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Computer Animation

o Introduction
o Key points and intermediate points
o Classic animation
o Current animation
o Automate animation - fragmentation
o Linear interpolation
o Speed control and linear interpolation
o Curve interpolation - Spline
o Movement control on the curve trajectory
o Orientation interpolation
o Camera movement
o Complex objects animation
o Articulated structures kinematics
o Other animations: morphism, movement caption, particle system,

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o Pixar, 1978, Graphics Group, Ed Catmul – cofounder
o 1986 – acquired by Apple, 2006 – acquired de Walt
Disney Company.

Toy Story (1995) Ratatouille (2007)

A Bug's Life (1998) WALL-E (2008)
Toy Story 2 (1999) Up (2009)
Monsters, Inc. (2001) Toy Story (2010)
Finding Nemo (2003) Cars 2 (2011)
The Incredibles (2004) Brave (2012),
Cars (2006) Monsters University (2013)

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o DreamWorks, 1994
o Movies:
Antz (1998),
Shrek (2001), Shrek 2 (2004), Shrek 3 (2007), Shrek Forever After
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002),
Madagascar (2005), Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (2008), Over the
Hedge (2006), Flushed Away (2006), Bee Movie (2007),
Kung Fu Panda (2008), Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011),
Monsters Vs. Aliens (2009), How to Train Your Dragon (2010),
Megamind (2010), Puss in Boots (2011),
Madagascar 3 (2012), Rise of the Guardians (2012), The Croods (2013),
Turbo (2013), How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014),
Penguins of Madagascar (2014), Home (2015)
Bridge of Spies (2015)

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o Walt Disney Company
o Cartoons:
The Little Mermaid (1989)
Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Aladdin (1992)
The Lion King (1994)
Hercules (1997)
Mulan (1998)
Tarzan (1999)
Monsters, Inc. (2001)
The Lost Empire (2001)
WALL-E (2007)
The Princess and the Frog (2009)
Winnie the Pooh (2011)
Frozen (2013)
Big Hero 6 (2014)
Cinderella (2015)
Zootopia (2016)
Jungle Book (2016)

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o Animation – movement illusion by rapid display of different image
o Classic approach:
1. Define a sequence of keyframes
2. Render the intermediate frames computed by the first and the
last keyframes

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o Calcularea cadrelor intermediare creaza senzatia de animatie,
o Atributele obiectelor (pozitie, forma, culoare etc)
o Atributele camerei de luat vederi (pozitia, orientarea etc)
o Atributele surselor de lumina (intensitate luminoasa, pozitie,
culoare etc).
o Calcularea valorilor intermediare intre doua valori limita (ex. pozitie,
culoare, orientare, intensitate, etc) se realizeaza prin interpolare: liniara,
curbilinie etc.

v2 v1, v2
v1 u1, u2

u1 u u2

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Calcularea pozitiilor cheie
o Cinematica directa
o Cinematica inversa
o Modelarea sistemelor fizice
o Modelarea bazata pe constringeri
o Modelarea procedurala
o Modelarea bazata pe comportament
o Captarea pozitiilor cheie prin senzori montati pe obiectele reale

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Calcularea pozitiilor intermediare
Modificarea unor caracteristici ale sistemului de vizualizare.
1. Pentru obiectele din scena:

2. Pentru camera de luat vederi:

Punctul de vedere
Punctul de interes
Unghiul de vedere

3. Pentru sursa de lumina:

Intensitatea luminii

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Calcularea pozitiilor intermediare
ui = u0 + i ∆u
vi = v0 + i ∆v vn
∆u = (un – u0)/n
∆v = (vn – v0)/n

Intr-o forma iterativa: u0 ui un

ui+1 = ui + ∆u
vi+1 = vi + ∆v

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Calcularea pozitiilor intermediare
Generalizand in spatiul valorilor Pn

Fie P0, Pn valorile parametrului sau atributului P in cadrele 0 si n.

Pi = P0 + i ∆P, unde ∆P = (Pn – P0)/n
Pi = P0 + i ∆P = P0 + i/n (Pn – P0)
daca notam u = i/n, u є [0, 1]
Pi = P0 + u (Pn – P0), ecuatia parametrica a variatiei liniare
Intr-o forma iterativa:
Pi+1 = Pi + ∆P
Exemple: P poate fi unghi de orientare, viteza, acceleratie, pozitie,
dimensiune, intensitatea luminii, nivelul de transparenta etc.

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o Transformarea unei forme in alta

Pi Pn

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Animatia clasica
Tehnica traditionala de animatie este foarte laborioasa:
1. Definirea unui scenariu
2. Desenarea cadrele cheie care definesc actiunea (desenator principal)
3. Desenarea cadrele intermediare pentru a completa animatia (echipa de

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Animatia actuala
1. Lansarea unei idei de poveste de animatie.
2. Elaborarea unui document care descrie principala idee a povestii
3. Benzi desenate care schiteaza principalele secvente de actiuni si
dialoguri. Se evidentiaza principalele trairi emotionale ale personajelor.
4. Se inregistreaza vocile initiale (ex. ale membrilor echipei de desenatori si
scenaristi). Acestea vor fi inlocuite ulterior de vocile unor actori.
5. Realizarea primei videobenzi care contine deja materialele din care se va
edita filmul de animatie.
6. Departamentul de arta creaza aspectul grafic (ex. Look and feel) al
mediului si al presonajelor.
7. Modelarea 3D a personajelor.

Referinta: Metodologia Pixar,

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Animatia actuala (2)
8. Se creaza instante 3D ale scenelor semnificative ale pozitiilor si starilor
emotionale ale personajelor. Aceste instantieri sunt fotografiate.
9. Instantele sunt animate. Animatorii nu deseneaza sau coloreaza
personajele. Ei sunt ca niste actori sau papusari. Folosind unelte
software specializate animatorii creaza coregrafia miscarilor si
expresiilor faciale ale personajelor, in fiecare scena. Acestea sunt cadre
cheie. Cadrele intermediare sunt realizate de catre calculator.
10. Se creaza umbrele si texturile pe suprafetele obiectelor. Forma
obiectelor a fost data de catre model (pasul 7).
11. Sunt introduse surse de lumina si se creaza efectele speciale de lumini.
12. Calcularea animatiei de catre sistemul de calcul, folosind toate
informatiile specificate pana acum. Sunt create cel putin 24 de cadre
pentru o secunda de film. Calcularea unui cadru dureaza cateva ore
(ex. De la cateva la zeci de ore).
13. Sunt adaugate efectele speciale de sunet si animatie.

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Animatia automata - fragmentarea
o Calcularea cadrelor intermediere prin algoritmi de interpolare
o Cadrele cheie corespund valorilor parametrilor in anumite momente de
o Calitatea fragmentarii este mai slaba decit cea obtinuta manual
o Solutii: (a) mai multe cadre intermediare, (b) “netezirea” trecerilor de
la un cadru la altul

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Interpolarea liniara
o Cea mai folosita tehnica de calculare a valorilor intermediare pentru un
interval dat
o Fie doua valori p0 si p1 ale parametrului p la momentele t0 si t1, o
valoare intermediara este:
t 1- t t - t0 p0
p(t) = p0 + p1 (1)
t 1- t 0 t 1- t 0

sau alte forme ale aceleiasi expresii:

t - t0 t0 t t1
p(t) =p0 + (p1 - p0) (2)
t 1- t 0

p 0 t1 - p 1 t0 p1 - p0
p(t) = +t (3)
t 1- t 0 t 1- t 0

p1 - p0
p(t + ∆t) = p(t)+ ∆t (4)
t 1- t 0

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Interpolarea liniara
o Avantaje:
n Modificarea valorii uni parametru de-a lungul unui segment este
liniara (3).
n Rata schimbarii de-a lungul unui segment este constanta si poate
fi controlata (4).
n Calcularea valorii la momentul t+∆t se face simplu prin adunarea
unei constante la valoarea precedenta la momentul t.
o Dezavantaje:
n Exista discontinuitati in toate pozitiile de conectare a segmentelor
(ex. Cadre/ pozitii cheie Po, P1, P2).

P0(x0, y0, t0) P2(x2, y2, t2)

P0(x0, y0, t0) P2(x2, y2, t2)

P1(x1, y1, t1) P1(x1, y1, t1)

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Controlul vitezei
o Fiind data o functie de modificare a unui parametru (1-4) se doreste
controlul acestei modificari (animatii) in functie de variabila timp.
o In functie de timp se poate controla o viteza variabila de modificare a
parametrului (animatie).

o Fie aceasta functie τ = f(t). Se trece la variabila τ in expresia de

interpolare liniara:

f(t1) – f(t) f(t) – f(t0)

p(τ) = p(f(t)) = p0 + p1
f(t1) – f(t0) f(t1) – f(t0)

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Interpolarea Spline
o Alaturi de interpolarea liniara se foloseste intepolarea curbilinie pe baza
curbelor Spline (curbe parametrice).
o Avantaje:
n Permite un control continuu al modificarii
n Numarul de cadre intermediare poate fi determinat in functie de calitatea
ceruta pentru animatie

o Dezavantaje:
n Calculul punctelor de control al curbelor spline se face pe baza unor
constringeri de interpolare definite pentru punctele de control
n Sunt necesare informatii suplimentare (Ex. vectorii tangenta la capete)

n Calcularea curbelor spline dureaza mai mult

n Implementare mai dificila

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Interpolarea Spline

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Curbe Spline
B-splines: permit control automat al continuitatii, insa doar aproximeaza
punctele de control, fara a trece prin ele. Permit control local.
Modificarea unui punct de control afecteaza numai partea din
vecinatatea acelui punct de control.
Non-uniform B-spines: necesare pentru a intrerupe continuitatea.
Non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS): permit controlul local
suplimentar al formei curbei.
Bézier: necesita informatii suplimentare pentru fiecare segment si nu mentin
automat continuitatea. Interpoleaza insa, capetele segmentelor.
Ajustarea cuplarii netede se face prin punctele de control de la capete.
Hermite: necesita definirea vectorilor tangenta pentru fiecare cadru cheie.
Ajustarea cuplarii netede se face prin reglarea tangentelor de la capete.
Catmull-Rom: asigura continuitatea primei derivate (traiectorie neteda).
Catmull-Rom permit controlul local.
Beta-splines: permit continuitatea automata, controlul asupra tangentei si
aproximeaza lungimea arcului fiecarui segment.

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Controlul pe traiectorie
o Pentru deplasarea pe traiectorie sunt necesare doua facilitati de baza:
1. Controlul independent al vitezei de-a lungul traiectoriei
2. Controlul continuitatii
o Curbele spline permit controlul continuitatii, insa controlul vitezei este
mai dificil.
o Interpolarea pozitiei pe curba spline permite controlul continuitatii
pozitiilor, insa:
n Un increment egal al parametrului spline nu corespunde
intotdeauna unui increment egal in distanta de-a lungul curbei.
n Segmente diferite ale curbei spline, corespunzatoare aceleiasi
lungimi parametrice, pot avea lungimi fizice diferite.
n Daca curba spline este parametrizata direct in functie de variabila
timp, animatia va fi cu viteza ne-uniforma.

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Parametrizarea distantei pe curba
Se parcurg urmatorii pasi de transformare:
1. Fiind dat un pas spline P(u) = | x(u), y(u), z(u)|, se calculeaza
lungimea arcului spline ca o functie de u: s = A(u).
2. Se determina functia inversa A(u): u = A-1(s).
3. Se substituie u = A-1(s) din P(u) pentru a afla parametrizarea caii de
miscare prin lungimea arcului, s: P(s) = P(A-1(s)).
Observatie: parametrul u (si astfel s) trebuie sa fie parametru global pentru
toate segmentele curbei spline initiale.

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Controlul vitezei pe curba
Controlul vitezei de-a lungul traiectoriei spline:
o Fie s = f(t) definitia distantei pe curba spline, ca o functie de timpul t.
o Functia f(t), ca o valoare scalara, poate fi prelucrata printr-o tehnica de
animatie functionala (ex. o alta curba spline).
o Functia f(t) poate fi exprmata ca o integrala a functiei viteza, v(t) =
Observatie: integrala unei functii spline poate fi calculata analitic, prin
intermediul punctelor de control.
o Pasul de miscare ca o functie de timp este data de:
P(s) = P(f(t)) = P(A-1(f(t)))

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Interpolarea orientarii
o Interpolarea orientarii se calculeaza indirect prin interpolarea
unghiurilor si nu prin matrici de transformare:
n In 2D orientarea e definita de un singur unghi, iar animarea este
relativ simpla
n In 3D se utilizeaza trei unghiuri, iar topologia este a unei sfere in
patru dimensiuni. Interpolarea este mai greu de vizualizat.

o Metode pentru interpolarea orientarii obiectelor

n Unghiuri Euler
n Quaterni
n Interpolarea sferica si liniara

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Unghiuri Euler
o Se folosesc trei unghiuri: rotatie dupa x, apoi rotatie dupa y si apoi
rotatie dupa z.
o Dezavantaje: dificil de rezolvat problema inversa – fiind data
orientarea, care sunt unghiurile?
o Avantaje: Larg folosita in practica, usor de implementat, metoda

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o Patru elemente analoage numerelor complexe. Calculele se bazeaza pe
operatii cu vectori si numere complexe.
o Dezavantaje: necesita matematica mai multa, interpolare costisitoare.
o Avantaje: rezolvare simpla a problemei inverse, interfata utilizator

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Miscarea camerei de luat vederi
o Animatia camerei poate fi realizata prin combinarea interpolarii
pozitiilor si a orientarii. Exista totusi citeva cerinte specifice cum ar fi:
n Camera trebuie sa fie intotdeauna orizontala, daca nu se specifica
alta directie.
n Imaginile obiectelor de interes trebuie sa fie stabile in planul
n Specificarea miscarii camerei trebuie sa respecte anumite conditii

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Animatia obiectelor cu forme complexe
o Fiind dat un model cu un foarte mare numar de virfuri, acestea pot fi
grupate si prelucrate ca o unitate. Exemplu, punctele care descriu
antebratul se misca mai mult sau mai putin ca un corp rigid.
o Conectivitatea intre grupuri poate fi reprezentata prin legarea fiecarui
grup la un „os” care face parte dintr-un „schelet” articulat.
o Oasele si virfurile asociate sunt tratate ca un singur obiect rigid in
operatiile de transformare.
o Miscarea oaselor este constrinsa de legaturile din schelet. Scheletul
este o structura articulta.
o Diferitele forme de conexiune (rotatie, unghi, sfera) permit diferite
forme de miscare.
o Animatia poate fi vizualizata rapid folosind trasarea doar a scheletului.
In final modelul este vizualizat fara oase.

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Animatia obiectelor cu forme complexe

Ref: Automatic Splicing for Hand and Body Animations Majkowska, A., Zordan, V. B., Faloutsos, P.
ACM SIGGRAPH/Eugorgraphics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) 2006

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 31

Cinematica structurilor articulate
o Cinematica: studiul miscarii independenta de fortele care determina
miscarea. Considera pozitia, viteza si acceleratia.
1. Cinematica directa (φ, β, ω -> P(x,y,z))
2. Cinematica inversa (P(x,y,z) -> φ, β, ω )


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 32

Cinematica directa
o Forward Kinematics
o Se calculeaza pentru toate legaturile dintr-un model articulat:
o Pozitiile
o Vitezele
o Acceleratiile
o Se dau:
o Pentru nodul radacina:
n Pozitia
n Viteza
n Acceleratia
o Toate transformarile dintre legaturi.
o Cinematica directa este importanta in animatia bazata pe cadre
scheletizate. Este o metoda relativ usor de implementat.

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Cinematica inversa
o Inverse Kinematics
o Determinarea miscarii legaturilor intermediare dintr-un corp articulat
fiind data miscarea unor legaturi cheie.
o Caracteristici ale metodei bazate pe cinematica inversa:
n Neliniara, nedeterminata.
n Complexitatea determinarii solutiei este proportionala cu numarul
legaturilor libere.
n Imbinare libera dintre doua legaturi fixe poate fi rezolvata eficient
numai prin sacrificarea unui grad de libertate.
n Sunt necesare constringeri suplimentare pentru a obtine o solutie
unica si stabila. Exemplu, considerarea fortei gravitationale,
constringerile impuse de unele tipuri de articulatii (rotatie vs
sferica, genunchi vs umar).
n Obiective suplimentare de optimizare. Rezulta problema de
optimizare rezolvata iterativ ca un proces de animatie.
Exemplu: minimizarea energiei cinetice a structurii.
Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 34
Tehnici alternative de animatie
o Transformare morfologica (Morfing)
o Captarea miscarii
o Sisteme de particule
o Grup (Flocking)

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Transformarea morfologica

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Transformarea morfologica
o Este transformarea de interpolare intre imagini (anii ‘70).
o Efecte bune la un cost redus.
o Pasii principali:
1. Partitionarea imaginilor in piese corespunzatoare. Exemplu, ochi
cu ochi, etc.
2. Interpolarea pieselor (geometria)
3. Interpolarea atributelor (pixeli, culori)
4. Filtrare

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Captarea miscarii

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Captarea miscarii

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 39

Captarea miscarii
o Animatiile complexe necesita o multime de cadre cheie (exemplu,
mersul unei persoane).
o Captarea pozitiilor cheie de la obiecte reale. Sunt inregistrate in model
pozitiile unor puncte cheie de pe obiectul real (ex. un actor).
o Tehnologii de urmarire a pozitiei:
n Senzori electromagnetici pentru pozitie si orientare. Necesita cabluri la
fiecare senzor. Citirea poate fi perturbata de cimpuri magnetice. Spatiul de
miscare este limitat.

n Triangulatie prin ultrasunete. Simplu dar mai putin precis decit senzorii
n Triangulatie optica. Sunt atasati emitatori pe obiectul urmarit. Doua camere
determina pozitia. Poate urmari mai multe puncte, fara a folosi cabluri.
n Costume de corp. Senzori care determina unghiurile din incheieturi sunt
inserati in tesatura hainelor.

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Aplicatia Facerig
o Permite urmarirea expresiilor faciale folosind camera web
o Urmarirea se face fara utilizarea unor markere (markerless tracking).
Recunoaste si urmareste trasaturile fetei cum ar fi narile, colturile
buzelor si ale ochilor, sau ridurile.

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Sisteme de particule

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 42

Sisteme de particule
o Se pot modela obiecte „fuzzy” (vagi) cum ar fi:
n Obiecte cu margini neclare

n Obiecte cu margini care se schimba

n Obiecte cu comportament haotic. Exemple: nori, foc, apa, iarba, blana, etc.

o Pricipiul: modeleaza obiectele fuzzy ca multimi de particule.

o Fiecare particula are proprietati cum ar fi:
n Geometrie (punct, sfera, segment de dreapta)
n Pozitie
n Vector viteza
n Dimensiune
n Culoare
n Transparenta
n Stare
n Durata de viata

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Animatia sistemelor de particule
o Noi particule se nasc, cele vechi mor
o Informatia de stare descrie tipul particulei
o La fiecare moment:
n Actualizeaza atributele tuturor particulelor

n Sterge particulele vechi

n Creaza noi particule

n Afiseaza starea curentìr a tuturor particulelor

o Pentru antialiasing, deseneaza un segment de dreapta din vechea spre

noua pozitie
o Pentru a desena iarba sau blana, deseneaza intreaga traiectorie a

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 44

Animatia grupurilor de animale

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 45

Animatia grupurilor de animale
o Animatia grupurilor de animale: stoluri de pasari (flocks), pesti, turme
de animale etc.
o Sunt prea multi indivizi pentru a fi animat fiecare prin cadre cheie.
o Elemente mai putine decit in sistemele de particule, dar cu mai multe
o Se impune evitarea ciocnirilor cu alte obiecte (ex. cladiri, copaci) sau
intre ele.
o Grupul are un centru: fiecare membru incearca sa ramina membru al
grupului, centrul grupului este unul global, nu permite divizarea
grupului pentru a trece un obstacol.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 46

o Operatii ale grupului
1. Separare
Evitarea aglomerarii

2. Aliniere
Alinierea la orientarea medie a grupului

3. Coeziune
Deplasare spre pozitia medie a grupului
o Ref.: Craig Reynolds, Boids, (1986).

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 47

Questions and proposed problems
1. Exemplify the animation by modifying the object’s attributes.
2. Exemplify the animation by modifying the camera’s attributes.
3. Exemplify the animation by modifying the light source’s attributes.
4. Exemplify the value space for temperature, and an animation by
modifying the temperature. What could be the reference variable and
the value for a linear interpolation within the value space?
5. What is the main advantage in linear interpolation if the step of the
variable is a constant? How are computed the intermediate values?
6. Explain a solution for animated morphism of a triangle into a pentagon.
How do you control the transformation to be achieved by the same: (a)
time; (b) speed.
7. Explain a solution for animated morphism of a cube into a sphere. How
do you control the transformation to be achieved by the same: (a)
time; (b) speed.

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Questions and proposed problems
8. Describe and exemplify the steps of the actual cartoon video
development methodology to animate a talking person.
9. Why initially to register the voices is necessary, even finally they will
be replaced?
10. Explain what means to build up the 3D model of the characters in the
cartoon video development methodology?
11. Explain and exemplify how are created the key frames for a cartoon
12. Why to animate a faster movement you need to register more than 24
frames per second? Explain why the movie does not replay all the
details of the movement?
13. Explain why the 12th step of the cartoon video development
methodology requires so high performance computation resources?
14. Explain the linear interpolation of the movement if the reference
variable is the time. The animation is performed between the time t1
and t2.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 49

Questions and proposed problems
15. Describe what are the main issues on connecting two intervals of linear
interpolation movement? How do you achieve constant speed on the
16. Explain why the user cannot control the animation by the abstract
parameter u, on the parametric definition of the linear movement?
What parameters support the user control of the animation?
17. Exchange the abstract variable u to time, in order to control the
animation along a spline trajectory by the time.
18. Why the animation on the spline trajectory is controlled by difficulty?
What are the main issues?
19. Give examples in real life for direct and inverse kinematics.
20. Exemplify and explain a morphism for animating the development of a
leaf, movement cloud, and jumping ball.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 50

 Conceptual model of 3D viewing process

 Taxonomy of geometric projections

 Projections

 Viewing transformation

 Remarks

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

Conceptual model of 3D viewing process
zL View
zwc Plane

xS xV Center of
zV Projection,
U Viewer’s
N Position


window pixel

Window definition Viewport definition Window’s content Scan conversion onto the
in projection plane in projection plane inside the viewport raster screen

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

Viewing transformations pipeline

3D 3D Shadow 3D Project onto

computation, viewing plane,
to viewing
Clip against Clip against
World coordinates Viewing Viewing
view volume window
Coordinates Coordinates Coordinates

2D Transform to 2D Scan conversion,

2D Rendering,
viewport Transformation to
Viewing Normalized device coordinates Physical
Coordinates Coordinates Device

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

Taxonomy of geometric projection

Planar Geometric projections

Parallel Perspective

Oblique Orthographic One- Two- Three-

point point point

Cabinet Cavalier Others Top Front Side Axonometric

Isometric Others

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

Parallel and perspective projections
 Perspective projection
 Projection rays converge into the center of projection.
 Usually the viewer is located onto the center of projection.

 Parallel projection
 Parallel projection rays. Convergence point at infinity.
 Viewer’s position at infinity.

Projection Projection
plane plane

A’ A

Center of B
Center of B B’
B’ projection

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Parallel projection
 Orthographic
 Direction of projection is perpendicular onto the projection plane
 Direction of projection is parallel with the normal to the projection

 Oblique
 Direction of projection is different than the normal vector

Projection Projection
plane plane

A’ A’

B’ A B’

A n

n B

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Orthographic projection
 Top-elevation
 Projection plane is perpendicular
to the y axis

 Front-elevation
 Projection plane is perpendicular
to the z axis

 Side-elevation
 Projection plane is perpendicular
to the x axis



Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Orthographic projections - examples

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

Orthographic projection
 Axonometric
 Projection plane is not normal to a principal
 Shows several faces of the object at once
 Preserves the parallelism of lines but not
the angles

 Isometric projection
 Commonly used axonometric projection
 Projetion plane normal (and direction of
projection) makes egual angles with each
principal axis
 If the projection plane normal is (dx, dy,
dz), it requires that |dx|=|dy|=|dz|,
or ±dx= ±dy= ±dz

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Axonometric and isometric projections

Axonometric z

Isometric z

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Oblique projection
y xp = x + L cos φ
Pp (xp, yp, zp)
yp = y + L sin φ

L β Usually the angle φ is 30° and 45°.

φ Let be L1 the projection onto L of the unit of
the z axis:
x tg β = z/L = 1/L1, L=z L1

xp = x + z L1 cos φ
yp = y + z L1 sin φ
zp = 0

xp 1 0 L1 cosφ 0 x

yp 0 1 L1 sinφ 0 y
zp 0 0 0 0 z
1 0 0 0 1 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Oblique projection
 Cavalier projection

tg β = 1, z/L = 1/L1, L=z L1, therefore z=L, 1=L1

β = 45°

 Cabinet projection

tg β = 2, z/L = 1/L1=2, L=z L1, therefore z=2L, 1=2L1

β = 63.4°

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Oblique projection

y y

Cavalier L L
β=45°, tgβ=1
φ=45° φ=30°

x x


Cabinet L/2 L/2
β=63.4°, tgβ=2 z
z L
φ=45° φ=30°

x x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Perspective projection
Let us consider the PQ line equation:
Center of P = (1-u) P + uQ, 0≤u≤1
xp = (1-u) x + u∙0 = x - xu
yp = (1-u) y + u∙0 = y - yu
Pp (xp, yp, 0) 0 = (1-u) z - u∙d = z – (z+d)u

P(x,y,z) u = z/(z+d)

xp = x – xz/(z+d) = x[1/(1+z/d)]
yp = y – yz/(z+d) = y[1/(1+z/d)]
zp = 0

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

Perspective projection
xp = x – xz/(z+d) = x[1/(1+z/d)]
Center of yp = y – yz/(z+d) = y[1/(1+z/d)]
zp = 0

Pp (xp, yp, 0) xp 1 0 0 0 x
yp 0 1 0 0 y
zp 0 0 0 0 z
w 0 0 1/d 1 1

Pp = [x, y, 0, z/d +1]

z Pp = [xp, yp, zp, 1]

= [x/(1+z/d), y/(1+z/d), 0, 1]

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

Vanishing points

One-point Two-point
perspective projection perspective projection

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17

Vanishing points

Three-point perspective projection

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

Conceptual model of 3D viewing process
zL View
zwc Plane

xS xV Center of
zV Projection,
U Viewer’s
N Position


window pixel

Window definition Viewport definition Window’s content Scan conversion onto the
in projection plane in projection plane inside the viewport raster screen

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

Viewing coordinates transformation

3D 3D Shadow 3D Project onto

computation, viewing plane,
to viewing
Clip against Clip against
World coordinates Viewing Viewing
view volume window
Coordinates Coordinates Coordinates

2D Transform to 2D Scan conversion,

2D Rendering,
viewport Transformation to
Viewing Normalized device coordinates Physical
Coordinates Coordinates Device

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

Left-handed viewing system

U zv



Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21

Transformation to viewing system

yw v


zw xw

Pw = Tv + Pv = Tv + RvPv

Pv = Rv-1 (Pw - Tv)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

Transformation to viewing system
yw yw yw
xv yv xv yv
zv yv
zv xv

xw xw xw
zw zw zw

(a) Original orientation of world and (b) Invert viewing (c) Translate viewing
viewing coordinate systems z axis origin to world origin

yw yw yw

xv yv
yv xv
zv xw
xw xw
zw zv zw zw

(d) Rotate about world x axis (e) Rotate about the world (f) Rotate about the world
to bring viewing z axis into y axis to align z axis to align the two
the xz plane of the world system the two z axes viewing systems

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

2D Clipping
o Point
o Line Clipping
o Polygon Clipping
o Text Clipping

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

Real objects to image on the screen
zL View
zwc Plane

xS xV Center of
zV Projection,
U Viewer’s
N Position


window pixel

Window definition Viewport definition Window’s content Scan conversion onto the
in projection plane in projection plane inside the viewport raster screen

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

Viewing transformations pipeline

3D 3D Shadow 3D Project onto

computation, viewing plane,
to viewing
Clip against Clip against
World coordinates Viewing Viewing
view volume window
Coordinates Coordinates Coordinates

2D Transform to 2D Scan conversion,

2D Rendering,
viewport Transformation to
Viewing Normalized device coordinates Physical
Coordinates Coordinates Device

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

Window and viewport
Pw(xw,yw) → Pv(xv,yv)



xwmin xwmax xvmin xvmax

World Coordinates Normalized Device Coordinates

Window definition: (xwmin, xwmin, xwmax, ywmax) Viewport def: (xvmin, xvmin, xvmax, yvmax)

xw- xwmin xv- xvmin xvmax- xvmin

= xv = (xw- xwmin) + xvmin
xwmax- xwmin xvmax- xvmin xwmax- xwmin

xv = sx (xw- xwmin) + xvmin yvmax- y vmin

yv = (yw- y wmin) + yvmin
yv = sy (yw- y wmin) + yvmin ywmax- y wmin

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

Window and viewport - specification

(-60.5, 82.5) (41.25, 82.5)

Window 0.87


0 xw

(-60.5, -20.75) (41.25, -20.75) (0, 0) 0.37 0.74 1

World Coordinates Normalized Coordinates

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Window and viewport transformations

1 ymax

1 xmax
0 1


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Window and viewport types
o multiple windows / viewports
o multiple workstations
o polygonal windows / viewports 2
o zooming / panning
o blanking 0

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Point clipping

o Inside outside test:

xmin ≤ x ≤ xmax
ymin ≤ y ≤ ymax

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

Line clipping

y P8 y
P7 Window Window
ywmax ywmax
P9 P3 P4 P1 P4 P1
P5 P5
ywmin ywmin
P6 P’6

xwmin xwmax x xwmin xwmax x

Before clipping After clipping

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Line Clipping
Line definitions
Set of points ->
point clipping
Vector ->
endpoints clipping
binary clipping
parametric line clipping
Cohen-Sutherland algorithm

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Endpoints clipping
Could be two cases:
1. trivially accepted (AB)
2. trivially rejected (CD)





xwmin xwmax x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Binary clipping
1. step: AB
2. step: AC, CB (tr. rejected)
3. 3 step: AD (tr. acc), DC
4. ...

ywmax B



xwmin xwmax x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm

Basic Idea
n Encode the line endpoints

n Successively divide the line segments so that they are

completely contained in the window or completely lies
outside window
n Division occurs at the boundary of window

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm

Region outcodes:

1001 1000 1010

0001 0000 0010 left

0101 0100 0110

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm

1001 C
1010 S
A 0000
0001 Q 0010

0101 0100 0110

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

Cohen-Sutherland Algorithm
procedure CSDecLinie( x0, y0, x1, y1,
min, xmax, ymin, ymax: real;
color: integer);
{ Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm for line P0(x0,y0) to P1(x1,y1), and clip
rectangle with diagonal from (xmin, ymin) to (xmax, ymax) }
type edge = (LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM, TOP);
outcode = set of edge;

var accept, done : boolean;

outcod0, outcod1, outcodt : outcode; {outcodes for P0, P1, and
whichever point lies outside
the clipping rectangle}
x, y : real;

procedure CompOutCode( x, y: real; var code: outcode);

{ computes outcode for the point (x,y)}
code := [];
if y > ymax then code:= [TOP]
else if y < ymin then code:= [BOTTOM];
if x > xmax then code:= code+[RIGHT]
else if x < xmin then code:= code+[LEFT]

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17

accept := false; done := false;
CompOutCode(x0, y0, outcod0);
CompOutCode(x1, y1, outcod1);
if (outcod0 = []) and (outcod1 = []) then {trivially accepted}
begin accept := true; done := true end {end exit}
else if (outcod0 * outcod1) <> [] then
done := true {Logical intersection is true, so trivial reject and exit}
{Failed both tests, so calculate the line segment to clip:
from an outside point to an intersection with clip edge}
begin {at least one endpoint is outside the clip rectangle; pick it.}
if outcod0 <> [] then
outcodt := outcod0 else outcodt := outcod1;
{now find intersection point; use formulas
y = y0 + slope * (x- x0),
x = x0 + (1/slope) * (y-y0)}
if TOP in outcodt then
{divide line at top of clip rectangle}
x := x0+(x1-x0)*(ymax-y0)/(y1-y0);
y := ymax
else if BOTTOM in outcodt then
{ divide line at bottom of clip rectangle }
x := x0+(x1-x0)*(ymin-y0)/(y1-y0);
y := ymin

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

else if RIGHT in outcodt then
{ divide line at right of clip rectangle }
y := y0+(y1-y0)*(xmax-x0)/(x1-x0);
x := xmax
else if LEFT in outcodt then
{ divide line at left of clip rectangle }
y := y0+(y1-y0)*(xmin-x0)/(x1-x0);
x := xmin
{Now we move outside point to intersection point to clip,
and get ready for next pass. }
if (outcodt = outcod0) then
x0 := x; y0 := y;
CompOutCode(x0, y0, outcod0)
x1 := x; y1 := y;
CompOutCode(x1, y1, outcod1)
end {Subdivide}
until done;
if accept then MidpointLineReal(x0, y0, x1, y1, color)
{draw a line with real endpoint coordinates}
End; {CSDecLinie Cohen Sutherland clipping algorithm}

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

Parametric line clipping


V4 tedge V3


V1 V2

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

Cyrus-Beck algorithm

o Outside Inside
clipping clipping
rectangle rectangle

Edge Ei


Ni ∙ [Pi(t) – PEi] < 0

Pi(t) - PEi

Ni ∙ [Pi(t) – PEi] = 0

Ni ∙ [Pi(t) – PEi] > 0



Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21

Cyrus-Beck algorithm

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

Cyrus-Beck algorithm

PE P1 P1
φ Line 2 t=1 t=1

PL PE Line 1
P0 Line 3
Clipping rectangle



Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

Cyrus-Beck algorithm - pseudocode
precalculate Ni and select a PEi for each edge;
for each line segment to be clipped
if P1 = P0 then
line degenerates to a point, so clip as a point;
tE = 0; tL = 1;
for each candidate compute intersection with a clipping edge
if Ni * D <> 0 then { ignore edges parallel to line for now}
calculate t;
use sign of Ni * D to categorize as
PE (potentially entering) or PL (potentially leaving);
if PE then tE = max (tE , t);
if PL then tL = min (tL , t);
if tE > tL then
return nil
return P(tE ) and P(tL ) as true clip intersections

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 24

Intersection: line–convex polyhedron
Obs: triangle is always convex polygon
max(tE) < min(tL)
n A

E1 L1

P Q E2

Computing normal vector of the edge: C
1. Compute the normal vector of the plane
N = AB x BC
(cross product of two consecutive edges)
2. Normal vector of the edge
n = AB x N
(cross product of the edge and normal
vector of the plane)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 25

Intersection: line–convex polyhedron
requires a convex polygon!

E1 L3

Q E2 L1 E3

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 26

Intersection: line–convex polyhedron


View tnear,1 tfar,3

tnear,2 tfar,2 tfar,1

Cyrus-Beck algorithm:

Classify the edge/face by frontface and backface;

For each edge/face compute intersection with view ray;

Compute max(tnear) and max(tfar);

If max(tnear) < max(tfar) there is intersection;

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 27

Liang-Barsky line clipping algorithm
o Published in 1984 by Liang, Y-D., Barsky, B.A., “A New Concept and Method for
Line Clipping”, ACM TOG, vol 3(1).

o Simplifies the Cyrus-Beck algorithm for the particular case of clipping window as
an horizontal rectangle:

1. One coordinate of each normal is 0.

2. The dot product Ni ∙ (P0 – PEi) determining whether the endpoint P0 lies
inside or outside a specific edge, reduces to the directed horizontal or
vertical distance from the point to the edge.

3. The denominator dot product Ni ∙ D, which determines whether the

intersection is potentially entering or leaving, reduces to ±dx or dy:

If dx >0, the line moves from left to right and is PE for the left edge, PL
for the right edge, and so on.

4. The parameter t, the ratio of numerator and denominator, reduces to the

distance to an edge divided by dx or dy, exactly the constant of
proportionality we could calculate directly from the parametric line

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 28

Liang-Barsky algorithm - parameters

Calculation for parametric line clipping algorithm.

Clip edgei Normal Ni PEi P0 - PEi t = Ni ∙ [P0 – PEi ] / (- Ni ∙ D)

left:x=xmin (-1,0) (xmin,y) (x0-xmin, y0-y) -(x0-xmin)/ (x1-x0)

right:x=xmax (1,0) (xmax,y) (x0-xmax, y0-y) (x0-xmax)/-(x1-x0)

bottom:y=ymin (0,-1) (x,ymin) (x0-x, y0-ymin) -(y0-ymin)/ (y1-y0)

top:y=ymax (0,1) (x,ymax) (x0-x, y0-ymax) (y0-ymax)/ -(y1-y0)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 29

Liang-Barsky algorithm - pseudocode
Procedure Clip2D (var x0,y0,x1,y1: real; var visible: boolean);
{clip a line with endpoints (x0,y0) and (x1,y1), against the rectangle with corners (xmin,ymin) and
(xmax,ymax). The flag visible is true if a clipped segment is returned in the var endpoint
parameters. If the line is rejected, the endpoints are not changed and visible is set to false}
var tE,tL,dx,dy: real;

function ClipPoint(denom, num:real; var tE,tL: real): boolean;

{computes a new value of tE or tL for an interior intersection of a line segment and edge.
Parameter denom is –(Ni ∙ D), which reduces to ±∆x, ∆y for upright rectangle. Its sign
determines whether the intersection is PE or PL. parameter num is Ni ∙ D(P0-PEi) for a particular
edge/line combination, which reduces to directed horizontal and vertical distances from P0 to
an edge; If the line segment can be trivially rejected, false is returned; if it cannot be, true is
returned and the value of tE or tL is adjusted, if needed, for the portion of the segment that is
inside the edge}
var t: real; accept: boolean; {accept will be returned as value of ClipPoint;
accept line until find otherwise}

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 30

Liang-Barsky algorithm - pseudocode
if denom>0 then {PE intersection}
t:=num/denom; {value of t at the intersection }
if t>tL then {tE and tL crossover}
accept:=false; {so prepare to reject line}
else if t>tE then {a new tE has been found }
else if denom<0 then {PL intersection}
t:=num/denom; {value of t at the intersection }
if t<tE then {tE and tL crossover}
accept:=false; {so prepare to reject line}
else if t<tL then {a new tL has been found }
if num>0 then {line on outside of edge }
end; {ClipPoint }

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 31

Liang-Barsky algorithm - pseudocode
dx:=x1-x0; dy:=y1-y0;
visible ;= false; { output is generated only if line is inside all four edges}
{ first test for degenerate line and clip the point; ClipPoint returns true if the point lies inside the
clip rectangle.}
if (dx=0) and (dy=0) and ClipPoint(x0,y0) then
tE = 0;
tL = 1;
if ClipPoint(dx, xmin-x0, tE, tL) then {inside against left edge}
if ClipPoint(-dx, x0-xmax, tE, tL) then {inside against right edge}
if ClipPoint(dy, ymin-y0, tE, tL) then {inside against bottom edge}
if ClipPoint(-dy, y0-ymax, tE, tL) then {inside against top edge}
if tL<1 then
begin {compute PL intersection, if tL has moved}
if tE>0 then
begin {compute PE intersection, if tE has moved}
End; {Clip2D}

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 32

o Cohen-Sutherland algorithm is efficient when:
n Outcode testing can be done cheaply, e.g. by doing bitwise operations in
assembly language
n Trivial acceptance or rejection is applicable to the majority of line segments
o Parametric line clipping is efficient when:
n Many line segments need to be clipped, since the actual calculations of the
coordinates of the intersection points is postponed until needed, and testing
can be done on parameter values.
o Liang-Barsky algorithm is more efficient than Cyrus-Beck
n Trivial rejection testing can avoid calculation of all four parameter values for
lines that do not intersect the clip rectangle.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 33

Polygon Clipping
o Polygon definition:
n set of points ® point clipping
n set of lines ® line clipping
n sequence of lines ®
Sutherland – Hodgman algorithm
Weiler-Atherton algorithm

o General definition:
n Sequence of vertices with implicit relationships
n By clipping: 1 polygon (v1, v2, …., vn) ®
p polygons (A11, A12, …, A1k; …Ap1, Ap2, …,Apq)

o Display:
n set of points
n set of lines (wire-frame)
n closed multicolor polyline
n set of polygons
n filled polygons

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 34

Sutherland Hodgman algorithm

o Reentrant polygon clipping

o Published in 1974 by Sutherland, I.E., Hodgman, G.W., “Reentrant
Polygon Clipping”, CACM, vol 17(1).

Before Clipping After Clipping Before Clipping After Clipping

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 35

Sutherland Hodgman algorithm


Clip Clip Clip Clip

Left Right Bottom Top

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 36

Window – polygon edge relationships




Save P Save I No points saved Save I, P

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 37

Sutherland Hodgman algorithm
Input vertex list: inv[] = {v1, v2,..., vn}
Output vertex list: outv[ ] = {v1', v2',..., vp'}

algorithm ClippingSH( vertex_list inv, outv;

window_edge clipping_edges[4])
for( j = 0; j < 4; j++){
EdgeClippingSH( inv, outv, clipping_edges[j]);
inv = outv; /* update the current edge list */

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 38

Sutherland Hodgman algorithm
algoritm EdgeClippingSH( vertex_list inv, outv;
window_edge clipping_edge)
vertex i,p,s;
s = the last vertex in inv;
for( each vertex p from inv) {
if( ToWindow(p, clipping_edge)) /* case a and d */
if( ToWindow(s, clipping_edge)) /* case a */
write vertex p into outv;
i = Intersection(s, p, clipping_edge);
write intersection i into outv;
write vertex p into outv;
else if( ToWindow(s, clipping_edge)){ /* case b */
i = Intersection(s, p, clipping_edge);
write intersection i into outv;
} /* for case c don’t write anything */
s = p; /* update the start vertex */
} /* end of the EdgeClippingSH algorithm*/

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 39

SH clipping - Examples


2 3 1’ 2’
2’ (8’)
2 1’
1 4 3’
5 4’
1 4
3’ 5’
6 6’
5’ 7’
6 4’
5 (a) (b)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 40

SH clipping - Examples

Before Clipping

After Clipping

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 41

Weiler-Atherton clipping algorithm
o The Weiler-Atherton algorithm produces separate polygons for
each visible fragment

o 4 cases:
a) out - > in
b) in -> in
c) in -> out 1
d) out - > out
e) follow clip edge

4 3

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 42

Weiler-Atherton clipping algorithm

2 2 2
1’ 1’ 1’ 1’

3’ 3 3

Follow clip edge until

Case: Out -> In Case: In -> Out
Case: In -> In (a) new crossing found
Add clip vertex (1’) Add clip vertex (3’)
Add end vertex (3) (b) Reach vertex already
Add end vertex (2) Cache old direction

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 43

Weiler-Atherton clipping algorithm

2 2 2 2
1’ 1’ 1’ 1’

3 3’ 3 3’ 3 3’ 3
4 4 4
4 4’ 4’ 4’
5 5 5

5’ 5’

Case: In -> Out Follow clip edge until

Continue from Case: Out -> In
Add clip vertex (5’) (a) new crossing found
cached vertex and Add clip vertex (4’)
Cache old direction (b) Reach vertex already
direction Add end vertex (5)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 44

Weiler-Atherton clipping algorithm

2 2 2
1’ 1 1’

3 3 3’ 3

3’ 3’ 4’
4 4 4’ 5
4’ 5 5

6 6 5’
5’ 5’

Final Result:
Continue from Nothing added. 2 unconnected
cached vertex and Finished polygons

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 45

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation
Polygon A
A1 Polygon B
A A1 B1
A5 A2 B2
B1 A3 B3

B A4 B4

A2 A3 A6 A5 B5
B2 A8 A9


B3 A10

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 46

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation
Polygon A
A1 Polygon B
A A1 B1
A5 A2 B2
C1 B5
B1 A3 B3
B A4 B4

A2 A3 C3 A6 A5 B5
B2 A8 A9
C4 A8


B3 A10

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 47

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation
A1 A10
A Add vertex C1
A5 A1
B2 C1 C1 B1
C2 A2
B B2
A2 A3 C3 A6 A3 C2
A7 B3
B5 A4
A8 C4 A9 A5 C3




Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 48

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation
A1 A10 Add vertex C2
A5 A1
B2 C1 C1 B1
C2 A2
B B2
A2 A3 C3 A6 A3 C2
A7 B3
B5 A4
A8 C4 A9 A5 C3




Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 49

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation
A1 A10 Add vertex C3
A5 A1
B2 C1 C1 B1
C2 A2
B B2
A2 A3 C3 A6 A3 C2
A7 B3
B5 A4
A8 C4 A9 A5 C3




Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 50

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation
A1 A10 Add vertex C4
A5 A1
B2 C1 C1 B1
C2 A2
B B2
A2 A3 C3 A6 A3 C2
A7 B3
B5 A4
A8 C4 A9 A5 C3




Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 51

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation
A1 A10
A5 A1
B2 C1 C1 B1
C2 A2
B B2
A2 A3 C3 A6 A3 C2
A7 B3
B5 A4
A8 C4 A9 A5 C3

Entering vertex
Leaving vertex


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 52

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation

Rules for capturing the clipped

o Start at an entering vertex C1 B1
o If you encounter a leaving B2
vertex swap to right hand (clip A3
polygon) loop C2
o If you encounter an entering B4
vertex swap to left hand C3
(polygon) loop B5

o A loop is finished when you A6

arrive back at start C4
o Repeat whilst there are
entering vertices A8
Entering vertex
Leaving vertex
Clipped polygons

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 53

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation
A1 A10
A5 A1
B2 C1 C1 B1
C2 A2
B B2
A2 A3 C3 A6 A3 C2
A7 B3
B5 A4
A8 C4 A9 A5 C3

Clipped polygons: A8
Polygon 1: C1, A2, A3, C2
Polygon2: C3, A7, A8, C4, B5 A9


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 54

Text Clipping

All or none
text clipping


Before Clipping After Clipping

All or none
character clipping

Before Clipping After Clipping

Clipping individual

Before Clipping After Clipping

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 55

Questions and proposed problems
1. What are the main differences between clipping against view volume
and clipping against window?
2. How is modified the image is the viewport is defined in such a way that
xvmin > xvmax? Similarly for yvmin > yvmax. What is the result if both
conditions are true?
3. How can be used the relation between window and viewport to achieve
operations such as zoom in, zoom out, symmetry. What other
operations could be achieved?
4. Give examples of using the window as drawing area, and as mask.
5. Explain how the endpoints clipping algorithm can be used for clipping
the alphanumeric characters.
6. Give an example where the binary clipping algorithm is more efficient
than other line clipping algorithms.
7. Describe a line clipping algorithm similar with Cohen-Sutherland
algorithm if the window is a triangle.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 56

Questions and proposed problems
8. Describe a line clipping algorithm similar with Cohen-Sutherland
algorithm if the window is a rectangle with edge not parallel with
coordinate axes.
9. Describe a line clipping algorithm similar with Cohen-Sutherland
algorithm if the window is a rectangle with edge not parallel with
coordinate axes.
10. How could you apply the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm to clip a triangle?
How may you display the result? Can it be filled in?
11. Let us consider the convex polygon in figure 1, in the plain, and a line
given by two points P and Q, oriented from P toward Q. Specify an
approach to compute the normal vectors to the polygon’s edges.
12. Classify the edges of the polygon in figure 1, as entering and leaving
13. Specify the mathematical approach to compute the intersections
between the PQ line and the polygon’s edges.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 57

Questions and proposed problems

Figure 1

P Q Q1 Q2


14. Determine by the Cyrus-Beck algorithm if the line PQ intersects the

polygon, in figure 1.
15. Determine by the Cyrus-Beck algorithm what is the intersection
between the line PQ and the polygon in figure 1.
16. Generalize the previous problem for any line and any convex polygon,
in the plane.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 58

Questions and proposed problems
17. Determine by the Cyrus-Beck algorithm what is the visible intersection
point between the line PQ and the polygon in figure 1. Viewer lies on P.
18. Determine by the Cyrus-Beck algorithm what is the intersection
between the line segment PQ and the polygon in figure 1.
19. Analyze the previous problem for different line segments: (a) PQ1; (b)
20. Exemplify and explain why the Cyrus-Beck algorithm does not work for
concave polygons.
21. Explain the Sutherland - Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm on the
following polygon A and rectangular window (Figure 2).

Figure 2

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 59

Questions and proposed problems

22. Explain the Sutherland - Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm on the

following particular cases of polygon A and rectangular window (Figure



Figure 3


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 60

Questions and proposed problems

23. Explain the Sutherland - Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm on the

following particular cases of polygon A and rectangular window (Figure

a. b.

Figure 4

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 61

Questions and proposed problems

24. Explain the Weiler-Atherton polygon clipping algorithm on the following

particular cases of polygon A and rectangular window (Figure 5).

a. b.

Figure 5

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 62

Questions and proposed problems

25. Explain the Weiler-Atherton polygon clipping algorithm on the following

particular cases of polygons A and B (Figure 6).

a. B

A b. B

Figure 6

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 63

Questions and proposed problems
26. Explain an extension of the Weiler-Atherton polygon clipping algorithm
on the following three polygons A, B and C (Figure 7).

Figure 7

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 64

Questions and proposed problems
27. Explain an extension of the Weiler-Atherton polygon clipping algorithm
on the following three polygons A, B and C (Figure 8).

Figure 8

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 65

Scan Conversion Algorithms (3)
o Basic approach
o Fill area scan conversion
o Polygon scan conversion
o Scan Conversion
n Ordered Edge List Algorithm
n Edge Fill Algorithm
n Fence Fill Algorithm
n Edge Flag Algorithm
o Seed Filling

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

Basic approach

o Scan conversion

o Seed filling

o Needs information about each pixel: position, color,

intensity, alfa attribute, etc.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

Jordan Theorem

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

Data structures
o Real-time scan conversion
Using geometry and visual attributes

o Run-length encoding
(intensity, run length)…○4●4○4●9……

o Cell-organization

o Frame buffer

Pixel pattern Frame Buffer

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

Real-time scan conversion
B Polygon’s edges
o Less memory Scan line
o High computation time 1
o Complex geometric processing C

o Flexibility 2


Edge list 1: Edge list 2: Edge list 3:
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

BC ← b BC BC BA ← b BA ← b BA BD ← b BD ← b BD ← b
BD ← e BD BD ← b BD ← e BD BD ← b BC ← e BC BC
CD CD ← e CD CD CD ← e CD CD CD ← e CD
AD AD AD ← e AD AD AD ← e AD AD AD ← e

The edge lists must be ordered to intersect consecutive edges.

Ordered by:
1. Max y of starting vertex (e.g. B, C, A)
2. Max y of ending vertex (e.g. C, A, D)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Run-length encoding
o BW encoding: (intensity, run length) o Data compression
o Color encoding: (R,G,B, run length) o High processing time

0 30

0 7 1 8 0 15

0 1 1 2 0 20 1 2 0 5

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Cell encoding

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Cell encoding - pseudographics

Pixel pattern X Reflexion Translation Masking

Complex object B


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

Frame buffer
o Large memory
o High speed
o Time consuming for graphical processing
o Image complexity does not depend on the performance of the display

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Scan line approach

1 12 11 2 3 10 9 4 5 8 7 6

o Scan line coherence

Adjacent pixels are likely to have the same characteristics
o Intersection points:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
o Ordered sequence:
1, 12, 11, 2, 3, 10, 9, 4, 5, 8, 7, 6
o Ordered pairs:
(1,12), (11,2), (3,10), (9,4), (5,8), (7,6)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Scan line approach – particular cases

1 2 3 4
1 2

1 2 3 4

1 2,3 4,5 6

1 2 3 4

1 2,3 4,5 6

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Computation issues
Polygon to Resulted Pixel position, Intersection
be drawn polygon Intersection points
points Scan line
5 5

4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Integer domain: Integer domain:

1. Polygon vertices 1. Polygon vertices
2. Scan line y coordinate 2. Pixel position
3. Intersection coordinates
4. Pixel position Real domain:
1. Scan line y coordinate
2. Intersection coordinates

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Ordered Edge List Algorithm


6 P3
Edge sorting on
y coordinate



0 2 4 6 8 10

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Ordered edge list - Data structures
Scan line
Linked list of polygon edge data Scan line

8 Edge P4P5 Edge P5P1

x45 ∆x45 ∆y45 x51 ∆x51 ∆y51
5 x23 ∆x23 ∆y23 x34 ∆x34 ∆y34
3 Edge P2P3 Edge P3P4
0 P5
List address 8
x ∆x ∆y Pointer
8 6 P3
7 1 1.5 1 3 2
6 1
5 3 2 1 0 5 4
3 8 0 4 4 P4
3 2
2 4 7.5 -1 2 P2
0 0 2 4 6 8 10

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

Active edge list
8 Active edge list
P5 Scan line 5:
P3 x45+∆x45, ∆x45, ∆y45 -1
x51+∆x51, ∆x51, ∆y51 -1
x23, ∆x23, ∆y23
4 x34, ∆x34, ∆y34

Scan line 4:
2 P4
x45+2∆x45, ∆x45, ∆y45 -2
x51+2∆x51, ∆x51, ∆y51 -2
P1 x23+∆x23, ∆x23, ∆y23 -1
0 2 4 6 8 10 x34+∆x23, ∆x34, ∆y34 -1

8 Active edges Scan line 3:

7 x ∆x ∆y x45+3∆x45, ∆x45, ∆y45 -3
6 x51+3∆x51, ∆x51, ∆y51 -3
5 x45 ∆x45 ∆y45 x23+2∆x23, ∆x23, ∆y23 -2
4 x51 ∆x51 ∆y51 x34+2∆x23, ∆x34, ∆y34 -2
2 x23 ∆x23 ∆y23 Scan line 2:
1 x51+4∆x51, ∆x51, ∆y51 -4
x34 ∆x34 ∆y34 x23+3∆x23, ∆x23, ∆y23 -3

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

Active edge list
Intersection points Pixel list
x ∆x ∆y
ordered by x coordinate
6 1.5 1 3 1 1.5 (1,6)
1 0 5
5 2.5 1 2 1 2.5 7.5 8 (1,5), (2,5), (7,5)
1 0 4
8 0 4
7.5 -1 2
1 3.5 6.5 8 (1,4), (2,4), (3,4),
4 3.5 1 1
(6,4), (7,4)
1 0 3
8 0 3
6.5 -1 1
3 4.5 1 0 1 4.5 5.5 8
1 0 2
8 0 2
5.5 -1 0
1 8 (1,2),(2,2),(3,2),(4,2),
2 1 0 1
8 0 1
1 8 (1,1),(2,1),(3,1),(4,1),
1 1 0 0
8 0 0

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17

Edge fill algorithm
o Complement the pixel on the right of the edge

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

Edge fill algorithm
o No sorting
o Simple data structure
o Each pixel should be accessed many times


P3 P3

P2 P2 P4

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

Edge fill algorithm
P5 P5

P6 P6




P8 P8

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

Fence fill algorithm
o Reduce the number of pixel accesses


P3 P3

P2 P2 P4


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21

Fence fill algorithm
P6 P6




P8 P8

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

Edge flag algorithm
o Each pixel is accessed only once
o No sorting and maintaining edge lists
o Very fast and could be implemented by hardware

flag flag
in out

flag flag
in out

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

Seed fill algorithm
o Start at a pixel inside the polygon
o Seed: starting pixel
o Move to the neighbors using the connectivity by 4 and 8
o Recursive algorithms

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 24

Type of region
o Defined by
1. Content
2. Contour

y y

x x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 25

Recursive algorithms - Fill4Content
procedure Fill4Content(x, y, oldval, newval: integer);
{x, y: starting point, inside region;
oldval: the old inside pixel colour;
newval: the new colour of pixels}
if ReadPixel(x, y) = oldval then
WritePixel(x, y, newval);
Fill4Content(x, y-1, oldval, newval);
Fill4Content(x, y+1, oldval, newval);
Fill4Content(x-1, y, oldval, newval);
Fill4Content(x+1, y, oldval, newval);

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 26

Recursive algorithms - Fill4Contour
procedure Fill4Contour(x, y, contval, newval: integer);
{x, y: starting point, inside region;
contval: the old contourcolour;
newval: the new colour of the contour pixels}
if ReadPixel(x, y) <> contval and ReadPixel(x, y) <> newval then
WritePixel(x, y, newval);
Fill4Contour(x, y-1, contval, newval);
Fill4Contour(x, y+1, contval, newval);
Fill4Contour(x-1, y, contval, newval);
Fill4Contour(x+1, y, contval, newval);

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 27

Course based algorithm
o Recursivity is very stack memory consuming
o Reduce the level of recursivity: course
1. Most right pixel positiony
2. An horizontal sequence of consecutive pixels
o Only course indentifier stored into the stack

y y

Firt 3 2

5 4

x x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 28

Course based algorithm
o Determinate the current course, related to the
starting position
o Write into the stack the course ID
o While stack is not empty { course
Read and render a course from the stack ID

For all above line courses

Write into the stack the course ID
For all below line courses
Write into the stack the course ID y

3 2

5 4

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 29

Questions and proposed problems
1. What is the main difference and similarity between the scan conversion
and seed filling algorithms for polygon rendering?
2. Generate in the real-time scan conversion algorithm the edge list for
rendering three adjacent triangles. Generate the edge list to keep
intersected consecutive edges (Figure 1a, Figure 1b).
3. Is it possible to generate a single list that keep intersected consecutive
edges? How many edge lists have to be considered?

Figure 1a Figure 1b B


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 30
Questions and proposed problems
4. Explain the generation of the edge list if the scan line is moving
upward, instead downward.
5. Explain why the relationship between real polygon point, scan line and
pixel position is important?
6. How big could be the polygon rendering error?
7. Explain the Ordered Edge List algorithm on Figure 1a.
8. Explain the Ordered Edge List algorithm on Figure 1b.
9. Explain the Ordered Edge List algorithm on Figure 1a and b, if the scan
line is moving upward.
10. Explain how the Ordered Edge List algorithm depends on the upward
and downward movement of the scan line?
11. Why would the seed filling algorithm be disadvantageous?
12. What is the worst case for the recursive seed filling algorithm?

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 31

Scan Conversion Algorithms (2)
o Circle scan conversion
o Circle drawing
o Circle drawing by 4 and 8 way symmetry
o Midpoint circle
n Basic algorithm
n Algorithm by integer arithmetic
n Algorithm by 2nd order differences

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

Circle Drawing

(x-xc)2 + (y-yc)2 = r2
y = yc ± sqrt((r2) - (x-xc)2) r


x = xc + r cosθ
y = yc + r sinθ


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

Circle rendering by 4 and 8 way symmetry

y y

(-x, y) (x, y) (-x, y) (x, y)

(-y, x) (y, x)
x x

(-y, -x) (y, -x)

(-x, -y) (x, -y) (-x, -y) (x, -y)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

4 way symmetry algorithm
public void circleSym4 (int xCenter, int yCenter, int radius, Color c)
int pix = c.getRGB();
int x, y, r2;

r2 = radius * radius;
raster.setPixel(pix, xCenter, yCenter + radius);
raster.setPixel(pix, xCenter, yCenter - radius);
for (x = 1; x <= radius; x++) {
y = (int) (Math.sqrt(r2 - x*x) + 0.5);
raster.setPixel(pix, xCenter + x, yCenter + y);
raster.setPixel(pix, xCenter + x, yCenter - y);
raster.setPixel(pix, xCenter - x, yCenter + y);
raster.setPixel(pix, xCenter - x, yCenter - y);

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

8 way symmetry algorithm
public void circleSym8 (int xCenter, raster.setPixel(
int yCenter, int radius, Color c) pix, xCenter + y, yCenter + x);
{ raster.setPixel(
int pix = c.getRGB(); pix, xCenter + y, yCenter - x);
int x, y, r2; raster.setPixel(
pix, xCenter - y, yCenter + x);
r2 = radius * radius; raster.setPixel(
raster.setPixel( pix, xCenter - y, yCenter - x);
pix, xCenter, yCenter + radius); x += 1;
raster.setPixel( y = (int) (Math.sqrt(r2 - x*x) + 0.5);
pix, xCenter, yCenter - radius); }
raster.setPixel( if (x == y) {
pix, xCenter + radius, yCenter); raster.setPixel(
raster.setPixel( pix, xCenter + x, yCenter + y);
pix, xCenter - radius, yCenter); raster.setPixel(
x = 1; pix, xCenter + x, yCenter - y);
y = (int) (Math.sqrt(r2 - 1) + 0.5); raster.setPixel(
while (x < y) { pix, xCenter - x, yCenter + y);
raster.setPixel( raster.setPixel(
pix, xCenter + x, yCenter + y); pix, xCenter - x, yCenter - y);
raster.setPixel( }
pix, xCenter + x, yCenter - y); }
pix, xCenter - x, yCenter + y);
pix, xCenter - x, yCenter - y);

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Midpoint circle algorithm
x2 + y2 = R2
(xi +1, yi)
Let us consider F(x,y)= x2 + y2 - R2 (xi,yi)

F(x,y) > 0 for P(x,y) outside of the circle ME

(xi +1, yi-1/2) M
F(x,y) = 0 for P on the circle
F(x,y) < 0 inside of the circle MSE
(xi +1, yi-1)

if F(M) < 0, next point P(xi+1,yi+1) = E(xi+1,yi)
otherwise next point P(xi+1,yi+1) = SE(xi+1,yi-1)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Midpoint circle algorithm - computation
Let us consider the decision variable:
di = F(xi+1, yi-1/2)=(xi+1)2 + (yi-1/2)2 - R2
di+1 = F(xi+1+1, yi+1-1/2)=(xi+2)2 + (yi+1-1/2)2 - R2
where xi+1 = xi + 1 y
if di < 0, yi+1= yi (0,R)

otherwise yi+1= yi-1

di+1 = di + 2xi+3, if di<0 x

di + 2(xi-yi)+5, otherwise

The starting point (x0, y0) = (0, R)

d0 = F(x0+1, y0-1/2)=(0+1)2 + (R-1/2)2 - R2 = 5/4 - R

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Midpoint circle algorithm - summary
Next point P(xi+1,yi+1):
xi+1 = xi + 1
yi+1= yi if di < 0,
yi-1 otherwise y

di+1 = di + 2xi+3, if di<0

di + 2(xi-yi)+5, otherwise

Initial decision variable value:
d0 = F(0, R)= 5/4 - R

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

Midpoint circle algorithm - pseudocode
procedure MidpointCircle (radius,value : integer); Change the decision variable:
var D = d - 1/4
x,y : integer; d: real; d = D + 1/4
begin Initial value: D = 1 - radius
x := 0; { initialization } Equivalence decision in
y := radius; { 0, R } integer value domain:
d := 5/4 - radius; D < -1/4 Þ D < 0
while y > x do begin Computation of the new
if d < 0 then { select E } decision variable:
d := d + 2*x + 3; D := D + 2*x + 3
x := x + 1; D := D + 2(x-y) + 5
else begin { select SE } Conclusion:
d := d + 2*(x - y) + 5; 1. Compute initial value by:
x := x + 1; d=1-radius
y := y - 1; 2. All other formulas are
end { while }
end; { MidpointCircle }

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Midpoint circle alg. – integer arithmetics
procedure MidpointCircle (radius,value : integer);
{ Integer arithmetic only }
x,y, d : integer;
x := 0; { initialization }
y := radius; { 0, R }
d := 1 - radius;
while y > x do begin
if d < 0 then { select E }
d := d + 2*x + 3;
x := x + 1;
else begin { select SE }
d := d + 2*(x - y) + 5;
x := x + 1;
y := y - 1;
end { while }
end; { MidpointCircle }

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Midpoint circle algorithm - improvement
o The next decision variable value is computed as a
function of:
o Current decision variable value
o Current coordinate values x and y
di+1 = di + 2xi+3, if di<0
di + 2(xi-yi)+5, otherwise
o Aim:
o Next decision variable value does not depend on current
coordinates x and y
di+1 = di + const

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Improvement by 2nd order differences
di+1 = di + ∆di
∆di = di+1 - di = 2xi+3 if di<0 (∆diE)
2(xi-yi)+5 otherwise (∆diSE)
Passing to the next position:
(xi,yi)→ (xi+1,yi)
∆di+1E = 2(xi+1)+3= ∆diE+2
∆di+1SE = 2(xi+1-yi)+5= ∆diSE+2
(xi,yi)→ (xi+1,yi-1)
∆di+1E = 2(xi+1)+3= ∆diE+2
∆di+1SE = 2(xi+1-yi+1)+5= ∆diSE+4
Initially, on (x0,y0)
∆d0 = 3 if d0<0 (∆d0E)
-2R+5 otherwise (∆d0SE)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Midpoint circle alg. – 2nd order differences
procedure MidpointCircle (radius,value : integer);
{Uses second-order partial differences to compute increments in the decision variable}
var x,y,d, deltaE, deltaSE : integer;
x := 0; { initialization }
y := radius; { 0, R }
d := 1 - radius;
deltaE := 3;
deltaSE := -2*radius + 5;
while y > x do begin
if d < 0 then { select E }
d := d + deltaE;
deltaE := deltaE + 2;
deltaSE := deltaSE +2;
x := x + 1;
else begin { select SE }
d := d + deltaSE;
deltaE := deltaE + 2;
deltaSE := deltaSE +4;
x := x + 1;
y := y - 1;
end { while }
end; { MidpointCircle }

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Questions and proposed problems
1. Demonstrate what values take the function F(x,y)= x2 + y2 - R2 inside
and outside the circle, of center O and radius R.
2. Explain why the circle rendering is only computed in the second
3. Modify the Midpoint circle algorithm to work in the first octant (under
the first bisection).
4. Modify the Midpoint circle algorithm to work in the first quadrant (x, y
5. Extend the Midpoint circle algorithm to render a filled circle.
6. Explain the improvement of the Midpoint circle algorithm by the second
order differences.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

ScanLine Conversion Algorithms
o Line scan conversion
o Transformation pipeline
o Line drawing algorithms
o Digital Differential Analyzer
o Bresenham Line Algorithm
o Midpoint line algorithm
o Antialiasing

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

Real objects to image on the screen
zL View
zwc Plane

xS xV Center of
zV Projection,
U Viewer’s
N Position


window pixel

Window definition Viewport definition Window’s content Scan conversion onto the
in projection plane in projection plane inside the viewport raster screen

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

Viewing transformations pipeline

3D 3D Shadow 3D Project onto

computation, viewing plane,
to viewing
Clip against Clip against
World coordinates Viewing Viewing
view volume window
Coordinates Coordinates Coordinates

2D Transform to 2D Scan conversion,

2D Rendering,
viewport Transformation to
Viewing Normalized device coordinates Physical
Coordinates Coordinates Device

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

Pixel vicinity and continuity

8 neighbors 4 neighbors

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

Line drawing

var yt : real; ∆x, ∆y, xi, yi : integer; ∆x

for xi := 0 to ∆x do begin
yt := [∆y/∆x]*xi; ∆y
yi := trunc(yt+[1/2]);

Objective: avoid multiplication

y = mx, m = [∆y/ ∆x]

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Line-drawing algorithms
y = mx + b y
b = y1 – mx1
m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) = ∆y/∆x
∆y = m∆x P2(x2,y2)
m>0 ∆y
X1 < x2

x1 ∆x x2 x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

DDA Algorithm
DDA = Digital Differential Analyzer

Basic formula: m>1 m=1

∆y = m∆x, m>0
xi+1 = xi + 1
yi+1 = yi + m

Makes discontinuity for another case

Therefore two formulas:
∆y = m∆x, 0<m<1
∆x = (1/m)∆y, 1<m

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

DDA Algorithm – two cases
Makes discontinuity for another case
Therefore two formulas:
∆y = m∆x, 0<m<1
∆x = (1/m)∆y, 1<m m>1
y m=1

Case 1: 0<m<1
Xi+1 = xi + 1
yi+1 = yi + m

Case 2: 1<m
yi+1 = yi + 1
xi+1 = xi + 1/m
m <1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

DDA Algorithm – basic case
Assumption : 0 <m<1, x1<x2

procedure dda (x1, y1, x2, y2 : integer);

∆x, ∆y, k : integer;
x, y : real
∆x := x2 - x1;
∆y := y2 - y1;
x := x1; y := y1;
for k := 1 to ∆x do begin
x := x + 1;
y := y + [∆y/ ∆x];
end { for k }
end; { dda }

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Bresenham’s Line Algorithm
o Basic idea:
1. Find the closest integer coordinates to the actual line path
2. Use only integer arithmetic
3. Compute iteratively the next point, Pi+1=F(Pi)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Bresenham method – basic idea
o Basic approach: y

1. Compute a decision
variable di=f(Pi, di-1)
2. Depending on the di value yi + 1
chose the next position E n
or NE
Pi s

xi xi + 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Bresenham method - mathematics
Assumptions: 0<m≤1, xi<xj, i<j y

y = mx+b, yi = mxi , m = ∆y/∆x

yi + 1
s = y-yi = m(xi+1)+b-yi n
n = yi+1-y=yi+1-m(xi+1)-b Q
Pi s
k = s-n = 2m(xi+1)-2yi+2b-1 E
Let us consider di = k∆x = ∆x(s-n) x

xi xi + 1
di = ∆x(s-n) = 2∆y(xi+1)-2∆xyi+∆x(2b-1)
= 2∆yxi -2∆xyi +[2∆y+∆x(2b-1)]
= 2∆yxi -2∆xyi + Const
di = 2∆yxi -2∆xyi + Const
if di < 0 then E(xi+1,yi)
if di ≥ 0 then NE(xi+1,yi+1)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Bresenham method - mathematics
di = 2∆yxi -2∆xyi + Const y
di+1 = 2∆yxi+1 -2∆xyi+1 + Const

di+1- di = 2∆y(xi+1-xi)-2∆x(yi+1- yi) NE

di+1= di +2∆y-2∆x(yi+1- yi) yi + 1
if di < 0 then Pi+1 = E, and yi+1=yi
otherwise Pi+1 = NE, and yi+1=yi+1 Pi s
di+1= di +2∆y if di < 0 x

di+1= di +2∆y-2∆x otherwise xi xi + 1

The first value of the decision variable:

d0 = 2∆yx1-2∆xy1+[2∆y+∆x(2b-1)]

y1 = (∆y/∆x)x1+b, ∆xy1= ∆yx1+b∆x

∆x(2b-1)= 2∆xy1- 2∆yx1- 2∆x

d0 = 2∆y-2∆x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Bresenham algorithm - pseudocode
procedure bres_line (x1, y1, x2, y2 : integer);
var ∆x, ∆y, x, y, d, incrE, incrNE : integer;
∆x := x2 – x1;
∆y := y2 – y1;
d := 2* ∆y - ∆x;
incrE := 2* ∆y;
incrNE := 2*(∆y - ∆x);
x := x1; y := y1;
while x < x2 do begin
if d<0 then begin
d := d + incrE;
x := x + 1;
end; { then begin }
else begin
d := d + incrNE;
y := y + 1;
x := x + 1;
end; { else begin }
display (x, y);
end { while x < x2 }
end; { bres_line}

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

Midpoint line algorithm

yi + 1

M F(x,y)=0

xi xi + 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

Midpoint line algorithm
y= (∆y/∆x)x + n y


Considering a=∆y, b=-∆x, and c=n∆x NE

yi + 1
F(x,y)=ax+by+c=0, if (x,y) is on the line M F(x,y)=0
Q is closer to E

NE if F(xi+1, yi+1/2)<0
E if F(xi+1, yi+1/2)>0
xi xi + 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17

Midpoint line algorithm
F(xi+1, yi+1/2)=a(xi+1)+b(yi+1/2)+c
Let di=2F(xi+1, yi+1/2)=2a(xi+1)+b(2yi+1)+2c
Since a=∆y and b=-∆x,
di+1=2F(xi+1+1, yi+1+1/2)= 2∆y(xi+1+1)-∆x(2yi+1+1)+2c
xi+1= xi+1
yi+1= yi+1, if di≥0
yi+1= yi otherwise
di+1= 2∆y(xi+1)-∆x(2yi+1)+2c+2∆y-2∆x= di+2∆y-2∆x, if di≥0
di+1= di+2∆y, otherwise

d0=2F(x0+1, y0+1/2)= 2(∆yx0-∆xy0+c)+2∆y-2∆x= 2∆y-2∆x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

Midpoint line algorithm - pseudocode
procedure mid_point (x1, y1, x2, y2,value : integer);
var ∆x, ∆y, incrE, incrNE, d, x, y : integer;
∆x := x2 – x1;
∆y := y2 – y1;
d := 2* ∆y - ∆x;
incrE := 2* ∆y;
incrNE := 2*(∆y- ∆x);
x := x1; y := y1;
while x < x2 do begin
if p < 0 then begin
p := p + incrE;
x := x + 1;
end; { then begin }
else begin
p := p + incrNE;
y := y + 1;
x := x + 1;
end; { else begin }
end; { while x < x2 }
end; { mid_point }

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

General Bresenham’s Line Algorithm
o Basic Bresenham line algorithm is given for line in the first octant.
o To render a general line (A, B):
1. Transform the line (P1, P2) into the line (P1’, P2’) in the first
2. Compute the raster line (P1’, P2’)
1. For each point P’
1. Compute point P for the initial line
2. Render point P



P1’(x1,y1) P’

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

General Bresenham’s Line Algorithm
Render and explain the Bresenham algorithm transformations for the
following lines:
a. A(7, 5), B(15, 10)
b. A(15, 10), B(7, 5)
c. A(5, 7), B(10, 15)
d. A(10, 15), B(5, 7)
e. A(-5, 7), B(-10, 15)
f. A(-7, 5), B(-15, 10)
g. A(-15, 10), B(-7, 5)
h. A(-15, -10), B(-7, -5)
i. A(-5, -7), B(-10, -15)
j. A(7, -5), B(15, -10)
k. A(15, -10), B(7, -5)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21


o Removing the stairstep
appearance of a line
o Staircase for raster effect
o Need some compensation in
line-drawing algorithm for the
raster effect

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

o Jugged edges
o Small objects
unvisible, disturbed
o Textures
toothed edges

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

o Supersampling
o Area sampling
o Stochastic sampling

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 24

Supersampling (Postfiltering)
o Increasing resolution

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 25

Area Sampling (Prefiltering)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 26

Area Sampling - solutions

1. Unweighted area sampling

I = f(d)
o Intensity of a pixel decreases as the distance between the pixel center
and the edge increases
o A primitive does not influence the intensity of a pixel at all if there is no
o Equal areas contribute equal intensity

2. Weighted area sampling

I = f (∆A, d), weighting function, filter function
o The pixel represent a circular area larger than the square tile
o The primitive intersects the circular area
o The intersection area contributes to the intensity
e.g. Goupta-Sproull incremental method for antialiasing lines

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 27

o Box filter
o Cone filter

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 28

Questions and proposed problems
1. Why the integer arithmetic is used in graphics algorithms? Why it is
imposed in the scan conversion algorithms?
2. How the DDA algorithm works above the first bisection? Is it efficient?
3. Why in the Bresenham algorithm for a line the next pixel could be just
E and NE, rather than SE, S, SV, and N?
4. How does the Bresenham algorithm for a line work if the starting point
is another than the origin of the coordinate axes?
5. What are the advantages of the Midpoint line algorithm against the
Bresenham line algorithm?
6. Render and explain the Bresenham algorithm transformations for the
following lines AB: A(10, 15), B(5, 7); A(-5, 7), B(-10, 15); A(-7, 5), B(-15,
10); A(- 15, 10), B(-7, 5). For each case compute the global
transformation matrix.
7. Why the computation of the decision variable is faster than analytic

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 29

Questions and proposed problems
8. Explain why the Bresenham algorithm is faster or slower than the
Midpoint algorithm.
9. Explain how the supersampling approach may improve the quality of
graphics rendering? What is the relationship between object point and
10. Explain why rasterization loses information about the real object?

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 30

Graphical Devices
Touch screen technology
o There are four main touchscreen technologies:
1. Resistive
2. Capacitive
3. Surface Acoustic Wave
4. Infrared


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

Resistive Touchscreen Technology

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

Capacitive Touchscreen Technology

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

Capacitive Touchscreen Technology

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

Surface Acoustic Wave Touchscreen

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Infrared Touchscreen Technology

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Plural Touch Technology
o Multi touch Applications technology are found in smart
phones like iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, Nokia N8, Nexus
S, Microsoft Touchtable, Apple’s iPad and many more.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Graphical Devices

1. Output devices
o Hardcopy technology
o Display technology
o Raster system architectures
2. Input devices

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

Programmer’s Model of Interactive CG

Application Graphics
Program System

Computer Graphics Devices Users

o Graphics Models - Application Data Structures
o Application Programs
o Graphics Systems
o Graphics Devices
Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3
Graphical device types

o Output device
n Graphics display, printer, plotter etc.
o Input device
o Logical
n locator, stroke, string, valuator, choice, pick
o Physical
n mouse, trackball, joystick, scanner, keyboard, etc
o Interactive device
n Graphics console, graphics tablet, head mounted display, etc.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

Device components
o Input Output Processor
o Communicates with CPU
o Scan converts the output primitives
o Refreshing screen
o Interfacing with interactive input devices
o Raster operations
o Character generation
o Additional functions

CPU IOP Display

Input Hard Copy

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

Output devices
o Hardcopy technologies:
o dot matrix printer
o pen plotter
o desk-top plotter
o electrostatic plotter
o laser printer
o ink-jet printer
o thermal transfer printer
o Display technologies:
o monochrome and color CRT (Cathode Ray
o direct-view storage tube (DVST)
o liquid-crystal display (LCD)
o plasma panel
o electroluminescent display (ELD)
o Raster-scan display systems
o simple raster display system
o peripheral display processor
o additional display processor
o integrated display processor

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Dot matrix printer

o Raster output device

o Requires scan conversion of vector images for printing
o Head of pins
o Each pin is individually fired
o Bw and colored ribbons

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Pen plotter
o Flatbed plotter
Paper held down on the table
Electrostatic charge
Stretch tightly
Drawing by bw or colors
Knife blade for scribing
Light source for exposing
photographic negatives
o Drum plotter

pen carriage
Pen plotters include a
o Accepts graphics commands:
draw line, move, draw circle,
o Decomposes the output
primitives into incremental pen
∆x, ∆y, z, ∆u etc.

paper flat band

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Electrostatic plotter
1. The plotter places a negative charge in parts that are to be black
2. Flows positively charged black toner over the paper
3. Toner particles adhere to the paper

Color plotter
Multiple passes for fundamental colors
Colors: black, cyan, magenta, and yellow toners
One pass, multiple heads

Electric contacts

Bath of suspended
toner particles
paper movement

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

Laser printer
1. Drum is positively charged
2. Laser beam scans the rotated drum
3. Areas hit by the laser beam lose the charge
4. Positive charge remains only on the parts that are to be black
5. Negative powdered toner adheres to the positive areas on the drum
6. The toner is transfered onto the blank paper
7. Color xerography repeats the process for each primary color

Selenium coated

Laser system

Laser beam
Scan line

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Ink-jet printer
o Primary colors: cyan, magenta, yellow
o Ink jets onto the head (carriage)
o Some ink-jet printers accept video input

Paper wrapped
around drum


Ink jets


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Thermal transfer printers
o Heating nibs transfer pigments from colored wax paper to plain paper
o Wax paper and plain paper are drawn together over a strip of heating
o Color printing: wax paper is on a roll of alternating cyan, magenta,
yellow, and black strips, each of a length egual to the paper size
o Time: 1 min / image
o Usage:
o barcode labels
o cloth labels (e.g. shirt size)
o Printing plastic labels

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Output devices
o Hardcopy technologies:
o dot matrix printer
o pen plotter
o desk-top plotter
o electrostatic plotter
o laser printer
o ink-jet printer
o thermal transfer printer
o Display technologies:
o monochrome and color CRT (Cathode Ray
o direct-view storage tube (DVST)
o liquid-crystal display (LCD)
o plasma panel
o electroluminescent display (ELD)
o Raster-scan display systems
o simple raster display system
o peripheral display processor
o integrated display processor

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)

Focusing Deflection
System Plate

Electron Beam

Control Accelerating Vertical
Grid System Deflection

Color: Screen

Beam Penetration

Shadow Mask

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Color CRT (Shadow Mask)
Shadow Mask

Electron Gun


Phosphor dot pattern

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

Delta electron gun arrangement

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

In-line electron gun arrangement

Phosphor pattern of stripped picture tube


beam Red beam

Blue Slotted shadow

beam mask

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17

CRT - characteristics
o Persistence
How long a phosphor continues to emit light after the electron beam is
removed (less than 1/10 of its original intensity)
Gives: Refresh rate, image modification rate, animation
Issue: Picture complexity

o Sharpness

1 spot size inter-dot distance dot size, spot
dot pitch size
0.5 ~ 0.6


electron beam

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

CRT - characteristics
o Resolution
1 / spot size
# of points / scan line
# of lines / frame
o Addressability
1 / inter-dot distance
o Aspect ratio
horizontal to vertical points to produce equal length of lines in both direction
on screen, e.g. 3/4 = 0.75

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

Refresh CRT
o Refresh memory
1. Vector image: graphics commands (display file)
Issue: the size of the refresh memory limits the complexity of the
2. Raster graphics: bitmap matrix (frame buffer)



memory (Display file, frame buffer)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

Direct View Storage Tube (DVST)
o Image persistance, flicker free
o Always delete and redraw the CPU DPU CRT
entire image
o High voltage to delete the
screen Refresh

Flood Gun

Storage grid

Collector grid

Primary electron gun

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21

Vector vs raster graphics
o Vector graphics
n Application software controls the graphics primitives: point, line, polyline
n Display processor builds the image as a sequence of vectors
n Limited image complexity
o Raster graphics
n Application software controls pixels in refresh buffer
n Display processor just refresh the screen
n No limited image complexity

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

Frame buffer – gray levels

Register DAC

Frame Buffer CRT Raster

0 1 0 2N DAC

N=3 2N Levels

Frame Buffer CRT Raster

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

Color planes

0 DAC Blue

1 DAC Green

0 DAC Red

N=3 2N Levels

Frame Buffer CRT Raster

Red Green Blue

Black 0 0 0
Red 1 0 0
Green 0 1 0
Blue 0 0 1
Yellow 1 1 0
Cyan 0 1 1
Magenta 1 0 1
White 1 1 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 24

Color palette in Look-up tables

Look-up tables
2W intensity levels
2N at a time

2N entries 10

0 1 0

N=3 2N levels

Frame Buffer CRT Raster

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 25

Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD)
o Most popular alternative to the CRT is the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
o Organic molecules
1. In the absence of external forces, tend to align themselves in crystalline structures. In
their unexcited or crystalline state the LCDs rotate the polarization of light by 90
2. When an external force is applied they will rearrange themselves as if they were a
liquid. In the presence of an electric field, LCDs the small electrostatic charges of the
molecules align with the impinging E field.
o External force: heat (i.e. mood rings), electromagnetic field.
o The LCD's transition between crystalline and liquid states is a slow process.


Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Reflective
polarizer grid wires grid wires polarizer layer

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 26

LCD – twisted nematic cells

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 27

LCD screen structure

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 28

Color TFT (Thin Film Transistor) LCD
o TFT (Thin Film Transistor) or Active Matrix LCD
n There is a transistor at each grid point
n Cause the crystals to change their state quickly
n Control the degree to which the state has been changed
n Hold the state until it changes

Color cell
Color Filter

Liquid Crystal


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 29


• VGA screens need

921,000 transistors
(640 x 480 x 3)

• 1024 x 768 needs

2,359,296 transistors
(1024 x 768 x 3)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 30

Plasma display panel (PDP)
o Three layers
o Horizontal and vertical grid wires
o Glass plate with cells (neon bulbs, fluorescent tubes ). E.g. 50-125 cells / inch
o Bulb state
On: High-voltage discharge excites gas mixture (He, Xe).
It fires the bulb that glows. Low voltage sustains the state.
Remains on till an explicit command turns it off.
Off: bulbs do not glow. They are transparent.
o Turns on/off in less than 15 µs
o Does not need refresh buffer
o Flat and transpartent panel
o Upon relaxation UV light is emitted
o UV light excites phosphors


Vertical Glass plate Horizontal

grid wires with cells grid wires
(x address) (y address)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 31

PDP Structure

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 32

Plasma display panel
o Promising for large format
o Large viewing angle
o Less efficient than CRTs
o Not as bright
o More power
o Large pixels (~1mm compared to
0.2mm for CRT)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 33

Field Emission Display (FED)
o Works like a CRT with multiple
electron guns at each pixel
o Uses modest voltages applied to
sharp points to produce strong E
o Reliable electrodes proven difficult
to produce
o Limited in size
o Thin but requires a vacuum

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 34

FED cell structure

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 35

Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED)
o Function is similar to a semiconductor
o Thin-film polymer construction
o Potentially simpler processing
o Transparent
o Flexible
o Can be vertically stacked
o Excellent brightness
o Large viewing angle
o Efficient (low power/low voltage)
o Fast (< 1 µs)
o Can be made large or small
o Tend to breakdown

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 36

OLED structure

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 37

Over head projectors

o CRT projector

o LCD projector

o Digital Light Processing (DLP)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 38

Head Mounted Display (HMD)
o Use two small screens placed just in
front of each eye
o The virtual objects are placed at 1-5
m in front of the user
o Resolutions greater than 1024x768
o Technology:
n LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) – for
commercial use
n CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) –
professional use, high resolution

Realitate Virtuala 39
HMD - examples

Realitate Virtuala 40
HMD – Virtual glasses

Realitate Virtuala 41
HMD – Virtual glasses

o Controlled by voice and head movement

o Operations: navigation over Internet, video call, listen music,
write notices, etc.

Realitate Virtuala 42
HMD – Virtual glasses

Realitate Virtuala 43
Display-uri mari bazate pe monitoare

o Cel mai mic sistem utilizeaza ochelari

conectati la un monitor capabil sa
afiseze stereo
o Rata de reimprospatare este dubla fata
de cea normala (120/140Hz)
o Sunt transmise imagini alternative
decalate (efectul de paralaxa)
o Necesita utilizarea ochelarilor
o Un singur utilizator are controlul
asupra scenei virtuale prin intermediul
o Utilizatorul trebuie sa se gaseasca in
raza de actiune a transmitatorului IR
(1.5- 3,5 m)

Realitate Virtuala 44
Binocular Omni-Orientation Monitor (BOOM)

o Head-coupled stereoscopic display

o Screens and optical system are
housed in a box that is attached to
a multi-link arm
o Sensors in the links of the arm that
holds the box

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 45

DSD – Desk Supported Display
o Pasive
n Nu urmaresc pozitia capului utilizatorului
o Active
n Urmaresc capul utilizatorului si ajusteaza in timp real coloana intercalata pe
baza pozitiei utilizatorului
o Separarea coloanelor se face folosind o masca prismatica amplasata
pe display

Realitate Virtuala 46
Display-uri de mari dimensiuni
o Display grafic care afiseaza o scena virtuala destinata
vizualizarii simultane a mai multor utilizatori amplasati in
vecinatatea display-ului
n Imagini monoscopice
n Imagini stereoscopice
o Bazate pe monitoare
o Bazate pe proiectoare

Realitate Virtuala 47
Display-uri mari bazate pe monitoare
o Alternativa este folosirea
monitoarelor multiple
amplasate adiacent
o Probleme apar la
simularea la viteze mari
cand apar discontinuitati
intre imaginile de pe
monitoarele adiacente

Realitate Virtuala 48
Display-uri mari bazate pe proiectoare

o LVD (Large Wall Display)

o Reprezinta solutia optima pentru a permite mai multor utilizatori sa
participe la o simulare de RV
o Un proiector CRT foloseste 3 tuburi R, G, B pentru o imagine de inalta
rezolutie (1280x1024) la 120 Hz
o La functionarea in mod stereo prin secventierea cadrului se imparte
numarul liniilor de scanare in 2, utilizatorul vazand o imagine stereo la 60
o Necesita tub CRT special cu timp de persistenta scazut, altfel efectul
stereo este pierdut prin afisarea simultana a imaginilor
o Dezavantaje
n Cost ridicat
n Inabilitate in proiectarea imaginilor stralucitoare (200-300 lumeni)

Realitate Virtuala 49
Display-uri mari bazate pe proiectoare

o Proiecteaza scena 3D pe un ecran

o Utilizatori folosind ochelari (active
glasses) pot vizualiza scena 3D
o Obiectele inalte vor fi decupate in
partea opusa utilizatorului

o Alternativa – utilizarea ecranului in

forma de L
o 2 proiectoare pentru cele 2 suprafete
o Dimensune marita a scenei vizualizate
o Imaginea poate fi distorsionata pentru
utilizatorii secundari (fara tracker)

Realitate Virtuala 50

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 51

Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 52

Output devices
o Hardcopy technologies:
o dot matrix printer
o pen plotter
o desk-top plotter
o electrostatic plotter
o laser printer
o ink-jet printer
o thermal transfer printer
o Display technologies:
o monochrome and color CRT (Cathode Ray
o direct-view storage tube (DVST)
o liquid-crystal display (LCD)
o plasma panel
o electroluminescent display (ELD)
o Raster-scan display systems
o simple raster display system
o peripheral display processor
o integrated display processor

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 53

Simple Raster Display System with Dual Port Memory

o Frame buffer – dedicated portion of the system memory

o Dual port memory
o Video controller accesses directly the system memory

CPU Peripheral

System bus

System Frame Video

memory buffer controller

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 54

Simple Raster Display System
o Frame buffer – anywhere in the system memory
o Video controler accesses the memory through the system bus

CPU Peripheral

System bus

System Video
memory controller

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 55

Raster Display System with Peripheral Display Processor

o System memory:
n Application program
n Graphics package
n Operating system Peripheral
o Display processor:
n Raster operations
n Scan conversion
n Double-buffering
n I/O transfer on the System bus
system bus

Display System
processor memory

Frame Video Monitor
buffer controller

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 56

Raster Display System with Integrated Display Processor

o Cache memories
o Video RAM (VRAM)
(read out all pixels on a scan
line in one cycle)

Display Peripheral
CPU processor devices

System bus

System Frame Video Monitor

memory buffer controller

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 57

Input devices
o Logical input device
o Physical devices:
locator: graphic tablet, joystick
valuator: analog to digital converter, potentiometer
choice: keyboard, set of buttons (function keys)
pick: light-pen
string: keyboard
stroke: mouse, track-ball

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 58


o Text

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 59

o Stroke

o a) Mouse with ball.

o b) Disk with asymmetrical cuttings,
1 – rotation sense from left to right,
2 – rotation sense from right to left.
o c) Optical mouse

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 60

o Stroke

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 61

o Locator

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 62

Graphic tablet
o Locator

o Graphic Tablet
a) Active tablet, passive pen.
b) Acoustic active pen, tablet with

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 63

Light pen
o Pick

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 64

Potentiometer, Dials
o Value

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 65

Image scanner
o Bitmap

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 66

o Choice

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 67

3D Input device
o Location

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 68

Ring Mouse
o Optical trackpad ("Opto Touch
o Embedded 2.4GHz wireless model
for a communication to 10m
o The wearer uses the thumb to
navigate the cursor
o Can be charged by electric power by
o It has as well left and right click

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 69

Haptic device

q 3-dimensional pen-style
haptic device that "makes it
possible for users to touch and
manipulate virtual objects
q 3D Touch-enabled Modeling for
Product Design
q The position and orientation of
the pen are tracked through
encoders in the robotic arm.
q Three degrees of force, in the
x, y and z, direction are achieved
through motors that apply
torques at each joint in the
robotic arm
ex. PHANTOM Desktop

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 70

Haptic device

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 71

Haptic device - glove

q Provides six degrees of

freedom positional tracking that
accurately measures translation
and rotation of the hand in three
q Includes a system of internal
sensors at joints and in muscles
to detect changes in pressure and

q Glove with 16 sensors

(2 per finger + abduction).

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 72

Questions and proposed problems
1. Explain the following operations performed by the Input Output
Processor (IOP): scan conversion of the output primitives, refresh
screen, raster operations, and character generation. Give an example
for each operation.
2. Is the dot matrix printer a vector or raster device? Argument the
3. Is the pen plotter a vector or raster device? Argument the statement.
4. Why do you think the resolution of the electrostatic plotter can be
5. Is the laser printer a vector or raster device? Is the image composed of
vectors or pixels? Argument the statement.
6. Is the ink-jet printer a vector or raster device? Is the image composed
of vectors or pixels? Who could perform the scan conversion?
Argument the statement.
7. Is the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) a vector or raster device? Is the image
composed of vectors or pixels? Who could perform the scan
conversion? Argument the statement.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 73

Questions and proposed problems
8. What is the relationship between a phosphor dot, phosphor dot pattern
and a pixel, for a BW and color CRT device? What element decides the
maximum resolution of a CRT display device?
9. What are the differences between vector and raster graphics? Highlight
the differences in graphics models, images, output graphics devices,
file formats, image memory buffer, file formats, information
description, and object related semantics.
10. What is the differences between vector graphics model and raster
graphics model?
11. What is the differences between vector graphics image and raster
graphics image?
12. What is the differences between vector graphics device and raster
graphics device?
13. What could limit the resolution and dynamics of the LCD (Liquid Crystal
Displays) and TFT (Thin Film Transistor) LCD screens?
14. What limits the resolution and dynamics of the PDP (Plasma Display

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 74

Questions and proposed problems
15. Compare the following architectures: simple raster display system,
peripheral display processor, and integrated display processor.
Highlight the differences and advantages of each architecture?
16. What are the main differences between logical and physical input
devices? Give some examples.
17. How the mouse with ball detects the moving directions? Why the
optical mouse does not work on a glossy and shiny surface?
18. What are the similarity and difference between mouse and track-ball?
19. How the graphic tablet transforms the signal into position?
20. How the light pen transforms the signal into position?
21. What is the main difference between an input graphics device and a
haptic device?

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 75

Standards of Graphics Systems

1. Core
2. GKS
1. Functional levels
2. Graphics primitives
3. Coordinate systems
4. Window-viewport transformations
5. Graphics transformations
6. Graphics segments
3. Conclusion

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

CORE Standard
1. 3D Core Graphics System
1977, ACM SIGGRAPH (Special Interest Group on

2. Six types of graphics output primitives:

marker, polymarker, line, polyline, polygon, text

3. Current position (CP) P0

e.g. move x0,y0
line ∆x1, ∆y1

4. Two input modes:


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

CORE Standard
4. Graphics model stores the clipped part of a graphical

Graphics model

5. Space dimension
CORE: 3D; GKS: 2D, 3D
6. Coordinate system
Application program transforms NDC to WC
GKS works on real world coordinate
7. Device control
CORE identifies the output device
GKS: workstations with associated list of attributes and
window/viewport pair.
Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4
o Graphical Kernel System
1984 (’85) GKS 2D
1988 GKS-3D

o Main concepts in GKS:

o represents and generates graphics pictures
o graphics presentation on particular workstations
o control the workstations
o control the inputs
o graphics segments
o metafiles

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

GKS – Functional levels

Application Program

Application Oriented Level

Language Oriented Level

Graphics Kernel

Operating System

Graphics Other
Resources Resources

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

CGRM on the GKS workstations

Constructive Level

Virtual Level

Workstation Workstation

Visualization Level Visualization Level

Logical Level Logical Level

Realization Level Realization Level

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Graphics primitives in GKS
o Graphics primitive (type, attribute)
o Graphics attributes
o GKS primitives:
1. Polyline
2. Polymarker
3. Text
4. Fill-area
5. Cel-array
6. GDP (Generalized Drawing Primitive)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Graphics primitives in GKS
1. Polyline
P0 P2
P0, P1, P2,…Pn

Attributes: P1

type of line: hidden, solid, dot, line-dot


color: p x R + q x G + s x B

2. Polymarker
type: . + x * o

dimension: * * *

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

Graphics primitives in GKS
3. Text

type: Roman Duplex, Roman Complex, Italic, Gothic

text precision: string, character, stroke TEXT


direction of characters: horizontal, vertical


direction of text: right, left, up, down Text txeT T t

e x
x e
t T

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Graphics primitives in GKS
justify the text: left, right, center

4. Fill-area

5. Cell-array

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Graphics primitives in GKS
6. Generalized Drawing Primitives
Interpolation Curves (Bezier, Hermite, B-Spline, etc).

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Coordinate systems in GKS
o World Coordinates (WC)
o Normalized Device Coordinates (NDC)
o Physical Device Coordinates (PDC)

Application 1 Graphics 3 Graphics

Program Model Image

World Coordinates Normalized Device Physical Device

Coordinates Coordinates
Line 107.5,235.7 Line 0.35,0.71
(m x m) [0,1] x [0,1]

1. visualization and normalization transformations

scales parts of a picture from window (WC)
controls the placement into viewport (NDC)
2. segment transformations 2 x 3 matrix transformations
3. workstation transformations

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Transformation for a raster device
y y (1,1)

World Normalized
coordinate device
system coordinate

30 x x

Window: rectangular area of interest defined by the world

coordinates within the projection plane application
Viewport: rectangular area of interest within the normalized Screen driver
space (virtual and normalized screen). pixels

xPixel = (xResolution –1) *

(ViewportXmin + (ViewportXmax – ViewportXmin) *
(X – WindowXmin) / (WindowXmax – WindowXmin)) Plotter device driver
yPixel = (yResolution –1) *
(ViewportYmin + (ViewportYmax – ViewportYmin) *
(Y – WindowYmin) / (WindowYmax – WindowYmin))

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Graphics segments in GKS
o Group of primitives processed as a Normalized gear tooth
graphics unit
o Segment parameters: 0,8
o tx, ty – translation parameters
o sx, sy – scale parameters
o a – orientation angle
o visibility
o priority
0,2 0,6 x
o Common attributes
o Common graphics transformations
o Graphics modeling
o Defined in NDC R

o Instantiated in application program

in WC x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

Graphics segments in GKS

Rotate Rotate Rotate Rotate

0 12 24 348






Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

Graphics segments in GKS
o Segment definition: Normalized gear tooth
float Xtooth[6], Ytooth[6];
/* initialize the Tooth structure */ 0,8
POLYLINE(6, Xtooth, Ytooth);
o Segment use:
Scale by R*COS(6), -R*SIN(6) …); y
... Gear
for(j =1; j <30; j++){
Angle = j * 12;
INSERT_SEGMENT(Tooth, Matrix1);
/* compute the complex transformation matrix */
… rotate by Angle…); x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17

Graphics transformations in GKS
Transf. Workstation
Primitives Transformed Transf.
. v Primitives
. w i v
i e TP1 .. TPn w i
n w i e
Segment d p n w
control o o d p
w r Graphics
. Segment Memory o o
. t w r
S1 .. Sm

Segment transformations


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

Graphics devices in GKS
o Output
o Input
o Input/Output
o WISS (Workstation Independent Segment Storage)
o MO (Metafile Output)
o MI (Metafile Input)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

Graphical output devices
o Hardcopy device:
dot matrix printer
pen plotter
desk-top plotter
electrostatic plotter
laser printer
ink-jet printer
thermal transfer printer
o Display device:
monochrome and color CRT (Cathode Ray
direct-view storage tube (DVST)
liquid-crystal display (LCD)
plasma panel
electroluminescent display (ELD)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

Input devices
o Logical input device
o Physical devices:
locator: graphic tablet, joystick
valuator: analog to digital converter, potentiometer
choice: keyboard, set of buttons (function keys)
pick: light-pen
string: keyboard
stroke: mouse, track-ball

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21

Input modes in GKS
Application System

1. Request mode Maintain


Data input

return Get

2. Sample mode
Call Maintain Data input
function data

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

Input modes in GKS

3. Event mode
Application System
Data input

Wait for Wait Queue
event state data

call FIFO
Get Maintain
data data

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

Graphics rendering pipeline
o Generate (render) a two-dimensional image, provided with a
virtual camera, three-dimensional objects, light sources,
shading equations, textures, etc.

o Consists of several stages, and the speed is determined by the

slowest stage

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 24

Graphics rendering pipeline
zL View
zwc Plane

xS xV Center of
zV Projection,
U Viewer’s
N Position


window pixel

Window definition Viewport definition Window’s content Scan conversion onto the
in projection plane in projection plane inside the viewport raster screen

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 25

Graphics rendering pipeline

3D 3D Shadow 3D Project onto

computation, viewing plane,
to viewing
Clip against Clip against
World coordinates Viewing Viewing
view volume window
Coordinates Coordinates Coordinates

2D Transform to 2D Scan conversion,

2D Rendering,
viewport Transformation to
Viewing Normalized device coordinates Physical
Coordinates Coordinates Device

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 26

Evolution of graphics pipelines (GPU)
o Fixed-Function pipeline (1992 – 2001)
o Configurable via parameters

o Cannot change the algorithms (e.g. Gouraud or Phong shading)

o OpenGL 1, Direct3D 2

o Hybrid pipeline (2001 – 2009)

o Shaders (HLSL/Cg – Microsoft/NVIDIA and GLSL - OpenGL)

o Fixed and programmable features co-exist

o OpenGL 1.4, Direct3D 8

o Programmable pipeline (2009 – present)

o No more fixed functions

o OpenGL 3.2, Direct3D 10, CUDA/OpenCL

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 27

Rendering strategies

Rasterization Ray tracing

foreach triangle T{ foreach pixel p(x,y){

identify pixels p(x,y) intersect ray through pixel p
covered by T; with objects;
color(x,y) = shaded value color(x,y) = compute_shade(
} visible point)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 28

Rasterization vs Ray Tracing

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 29

Immediate-mode vs Retained-mode
o Immediate-mode (IM)
o The framework doesn’t store anything
o The application directly draws to the container element
o The management of the drawn objects is the task of the
o Offers control and flexibility

o Retained-mode (RM)
o The scene (lines, shapes, images,…) is kept in memory
o The actual drawing is performed once, using the stored model
o The application simply adds and removes drawing primitives
o Offers abstraction

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 30

Immediate-mode vs Retained-mode

Immediate-mode Retained-mode

Application Build scene
commands Scene Graphics library
Graphics library Drawing
commands Scene


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 31

Real-time rendering pipeline
1. Application
n runs on general-purpose CPUs.
2. Geometry processing
n operations such as transformations, Command stream
projections, etc.
n computes what is to be drawn, how it Geometry processing
should be drawn, and where it should be Transformed geometry
n typically performed on a graphics Rasterization
processing unit (GPU) Fragments

3. Rasterization Fragment processing

n rasterize all the primitives Framebuffer image

n processed completely on the GPU

4. Fragment processing
n draws (renders) an image
n processed completely on the GPU

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 32

Rendering speed
o Update rate of images
o Expressed in:
n frames per second (fps) - the number of images rendered per
n Hertz(Hz) - the frequency of update

o Depends on the complexity of the computations

o Determined by the slowest of the pipeline stages

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 33

Application stage
o Send rendering primitives (points, lines,
triangles) to the geometry stage
o Deals with collision detection, AI, etc.
o Takes care of input Command stream

n keyboard Geometry processing

Transformed geometry
n mouse
n head-mounted helmet, etc.. Rasterization

Fragment processing
Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 34

Geometry stage
o Per-polygon and Per-vertex operations
o Functional stages
n model and view transform Application
Command stream
n vertex shading
n projection Geometry processing
Transformed geometry
n clipping
n screen mapping

Fragment processing
Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 35

Model and view transform
o Each 3D model is transformed to
different coordinate systems
n Local (model) coordinates / model space
n World coordinates / world space Command stream

o Model transformation - vertices and Geometry processing

normal vectors Transformed geometry

o World space - unique, all models exist in Rasterization

the same space Fragments

Fragment processing
Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 36

View transformation
o The position of the visualization camera
is specified in world coordinates
o Has a direction, which aims the camera
o To make the projection and clipping Command stream

easier, the camera and all the 3D models

Geometry processing
are transformed with the view
Transformed geometry
o View transformation - place the camera Rasterization
at the origin and make it look toward the Fragments

direction of the negative z-axis

Fragment processing
Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 37

View transformation

World space Camera space

wy cz

wz cx

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 38

Vertex shading
o To produce a realistic image define
materials and lights
o Shading - the operation of determining
the effect of a light on a material Command stream

o Vertex shading results (colors, vectors,

Geometry processing
texture coordinates, etc.) are sent to the
Transformed geometry
rasterization stage (to be interpolated)
o Shading computations can happen in Rasterization
world space or camera space Fragments

Fragment processing
Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 39

o Transforms the view volume into a unit
cube - canonical view volume
o Can be defined between (−1, −1, −1)
and (1,1,1) or (0, 0, 0) and (1,1,1) Command stream

o Most commonly used projections

Geometry processing
n orthographic (parallel) projection Transformed geometry

n perspective projection Rasterization

o After projection the 3D models are in Fragments

normalized device coordinates.

Fragment processing
Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 40


Orthographic projection Perspective projection

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 41

o Pass to the rasterization step only the
primitives which are wholly or partially
inside the view volume
o Primitives that are completely inside Command stream

- pass to the next stage as they are

Geometry processing
o Primitives that are entirely outside Transformed geometry

- do not pass them further Rasterization

o Primitives that are partially inside Fragments

- clip them and pass to the next stage Fragment processing

Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 42


y y

z z

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 43

Screen mapping
o The x- and y-coordinates of each primitive
are transformed into screen coordinates
o Screen coordinates together with the z-
coordinates are also called window Application
coordinates Command stream

o The z-coordinate is not affected by this Geometry processing

mapping Transformed geometry


Fragment processing
Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 44

Screen mapping

(x2, y2)

(x1, y1)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 45

Rasterization stage
o Given a primitive (described by the vertex
coordinates, color and texture information)
convert it into a set of fragments
o Fragment data Application
Command stream
n raster position
n depth (z-value) Geometry processing
Transformed geometry
n interpolated attributes (color, texture
coordinates, etc.) Rasterization
n stencil
n alpha Fragment processing
Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 46

Example of rasterization

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics

Fragment processing
o Process each fragment from the
rasterization process into a set of colors and
a single depth value
o Scissor test - discard fragments outside of a Application
certain rectangular portion of the screen Command stream

o Stencil test - test the fragment's stencil Geometry processing

value against the value in the current stencil Transformed geometry
buffer; if the test fails, the fragment is
culled Rasterization
o Depth test - test the depth of the current Fragments

fragment with the existing depth; if the test

passes update the depth buffer Fragment processing
Framebuffer image
o Blending - combine the fragment’s color with
the existing color in the frame buffer

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 48

Fragment processing

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics

Coordinates systems

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics

Graphics pipeline

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics

Basic graphics pipeline

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics

Questions and proposed problems
1. What are the main goals of a graphics standard. Exemplify by the
CORE standard.
2. Explain the functional levels in the GKS Graphics System. Why the
Application Program accesses the Kernel by other two levels? Why the
Operating System separates the functional levels and the graphics
3. What is the difference between the world coordinates, normalized
device coordinates, and physical device coordinates? Why the graphics
operations use normalized device coordinates?
4. Explain the differences between the concepts of window and viewport.
5. Explain the Request input mode in GKS. Exemplify a practical use case.
6. Explain the Sample input mode in GKS. Exemplify a practical use case.
7. Explain the Event input mode in GKS. Exemplify a practical use case.
8. Exemplify the transformation of a cube along the graphics rendering
pipeline. Where and why the system may compute the shadows?

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 53

Questions and proposed problems
9. Where and why the system may remove the hidden parts of the
objects, along the graphics pipeline?
10. What space and coordinate system are used to rasterize the graphics
11. Explain the motivation for the design and development of the graphics
processing units (i.e. GPU).
12. Describe the trend in the evolution of GPUs. What are the main steps?
13. Explain the concept of the rendering strategy. Exemplify the
rasterization and the ray tracing strategies.
14. Explain the concept of the rendering mode. Exemplify the immediate
and the retained modes.
15. Describe the concept of real-time rendering pipeline. Exemplify for a
cube the passing throughout the phases of Application, Geometry
processing, Rasterization, and Fragment processing.
16. Explain what means “per-polygon and per-vertex operations” in the
Geometry stage of the graphics pipeline.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 54

Questions and proposed problems
17. Explain what means “per-polygon and per-vertex operations” in the
Geometry stage of the graphics pipeline.
18. Explain why the initial transformation of the 3D model is performed
within the Local coordinates system and then, in the World coordinate
19. Explain what means the view transformation.
20. What means shading operations? Why the shading is computed
regarding the vertex?
21. Explain why the vertex shading computation can be achieved both in
the world space and in the camera space.
22. Explain the rasterization for the following vector primitives given by
vertices: point A(x,y,z), line (A(x,y,z), B(x,y,z)), polygon (V1(x,y,z),
V2(x,y,z), …, Vn(x,y,z)).
23. Exemplify the fragment data for the rasterized vector primitives: point
A(x,y,z), line (A(x,y,z), B(x,y,z)), polygon (V1(x,y,z), V2(x,y,z), …,

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 55

Introduction to Graphics Systems

1. Motivation
2. Computer Graphics
3. Graphics Devices
4. Application Data Models
5. Graphics Systems
6. Conclusion

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

1. Motivation

o Examples
o Definition
o Objectives
o Simulation
o Realism
o Interactivity
o Presence

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

Examples - Pseudographics

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Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

Examples - Art

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

Examples - Fractals

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Examples - Visualization

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Examples – CAD, CAM

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Examples - Movies

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

2. Computer Graphics

o Definition (ISO)
o Method and Technologies for converting data to and
from graphics devices via a computer
o Computer Graphics is the most versatile and powerful
means of communication between a computer and a
human being.
o A picture is worth than thousand words.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Subject of Computer Graphics

Domain: generative picture picture

computer graphics analysis processing

Input: formal visual visual

description presentation presentation

Output visual formal visual

presentation description presentation

Objects: lines, pixels, generated or scanned

area, texts, scanned pictures picture
or set of objects

Purpose: picture pattern analysis, picture

generation structure analysis, enhancement
scene analysis

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Computer Graphics

Generative Computer Graphics (GCG)

Picture Analysis
Image Processing (IP)
Picture Processing

Picture Synthesis
Model Picture
Picture Analysis

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12


o 1950 - simple pictures on CRT, Whirlwind Computer (MIT)

o Mid ‘50s – first light pen (SAGE System)
o 1963 -“Sketchpad”, Ivan E. Shuterland
o Mid ’60s - heavy research: MIT, General Motors, Bell
Laboratories, Lockheed Aircraft
o Late ’60s heavy research: University of Utah
o 1974 – technology threshold
o Late ’70s - economic raster graphics
o Early ’80s - microprocessor graphics
o Late ’80s - photorealism
o ’90s - graphics portability: Web formats, databases, GUI,
Virtual space modeling

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Programmer’s Model of Interactive CG

Application Graphics
Program System

Computer Graphics Devices Users

o Graphics Models - Application Data Structures
o Application Programs
o Graphics Systems
o Graphics Devices
Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14
3. Graphics Devices

o Output device
n Graphics diplay, printer, plotter,etc.

o Input device
n Mouse, lighth pen, track ball, etc.

o Interactive device
n Graphics console, graphics tablet, head mounted display,

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

3.1 Graphics Display

Typical refresh display device

… (Display commands) Interface to
MOVE host computer
(interaction data)
LINE Display
100 processor
… Stylus


Refresh buffer memory Alphanumeric keyboard Data tablet

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

Typical vector storage tube device

Interface to host computer

(Display commands) (interaction data)



Vertical and
Horizontal cursor

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17

Raster graphics display

Interface to host computer

(Display commands) (interaction data)

Display Keyboard
processor Data input
00000011111111000000000001000000 CRT

Bitmap refresh buffer

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

3.2 Plotter

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

3.3 Logical Input Devices
o Input Graphics Device
n Logical
locator, stroke, string, valuator, choice, pick
n Physical
mouse, trackball, joystick, scanner, keyboard, etc

o Logical Input Devices:

n LOCATOR: specifies a coordinate position (x, y)

n STROKE: specifies a series of coordinate position

n STRING: specifies text input

n VALUATOR: specifies scalar values

n CHOICE: selects menu options

n PICK: selects picture components

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

Programmer’s Model of Interactive CG

Application Graphics
Program System

Computer Graphics Devices Users

o Graphics Models - Application Data Structures
o Application Programs
o Graphics Systems
o Graphics Devices
Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21
4. Application Data Modeling

4.1 Object Hierarchy

o geometric data
o non-geometric data

A’ B’’ C’ B’’ B’

A’’ A’

A B C ……

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

Application Data Modeling


F1 F2 … Fk

E1 E2 … En … Em

V1 V2 … Vr

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

GIS - Mapping

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 24

GIS – Vector Data

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 25

GIS – Raster Data

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 26

GIS – Data Primitives

Graphics entity: Vector data: Raster data:

Point (x1,y1)
- a pair of x and y

- a sequence of points

- a closed set of lines

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 27

GIS – Relational database

Spatial Attributes

Descriptive Attributes

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 28

4.2 Geometric Modeling
o Definition
o A collection of methods to define geometric and
topological characteristics of an object

o Usual geometric models

o wireframe model
o surface model
o solid model

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 29

Wireframe Model
o Primitives: points and lines
o Applications: 2D CAD/CAM, Drafting

P4 P3
P5 P6

Simple and efficient,

but ambiguous

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 30

Surface Model
o Primitives: points and lines (sometimes patches)
o Applications: Representation of sculptured surfaces


Accurate representation of surface,

but cannot represent a true solid object (inside/outside)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 31

Solid Object Modeling
• Shading and hidden line removal
• Mass properties calculation
• Interference test


Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) Boundary Representation (BRep)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 32

Swept Volume Generation




Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 33

Object Decomposition

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 34

Octree Representation

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 35

Geometric Modeling System

Input subsystem Core representation subsystem

Sweep Spatial
Based Decomp.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 36

Programmer’s Model of Interactive CG

Application Graphics
Program System

Computer Graphics Devices Users

o Graphics Models - Application Data Structures
o Application Programs
o Graphics Systems
o Graphics Devices
Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 37
5. Graphics Systems

o Definition:
o Interface between application software and graphics
hardware system

o Fundamentals
o Output primitives
o Primitive aspects
o Primitive attributes
o Output model
o Coordinate systems and clipping
o Input primitives
o Input model
o Storage

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 38

Graphics Systems - Requirements

o Consist of input subroutines and output subroutines

o Accept input data and commands from user
o Convert internal representations into external pictures
o Graphics kernel assures
n Application portability
o Device independence
o Language independence
o Computer independence
o Programmer independence
n Application flexibility

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 39

Graphics Systems - Examples

o Core - 1977
o GKS (Graphical Kernel System) - 1985
o X-Window - 1986
o GKS-3D - 1988
o PHIGS (Programmers Hierarchical Interface Graphics
System) - 1989
o CGI (device interface)
o CGM (metafile)
o CGRM (Computer Graphics Reference Model) - 1992
o IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) - 1980
o OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) - 1992
o DirectX
See CGI Historical Timeline,

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 40

Roles in Graphics

Graphics standard
Graphics Sys specification

Implemented graphics

Graphics applications

Interactive graphics
Operators applications

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 41

Layered functionality model
High Speed Interfaces
Application/Graphics System Interface
Graphics System
Front End
DI/DD Interface
(Device Independent/Device Dependent)
Graphics System
Back End
Operating System Interface

Low Bandwidth Communications Link

Device Software (only present for “intelligent” devices)

Device Hardware (hardware functionality)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 42

Interface of Graphics System

Application program

Graphics system

Operating system

Input and Graphics

output devices hardware

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 43

Computer Graphics Reference Model

Application Level Block (1271.3, 56.2, 1472.45, 75.82)

Line (1271.3, 56.2, 1472.45, 56.2)

Constructive Level … Line (…)

Virtual Level Line (0.85, 0.15, 0.87, 0.15)

Visualization Level Line (0.85, 0.15, 0.75, 0.15)

Logical Level Move (0.85, 0.15), Line (0.75, 0.15)

Realization Level Draw pixels, Get user inputs


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 44

CGRM on the GKS-3D workstations

Constructive Level

Virtual Level

Workstation Workstation

Visualization Level Visualization Level

Logical Level Logical Level

Realization Level Realization Level

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 45

GKS Structure

Application Program

Application Oriented Level

Language Oriented Level

Graphics Kernel

Operating System

Graphics Other
Resources Resources

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 46

o API (Application Programmer Interface) to interactive rendering 2D and
3D vector graphics
o Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) started to develop OpenGL in 1991, and
released it in 1992
o State machines
o Client-server model
o 250 distinct commands
o Object specification + image generation
o Simple primitives: points, lines, polygons
(pixels, images, bitmaps)
o 3D rendering
o Reference:

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 47

Graphics pipeline

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 48

OpenGL Levels

Application Program

OpenGL Motif
widget or similar GLUT
X, Win32, Mac OS GL

Software and/or Hardware

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 49

OpenGL- Related Libraries

o Window tasks
For portability, there are
o User input no commands for these
o Complex shapes
o OpenGL Utility Library (GLU)
o Window system support
libraries: GLX / WGL / CGL
o OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT)
o OpenGL User Interface (GLUI)
o OpenInventor

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 50

o More than 250 functions similar to those of the
programming language C
o Language independent functions
o Language bindings:
n JavaScript: WebGL (based on OpenGL ES 2.0 for 3D rendering
within the web browsers). It uses HTML5 canvas element and is
accessed through DOM (Document Object Model) interface.
n C bindings:
n WGL (Microsoft Windows interface to OpenGL),

n GLX (X11 interface to OpenGL)

n CGL (Mac OS X interface to OenGL)

n C binding provided by iOS

n Java and C bindings provided by Android

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 51

OpenGL in Computer Games

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 52

o Direct control of graphics hardware (1995, Windows
Games SDK)
o Direct control of keyboard, mouse, video cards, and
sound devices

Application program

Direct sound

Direct X
Direct input

Windows API Direct draw

Direct 3D


Windows system

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 53

6. Future Research Areas
o Graphics accelerators
o parallel processing
o Geometric modeling
o physically-based modeling
o level of detail
o Motion control / synthesis
o kinematics / dynamics
o motion capture / modification
o Rendering
o photo-realism
o real-time
o image-based rendering
o non-photorealistic rendering
o Scientific visualization
o Geometric algorithms
o User interface

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 54

Questions and proposed problems
1. What are the main components of the Programmer’s Model for the
Interactive Computer Graphics?
2. What is the main role of the display processor? Is it a computer? Does
it execute a graphics application?
3. What is the difference between a logical and a physical input graphics
4. Explain the status of graphics objects as graphics model, application
model, data structure, graphics file, and graphics database. What is
the relationship and the flow between these states.
5. What graphics operations can be supported by the wireframe model?
Does it support the computation of areas and volumes? What about
light intensity computation, and texture mapping? Explain your
6. What graphics operations can be supported by the surface model?
Does it support the computation of areas and volumes? What about
light intensity computation, and texture mapping? Explain your

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 55

Questions and proposed problems
7. What graphics operations can be supported by the CSG model? Does it
support the computation of areas and volumes? What about light
intensity computation, and texture mapping? What other operations
are supported? Explain your answer.
8. What graphics operations can be supported by the BREP model? Does
it support the computation of areas and volumes? What about light
intensity computation, and texture mapping? What other operations
are supported? Explain your answer.
9. Exemplify the CSG model on the 3D object of a table and a glass.
10. Exemplify the BREP model on the 3D object of a table.
11. Exemplify and explain the Octree model on the 3D object of a sphere.
12. Explain the concept of the graphics application portability. Give some
13. Explain the concept of graphics application flexibility.
14. Why the Application and the Graphics System are separate layers in
the graphics system functionality model? Why this is a requirement?

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 56

Questions and proposed problems
15. Explain the layers of the CGRM (Computer Graphics Reference Model),
and exemplify the transformations for drawing a triangle ABC.
16. What is the main role of the Virtual Level? What coordinate system is
used to represent the scene of objects?
17. Why the Visualization, Logical, and Realization levels are different on
various workstations? Give some examples.
18. Explain the differences between Application Oriented and Language
Oriented levels, in the GKS Functional Structure. Why the Graphics
Kernel is separated by the Language Oriented level?
19. Describe the main features of the OpenGL technology.
20. What are the main differences between OpenGL and DirectX.
21. Explain the reason for the direct control within the DirectX technology.
22. Explain the concept of mathematically modeling versus physically
23. Explain the concept of LOD (Level of Details) in computer graphics.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 57

2D and 3D Transformations

1. 2D Transformations
2. Homogeneous coordinates
3. Particular transformations
4. 3D Transformations
5. Other transformations

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

2D Transformations
o Translation
o Scaling
o Rotation
o Reflection
o Shearing

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

x’ = x + Tx
y’ = y + Ty y B’

x A’
x’ 1 0 Tx
= y
y’ 0 1 Ty A
O x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

x’ = Sxx
y’ = Syy y B’

x’ Sx 0 x
= A’
y’ 0 Sy y A

O x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

x’ = x cosθ – y sinθ
y’ = y cosθ + x sinθ y P’

r θ

x’ cosθ -sinθ x
= r
y’ sinθ cosθ y φ

O x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Uniform transformations
o Scaling and rotation

x’ a b x
y’ c d y

o Translation

x’ 1 0 e
= y
y’ 0 1 f

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Homogeneous Coordinate System
o Uniformly matrix transformations
P’ = H P

a b c
w (X’, y’, w)
P’ = d e f y

g h i 1
(X’/w, y’/w, 1)

x’ x’/w
P’ = y’ = y’/w

w y

o No unique homogeneous representation of a cartesian point

(x, y) ≡ (xw, yw, w), w ≠ 0
o Normalization
(x, y, 1), w = 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Support for uniform transformations
o Scaling x’ x
Sx 0 0
y’ = 0 Sy 0 y

w’ 0 0 1 1

x’ x
o Rotation cosθ -sinθ 0
y’ = -sinθ cosθ 0 y

w’ 0 0 1 1

x’ x
o Translation 1 0 Tx
y’ = 0 1 Ty y

w’ 0 0 1 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

Composite transformations
o P’ = Hn · · ·H2 · H1 · P
o P’ = H · P

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Example: scaling relative to a position
H = T-1 ST
P’= T-1 ST P

(a) Original position of (b) Translate object so that

object and fixed point fixed point (xR , yR ) is at origin

S T-1 (xR,yR)

(c) Scale object with (d) Translate object so that

respect to origin fixed point is returned to position (xR , yR )

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Transformations ordering

Final Final
Position Position

(a) RT (b) TR

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Particular reflections
o Reflection against x axis

Original 1 0 0
0 -1 0

P2 P3 0 0 1

P2’ P3’


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Particular reflections
o Reflection against y axis

Original Reflected
position position -1 0 0

P2 P2’ 0 1 0

0 0 1

P3 P3’

P1 P1’

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Particular reflections
o Reflection against first bisection

y Original
P3 y=x 0 1 0
1 0 0

0 0 1
P2 P1’ position


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

Particular reflections
o Reflection against second bisection

y = -x Original y
P3 0 -1 0
-1 0 0
P1 0 0 1
Reflected P2
position P1’

P3’ P2’

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

Particular reflections
o Reflection against coordinate system origin

y position -1 0 0
P1’ 0 -1 0

0 0 1


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17


y y y
(1, 3)

(1, 2)
(0, 1) (1, 1) (2, 1) (3, 1)
(0, 1)

x x x
(0, 0) (1, 0) (0, 0) (1, 0) (0, 0)

(a) (b) (c)

1 SHx 0 1 0 0

0 1 0 SHy 1 0

0 0 1 0 0 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

3D Transformations
o Translation
o Scaling
o Rotation

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

x’ = x + Tx
y’ = y + Ty
z’ = z + Tz
P’(x’, y’, z’)

P’ = TP
P(x, y, z)
x’ 1 0 0 Tx x
Tx Tz x
y’ 0 1 0 Ty y
z’ 0 0 1 Tz z z
1 0 0 0 1 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

x’ = x Sx
y’ = y Sy (x’, y’, z’)
z’ = z Sz
if Sx = Sy = Sz uniform scaling
(x, y, z)
P’ = SP

x’ Sx 0 0 0 x

y’ 0 Sy 0 0 y
z’ 0 0 Sz 0 z
1 0 0 0 1 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21

Relative scaling

y y y

(xR, yR, zR)

x x x
z z z

1 0 0 -xR Sx 0 0 0 1 0 0 xR

0 1 0 -yR 0 Sy 0 0 0 1 0 yR
T= S= T-1 =
0 0 1 -zR 0 0 Sz 0 0 0 1 zR

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

P’ = T-1STP

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

Rotation around z axis
x’ = x cosθ – y sinθ
y’ = y cosθ + x sinθ
z’ = z

θ r

cosθ -sinθ 0 0

sinθ cosθ 0 0 z

Rz =
0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

Rotation around x and y axes

y y

z x z x

x’ = x x’ = x cosθ + z sinθ
y’ = y cosθ - z sinθ y’ = y
z’ = y sinθ + z cosθ y’ = -x sinθ + z cosθ

1 0 0 0 cosθ 0 sinθ 0

0 cosθ -sinθ 0 0 1 0 0
Rx = Ry =
0 sinθ cosθ 0 -sinθ 0 cosθ 0

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 24

Rotation around an arbitrary axis


(x2, y2, z2)

(x1, y1, z1)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 25

Rotation around an arbitrary axis
Axis: P1(x1,y1,z1), P2(x2,y2,z2) y

V [x2-x1 y2-y1 z2-z1]

(x2, y2, z2)
Normalized vector u:
u(a,b,c), |u|=1 u

a = ∆x/|V|, b = ∆y/|V|, c = ∆z/|V| (x1, y1, z1)


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 26

Rotation around an arbitrary axis
1. Translate the object so that the y
rotation axis passes through the
origin (T).
2. Rotate the object so that the (x2, y2, z2)
rotation axis coincides with one
of the coordinate axis (R). u

3. Perform the specified rotation. (x1, y1, z1)

4. R-1 x

5. T-1 z

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 27

Step1 - translation

1 0 0 -x1
(x2, y2, z2)
0 1 0 -y1
u u = (a, b, c) 0 0 1 -z1
(x1, y1, z1)
0 0 0 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 28

Step2 – align u with z axis

y y

(0, b, c) = u'
u = (a, b, c)

(0, 0, 1) = uz
x x
u'' = (a, 0, d)

u’·uz=|u’| |uz| cosΦ 1 0 0 0

cosΦ = c/d 0 c/d -b/d 0
where d=sqrt(b2+c2) Rx(φ) =
0 b/d c/d 0
sinΦ = b/d
0 0 0 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 29

y y


(0, 0, 1) = uz
x x
z u'' = (a, 0, d) z

u’’·uz=|u’’| |uz| cosβ d 0 -a 0

cosβ = d 0 1 0 0
u’’x uz = uy |u’’| | uz | sinβ = uy sinβ Ry(β) =
a 0 d 0
u’’x uz = uy (-a)
sinβ = -a 0 0 0 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 30

Step 3: Rotate around z axis by θ

cosθ -sinθ 0 0

sinθ cosθ 0 0
Rz(θ) =
0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 31

Steps 4 and 5
o Step 4: R-1 = Rx(Φ)-1 Ry(β)-1
o Step 5: T-1

Finally the matrix global operator:

H = T-1 Rx(Φ)-1 Ry(β)-1 Rz(θ) Ry(β) Rx(Φ) T

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 32

Other transformations
o Reflection
xy plane : (x, y, z) → (x, y, -z)
yz plane : (x, y, z) → (-x, y, z)
zx plane : (x, y, z) → (x, -y, z)
o Shearing
Z axis shearing
x' = x + az
y' = y + bz

y y

x x

z z

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 33

Other transformations

o Tapering
x' = r(z) · x
y' = r(z) · y
z' = z
o Twisting
x' = x cos q (z) - y sin q (z)
y' = x sin q (z) + y cos q (z)
z' = z
o Bending

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 34

Questions and proposed problems
1. What means uniformly matrix transformation?
2. Explain the utility of the uniformly matrix transformation.
3. What is the relationship between the real and the homogeneous
4. What are the matrix operators (i.e. rotation, translation, scaling) in the
following two point transformations: (a) P’=H1P; (b) P’=PH2, where P
and P’ are the points in 3D space, and H1, H2 are the matrix operators?
5. Explain the rotation of the square ABCD, where A(5,3), C(12, 10)
around the point P(-2,3), by 450. Explain the computation of the global
matrix operator.
6. Explain the rotation of the cube ABCDA’B’C’D’, where A(5,3,4),
C’(12,10,11), around the line P1P2, where P1(-2,3,4), P2(-2,3,11), by
450. Explain the computation of the global matrix operator.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 35

Introduction to Graphics Systems

1. Motivation
2. Computer Graphics
3. Graphics Devices
4. Application Data Models
5. Graphics Systems
6. Conclusion

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

1. Motivation

o Examples
o Definition
o Objectives
o Simulation
o Realism
o Interactivity
o Presence

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

Examples - Pseudographics

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Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

Examples - Art

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

Examples - Fractals

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Examples - Visualization

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Examples – CAD, CAM

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Examples - Movies

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

2. Computer Graphics

o Definition (ISO)
o Method and Technologies for converting data to and
from graphics devices via a computer
o Computer Graphics is the most versatile and powerful
means of communication between a computer and a
human being.
o A picture is worth than thousand words.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Subject of Computer Graphics

Domain: generative picture picture

computer graphics analysis processing

Input: formal visual visual

description presentation presentation

Output visual formal visual

presentation description presentation

Objects: lines, pixels, generated or scanned

area, texts, scanned pictures picture
or set of objects

Purpose: picture pattern analysis, picture

generation structure analysis, enhancement
scene analysis

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Computer Graphics

Generative Computer Graphics (GCG)

Picture Analysis
Image Processing (IP)
Picture Processing

Picture Synthesis
Model Picture
Picture Analysis

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12


o 1950 - simple pictures on CRT, Whirlwind Computer (MIT)

o Mid ‘50s – first light pen (SAGE System)
o 1963 -“Sketchpad”, Ivan E. Shuterland
o Mid ’60s - heavy research: MIT, General Motors, Bell
Laboratories, Lockheed Aircraft
o Late ’60s heavy research: University of Utah
o 1974 – technology threshold
o Late ’70s - economic raster graphics
o Early ’80s - microprocessor graphics
o Late ’80s - photorealism
o ’90s - graphics portability: Web formats, databases, GUI,
Virtual space modeling

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Programmer’s Model of Interactive CG

Application Graphics
Program System

Computer Graphics Devices Users

o Graphics Models - Application Data Structures
o Application Programs
o Graphics Systems
o Graphics Devices
Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14
3. Graphics Devices

o Output device
n Graphics diplay, printer, plotter,etc.

o Input device
n Mouse, lighth pen, track ball, etc.

o Interactive device
n Graphics console, graphics tablet, head mounted display,

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

3.1 Graphics Display

Typical refresh display device

… (Display commands) Interface to
MOVE host computer
(interaction data)
LINE Display
100 processor
… Stylus


Refresh buffer memory Alphanumeric keyboard Data tablet

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

Typical vector storage tube device

Interface to host computer

(Display commands) (interaction data)



Vertical and
Horizontal cursor

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17

Raster graphics display

Interface to host computer

(Display commands) (interaction data)

Display Keyboard
processor Data input
00000011111111000000000001000000 CRT

Bitmap refresh buffer

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

3.2 Plotter

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

3.3 Logical Input Devices
o Input Graphics Device
n Logical
locator, stroke, string, valuator, choice, pick
n Physical
mouse, trackball, joystick, scanner, keyboard, etc

o Logical Input Devices:

n LOCATOR: specifies a coordinate position (x, y)

n STROKE: specifies a series of coordinate position

n STRING: specifies text input

n VALUATOR: specifies scalar values

n CHOICE: selects menu options

n PICK: selects picture components

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

Programmer’s Model of Interactive CG

Application Graphics
Program System

Computer Graphics Devices Users

o Graphics Models - Application Data Structures
o Application Programs
o Graphics Systems
o Graphics Devices
Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21
4. Application Data Modeling

4.1 Object Hierarchy

o geometric data
o non-geometric data

A’ B’’ C’ B’’ B’

A’’ A’

A B C ……

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

Application Data Modeling


F1 F2 … Fk

E1 E2 … En … Em

V1 V2 … Vr

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

GIS - Mapping

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 24

GIS – Vector Data

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 25

GIS – Raster Data

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 26

GIS – Data Primitives

Graphics entity: Vector data: Raster data:

Point (x1,y1)
- a pair of x and y

- a sequence of points

- a closed set of lines

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 27

GIS – Relational database

Spatial Attributes

Descriptive Attributes

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 28

4.2 Geometric Modeling
o Definition
o A collection of methods to define geometric and
topological characteristics of an object

o Usual geometric models

o wireframe model
o surface model
o solid model

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 29

Wireframe Model
o Primitives: points and lines
o Applications: 2D CAD/CAM, Drafting

P4 P3
P5 P6

Simple and efficient,

but ambiguous

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 30

Surface Model
o Primitives: points and lines (sometimes patches)
o Applications: Representation of sculptured surfaces


Accurate representation of surface,

but cannot represent a true solid object (inside/outside)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 31

Solid Object Modeling
• Shading and hidden line removal
• Mass properties calculation
• Interference test


Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) Boundary Representation (BRep)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 32

Swept Volume Generation




Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 33

Object Decomposition

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 34

Octree Representation

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 35

Geometric Modeling System

Input subsystem Core representation subsystem

Sweep Spatial
Based Decomp.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 36

Programmer’s Model of Interactive CG

Application Graphics
Program System

Computer Graphics Devices Users

o Graphics Models - Application Data Structures
o Application Programs
o Graphics Systems
o Graphics Devices
Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 37
5. Graphics Systems

o Definition:
o Interface between application software and graphics
hardware system

o Fundamentals
o Output primitives
o Primitive aspects
o Primitive attributes
o Output model
o Coordinate systems and clipping
o Input primitives
o Input model
o Storage

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 38

Graphics Systems - Requirements

o Consist of input subroutines and output subroutines

o Accept input data and commands from user
o Convert internal representations into external pictures
o Graphics kernel assures
n Application portability
o Device independence
o Language independence
o Computer independence
o Programmer independence
n Application flexibility

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 39

Graphics Systems - Examples

o Core - 1977
o GKS (Graphical Kernel System) - 1985
o X-Window - 1986
o GKS-3D - 1988
o PHIGS (Programmers Hierarchical Interface Graphics
System) - 1989
o CGI (device interface)
o CGM (metafile)
o CGRM (Computer Graphics Reference Model) - 1992
o IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) - 1980
o OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) - 1992
o DirectX
See CGI Historical Timeline,

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 40

Roles in Graphics

Graphics standard
Graphics Sys specification

Implemented graphics

Graphics applications

Interactive graphics
Operators applications

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 41

Layered functionality model
High Speed Interfaces
Application/Graphics System Interface
Graphics System
Front End
DI/DD Interface
(Device Independent/Device Dependent)
Graphics System
Back End
Operating System Interface

Low Bandwidth Communications Link

Device Software (only present for “intelligent” devices)

Device Hardware (hardware functionality)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 42

Interface of Graphics System

Application program

Graphics system

Operating system

Input and Graphics

output devices hardware

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 43

Computer Graphics Reference Model

Application Level Block (1271.3, 56.2, 1472.45, 75.82)

Line (1271.3, 56.2, 1472.45, 56.2)

Constructive Level … Line (…)

Virtual Level Line (0.85, 0.15, 0.87, 0.15)

Visualization Level Line (0.85, 0.15, 0.75, 0.15)

Logical Level Move (0.85, 0.15), Line (0.75, 0.15)

Realization Level Draw pixels, Get user inputs


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 44

CGRM on the GKS-3D workstations

Constructive Level

Virtual Level

Workstation Workstation

Visualization Level Visualization Level

Logical Level Logical Level

Realization Level Realization Level

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 45

GKS Structure

Application Program

Application Oriented Level

Language Oriented Level

Graphics Kernel

Operating System

Graphics Other
Resources Resources

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 46

o API (Application Programmer Interface) to interactive rendering 2D and
3D vector graphics
o Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) started to develop OpenGL in 1991, and
released it in 1992
o State machines
o Client-server model
o 250 distinct commands
o Object specification + image generation
o Simple primitives: points, lines, polygons
(pixels, images, bitmaps)
o 3D rendering
o Reference:

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 47

Graphics pipeline

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 48

OpenGL Levels

Application Program

OpenGL Motif
widget or similar GLUT
X, Win32, Mac OS GL

Software and/or Hardware

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 49

OpenGL- Related Libraries

o Window tasks
For portability, there are
o User input no commands for these
o Complex shapes
o OpenGL Utility Library (GLU)
o Window system support
libraries: GLX / WGL / CGL
o OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT)
o OpenGL User Interface (GLUI)
o OpenInventor

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 50

o More than 250 functions similar to those of the
programming language C
o Language independent functions
o Language bindings:
n JavaScript: WebGL (based on OpenGL ES 2.0 for 3D rendering
within the web browsers). It uses HTML5 canvas element and is
accessed through DOM (Document Object Model) interface.
n C bindings:
n WGL (Microsoft Windows interface to OpenGL),

n GLX (X11 interface to OpenGL)

n CGL (Mac OS X interface to OenGL)

n C binding provided by iOS

n Java and C bindings provided by Android

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 51

OpenGL in Computer Games

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 52

o Direct control of graphics hardware (1995, Windows
Games SDK)
o Direct control of keyboard, mouse, video cards, and
sound devices

Application program

Direct sound

Direct X
Direct input

Windows API Direct draw

Direct 3D


Windows system

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 53

6. Future Research Areas
o Graphics accelerators
o parallel processing
o Geometric modeling
o physically-based modeling
o level of detail
o Motion control / synthesis
o kinematics / dynamics
o motion capture / modification
o Rendering
o photo-realism
o real-time
o image-based rendering
o non-photorealistic rendering
o Scientific visualization
o Geometric algorithms
o User interface

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 54

Questions and proposed problems
1. What are the main components of the Programmer’s Model for the
Interactive Computer Graphics?
2. What is the main role of the display processor? Is it a computer? Does
it execute a graphics application?
3. What is the difference between a logical and a physical input graphics
4. Explain the status of graphics objects as graphics model, application
model, data structure, graphics file, and graphics database. What is
the relationship and the flow between these states.
5. What graphics operations can be supported by the wireframe model?
Does it support the computation of areas and volumes? What about
light intensity computation, and texture mapping? Explain your
6. What graphics operations can be supported by the surface model?
Does it support the computation of areas and volumes? What about
light intensity computation, and texture mapping? Explain your

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 55

Questions and proposed problems
7. What graphics operations can be supported by the CSG model? Does it
support the computation of areas and volumes? What about light
intensity computation, and texture mapping? What other operations
are supported? Explain your answer.
8. What graphics operations can be supported by the BREP model? Does
it support the computation of areas and volumes? What about light
intensity computation, and texture mapping? What other operations
are supported? Explain your answer.
9. Exemplify the CSG model on the 3D object of a table and a glass.
10. Exemplify the BREP model on the 3D object of a table.
11. Exemplify and explain the Octree model on the 3D object of a sphere.
12. Explain the concept of the graphics application portability. Give some
13. Explain the concept of graphics application flexibility.
14. Why the Application and the Graphics System are separate layers in
the graphics system functionality model? Why this is a requirement?

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 56

Questions and proposed problems
15. Explain the layers of the CGRM (Computer Graphics Reference Model),
and exemplify the transformations for drawing a triangle ABC.
16. What is the main role of the Virtual Level? What coordinate system is
used to represent the scene of objects?
17. Why the Visualization, Logical, and Realization levels are different on
various workstations? Give some examples.
18. Explain the differences between Application Oriented and Language
Oriented levels, in the GKS Functional Structure. Why the Graphics
Kernel is separated by the Language Oriented level?
19. Describe the main features of the OpenGL technology.
20. What are the main differences between OpenGL and DirectX.
21. Explain the reason for the direct control within the DirectX technology.
22. Explain the concept of mathematically modeling versus physically
23. Explain the concept of LOD (Level of Details) in computer graphics.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 57

Standards of Graphics Systems

1. Core
2. GKS
1. Functional levels
2. Graphics primitives
3. Coordinate systems
4. Window-viewport transformations
5. Graphics transformations
6. Graphics segments
3. Conclusion

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

CORE Standard
1. 3D Core Graphics System
1977, ACM SIGGRAPH (Special Interest Group on

2. Six types of graphics output primitives:

marker, polymarker, line, polyline, polygon, text

3. Current position (CP) P0

e.g. move x0,y0
line ∆x1, ∆y1

4. Two input modes:


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

CORE Standard
4. Graphics model stores the clipped part of a graphical

Graphics model

5. Space dimension
CORE: 3D; GKS: 2D, 3D
6. Coordinate system
Application program transforms NDC to WC
GKS works on real world coordinate
7. Device control
CORE identifies the output device
GKS: workstations with associated list of attributes and
window/viewport pair.
Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4
o Graphical Kernel System
1984 (’85) GKS 2D
1988 GKS-3D

o Main concepts in GKS:

o represents and generates graphics pictures
o graphics presentation on particular workstations
o control the workstations
o control the inputs
o graphics segments
o metafiles

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

GKS – Functional levels

Application Program

Application Oriented Level

Language Oriented Level

Graphics Kernel

Operating System

Graphics Other
Resources Resources

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

CGRM on the GKS workstations

Constructive Level

Virtual Level

Workstation Workstation

Visualization Level Visualization Level

Logical Level Logical Level

Realization Level Realization Level

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Graphics primitives in GKS
o Graphics primitive (type, attribute)
o Graphics attributes
o GKS primitives:
1. Polyline
2. Polymarker
3. Text
4. Fill-area
5. Cel-array
6. GDP (Generalized Drawing Primitive)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Graphics primitives in GKS
1. Polyline
P0 P2
P0, P1, P2,…Pn

Attributes: P1

type of line: hidden, solid, dot, line-dot


color: p x R + q x G + s x B

2. Polymarker
type: . + x * o

dimension: * * *

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

Graphics primitives in GKS
3. Text

type: Roman Duplex, Roman Complex, Italic, Gothic

text precision: string, character, stroke TEXT


direction of characters: horizontal, vertical


direction of text: right, left, up, down Text txeT T t

e x
x e
t T

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Graphics primitives in GKS
justify the text: left, right, center

4. Fill-area

5. Cell-array

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Graphics primitives in GKS
6. Generalized Drawing Primitives
Interpolation Curves (Bezier, Hermite, B-Spline, etc).

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Coordinate systems in GKS
o World Coordinates (WC)
o Normalized Device Coordinates (NDC)
o Physical Device Coordinates (PDC)

Application 1 Graphics 3 Graphics

Program Model Image

World Coordinates Normalized Device Physical Device

Coordinates Coordinates
Line 107.5,235.7 Line 0.35,0.71
(m x m) [0,1] x [0,1]

1. visualization and normalization transformations

scales parts of a picture from window (WC)
controls the placement into viewport (NDC)
2. segment transformations 2 x 3 matrix transformations
3. workstation transformations

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Transformation for a raster device
y y (1,1)

World Normalized
coordinate device
system coordinate

30 x x

Window: rectangular area of interest defined by the world

coordinates within the projection plane application
Viewport: rectangular area of interest within the normalized Screen driver
space (virtual and normalized screen). pixels

xPixel = (xResolution –1) *

(ViewportXmin + (ViewportXmax – ViewportXmin) *
(X – WindowXmin) / (WindowXmax – WindowXmin)) Plotter device driver
yPixel = (yResolution –1) *
(ViewportYmin + (ViewportYmax – ViewportYmin) *
(Y – WindowYmin) / (WindowYmax – WindowYmin))

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Graphics segments in GKS
o Group of primitives processed as a Normalized gear tooth
graphics unit
o Segment parameters: 0,8
o tx, ty – translation parameters
o sx, sy – scale parameters
o a – orientation angle
o visibility
o priority
0,2 0,6 x
o Common attributes
o Common graphics transformations
o Graphics modeling
o Defined in NDC R

o Instantiated in application program

in WC x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

Graphics segments in GKS

Rotate Rotate Rotate Rotate

0 12 24 348






Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

Graphics segments in GKS
o Segment definition: Normalized gear tooth
float Xtooth[6], Ytooth[6];
/* initialize the Tooth structure */ 0,8
POLYLINE(6, Xtooth, Ytooth);
o Segment use:
Scale by R*COS(6), -R*SIN(6) …); y
... Gear
for(j =1; j <30; j++){
Angle = j * 12;
INSERT_SEGMENT(Tooth, Matrix1);
/* compute the complex transformation matrix */
… rotate by Angle…); x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17

Graphics transformations in GKS
Transf. Workstation
Primitives Transformed Transf.
. v Primitives
. w i v
i e TP1 .. TPn w i
n w i e
Segment d p n w
control o o d p
w r Graphics
. Segment Memory o o
. t w r
S1 .. Sm

Segment transformations


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

Graphics devices in GKS
o Output
o Input
o Input/Output
o WISS (Workstation Independent Segment Storage)
o MO (Metafile Output)
o MI (Metafile Input)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

Graphical output devices
o Hardcopy device:
dot matrix printer
pen plotter
desk-top plotter
electrostatic plotter
laser printer
ink-jet printer
thermal transfer printer
o Display device:
monochrome and color CRT (Cathode Ray
direct-view storage tube (DVST)
liquid-crystal display (LCD)
plasma panel
electroluminescent display (ELD)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

Input devices
o Logical input device
o Physical devices:
locator: graphic tablet, joystick
valuator: analog to digital converter, potentiometer
choice: keyboard, set of buttons (function keys)
pick: light-pen
string: keyboard
stroke: mouse, track-ball

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21

Input modes in GKS
Application System

1. Request mode Maintain


Data input

return Get

2. Sample mode
Call Maintain Data input
function data

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

Input modes in GKS

3. Event mode
Application System
Data input

Wait for Wait Queue
event state data

call FIFO
Get Maintain
data data

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

Graphics rendering pipeline
o Generate (render) a two-dimensional image, provided with a
virtual camera, three-dimensional objects, light sources,
shading equations, textures, etc.

o Consists of several stages, and the speed is determined by the

slowest stage

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 24

Graphics rendering pipeline
zL View
zwc Plane

xS xV Center of
zV Projection,
U Viewer’s
N Position


window pixel

Window definition Viewport definition Window’s content Scan conversion onto the
in projection plane in projection plane inside the viewport raster screen

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 25

Graphics rendering pipeline

3D 3D Shadow 3D Project onto

computation, viewing plane,
to viewing
Clip against Clip against
World coordinates Viewing Viewing
view volume window
Coordinates Coordinates Coordinates

2D Transform to 2D Scan conversion,

2D Rendering,
viewport Transformation to
Viewing Normalized device coordinates Physical
Coordinates Coordinates Device

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 26

Evolution of graphics pipelines (GPU)
o Fixed-Function pipeline (1992 – 2001)
o Configurable via parameters

o Cannot change the algorithms (e.g. Gouraud or Phong shading)

o OpenGL 1, Direct3D 2

o Hybrid pipeline (2001 – 2009)

o Shaders (HLSL/Cg – Microsoft/NVIDIA and GLSL - OpenGL)

o Fixed and programmable features co-exist

o OpenGL 1.4, Direct3D 8

o Programmable pipeline (2009 – present)

o No more fixed functions

o OpenGL 3.2, Direct3D 10, CUDA/OpenCL

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 27

Rendering strategies

Rasterization Ray tracing

foreach triangle T{ foreach pixel p(x,y){

identify pixels p(x,y) intersect ray through pixel p
covered by T; with objects;
color(x,y) = shaded value color(x,y) = compute_shade(
} visible point)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 28

Rasterization vs Ray Tracing

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 29

Immediate-mode vs Retained-mode
o Immediate-mode (IM)
o The framework doesn’t store anything
o The application directly draws to the container element
o The management of the drawn objects is the task of the
o Offers control and flexibility

o Retained-mode (RM)
o The scene (lines, shapes, images,…) is kept in memory
o The actual drawing is performed once, using the stored model
o The application simply adds and removes drawing primitives
o Offers abstraction

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 30

Immediate-mode vs Retained-mode

Immediate-mode Retained-mode

Application Build scene
commands Scene Graphics library
Graphics library Drawing
commands Scene


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 31

Real-time rendering pipeline
1. Application
n runs on general-purpose CPUs.
2. Geometry processing
n operations such as transformations, Command stream
projections, etc.
n computes what is to be drawn, how it Geometry processing
should be drawn, and where it should be Transformed geometry
n typically performed on a graphics Rasterization
processing unit (GPU) Fragments

3. Rasterization Fragment processing

n rasterize all the primitives Framebuffer image

n processed completely on the GPU

4. Fragment processing
n draws (renders) an image
n processed completely on the GPU

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 32

Rendering speed
o Update rate of images
o Expressed in:
n frames per second (fps) - the number of images rendered per
n Hertz(Hz) - the frequency of update

o Depends on the complexity of the computations

o Determined by the slowest of the pipeline stages

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 33

Application stage
o Send rendering primitives (points, lines,
triangles) to the geometry stage
o Deals with collision detection, AI, etc.
o Takes care of input Command stream

n keyboard Geometry processing

Transformed geometry
n mouse
n head-mounted helmet, etc.. Rasterization

Fragment processing
Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 34

Geometry stage
o Per-polygon and Per-vertex operations
o Functional stages
n model and view transform Application
Command stream
n vertex shading
n projection Geometry processing
Transformed geometry
n clipping
n screen mapping

Fragment processing
Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 35

Model and view transform
o Each 3D model is transformed to
different coordinate systems
n Local (model) coordinates / model space
n World coordinates / world space Command stream

o Model transformation - vertices and Geometry processing

normal vectors Transformed geometry

o World space - unique, all models exist in Rasterization

the same space Fragments

Fragment processing
Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 36

View transformation
o The position of the visualization camera
is specified in world coordinates
o Has a direction, which aims the camera
o To make the projection and clipping Command stream

easier, the camera and all the 3D models

Geometry processing
are transformed with the view
Transformed geometry
o View transformation - place the camera Rasterization
at the origin and make it look toward the Fragments

direction of the negative z-axis

Fragment processing
Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 37

View transformation

World space Camera space

wy cz

wz cx

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 38

Vertex shading
o To produce a realistic image define
materials and lights
o Shading - the operation of determining
the effect of a light on a material Command stream

o Vertex shading results (colors, vectors,

Geometry processing
texture coordinates, etc.) are sent to the
Transformed geometry
rasterization stage (to be interpolated)
o Shading computations can happen in Rasterization
world space or camera space Fragments

Fragment processing
Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 39

o Transforms the view volume into a unit
cube - canonical view volume
o Can be defined between (−1, −1, −1)
and (1,1,1) or (0, 0, 0) and (1,1,1) Command stream

o Most commonly used projections

Geometry processing
n orthographic (parallel) projection Transformed geometry

n perspective projection Rasterization

o After projection the 3D models are in Fragments

normalized device coordinates.

Fragment processing
Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 40


Orthographic projection Perspective projection

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 41

o Pass to the rasterization step only the
primitives which are wholly or partially
inside the view volume
o Primitives that are completely inside Command stream

- pass to the next stage as they are

Geometry processing
o Primitives that are entirely outside Transformed geometry

- do not pass them further Rasterization

o Primitives that are partially inside Fragments

- clip them and pass to the next stage Fragment processing

Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 42


y y

z z

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 43

Screen mapping
o The x- and y-coordinates of each primitive
are transformed into screen coordinates
o Screen coordinates together with the z-
coordinates are also called window Application
coordinates Command stream

o The z-coordinate is not affected by this Geometry processing

mapping Transformed geometry


Fragment processing
Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 44

Screen mapping

(x2, y2)

(x1, y1)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 45

Rasterization stage
o Given a primitive (described by the vertex
coordinates, color and texture information)
convert it into a set of fragments
o Fragment data Application
Command stream
n raster position
n depth (z-value) Geometry processing
Transformed geometry
n interpolated attributes (color, texture
coordinates, etc.) Rasterization
n stencil
n alpha Fragment processing
Framebuffer image

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 46

Example of rasterization

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics

Fragment processing
o Process each fragment from the
rasterization process into a set of colors and
a single depth value
o Scissor test - discard fragments outside of a Application
certain rectangular portion of the screen Command stream

o Stencil test - test the fragment's stencil Geometry processing

value against the value in the current stencil Transformed geometry
buffer; if the test fails, the fragment is
culled Rasterization
o Depth test - test the depth of the current Fragments

fragment with the existing depth; if the test

passes update the depth buffer Fragment processing
Framebuffer image
o Blending - combine the fragment’s color with
the existing color in the frame buffer

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 48

Fragment processing

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics

Coordinates systems

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics

Graphics pipeline

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics

Basic graphics pipeline

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics

Questions and proposed problems
1. What are the main goals of a graphics standard. Exemplify by the
CORE standard.
2. Explain the functional levels in the GKS Graphics System. Why the
Application Program accesses the Kernel by other two levels? Why the
Operating System separates the functional levels and the graphics
3. What is the difference between the world coordinates, normalized
device coordinates, and physical device coordinates? Why the graphics
operations use normalized device coordinates?
4. Explain the differences between the concepts of window and viewport.
5. Explain the Request input mode in GKS. Exemplify a practical use case.
6. Explain the Sample input mode in GKS. Exemplify a practical use case.
7. Explain the Event input mode in GKS. Exemplify a practical use case.
8. Exemplify the transformation of a cube along the graphics rendering
pipeline. Where and why the system may compute the shadows?

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 53

Questions and proposed problems
9. Where and why the system may remove the hidden parts of the
objects, along the graphics pipeline?
10. What space and coordinate system are used to rasterize the graphics
11. Explain the motivation for the design and development of the graphics
processing units (i.e. GPU).
12. Describe the trend in the evolution of GPUs. What are the main steps?
13. Explain the concept of the rendering strategy. Exemplify the
rasterization and the ray tracing strategies.
14. Explain the concept of the rendering mode. Exemplify the immediate
and the retained modes.
15. Describe the concept of real-time rendering pipeline. Exemplify for a
cube the passing throughout the phases of Application, Geometry
processing, Rasterization, and Fragment processing.
16. Explain what means “per-polygon and per-vertex operations” in the
Geometry stage of the graphics pipeline.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 54

Questions and proposed problems
17. Explain what means “per-polygon and per-vertex operations” in the
Geometry stage of the graphics pipeline.
18. Explain why the initial transformation of the 3D model is performed
within the Local coordinates system and then, in the World coordinate
19. Explain what means the view transformation.
20. What means shading operations? Why the shading is computed
regarding the vertex?
21. Explain why the vertex shading computation can be achieved both in
the world space and in the camera space.
22. Explain the rasterization for the following vector primitives given by
vertices: point A(x,y,z), line (A(x,y,z), B(x,y,z)), polygon (V1(x,y,z),
V2(x,y,z), …, Vn(x,y,z)).
23. Exemplify the fragment data for the rasterized vector primitives: point
A(x,y,z), line (A(x,y,z), B(x,y,z)), polygon (V1(x,y,z), V2(x,y,z), …,

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 55

Graphical Devices

1. Output devices
o Hardcopy technology
o Display technology
o Raster system architectures
2. Input devices

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

Programmer’s Model of Interactive CG

Application Graphics
Program System

Computer Graphics Devices Users

o Graphics Models - Application Data Structures
o Application Programs
o Graphics Systems
o Graphics Devices
Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3
Graphical device types

o Output device
n Graphics display, printer, plotter etc.
o Input device
o Logical
n locator, stroke, string, valuator, choice, pick
o Physical
n mouse, trackball, joystick, scanner, keyboard, etc
o Interactive device
n Graphics console, graphics tablet, head mounted display, etc.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

Device components
o Input Output Processor
o Communicates with CPU
o Scan converts the output primitives
o Refreshing screen
o Interfacing with interactive input devices
o Raster operations
o Character generation
o Additional functions

CPU IOP Display

Input Hard Copy

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

Output devices
o Hardcopy technologies:
o dot matrix printer
o pen plotter
o desk-top plotter
o electrostatic plotter
o laser printer
o ink-jet printer
o thermal transfer printer
o Display technologies:
o monochrome and color CRT (Cathode Ray
o direct-view storage tube (DVST)
o liquid-crystal display (LCD)
o plasma panel
o electroluminescent display (ELD)
o Raster-scan display systems
o simple raster display system
o peripheral display processor
o additional display processor
o integrated display processor

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Dot matrix printer

o Raster output device

o Requires scan conversion of vector images for printing
o Head of pins
o Each pin is individually fired
o Bw and colored ribbons

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Pen plotter
o Flatbed plotter
Paper held down on the table
Electrostatic charge
Stretch tightly
Drawing by bw or colors
Knife blade for scribing
Light source for exposing
photographic negatives
o Drum plotter

pen carriage
Pen plotters include a
o Accepts graphics commands:
draw line, move, draw circle,
o Decomposes the output
primitives into incremental pen
∆x, ∆y, z, ∆u etc.

paper flat band

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Electrostatic plotter
1. The plotter places a negative charge in parts that are to be black
2. Flows positively charged black toner over the paper
3. Toner particles adhere to the paper

Color plotter
Multiple passes for fundamental colors
Colors: black, cyan, magenta, and yellow toners
One pass, multiple heads

Electric contacts

Bath of suspended
toner particles
paper movement

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

Laser printer
1. Drum is positively charged
2. Laser beam scans the rotated drum
3. Areas hit by the laser beam lose the charge
4. Positive charge remains only on the parts that are to be black
5. Negative powdered toner adheres to the positive areas on the drum
6. The toner is transfered onto the blank paper
7. Color xerography repeats the process for each primary color

Selenium coated

Laser system

Laser beam
Scan line

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Ink-jet printer
o Primary colors: cyan, magenta, yellow
o Ink jets onto the head (carriage)
o Some ink-jet printers accept video input

Paper wrapped
around drum


Ink jets


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Thermal transfer printers
o Heating nibs transfer pigments from colored wax paper to plain paper
o Wax paper and plain paper are drawn together over a strip of heating
o Color printing: wax paper is on a roll of alternating cyan, magenta,
yellow, and black strips, each of a length egual to the paper size
o Time: 1 min / image
o Usage:
o barcode labels
o cloth labels (e.g. shirt size)
o Printing plastic labels

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Output devices
o Hardcopy technologies:
o dot matrix printer
o pen plotter
o desk-top plotter
o electrostatic plotter
o laser printer
o ink-jet printer
o thermal transfer printer
o Display technologies:
o monochrome and color CRT (Cathode Ray
o direct-view storage tube (DVST)
o liquid-crystal display (LCD)
o plasma panel
o electroluminescent display (ELD)
o Raster-scan display systems
o simple raster display system
o peripheral display processor
o integrated display processor

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)

Focusing Deflection
System Plate

Electron Beam

Control Accelerating Vertical
Grid System Deflection

Color: Screen

Beam Penetration

Shadow Mask

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Color CRT (Shadow Mask)
Shadow Mask

Electron Gun


Phosphor dot pattern

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

Delta electron gun arrangement

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

In-line electron gun arrangement

Phosphor pattern of stripped picture tube


beam Red beam

Blue Slotted shadow

beam mask

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17

CRT - characteristics
o Persistence
How long a phosphor continues to emit light after the electron beam is
removed (less than 1/10 of its original intensity)
Gives: Refresh rate, image modification rate, animation
Issue: Picture complexity

o Sharpness

1 spot size inter-dot distance dot size, spot
dot pitch size
0.5 ~ 0.6


electron beam

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

CRT - characteristics
o Resolution
1 / spot size
# of points / scan line
# of lines / frame
o Addressability
1 / inter-dot distance
o Aspect ratio
horizontal to vertical points to produce equal length of lines in both direction
on screen, e.g. 3/4 = 0.75

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

Refresh CRT
o Refresh memory
1. Vector image: graphics commands (display file)
Issue: the size of the refresh memory limits the complexity of the
2. Raster graphics: bitmap matrix (frame buffer)



memory (Display file, frame buffer)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

Direct View Storage Tube (DVST)
o Image persistance, flicker free
o Always delete and redraw the CPU DPU CRT
entire image
o High voltage to delete the
screen Refresh

Flood Gun

Storage grid

Collector grid

Primary electron gun

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21

Vector vs raster graphics
o Vector graphics
n Application software controls the graphics primitives: point, line, polyline
n Display processor builds the image as a sequence of vectors
n Limited image complexity
o Raster graphics
n Application software controls pixels in refresh buffer
n Display processor just refresh the screen
n No limited image complexity

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

Frame buffer – gray levels

Register DAC

Frame Buffer CRT Raster

0 1 0 2N DAC

N=3 2N Levels

Frame Buffer CRT Raster

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

Color planes

0 DAC Blue

1 DAC Green

0 DAC Red

N=3 2N Levels

Frame Buffer CRT Raster

Red Green Blue

Black 0 0 0
Red 1 0 0
Green 0 1 0
Blue 0 0 1
Yellow 1 1 0
Cyan 0 1 1
Magenta 1 0 1
White 1 1 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 24

Color palette in Look-up tables

Look-up tables
2W intensity levels
2N at a time

2N entries 10

0 1 0

N=3 2N levels

Frame Buffer CRT Raster

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 25

Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD)
o Most popular alternative to the CRT is the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
o Organic molecules
1. In the absence of external forces, tend to align themselves in crystalline structures. In
their unexcited or crystalline state the LCDs rotate the polarization of light by 90
2. When an external force is applied they will rearrange themselves as if they were a
liquid. In the presence of an electric field, LCDs the small electrostatic charges of the
molecules align with the impinging E field.
o External force: heat (i.e. mood rings), electromagnetic field.
o The LCD's transition between crystalline and liquid states is a slow process.


Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Reflective
polarizer grid wires grid wires polarizer layer

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 26

LCD – twisted nematic cells

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 27

LCD screen structure

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 28

Color TFT (Thin Film Transistor) LCD
o TFT (Thin Film Transistor) or Active Matrix LCD
n There is a transistor at each grid point
n Cause the crystals to change their state quickly
n Control the degree to which the state has been changed
n Hold the state until it changes

Color cell
Color Filter

Liquid Crystal


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 29


• VGA screens need

921,000 transistors
(640 x 480 x 3)

• 1024 x 768 needs

2,359,296 transistors
(1024 x 768 x 3)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 30

Plasma display panel (PDP)
o Three layers
o Horizontal and vertical grid wires
o Glass plate with cells (neon bulbs, fluorescent tubes ). E.g. 50-125 cells / inch
o Bulb state
On: High-voltage discharge excites gas mixture (He, Xe).
It fires the bulb that glows. Low voltage sustains the state.
Remains on till an explicit command turns it off.
Off: bulbs do not glow. They are transparent.
o Turns on/off in less than 15 µs
o Does not need refresh buffer
o Flat and transpartent panel
o Upon relaxation UV light is emitted
o UV light excites phosphors


Vertical Glass plate Horizontal

grid wires with cells grid wires
(x address) (y address)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 31

PDP Structure

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 32

Plasma display panel
o Promising for large format
o Large viewing angle
o Less efficient than CRTs
o Not as bright
o More power
o Large pixels (~1mm compared to
0.2mm for CRT)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 33

Field Emission Display (FED)
o Works like a CRT with multiple
electron guns at each pixel
o Uses modest voltages applied to
sharp points to produce strong E
o Reliable electrodes proven difficult
to produce
o Limited in size
o Thin but requires a vacuum

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 34

FED cell structure

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 35

Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED)
o Function is similar to a semiconductor
o Thin-film polymer construction
o Potentially simpler processing
o Transparent
o Flexible
o Can be vertically stacked
o Excellent brightness
o Large viewing angle
o Efficient (low power/low voltage)
o Fast (< 1 µs)
o Can be made large or small
o Tend to breakdown

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 36

OLED structure

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 37

Over head projectors

o CRT projector

o LCD projector

o Digital Light Processing (DLP)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 38

Head Mounted Display (HMD)
o Use two small screens placed just in
front of each eye
o The virtual objects are placed at 1-5
m in front of the user
o Resolutions greater than 1024x768
o Technology:
n LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) – for
commercial use
n CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) –
professional use, high resolution

Realitate Virtuala 39
HMD - examples

Realitate Virtuala 40
HMD – Virtual glasses

Realitate Virtuala 41
HMD – Virtual glasses

o Controlled by voice and head movement

o Operations: navigation over Internet, video call, listen music,
write notices, etc.

Realitate Virtuala 42
HMD – Virtual glasses

Realitate Virtuala 43
Display-uri mari bazate pe monitoare

o Cel mai mic sistem utilizeaza ochelari

conectati la un monitor capabil sa
afiseze stereo
o Rata de reimprospatare este dubla fata
de cea normala (120/140Hz)
o Sunt transmise imagini alternative
decalate (efectul de paralaxa)
o Necesita utilizarea ochelarilor
o Un singur utilizator are controlul
asupra scenei virtuale prin intermediul
o Utilizatorul trebuie sa se gaseasca in
raza de actiune a transmitatorului IR
(1.5- 3,5 m)

Realitate Virtuala 44
Binocular Omni-Orientation Monitor (BOOM)

o Head-coupled stereoscopic display

o Screens and optical system are
housed in a box that is attached to
a multi-link arm
o Sensors in the links of the arm that
holds the box

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 45

DSD – Desk Supported Display
o Pasive
n Nu urmaresc pozitia capului utilizatorului
o Active
n Urmaresc capul utilizatorului si ajusteaza in timp real coloana intercalata pe
baza pozitiei utilizatorului
o Separarea coloanelor se face folosind o masca prismatica amplasata
pe display

Realitate Virtuala 46
Display-uri de mari dimensiuni
o Display grafic care afiseaza o scena virtuala destinata
vizualizarii simultane a mai multor utilizatori amplasati in
vecinatatea display-ului
n Imagini monoscopice
n Imagini stereoscopice
o Bazate pe monitoare
o Bazate pe proiectoare

Realitate Virtuala 47
Display-uri mari bazate pe monitoare
o Alternativa este folosirea
monitoarelor multiple
amplasate adiacent
o Probleme apar la
simularea la viteze mari
cand apar discontinuitati
intre imaginile de pe
monitoarele adiacente

Realitate Virtuala 48
Display-uri mari bazate pe proiectoare

o LVD (Large Wall Display)

o Reprezinta solutia optima pentru a permite mai multor utilizatori sa
participe la o simulare de RV
o Un proiector CRT foloseste 3 tuburi R, G, B pentru o imagine de inalta
rezolutie (1280x1024) la 120 Hz
o La functionarea in mod stereo prin secventierea cadrului se imparte
numarul liniilor de scanare in 2, utilizatorul vazand o imagine stereo la 60
o Necesita tub CRT special cu timp de persistenta scazut, altfel efectul
stereo este pierdut prin afisarea simultana a imaginilor
o Dezavantaje
n Cost ridicat
n Inabilitate in proiectarea imaginilor stralucitoare (200-300 lumeni)

Realitate Virtuala 49
Display-uri mari bazate pe proiectoare

o Proiecteaza scena 3D pe un ecran

o Utilizatori folosind ochelari (active
glasses) pot vizualiza scena 3D
o Obiectele inalte vor fi decupate in
partea opusa utilizatorului

o Alternativa – utilizarea ecranului in

forma de L
o 2 proiectoare pentru cele 2 suprafete
o Dimensune marita a scenei vizualizate
o Imaginea poate fi distorsionata pentru
utilizatorii secundari (fara tracker)

Realitate Virtuala 50

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 51

Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 52

Output devices
o Hardcopy technologies:
o dot matrix printer
o pen plotter
o desk-top plotter
o electrostatic plotter
o laser printer
o ink-jet printer
o thermal transfer printer
o Display technologies:
o monochrome and color CRT (Cathode Ray
o direct-view storage tube (DVST)
o liquid-crystal display (LCD)
o plasma panel
o electroluminescent display (ELD)
o Raster-scan display systems
o simple raster display system
o peripheral display processor
o integrated display processor

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 53

Simple Raster Display System with Dual Port Memory

o Frame buffer – dedicated portion of the system memory

o Dual port memory
o Video controller accesses directly the system memory

CPU Peripheral

System bus

System Frame Video

memory buffer controller

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 54

Simple Raster Display System
o Frame buffer – anywhere in the system memory
o Video controler accesses the memory through the system bus

CPU Peripheral

System bus

System Video
memory controller

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 55

Raster Display System with Peripheral Display Processor

o System memory:
n Application program
n Graphics package
n Operating system Peripheral
o Display processor:
n Raster operations
n Scan conversion
n Double-buffering
n I/O transfer on the System bus
system bus

Display System
processor memory

Frame Video Monitor
buffer controller

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 56

Raster Display System with Integrated Display Processor

o Cache memories
o Video RAM (VRAM)
(read out all pixels on a scan
line in one cycle)

Display Peripheral
CPU processor devices

System bus

System Frame Video Monitor

memory buffer controller

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 57

Input devices
o Logical input device
o Physical devices:
locator: graphic tablet, joystick
valuator: analog to digital converter, potentiometer
choice: keyboard, set of buttons (function keys)
pick: light-pen
string: keyboard
stroke: mouse, track-ball

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 58


o Text

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 59

o Stroke

o a) Mouse with ball.

o b) Disk with asymmetrical cuttings,
1 – rotation sense from left to right,
2 – rotation sense from right to left.
o c) Optical mouse

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 60

o Stroke

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 61

o Locator

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 62

Graphic tablet
o Locator

o Graphic Tablet
a) Active tablet, passive pen.
b) Acoustic active pen, tablet with

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 63

Light pen
o Pick

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 64

Potentiometer, Dials
o Value

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 65

Image scanner
o Bitmap

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 66

o Choice

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 67

3D Input device
o Location

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 68

Ring Mouse
o Optical trackpad ("Opto Touch
o Embedded 2.4GHz wireless model
for a communication to 10m
o The wearer uses the thumb to
navigate the cursor
o Can be charged by electric power by
o It has as well left and right click

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 69

Haptic device

q 3-dimensional pen-style
haptic device that "makes it
possible for users to touch and
manipulate virtual objects
q 3D Touch-enabled Modeling for
Product Design
q The position and orientation of
the pen are tracked through
encoders in the robotic arm.
q Three degrees of force, in the
x, y and z, direction are achieved
through motors that apply
torques at each joint in the
robotic arm
ex. PHANTOM Desktop

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 70

Haptic device

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 71

Haptic device - glove

q Provides six degrees of

freedom positional tracking that
accurately measures translation
and rotation of the hand in three
q Includes a system of internal
sensors at joints and in muscles
to detect changes in pressure and

q Glove with 16 sensors

(2 per finger + abduction).

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 72

Questions and proposed problems
1. Explain the following operations performed by the Input Output
Processor (IOP): scan conversion of the output primitives, refresh
screen, raster operations, and character generation. Give an example
for each operation.
2. Is the dot matrix printer a vector or raster device? Argument the
3. Is the pen plotter a vector or raster device? Argument the statement.
4. Why do you think the resolution of the electrostatic plotter can be
5. Is the laser printer a vector or raster device? Is the image composed of
vectors or pixels? Argument the statement.
6. Is the ink-jet printer a vector or raster device? Is the image composed
of vectors or pixels? Who could perform the scan conversion?
Argument the statement.
7. Is the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) a vector or raster device? Is the image
composed of vectors or pixels? Who could perform the scan
conversion? Argument the statement.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 73

Questions and proposed problems
8. What is the relationship between a phosphor dot, phosphor dot pattern
and a pixel, for a BW and color CRT device? What element decides the
maximum resolution of a CRT display device?
9. What are the differences between vector and raster graphics? Highlight
the differences in graphics models, images, output graphics devices,
file formats, image memory buffer, file formats, information
description, and object related semantics.
10. What is the differences between vector graphics model and raster
graphics model?
11. What is the differences between vector graphics image and raster
graphics image?
12. What is the differences between vector graphics device and raster
graphics device?
13. What could limit the resolution and dynamics of the LCD (Liquid Crystal
Displays) and TFT (Thin Film Transistor) LCD screens?
14. What limits the resolution and dynamics of the PDP (Plasma Display

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 74

Questions and proposed problems
15. Compare the following architectures: simple raster display system,
peripheral display processor, and integrated display processor.
Highlight the differences and advantages of each architecture?
16. What are the main differences between logical and physical input
devices? Give some examples.
17. How the mouse with ball detects the moving directions? Why the
optical mouse does not work on a glossy and shiny surface?
18. What are the similarity and difference between mouse and track-ball?
19. How the graphic tablet transforms the signal into position?
20. How the light pen transforms the signal into position?
21. What is the main difference between an input graphics device and a
haptic device?

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 75

Graphical Devices
Touch screen technology
o There are four main touchscreen technologies:
1. Resistive
2. Capacitive
3. Surface Acoustic Wave
4. Infrared


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

Resistive Touchscreen Technology

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

Capacitive Touchscreen Technology

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

Capacitive Touchscreen Technology

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

Surface Acoustic Wave Touchscreen

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Infrared Touchscreen Technology

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Plural Touch Technology
o Multi touch Applications technology are found in smart
phones like iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, Nokia N8, Nexus
S, Microsoft Touchtable, Apple’s iPad and many more.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

ScanLine Conversion Algorithms
o Line scan conversion
o Transformation pipeline
o Line drawing algorithms
o Digital Differential Analyzer
o Bresenham Line Algorithm
o Midpoint line algorithm
o Antialiasing

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

Real objects to image on the screen
zL View
zwc Plane

xS xV Center of
zV Projection,
U Viewer’s
N Position


window pixel

Window definition Viewport definition Window’s content Scan conversion onto the
in projection plane in projection plane inside the viewport raster screen

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

Viewing transformations pipeline

3D 3D Shadow 3D Project onto

computation, viewing plane,
to viewing
Clip against Clip against
World coordinates Viewing Viewing
view volume window
Coordinates Coordinates Coordinates

2D Transform to 2D Scan conversion,

2D Rendering,
viewport Transformation to
Viewing Normalized device coordinates Physical
Coordinates Coordinates Device

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

Pixel vicinity and continuity

8 neighbors 4 neighbors

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

Line drawing

var yt : real; ∆x, ∆y, xi, yi : integer; ∆x

for xi := 0 to ∆x do begin
yt := [∆y/∆x]*xi; ∆y
yi := trunc(yt+[1/2]);

Objective: avoid multiplication

y = mx, m = [∆y/ ∆x]

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Line-drawing algorithms
y = mx + b y
b = y1 – mx1
m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) = ∆y/∆x
∆y = m∆x P2(x2,y2)
m>0 ∆y
X1 < x2

x1 ∆x x2 x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

DDA Algorithm
DDA = Digital Differential Analyzer

Basic formula: m>1 m=1

∆y = m∆x, m>0
xi+1 = xi + 1
yi+1 = yi + m

Makes discontinuity for another case

Therefore two formulas:
∆y = m∆x, 0<m<1
∆x = (1/m)∆y, 1<m

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

DDA Algorithm – two cases
Makes discontinuity for another case
Therefore two formulas:
∆y = m∆x, 0<m<1
∆x = (1/m)∆y, 1<m m>1
y m=1

Case 1: 0<m<1
Xi+1 = xi + 1
yi+1 = yi + m

Case 2: 1<m
yi+1 = yi + 1
xi+1 = xi + 1/m
m <1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

DDA Algorithm – basic case
Assumption : 0 <m<1, x1<x2

procedure dda (x1, y1, x2, y2 : integer);

∆x, ∆y, k : integer;
x, y : real
∆x := x2 - x1;
∆y := y2 - y1;
x := x1; y := y1;
for k := 1 to ∆x do begin
x := x + 1;
y := y + [∆y/ ∆x];
end { for k }
end; { dda }

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Bresenham’s Line Algorithm
o Basic idea:
1. Find the closest integer coordinates to the actual line path
2. Use only integer arithmetic
3. Compute iteratively the next point, Pi+1=F(Pi)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Bresenham method – basic idea
o Basic approach: y

1. Compute a decision
variable di=f(Pi, di-1)
2. Depending on the di value yi + 1
chose the next position E n
or NE
Pi s

xi xi + 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Bresenham method - mathematics
Assumptions: 0<m≤1, xi<xj, i<j y

y = mx+b, yi = mxi , m = ∆y/∆x

yi + 1
s = y-yi = m(xi+1)+b-yi n
n = yi+1-y=yi+1-m(xi+1)-b Q
Pi s
k = s-n = 2m(xi+1)-2yi+2b-1 E
Let us consider di = k∆x = ∆x(s-n) x

xi xi + 1
di = ∆x(s-n) = 2∆y(xi+1)-2∆xyi+∆x(2b-1)
= 2∆yxi -2∆xyi +[2∆y+∆x(2b-1)]
= 2∆yxi -2∆xyi + Const
di = 2∆yxi -2∆xyi + Const
if di < 0 then E(xi+1,yi)
if di ≥ 0 then NE(xi+1,yi+1)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Bresenham method - mathematics
di = 2∆yxi -2∆xyi + Const y
di+1 = 2∆yxi+1 -2∆xyi+1 + Const

di+1- di = 2∆y(xi+1-xi)-2∆x(yi+1- yi) NE

di+1= di +2∆y-2∆x(yi+1- yi) yi + 1
if di < 0 then Pi+1 = E, and yi+1=yi
otherwise Pi+1 = NE, and yi+1=yi+1 Pi s
di+1= di +2∆y if di < 0 x

di+1= di +2∆y-2∆x otherwise xi xi + 1

The first value of the decision variable:

d0 = 2∆yx1-2∆xy1+[2∆y+∆x(2b-1)]

y1 = (∆y/∆x)x1+b, ∆xy1= ∆yx1+b∆x

∆x(2b-1)= 2∆xy1- 2∆yx1- 2∆x

d0 = 2∆y-2∆x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Bresenham algorithm - pseudocode
procedure bres_line (x1, y1, x2, y2 : integer);
var ∆x, ∆y, x, y, d, incrE, incrNE : integer;
∆x := x2 – x1;
∆y := y2 – y1;
d := 2* ∆y - ∆x;
incrE := 2* ∆y;
incrNE := 2*(∆y - ∆x);
x := x1; y := y1;
while x < x2 do begin
if d<0 then begin
d := d + incrE;
x := x + 1;
end; { then begin }
else begin
d := d + incrNE;
y := y + 1;
x := x + 1;
end; { else begin }
display (x, y);
end { while x < x2 }
end; { bres_line}

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

Midpoint line algorithm

yi + 1

M F(x,y)=0

xi xi + 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

Midpoint line algorithm
y= (∆y/∆x)x + n y


Considering a=∆y, b=-∆x, and c=n∆x NE

yi + 1
F(x,y)=ax+by+c=0, if (x,y) is on the line M F(x,y)=0
Q is closer to E

NE if F(xi+1, yi+1/2)<0
E if F(xi+1, yi+1/2)>0
xi xi + 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17

Midpoint line algorithm
F(xi+1, yi+1/2)=a(xi+1)+b(yi+1/2)+c
Let di=2F(xi+1, yi+1/2)=2a(xi+1)+b(2yi+1)+2c
Since a=∆y and b=-∆x,
di+1=2F(xi+1+1, yi+1+1/2)= 2∆y(xi+1+1)-∆x(2yi+1+1)+2c
xi+1= xi+1
yi+1= yi+1, if di≥0
yi+1= yi otherwise
di+1= 2∆y(xi+1)-∆x(2yi+1)+2c+2∆y-2∆x= di+2∆y-2∆x, if di≥0
di+1= di+2∆y, otherwise

d0=2F(x0+1, y0+1/2)= 2(∆yx0-∆xy0+c)+2∆y-2∆x= 2∆y-2∆x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

Midpoint line algorithm - pseudocode
procedure mid_point (x1, y1, x2, y2,value : integer);
var ∆x, ∆y, incrE, incrNE, d, x, y : integer;
∆x := x2 – x1;
∆y := y2 – y1;
d := 2* ∆y - ∆x;
incrE := 2* ∆y;
incrNE := 2*(∆y- ∆x);
x := x1; y := y1;
while x < x2 do begin
if p < 0 then begin
p := p + incrE;
x := x + 1;
end; { then begin }
else begin
p := p + incrNE;
y := y + 1;
x := x + 1;
end; { else begin }
end; { while x < x2 }
end; { mid_point }

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

General Bresenham’s Line Algorithm
o Basic Bresenham line algorithm is given for line in the first octant.
o To render a general line (A, B):
1. Transform the line (P1, P2) into the line (P1’, P2’) in the first
2. Compute the raster line (P1’, P2’)
1. For each point P’
1. Compute point P for the initial line
2. Render point P



P1’(x1,y1) P’

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

General Bresenham’s Line Algorithm
Render and explain the Bresenham algorithm transformations for the
following lines:
a. A(7, 5), B(15, 10)
b. A(15, 10), B(7, 5)
c. A(5, 7), B(10, 15)
d. A(10, 15), B(5, 7)
e. A(-5, 7), B(-10, 15)
f. A(-7, 5), B(-15, 10)
g. A(-15, 10), B(-7, 5)
h. A(-15, -10), B(-7, -5)
i. A(-5, -7), B(-10, -15)
j. A(7, -5), B(15, -10)
k. A(15, -10), B(7, -5)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21


o Removing the stairstep
appearance of a line
o Staircase for raster effect
o Need some compensation in
line-drawing algorithm for the
raster effect

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

o Jugged edges
o Small objects
unvisible, disturbed
o Textures
toothed edges

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

o Supersampling
o Area sampling
o Stochastic sampling

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 24

Supersampling (Postfiltering)
o Increasing resolution

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 25

Area Sampling (Prefiltering)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 26

Area Sampling - solutions

1. Unweighted area sampling

I = f(d)
o Intensity of a pixel decreases as the distance between the pixel center
and the edge increases
o A primitive does not influence the intensity of a pixel at all if there is no
o Equal areas contribute equal intensity

2. Weighted area sampling

I = f (∆A, d), weighting function, filter function
o The pixel represent a circular area larger than the square tile
o The primitive intersects the circular area
o The intersection area contributes to the intensity
e.g. Goupta-Sproull incremental method for antialiasing lines

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 27

o Box filter
o Cone filter

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 28

Questions and proposed problems
1. Why the integer arithmetic is used in graphics algorithms? Why it is
imposed in the scan conversion algorithms?
2. How the DDA algorithm works above the first bisection? Is it efficient?
3. Why in the Bresenham algorithm for a line the next pixel could be just
E and NE, rather than SE, S, SV, and N?
4. How does the Bresenham algorithm for a line work if the starting point
is another than the origin of the coordinate axes?
5. What are the advantages of the Midpoint line algorithm against the
Bresenham line algorithm?
6. Render and explain the Bresenham algorithm transformations for the
following lines AB: A(10, 15), B(5, 7); A(-5, 7), B(-10, 15); A(-7, 5), B(-15,
10); A(- 15, 10), B(-7, 5). For each case compute the global
transformation matrix.
7. Why the computation of the decision variable is faster than analytic

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 29

Questions and proposed problems
8. Explain why the Bresenham algorithm is faster or slower than the
Midpoint algorithm.
9. Explain how the supersampling approach may improve the quality of
graphics rendering? What is the relationship between object point and
10. Explain why rasterization loses information about the real object?

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 30

Scan Conversion Algorithms (2)
o Circle scan conversion
o Circle drawing
o Circle drawing by 4 and 8 way symmetry
o Midpoint circle
n Basic algorithm
n Algorithm by integer arithmetic
n Algorithm by 2nd order differences

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

Circle Drawing

(x-xc)2 + (y-yc)2 = r2
y = yc ± sqrt((r2) - (x-xc)2) r


x = xc + r cosθ
y = yc + r sinθ


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

Circle rendering by 4 and 8 way symmetry

y y

(-x, y) (x, y) (-x, y) (x, y)

(-y, x) (y, x)
x x

(-y, -x) (y, -x)

(-x, -y) (x, -y) (-x, -y) (x, -y)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

4 way symmetry algorithm
public void circleSym4 (int xCenter, int yCenter, int radius, Color c)
int pix = c.getRGB();
int x, y, r2;

r2 = radius * radius;
raster.setPixel(pix, xCenter, yCenter + radius);
raster.setPixel(pix, xCenter, yCenter - radius);
for (x = 1; x <= radius; x++) {
y = (int) (Math.sqrt(r2 - x*x) + 0.5);
raster.setPixel(pix, xCenter + x, yCenter + y);
raster.setPixel(pix, xCenter + x, yCenter - y);
raster.setPixel(pix, xCenter - x, yCenter + y);
raster.setPixel(pix, xCenter - x, yCenter - y);

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

8 way symmetry algorithm
public void circleSym8 (int xCenter, raster.setPixel(
int yCenter, int radius, Color c) pix, xCenter + y, yCenter + x);
{ raster.setPixel(
int pix = c.getRGB(); pix, xCenter + y, yCenter - x);
int x, y, r2; raster.setPixel(
pix, xCenter - y, yCenter + x);
r2 = radius * radius; raster.setPixel(
raster.setPixel( pix, xCenter - y, yCenter - x);
pix, xCenter, yCenter + radius); x += 1;
raster.setPixel( y = (int) (Math.sqrt(r2 - x*x) + 0.5);
pix, xCenter, yCenter - radius); }
raster.setPixel( if (x == y) {
pix, xCenter + radius, yCenter); raster.setPixel(
raster.setPixel( pix, xCenter + x, yCenter + y);
pix, xCenter - radius, yCenter); raster.setPixel(
x = 1; pix, xCenter + x, yCenter - y);
y = (int) (Math.sqrt(r2 - 1) + 0.5); raster.setPixel(
while (x < y) { pix, xCenter - x, yCenter + y);
raster.setPixel( raster.setPixel(
pix, xCenter + x, yCenter + y); pix, xCenter - x, yCenter - y);
raster.setPixel( }
pix, xCenter + x, yCenter - y); }
pix, xCenter - x, yCenter + y);
pix, xCenter - x, yCenter - y);

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Midpoint circle algorithm
x2 + y2 = R2
(xi +1, yi)
Let us consider F(x,y)= x2 + y2 - R2 (xi,yi)

F(x,y) > 0 for P(x,y) outside of the circle ME

(xi +1, yi-1/2) M
F(x,y) = 0 for P on the circle
F(x,y) < 0 inside of the circle MSE
(xi +1, yi-1)

if F(M) < 0, next point P(xi+1,yi+1) = E(xi+1,yi)
otherwise next point P(xi+1,yi+1) = SE(xi+1,yi-1)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Midpoint circle algorithm - computation
Let us consider the decision variable:
di = F(xi+1, yi-1/2)=(xi+1)2 + (yi-1/2)2 - R2
di+1 = F(xi+1+1, yi+1-1/2)=(xi+2)2 + (yi+1-1/2)2 - R2
where xi+1 = xi + 1 y
if di < 0, yi+1= yi (0,R)

otherwise yi+1= yi-1

di+1 = di + 2xi+3, if di<0 x

di + 2(xi-yi)+5, otherwise

The starting point (x0, y0) = (0, R)

d0 = F(x0+1, y0-1/2)=(0+1)2 + (R-1/2)2 - R2 = 5/4 - R

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Midpoint circle algorithm - summary
Next point P(xi+1,yi+1):
xi+1 = xi + 1
yi+1= yi if di < 0,
yi-1 otherwise y

di+1 = di + 2xi+3, if di<0

di + 2(xi-yi)+5, otherwise

Initial decision variable value:
d0 = F(0, R)= 5/4 - R

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

Midpoint circle algorithm - pseudocode
procedure MidpointCircle (radius,value : integer); Change the decision variable:
var D = d - 1/4
x,y : integer; d: real; d = D + 1/4
begin Initial value: D = 1 - radius
x := 0; { initialization } Equivalence decision in
y := radius; { 0, R } integer value domain:
d := 5/4 - radius; D < -1/4 Þ D < 0
while y > x do begin Computation of the new
if d < 0 then { select E } decision variable:
d := d + 2*x + 3; D := D + 2*x + 3
x := x + 1; D := D + 2(x-y) + 5
else begin { select SE } Conclusion:
d := d + 2*(x - y) + 5; 1. Compute initial value by:
x := x + 1; d=1-radius
y := y - 1; 2. All other formulas are
end { while }
end; { MidpointCircle }

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Midpoint circle alg. – integer arithmetics
procedure MidpointCircle (radius,value : integer);
{ Integer arithmetic only }
x,y, d : integer;
x := 0; { initialization }
y := radius; { 0, R }
d := 1 - radius;
while y > x do begin
if d < 0 then { select E }
d := d + 2*x + 3;
x := x + 1;
else begin { select SE }
d := d + 2*(x - y) + 5;
x := x + 1;
y := y - 1;
end { while }
end; { MidpointCircle }

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Midpoint circle algorithm - improvement
o The next decision variable value is computed as a
function of:
o Current decision variable value
o Current coordinate values x and y
di+1 = di + 2xi+3, if di<0
di + 2(xi-yi)+5, otherwise
o Aim:
o Next decision variable value does not depend on current
coordinates x and y
di+1 = di + const

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Improvement by 2nd order differences
di+1 = di + ∆di
∆di = di+1 - di = 2xi+3 if di<0 (∆diE)
2(xi-yi)+5 otherwise (∆diSE)
Passing to the next position:
(xi,yi)→ (xi+1,yi)
∆di+1E = 2(xi+1)+3= ∆diE+2
∆di+1SE = 2(xi+1-yi)+5= ∆diSE+2
(xi,yi)→ (xi+1,yi-1)
∆di+1E = 2(xi+1)+3= ∆diE+2
∆di+1SE = 2(xi+1-yi+1)+5= ∆diSE+4
Initially, on (x0,y0)
∆d0 = 3 if d0<0 (∆d0E)
-2R+5 otherwise (∆d0SE)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Midpoint circle alg. – 2nd order differences
procedure MidpointCircle (radius,value : integer);
{Uses second-order partial differences to compute increments in the decision variable}
var x,y,d, deltaE, deltaSE : integer;
x := 0; { initialization }
y := radius; { 0, R }
d := 1 - radius;
deltaE := 3;
deltaSE := -2*radius + 5;
while y > x do begin
if d < 0 then { select E }
d := d + deltaE;
deltaE := deltaE + 2;
deltaSE := deltaSE +2;
x := x + 1;
else begin { select SE }
d := d + deltaSE;
deltaE := deltaE + 2;
deltaSE := deltaSE +4;
x := x + 1;
y := y - 1;
end { while }
end; { MidpointCircle }

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Questions and proposed problems
1. Demonstrate what values take the function F(x,y)= x2 + y2 - R2 inside
and outside the circle, of center O and radius R.
2. Explain why the circle rendering is only computed in the second
3. Modify the Midpoint circle algorithm to work in the first octant (under
the first bisection).
4. Modify the Midpoint circle algorithm to work in the first quadrant (x, y
5. Extend the Midpoint circle algorithm to render a filled circle.
6. Explain the improvement of the Midpoint circle algorithm by the second
order differences.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

Scan Conversion Algorithms (3)
o Basic approach
o Fill area scan conversion
o Polygon scan conversion
o Scan Conversion
n Ordered Edge List Algorithm
n Edge Fill Algorithm
n Fence Fill Algorithm
n Edge Flag Algorithm
o Seed Filling

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

Basic approach

o Scan conversion

o Seed filling

o Needs information about each pixel: position, color,

intensity, alfa attribute, etc.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

Jordan Theorem

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

Data structures
o Real-time scan conversion
Using geometry and visual attributes

o Run-length encoding
(intensity, run length)…○4●4○4●9……

o Cell-organization

o Frame buffer

Pixel pattern Frame Buffer

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

Real-time scan conversion
B Polygon’s edges
o Less memory Scan line
o High computation time 1
o Complex geometric processing C

o Flexibility 2


Edge list 1: Edge list 2: Edge list 3:
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

BC ← b BC BC BA ← b BA ← b BA BD ← b BD ← b BD ← b
BD ← e BD BD ← b BD ← e BD BD ← b BC ← e BC BC
CD CD ← e CD CD CD ← e CD CD CD ← e CD
AD AD AD ← e AD AD AD ← e AD AD AD ← e

The edge lists must be ordered to intersect consecutive edges.

Ordered by:
1. Max y of starting vertex (e.g. B, C, A)
2. Max y of ending vertex (e.g. C, A, D)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Run-length encoding
o BW encoding: (intensity, run length) o Data compression
o Color encoding: (R,G,B, run length) o High processing time

0 30

0 7 1 8 0 15

0 1 1 2 0 20 1 2 0 5

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Cell encoding

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Cell encoding - pseudographics

Pixel pattern X Reflexion Translation Masking

Complex object B


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

Frame buffer
o Large memory
o High speed
o Time consuming for graphical processing
o Image complexity does not depend on the performance of the display

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Scan line approach

1 12 11 2 3 10 9 4 5 8 7 6

o Scan line coherence

Adjacent pixels are likely to have the same characteristics
o Intersection points:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
o Ordered sequence:
1, 12, 11, 2, 3, 10, 9, 4, 5, 8, 7, 6
o Ordered pairs:
(1,12), (11,2), (3,10), (9,4), (5,8), (7,6)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Scan line approach – particular cases

1 2 3 4
1 2

1 2 3 4

1 2,3 4,5 6

1 2 3 4

1 2,3 4,5 6

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Computation issues
Polygon to Resulted Pixel position, Intersection
be drawn polygon Intersection points
points Scan line
5 5

4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Integer domain: Integer domain:

1. Polygon vertices 1. Polygon vertices
2. Scan line y coordinate 2. Pixel position
3. Intersection coordinates
4. Pixel position Real domain:
1. Scan line y coordinate
2. Intersection coordinates

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Ordered Edge List Algorithm


6 P3
Edge sorting on
y coordinate



0 2 4 6 8 10

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Ordered edge list - Data structures
Scan line
Linked list of polygon edge data Scan line

8 Edge P4P5 Edge P5P1

x45 ∆x45 ∆y45 x51 ∆x51 ∆y51
5 x23 ∆x23 ∆y23 x34 ∆x34 ∆y34
3 Edge P2P3 Edge P3P4
0 P5
List address 8
x ∆x ∆y Pointer
8 6 P3
7 1 1.5 1 3 2
6 1
5 3 2 1 0 5 4
3 8 0 4 4 P4
3 2
2 4 7.5 -1 2 P2
0 0 2 4 6 8 10

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

Active edge list
8 Active edge list
P5 Scan line 5:
P3 x45+∆x45, ∆x45, ∆y45 -1
x51+∆x51, ∆x51, ∆y51 -1
x23, ∆x23, ∆y23
4 x34, ∆x34, ∆y34

Scan line 4:
2 P4
x45+2∆x45, ∆x45, ∆y45 -2
x51+2∆x51, ∆x51, ∆y51 -2
P1 x23+∆x23, ∆x23, ∆y23 -1
0 2 4 6 8 10 x34+∆x23, ∆x34, ∆y34 -1

8 Active edges Scan line 3:

7 x ∆x ∆y x45+3∆x45, ∆x45, ∆y45 -3
6 x51+3∆x51, ∆x51, ∆y51 -3
5 x45 ∆x45 ∆y45 x23+2∆x23, ∆x23, ∆y23 -2
4 x51 ∆x51 ∆y51 x34+2∆x23, ∆x34, ∆y34 -2
2 x23 ∆x23 ∆y23 Scan line 2:
1 x51+4∆x51, ∆x51, ∆y51 -4
x34 ∆x34 ∆y34 x23+3∆x23, ∆x23, ∆y23 -3

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

Active edge list
Intersection points Pixel list
x ∆x ∆y
ordered by x coordinate
6 1.5 1 3 1 1.5 (1,6)
1 0 5
5 2.5 1 2 1 2.5 7.5 8 (1,5), (2,5), (7,5)
1 0 4
8 0 4
7.5 -1 2
1 3.5 6.5 8 (1,4), (2,4), (3,4),
4 3.5 1 1
(6,4), (7,4)
1 0 3
8 0 3
6.5 -1 1
3 4.5 1 0 1 4.5 5.5 8
1 0 2
8 0 2
5.5 -1 0
1 8 (1,2),(2,2),(3,2),(4,2),
2 1 0 1
8 0 1
1 8 (1,1),(2,1),(3,1),(4,1),
1 1 0 0
8 0 0

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17

Edge fill algorithm
o Complement the pixel on the right of the edge

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

Edge fill algorithm
o No sorting
o Simple data structure
o Each pixel should be accessed many times


P3 P3

P2 P2 P4

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

Edge fill algorithm
P5 P5

P6 P6




P8 P8

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

Fence fill algorithm
o Reduce the number of pixel accesses


P3 P3

P2 P2 P4


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21

Fence fill algorithm
P6 P6




P8 P8

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

Edge flag algorithm
o Each pixel is accessed only once
o No sorting and maintaining edge lists
o Very fast and could be implemented by hardware

flag flag
in out

flag flag
in out

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

Seed fill algorithm
o Start at a pixel inside the polygon
o Seed: starting pixel
o Move to the neighbors using the connectivity by 4 and 8
o Recursive algorithms

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 24

Type of region
o Defined by
1. Content
2. Contour

y y

x x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 25

Recursive algorithms - Fill4Content
procedure Fill4Content(x, y, oldval, newval: integer);
{x, y: starting point, inside region;
oldval: the old inside pixel colour;
newval: the new colour of pixels}
if ReadPixel(x, y) = oldval then
WritePixel(x, y, newval);
Fill4Content(x, y-1, oldval, newval);
Fill4Content(x, y+1, oldval, newval);
Fill4Content(x-1, y, oldval, newval);
Fill4Content(x+1, y, oldval, newval);

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 26

Recursive algorithms - Fill4Contour
procedure Fill4Contour(x, y, contval, newval: integer);
{x, y: starting point, inside region;
contval: the old contourcolour;
newval: the new colour of the contour pixels}
if ReadPixel(x, y) <> contval and ReadPixel(x, y) <> newval then
WritePixel(x, y, newval);
Fill4Contour(x, y-1, contval, newval);
Fill4Contour(x, y+1, contval, newval);
Fill4Contour(x-1, y, contval, newval);
Fill4Contour(x+1, y, contval, newval);

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 27

Course based algorithm
o Recursivity is very stack memory consuming
o Reduce the level of recursivity: course
1. Most right pixel positiony
2. An horizontal sequence of consecutive pixels
o Only course indentifier stored into the stack

y y

Firt 3 2

5 4

x x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 28

Course based algorithm
o Determinate the current course, related to the
starting position
o Write into the stack the course ID
o While stack is not empty { course
Read and render a course from the stack ID

For all above line courses

Write into the stack the course ID
For all below line courses
Write into the stack the course ID y

3 2

5 4

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 29

Questions and proposed problems
1. What is the main difference and similarity between the scan conversion
and seed filling algorithms for polygon rendering?
2. Generate in the real-time scan conversion algorithm the edge list for
rendering three adjacent triangles. Generate the edge list to keep
intersected consecutive edges (Figure 1a, Figure 1b).
3. Is it possible to generate a single list that keep intersected consecutive
edges? How many edge lists have to be considered?

Figure 1a Figure 1b B


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 30
Questions and proposed problems
4. Explain the generation of the edge list if the scan line is moving
upward, instead downward.
5. Explain why the relationship between real polygon point, scan line and
pixel position is important?
6. How big could be the polygon rendering error?
7. Explain the Ordered Edge List algorithm on Figure 1a.
8. Explain the Ordered Edge List algorithm on Figure 1b.
9. Explain the Ordered Edge List algorithm on Figure 1a and b, if the scan
line is moving upward.
10. Explain how the Ordered Edge List algorithm depends on the upward
and downward movement of the scan line?
11. Why would the seed filling algorithm be disadvantageous?
12. What is the worst case for the recursive seed filling algorithm?

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 31

2D Clipping
o Point
o Line Clipping
o Polygon Clipping
o Text Clipping

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

Real objects to image on the screen
zL View
zwc Plane

xS xV Center of
zV Projection,
U Viewer’s
N Position


window pixel

Window definition Viewport definition Window’s content Scan conversion onto the
in projection plane in projection plane inside the viewport raster screen

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

Viewing transformations pipeline

3D 3D Shadow 3D Project onto

computation, viewing plane,
to viewing
Clip against Clip against
World coordinates Viewing Viewing
view volume window
Coordinates Coordinates Coordinates

2D Transform to 2D Scan conversion,

2D Rendering,
viewport Transformation to
Viewing Normalized device coordinates Physical
Coordinates Coordinates Device

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

Window and viewport
Pw(xw,yw) → Pv(xv,yv)



xwmin xwmax xvmin xvmax

World Coordinates Normalized Device Coordinates

Window definition: (xwmin, xwmin, xwmax, ywmax) Viewport def: (xvmin, xvmin, xvmax, yvmax)

xw- xwmin xv- xvmin xvmax- xvmin

= xv = (xw- xwmin) + xvmin
xwmax- xwmin xvmax- xvmin xwmax- xwmin

xv = sx (xw- xwmin) + xvmin yvmax- y vmin

yv = (yw- y wmin) + yvmin
yv = sy (yw- y wmin) + yvmin ywmax- y wmin

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

Window and viewport - specification

(-60.5, 82.5) (41.25, 82.5)

Window 0.87


0 xw

(-60.5, -20.75) (41.25, -20.75) (0, 0) 0.37 0.74 1

World Coordinates Normalized Coordinates

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Window and viewport transformations

1 ymax

1 xmax
0 1


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Window and viewport types
o multiple windows / viewports
o multiple workstations
o polygonal windows / viewports 2
o zooming / panning
o blanking 0

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Point clipping

o Inside outside test:

xmin ≤ x ≤ xmax
ymin ≤ y ≤ ymax

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

Line clipping

y P8 y
P7 Window Window
ywmax ywmax
P9 P3 P4 P1 P4 P1
P5 P5
ywmin ywmin
P6 P’6

xwmin xwmax x xwmin xwmax x

Before clipping After clipping

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Line Clipping
Line definitions
Set of points ->
point clipping
Vector ->
endpoints clipping
binary clipping
parametric line clipping
Cohen-Sutherland algorithm

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Endpoints clipping
Could be two cases:
1. trivially accepted (AB)
2. trivially rejected (CD)





xwmin xwmax x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Binary clipping
1. step: AB
2. step: AC, CB (tr. rejected)
3. 3 step: AD (tr. acc), DC
4. ...

ywmax B



xwmin xwmax x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm

Basic Idea
n Encode the line endpoints

n Successively divide the line segments so that they are

completely contained in the window or completely lies
outside window
n Division occurs at the boundary of window

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm

Region outcodes:

1001 1000 1010

0001 0000 0010 left

0101 0100 0110

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm

1001 C
1010 S
A 0000
0001 Q 0010

0101 0100 0110

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

Cohen-Sutherland Algorithm
procedure CSDecLinie( x0, y0, x1, y1,
min, xmax, ymin, ymax: real;
color: integer);
{ Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm for line P0(x0,y0) to P1(x1,y1), and clip
rectangle with diagonal from (xmin, ymin) to (xmax, ymax) }
type edge = (LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM, TOP);
outcode = set of edge;

var accept, done : boolean;

outcod0, outcod1, outcodt : outcode; {outcodes for P0, P1, and
whichever point lies outside
the clipping rectangle}
x, y : real;

procedure CompOutCode( x, y: real; var code: outcode);

{ computes outcode for the point (x,y)}
code := [];
if y > ymax then code:= [TOP]
else if y < ymin then code:= [BOTTOM];
if x > xmax then code:= code+[RIGHT]
else if x < xmin then code:= code+[LEFT]

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17

accept := false; done := false;
CompOutCode(x0, y0, outcod0);
CompOutCode(x1, y1, outcod1);
if (outcod0 = []) and (outcod1 = []) then {trivially accepted}
begin accept := true; done := true end {end exit}
else if (outcod0 * outcod1) <> [] then
done := true {Logical intersection is true, so trivial reject and exit}
{Failed both tests, so calculate the line segment to clip:
from an outside point to an intersection with clip edge}
begin {at least one endpoint is outside the clip rectangle; pick it.}
if outcod0 <> [] then
outcodt := outcod0 else outcodt := outcod1;
{now find intersection point; use formulas
y = y0 + slope * (x- x0),
x = x0 + (1/slope) * (y-y0)}
if TOP in outcodt then
{divide line at top of clip rectangle}
x := x0+(x1-x0)*(ymax-y0)/(y1-y0);
y := ymax
else if BOTTOM in outcodt then
{ divide line at bottom of clip rectangle }
x := x0+(x1-x0)*(ymin-y0)/(y1-y0);
y := ymin

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

else if RIGHT in outcodt then
{ divide line at right of clip rectangle }
y := y0+(y1-y0)*(xmax-x0)/(x1-x0);
x := xmax
else if LEFT in outcodt then
{ divide line at left of clip rectangle }
y := y0+(y1-y0)*(xmin-x0)/(x1-x0);
x := xmin
{Now we move outside point to intersection point to clip,
and get ready for next pass. }
if (outcodt = outcod0) then
x0 := x; y0 := y;
CompOutCode(x0, y0, outcod0)
x1 := x; y1 := y;
CompOutCode(x1, y1, outcod1)
end {Subdivide}
until done;
if accept then MidpointLineReal(x0, y0, x1, y1, color)
{draw a line with real endpoint coordinates}
End; {CSDecLinie Cohen Sutherland clipping algorithm}

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

Parametric line clipping


V4 tedge V3


V1 V2

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

Cyrus-Beck algorithm

o Outside Inside
clipping clipping
rectangle rectangle

Edge Ei


Ni ∙ [Pi(t) – PEi] < 0

Pi(t) - PEi

Ni ∙ [Pi(t) – PEi] = 0

Ni ∙ [Pi(t) – PEi] > 0



Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21

Cyrus-Beck algorithm

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

Cyrus-Beck algorithm

PE P1 P1
φ Line 2 t=1 t=1

PL PE Line 1
P0 Line 3
Clipping rectangle



Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

Cyrus-Beck algorithm - pseudocode
precalculate Ni and select a PEi for each edge;
for each line segment to be clipped
if P1 = P0 then
line degenerates to a point, so clip as a point;
tE = 0; tL = 1;
for each candidate compute intersection with a clipping edge
if Ni * D <> 0 then { ignore edges parallel to line for now}
calculate t;
use sign of Ni * D to categorize as
PE (potentially entering) or PL (potentially leaving);
if PE then tE = max (tE , t);
if PL then tL = min (tL , t);
if tE > tL then
return nil
return P(tE ) and P(tL ) as true clip intersections

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 24

Intersection: line–convex polyhedron
Obs: triangle is always convex polygon
max(tE) < min(tL)
n A

E1 L1

P Q E2

Computing normal vector of the edge: C
1. Compute the normal vector of the plane
N = AB x BC
(cross product of two consecutive edges)
2. Normal vector of the edge
n = AB x N
(cross product of the edge and normal
vector of the plane)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 25

Intersection: line–convex polyhedron
requires a convex polygon!

E1 L3

Q E2 L1 E3

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 26

Intersection: line–convex polyhedron


View tnear,1 tfar,3

tnear,2 tfar,2 tfar,1

Cyrus-Beck algorithm:

Classify the edge/face by frontface and backface;

For each edge/face compute intersection with view ray;

Compute max(tnear) and max(tfar);

If max(tnear) < max(tfar) there is intersection;

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 27

Liang-Barsky line clipping algorithm
o Published in 1984 by Liang, Y-D., Barsky, B.A., “A New Concept and Method for
Line Clipping”, ACM TOG, vol 3(1).

o Simplifies the Cyrus-Beck algorithm for the particular case of clipping window as
an horizontal rectangle:

1. One coordinate of each normal is 0.

2. The dot product Ni ∙ (P0 – PEi) determining whether the endpoint P0 lies
inside or outside a specific edge, reduces to the directed horizontal or
vertical distance from the point to the edge.

3. The denominator dot product Ni ∙ D, which determines whether the

intersection is potentially entering or leaving, reduces to ±dx or dy:

If dx >0, the line moves from left to right and is PE for the left edge, PL
for the right edge, and so on.

4. The parameter t, the ratio of numerator and denominator, reduces to the

distance to an edge divided by dx or dy, exactly the constant of
proportionality we could calculate directly from the parametric line

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 28

Liang-Barsky algorithm - parameters

Calculation for parametric line clipping algorithm.

Clip edgei Normal Ni PEi P0 - PEi t = Ni ∙ [P0 – PEi ] / (- Ni ∙ D)

left:x=xmin (-1,0) (xmin,y) (x0-xmin, y0-y) -(x0-xmin)/ (x1-x0)

right:x=xmax (1,0) (xmax,y) (x0-xmax, y0-y) (x0-xmax)/-(x1-x0)

bottom:y=ymin (0,-1) (x,ymin) (x0-x, y0-ymin) -(y0-ymin)/ (y1-y0)

top:y=ymax (0,1) (x,ymax) (x0-x, y0-ymax) (y0-ymax)/ -(y1-y0)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 29

Liang-Barsky algorithm - pseudocode
Procedure Clip2D (var x0,y0,x1,y1: real; var visible: boolean);
{clip a line with endpoints (x0,y0) and (x1,y1), against the rectangle with corners (xmin,ymin) and
(xmax,ymax). The flag visible is true if a clipped segment is returned in the var endpoint
parameters. If the line is rejected, the endpoints are not changed and visible is set to false}
var tE,tL,dx,dy: real;

function ClipPoint(denom, num:real; var tE,tL: real): boolean;

{computes a new value of tE or tL for an interior intersection of a line segment and edge.
Parameter denom is –(Ni ∙ D), which reduces to ±∆x, ∆y for upright rectangle. Its sign
determines whether the intersection is PE or PL. parameter num is Ni ∙ D(P0-PEi) for a particular
edge/line combination, which reduces to directed horizontal and vertical distances from P0 to
an edge; If the line segment can be trivially rejected, false is returned; if it cannot be, true is
returned and the value of tE or tL is adjusted, if needed, for the portion of the segment that is
inside the edge}
var t: real; accept: boolean; {accept will be returned as value of ClipPoint;
accept line until find otherwise}

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 30

Liang-Barsky algorithm - pseudocode
if denom>0 then {PE intersection}
t:=num/denom; {value of t at the intersection }
if t>tL then {tE and tL crossover}
accept:=false; {so prepare to reject line}
else if t>tE then {a new tE has been found }
else if denom<0 then {PL intersection}
t:=num/denom; {value of t at the intersection }
if t<tE then {tE and tL crossover}
accept:=false; {so prepare to reject line}
else if t<tL then {a new tL has been found }
if num>0 then {line on outside of edge }
end; {ClipPoint }

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 31

Liang-Barsky algorithm - pseudocode
dx:=x1-x0; dy:=y1-y0;
visible ;= false; { output is generated only if line is inside all four edges}
{ first test for degenerate line and clip the point; ClipPoint returns true if the point lies inside the
clip rectangle.}
if (dx=0) and (dy=0) and ClipPoint(x0,y0) then
tE = 0;
tL = 1;
if ClipPoint(dx, xmin-x0, tE, tL) then {inside against left edge}
if ClipPoint(-dx, x0-xmax, tE, tL) then {inside against right edge}
if ClipPoint(dy, ymin-y0, tE, tL) then {inside against bottom edge}
if ClipPoint(-dy, y0-ymax, tE, tL) then {inside against top edge}
if tL<1 then
begin {compute PL intersection, if tL has moved}
if tE>0 then
begin {compute PE intersection, if tE has moved}
End; {Clip2D}

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 32

o Cohen-Sutherland algorithm is efficient when:
n Outcode testing can be done cheaply, e.g. by doing bitwise operations in
assembly language
n Trivial acceptance or rejection is applicable to the majority of line segments
o Parametric line clipping is efficient when:
n Many line segments need to be clipped, since the actual calculations of the
coordinates of the intersection points is postponed until needed, and testing
can be done on parameter values.
o Liang-Barsky algorithm is more efficient than Cyrus-Beck
n Trivial rejection testing can avoid calculation of all four parameter values for
lines that do not intersect the clip rectangle.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 33

Polygon Clipping
o Polygon definition:
n set of points ® point clipping
n set of lines ® line clipping
n sequence of lines ®
Sutherland – Hodgman algorithm
Weiler-Atherton algorithm

o General definition:
n Sequence of vertices with implicit relationships
n By clipping: 1 polygon (v1, v2, …., vn) ®
p polygons (A11, A12, …, A1k; …Ap1, Ap2, …,Apq)

o Display:
n set of points
n set of lines (wire-frame)
n closed multicolor polyline
n set of polygons
n filled polygons

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 34

Sutherland Hodgman algorithm

o Reentrant polygon clipping

o Published in 1974 by Sutherland, I.E., Hodgman, G.W., “Reentrant
Polygon Clipping”, CACM, vol 17(1).

Before Clipping After Clipping Before Clipping After Clipping

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 35

Sutherland Hodgman algorithm


Clip Clip Clip Clip

Left Right Bottom Top

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 36

Window – polygon edge relationships




Save P Save I No points saved Save I, P

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 37

Sutherland Hodgman algorithm
Input vertex list: inv[] = {v1, v2,..., vn}
Output vertex list: outv[ ] = {v1', v2',..., vp'}

algorithm ClippingSH( vertex_list inv, outv;

window_edge clipping_edges[4])
for( j = 0; j < 4; j++){
EdgeClippingSH( inv, outv, clipping_edges[j]);
inv = outv; /* update the current edge list */

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 38

Sutherland Hodgman algorithm
algoritm EdgeClippingSH( vertex_list inv, outv;
window_edge clipping_edge)
vertex i,p,s;
s = the last vertex in inv;
for( each vertex p from inv) {
if( ToWindow(p, clipping_edge)) /* case a and d */
if( ToWindow(s, clipping_edge)) /* case a */
write vertex p into outv;
i = Intersection(s, p, clipping_edge);
write intersection i into outv;
write vertex p into outv;
else if( ToWindow(s, clipping_edge)){ /* case b */
i = Intersection(s, p, clipping_edge);
write intersection i into outv;
} /* for case c don’t write anything */
s = p; /* update the start vertex */
} /* end of the EdgeClippingSH algorithm*/

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 39

SH clipping - Examples


2 3 1’ 2’
2’ (8’)
2 1’
1 4 3’
5 4’
1 4
3’ 5’
6 6’
5’ 7’
6 4’
5 (a) (b)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 40

SH clipping - Examples

Before Clipping

After Clipping

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 41

Weiler-Atherton clipping algorithm
o The Weiler-Atherton algorithm produces separate polygons for
each visible fragment

o 4 cases:
a) out - > in
b) in -> in
c) in -> out 1
d) out - > out
e) follow clip edge

4 3

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 42

Weiler-Atherton clipping algorithm

2 2 2
1’ 1’ 1’ 1’

3’ 3 3

Follow clip edge until

Case: Out -> In Case: In -> Out
Case: In -> In (a) new crossing found
Add clip vertex (1’) Add clip vertex (3’)
Add end vertex (3) (b) Reach vertex already
Add end vertex (2) Cache old direction

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 43

Weiler-Atherton clipping algorithm

2 2 2 2
1’ 1’ 1’ 1’

3 3’ 3 3’ 3 3’ 3
4 4 4
4 4’ 4’ 4’
5 5 5

5’ 5’

Case: In -> Out Follow clip edge until

Continue from Case: Out -> In
Add clip vertex (5’) (a) new crossing found
cached vertex and Add clip vertex (4’)
Cache old direction (b) Reach vertex already
direction Add end vertex (5)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 44

Weiler-Atherton clipping algorithm

2 2 2
1’ 1 1’

3 3 3’ 3

3’ 3’ 4’
4 4 4’ 5
4’ 5 5

6 6 5’
5’ 5’

Final Result:
Continue from Nothing added. 2 unconnected
cached vertex and Finished polygons

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 45

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation
Polygon A
A1 Polygon B
A A1 B1
A5 A2 B2
B1 A3 B3

B A4 B4

A2 A3 A6 A5 B5
B2 A8 A9


B3 A10

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 46

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation
Polygon A
A1 Polygon B
A A1 B1
A5 A2 B2
C1 B5
B1 A3 B3
B A4 B4

A2 A3 C3 A6 A5 B5
B2 A8 A9
C4 A8


B3 A10

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 47

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation
A1 A10
A Add vertex C1
A5 A1
B2 C1 C1 B1
C2 A2
B B2
A2 A3 C3 A6 A3 C2
A7 B3
B5 A4
A8 C4 A9 A5 C3




Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 48

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation
A1 A10 Add vertex C2
A5 A1
B2 C1 C1 B1
C2 A2
B B2
A2 A3 C3 A6 A3 C2
A7 B3
B5 A4
A8 C4 A9 A5 C3




Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 49

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation
A1 A10 Add vertex C3
A5 A1
B2 C1 C1 B1
C2 A2
B B2
A2 A3 C3 A6 A3 C2
A7 B3
B5 A4
A8 C4 A9 A5 C3




Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 50

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation
A1 A10 Add vertex C4
A5 A1
B2 C1 C1 B1
C2 A2
B B2
A2 A3 C3 A6 A3 C2
A7 B3
B5 A4
A8 C4 A9 A5 C3




Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 51

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation
A1 A10
A5 A1
B2 C1 C1 B1
C2 A2
B B2
A2 A3 C3 A6 A3 C2
A7 B3
B5 A4
A8 C4 A9 A5 C3

Entering vertex
Leaving vertex


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 52

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation

Rules for capturing the clipped

o Start at an entering vertex C1 B1
o If you encounter a leaving B2
vertex swap to right hand (clip A3
polygon) loop C2
o If you encounter an entering B4
vertex swap to left hand C3
(polygon) loop B5

o A loop is finished when you A6

arrive back at start C4
o Repeat whilst there are
entering vertices A8
Entering vertex
Leaving vertex
Clipped polygons

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 53

Weiler-Atherton alg. implementation
A1 A10
A5 A1
B2 C1 C1 B1
C2 A2
B B2
A2 A3 C3 A6 A3 C2
A7 B3
B5 A4
A8 C4 A9 A5 C3

Clipped polygons: A8
Polygon 1: C1, A2, A3, C2
Polygon2: C3, A7, A8, C4, B5 A9


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 54

Text Clipping

All or none
text clipping


Before Clipping After Clipping

All or none
character clipping

Before Clipping After Clipping

Clipping individual

Before Clipping After Clipping

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 55

Questions and proposed problems
1. What are the main differences between clipping against view volume
and clipping against window?
2. How is modified the image is the viewport is defined in such a way that
xvmin > xvmax? Similarly for yvmin > yvmax. What is the result if both
conditions are true?
3. How can be used the relation between window and viewport to achieve
operations such as zoom in, zoom out, symmetry. What other
operations could be achieved?
4. Give examples of using the window as drawing area, and as mask.
5. Explain how the endpoints clipping algorithm can be used for clipping
the alphanumeric characters.
6. Give an example where the binary clipping algorithm is more efficient
than other line clipping algorithms.
7. Describe a line clipping algorithm similar with Cohen-Sutherland
algorithm if the window is a triangle.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 56

Questions and proposed problems
8. Describe a line clipping algorithm similar with Cohen-Sutherland
algorithm if the window is a rectangle with edge not parallel with
coordinate axes.
9. Describe a line clipping algorithm similar with Cohen-Sutherland
algorithm if the window is a rectangle with edge not parallel with
coordinate axes.
10. How could you apply the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm to clip a triangle?
How may you display the result? Can it be filled in?
11. Let us consider the convex polygon in figure 1, in the plain, and a line
given by two points P and Q, oriented from P toward Q. Specify an
approach to compute the normal vectors to the polygon’s edges.
12. Classify the edges of the polygon in figure 1, as entering and leaving
13. Specify the mathematical approach to compute the intersections
between the PQ line and the polygon’s edges.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 57

Questions and proposed problems

Figure 1

P Q Q1 Q2


14. Determine by the Cyrus-Beck algorithm if the line PQ intersects the

polygon, in figure 1.
15. Determine by the Cyrus-Beck algorithm what is the intersection
between the line PQ and the polygon in figure 1.
16. Generalize the previous problem for any line and any convex polygon,
in the plane.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 58

Questions and proposed problems
17. Determine by the Cyrus-Beck algorithm what is the visible intersection
point between the line PQ and the polygon in figure 1. Viewer lies on P.
18. Determine by the Cyrus-Beck algorithm what is the intersection
between the line segment PQ and the polygon in figure 1.
19. Analyze the previous problem for different line segments: (a) PQ1; (b)
20. Exemplify and explain why the Cyrus-Beck algorithm does not work for
concave polygons.
21. Explain the Sutherland - Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm on the
following polygon A and rectangular window (Figure 2).

Figure 2

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 59

Questions and proposed problems

22. Explain the Sutherland - Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm on the

following particular cases of polygon A and rectangular window (Figure



Figure 3


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 60

Questions and proposed problems

23. Explain the Sutherland - Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm on the

following particular cases of polygon A and rectangular window (Figure

a. b.

Figure 4

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 61

Questions and proposed problems

24. Explain the Weiler-Atherton polygon clipping algorithm on the following

particular cases of polygon A and rectangular window (Figure 5).

a. b.

Figure 5

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 62

Questions and proposed problems

25. Explain the Weiler-Atherton polygon clipping algorithm on the following

particular cases of polygons A and B (Figure 6).

a. B

A b. B

Figure 6

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 63

Questions and proposed problems
26. Explain an extension of the Weiler-Atherton polygon clipping algorithm
on the following three polygons A, B and C (Figure 7).

Figure 7

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 64

Questions and proposed problems
27. Explain an extension of the Weiler-Atherton polygon clipping algorithm
on the following three polygons A, B and C (Figure 8).

Figure 8

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 65

 Conceptual model of 3D viewing process

 Taxonomy of geometric projections

 Projections

 Viewing transformation

 Remarks

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

Conceptual model of 3D viewing process
zL View
zwc Plane

xS xV Center of
zV Projection,
U Viewer’s
N Position


window pixel

Window definition Viewport definition Window’s content Scan conversion onto the
in projection plane in projection plane inside the viewport raster screen

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

Viewing transformations pipeline

3D 3D Shadow 3D Project onto

computation, viewing plane,
to viewing
Clip against Clip against
World coordinates Viewing Viewing
view volume window
Coordinates Coordinates Coordinates

2D Transform to 2D Scan conversion,

2D Rendering,
viewport Transformation to
Viewing Normalized device coordinates Physical
Coordinates Coordinates Device

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

Taxonomy of geometric projection

Planar Geometric projections

Parallel Perspective

Oblique Orthographic One- Two- Three-

point point point

Cabinet Cavalier Others Top Front Side Axonometric

Isometric Others

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

Parallel and perspective projections
 Perspective projection
 Projection rays converge into the center of projection.
 Usually the viewer is located onto the center of projection.

 Parallel projection
 Parallel projection rays. Convergence point at infinity.
 Viewer’s position at infinity.

Projection Projection
plane plane

A’ A

Center of B
Center of B B’
B’ projection

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

Parallel projection
 Orthographic
 Direction of projection is perpendicular onto the projection plane
 Direction of projection is parallel with the normal to the projection

 Oblique
 Direction of projection is different than the normal vector

Projection Projection
plane plane

A’ A’

B’ A B’

A n

n B

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Orthographic projection
 Top-elevation
 Projection plane is perpendicular
to the y axis

 Front-elevation
 Projection plane is perpendicular
to the z axis

 Side-elevation
 Projection plane is perpendicular
to the x axis



Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Orthographic projections - examples

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

Orthographic projection
 Axonometric
 Projection plane is not normal to a principal
 Shows several faces of the object at once
 Preserves the parallelism of lines but not
the angles

 Isometric projection
 Commonly used axonometric projection
 Projetion plane normal (and direction of
projection) makes egual angles with each
principal axis
 If the projection plane normal is (dx, dy,
dz), it requires that |dx|=|dy|=|dz|,
or ±dx= ±dy= ±dz

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Axonometric and isometric projections

Axonometric z

Isometric z

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Oblique projection
y xp = x + L cos φ
Pp (xp, yp, zp)
yp = y + L sin φ

L β Usually the angle φ is 30° and 45°.

φ Let be L1 the projection onto L of the unit of
the z axis:
x tg β = z/L = 1/L1, L=z L1

xp = x + z L1 cos φ
yp = y + z L1 sin φ
zp = 0

xp 1 0 L1 cosφ 0 x

yp 0 1 L1 sinφ 0 y
zp 0 0 0 0 z
1 0 0 0 1 1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Oblique projection
 Cavalier projection

tg β = 1, z/L = 1/L1, L=z L1, therefore z=L, 1=L1

β = 45°

 Cabinet projection

tg β = 2, z/L = 1/L1=2, L=z L1, therefore z=2L, 1=2L1

β = 63.4°

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Oblique projection

y y

Cavalier L L
β=45°, tgβ=1
φ=45° φ=30°

x x


Cabinet L/2 L/2
β=63.4°, tgβ=2 z
z L
φ=45° φ=30°

x x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Perspective projection
Let us consider the PQ line equation:
Center of P = (1-u) P + uQ, 0≤u≤1
xp = (1-u) x + u∙0 = x - xu
yp = (1-u) y + u∙0 = y - yu
Pp (xp, yp, 0) 0 = (1-u) z - u∙d = z – (z+d)u

P(x,y,z) u = z/(z+d)

xp = x – xz/(z+d) = x[1/(1+z/d)]
yp = y – yz/(z+d) = y[1/(1+z/d)]
zp = 0

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

Perspective projection
xp = x – xz/(z+d) = x[1/(1+z/d)]
Center of yp = y – yz/(z+d) = y[1/(1+z/d)]
zp = 0

Pp (xp, yp, 0) xp 1 0 0 0 x
yp 0 1 0 0 y
zp 0 0 0 0 z
w 0 0 1/d 1 1

Pp = [x, y, 0, z/d +1]

z Pp = [xp, yp, zp, 1]

= [x/(1+z/d), y/(1+z/d), 0, 1]

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

Vanishing points

One-point Two-point
perspective projection perspective projection

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17

Vanishing points

Three-point perspective projection

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

Conceptual model of 3D viewing process
zL View
zwc Plane

xS xV Center of
zV Projection,
U Viewer’s
N Position


window pixel

Window definition Viewport definition Window’s content Scan conversion onto the
in projection plane in projection plane inside the viewport raster screen

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

Viewing coordinates transformation

3D 3D Shadow 3D Project onto

computation, viewing plane,
to viewing
Clip against Clip against
World coordinates Viewing Viewing
view volume window
Coordinates Coordinates Coordinates

2D Transform to 2D Scan conversion,

2D Rendering,
viewport Transformation to
Viewing Normalized device coordinates Physical
Coordinates Coordinates Device

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

Left-handed viewing system

U zv



Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21

Transformation to viewing system

yw v


zw xw

Pw = Tv + Pv = Tv + RvPv

Pv = Rv-1 (Pw - Tv)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

Transformation to viewing system
yw yw yw
xv yv xv yv
zv yv
zv xv

xw xw xw
zw zw zw

(a) Original orientation of world and (b) Invert viewing (c) Translate viewing
viewing coordinate systems z axis origin to world origin

yw yw yw

xv yv
yv xv
zv xw
xw xw
zw zv zw zw

(d) Rotate about world x axis (e) Rotate about the world (f) Rotate about the world
to bring viewing z axis into y axis to align z axis to align the two
the xz plane of the world system the two z axes viewing systems

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

Computer Animation
o Introduction
o Key points and intermediate points
o Classic animation
o Current animation
o Automate animation - fragmentation
o Linear interpolation
o Speed control and linear interpolation
o Curve interpolation - Spline
o Movement control on the curve trajectory
o Orientation interpolation
o Camera movement
o Complex objects animation
o Articulated structures kinematics
o Other animations: morphism, movement caption, particle system,

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

o Pixar, 1978, Graphics Group, Ed Catmul – cofounder
o 1986 – acquired by Apple, 2006 – acquired de Walt
Disney Company.

Toy Story (1995) Ratatouille (2007)

A Bug's Life (1998) WALL-E (2008)
Toy Story 2 (1999) Up (2009)
Monsters, Inc. (2001) Toy Story (2010)
Finding Nemo (2003) Cars 2 (2011)
The Incredibles (2004) Brave (2012),
Cars (2006) Monsters University (2013)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

o DreamWorks, 1994
o Movies:
Antz (1998),
Shrek (2001), Shrek 2 (2004), Shrek 3 (2007), Shrek Forever After
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002),
Madagascar (2005), Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (2008), Over the
Hedge (2006), Flushed Away (2006), Bee Movie (2007),
Kung Fu Panda (2008), Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011),
Monsters Vs. Aliens (2009), How to Train Your Dragon (2010),
Megamind (2010), Puss in Boots (2011),
Madagascar 3 (2012), Rise of the Guardians (2012), The Croods (2013),
Turbo (2013), How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014),
Penguins of Madagascar (2014), Home (2015)
Bridge of Spies (2015)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

o Walt Disney Company
o Cartoons:
The Little Mermaid (1989)
Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Aladdin (1992)
The Lion King (1994)
Hercules (1997)
Mulan (1998)
Tarzan (1999)
Monsters, Inc. (2001)
The Lost Empire (2001)
WALL-E (2007)
The Princess and the Frog (2009)
Winnie the Pooh (2011)
Frozen (2013)
Big Hero 6 (2014)
Cinderella (2015)
Zootopia (2016)
Jungle Book (2016)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5

o Animation – movement illusion by rapid display of different image
o Classic approach:
1. Define a sequence of keyframes
2. Render the intermediate frames computed by the first and the
last keyframes

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

o Calcularea cadrelor intermediare creaza senzatia de animatie,
o Atributele obiectelor (pozitie, forma, culoare etc)
o Atributele camerei de luat vederi (pozitia, orientarea etc)
o Atributele surselor de lumina (intensitate luminoasa, pozitie,
culoare etc).
o Calcularea valorilor intermediare intre doua valori limita (ex. pozitie,
culoare, orientare, intensitate, etc) se realizeaza prin interpolare: liniara,
curbilinie etc.

v2 v1, v2
v1 u1, u2

u1 u u2

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Calcularea pozitiilor cheie
o Cinematica directa
o Cinematica inversa
o Modelarea sistemelor fizice
o Modelarea bazata pe constringeri
o Modelarea procedurala
o Modelarea bazata pe comportament
o Captarea pozitiilor cheie prin senzori montati pe obiectele reale

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Calcularea pozitiilor intermediare
Modificarea unor caracteristici ale sistemului de vizualizare.
1. Pentru obiectele din scena:

2. Pentru camera de luat vederi:

Punctul de vedere
Punctul de interes
Unghiul de vedere

3. Pentru sursa de lumina:

Intensitatea luminii

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

Calcularea pozitiilor intermediare
ui = u0 + i ∆u
vi = v0 + i ∆v vn
∆u = (un – u0)/n
∆v = (vn – v0)/n

Intr-o forma iterativa: u0 ui un

ui+1 = ui + ∆u
vi+1 = vi + ∆v

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Calcularea pozitiilor intermediare
Generalizand in spatiul valorilor Pn

Fie P0, Pn valorile parametrului sau atributului P in cadrele 0 si n.

Pi = P0 + i ∆P, unde ∆P = (Pn – P0)/n
Pi = P0 + i ∆P = P0 + i/n (Pn – P0)
daca notam u = i/n, u є [0, 1]
Pi = P0 + u (Pn – P0), ecuatia parametrica a variatiei liniare
Intr-o forma iterativa:
Pi+1 = Pi + ∆P
Exemple: P poate fi unghi de orientare, viteza, acceleratie, pozitie,
dimensiune, intensitatea luminii, nivelul de transparenta etc.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

o Transformarea unei forme in alta

Pi Pn

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Animatia clasica
Tehnica traditionala de animatie este foarte laborioasa:
1. Definirea unui scenariu
2. Desenarea cadrele cheie care definesc actiunea (desenator principal)
3. Desenarea cadrele intermediare pentru a completa animatia (echipa de

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Animatia actuala
1. Lansarea unei idei de poveste de animatie.
2. Elaborarea unui document care descrie principala idee a povestii
3. Benzi desenate care schiteaza principalele secvente de actiuni si
dialoguri. Se evidentiaza principalele trairi emotionale ale personajelor.
4. Se inregistreaza vocile initiale (ex. ale membrilor echipei de desenatori si
scenaristi). Acestea vor fi inlocuite ulterior de vocile unor actori.
5. Realizarea primei videobenzi care contine deja materialele din care se va
edita filmul de animatie.
6. Departamentul de arta creaza aspectul grafic (ex. Look and feel) al
mediului si al presonajelor.
7. Modelarea 3D a personajelor.

Referinta: Metodologia Pixar,

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14

Animatia actuala (2)
8. Se creaza instante 3D ale scenelor semnificative ale pozitiilor si starilor
emotionale ale personajelor. Aceste instantieri sunt fotografiate.
9. Instantele sunt animate. Animatorii nu deseneaza sau coloreaza
personajele. Ei sunt ca niste actori sau papusari. Folosind unelte
software specializate animatorii creaza coregrafia miscarilor si
expresiilor faciale ale personajelor, in fiecare scena. Acestea sunt cadre
cheie. Cadrele intermediare sunt realizate de catre calculator.
10. Se creaza umbrele si texturile pe suprafetele obiectelor. Forma
obiectelor a fost data de catre model (pasul 7).
11. Sunt introduse surse de lumina si se creaza efectele speciale de lumini.
12. Calcularea animatiei de catre sistemul de calcul, folosind toate
informatiile specificate pana acum. Sunt create cel putin 24 de cadre
pentru o secunda de film. Calcularea unui cadru dureaza cateva ore
(ex. De la cateva la zeci de ore).
13. Sunt adaugate efectele speciale de sunet si animatie.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

Animatia automata - fragmentarea
o Calcularea cadrelor intermediere prin algoritmi de interpolare
o Cadrele cheie corespund valorilor parametrilor in anumite momente de
o Calitatea fragmentarii este mai slaba decit cea obtinuta manual
o Solutii: (a) mai multe cadre intermediare, (b) “netezirea” trecerilor de
la un cadru la altul

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

Interpolarea liniara
o Cea mai folosita tehnica de calculare a valorilor intermediare pentru un
interval dat
o Fie doua valori p0 si p1 ale parametrului p la momentele t0 si t1, o
valoare intermediara este:
t 1- t t - t0 p0
p(t) = p0 + p1 (1)
t 1- t 0 t 1- t 0

sau alte forme ale aceleiasi expresii:

t - t0 t0 t t1
p(t) =p0 + (p1 - p0) (2)
t 1- t 0

p 0 t1 - p 1 t0 p1 - p0
p(t) = +t (3)
t 1- t 0 t 1- t 0

p1 - p0
p(t + ∆t) = p(t)+ ∆t (4)
t 1- t 0

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17

Interpolarea liniara
o Avantaje:
n Modificarea valorii uni parametru de-a lungul unui segment este
liniara (3).
n Rata schimbarii de-a lungul unui segment este constanta si poate
fi controlata (4).
n Calcularea valorii la momentul t+∆t se face simplu prin adunarea
unei constante la valoarea precedenta la momentul t.
o Dezavantaje:
n Exista discontinuitati in toate pozitiile de conectare a segmentelor
(ex. Cadre/ pozitii cheie Po, P1, P2).

P0(x0, y0, t0) P2(x2, y2, t2)

P0(x0, y0, t0) P2(x2, y2, t2)

P1(x1, y1, t1) P1(x1, y1, t1)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

Controlul vitezei
o Fiind data o functie de modificare a unui parametru (1-4) se doreste
controlul acestei modificari (animatii) in functie de variabila timp.
o In functie de timp se poate controla o viteza variabila de modificare a
parametrului (animatie).

o Fie aceasta functie τ = f(t). Se trece la variabila τ in expresia de

interpolare liniara:

f(t1) – f(t) f(t) – f(t0)

p(τ) = p(f(t)) = p0 + p1
f(t1) – f(t0) f(t1) – f(t0)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

Interpolarea Spline
o Alaturi de interpolarea liniara se foloseste intepolarea curbilinie pe baza
curbelor Spline (curbe parametrice).
o Avantaje:
n Permite un control continuu al modificarii
n Numarul de cadre intermediare poate fi determinat in functie de calitatea
ceruta pentru animatie

o Dezavantaje:
n Calculul punctelor de control al curbelor spline se face pe baza unor
constringeri de interpolare definite pentru punctele de control
n Sunt necesare informatii suplimentare (Ex. vectorii tangenta la capete)

n Calcularea curbelor spline dureaza mai mult

n Implementare mai dificila

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

Interpolarea Spline

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21

Curbe Spline
B-splines: permit control automat al continuitatii, insa doar aproximeaza
punctele de control, fara a trece prin ele. Permit control local.
Modificarea unui punct de control afecteaza numai partea din
vecinatatea acelui punct de control.
Non-uniform B-spines: necesare pentru a intrerupe continuitatea.
Non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS): permit controlul local
suplimentar al formei curbei.
Bézier: necesita informatii suplimentare pentru fiecare segment si nu mentin
automat continuitatea. Interpoleaza insa, capetele segmentelor.
Ajustarea cuplarii netede se face prin punctele de control de la capete.
Hermite: necesita definirea vectorilor tangenta pentru fiecare cadru cheie.
Ajustarea cuplarii netede se face prin reglarea tangentelor de la capete.
Catmull-Rom: asigura continuitatea primei derivate (traiectorie neteda).
Catmull-Rom permit controlul local.
Beta-splines: permit continuitatea automata, controlul asupra tangentei si
aproximeaza lungimea arcului fiecarui segment.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

Controlul pe traiectorie
o Pentru deplasarea pe traiectorie sunt necesare doua facilitati de baza:
1. Controlul independent al vitezei de-a lungul traiectoriei
2. Controlul continuitatii
o Curbele spline permit controlul continuitatii, insa controlul vitezei este
mai dificil.
o Interpolarea pozitiei pe curba spline permite controlul continuitatii
pozitiilor, insa:
n Un increment egal al parametrului spline nu corespunde
intotdeauna unui increment egal in distanta de-a lungul curbei.
n Segmente diferite ale curbei spline, corespunzatoare aceleiasi
lungimi parametrice, pot avea lungimi fizice diferite.
n Daca curba spline este parametrizata direct in functie de variabila
timp, animatia va fi cu viteza ne-uniforma.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

Parametrizarea distantei pe curba
Se parcurg urmatorii pasi de transformare:
1. Fiind dat un pas spline P(u) = | x(u), y(u), z(u)|, se calculeaza
lungimea arcului spline ca o functie de u: s = A(u).
2. Se determina functia inversa A(u): u = A-1(s).
3. Se substituie u = A-1(s) din P(u) pentru a afla parametrizarea caii de
miscare prin lungimea arcului, s: P(s) = P(A-1(s)).
Observatie: parametrul u (si astfel s) trebuie sa fie parametru global pentru
toate segmentele curbei spline initiale.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 24

Controlul vitezei pe curba
Controlul vitezei de-a lungul traiectoriei spline:
o Fie s = f(t) definitia distantei pe curba spline, ca o functie de timpul t.
o Functia f(t), ca o valoare scalara, poate fi prelucrata printr-o tehnica de
animatie functionala (ex. o alta curba spline).
o Functia f(t) poate fi exprmata ca o integrala a functiei viteza, v(t) =
Observatie: integrala unei functii spline poate fi calculata analitic, prin
intermediul punctelor de control.
o Pasul de miscare ca o functie de timp este data de:
P(s) = P(f(t)) = P(A-1(f(t)))

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 25

Interpolarea orientarii
o Interpolarea orientarii se calculeaza indirect prin interpolarea
unghiurilor si nu prin matrici de transformare:
n In 2D orientarea e definita de un singur unghi, iar animarea este
relativ simpla
n In 3D se utilizeaza trei unghiuri, iar topologia este a unei sfere in
patru dimensiuni. Interpolarea este mai greu de vizualizat.

o Metode pentru interpolarea orientarii obiectelor

n Unghiuri Euler
n Quaterni
n Interpolarea sferica si liniara

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 26

Unghiuri Euler
o Se folosesc trei unghiuri: rotatie dupa x, apoi rotatie dupa y si apoi
rotatie dupa z.
o Dezavantaje: dificil de rezolvat problema inversa – fiind data
orientarea, care sunt unghiurile?
o Avantaje: Larg folosita in practica, usor de implementat, metoda

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 27

o Patru elemente analoage numerelor complexe. Calculele se bazeaza pe
operatii cu vectori si numere complexe.
o Dezavantaje: necesita matematica mai multa, interpolare costisitoare.
o Avantaje: rezolvare simpla a problemei inverse, interfata utilizator

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 28

Miscarea camerei de luat vederi
o Animatia camerei poate fi realizata prin combinarea interpolarii
pozitiilor si a orientarii. Exista totusi citeva cerinte specifice cum ar fi:
n Camera trebuie sa fie intotdeauna orizontala, daca nu se specifica
alta directie.
n Imaginile obiectelor de interes trebuie sa fie stabile in planul
n Specificarea miscarii camerei trebuie sa respecte anumite conditii

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 29

Animatia obiectelor cu forme complexe
o Fiind dat un model cu un foarte mare numar de virfuri, acestea pot fi
grupate si prelucrate ca o unitate. Exemplu, punctele care descriu
antebratul se misca mai mult sau mai putin ca un corp rigid.
o Conectivitatea intre grupuri poate fi reprezentata prin legarea fiecarui
grup la un „os” care face parte dintr-un „schelet” articulat.
o Oasele si virfurile asociate sunt tratate ca un singur obiect rigid in
operatiile de transformare.
o Miscarea oaselor este constrinsa de legaturile din schelet. Scheletul
este o structura articulta.
o Diferitele forme de conexiune (rotatie, unghi, sfera) permit diferite
forme de miscare.
o Animatia poate fi vizualizata rapid folosind trasarea doar a scheletului.
In final modelul este vizualizat fara oase.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 30

Animatia obiectelor cu forme complexe

Ref: Automatic Splicing for Hand and Body Animations Majkowska, A., Zordan, V. B., Faloutsos, P.
ACM SIGGRAPH/Eugorgraphics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) 2006

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 31

Cinematica structurilor articulate
o Cinematica: studiul miscarii independenta de fortele care determina
miscarea. Considera pozitia, viteza si acceleratia.
1. Cinematica directa (φ, β, ω -> P(x,y,z))
2. Cinematica inversa (P(x,y,z) -> φ, β, ω )


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 32

Cinematica directa
o Forward Kinematics
o Se calculeaza pentru toate legaturile dintr-un model articulat:
o Pozitiile
o Vitezele
o Acceleratiile
o Se dau:
o Pentru nodul radacina:
n Pozitia
n Viteza
n Acceleratia
o Toate transformarile dintre legaturi.
o Cinematica directa este importanta in animatia bazata pe cadre
scheletizate. Este o metoda relativ usor de implementat.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 33

Cinematica inversa
o Inverse Kinematics
o Determinarea miscarii legaturilor intermediare dintr-un corp articulat
fiind data miscarea unor legaturi cheie.
o Caracteristici ale metodei bazate pe cinematica inversa:
n Neliniara, nedeterminata.
n Complexitatea determinarii solutiei este proportionala cu numarul
legaturilor libere.
n Imbinare libera dintre doua legaturi fixe poate fi rezolvata eficient
numai prin sacrificarea unui grad de libertate.
n Sunt necesare constringeri suplimentare pentru a obtine o solutie
unica si stabila. Exemplu, considerarea fortei gravitationale,
constringerile impuse de unele tipuri de articulatii (rotatie vs
sferica, genunchi vs umar).
n Obiective suplimentare de optimizare. Rezulta problema de
optimizare rezolvata iterativ ca un proces de animatie.
Exemplu: minimizarea energiei cinetice a structurii.
Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 34
Tehnici alternative de animatie
o Transformare morfologica (Morfing)
o Captarea miscarii
o Sisteme de particule
o Grup (Flocking)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 35

Transformarea morfologica

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 36

Transformarea morfologica
o Este transformarea de interpolare intre imagini (anii ‘70).
o Efecte bune la un cost redus.
o Pasii principali:
1. Partitionarea imaginilor in piese corespunzatoare. Exemplu, ochi
cu ochi, etc.
2. Interpolarea pieselor (geometria)
3. Interpolarea atributelor (pixeli, culori)
4. Filtrare

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 37

Captarea miscarii

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 38

Captarea miscarii

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 39

Captarea miscarii
o Animatiile complexe necesita o multime de cadre cheie (exemplu,
mersul unei persoane).
o Captarea pozitiilor cheie de la obiecte reale. Sunt inregistrate in model
pozitiile unor puncte cheie de pe obiectul real (ex. un actor).
o Tehnologii de urmarire a pozitiei:
n Senzori electromagnetici pentru pozitie si orientare. Necesita cabluri la
fiecare senzor. Citirea poate fi perturbata de cimpuri magnetice. Spatiul de
miscare este limitat.

n Triangulatie prin ultrasunete. Simplu dar mai putin precis decit senzorii
n Triangulatie optica. Sunt atasati emitatori pe obiectul urmarit. Doua camere
determina pozitia. Poate urmari mai multe puncte, fara a folosi cabluri.
n Costume de corp. Senzori care determina unghiurile din incheieturi sunt
inserati in tesatura hainelor.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 40

Aplicatia Facerig
o Permite urmarirea expresiilor faciale folosind camera web
o Urmarirea se face fara utilizarea unor markere (markerless tracking).
Recunoaste si urmareste trasaturile fetei cum ar fi narile, colturile
buzelor si ale ochilor, sau ridurile.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 41

Sisteme de particule

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 42

Sisteme de particule
o Se pot modela obiecte „fuzzy” (vagi) cum ar fi:
n Obiecte cu margini neclare

n Obiecte cu margini care se schimba

n Obiecte cu comportament haotic. Exemple: nori, foc, apa, iarba, blana, etc.

o Pricipiul: modeleaza obiectele fuzzy ca multimi de particule.

o Fiecare particula are proprietati cum ar fi:
n Geometrie (punct, sfera, segment de dreapta)
n Pozitie
n Vector viteza
n Dimensiune
n Culoare
n Transparenta
n Stare
n Durata de viata

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 43

Animatia sistemelor de particule
o Noi particule se nasc, cele vechi mor
o Informatia de stare descrie tipul particulei
o La fiecare moment:
n Actualizeaza atributele tuturor particulelor

n Sterge particulele vechi

n Creaza noi particule

n Afiseaza starea curentìr a tuturor particulelor

o Pentru antialiasing, deseneaza un segment de dreapta din vechea spre

noua pozitie
o Pentru a desena iarba sau blana, deseneaza intreaga traiectorie a

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 44

Animatia grupurilor de animale

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 45

Animatia grupurilor de animale
o Animatia grupurilor de animale: stoluri de pasari (flocks), pesti, turme
de animale etc.
o Sunt prea multi indivizi pentru a fi animat fiecare prin cadre cheie.
o Elemente mai putine decit in sistemele de particule, dar cu mai multe
o Se impune evitarea ciocnirilor cu alte obiecte (ex. cladiri, copaci) sau
intre ele.
o Grupul are un centru: fiecare membru incearca sa ramina membru al
grupului, centrul grupului este unul global, nu permite divizarea
grupului pentru a trece un obstacol.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 46

o Operatii ale grupului
1. Separare
Evitarea aglomerarii

2. Aliniere
Alinierea la orientarea medie a grupului

3. Coeziune
Deplasare spre pozitia medie a grupului
o Ref.: Craig Reynolds, Boids, (1986).

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 47

Questions and proposed problems
1. Exemplify the animation by modifying the object’s attributes.
2. Exemplify the animation by modifying the camera’s attributes.
3. Exemplify the animation by modifying the light source’s attributes.
4. Exemplify the value space for temperature, and an animation by
modifying the temperature. What could be the reference variable and
the value for a linear interpolation within the value space?
5. What is the main advantage in linear interpolation if the step of the
variable is a constant? How are computed the intermediate values?
6. Explain a solution for animated morphism of a triangle into a pentagon.
How do you control the transformation to be achieved by the same: (a)
time; (b) speed.
7. Explain a solution for animated morphism of a cube into a sphere. How
do you control the transformation to be achieved by the same: (a)
time; (b) speed.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 48

Questions and proposed problems
8. Describe and exemplify the steps of the actual cartoon video
development methodology to animate a talking person.
9. Why initially to register the voices is necessary, even finally they will
be replaced?
10. Explain what means to build up the 3D model of the characters in the
cartoon video development methodology?
11. Explain and exemplify how are created the key frames for a cartoon
12. Why to animate a faster movement you need to register more than 24
frames per second? Explain why the movie does not replay all the
details of the movement?
13. Explain why the 12th step of the cartoon video development
methodology requires so high performance computation resources?
14. Explain the linear interpolation of the movement if the reference
variable is the time. The animation is performed between the time t1
and t2.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 49

Questions and proposed problems
15. Describe what are the main issues on connecting two intervals of linear
interpolation movement? How do you achieve constant speed on the
16. Explain why the user cannot control the animation by the abstract
parameter u, on the parametric definition of the linear movement?
What parameters support the user control of the animation?
17. Exchange the abstract variable u to time, in order to control the
animation along a spline trajectory by the time.
18. Why the animation on the spline trajectory is controlled by difficulty?
What are the main issues?
19. Give examples in real life for direct and inverse kinematics.
20. Exemplify and explain a morphism for animating the development of a
leaf, movement cloud, and jumping ball.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 50

Mathematics in Computer Graphics
o Geometry (2D, 3D)
o Trigonometry
o Vector spaces
n Points, vectors, and coordinates
o Dot and cross products
o Linear transforms and matrices

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 2

Coordinate Systems
o Orthogonal coordinate systems
n Left-hand
n Right-hand


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 3

o 2D: P(x, y), 3D: P(x, y, z)
o Point-point subtraction: Q - P = v
n Result is a vector pointing from P to Q
o Vector-point addition: P+v=Q
n Result is a new point

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 4

o Slope based equation
y = mx + b
Slope m= (y - y1) / (x - x1) = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
o Parametric equation
P = P1 + t(P2-P1), as vector based definition
P = (1-t)P1 + t P2, as affine combination of two points

x = x1 + t(x2-x1)
y = y1 + t(y2-y1) y t >1
P = (x, y)
t<0, before P1(x1, y1)
t=1 P2 = (x2, y2)
t=0, P=P1
0<t<1, get points 0< t <1
between P1 and P2
t=1, P=P2(x2, y2) t=0 P1 = (x1, y1)
t>1, after P2 t<0

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 5
Line related formulas
o Length = sqrt (x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2
o Midpoint, p3, between p1 and p2
p3 = ((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2))
o Two lines are perpendicular if:
m1 = -1/m2
cos(θ) = 0
dot product of related vectors is zero (u•v=0)
o Point P3 lays on the line P1P2 if:
Cartesian space, slope based definition:
y3 = mx3 + b, where m(P1,P2), b(P1,P2)
Affine space, parametric definition:
P3 = P1 + t(P2-P1), the system of equation on x, y (and z)
should have solution. The position depends on the t value
(<0, 0, 0..1, 1, 1<)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 6

o Two types of elements: y
n Scalars (real numbers): a, b, g, d, …
n Vectors (n-tuples): u, v, w, …
o Used for: w
n Points in space (i.e., location)
n Displacements from point to point
n Direction (i.e., orientation)
o Operations: P2 = (x2, y2)
n Addition v
n Subtraction
n Dot Product P1 = (x1, y1)
n Cross Product
n Norm
uy P = (x, y)

ux x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 7

Vector operations
o Addition
o Subtraction
o Multiplication by a scalar
o Distributive rule: a(u + v) = a(u) + a(v)
(a + b)u = au + bu
o “stretches” a vector, changing its length but not its direction

y y

v v

u u

x -v x


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 8

Dot product
o The dot product or, more generally, inner product of two
vectors is a scalar:
u • v = ux vx + uy vy + uz vz (in 3D)
o Is commutative
o Is distributive with respect to addition θ u
u • (v + w) = u • v + u • w

o Used for:
n Computing the length (Euclidean Norm) of a vector:
length(v) = ||v|| = sqrt(v • v)
n Computing the distance between two points P and Q:
v = Q – P, distance(P, Q) = length(v) = ||v|| = sqrt(v • v)
n Normalizing a vector, making it unit-length: v = v / ||v||
n Checking two vectors for orthogonality

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 9

Dot product
o Computing the angle between two vectors:
u • v = |u| |v| cos(θ)
If u • v < 0 then θ>90˚, u • v = 0 then θ=90˚, u • v > 0 then
o Relative position of a point P against a plane
If the vector v = Q-P, where Q is any point on the plane, and the
normal vector of the plane is n, v and n gives an angle:
θ>90˚ then P is in front of the plane
θ=90˚ then P is on the plane
θ<90˚ then P is on back of the plane
o If the viewer (P) is in front of the lateral plane polygon of
a convex 3D object, the polygon is visible

n θ

v Q

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 10

Dot product
o Projecting a vector onto another
n If v is a unit vector and we have another vector, u
n We can project u perpendicularly onto v
n And the result w has length u • v

||w||=||u||cos(θ)=||u|| = u•v

o Computes the distance between poin P and a plane.

Normal vector is normalized (||n||=1), then distance =||Q-R||

n θ

θ v Q
w v

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 11

Cross product
o The cross product or vector product of two vectors is a vector
orthogonal to both,
v1 x v2 = n |v1||v2| sin(θ), n is normal vector to both v1 and v2
o Right-hand rule dictates direction of cross product

x1 x2 i j k i j k

v1 = y1 v2 = y2 v = v1xv2 = x1 y1 z1 v = x1 0 0

z1 z2 x2 y2 z2 0 y2 0

i=(1,0,0), j=(0,1,0), k=(0,0,1) – cartesian system

v2 y1 z2 – y2 z1 0

v = v1xv2 = -(x1 z2 – x2 z1) v= 0

θ v1 x1 y2 – x2 y1 x1 y2

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 12

Cross product
o Application:
cross product computes the normal vector to a plane polygon
n1 = e1 x e2, where e1 and e2 could be given by two consecutive
edges of a poligon v1v2 and v2v3 respectively.
o Convention
1. Normal vector points away of the object
n Counterclockwise vertex sequence, e.g. v1, v2, v3, v4
2. Normal vector points into the object
n Clockwise vertex sequence, e.g. v1, v4, v3, v2

n3 v8 v7

v8 v7
v4 v3
v3 n2
v6 n1 v6
v1 v2
n1 v1 v2

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 13

Triangle computation
o Consider the general case of the cross
y (x2, y2)
i j k v2

(x1, y1)
v = v1xv2 = x1 y1 0

x2 y2 0 v1

v = (x1 y2 – x2 y1) k
The cross product is a vector v along z, z
of module | x1 y2 – x2 y1|.

y C (x2, y2)

θ (x1, y1)
Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 14
Area of a triangle
The triangle ABC has the area:
½ (x1-x2) (y1+y2) + y C (x2, y2)
½ (x2-x0) (y2+y0) +
½ (x0-x1) (y0+y1) = v2 (x1, y1)

½ (x1y1+x1y2-x2y1-x2y2 +
x2y2+x2y0-x0y2-x0y0 + v1
x0y0+x0y1-x1y0-x1y1) = A
(x0, y0)
½ (x0y1-x1y0+x1y2-x2y1+x2y0-x0y2)
where x0, y0 = 0
S = ½ (x1y2-x2y1)
S = ½ |v1 x v2|

v1x v2 = |v1| |v2| sinθ

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 15

Triangle computation
o Consider a triangle, (a, b, c)
a,b,c = (x,y,z) tuples

o Surface area by cross product

S = ½ ||u x v|| = ½ * ||(b –a) X (c-a)||

o Unit normal vector

n = (1/2S) * (b-a) X (c-a)



Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 16

Area of a polygon
Polygonal area:
½ (x0-x1) (y0+y1) + y
P2 (x2, y2)
½ (x1-x2) (y1+y2) +
½ (xn-x0) (yn+y0) = (xn-1, yn-1) (x1, y1)
½ (x0y0+x0y1-x1y0-x1y1 +
x1y1+x1y2-x2y1-x2y2 +
.. .
xnyn+xny0-x0yn-x0y0) (x0, y0)

O x

S = 1/2 Σi=0
(xiyi+1 – xi+1yi)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 17

Area of a polygon
Polygonal area:
P2 (x2, y2)

S = 1/2 Σi=0
(vi x vi+1)
(xn-1, yn-1) (x1, y1)


(x0, y0)

O x

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 18

Convex and concave polygon



o Cross product of successive edges (n = e1 e2 sin(θ) )

o Turn directions
o Order of three successive vertices
o Angles
o Intersection between an edge and the polygon

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 19

Convex and concave polygon

o At least one intersection between an edge and the polygon




Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 20

Test for convex and concave polygons
For the convex polygon all the cross P2
products of adjacent edges will be the Pn-1
same sign.
sign (e1xe2) = sign (e2xe3) = …
= sign (enxe1) P1

Obs: moving along the edges of the convex

polygon it always turns left.
The concave polygon has a mixture of P3
cross product signs. Pn-1
NO: sign (e1xe2) = sign (e2xe3) = …
= sign (enxe1)
Obs: moving along the edges of the concave P2
polygon it sometimes turns right.


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 21

Plane in Cartesian Space
o Plane equation:
Ax + By + Cz + D = 0
o Normal vector:
N [A, B, C]
o Equation by one point P(x0,y0,z0) and normal vector N:
A(x-x0) + B(y-y0) + C(z-z0) + D = 0
o Plane defined by 3 points:
P(x1, y1, z1), Q(x2, y2, z2), R(x3, y3, z3)

y1 z1 1 x1 z1 1
x y z 1 A= y2 z2 1 B=- x2 z2 1
x1 y1 z1 1 y3 z3 1 x3 z3 1
x2 y2 z2 1
x3 y3 z3 1 x1 y1 1 x1 y1 z1
C= x2 y2 1 D=- x2 y2 z2
x3 y3 1 x3 y3 z3

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 22

Plane in Affine Space
o Parametric plane equation by 3 points P, Q, and R:
(1-s)((1-t)P + tQ) + sR
Or another form P + t(Q-P) + s(R-(P + t(Q-P)))
o Equation of the plane through P and normal vector v as
dot product:
(X – P)•v = 0
o Intersection of a line with the plane:
Plane equation (X – P)•v = 0
Line equation Q(t) = Q + tw
Replace the point X by Q(t) for the intersection
(Q + tw – P )•v = 0

((P - Q)•v
Gives t=
((P - Q)•v
And the intersection point is Q+ _________ w

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 23

Distance to a line
o Line equation is:
P(t) = P0 + t v, t parameter, v direction vector
o Distance from R to the line:
It is the point P(t) for which the distance is minimum
(R - P(t))•v = 0, and expanding
(R - P0 - t v)•v = 0
(R - P0)•v = t v•v R
((R - P0)•v
Result t=
And the closest point to R is:
P0 P(t)
((R - P0)•v v
P0 + ___________ v

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 24

Point to point relationship
o Ordered points
P, Q, and R counterclockwise order

The order expressed as a determinant: P = (x1, y1)

x1 y1 1
D = x2 y2 1
x3 y3 1 Q = (x2, y2) R = (x3, y3)

If sign(D)=1 (+) then counterclockwise direction

sign(D)=0, collinear points
sign(D)=-1 (-), clockwise direction

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 25

Point to line relationship
o P(x0, y0) on the line
P checks the equation: P = P1 + t(P2-P1)

The system should have a real solution on t:

x0 = x1 + t(x2-x1)
y0 = y1 + t(y2-y1)
y t >1
Otherwise P is ouside of the line P = (x0, y0)

Discussion on the t: P2 = (x2, y2)
t=0, P=P1(x1, y1) 0< t <1
t=1, P=P2(x2, y2)
0<t<1, the P position t=0 P1 = (x1, y1)
between P1 and P2

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 26

Point to triangle relationship
o Compute the order relationships of P against the triangle
vertices A, B, and C
o Inside of the triangle

o Outside of the triangle

NO: sign(A,B,P)=sign(B,C,P)=sign(C,A,P)



Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 27

Point to polygon relationship
o P lays inside the polygon
o Sum of angles given by the edges is 360˚
^1 + ^2 + ^3+ ^4 + ^5 = 360˚
o P lays inside at least one triangle of the triangulation set
o Number of intersection between a line starting on P and the
Odd number of intersection: P1, P2, P3

5 D D P2
P 3 P

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 28

Polygon triangulation
A o


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 29

Polygon triangulation



o Another approach: Delaunay triangulations

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 30

Delaunay triangulation
o Delaunay triangulation:
for a set P of points in the plane is
a triangulation DT(P) such that no
point in P is inside the circumcircle
of any triangle in DT(P).
o Delaunay triangulations maximize the
minimum angle of all the angles of the
triangles in the triangulation. They tend
to avoid skinny triangles.
o The triangulation was invented by Boris
Delaunay in 1934.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 31

Point to plane relationship
o A very general test to determine if a point P is “inside” a
plane Г, defined by the point Q and the normal vector n:
(P - Q) • n < 0: P inside Г
(P - Q) • n = 0: p on Г
(P - Q) • n > 0: p outside Г


n n n


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 32

Point to plane relationship
o Plane Г : Ax + By + Cz + D = 0
o Normal vector n [A B C]
o Plane Г intersects the axes on -D/A, -D/B and -D/C
If the intersection points are on the positive axes then A, B, C are positive and D
is negative
o Distance from the origon O to
the plane Г is |D|
o For function
B F(x,y,z)= Ax + By + Cz + D,
position of the point
P0 Q(xq, yq, zq) is:
if F(Q) > 0 then Q in front of
the plane Г (semispace
of n)
___ -D X
___ if F(Q) = 0 then Q on the
C A plane Г

if F(Q) < 0 then Q behind

Z the plane Г

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 33

Point to 3D convex object
o Compute the plane equation and the function:
Fi(x,y,z)= Aix + Biy + Ciz + Di
for all polygonal faces of the object Ω
o Compute the normal vectors to point away from the 3D polygonal
o The point P(xp,yp,zp) is located as follows:

1. If at least one function gives F(P)>0, then P outside of

2. Else if one function gives Fk(P)=0, then P on the k
polygonal face
3. Else if two functions give Fk(P)= Fq(P)=0, then P on
P1 the edge between the k and q polygonal faces
4. Else if r functions give Fk1(P)= Fk2(P)= ..=Fkr(P)= 0,
then P on the vertex between the k1, k2,…,kr
P2 polygonal faces
5. Else if all functions give Fk(P)<0, then P inside of Ω
6. Otherwise error

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 34

Convex and concave 3D object

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 35

Line to line relationship
o Resolve the system of two line equation
P = (1-t)P1 + t P2
P = (1-s)Q1 + s Q2

The equation should have real solution on t and s:

(1-t)P1 + t P2 = (1-s)Q1 + s Q2
t >1
In fact it is: s = 0, Q1
(1-t)xp1 + t xp2 = (1-s)xq1 + s xq2 P2, t = 1
(1-t)yp1 + t yp2 = (1-s)yq1 + s yq2
Discussion on the t and s:
t<0, s<0 P before P1 and Q1 0< t <1 0< s <1
t = 0, P1
0<t<1 and 0<s<1, P1P2 intersects Q1Q2
Q2 s = 1
t>1, s>1 P after P2 and Q2 t<0 s >1

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 36

Line - plane intersection
o Parametric definition of edge:
L(t) = L0 + (L1 - L0)t

If t = 0 then L(t) = L0
If t = 1 then L(t) = L1
Otherwise, L(t) is part way from L0 to L1

o Edge intersects plane Г where E(t) is on Г

Q is a point on Г
n is the normal vector to Г

(L(t) - Q) • n = 0
(L0 + (L1 - L0)t – Q) • n = 0
t = [(Q - L0) • n] / [(L1 - L0) • n]

The intersection point I = L(t) for this value of t

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 37

Line to triangle relationship
o P and Q inside the triangle
o P and Q outside
n PQ intersects the triangle
n PQ does not intersects the triangle
o Solutions:
n Analyse the line to edges relationships
n Cyrus-Beck algorithm
Obs: triangle is always convex polygon
max(tE) < min(tL) n A

E1 L1

P Q E2

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 38
Line to polygon relationship
o Convex and concave polygons
o Triangulation
o Convex polygons
n Analyses the line to edges relationships
n Cyrus-Beck algorithm
(requires a convex polygon!)

E1 L3

Q E2 L1 E3

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 39

Intersection: line–convex polyhedron


View tnear,1 tfar,3

tnear,2 tfar,2 tfar,1

Cyrus-Beck algorithm:

Classify the edge/face by frontface and backface;

For each edge/face compute intersection with view ray;

Compute max(tnear) and min(tfar);

If max(tnear) < min(tfar) there is intersection;

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 40

Intersection: line–convex polyhedron


View tnear,1 tfar,3

tnear,2 tfar,2 tfar,1

Cyrus-Beck algorithm:

Initialize tnear to large negative value, tfar to large positive value

If (plane is back-facing) and ( t< tfar) then tfar = t

If (plane is front-facing) and ( t> tnear) then tnear = t
If ( tnear > tfar) then (exit – ray misses)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 41

Line and 3D object intersection


Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 42

Questions and proposed problems
1. What is the motivation of using in graphics systems of one instead of
another coordinate system: left-hand or right-hand?
2. What could be the meaning of the coordinate axes?
3. What is the main difference between the parametric equations of the
line: P = P1 + t(P2-P1), and P = (1-t)P1 + t P2 ?
4. Explain the using of the parametric equation of a line for modelling the
viewing ray.
5. Explain an approach to determine if an object lies in front side,
backside, and aside of the viewer.
6. Let be two lines d and f in plane. Explain an approach to determine if
the two lines are in one of the following cases (a) intersects each
other; (b) are orthogonal; (c) form a given angle (e.g. 35o).
7. Let be a wall and a person. Determine if the person lies in front of the
8. Let be a pentagonal room and a person. Determine if the person lies
inside the room. Determine if the person lies outside the room.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 43

Questions and proposed problems
9. Let be a person and a pentagonal building. Explain an approach to
determine the visible and non-visible walls of the building.
10. Let be a triangle in the plane. Explain an approach to compute the
distance from a point P to the triangle.
11. Let be a pentagonal building. Explain an approach to compute the
distance of a person to the building.
12. Let be two triangles in the plane. Explain an approach to compute the
distance between the two triangles.
13. Let be a pentagon in the plane, given by its vertices in the
counterclockwise direction. Compute the normal vectors to the edges.
14. Let be the polygon in the plane, given by its vertices V1, V2, …, V10.
Explain an approach to compute the area of the polygon.
15. Let be two vectors AB and BC. Explain an approach to determine if the
vector BC goes relative to AB (a) forward; (b) backward; (c) left; (d)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 44

Questions and proposed problems
16. Let be a polygon in the plane, given by its vertices V1, V2, …, V5.
Explain an approach to determine if the polygon is convex or concave.
17. Let be a convex polygon in the plane, given by its vertices V1, V2, …,
V5. Explain an approach to determine if the point P lies outside the
18. Let be a concave polygon in the plane, given by its vertices V1, V2, …,
V5. Explain an approach to determine if the point P lies inside the
19. Let be a convex polygon in the plane, given by its vertices V1, V2, …,
V5. Explain an approach to determine if the segment AB lies outside
the polygon.
20. Let be a convex polygon in the plane, given by its vertices V1, V2, …,
V5. Explain an approach to determine if the triangle ABC lies outside
the polygon.
21. Let be two triangles in the plane. Explain an approach to compute the
relationship between the two triangles: (a) intersected; (b) disjoint; (c)

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 45

Questions and proposed problems
22. Let be a segment AB and a point P in the plane. Compute the distance
between the point P and the line AB. How do you compute the distance
between the point P and the segment AB?
23. Let be a segment AB and a point P in 3D space. Compute the distance
between the point P and the line AB. How do you compute the distance
between the point P and the segment AB?
24. Let be the triangle ABC in the following figure. Determine if the triangle
PQR lies inside one of the regions: 2, 3 or 5.

1 5
0 P

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 46

Questions and proposed problems
25. Let be an oriented segment AB. Explain an approach to determine if a
point P lies on left side or right side of the segment.
26. Let be a line in the plane, given by the equation y = 0.5x + 7.
Determine if a point P(3,5) lies below or above the line.
27. Let be the linear function F(x,y)=0.5x –y +7. Determine if the points
below the line y=0.5x+7 give positive or negative values.
28. Let be the function F(x,y)=ax+by+c. Explain if the points above the
line ax+by+c=0 give positive or negative values.
29. Let be the function F(x,y,z)=Ax+By+Cz+D. Explain if the points in
front of the plain Ax+By+Cz+D=0 give positive or negative values.
30. Let be the pentagonal polygon in the plane, and the viewer P is looking
toward the point Q. Explain an approach to determine if the viewer
also looks toward the polygon.
31. Let be a cube in the 3D space, and the viewer P is looking toward the
point Q. Explain an approach to determine if the viewer also looks
toward the cube.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 47

Questions and proposed problems
32. Let be a 3D polygonal object, where its surface is modelled by
triangles. Explain an approach to determine the position of a point P
relative to the object, if the 3D object is (a) convex; (b) concave.
33. Let be two cubes of any dimension and orientation. Explain an
approach to compute the distance between the two cubes.
34. Let be two cubes of any dimension and orientation. Explain an
approach to determine the relative position of the two cubes as: (a)
disjoint; (b) intersected; (c) surrounded.

Elements of Computer Assisted Graphics 48

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