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Name: ___________________________________________________________

CRITERIA/SCORE 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 TOTAL


Name: ___________________________________________________________

CRITERIA/SCORE 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 TOTAL


Subject: English

Group: 01

Topic/Activity: Dialogue about Job seeking

Teacher’s name: Manuel De Jesús Hernández Henríquez

Student’s name: Fátima Gabriela Girón García ID: GG103417

Gloria Beatriz de los Ángeles Escobar Orellana ID: EO100111

Due date: Friday, February 1st, 2019

Beatriz: A Fatima: B
A: Hello Fatima, how are you?
B: Hi Beatriz, I am fine and you?
A: I am fine too
B: nice but I have not known about you for a long time, tell me are studying?
A: Yes, I do, I am studying tourism and I almost finish my major.
B: really? That is nice, congratulations!
A: thank you what about you? I saw on Facebook that you are working now!
B: yes, I have been working for 2 years.
A: excellent! Well I was wondering if you can do me a favor.
B: Sure, tell me, what do you need?
A: Well, I am looking for a job, but I am not sure what to do first, I know you
have job experience so would you like to give me some tips?
B: Sure, if you want I can arrive at your home at 3:00 P.M, Is that ok for you?
A: That is fine, I will be there waiting for you.
B: Ok, see you there.

A: welcome Fatima, I was waiting for you.

B: Thanks, Sorry for the delay but the traffic was horrible!
A: I Can imagine, but that is normal here in San Salvador.
B: Yes, that’s true, that is our reality. Well to start with the advices let’s talk
about what are you looking for?
A: Well, I would like to work in a restaurant or in a hotel but in management
B: Ok, sounds good, so the first thing that I suggest you to do is look
information about the company that you would like to work.
A: Ok, I already know a company that is looking for employees, but I have
not searched more information yet, So I will start with that step.
B: Wonderful, when you have already searched you have to evaluate if you
are the right person to fit the position, if you meet the requirements, you can
see what the company offers you and what you will offer to the company.
A: Perfect, I had not thought of it.
B: well, when you already found the information about the company and you
are sure to work there we can continue with the next step that is create the
resume and send it.
A: Ok, but I have a question, what do I need to add in my resume if I do not
have job experience?
B: Good question, in this case you can add a course that maybe you
complete or something that you have achieved that gave you knowledge.
A: what else do I need to add?
B: you must add your own information such as: email-address, telephone
number, you fiscally address and so on, also you need to add your studies,
your abilities, and personal references.
A: I got it, what does come next?
B: If they are interested on you they will call you for the interview.
A: What kind of questions can I ask during the interview?
B: Well you can ask about the schedule, about the salary and the benefits
that they have for you as a new employee.
A: Ok, and how do you suggest me to dress?
B: well it depends on the position, as you mention you would like to work in
management area, so I think it will be good if you dress in a formal way.
A: Well I hope to get this job.
B: Sure, you will, just do you best and remember if you pass the interview
then what it comes next is the training so be ready for that.
A: Thank you for your advices, I will start right now to follow the steps you
gave me.
B: You are welcome, Good luck!

One week later.

B: Hello Beatriz, I was checking Instagram and I saw a picture of you in an
office. Did you get the job?
A: Yes Fatima, I did it, today was my first day, believe me the advices that
you gave me helped me a lot, I am thankful to you.
B: I am happy to hear that, well I wish you the best.
A: thank you, I whish you the best to, bye.

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