifteen minutes usage. I felt a vital part of this
universe and had to adore this perfect Universal Entity every moment I was awake. I
loved myself as never before and had become everything, thus perfect altruistic love
prevailed. For weeks afterwards I didn’t want to even brush my teeth because

I would be harming oral bacteria!

2. This technique will make you into a loving person and

everyone you meet will be attracted to you.
You will also fall in love more easily, and that’s what I’ve got to warn you about

If you are married, it could lead to your being unfaithful to your spouse.
Although if you are using this method adequately on him/her, you will strengthen any
lost emotions, and love them as you did during your honeymoon.
Divide those ten or fifteen minutes into many bits through the day. It stands to reason
then, because you are more often focusing on love, that it will be expanding.
If you are a more loving person, it makes sense that your family and friends will
feel greater love for you.

If single, you could be led to over use it, really abusing this gift and its astounding
powers. Do not exploit this power, only practice it for a limited period of time.
Be on watch for arousal of your or other’s undesired passions.
Stop or decrease if you find that things are changing too
quickly and too radically.

“Love should be used, not abused.”

Radiating Love

Lie down on your bed or stand erect on a chair, close your eyes. Imagine that a violet
light ( you can change this color) is coming from the sun. Imagine that the violet light is
filling your entire body starting at the top of your head. Direct it with your will to go into
your solar plexus. From the solar plexus this light goes up to your heart chakra and
from your heart chakra direct it with your mind to your crown chakra. Do that a few
times. It helps to heal many issues stored in the solar plexus chakra with love, and it
helps to activate your heart centers.

Once you finish, imagine that your heart chakra is radiating a light. The light can be
pink or transparent. The color doesn’t matter much. Send the love to people, nature,
flowers, trees, animals and your sub-personalities to help them to evolve. Do that until
you can feel the love emanating from you. If this is difficult tell yourself ‘I ask my inner
guidance to help me open my heart and send love’. This should help, when you send
love to people. You can imagine them being radiant and happy for receiving this

You know you are doing good when you actually feel the love, and you are
feeling very positive about what you are doing. If you cry during the meditation
it means that you're releasing stuck emotions in your body and aura. If you
laugh and feel happier your heart is really opening wider.

Have fun while playing with this meditation.

Forgiving is one of the most powerful release techniques. I don't know if you read the
book “No Attachments, No Aversions: The Autobiography of a Master” by Lester
Levenson but there is an interesting lesson to learn from the book.

Lester Levenson was diagnosed with a very serious heart problem. In fact, his doctor
gave him only a couple of months to live. Lester went back to his New York apartment
sat there and decided to find the secret to happiness. He carefully examined his past
and discovered that being loved was not the answer. The answer was loving other
people. He said that “"Happiness is when I’m loving!"”

From there he started to release all stuck negative emotions he had in his life. It turns
out it helped him to heal from his illness, and he would live for many more years. The
key for him was to let go, to release the emotion. It is the same process used in
forgiveness. There is an acceptance and a release of a stuck emotion.

Let me share with you a powerful session I had in 2006, when I was meditating a lot.

Yesterday, I sat for the third session of love meditation (I do four sessions a day, one
hour each). A childhood memory came up of a young woman who took away my
electronic game and never gave it back to me. I had resentment for that woman during
the whole school year. I tried to forgive her with affirmations, but it didn’t work. The
thin energy of forgiveness through affirmations wasn’t strong enough to eradicate that
big dark cloud of resentment that was inside me.

So I changed my approach, I remembered that many schoolmates went to her to ask if

she could give my game back, and she always replied that she didn’t have the game.
So I told myself that maybe she gave it to another little boy. Maybe she made another
little boy happy. My point of power is in the now not in the past. I have a big powerful
computer. I have another powerful laptop computer. I have my house, full of high tech
toys, and I have money to buy more. I can go on holiday almost every month. What
am I complaining about?

At that point, I was filled with appreciation, and I could transfer that appreciation to that
girl. Then something happened. The memory vanished, I mean it completely
vanished. I had a sense of gratitude from her, that she is happy that I freed her from
the resentment. And then a new memory emerged of her giving me an electronic
game and making me very happy. Now, I can’t say if this is really a new memory
because for me, when I think about it, it seems like this is the original event and the
resentment episode is something I made up in my mind. It sounds fake now. It sounds
like an invention of mine. I can only relate to it because I took notes about it.

To give you an analogy, imagine that in your bedroom you have a single bed then you
go out of your bedroom and when you come back in you have a queen-size bed.

However you have no memory of your single bed. Now you see pictures of your
bedroom with that single bed and then you question yourself. What happened? But,
you can only speculate that in some alternative past you had another type of bed, but
you don’t know for sure. The memory of it is erased from your brain, completely.

When I think of this girl now, I’m filled with joy. I tried with force to remember the so
called original event and I can’t. Instead, I end up with memories of me being happy
and playing my game. I can’t find the resentment for that girl anymore. It is gone.

Now, something else happened a couple of minutes after the session; my old sense of
humor that I lost long ago came back. There is this other girl who has a crush on me.
Usually when I thought about her I got irritated, but this time I laughed. I made fun
pictures in my mind of her crushing even more due to my newfound radiance. Then I
went for another meditation where I have to lie down and reach a state of mind awake
and body asleep. I use a product called the Gateway Experience from the Monroe
Institute for that. Well I couldn’t reach the state because I laughed. I laughed so much
during the whole session. I was thinking to a recording of Klaus’s when he talked
about replacing money with chickens and the chickens not enjoying it.

Can you imagine money replaced by chickens? You go to the grocery and

You: 1 box of coffee.

Clerk : O.K., two chickens.
Chicken 1: arkkkk, we are used as money now.
Chicken 2: hehehehe, a talking chicken! I have never seen one of those before.
Chicken 1: Well, pal, I have never seen a chicken used as a 5 dollars bill neither.
Chicken 2: Shut your mouth, sick fried chicken you will end up at KFC as a nugget
Chicken 1: (farting)
You to the clerk: Can I have the coffee?
Clerk: Sure. I wish we could go back to paper money.
Chickens 1 and 2 together: Shh, We are cooked!


In mid 2009, I started to experiment with something called the radiant circuits. I didn't
get good results at first, but I persisted and it finally paid off.

The journey started in September 2009, when I accidentally activated my front bridge
circuit (it is in the chest, it is connected to the heart chakra). When the front bridge
circuit is activated, you can create instant positive rapport with people. In my case, it
was manifested by a strong warm feeling in the chest. Usually, I had the feeling at
home. When I went outside of my home, the energy quickly fizzled.

I learned later about the other radiant circuits:

The back bridge circuit.

The back and front regulator circuits.
The belt flow
The penetrating flow
The central meridian
The governing meridian

If you want to activate these circuits read “The Promise of Energy Psychology”
by David Feinstein. It is what I did, I activated my radiant circuits.

Nothing happened the first two weeks, partly because the energies fizzled
rather rapidly especially when I went outside of my home, where often the Triple
Warmer got the better of me. The Triple Warmer is the circuit that controls our
fight or flight response in our society. The Triple Warmer is very often over-
active. What can throw the Triple Warmer out of balance?

The Triple Warmer meridian is activated whenever your body or your emotions are
stressed. In tandem with the adrenaline response, it wakes up when your heart is
racing, your blood pumping, and your nerves jangling. The stress response is ingrained
in our bodies for physical survival. Unfortunately, it kicks in too quickly for our needs in
the modern world and it can be difficult to shut it down once the time for urgency has
Does this sound familiar?

· An executive needs to stay calm and collected in front of a tough room of potential
clients, but can’t keep his hands from shaking

· A high school student with an exam the next morning is so nervous she can’t close
her eyes to sleep

· Kids who haven’t eaten sugar or watched TV in weeks still go tearing around the
house making noise and won’t calm down

· A mother who crashes in any free moment because she is so accustomed to multi-
tasking and being continuously busy
All of these are examples of an over-energized triple warmer that won’t turn off.

At some point I found a new way to activate and energize my heart chakra and also
experience its energy.

Within a few days, the new technique for my heart chakra and the radiant joy circuits
completely changed me. They made me happy almost non-stop !!!! Within a couple of
days, I noticed that the energies no longer decayed when I went outside of my home.
The radiant energies stayed with me all day long.

People smiled at me. Children wanted to play with me and women wanted to know
Two days ago, the energies grew even stronger. I noticed that I’m smiling all the time.
When I took my shower, I smiled. I wanted to dance. When I talk to people I can feel
these friendly and loving energies flowing out of me to them.

The Triple Warmer is now normalized again, and the radiant energies can express
themselves in me to their fullest. The most incredible thing happened last night when I
went to sleep. As I dipped into sleep, I felt the feeling of love, the same as when you
realize that you are loved by someone. It burst into me as I fell asleep. This caused
me to be surprised and prevented me from sleeping. Later on, I dipped again into the
sleep state and it happened again !!!

This PDF is an intro to the radiant energies :

Since I started using love energy the speed at which I manifest the things I want to
have has increased considerably . I have been able to create everything I ever
In 2007, I was living in Brussels, Belgium. It is a nice city, but I spent most of my life
there. So I decided that a change was in order. I wanted to live in Spain at the seaside
around the mountains. I had no idea how I could create that. So in June 2007, I
announced to everyone that by the end of the year I would be living in Spain. I started
to visualize myself living there each day. I visualized my life in Spain. I kept my daily
routine of sending out love. I was also acting “as if”. I packed some of my stuff in
advance and searched on property websites for a place to live.

In October 2007, I felt that I had done enough visualization. I had a feeling that what I
had visualized was “birthed” from that point on. Everything was accelerated. I got
ideas about how to make a living without really working by renting out my big
apartment in Brussels located near the European parliament (I rent to people working
there) and renting for myself a cheaper flat in Spain. Because, my flat in Brussels is
located near the European parliament, I can rent it out at a high price. I went to Spain
that month and I made new friends, and they helped me considerably. This
synchronicity helped me to stay at one of my new friend's houses while I explored the
areas where I would like to live.

Around that time, I had an intense OOBE where I was flying over a city at the seaside
surrounded by mountains. It was amazing as I had the OOBE after a long session of
sending love. I was filled with radiant energy. Little did I know at that time that I would
be living in that city. It is called Cullera.

Cullera my city view from the mountains, my place is somewhere there

I moved to Spain in January 2008. I didn't yet have a flat, and I was still looking for
one, when an opportunity came up. It was a cheap beachfront flat with a view over the
mountains and the sea. I visited it at the end of the month, and I signed the contract to
live there.

I had a website that was providing me with revenue, and I had the money from my
Brussels property. It was enough to live there comfortably. It took only seven months
to accomplish these important lifestyle changes. It could have taken a lot longer
without the love energy.

Creating a relationship

Once in Spain I decided to use the same principle to create a relationship. I bought a
copy of the magazine Vogue and cut out some pictures of the kind of girls I like. I put
them on a poster and used it a vision board. Each morning, I looked at it, and I did a
blessing of the qualities I like in women such as generosity, kindness, etc. Two months
later I met the woman who corresponded exactly to what I wanted. Now, she lives with
me in my sunny beachfront place.

As you can see manifesting while you are radiant with love is easy and fast. If you are
not yet sending love, give it a try. You have nothing to lose.

If you liked this report please send your feedback or comments to
You can also contact me on social media sites:



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