Simultaneous Optimization Models For Heat Integration-I. Area AND Energy Targeting AND Modeling of Multi-Stream Exchangers

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Computers them. Engng, Vol. 14, No. IO, pp. 1151-1164. 1990 0098- 1354/90 $3.00 + 0.

Printed 10 Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright 0 1990 Pergamon Press plc


Department of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. PA 15213, U.S.A.

(Received 15 March 1990; final revision received 28 June 1990; receirred.for publicarion 6 July 1990)

Abstract--In this paper, a simple yet general superstructure for heat integration is presented. The
superstructure is a stage-wise representation where within each stage exchanges of heat can occur between
each hot and cold stream. The proposed representation does not rely on any heuristics that are based on
the concept of the pinch point, and its simplicity enables a simultaneous consideration for design factors
without the limitations of a sequential analysis. In Part I of this three-part series of papers, an NLP model
is first introduced for the exchanger networks. As will be shown, the model can simulraneously target for
area and energy cost while properly accounting for the differences in heat transfer coefficients between
the streams. Constraints on matches can also be easily handled. Furthermore, if a fixed utility consumption
is specified, the model reduces to an area targeting model. In the last section of the paper, the proposed
representation is also applied to the modeling of multi-stream exchangers. Examples for all the
applications are presented to illustrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed model.

INTRODUCTION however, is that the effectiveness of each subsequent

step relies heavily on the decisions of all the previous
Over the past two decades, extensive research efforts steps. Finally, in the heat integration problem that is
have made considerable contributions to the heat performed simultaneously with the optimization of a
integration problem. Gundersen and Naess (1988) flowsheet where the flows and temperatures of the
provided an extensive review for heat exchanger streams are treated as variables, the main approach
network (HEN) design listing over 200 publications. has been to enforce as a constraint the minimum
In spite of the abundance of work in the area, most utility target for fixed value of HRAT as in the
methods still have a number of limitations. method by Duran and Grossmann (1986). While this
For instance, area targets typically rely on the approach has the advantage of introducing a modest
assumption of strict vertical heat transfer [e.g. number of inequality constraints to the NLP or
Townsend and Linnoff (1984) and Gundersen and MINLP optimization, it does not consider the trade-
Grossmann (1988)], and these methods often do not off of area cost and utility cost. Furthermore, one
account for design constraints. A similar argument cannot specify constraints on the stream matches in
can be made for the number of units target for the this approach.
network, where a simple heuristic equation deter- While several methods have been proposed to
mines the target. The question of whether one should address specific limitations in some of the problems
partition the problem into subnetworks prior to cited above-these will be discussed later in the paper
determining the number of units target is another and in Parts II (Yee and Grossmann, 1990) and III
uncertainty. It is generally not simple to determine (Yee et al., 1990) of the series--these methods do not
the proper heat recovery approach temperature provide a unified representation where all the relevant
(HRAT) at which utility targeting should be done. design decisions can be optimized simultaneously
In a typical HEN synthesis method (for a review with reasonable computational expense. This in fact
see Part II-Yee and Grossmann, 1990) energy is the objective of the heat integration models that
targeting for a fixed value of HRAT first establishes will be presented in this series of papers. As will be
the utility requirement for the network. With utilities shown, a simple stage-wise superstructure represen-
fixed, the number of units in the network is deter- tation can be developed for the various heat inte-
mined followed by an optimization of the exchanger gration problems. Based on this representation,
area required. The limitation behind such a scheme, optimization models that require very reasonable
solution times are proposed to simultaneously
account for the different design factors.
tAuthor to whom all corresoondence should be addressed.
SCurrent address: Chemical’Engineering Department, Uni-
In this paper, the model is introduced and first
versity of Maribor, P.O. Box 148, YU-62001, Maribor, presented for the simultaneous targeting of energy and
Yugoslavia. area for heat exchanger networks with fixed flows and
1152 T. F. YEEet al.

fixed supply are target temperatures. As will be 5. Simultaneous process and HEN synthesis-
shown, if a particular level of energy recovery is Given the superstructure of a process with
specified by fixing the utility requirement for the streams that can be heat integrated with variable
network, the model reduces to an area targeting flows, inlet and outlet temperatures, determine
formulation. Finally, it is shown that the proposed the optimal process and heat exchanger network
model can be incorporated in the optimization of a design which minimize the annual cost while
HEN involving multi-stream heat exchangers which allowing for specification of design constraints.
can offer significant advantages over conventional
Problems 1, 2 and 3 will be addressed in this paper,
single-hot-single-cold exchangers in certain appli-
problem 4 in Part II (Yee and Grossmann, 1990) and
cations, especially in cryogenic plants. In Part II (Yee
problem 5 in Part III (Yee et al., 1990). In these
and Grossmann, 1990), the model is formulated as a
problems, the following assumptions will be made:
mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP)
problem for the synthesis of heat exchanger net- l Constant heat capacities
works. Annual cost, comprising of utility cost, area l Constant heat transfer coefficients
cost as well as fixed charges for exchanger units are l Countercurrent heat exchangers
optimized simultaneously. As will be shown, the The next section will present a common superstruc-
model not only can account for design constraints ture representation that can be use to address all the
such as forbidden, required or restricted matches, but problems cited above. In the proposed model, no
also certain piping specifications (i.e. no stream heuristic assumptions are required, and all par-
splits). In Part III (Yee er al., 1990) of the series, the ameters need not be fixed but rather can be opti-
formulation is extended to the simultaneous synthesis mized. To simplify the problem, however, isothermal
of process flowsheets and heat exchanger networks mixers will be assumed. As will be discussed later,
where the flows and temperatures are treated as this restriction simplifies the model significantly and
variables. The important features of this model are allows for efficient and very reasonable solution
that it optimizes both area and energy, and if desired, times.
it provides the detailed network structures.

PROBLEM STATEMENT The proposed representation for heat integration is

a stage-wise superstructure which allows for different
In order to address the various heat integration
possiblities and sequences for matching streams. This
problems in this series of three papers, it will be
superstructure can be viewed as an extension of the
assumed that given are a set of hot process streams
one presented in Grossmann and Sargent (1978)
HP to be cooled and a set of cold process streams CP
where within each stage potential exchanges between
to be heated. Specified are also a set of hot utilities
any pair of hot and cold streams can occur. It also
HV and a set of cold utilities CU and their corre-
resembles that of the spaghetti design concept
sponding temperatures. The various problems to be
brought forth by Linnhoff and coworkers, where the
considered are as follows:
composite curves are divided into sections or a series
I. Area targeting-Given fixed flows, inlet and of stages. In the spaghetti design, the number of
outlet temperatures and fixed utility require- stages is equal to the number of energy intervals (e.g.
ment, determine minimum area cost, allowing see Fig. 1). In each section of the composite curves,
for the possibility of nonvertical heat transfer the corresponding cold streams are matched with the
and specification of constraints. corresponding hot streams in order to obtain vertical
2. Simultaneous area and energy targeting-Given heat transfer. As a result, spaghetti designs usually
fixed flows, inlet and outlet temperatures, deter- require a large number of exchangers.
mine area and energy consumption to minimize
cost allowing for nonvertical heat transfer and
specification of constraints.
3. Modeling of multi-stream exchangers-Given
fixed or variable flows, inlet and outlet tempera-
tures, determine area requirement for a multi-
stream exchanger allowing for specification of
design constraints.
4. Synthesis-Given fixed flows, fixed or variable
inlet and outlet temperatures, determine the
energy consumption, number of exchangers,
area requirement and network configuration
which minimizes annual cost while allowing for
specification of constraints on matches, heat Fig. 1. Vertical heat transfer between composite curves
loads and stream splitting. leading to spaghetti design.
Simultaneous optimization models for heat integration-I 1153

Stage 1 Stage 2
i I


’ HZ,1
- I
temperature temperature temperature
location locat ion lccation
k=l k=2 k-3

Fig. 2. Two-stage superstructure.

In the proposed superstructure, the number of partitioning into subnetworks. An example of a

stages does not have to be equal to the number of superstructure involving two hot and two cold
energy intervals since the temperatures corresponding streams is shown in Fig. 2. The two stages are
to each stage will be treated as variables to be represented by eight exchangers, with four possible
optimized. This in fact allows for opportunities for matches in each stage and variable temperatures
criss-cross heat exchange when streams have different between each stage. Note that alternative parallel and
heat transfer coefficients. In general, the number of series configurations are embedded as well as possible
stages required to model the heat integration will rematching of streams. Also, for simplicity in the
seldom be greater than either the number of hot presentation, it will be. assumed that the utilities are
streams NH or the number of cold streams NC. This placed at the outlet of the superstructure.
is due to the fact that an optimal design usually does Assuming isothermal mixing of the streams in the
not require a large number of exchangers, meaning proposed superstructure can significantly simplify the
that a particular stream does not exchange heat with model formulation. This restriction is illustrated in
many streams. Fig. 3. The assumption specifies that the outlet
The superstructure for the proposed model is then temperature of a particular stream at each exchanger
derived as follows (see Fig. 2): of a stage is the same as the outlet temperature of the
stream in that stage. As shown in Fig. 3, for stream
Fix the number of stages, typically at
Hl, the outlet temperatures of both exchanger
max{N”, NC}. HI41 and exchanger H142 at each stage are
For each stage, the corresponding stream is split
assumed to be equal. The motivation behind this
and directed to an exchanger for each potential
assumption is that by setting these temperatures to be
match between each hot stream and each cold
the same, the nonlinear heat balance around each
stream. The outlets of the exchangers are mixed
exchanger and the heat mixing equations can be
which then defines the stream for the next stage.
eliminated. For each stream, only an overall heat
The outlet temperatures of each stage are
balance must be performed within each stage. The
treated as variables.
simplification is especially relevant when the inlet
Note that the derivation of the superstructure does heat capacity flowrates of the streams are fixed. For
not require the identification of the pinch point or the these cases, flow variables are no longer needed in the

Fig. 3. Restrictions on split temperatures.

1154 T. F. YEE et al.

model. As a result, not only is the dimensionality of CCU = per unit cost for cold utility,
the problem reduced, but the feasible space of the CHU = per unit cost for hot utility,
problem can be defined by a set of linear constraints CF= fixed charge for exchangers,
as will be shown later in the paper. The nonlinearities C= area cost coefficient,
of the model, involving the calculation of areas using B= exponent for area cost,
stage temperatures, are isolated in the objective func- NOK = total number of stages.
tion. The model therefore becomes very robust and QCU = total cold utility usage,
can be solved with relative ease. QHU = total hot utility usage;

(iv) Variables:
qiik= heat exchanged between hot process stream
In this section an NLP formulation is proposed i and cold process stream j in stage k,
which simultaneously targets for energy and area for qcui= heat exchanged between hot stream i and
the minimum cost of a heat exchanger network. cold utility,
Similar to the recent NLP transshipment model of qhu, = heat exchanged between hot utility and cold
Colberg and Morari (1990), which is restricted to area stream j,
targeting for a fixed heat recovery approach tempera- ti,k = temperature of hot stream i at hot end of
ture (HRAT), the proposed model can account for stage k,
differences in heat transfer coefficients as well as rj.* = temperature of cold stream j at hot end of
constraints on matches. In contrast, however, the stage k.
model does not rely on any temperature interval
definition nor any transshipment type constraints With the definitions above, the formulation can now
(Papoulias and Grossmann, 1983). Hence, the unique be presented. In the superstructure, utility streams
feature of the proposed method is that there is no can in general be treated as process streams with
need to fix HRAT, or the exchanger minimum unknown flowrates. However, for simplicity in the
approach temperature (EMAT), since these are presentation, utility streams are matched only at the
treated as variables in the optimization. Furthermore, outlet of the superstructure while assuming that only
the solution of the model provides a feasible network one type of hot and one type of cold utilities are
with simple series and parallel configuration where available. These assumptions, of course, can easily be
required exchangers are the ones represented in the relaxed.
superstructure with nonzero beat loads. Finally, as
will be shown, specification of the utility require- Overall heat balance for each stream
ment in the model, which establishes the level of An overall heat balance is needed to ensure suffi-
energy recovery, simplifies the formulation to an area cient heating or cooling of each process stream. The
targeting model. constraints specify that the overall heat transfer
In order to formulate the NLP model for area and requirement of each stream must equal the sum of the
energy targeting for the proposed superstructure de- heat it exchanges with other process streams at each
scribed previously, the following definitions are stage plus the exchange with the utility stream:
(TIN, - TOUT,)Fi = c c qiik+ qcui, i E HP,
(i) Indices: keSTjrCP

i = hot process or utility stream, (TOUT, - TIN,)q= c 1 qr + qhu,, j E CP.

j = cold process or utility stream, kESTiE”P

k = index for stage l...NOK and temperature (1)

location 1 . NOK + 1;
Heat balance at each stage
(ii) Sets:
An energy balance is also needed at each stage of
HP = {i 1i is a hot process stream}, the superstructure to determine the temperatures.
HU = hot utility, Note that for a superstructure with NOK stages,
CP = (j lj is a cold process stream}, NOK + 1 temperatures are involved. This takes into
CU = cold utility, consideration the fact that for two adjacent stages,
ST= {k 1k is a stage in the superstructure, the outlet temperature of this first stage corresponds
k = l,...NOK]; to the inlet temperature of the second stage. To
properly define the temperature variables and stages,
(iii) Parameters:
the index k is used. The set k = 1. . . NOK is used
TIN = inlet temperature of stream, to represent the NOK stages of the superstructure,
TOUT = outlet temperature of stream, while the set k = 1 . . NOK + 1 is used to define
F= heat capacity flow rate, the temperature location in the superstructure (see
U= overall heat transfer coefficient, Fig. 2). In both cases, stage or temperature location
Simultaneous optimization models for heat integration-I 1155

k = 1 involves the highest temperatures. The heat Area requirement, however, requires a nonlinear
balances for each stage are thus as follows: calculation by the following terms:

0,. k - t,. k + I )F,= c qijk keST, ieHP,


ctj, k - tj, k + 1)4.= c qUk keST, jECP. (2) In general, an approximation for the LMTD term
IEHP is in order to avoid numerical difficulties when the
approach temperatures of both sides of the exchanger
Assignment of superstructure inlet temperatures are equal. In this paper, the Chen approximation
Fixed inlet temperatures of the process streams (1987) is used:
(TIN) are assumed and assigned as the inlet tem-
peratures to the superstructure. For hot streams, the LMTDGk z (&,)(&, + ,) dtqk+;‘,+ ‘1”’ , (8)
superstructure inlet corresponds to temperature
location k = 1, while for cold streams, the inlet where dt, and dty + , represent the approach tem-
corresponds to location k = NOK + 1: peratures for exchanger (i, j) in stage k.
Other well known approximations are:
TIN,=&,, ~EHP,
(a) Paterson(1984):
TZN,=r,,+,, jeCP. (3)

Feasibility of temperatures
Constraints are also needed to specify a monotonic Pa)
decrease of temperature at each successive stage k. In (b) Chen (1987) extending Underwood (1970):
addition, a bound is set for the outlet temperature of
each stream superstructure at the respective stream’s L&jT#‘.3275 % 4(dt;;275 + dt;jy;). (9b)
outlet temperature. Note that the outlet temperature
As compared to the approximations of equations
of each stream at its last stage does not necessarily
(9), the Chen approximation has the important ad-
correspond to the stream’s target temperature since
vantage that when either dtYk or dtYk+, equals zero,
utility exchanges can occur at the outlet of the
the driving force will be approximated to be zero. For
the other two approximations, however, a nonzero
6, L 2 ti. k + I 1 keST, iEHP, value may still be predicted when either dt, or dt, + I
equals zero. Therefore, to avoid this inaccuracy, the
tj, k 3 1, k + 1 3 LEST, jECP,
Chen approximation in equation (8) is used in the
TOUT,<ti,NOK+I, ieHP, proposed formulation. It should be noted, however,
that whereas the Paterson approximation tends to
TOV~.2ti,,, jECP. (4) slightly overestimate the driving force (thus under-
estimating the area requirement), the Chen approxi-
Hot and cold utility load
mation of equation (8) tends to slightly underestimate
Hot (qhu,) and cold (qcui) utility requirements are the driving force (thus overestimating the area
determined for each process stream in terms of the requirement).
outlet temperature in the last stage and the target Also, in order to determine the driving forces, the
temperature for that stream. The following con- approach temperatures, dt, and dt, + r need to be
straints are for the utility heat load requirements: calculated for every match (i, j) in stage k. Due to the
simplifying assumption for isothermal mixing, stage
(t,. NOK+ I - TOUTi)Fi= qcui, i E HP,
temperatures can be used for the calculation. It
(TOU? - tj, , )F, = qhu,, j E CP. (5) should be noted that nonnegative approach tempera-
Constraints (l-5) above comprise the linear tures are only required for exchangers with positive
equations and inequalities that are needed to define heat loads. For exchangers not transferring heat, the
the feasible region for the targeting models. stage temperatures should be free to assume any
value since the corresponding heat loads are zero. In
Objective function order to handle the case when an approach tempera-
ture of an exchanger with zero heat load involves a
In the formulation, the targeted quantities can be cold stream stage temperature t,k that is larger than
placed explicitly in the objective function. Utility the hot stream stage temperature t,kr the following
requirements for the network can be expressed as the equation can be used:
sum of the utility required by each process stream:
dt, = max{O, tik - tjk}. (10)
1 qcu, cold utilities,
ieHP Note that when tjk is larger than t,, the approach
qhu,, hot utilities. temperature is set to zero. There is no need to
,zP (6)
explicitly define the variables dt, in the model as
1156 T. F. YEIEet al.

these can be substituted into equation (8) which in and where equation (12) is substituted for the max
turn is substituted in the objective function term in expressions for the temperature approaches in the
(7). To ensure the area expression of equation (7) LMTD terms [see equation (811:
remains numerically stable, a very small positive
tolerance S, e.g. 10m6, is added to the denominator to LMTD, = [max(O, t, - Q)

prevent division by zero. x ma@, tik + [ - tik + I ){max(O, tik - tjk)

The use of max operators in (IO), however, intro-

duces nonsmooth terms into the objective function. +max(0, ck +, - tjk + , )}Pl”* + 6,
To overcome the nondifferentiability of these terms,
the smooth approximation by Duran and Grossmann LMTQ,.. = Imax@,ho, + , - TOUTcu 1
(1986) is used; x (TOUT, - TINc,,)
dt, = max{O, t, - tjk} X {=@, ?iNOK + t - TOUTcu )

tik - ti* if t, - tjk 2 L, +(TOUT, - TINcu ))/2]” + 6,

= (11)
-i [~/exp(l)]exp[(t, - tjk)/e] otherwise, LMTDHu., = [max(O, TOUT,, - r,,)
where 6 is a small positive number. This approxi- x (TIN,, - TOUTj)
mation basically ensures continuity for both the
x {max(O, TOUT,, - t,,)
function and its derivative at L yet maintaining rela-
tively small approximation errors if L is selected to be +(TIN”, - TOUT,)}/2]“3 + 6. (13)
sufficiently small (e.g. IO-* SC < 10e4).
The Duran and Grossmann approximation can be In this formulation for simultaneous energy and
easily incorporated into an NLP solver such as area targeting, the objective function accounts for the
MINOS (Murtagh and Saunders, 1985) through an trade-off between annual energy and area cost. The
equation modeling system such as GAMS (Brooke utility cost is charged on a per unit of heat load basis,
et al., 1988) by the following equation by Kravanja while the area can be charged on a cost per unit basis
and Grossmann (1989): or by an equation with fractional exponent, B to
reflect the economy of scale.
dt, = max[O, 1, - ijk] z max(min(e, [c/exp(l)] It should be noted that in (NLPI) heat loads with
infeasible temperature approaches will be set to zero
x exp[min(40, (t* - tjk)/a)J}, tfi - tjk>. (12) provided that sufficiently small values for c and 6 are
selected in (11) and (13). This follows from the fact
Here, the term min{40, (tik - G~)/E} is specified simply
that in this case the denominator of the investment
to avoid any numerical overtlow when (t& - tlk)/.z is
cost terms in (NLPl) will take on very small values
large. These terms in (12) are directly substituted in
which greatly increases the cost of heat exchange. In
the objective function to calculate the area required.
our experience, the choices oft = lo-“ and 6 = 10e6
For the simultaneous optimization of energy and
have shown to be satisfactory to accomplish this
area targets, the objective function involves cost
objective without producing serious ill-conditioning
terms for both utilities and area. When the utility
of the objective function.
requirement is fixed in the formulation, the simul-
taneous model reduces to a model which determines
(b) NLP-area targeting formulation
the area target for the particular level of energy
recovery. With the definitions and discussions above, The simultaneous energy and area targeting formu-
the NLP formulations for the two targeting cases are lation (NLPl) can be modified for area targeting
as follows: simply by fixing the utility requirement for network
and changing the objective function to minimize the
(a) NLPI-simultaneous energy and area targeting total area requirement. The formulation is as follows:
minc c c
min CCU c qcui + CHU c qhu,

+ x [qhujl(LI,,.jLMTD,,,jll,
+G,cu ,~~I~cY/(~,.cuLMT~~,cu) s.t. constraints (l-5), (NLPZ)

1 qcu, = QCU,
[qhujl(U~~,jLMTD~~.,)IB~~,j, iE/fP

,zp qhuj= QHU, (7 q 3 0.

s.t. constraints (l-5), t, q 2 0, (NLPI)
Simultaneous optimization models for heat integration-l 1157

In formulation (NLP2), QCU and QHU represent It should also be noted that in the proposed
the fixed amount of cooling and heating utility re- formulations, the number of stages, NOK, does not
quirement for the network, respectively. Solution of necessarily have to be selected as the maximum
the formulation, therefore, determines the area target number of hot or cold streams. Higher values will in
for a network with the specified hot and cold utility general lead to lower estimates of the area although
requirement. the differences are usually small (see Example 1).
It should be noted that in both (NLPl) and Finally, the formulation for simultaneous energy
(NLPZ), constraints on matches can be easily incor- and area targeting (NLPI) can also be considered as
porated into the formulations. Forbidden matches a synthesis model since the solution will indeed define
can be specified by fixing the relevant heat load a network configuration which has minimum cost
variables to zero. Restricted and required matches based on area and energy considerations. The other
can be declared through the constraints which sum up major cost that it does not consider is that of fixed
the relevant heat loads for the match through all charges for heat exchangers. These charges will be
stages, and are bounded above by the restricted heat explicitly accounted for in Part II (Yee and Gross-
load value or else bounded below by the required heat mann, 1990) of this series of papers. However, by
load value. Finally, the solution to this problem will specifying a fractional exponent for the area cost in
generate a heat exchanger network configuration. For the objective function, the model will tend to deter-
the case when only the area is minimized in (NLPZ), mine designs requiring minimum number of units in
or a linear cost of area is used in (NLPl), the order to take advantage of the economy of scale for
configuration will usually exhibit a rather large the area cost. Therefore, even though the model may
number of units. For problem (NLPl), if a cost not explicitly account for all the cost trade-offs, the
exponent is used for the areas, the number of units solution can lead to near-optima1 networks or at
will generally decrease. The synthesis of the network least to good starting points for achieving the final
structure, however, will be addressed in Part II (Yee network design.
and Grossmann, 1990). In the next section, examples are presented to
illustrate the capabilities of the proposed targeting
models. In Examples 1 and 2, the area targeting
mode1 corresponding to formulation (NLPZ) is used
The attractive feature of both proposed models, to determine targets for two problems where the
(NLPl) and (NLP2), is that constraints (l-5) which utility requirement is fixed. In Examples 3 and 4, the
define the feasible space, are linear. This has the effect utility requirements for the problems in Examples 1
that when applying a reduced gradient method (e.g. and 2 are relaxed and, the simultaneous energy and
MINOS, Murtagh and Saunders, 1985) to the NLP, area targeting mode1 corresponding to (NLPl) is
superlinear convergence can be guaranteed. As a applied to account for trade-offs between energy and
result. the problem can be solved efficiently with area costs to determine simultaneously targets for
reasonable computational time. It should be noted, utility consumption and area.
however, that the nonlinearities in the objective func-
tion (7) may lead to more than one local optimal
solution due to their nonconvex nature. But, unlike TARGETING EXAMPLES
other heat exchanger network models, the nonconvex
terms appear only in the objective function (Floudas Example 1
et al., 1986; Yee and Grossmann, 1988; Floudas and This example is taken from Colberg and Morari
Ciric, 1989). To increase the likelihood of obtaining (1990). The problem involves two hot streams and
the global optimal solution, an initialization pro- two cold streams along with hot and cold utility. Also
cedure is proposed. This procedure, which is quite specified is a heat recovery approach temperature
simple to implement, is outlined in Appendix A. As (HRAT) of 10 K, which corresponds to minimum hot
shown by the examples in the next section, although and cold utility requirements of 620 and 230 kW,
none of the solutions obtained has been proven to be respectively, The data are presented in Table 1.
globally optimal, they are indeed very satisfactory in It is interesting to note that the heat transfer co-
terms of establishing good targets and comparing efficients of the streams may differ by an order of
very well with literature values. magnitude. Since max{N,, N,) = 2, a two-stage

Table I. Problem data for Example I

stream TIN (K) TOUT(K) Fcp (kW K-‘) (kWm 2Km’) (S kW-yr- ‘)
HI 395 343 4 2.0 -
H2 405 288 6 ii -
Cl 293 493 5 2.0 -
c2 353 383 10 0.2 -
Sl 520 520 - 2.0 80
1158 T. F. Yn et al

Stage 2

Fig. 4. Example 1 feasible network achieving area target.

NLP formulation corresponding to (NLPZ) was set 259.1 m* (vs 263.6 tn*) requiring nine exchangers. The
up and solved. The model involved 35 constraints and two target solutions differ by less than 2%. For this
25 variables and was solved in 2.6 s on an IBM 3083 problem, thus, the use of a two-stage representation
using MINOS (Murtagh and Saunders, 1985) via is certainly adequate.
GAMS (Brooke et al., 1988). The solution indicated The two solutions obtained also compare very
an area target of 263.6m2. The feasible network well with the target from the NLP transshipment
achieving this target involves eight exchangers and model by Colberg and Morari (1990) of 258.8 m’. As
the corresponding network configuration relative to Colberg and Morari noted, if the simple equation by
the superstructure is shown in Fig. 4. Townsend and Linnhoff (1984) was used, the target
As indicated in the remarks section, there is the would have been 295.6 m*. This is 14% higher than
flexiblity in the model for selecting the number of the solution obtained by the proposed method of this
stages to be used in the superstructure. Typically, the paper.
use of max(N,, N,-} stages will provide a good Design restrictions can also be easily incorporated
solution which aside from not requiring large compu- into the model by fixing or setting bounds on selected
tational time, will generally be closer to the actual variables. If, in the example, a match is forbidden
area of the final network. A higher number of stages, between Hl and Cl, heat load variables q,,r can be
though, embeds more structures in the representation fixed to zero to reflect this requirement. Solving the
thus allowing for more opportunities for rematching model with this restriction yielded an area target of
streams and using more exchangers. However, the 317.8 m*, which, as expected, is higher than the
expense is that more equations and variables are unrestricted case.
needed to model the superstructure and solution time The proposed model has also been used to calcu-
will increase. The reverse is true for decreasing the late area targets for other examples reported by
number of stages in the model. Colberg and Morari (1990). To further analyze the
To illustrate the effect of having different number effect of changing the number of stages in the pro-
of stages in the superstructure, a three-stage model posed representation, the examples were solved first
was also formulated and solved. The formulation with a formulation with maxiN,, N,-} stages, and
contained 43 constraints and 33 variables. Due to its then the examples were solved again with one
larger size, the solution time of 3.8 CPU s was higher additional stage added to the representation. All the
compared to the two stage model (2.6 s). The sol- results are presented in Table 2. Targets derived by
ution, however, did not differ by much. The three the Townsend and Linnhoff method are also listed for
stage model indicated a slightly lower area target of comparison.

Table 2. Area targeting results comparison

Proposed Proposed
Range of Townsend and Cc&erg and model solution model solution
heat transfer Linnhoff Morari ( 1990) max(N,. NC) max(N, , Nc ) + I
Example coemcients (1984) solu1ion StagCS stages

I 0.2-2.0 295.6 258.8 263.6 259. I

2 0.0~2.0 47.69 29.8 31.3 31.3
3 O.OS3 50 205.6 173.6 179.9 175.5
4 all h = 0.1 2896 2896 289X.9 213977
Area shown in m’.
,, =k,,.,t-2k-’
Simultaneous optimization models for heat integration--I 1159

Table 3. Problem data for Example 2

FCP cost
stream TIN (“F) TOLiT(“F’) (kB.t.u. h-OF-‘) [$ yr-’ - (kB.t.u. h-‘)]
HI 320 200 16.61
H2 480 280 20.00 -
H3 440 150 28.00 -
H4 520 300 23.80 -
H5 390 150 33.60
Cl 140 320 14.45 -
c2 240 431 I I .53 -
100 430 16.00
:: 180 350 32.16 -
c5 200 400 26.35 -
Sl 456 456 - 11.05
Wl 100 180 - 5.3 1
h ftz “F

As compared to the results from Colberg and utility requirement is relaxed and energy and area
Morari, the proposed model determined very similar targeting is performed simultaneously. To do so, the
area targets although consistently sightly higher in objective function is modified to minimize combined
value. Note, however, the difference usually becomes annual cost of utilities and area. Utility costs are
smaller when the number of stages increases. In presented in Table 1. Annual area cost is charged on
addition, it should be noted that the higher values can a per unit area basis of $200 m-* yr-‘. A two-stage
also be attributed to the different LMTD approxi- representation of the proposed model was used in-
mations used in the models. Colberg and Morari volving 33 constraints and 25 variables. A total CPU
utilized the Paterson approximation which tends to time of about 2 s on an IBM 3083 was required to
underestimate the area requirement while the pro- determine the optimal solution. The solution targets
posed model used the Chen approximation which an annual cost of $99,390 yrr’. This comprises a hot
tends to overestimate the area requirement. Also, it utility target of 721.9 kW, a cold utility target of
should be noted that for Example 3 from Colberg and 331.9 kW and an area target of 175 m2. This level of
Morari (1990), a local solution was obtained for the heat recovery corresponds to an HRAT of roughly
max{N,, N,} case using the proposed initial values 20 K. It is interesting to note that for the same cost
of Appendix A. However, after slight modifications for utilities and area, the area targeting solution from
on the initial values and resolving the problem, the the previous section, where HRAT was fixed at 10 K,
indicated solution, which is very close to the Colberg would yield a combined utility and area annual cost
and Morari solution, was obtained. Finally, note that of $106,140, roughly 7% higher.
for all the cases where the streams have different heat To analyze the trade-off between energy and area
transfer coefficients, the Linnhoff and Townsend cost, one can vary the cost of utility and area in the
targets are significantly higher. objective function. Tables 4a and b show, respect-
ively, the results from the proposed model when area
Example 2
This example involves the well-studied IOSPI prob- Table 4. Target variations with cost

lem from Pho and Lapidus (1973). The problem (a) Varying area cost for unrestricted case
involves 5 hot and 5 cold process streams. The Energy
and area Hot utility Cold utdity Area
specified level of energy recovery (HRAT = 20°F) Area cost cost target target target target
corresponds to that of a threshold case where only (16m -2-yr-‘) ($yr-‘) (kW) (kW) (ml)
cold utility is needed. The problem data are presented 100 79,850 651.7 261.7 224.8
in Table 3. Note that in this example, all streams have 200 99,390 721.9 331.9 175.0
the same heat transfer coefficient. 300 I 15,730 772.6 382.6 154.2

The proposed model with five stages requires 141 Hot utility cost = 1680 (kW-yr- ”
Cold utility cost = $20 (kW-yr-‘)
constraints and 196 variables. The optimal solution
(b) Varying hot utility cost for unrestricted case
was obtained after 15.6 CPU s on an IBM 3083. The
80 99,390 721.9 331.9 175.0
results indicate an area target of 2490 ft* spread over 110 120,590 692.9 302.9 191.6
23 exchangers. Since the heat transfer coefficients 140 140,040 672. I 282.1 206.6
for all the streams are the same in this problem, the Area cost = $200 (m2-yr- ‘)
target using the Townsend and Linnhoff formula is Cold utility cost = %20 (kW-yr-‘)
comparable at 2470 ft*. (c) Varying area cost for restricted case
100 83.780 615.5 285.5 240.3
Example 3 200 104,500 754.8 364.8 184.1
300 121,170 806. I 416.1 161.2
In the problem of Example 1 in the previous
Hot utility cost = 580 (kW-yr-‘).
section, an area target was determined based on a Cold utility cost = $20 (kW-yr ‘).
fixed level of energy recovery. In this example, the Match HI-Cl forbidden.
1160 T. F. YEE el al.

and hot utility costs are varied independently. MULTI-STREAM HEAT EXCHANGERS
In Table 4a, area cost is varied from $100 to
$300 m-2yr-‘. As area cost increases, hot and In this section, the proposed heat integration
cold utility costs increase to reduce the amount of model is used for the design of multi-stream heat
area required. In Table 4b, hot utility cost is varied exchangers. A single multi-stream heat exchanger can
from $80 to $140 kW-yr-I. Similar to the trend for transfer heat between many individual hot and cold
area, as utility cost increases, a higher level of energy streams simultaneously. As a result, accomplishing
recovery occurs at the expense of higher area the many heat transfer tasks in a single unit can lead
requirement. to substantial savings in both cost and space (Kao,
The same analysis can be performed for con- 1961). This is especially relevant in cryogenic pro-
strained cases previously presented in Example 1. For cesses where equipment have to be kept compact and
the case when match HI-Cl is forbidden and for an well insulated. Furthermore, the driving forces are
area cost of $200m-2yrr’, the model predicts an usually low (Fan, 1966). One study done by Edwards
annual energy and area cost of $104,500 comprising and Stinchcome (1977) concluded that plate heat
of $67,680 for utility cost and $36,820 for area cost. exchangers (where multiple duties can be accom-
In Example 1, where HRAT was fixed at 10 K, the plished) can be very favorable in terms of cost
solution requires an annual energy and area cost of compared to conventional shell and tube exchangers
$117,760 with $54,200 for utility cost and $63,560 for even though they are more limiting in the regions of
area cost. This corresponds to a 13% higher cost operation. This is especially true when a special
target as compared to the simultaneous targeting material of construction is required. Also, Lawry
solution. For completeness, Table 4c provides a study (1959) noted that plate exchangers can have very high
of annual energy and area cost targets for varying per heat transfer coefficients since the plate arrangements
unit area cost for the restricted case. As expected, cause turbulent flow even at low fluid velocities.
compared to the nonrestricted case, the cost targets Typically, for a multi-stream exchanger, there
are strictly higher. exists a high flexibility in the arrangement of the flows
of streams through the exchanger. As a result, the
flow arrangement can be configured in the exchanger
Example 4 to favor the maximization of driving forces or the
The lOSP1 problem of Example 2 in the previous minimization of area requirement. This is illustrated
section is extended here to target simultaneously for in Fig. 6. For a set of streams with the same heat
energy and area cost. Costs for utilities are presented transfer coefficients, one can arrange the flow pattern
in Table 3. The annualized area cost for the problem to follow the path of the composite curves in order
as given in Pho and Lapidus (1973) is 35 x (AREA)o.6 to achieve vertical heat transfer. As indicated in the
where area is in ft*. The proposed model with a figure, the inlet and outlet locations of the streams
five-stage representation required 101 constraints and can be strategically located along the exchanger so as
126 variables. As indicated before, since a fractional to correspond to the kink locations on the composite
exponent was used in the area cost equation, the curves. Using this idea along with the assumption
effect of economy of scale will tend to minimize the that all the streams have similar temperatures along
number of units although the possibility of local the exchanger as those on the composite curves, one
solutions increases due to the nonconvex nature of can reasonably predict the area of the multi-stream
the function. Using the initialization procedure of the exchanger through an area targeting scheme. For
Appendix, the network shown in Fig. 5a was cases where the heat transfer coefficients of the
obtained with a computational requirement of streams are not the same, a similar idea can be
85.7 CPU s on a VAX 6420. This network requires implemented where inlet and outlet locations are now
only 10 exchangers and the level of energy recovery placed accordingly to allow for certain favorable
corresponds to the threshold case where only cold criss-cross heat transfer.
utility is required and maximum integration is From the discussion above, the proposed model
achieved. The annual cost for the network is (NLP2) for area targeting can be easily extended to
$44,560 yr-‘, comprising of $10,040 capital cost and model multi-stream exchangers. As mentioned pre-
$34,520 cooling utility cost. Several other starting viously, the model can account accurately for differ-
points were selected and one lead to the network as ences in heat transfer coefficients between the
shown in Fig. 5b with an annual cost of $43,878. It streams. Furthermore, it should be emphasized that
is interesting to note that this network is the same the solution obtained, which predicts the area re-
(except for very small differences in the temperatures quirement for the multi-stream exchanger, can be
of the two split streams) as the one derived by very useful in determining the proper flow configur-
Floudas and Ciric (1989), which is claimed to be the ation for the exchanger. This is in view that one can
best solution in the literature. It is encouraging to try to mimic the configuration of the solution within
note that even for such a large problem, very good the exchanger.
solutions were obtained requiring modest compu- The proposed NLP representation can be embed-
tational times. ded into any synthesis or optimization formulation
Simultaneous optimization models for heat integration--I 1161



Total Annual Cost = $44.563



Total Annual Cost = $43,878

Fig. 5. Networks for the IOSPI problem.

for fixed network topology to model multi-stream synthesis objective function. Note that constraints (I)
exchangers. Unlike the previous targeting formu- and (2) become nonlinear if the flows are variables.
lations, utilities are not involved and the flows and In the example below, an MINLP synthesis model
inlet and outlet temperatures may not necessarily be which embeds the proposed representation is used for
fixed, but may have to be represented as variables in modeling a multi-stream exchanger.
the model. This means that for equations (I) and (2),
the fixed flow parameter F needs to be replaced by the Example 5
flow variable J Also, since the inlet and outlet In this example, the proposed model is used to
temperatures of the streams to and from the ex- represent a multi-stream heat exchanger which
changer may not be fixed, the parameters TIN and enables a proper account of the trade-offs between
TOUT may be replaced by inlet temperature variable the use of multistream heat exchanger and single-
tin and outlet temperature variable rout. With these hot-single-cold heat exchangers. The problem in-
modifications, constraints for modeling the multi- volves one hot and two cold streams. The data are
stream exchangers include equations (l-4) with the presented in Table 5. Different cost equations
cost of the exchanger as its contribution to the overall are used for the different types of exchangers. For
1162 T. F. YEE et al.

c2 H2

I I i 1 i i
1 ;
I 1 il , 1cxmpas~te I

T j j
f ; i I cYr”e
I I ! I
tmh __-____+__:________:___
; f----t-
I I + +
‘bein._______c__+___----:-- / f
t a,M___-_-_:_-_:____ I I
..c___-----~---- Fig. 7. Superstructure for Example 5.
tcw ______I__
t c2.h _____+______--- L- conlpo*,0 In the formulation, a two-stage representation was
tm.ui?_____- used to model the multi-stream exchanger. The over-
all formulation involves 61 constraints and 61 vari-
ables. The model was solved using DICOPT+ +
(Viswanathan and Grossmann, 1990) with MINOS
(Murtagh and Saunders, 1985) and MPSX (IBM,
1979). Part II (Yee and Grossmann, 1990) provides
Fig. 6. Representation of multi-stream exchanger on com- a brief discussion of the algorithm. Three major
posite curves. iterations were required using a total CPU time of
8.7 s on an IBM 3083. The solution obtained ident-
the multi-stream exchanger, the fixed charge is signifi- ified that the use of a single multi-stream exchanger
cantly higher and the area cost is on a per unit basis is more cost-effective than using two conventional
(Usher, 1983). Also, the heat transfer coefficients for single-hot-single-cold exchangers. The selected net-
the multi-stream exchangers are 10% higher. work configuration is shown in Fig. 8. The capital
The formulation for the problem is based on the cost required is $32,710. For comparison, if two
superstructure representation of Yee and Grossmann conventional exchangers are used instead, the best
(1988) as shown in Fig. 7. Two exchangers are shown solution that can be achieved requires a capital cost
in the superstructure and can be used for any of the of $36,440, which is about 11% higher.
possible matches. However, exchanger 2 is modified
to embed both the possibility of a single-hot-single-
cold exchanger or a multi-stream exchanger serving
both cold streams. Since fixed charges are explicitly In this paper, a superstructure for heat integration
involved, the model formulation becomes a mixed problems has been introduced which does not require
integer nonlinear programming problem. Structural the definition of temperature or enthalpy intervals.
decisions are, therefore, determined by the use of This superstructure has been applied to energy and
binary variables. Also, in the formulation, non-
smooth terms are eliminated through the use of the
binary variables and the introduction of approach
temperature variables. More detailed discussion of
this representation is given in Part II of this series of
papers (Yee and Grossmann, 1990).

Table 5. Problem data for Example S

stream TIN (K) TOL’T (K) (kW K-‘)
Hl 420 370 8
Cl 350 4
c2 320 5
Single-hot-single-cold exchangers:
Cl = I kW m-‘K-’ for all matches
Exchanger cost = 8600 + 670 x (Ar~a)~”
Multi-stream exchangers:
U = 1.1 kWm-‘K-’ for all matches
Exchanger cost = I S,OOO+ 400 x (Area)
Fig. 8. Optimal network


for Example 5
Simultaneous optimization models for heat integration-I 1163

area targets, and to the modeling of multi-stream heat Floudas C. A. and A. R. Ciric, Strategies for overcoming
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puters them. Engng 13, 1133-l 152 (1989).
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common heuristics. synthesis of optimum heat exchanger network configur-
The model (NLP2) was first applied to the HEN ations. AIChE JI 32, 276-290 (1986).
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heat exchanger networks. Computers them. Engng 2, 1-7
examples, the model can properly account for the
differences of heat transfer coefficients amongst the Gundersen T. and I. E. Grossmann. Improved optimization
streams. Results have compared very well with avail- strategies for automated heat exchanger &work syn-
able literature values. In addition, the solution of thesis through physical insights. Presented at the Annual
the problem will always provide a feasible network AIChE Meeting, Washington, D.C. (1988).
Gundersen T. and L. Naess. The svnthesis of cost optimal
including its configuration. By relaxing the utility heat exchanger network $ynthe&-an industrial review
consumption specified in the area targeting formu- of the state of the art. Compurers them. Engng 12,503-530
lation and modifying the objective function to ac- (1988).
count for cost utilities as well as area, the model IBM Mathematical Programming System Extended/370
(MPSXJ3709). Basic Reference Manual, White Plains
(NLPl) can simultaneously target for energy as well
as area. Examples have shown that the model can Kau S.,’ A systematic design approach for a multi-stream
properly account for the trade-offs between the exchanger with interconnected wall. ASME paper No.
costs. Computationally, the advantage of the two 61-WA-255 (1961).
proposed models (NLPl) and (NLP2) is that since Kravanja and 1. E. Grossmann, PROSYN-an MINLP
process synthesizer. Presented at the Annual AIChE
they only involve linear constraints, the solutions can
Meeting, San Francisco (1989).
be obtained quite efficiently as shown by the example Lawry F. J., Versitile, flexible and easy-to-operate _ piate-
problems. The potential limitation is that these type heat exchangers give increased heat flux. Chem.
models can have multiple local solutions. The pro- Engng 66, 89-94 (1959).
posed initialization procedure, however, has shown Murtagh B. A. and M. A. Saunders, MINOS 5.0 User’s
Guide. Tech. Report SOL 83-20, Systems Optimization
to perform well although it cannot of course Laboratory, Dept of Operations Research, Stanford Uni-
guarantee global optimality. versity (1985).
Finally, the model was applied for the design of Papoulias S. A. and I. E. Grossmann, A structural optimiz-
multi-stream heat exchangers. In this case, flows ation anoroach in orocess svnthesis-II. Heat recoverv
netwo&. Computers Chem. Engng 7, 707-721 (1983). _
become variables and the model predicts an area
Paterson W. R., A replacement for the logarithmic mean.
target for the multi-stream heat exchanger involving Chem. En~nn Sci. 39. 1635 (19841. _
the selected streams serviced. In general, this is a good Pho T. K. aid i. Lapid&. Topics in computer-aided design:
approximation since sufficient flexiblity in the flow Part II. Synthesis of optimal heat exchanger networks by
arrangement in the multi-stream exchanger can tree searching algorithms. AIChE JI 19, 1182-l 189 (1973).
Townsend D. W. and B. Linnhoff, Surface area targets for
usually achieve minimal area requirement. This heat exchanger networks. IChemE Annual Res. Mtg, Bath
model can be embedded in any synthesis problem to (1984).
represent a multi-stream heat exchanger. An example Underwood A. J. V.. Simnle formula to calculate mean
was presented to show that trade-offs between select- temperature difference. dhem. Engng 77, 192 (1970).
Usher J. D., Heat Exchanger Design Handbook: Volume 4,
ing single-hot-single-cold exchangers vs multi-stream
Section 4.8.4-Costing of Plate Heat Exchangers. Hemi-
exchangers can be properly modeled. sphere, New York (1983).
Viswanathan J. and I. E. Grossmann, A combined penalty
Acknowledgement-The authors would like to acknowledge function and outer-approximation method for MINLP
financial support from the Department of Energy under optimization. Computers them. Engng 14,769-782 (1990).
Grant DE-FG-02-85ER13396. Yee T. F. and I. E. Grossmann, A screening and optimiz-
ation approach for the retrofit of heat exchanger net-
works. Presented at the Annual AIChE Meetina.-.
Washington, D.C. (1988).
Brooke A.. D. Kendrick and A. Meeraus. GAMS: A User’s Yee T. F. and I. E. Grossmann, Simultaneous optimization
Guide. Scientific Press Palo Alto (1988). models for heat integration-II. Heat exchanger network
Chen J. J. J., Letter to the Editors: Comments on improve- synthesis. Compurers them. Engng 14, 1165-l 184 (1990).
ment on a replacement for the logarithmic mean. Chem. Yee T. F., I. E. Grossmann and Z. Kravanja, Simultaneous
Engng Sci. 42, 2488-2489 (1987). optimization models for heat integration-III. Process
Colberg R. D. and M. Morari, Area and capital cost targets and heat exchanger network optimization. Computers
for heat exchanger network synthesis with constrained them. Engng (1990). In press.
matches and unequal heat transfer coefficients. Computers
them. Engng 14, 1-22 (1990). APPENDIX
Duran M. A. and I. E. Grossmann, Simultaneous optimiz-
ation and heat inetgration of chemical processes. AlChE Initialization Procedure for Solving the NLP Models
JI 32, 123-138 (1986). In this paper, NLP models were proposed for simultaneous
Edwards M. F. and R. A. Stinchcombe. Cost comoarision area and enemv tareeting based on cost and for a fixed level
of gasketed plate heat exchangers and conventiokal shell of energy recovery,-area- targeting. Although these models
and tube units. The Chem. Engr No. 320.338-341 (1977). have strictly linear feasible regions, nonlinearities in the
Fan Y. N., How to design plate-fin exchangers. Hydro- objective function terms which calculate the area require-
carbon Process. 11, 211-217 (1966). ment for the exchangers, are nonconvex in nature. This
1164 T. F. YEE er al.

nonconvexity, as a result, may cause the model to have more Next, the heat load for each exchanger can be initialized
than one local optimal solution. Therefore, to increase the to a value which spreads out the heat transfer amongst the
probability of obtaining the globally optimal solution, a NOK number of stages. Note that in the following, the
good initialization strategy may be required. maximum heat transfer for a particular pair of hot and cold
The initialization scheme proposed here is a simple one. stream is the minimum of either the hot or the cold stream
The strategy is to provide reasonable initial values to favor heat loads:
the minimization of the various costs involved. The nota-
tions for the equations below follow the nomenclature pre- qVk.I = min[F,(TIN, - TOUT,), fJ(TOVT, - TINj)]/NOK,
sented earlier. Also, the expression .I following the variable
represents the initialization for the particular variable. icHP, jeCP, REST.
First, the temperatures variables are bounded and initial-
ized to that they provide a high driving force for the
exchangers to minimize area: Finally, the variables for hot and cold utility loads can be
initialized to small values so as to favor the minimization of
ilk C TIN,, t& 3 TOUT, icHP, kGST, the utility costs. For the area targeting case, though, where
the utility requirement is fixed, these variables can be
tfi G TOUT,, t+ 2 TIN,, joCP, REST, initialized to evenly distribute the required utility heat loads
t,k.I = TINi, ieHP, kcST, amongst the streams. Although the above strategy is quite
simple, it has provided very good results in the examples
th .I = TIN,, jeCP, ksST. (Al) presented.

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