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Journal of Alloys and Compounds 457 (2008) 296–309

A comparative study of the mechanical properties

of high-strength ␤-titanium alloys
O.M. Ivasishin a,∗ , P.E. Markovsky a , Yu.V. Matviychuk a ,
S.L. Semiatin b , C.H. Ward b , S. Fox c
a Institute for Metal Physics, 36 Vernadsky St., Kiev 03142, Ukraine
b Air Force Research Laboratory, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7817, USA
c TIMET Henderson Laboratory, NV, USA

Received 11 January 2007; received in revised form 12 March 2007; accepted 14 March 2007
Available online 23 March 2007

The mechanical properties of four commercial ␤-titanium alloys (TIMETAL-LCB, Ti-15-3, ␤-21S, and VT22) were compared in the solution-
treated-and-aged (STA) condition following thermomechanical processing comprising ␤ solid solutioning, cold deformation (CD), continuous rapid
heating, and final aging. The peak temperature during the rapid heating step was chosen to obtain either a recovered or recrystallized condition
and thereby to control the distribution of residual deformation defects, which in turn influenced the size and distribution of ␣ precipitates in the
final microstructure. It was established that a good balance of high strength (in excess of 1600 MPa) and reasonable ductility could be obtained if
a fine-grain microstructure with a ␤ grain size of ∼10 ␮m was formed by recrystallization. The development of such a fine-grain size enabled a
reduction in the aging temperature and thus increased the strength while maintaining ductility within the desired limits. In this respect, the properties
could be varied to a great extent by varying the rate of heating to the aging temperature. On the other hand, aging of the recovered condition also led
to a strength level of approximately 1600 MPa but with generally lower ductility than in the fine-grain, recrystallized condition. Another distinctive
feature of the recovered condition was that the properties were relatively insensitive to the rate of heating to the aging temperature.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Metals; Precipitation; Mechanical properties

1. Introduction ␤-titanium alloys may be realized without a substantial decrease

in ductility if the ␤ grain size can be kept as fine as pos-
Metastable ␤-titanium alloys are attractive materials for sible. The refinement of the ␤ grain microstructure can be
aerospace and automotive applications due to their high achieved using cold deformation and recrystallization anneal-
strength-to-density ratio, good hardenability, excellent fatigue/ ing [4]. However, precise control of the final ␤ grain size is
crack-propagation behavior, and corrosion resistance [1,2]. rather difficult when the recrystallization treatment is done under
The superiority of ␤-titanium alloys is most pronounced in conventional furnace-heating conditions. This problem may be
the solution-treated-and-aged (STA) condition with a fully ␤- solved by employing another approach [5,6] based on a pro-
transformed, precipitation-hardened microstructure in which the cessing sequence comprising the following steps (Fig. 1): (i)
volume fraction and morphology of the ␣ precipitates control the solid-solution heat treatment and quenching (to ensure 100%
strength level, while the ␤ grain size determines the ductility. For metastable ␤-phase), (ii) heavy cold deformation (reduction up
example, strength levels above approximately 1500 MPa with to 90%), which leads to the formation of a high density of defects,
acceptable ductility require average ␤ grain sizes of not more (iii) continuous heating (to a temperature lying within a broad
than 10 ␮m [3]. Therefore, further increases in the strength in range), thereby ensuring controlled recovery or recrystallization
of the work-hardened material, followed by quenching, and (iv)
final aging. The details of microstructure evolution during the
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +380 44 444 2210; fax: +380 44 444 0120. different steps of such processes, namely, differences in the ini-
E-mail address: (O.M. Ivasishin). tial solid-solutioned-and-deformed conditions, the interaction

0925-8388/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O.M. Ivasishin et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 457 (2008) 296–309 297

recrystallized starting condition in each material, the as-received alloys were

␤ solution treated for 0.5 h at 950 ◦ C (VT22), 850 ◦ C (TIMETAL-LCB), or
900 ◦ C (Ti-15-3 and ␤-21S). Subsequent water quenching formed a single-phase
␤ microstructure with an average grain size of ∼200 ␮m in each alloy. The
alloys were then subjected to cold rolling (VT22 and Ti-15-3) or cold drawing
(TIMETAL-LCB and ␤-21S) with different reductions. After deformation, sam-
ples measuring 60 mm × 5 mm × 5 mm were cut and subjected to heat treatment,
i.e., rapid recrystallization/recovery and final aging. The specific reductions, as
well as the parameters for subsequent continuous heating (Table 2), were chosen
based on prior results [5,6]. The main heat-treatment variables employed in the
present work were as follows:

(i) The peak temperature during continuous, rapid heating, which determines
whether a recrystallized (T1 ) or recovered (T2 ) microstructure is formed,
(ii) the heating rate to peak aging temperature, which controls the intragranular
microstructure [5], and,
(iii) the duration of one- or two-step aging.

Fig. 1. Schematic description of thermomechanical processing routes used in The microstructure and phase composition of the program alloys were deter-
present work. mined using optical (light) metallography (LM), transmission and scanning
electron microscopy (TEM and SEM, respectively), and X-ray analysis. Tensile
tests were performed using cylindrical specimens with a gage diameter 2.5 mm.
between decomposition and recrystallization of the deformed At least three specimens of each condition were tested.
Typical recrystallized and recovered microstructures obtained in the program
␤-phase, special features of the subsequent aging of fine-grain,
alloys after continuous rapid heating to temperatures T1 or T2 (Table 2, Fig. 1)
recrystallized material for different ␤ alloys, etc. have been are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. The recrystallized conditions were
described in previous papers [5–8]. The present work focuses characterized by a single-phase ␤ microstructure having different average ␤ grain
on the final aspect of the larger research program, i.e., a detailed sizes (Fig. 2). The recovered conditions exhibited non-uniform microstructures
study of the mechanical properties of commercial ␤-titanium containing slip bands in some areas (Fig. 3a), grains with well defined slip
bands (Fig. 3b), or subgrains/recovered structure in some grains, but not in all
alloys after aging of the fine-grain recrystallized or recovered
(Fig. 3c).
conditions and correlation with microstructures developed by
the above thermomechanical process.
3. Results and discussions
2. Materials and experimental procedure
3.1. Recrystallized condition
Four commercial ␤-titanium alloys, VT22, Ti-15-3, ␤-21S, and TIMETAL-
LCB, which cover a wide range of chemical composition (Table 1), were chosen
Tensile data for the program alloys in the recrystallized con-
as program materials in this study. The alloys were received as rod (with diameter
≤25 mm) or as plate (30 mm thick), each having a different thermomechan- dition are listed in Table 3. Ti-15-3 was characterized by having
ical history. In order to eliminate the influence of initial phase composition, the lowest tensile strength among the program alloys; VT22 had
microstructure, and texture on final properties and to produce a completely the lowest ductility because ␤-phase instability during room-

Table 1
Program alloys
Alloy Composition (wt.%) ␤ Transus (◦ C)

Al Nb Sn Mo V Fe Cr O

VT22 5.0 – – 4.8 4.7 0.97 0.71 0.11 850

Ti-15-3 2.8 – 2.9 – 15.5 3.15 0.12 760
␤-21S 2.9 2.8 – 15.0 – – – 0.16 805
TIMETAL-LCB 1.5 – – 6.8 – 4.50 – 0.20 790

Table 2
Heat-treatment parameters for recrystallized or recovered microstructures
Alloy Cold deformation (%) Continuous heating

Heating rate (K s−1 ) Peak temperature (◦ C)

Recovery (T2 ) Recrystallization (T1 )

VT22 30 20 820 950

Ti-15-3 70 10 700 860
␤-21S 80 10 800 880
TIMETAL-LCB 70 20 780 815
298 O.M. Ivasishin et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 457 (2008) 296–309

Fig. 2. Microstructure of program alloys in the initial recrystallized condition: (a) Ti-15-3, (b) TIMETAL-LCB, (c) ␤-21S, and (d) VT22.

temperature deformation led to the evolution of ␣ -martensite known influence of grain size on the properties of ␤-titanium
[8]. alloys [3]. On the other hand, a smaller degree of coarsen-
Ti-15-3 and TIMETAL-LCB were also tested in a coarse- ing of the ␤ grain structure in TIMETAL-LCB (from 10 to
grain condition (200 and 50 ␮m, respectively). A comparison 50 ␮m) led to an opposite effect; i.e., a decrease in strength
of the properties for the same alloy with different ␤ grain sizes and an increase in ductility. Such observations for TIMETAL-
did not reveal a general relationship between grain size and ten- LCB may be explained on the basis of the decrease in residual
sile properties. For instance, an increase of ␤ grain size from internal defects and stresses associated with the growth of ␤
15 to 200 ␮m in Ti-15-3 resulted in a strength increase and a grains during solid-solution heat treatment [9]. Nevertheless,
ductility decrease that is in a good agreement with the well- the results for the solid-solutioned condition in Table 3 pro-

Table 3
Tensile properties of program alloys in recrystallized condition
Alloy ␤ Grain size (␮m) Properties

YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) El (%) RA (%)

VT22 50 1160 1160 4.2 18

15 770 780 24 81
200 830 840 21 69
␤-21S 10 1015 1015 17 80
10 1130 1130 12 62
50 1090 1095 17 64
O.M. Ivasishin et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 457 (2008) 296–309 299

As can be seen from Table 4, the best combination of strength
and ductility in TIMETAL-LCB was obtained after aging at
520 ◦ C with ␤ grain size of 10 ␮m. An increase in the peak aging
temperature from 520 to 560 ◦ C led to a substantial decrease
in strength and some increase in ductility. This trend can be
explained in terms of the microstructures developed during aging
at different temperatures (Fig. 4). As the aging temperature
was increased, there was a noticeable coarsening of intragran-
ular ␣ laths (Fig. 4b, e and f). In addition, the precipitation of
grain-boundary ␣ (␣b ) was avoided only at the lowest aging
temperature. However, the formation of grain-boundary ␣ at
538 and 560 ◦ C did not cause a decrease in the ductility in this
material because of its fine-grain (∼10 ␮m) ␤ microstructure
(Table 4).
The tensile property results for TIMETAL-LCB also revealed
a significant dependence on the heating rate to the peak aging
peak temperature (Table 4). The higher heating rate resulted in
a decrease in tensile strength and a small reduction in ductility
for aging temperatures of 520 and 538 ◦ C. This trend can be
explained in the context of earlier work [5] which established
the occurrence of two different mechanisms for the decom-
position of metastable ␤ during heating at different rates. For
slow heating rates, isothermal ␻-phase precipitates first, pro-
viding a high density of nucleation sites for formation of the
␣-phase. For high heating rates, the formation of isothermal ␻ is
avoided. As a result, two different types of final microstructures
are formed. In the first case, a fine, uniform ␣ + ␤ microstructure
is developed (e.g., Fig. 4a, b, e and f). By contrast, comparatively
coarse ␣ lamellae, which are non-uniformly distributed in the
␤ matrix, and precipitate-free zones are formed at high heating
rates (Fig. 4c and d).

3.2.2. Ti-15-3
The tensile results for Ti-15-3 with a ␤ grain size of 15 ␮m are
summarized in Table 5. Direct aging after the recrystallization
heat treatment, even with a 16 h exposure, did not lead to attrac-
tive strength levels. The low strengths may be explained on the
basis of the relatively coarse lamellar-␣-phase non-uniformly
distributed within ␤ grains and precipitate-free zones developed
during direct aging (Fig. 5) [5]. By decreasing the heating rate to
the peak aging temperature, again the formation of an interme-
diate phase during ␤-phase decomposition led to a significant
increase in strength (e.g., aging treatments 3 and 4 in Table 5).
The corresponding difference in microstructures formed via
these two mechanisms is evident in Fig. 5a and c. Previous stud-
Fig. 3. Typical recovered microstructures in Ti-15-3: (a) LM, (b) SEM, and (c) ies have indicated decomposition in this alloy proceeds either by
TEM. ␤-phase separation into lean and rich regions, or by formation
of an isothermal ␻-phase [5,10]. In either case, the decomposi-
vide a baseline for the relative strengthening developed during tion product appears to provide the same effect of providing a
aging. preferential nucleation site for ␣.
Better tensile properties were obtained in Ti-15-3 by using an
3.2. Recrystallized-and-aged condition additional increment of cold deformation before final aging. By
this means, the strength was increased by ∼500 MPa for aging at
Examples of the microstructures developed in recrystallized- 450 ◦ C, 16 h or by 225 MPa for aging 538 ◦ C, 16 h; however, the
and-aged alloys are given in Figs. 4–8. The corresponding tensile ductility dropped noticeably (e.g., aging treatments 5 versus 2).
data are summarized in Tables 4–7. The increase in strength is a result of deformation defects serving
300 O.M. Ivasishin et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 457 (2008) 296–309

Table 4
Tensile properties of TIMETAL-LCB in recrystallized condition, 10 ␮m ␤ grain size
Aging treatment Properties

Temperature and duration Heating rate (K s−1 ) YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) El (%) RA (%)

0.25 1600 1640 9.4 36.5

520 ◦ C, 8 h
20 1445 1510 7.0 28
0.25 1480 1510 10.5 43
538 ◦ C, 8 h
20 1340 1405 9.9 42
0.25 1435 1460 11.7 50
560 ◦ C, 8 h
20 1360 1400 12.3 60

Table 5
Tensile properties of Ti-15-3 in recrystallized condition, 15 ␮m ␤ grain size
ID Aging treatment Properties

Temperature and duration Heating rate (K s−1 ) YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) El (%) RA (%)

Direct aging
1 450 ◦ C, 8 h 0.25 1180 1310 11.1 39
2 450 ◦ C, 16 h 0.25 1270 1370 8.3 37
3 538 ◦ C, 0.01 1255 1312 6.7 21
4 16 h 0.25 975 1085 14.5 69
20% cold deformation + aging
5 450 ◦ C, 16 h 0.25 1730 1840 1.5 19
6 500 ◦ C, 16 h 0.25 1317 1405 8 32
7 538 ◦ C, 16 h 0.25 1210 1310 10.5 50
Two-step aging
8 300 ◦ C, 8 h + 450 ◦ C, 16 h 0.25 1330 1430 10.4 46
9 300 ◦ C, 8 h + 538 ◦ C, 8 h 0.25 995 1095 16.2 68
10 300 ◦ C, 8 h + 538 ◦ C, 16 h 0.25 1030 1120 17.6 71

Table 6
Tensile properties of ␤-21S in recrystallized condition, 10 ␮m ␤ grain size
ID Aging treatment Properties

Temperature and duration Heating rate (K s−1 ) YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) El (%) RA (%)

1 500 ◦ C, 8h 0.25 1340 1400 4.8 25

2 520 ◦ C, 8 h 0.25 1435 1489 8.5 39
3 520 ◦ C, 8 h 0.03 1547 1560 3.8 27
4 520 ◦ C, 16 h 0.25 1481 1533 10 48
5 538 ◦ C, 8 h 0.25 1334 1388 11.2 46
6 300 ◦ C, 8 h + 520 ◦ C, 8 h 0.25 1570 1620 9.8 38

Table 7
Tensile properties of VT22 in recrystallized condition, 50 ␮m ␤ grain size
ID Aging treatment Properties

Temperature and duration Heating rate (K s−1 ) YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) El (%) RA (%)

1 538 ◦ C, 8h 0.25 1755 1755 0.3 2.5

2 0.25 1680 1730 2.5 12
560 ◦ C, 8 h
3 20 1560 1590 0.66 1
4 0.25 1240 1355 2.2 11
600 ◦ C, 8 h
5 20 1350 1420 2.1 4.2
6 0.25 1330 1410 7.5 12
640 ◦ C, 8 h
7 20 1360 1380 3.1 7
O.M. Ivasishin et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 457 (2008) 296–309 301

Fig. 4. TEM micrographs of the structures developed in TIMETAL-LCB via recrystallization and aging for 8 h at: (a–d) 520 ◦ C, (e) 538 ◦ C, or (f) 560 ◦ C. The heating
rate to the peak aging temperature was: (a, b, e, f) 0.25 K s−1 or (c, d) 20 K s−1 .

as sites for the nucleation of ␣, thus increasing the extent and a particularly good blend of strength and ductility was obtained
uniformity of the decomposition of ␤ to produce the final ␣ + ␤ by aging at 300 ◦ C for 8 h followed by aging at 450 ◦ C for 16 h
microstructure (Fig. 6c). One drawback of sequences consisting (aging treatment 8). In this case, the effect of the first aging
of cold deformation prior to aging, however, relates to the fact step at 300 ◦ C on microstructure evolution is similar to that of
that slip bands may be decorated by the ␣-phase, and therefore very slow heating. In other words, it promotes the formation of
microstructure/property anisotropy could develop [11,12]. the isothermal ␻-phase, without the requirement of very slow
The most attractive properties in Ti-15-3 were obtained after continuous heating that would be difficult to implement in com-
double aging (aging treatments 8–10 in Table 5). For instance, mercial practice. As a result, the two-step aging sequences gave
302 O.M. Ivasishin et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 457 (2008) 296–309

Fig. 5. Microstructures developed in Ti-15-3 via recrystallization and aging

at 538 ◦ C for 16 h. The heating rate to the peak aging temperature was: (a)
0.01 K s−1 or (b, c) 0.25 K s−1 ; (a, c) TEM and (b) SEM. Fig. 6. Microstructures developed in Ti-15-3 via recrystallization and aging: (a,
b) aged in two steps at 300 ◦ C/8 h + 450 ◦ C/16 h and (c) aged as in (a, b) but
rise to much finer and more uniform ␣ + ␤ microstructures (e.g., given an additional 20% cold deformation before the second aging step; (a) LM
and (b, c) TEM.
Fig. 6b and c).

3.2.3. β-21S for TIMETAL-LCB. However, an increase in the exposure time

The mechanical behavior of ␤-21S (Table 6) was intermedi- at 520 ◦ C from 8 to 16 h (aging treatments 2 and 4) resulted in an
ate between that of TIMETAL-LCB (fastest aging response) and increase in both strength and ductility that may be explained by a
Ti-15-3 (slowest aging response). A comparison of the proper- more sluggish decomposition of metastable ␤ in this alloy com-
ties for aging treatments 2 and 5 revealed that an increase in pared to TIMETAL-LCB. This conclusion was corroborated by
aging temperature (with an 8 h exposure) led to a decrease in results for two-step aging (aging treatment 6), which resulted
strength and an increase in ductility similar to the observations in an excellent combination of high strength (UTS = 1620 MPa)
O.M. Ivasishin et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 457 (2008) 296–309 303

Fig. 7. Microstructures developed in ␤-21S via recrystallization and aging at 520 ◦ C for 8 h. The heating rate to the peak aging temperature was: (a, b) 0.03 K s−1 or
(c, d) 0.25 K s−1 ; (a, c) LM and (b, d) TEM.

and ductility (El = 9.8%, RA = 38%). This result was achieved b and d). Unfortunately, such coarsening also led to a decrease
with a second-step aging time that was one half of that for Ti-15-3 in strength. The necessity to raise the aging temperature to such
(Table 5, aging treatment 8). comparatively high levels is apparently related to the coarse ␤
An attempt to increase the aged strength by means of the grain size and the relatively higher content of aluminum in this
application of slower continuous heating to peak temperature alloy (Table 1), which shifts the ␤-phase decomposition curves to
(0.03 K s−1 , aging treatment 3, Table 6) caused a noticeable (and higher temperatures on the TTT-diagram. Nevertheless, the qual-
unacceptable) decrease in ductility. Initially, it was thought that itative influence of heating rate on microstructure in VT22 was
this was a result of the formation of much finer ␣ precipitates the same as for the other alloys. That is to say, fast heating to the
than those developed during heating at a rate 0.25 K s−1 . How- peak aging temperature led to an absence of isothermal ␻-phase
ever, microstructure observations did not reveal any differences formation and thus the development of comparatively coarse ␣
(Fig. 7b and d). Microstructure observations at lower (optical) lamellae non-uniformly distributed in ␤ matrix (Fig. 8c), result-
magnification did indicate that the slower heating rate appeared ing in poor tensile properties (Table 7, aging treatments 5 and 7).
to give rise to unusual, thin grain-boundary zones (Fig. 7a and
c) that may be the cause of the ductility decrease. However, such 3.3. Recovered-and-aged conditions
a hypothesis requires further research.
3.2.4. VT22 The mechanical properties obtained for TIMETAL-LCB via
VT22 was characterized by a comparatively poorer balance of aging of the recovered condition (i.e., continuous heating to
strength and ductility in the recrystallized condition in compar- temperature T2 in Fig. 1, Table 2) are listed in Table 8. In the
ison with the other program alloys (Table 7), probably because recovered condition, the alloy properties were not very sensitive
of the coarser ␤ grain size (∼50 ␮m) that was developed in this to aging temperature nor to the rate of heating to the peak aging
material. Reasonable ductility was obtained only by aging at temperature. The strength varied between approximately 1580
640 ◦ C for 8 h and may be explained on the basis of the coarsen- and 1600 MPa, and the ductility remained approximately the
ing of intragranular ␣ with increasing aging temperature (Fig. 8a, same for all combinations of heating rate and aging temperature.
304 O.M. Ivasishin et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 457 (2008) 296–309

Fig. 8. Microstructures developed in VT22 via recrystallization and aging 8 h at: (a–c) 560 ◦ C or (d) 640 ◦ C. The heating rate to the peak aging temperature was: (a,
b, d) 0.25 K s−1 or (c) 20 K s−1 (TEM).

Additionally, the ductilities were noticeably lower (El 3-6%, RA 3.3.2. β-21S and Ti-15-3
25–35%) compared to the recrystallized conditions after similar ␤-21S in the recovered condition showed similar behavior
aging sequences. The reason for this behavior was deduced from with respect to a limited dependence of strength and ductil-
microstructural observations (Fig. 9). Micrographs suggested ity on aging temperature and the rate of heating to peak aging
that residual deformation defects served as the key nucleation temperature (Table 9). Furthermore, the mechanical property
sites for ␣ precipitation, thus leading to a non-uniform and rel- data did not support an expectation that residual deformation
atively coarse ␣ + ␤ microstructure (e.g., Fig. 9 versus Fig. 4a defects (i.e., cells, subgrains) would accelerate precipitation
and b). Despite the coarse ␣-phase, a relatively high level of by providing nucleation sites for ␣ (Fig. 10a). For example,
strength was achieved, most likely as a result of work harden- aging treatments 1 and 3 in Table 9 indicated that 8 h was not
ing introduced by cold deformation that was partially retained long enough to complete ␤-phase decomposition in the recov-
during subsequent continuous rapid heating. ered material in comparison with the recrystallized condition

Table 8
Tensile properties of TIMETAL-LCB in recovered condition
Aging treatment Properties

Temperature and duration Heating rate (K s−1 ) YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) El (%) RA (%)
520 ◦ C, 8 h 0.25 1685 1685 5.4 28
20 1580 1600 6.7 31
538 ◦ C, 8 h 0.25 1580 1580 2.6 25
20 1590 1590 5.1 32
560 ◦ C, 8 h 0.25 1600 1600 4.6 35
20 1605 1605 4.9 29
O.M. Ivasishin et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 457 (2008) 296–309 305

Fig. 10. Microstructures developed in: (a) ␤-21S and (b) Ti-15-3 via recovery
Fig. 9. Microstructures developed in TIMETAL-LCB via recovery and aging at and aging at (a) 520 ◦ C/8 h or (b) 538 ◦ C/16 h. The heating rate to the peak aging
520 ◦ C for 8 h. The heating rate to the peak aging temperature was: (a) 0.25 K s−1 temperature was: (a) 0.03 K s−1 or (b) 0.25 K s−1 ; (a) SEM and (b) TEM.
or (b) 20 K s−1 (TEM).
comparison with properties obtained for the recrystallized plus
(Table 6, aging treatments 3 and 4). In some cases (e.g., aging cold-deformed condition (e.g., Table 9, aging treatment 6 ver-
treatment 3, Table 9), a reasonably good combination of strength sus Table 5, aging treatment 7). Similar to the observations for
and ductility was obtained. The most attractive tensile properties TIMETAL-LCB, this may be a result of the formation of ␣ pre-
(UTS = 1615 MPa, El = 8.6%, RA = 42%) were obtained after a cipitation on cells/subgrains that form the recovered substructure
two-step aging process (aging treatment 5) and were similar to (Fig. 10b).
those developed in the recrystallized condition (Table 6, aging
treatment 6). 3.3.3. VT22
In the recovered-and-aged condition Ti-15-3 was character- For all aging treatments, the mechanical properties of VT22 in
ized by slightly higher strength and noticeably lower ductility in the recovered condition were characterized by a comparatively

Table 9
Tensile properties of ␤-21S and Ti-15-3 in recovered condition
ID Aging treatment Properties

Temperature and duration Heating rate (K s−1 ) YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) El (%) RA (%)

1 520 ◦ C, 8 h 0.25 1506 1550 6.2 18
2 520 ◦ C, 8 h 0.03 1560 1585 4.5 27
3 520 ◦ C, 16 h 0.25 1532 1590 8.8 45
4 538 ◦ C, 8 h 0.25 1330 1400 9.6 25
5 300 ◦ C, 8 h + 520 ◦ C, 8 h 0.25 1564 1615 8.6 42
6 538 ◦ C, 16 h 0.25 1260 1285 6.7 19
306 O.M. Ivasishin et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 457 (2008) 296–309

Table 10
Tensile properties of VT22 in recovered condition
ID Aging treatment Properties

Temperature and duration Heating rate (K s−1 ) YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) El (%) RA (%)

1 600 ◦ C, 8h 0.25 1450 1480 0.52 1

2 20 1480 1520 1.72 2.5
3 640 ◦ C, 8 h 0.25 1380 1427 3.2 16
4 20 1395 1450 3.7 14

high strength, which decreased slightly with increasing aging 3.4. Comparison of mechanical properties
temperature, but unacceptably low ductility (Table 10). In con-
trast to the recrystallized condition, recovered VT22 exhibited The results in the previous subsections demonstrate the
almost no influence of heating rate to peak aging temperature on broad application of the proposed thermomechanical processing
properties. The microstructure after aging was characterized by approach to control the mechanical properties of commercial
coarser ␣ precipitates in comparison to recrystallized material ␤-titanium alloys. However, the strengthening characteristics
given the same treatment (e.g., Fig. 11 versus Fig. 8). The ␣ are very different for different alloys and are dependent of
precipitates decorated residual deformation defects thus giving course on chemical composition. The best combination of high
rise to high measured strength levels, but (in concert with the strength (UTS ≥ 1500 MPa) and good ductility (total elonga-
coarse ␤ grain size) also dramatically lower ductility even after tion ≥ 8%) is achieved for the recrystallized condition of ␤-21S
aging at 640 ◦ C. and TIMETAL-LCB. In contrast, it is not possible to develop
such an attractive balance of properties in Ti-15-3 and VT22. The
best combination for these two alloys, which may be acceptable
for a number of applications, is obtained in recrystallized con-
dition, viz., UTS ≈ 1400 MPa, and elongation ≈ 7.5–10%. For
VT22, such relatively low properties are a result of the relatively
coarse ␤ grain size and perhaps its comparatively high aluminum
content. Low strength in the solid-solutioned condition and very
sluggish ␣ precipitation limit the properties of Ti-15-3.
For all of the alloys investigated in the present work, the devel-
opment of good mechanical properties relies on the formation
of a fine-grain ␤ microstructure with well dispersed, fine, and
uniform intragranular ␣ precipitates. Such precipitates can be
formed as a result of metastable ␤-phase decomposition via the
transformation route ␤ → ␤ + ␻ → ␣ + ␤. The important differ-
ence between the various ␤-titanium alloys is the specific heating
rate required to realize this phase-transformation mechanism.
It decreases from 0.25 K s−1 for VT22 and TIMETAL-LCB
to 0.01 K s−1 for Ti-15-3. There is no discernible correlation
between the critical heating rate and the total content of ␤-
stabilizing elements (expressed via the molybdenum equivalent
CMo , Table 1) because of the very distinct influence of different
alloying elements (especially iron) on precipitation behavior.
An increase of the heating rate above these specific values
leads to a change in the precipitation mechanism to a direct
␤ → ␣ + ␤ reaction that results in the formation of coarser and
non-uniformly distributed ␣ precipitates and, hence, to notice-
ably poorer mechanical properties.
The efficiency of the proposed thermomechanical processes
for different alloys may be evaluated using tensile-property
comparisons such as that shown in Fig. 12. For recrystallized
material, it is readily found that the most frequently used aging
treatment (538 ◦ C, 8 h) does not lead to the best combination of
Fig. 11. Microstructures developed in VT22 via recovery and aging at 640 ◦ C, strength and ductility (Fig. 12a). For example, VT22 exhibits
8 h (TEM). very high strength and almost zero ductility because of a rela-
O.M. Ivasishin et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 457 (2008) 296–309 307

Fig. 13. Influence of aging temperature on tensile properties of TIMETAL-

LCB following recrystallization and aging for 8 h conditions. The heating rate
to the peak aging temperature was 20 K s−1 (open symbols) or 0.25 K s−1 (closed
, elongation; , UTS.

a substantial decrease in ductility (Fig. 12b). Similarly, after

aging with optimal parameters, VT22 and Ti-15-3 are also
characterized by a rather good balance of tensile properties
(Fig. 12b). In the case of VT22 though, it is not possible to
achieve an elongation greater than 7.5%, which is often less than
the minimum ductility required for a number of practical appli-
cations. Therefore, despite its attractive mechanical properties
for some specific products (e.g., large forgings with guaranteed
UTS ≥ 1200 MPa), VT22 is not the best alloy for the application
of the processing approach discussed here.
It is also interesting to compare the increase in strength for
the various alloys relative to that in the initial recrystallized
condition (Table 3) (Fig. 12c). Despite its comparatively low
achievable strength, the largest increase in UTS was observed
for Ti-15-3 after aging to the same level of elongation (8–9%)
or after aging at 538 ◦ C.
The influence of aging temperature on the tensile properties of
material in the recrystallized condition may be illustrated using
TIMETAL-LCB as an example (Fig. 13). Typically, an increase
in the peak aging temperature leads to a monotonic decrease in
strength and an increase in ductility. Low heating rates to peak
aging temperature to ensure the sequential decomposition of
metastable ␤, however, results in higher strength and ductility for
all aging temperatures used in the present work. By specifying
Fig. 12. Property comparisons for the program alloys in the recrystallized- a certain level of a desired property (e.g., 8% elongation), it is
and-aged condition: (a) UTS and total elongation for aging at 538 ◦ C; heating
rate = 0.25 K s−1 , (b) UTS and total elongation after optimized heat treatment,
possible to choose the required aging treatment. For TIMETAL-
and (c) relative increase in UTS for (i) same elongation level (8–9%) or (ii) same LCB, any aging temperature between 520 and 560 ◦ C is suitable
aging condition (538 ◦ C). when using a heating rate of 0.25 K s−1 , or temperatures between
530 and 560 ◦ C for faster heating rate. The final choice of specific
tively coarse ␤ grain size (∼50 ␮m). On the other hand, Ti-15-3 aging conditions can then be made on the basis of the required
after such an aging treatment has a very low strength and high level of strength.
ductility because metastable ␤-phase decomposition is far from For Ti-15-3 and ␤-21S, the influence of two-step aging on
completion. ␤-21S and TIMETAL-LCB have a better balance tensile strength and elongation is illustrated in Fig. 14. For both
of tensile strength and ductility with the standard aging treat- alloys, the balance of properties is noticeably better after two-
ment. However, because of their very fine recrystallized ␤ grain step aging compared to one-step aging.
sizes, it is possible to introduce a greater degree of age harden- The influence of aging temperature on the balance of strength
ing (at 520 ◦ C) to obtain higher strength (>1600 MPa) without and ductility for the recovered condition is illustrated in Fig. 15
308 O.M. Ivasishin et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 457 (2008) 296–309

for TIMETAL-LCB. In contrast to the recrystallized condition

in Fig. 13, there is not a marked effect of aging temperature on
the tensile properties of recovered material; for all aging temper-
atures, the elongation was lower than 8%. Among three ␤ alloys
investigated in the recovered-and-aged (at 538 ◦ C) condition,
TIMETAL-LCB was characterized by the highest strength and
lowest ductility (Fig. 16a). The best ductility was exhibited by
␤-21S, even after optimized aging (Fig. 16b); the combination
of UTS > 1600 MPa and elongation > 8% looks very attractive
even when compared to the recrystallized condition. Hence, for
some specific applications, recovered-and-aged properties may
be as attractive as those for recrystallized-and-aged conditions.
A property map was constructed to summarize the large num-
ber of results obtained in present work (Fig. 17). Such a map
delineates the various combinations of tensile strength and duc-
tility that can be produced in different ␤-titanium alloys via the
present processing approach. The map can also be used to choose
an alloy and a processing treatment to meet specific design
requirements. For instance, the dashed lines on the map demar-
cate the region with UTS ≥ 1500 MPa and elongation ≥ 8%
achievable with recrystallized or recovered conditions, via one-
or two-step aging, etc.
In general, it is possible to formulate the following require-
ments for the proposed processing approach to ensure the

Fig. 14. Influence of two-step aging on the tensile properties of Ti-15-3 and

Fig. 15. Influence of aging temperature on the tensile properties of TIMETAL-

LCB following recovery and aging for 8 h. The heating rate to the peak aging Fig. 16. Comparison of the tensile properties of the program alloys in the
temperature was 20 K s−1 (open symbols) or 0.25 K s−1 (closed symbols);
, recovered-and-aged condition: (a) aged at 538 ◦ C, heating rate to peak aging
elongation; , UTS. temperature of 0.25 K s−1 and (b) after optimized treatment.
O.M. Ivasishin et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 457 (2008) 296–309 309

dent on the rate of heating to the peak aging temperature. The

heating rate controls the mechanism by which the metastable
␤ decomposes and hence the dispersion uniformity and size
of the ␣ precipitates which provide strength. A low heating
rate, whose exact value is alloy dependent, ensures the devel-
opment of a fine and uniform ␣ + ␤ aged microstructure and,
consequently, the best combination of strength and ductil-
ity. Higher heating rates lead to non-uniform and coarser
microstructures characterized by a substantially poorer bal-
ance of properties.
(3) Ti-15-3, which is characterized by the slowest precipitation
kinetics, should be processed using an additional cold-
working step or two-step aging in order to develop high
strength levels in reasonable times for commercial produc-
(4) The formation of a recovered, rather than a recrystallized,
Fig. 17. Tensile properties map for program alloys: (, 夽) TIMETAL-LCB; (,
♦, , ) Ti-15-3; (䊉, , , ) ␤-21S; (, ) VT22. Closed symbols,
structure via continuous heating of ␤-titanium alloys intro-
recrystallized conditions; open symbols, recovered; both, one-step aging; ( ) duces a residual defect structure that influences precipitation
and ( ) two-step aging; ( ) 20% CD + aging. in such a way as to lead to relatively high strength, but low
ductility. Thus, a more detailed investigation is needed to
best balance of tensile strength and ductility in commercial determine how the ductility can be improved for recovered
␤-titanium alloys. microstructures.

3.4.1. For the recrystallized condition Acknowledgements

- A fine-grain ␤ microstructure should be developed dur- The present work was supported by the Air Force Office of
ing the step comprising continuous rapid heating to the Scientific Research (AFOSR) and the AFOSR European Office
recrystallization-completion temperature. of Aerospace Research and Development (AFOSR/EOARD)
- Final aging conditions should incorporate the formation of within the framework of STCU partner project P-057.
intermediate ␻-phase by slow heating to peak aging tempera-
ture or by means of two-step aging. References
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